r/Blursedimages | BRUH FACE.

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who's watching me I'm watching what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash blur stim Ajit's not quite blessed not quite cursed but somewhere in between welcome to Alston please die slowly you heard him that that's the law of the land Peppa Pig height seven foot Peppa's a unit compare that to Arnold at six foot two and Peppa is like the great khali towering over ray Mysterio that's a that's a WrestleMania moment an artist has made glass shells for hermit crabs so he can watch what they're doing pervert yeah that pervy pervy artist just checking in on them crams assault vehicle acquired he's on the hunt you better watch out listen in today's from Australia oh it's so sick thanks for the support I didn't say I liked it it was good sounds like crap pity hi i'm PayPal's virtual agent to get started simply ask me a question I am still learning so if I can't help you I'll direct you to additional resources I got scammed grade that is actually part of the PayPal promise you will eventually get scammed may not be today may not be tomorrow but rest assured it will happen ah yes back to school this is a funny American joke I love this one Lacey my favorite joke alright heads back to school time to grab your Kevlar your helmet in your Glock 15 come on man I'm gonna get it down from a class with the spray Barack Obama is an action figure in Japan look at it just look at it stop whatever you're doing and stare at it for 30 seconds you'll like what you see cuz I sure do the love cat fired from his job at local Public Library followed by beloved the cat will keep his job at the local library after international international backlash and then the end of this saga library cat outlasts councilman that wanted him gone he lived long enough to assure in a new wave of cat based staffing I get I guess that's the Battle of the century Captain America vs Captain mech Ciccone I am so ready hey look it's bean in butter please stop this you're scaring my family yeah but he's scared of being it butter ex-navy seal bin Laden didn't surrender yeah but he's drinking out of an oh man creeper mug so who's really living life here Boas learn to floss mom pick me up I'm scared look they're all wearing cargo shorts look at all these guys love them girl your booty is pooping girl yo booty is pooping girl your booty is pooping I'm popping I'm sorry not pooping I mean unless you want it to be do you want it to be pooping she wins cosplay of the year not because she's wearing a boulder but because she's wearing a rock oh hi Carson it seems you've made it into another cursed blur store blessed image thread about a air drop this image to some unsuspecting victims is that how you describe it Carson victims Carson's like a like a Cena bite when it comes to unsettling imagery a demon to some an angel others I respected my brother found this at a flea market and it's just Sponge Bob sponge doing it to him there's not a problem with that make some Krabby Patties and flex on the side help us make a bucket list leave a note an idea a plan but most importantly in Adventure we promise to complete this list during our lifetime together it's a cute little wedding bucket list that's cute what about you sir what do you want them to do but stuff I see I see oh you dressed up as doodle Bob and erased his leg that's cute you're going to detention son oh it's a cat dog and a dog cat love them that the Face Swap really work on that that's kind of impressive I've seen this a hundred thousand times over and it's not gonna lose its punch every that cat is staring into his soul will he slumbers injecting dreams of pleasure gumdrops and lollipops and I appreciate that kitty cat speak of the kitty cats cat with human ears for every human girl with cat ears you draw another one of me exists think about the consequences of your actions next time and that's what I was saying but no one wants to listen to me no no no you just make money reddit videos we cater any event wedding graduation horse funeral drug intervention Tuesday's horse funeral a quiet night alone return of gym anniversary of horse funeral come inside for a free consultation like how the Tuesday dinkleberg Tuesday that's what I think of whatever I see the Tuesday all spaced out like that is Timmy's dad just cursing dinkleberg's name sure we'd support this cauliflower and kale burger from KFC this is literally that one burger from Sponge Bob that almost killed the health inspector nasty patty CEO you are now the CEO of racism can I step down a lot of people misuse the word chivalry I looked on the Kota silvery there's only one part in there about respecting women the rest of it is medieval battle etiquette Oh week ago I didn't hold the door open for a lady and she said I guess chivalry is dead so I challenged her to physical combat turns out I'm the better Chester Sheree is alive but and that woman is dead but he's just a gentleman ah yes the Comfort Inn now pet-friendly except for bears we're not making that mistake again let my boy yogi Andy wants to stay at nine and a half congratulations you found birdie the unfindable cow now time will collapse wait wait whoa whoa whoa is that my prize for finding birdie consent condom requires four hands to open making a powerful statement about consent unless you're my champ in which case well you should have tried harder wait is my champ two arms or forums I think that's Machoke nope it's my champ I was right I'm the best I know my Pokemon I'm the best crucifix this was super buff looking jesus' they're always on to me like dan de jesus died for our games as well not he's just on that CrossFit I almost snorted tea out of my nose at work that's the price you pay what is that Uncle Ben but he died in spider-man there's all like no won't go bad on the bright side you to be delicious cuz it's rice diversity in the KKK the KKK has been a white only organization for too long if you want more black people in the KKK sign and make it happen oh my god Dora what did you do I don't know what she explored but Dora is now the destroyer oh hey look it's dr. Enderlin the veterinarian slash taxidermist either way you get your dog back thanks dr. Endel and that's weird man I saw this while driving and I almost crashed hey it's a whoosh Street Eminem as the supreme leader of North Korea is that right though in fact check that for me is that correct she's on Facebook Twitter MySpace and heroin well you know what they say social media is a drug my girlfriends husband fights for your freedom wait wait wait whoa Hawaii just clicked whoa iPhone 7 32 gig locked but I have the finger more info PM me please what are you doing if these five guys show up to your party and it's a five gentleman what do we do if they show up at the party cool it on the drink sounds about right they all look under the age of 18 for 21 sorry the one right in the middle looks like he's like 17 and it really concerns me just something about it's not right especially with the implication of the tweet what do you do one of these five go Sofia party ladies and I'm like idea that is the correct answer here you're I being hey it's Joe the people fall we're tired of feeling alone no one watching or caring I'll follow you with a ten-foot guarantee I will not interfere in your life you will barely notice me but you will feel me Joe the people follower calm this is my Jersey I love to wear it when I go to play football soccer basketball and or baseball in this case it is baseball coming now to the mound is number 15 foot lettuce and I'm going to score a home run and my mom and Papa will finally be proud this is the gaming room in our new apartment rate my setup hey hey look he's got a DES hey look it's Gabe Garfield lasagna and Dawn God answers prayers a paralyzed little boy no says God yeah what you want man you too pizza guy you too flies Bernie Sanders look at that what thoughts the B it to this Oh Rhett you put that back where it came from red that is not hair that is peanut butter missing Pat and Craig is a black ant about seven millimeters long he is very friendly and likes people has a slight limp on his left middle leg answers to Craig Craig Depot or cupcake sugar pie well I see I'm gonna walk up Mount Ainslie on ten nine 18 please contact me if you see my beloved pet and companion at blanket gmail.com Craig is a domesticated ant with limited wilderness survival skills as urgent we be reunited soon pewds when are you gonna show you a true self we'll cross that bridge when we get there bros oh wait a minute now see that's just one of the docks powers he helps you out and every person he saves he gets another arm bro what is my pilot doing he's playing sky block he's training don't you know that's pilot training pineapple is you just failed spelling pineapples why are you on the Internet hey did you know pineapples grow on trees did you just misspell pineapples sorry autocorrected ha we're talking right now what the hell and he wipes his forehead don't wipe my forehead again the police depart that is cruel man please stop praying for my dad you were making him too strong he broke out of the hospital the tranquilizers don't work I've got to get out of this place no more bridge dishes no more castles full of dark toden don't you think just found out puzzle companies reuse the same stencils to cut out their pieces so that means I got a trained horse when you have a Quidditch game in eight but have to fight the Soviets at nine that's what we call multitasking hey look its regular time and I never want to see that again dear Harvard College reject me if you are gay responding in three two one connection error connection error that's silly I have to pay respects a makeup mirror for sale but who's that a handsome little in the mirror do I get him for the great British pounds as well or is that not included I turned down my graphic settings and make a PB&J but is it weird that I kind of want to try that because it looks neat like it's all smooth and in chrome school resumes August 31st resistance is futile you will be educated senpai your equation is too big I never want to talk like that ever again oh well here we go security code oh well what's this a security code mister eraser I didn't know she was underage wait whoa what mr. racer 18-inch giant shrimp light creature pulled from Florida waters of course it's from Florida call me shrimp dog now bro call me shrimp Tom now breath out it's show-and-tell children what did you bring the cube the cube the cube the cube the cube no children please Hey look at the America mix skittles but uh I think you messed up in chief fish spiders were the size of cats would they be less scary or more scary on one hand the one getting to your house is easily but on the other hand once they're in there oh boy oh boy Channing Tatum on spiders is that a real quote thank you for smoking the Beckman Williamson Funeral Homes and Crematory of course it's in Florida of course it's in Florida now you get this toad out of here I never want to see him again use your demons to your advantage bring him up hi a demon bring him up higher he has to get the top of the ceiling video games don't cause violence thanks same what do you guys say about that Elmo Elmo is the leading cause of okay just like the square with wall oh I think I found the square with Waldo oh I found it I found it it took me a second and I found it he's in the top right corner look at the look at their guys he's in the top right corner I found him this is a velociraptor free workplace it has proudly been six days since the last incident me miss GP doctor crowbars long extensions Shh don't tell anyone I handed you this card with extended lungs you can scream longer breathe harder and brag about extended lungs this procedure is not legal but I will do it for you do not tell the police all my family seems like a real stand-up guy and that brings us to the end of our slash blur stim ajiz if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,501,556
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, blursed images top posts, blursed images best posts, r/blessedimages, blessed images, r/blessedimages top posts, r/cursedimages, cursed images, r/hmmm, hmmm, reddit funny, r/blursedimages emkay, emkay
Id: _DGevyTMszM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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