r/Bonehurtingjuice | SAVE HIM

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why don't you admit that screaming robot oh no man you just did what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash bone hurting juice oh hey wearing the same costume oh what a coincidence what does it go trick-or-treating with me yeah actually I would love to I want cheese balls dad I want some too but Bezos took it all oh the Bob Bezos hoarding his pile of cheese balls like Scrooge McDuck and all his gold coins Jeff Bezos and his cheese balls each owe me a hamburger I have another arm wow that must be fun keep them coming no I want to be bread that's what it sounds like when you're being made into bread I can lay with you all day mama I know this blue carpet so comfy wait what is this subreddit about oh hey I'm starting to be confused here what is bone a hurting juice about what's the I understand what these are these like anti jokes or these memes were like be just edit the text of them I think that's what that is okay I was like wait this is I was I was really expecting like people to get hurt let's kind of go in here excited like oh boy people gonna be dumb a get hurt nah ain't no cameras please I a sensitive eyeballs hey man things are putting your camera away yeah you're welcome Drake where did the cat go I have to tired of this meme okay I'm gonna go to bed alright see you man how to protect your eyes rival screen I couldn't believe my eyes after reading some viewer tenets and from a blind guy versus a screen that gives you eyeballs how many so many dude oh my god diamonds oh whoops there's a stone pickaxe back to the back to home base that's bullcrap you can't make chairs levitate I sure you can no I knew it then pay up now that was pure luck nah it was skill chief all skill well that must be the administrator hi I'm here for the cake killing competition oh dear did you forget to set your clock back an hour for daylight savings the competition finished an hour ago we already have a champion he'll cut 3,000 birthday cakes in the span of 30 minutes I cut cakes sign man sometimes you guys you gotta be sure you're on sign buddy that's all [Music] [Laughter] Barriss give this Apple to the goddess you think is the most beautiful choose me to offer you power I'll offer you gold choose me I'll offer you beauty I could give you more upper body strength yes I have chosen my beautiful goddess hey where's Randy visitors show up soon we can't continue practicing the school play Randy you're late this is a scene where you kill us to spill all the fake gliadin oh sorry guys let's fix it a hole in my costume well you were still maybe you made it just in time Randall son I have no eyes I still don't have eyes son thank you for giving me your eyes dad where'd you go I am a ninja I'll use my smoke bomb that disappear before you the smokers my lungs now Steph I got it right away now you truly are a terrible ninja dude check out this toolbox I stuffed full of light bulbs holy crap that's bright ya want me to stand like this mr. director yes this war movies gonna look really realistic is gay beef is gonna be gutted stuff guns you'd violet [ __ ] big Bob's my favorite kind of big bombs so what trump would sound like as a director don't think my word for it but just know it's fact I didn't do my homework but looks like a teacher forgot to collect it dawg good thing clown school is about then cuz I didn't do mine either teacher I going to collect last night's homework the most devious clone of them all is Ronald hey there's been a recall of noisy 7/8 in the door for me alright kids you every 9 is ready gotta return them to the nice man ok check out my new red paintball gun cool what color paint balls blue blam oh man the red yeah dipped you get juked man gypped do you want to see a magic trick oh my god where those eyebrows come from please turn off every time I blink and what about the chin big balls damn what a magic trick dude I'll teach you the sad confused look are you ready you need to rise your eyebrows by that much I'll show you now look mm-hmm Hey look II bet the sad confused look we're gonna have to close the theater if we can't come up with one million dollars by Monday then you know what this means wait put on that play about a dog who becomes the beloved dictator of a communist regime I mean hey well there we go I would watch that movie once in a group and we'd all pay for the tickets at the same time the same price equally communist joke what are you doing after school for sit with John frum let's screw calm Oh me and Jenna go bang two hotties for some of John and his friend I'm going home oh you're a great student you should be doing something for your whole class what's your name Walter nice Walter good job Walt you a virgin this one is boring seen in my eyes will wipe it out idiot why you complainin just why I better wear some sunglasses of some you just seem like a complainin I think we're gonna be late yeah we should start running and run they did Tom is my homework right oh no man I'll send it to Jordan sorry I know afford it to Kyle yeah that's right guys keep on working thanks Kyle by the way their cannon names are not Tom Jordan and Kyle I can't believe you're 80 got any wisdom for us mm-hmm I'll give you some wisdom if you look either angle you're surprised and they got both oh hey look he's reading so he probably needs light more thanks light I didn't know lights did do that you can in real life this is not a meme oh I'm gonna get this dirt if it's the last thing I do 39 years later ah looks like I got all the dirt better go home now as I'd rather not disturb that large collection of cubic zirconia what's cubic zirconia diamonds why'd you call it the by its fancy name you weirdo why'd you call it by its bougie name hello I am The Doctor nice to meet you now I must wash my hands before we begin your examination what you doing to my body doc I'm here for my check-up hard wink I just shot myself in the mirror naked and I look like hell how about a nice compliment to lift my spirits you've given me 50 years of happiness you'll always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me is that good Network reading my funny papers it does work here you bum did you kick out my twin brother already yeah you won't bother us anymore thank you bro in a problem guys look at my super stretchy trampolines oh this is so much fun hey okay Rick No someone go help Rick we all know Rick is super density put him in the stretch East trampoline we can't get to you there is a glass wall in between us you can only enter through a door which is that way Thanks swing time you can't swim huh I know goodbye cruel world wait now why is the Sun do it that's gonna put us into a deep freeze oh no the cat expansion Factory they come in little small guys and leave fluffy balls I love these guys little fluff balls oh these rocks and arrows hurt hey man I can hear you crying don't be afraid to show it I'm here for you man really yeah real bro the steel was a very strong magnet in it that is attracting our swords oh my god you're right geez it's very strong maybe you should get it away from your swords idiot oh crap stop honey you just hit someone oh god they're dead look at all the blood well I don't think anybody's soul just buried the body out here and go home it was their own fault of being out in the road night when you think about it were the real victims are you though because I mean you're living another day just put a grim period to his chapter in life it was the final chapter unbeknownst to him are you the real victim dad can you help me with my homework sure honey sure sweetie we just finished so we gonna get this squirrel out of the house don't bother the squirrel he's chillin he's just vibing I must give up my dream of being a clown nobody likes clowns wasted my life but now you can juggle and that's a talent hey guys does anyone know where I can get some new workout shirts work up what please don't make up words target thanks Todd Jordan Kyle manly Kyle oh hello Vic good luck studying for your exams tomorrow face Betty you too be careful now years later well I see you work for suits Co now also happy for you Rick thanks Betty Congrats on your second child - I draw some cash so I picked them up sure I'll tell John you precious friend that you said hi that's a wholesome way for that meme to go about I like that one oh really I really like that one hey why is your hair falling out uh-huh I accidentally use salts of thuggery Clark and thio lactic acids to wash my hair look oh hey use your Halloween costume ready no I think I lost it oh I'm gonna have you look yeah I do actually Thanks No why God why when you went out to watch the storm you left the oven on oh yeah you heard of bone hurting juste I get ready for bone sucking sauce cuz we're talking serious oh yeah I have sauna phobia what's the it's the fear sound specifically of other people's voices in this case thank you you really have an understanding for my condition boom Wow Patrick it's really disrespectful we should explain his condition to you for you to do such a thing really displays the fetching me to think for you act that's low man wow guys we all look the same huh so bizarre it's like we're all the same or something but we're not you fool no man can kill me I have no man okay but you know that's not what I meant can you be charitable another immediately take advantage of linguistic ambiguity sorry hi sir do you have any change to spare huh you see son megabyte choices he won't end up like him oh thanks sonic helmet a modest one without my good knife can you see my good knife how do you expect to invited me without your good knife if you're not going to mind me with a good knife that I'm just going to let someone else do it sup yeah there's a real murderer with a real knife how do you feel idiot like a clown because I'm dressed as one hey do we have a flavor called cup of coffee of course we do Jeanne and after all this is a cafe I apologize for any inconvenience sir that's their first day no problem we've all been the new hire at some point in our lives I understand that's a millennial customer I like that guy that's not a Boomer customer I like hood you don't know you're a new first tip and customer service you're a slave to the Machine a cog breaking news mysterious magnetic ball carries away another victim how they keep getting away I don't know hi hello good day why do you never greet me you have to let me go brother the accident was not your fault damn sister Hart now she's gone bro nice girl bike huh nice girl hair not nice girl hormone supplements huh nice transition I'm happy was successful thank you for all your support yeah you're welcome you know I'm basically the Gandalf of fish fish nice timing old friend take me to Bilbo Krab Evans stay safe see Ron is really powerful oh don't worry about me if I die I'll just come back but more white okay son I found your mom's gun I think she's trying to kill me Oh No I've never held a gun before how do I unload it you can always shoot the bullets out and shoot the board's he did your mom badge bothers me yeah was that because my mom died just a week ago oh I'm so sorry own senses I'll cover it up come on it Santa's sneak it in dear Santa my name is Billy my mom passed away yesterday and she was everything I had it's my dad left us when I was born so I have no one now and I just want to be with her this Christmas sincerely belly he's crying but he's doing wheeze gotta do go away I don't know what non shadow people what are you gonna throw that one leg chase me it's quite to see you trying for Christmas I wanna be able to cry and command that's slightly an odd wish but I can make it happen possible guy start yeah if you try now it should work yes SiC nice found you they got a search for everyone I hate seeking it brought you hug you hit on the outside of a building that's metal bro son when did you come I was here only dad look out a flying chair Dan that was a close one I think it came from there no let me go and check excuse me sighs see you fallin thank you for helping me up I fell and hurt myself you come inside and rest a while good guy mo the guy was stalking me so moved in this new house I hope it does it find me here you thought you could hide from me Oh God he found me and that he did when you can't fall asleep because your new bed is uncomfortable and made of light bulbs me to you man happens all the time oops I missed the button boink being a space pilot is hard when you're cross-eyed hey Drake what's up when I'm by the sneeze achoo Oh bless you drink thanks dude yeah you're welcome man I really wish you didn't sneeze directly in my open mouth but your celebrity sets okay not a future post from laptop Armageddon trying again Farah 4mk this time is king of the lake of hands in the game me and my friends are making Oh neat so the lake of hands a lake filled with hands like if I stood in the lake of hands the hands would carry me to victory and triumph I like that that's majestic thank you so much and I hope your game developments going well and they'll do it for our slash bone hurting juice if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch.tv slash Damion Lee lon and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,410,019
Rating: 4.935545 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/bonehurtingjuice, bonehurtingjuice, bonehurtingjuice emkay, emkay bonehurtingjuice, comedyheaven, antimemes, antijokes, surreal memes, r/bonehurtingjuice emkay, comedyheaven emkay, emkay comedyheaven, r/comedyheaven, blursedimages, emkay blursedimages
Id: 472W0HvWAaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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