r/Askreddit What's Your Greatest "I CALLED IT!" Moment?

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welcome to our /s Credit where users answer the question what's your greatest most satisfying I effing called it moment our first reply is from known opener I kept finding small cut up straws in my grandma's bathroom so many straws I let my grandmother know that someone is using her bathroom to use drugs she freaks out saying I'm accusing her of using drugs and that it's impossible a year later my uncle divorces his wife due to her cocaine addiction my grandma says well she always stopped by in the afternoon to use the restroom and then she would clean my whole house and I just didn't think anything of it my favorite story at Thanksgiving our next replies from Helvetica bold late to the party here but what the heck cuz this story is bonkers back in the early 90s I was in my early 20s and as people in their early 20s often do I spent a lot of late nights at my local Denny's hanging out with friends and drinking cheap coffee the late night waitstaff was pretty small so my friends and I wound up getting to know them pretty well socializing with them as well some of them would hook us up with free fries or sodas that kind of thing and every now and again if things were slow they'd sit down at our booth with us one of the people who would hang out with us was Charles Charles was an older guy in his 50s who was very nice to my friends and me but he was a little creepy he would never get overt about it but he definitely embraced the whole creepy uncle persona maybe even being a little tongue-in-cheek about it he'd tell the girls in my group how pretty they were and how he wished he was still young that sort of thing reading between the lines he was telling them he wished he could have hugged them passionately but this is not going where you think it is I'm just setting the stage y'all the guy was a little weird but he was a nice guy to us all the same I remember telling people Charles has a secret he's in his 50s slinging coffee at an all-night restaurant but he comes off as educated and sort of worldly he talks about traveling and living well I don't know what it is but Charles is damaged I bet he killed somebody or something I was convinced that the nice guy bid was a cover for something dark uh yeah so as my group got older people came and when some of us fell out with others some of us got real jobs and couldn't stay up until 4:00 a.m. at a Denny's and we eventually stopped hanging out there I never really gave Charles much sought after that for years then I saw Charles on the news turns out Charles was Charles Rothenberg a man who in 1983 was going through a bad divorce in what I understand was originally intended to be a murder-suicide he drugged his six-year-old son David doused the boy in kerosene and lit him on fire David survived but was horribly scarred for the rest of his life Charles continued to get into criminal trouble and was ultimately sentenced to 25 years in prison as a result of California's three strikes law he's still in prison today but in the late 90s he changed his name to Charlie Charles because sure why not in 1988 there was a TV movie based on the incident called David which starred Bernadette Peters as his mother meanwhile his son David became one of Michael Jackson's child friends and eventually an artist when he was 19 he visited Charles in prison apparently reading a prepared statement to him Charles you're not my father you're an imposter parents don't hinder their children from experiencing a normal childhood I wish that you could experience the trauma and pain that I have gone through afterward David told the press he wanted me to know that he loved me the last thing I said was no you don't and I walked out in a somewhat bizarre turn and David later legally changed his name to Dave Dave mirroring the Charlie Charles name his father adopted I have no idea this is incidental somehow but the irony is not lost on me that's for sure Dave Dave even appeared on the Larry King show to talk about Michael Jackson when he died if I recall correctly he defended Jackson against the reports of child molestation and denied he was a victim of Jackson's unfortunately Dave Dave himself passed away last year at the age of 42 his ongoing medical issues which were the result of his burn injuries eventually killed him and in my opinion that means Charles was ultimately successful in murdering his son so yeah I called it Charles was harboring something dark when he was getting free fries for my friend and telling the girls how pretty they were I just had no idea how dark remember guys always tip your waiter because there's a chance your waiter might just be a psychopathic murderer our next reddit post is from Hollis aid probably too late but I want to share this anyway the last few months of my wife's pregnancy with my daughter the little baby would regular as clockwork around 10:30 p.m. put her feet against my wife's ribs and try to straighten her leg so she could hit but her way out of my wife BAM headbutt to the inside of your whatever my wife would effing jump up cursing like a sailor every time it was painful but also hilarious reliable and I guess we knew she'd be an active little kid well before she was born cut to the evening of her birth the doctor is telling us around 9:00 p.m. that things are going well but he's going to get dinner because he hasn't eaten and there's no way this kid is coming out before midnight I look at my wife look at the doc and say don't go far the kid is going to deliver herself around 10:30 p.m. I promise you you're just gonna have to catch her he laughed told us he's been doing this a long time and he wasn't worried at 10:25 he's rushing in and barely gets his gloves and scrubs on before my daughter shoots herself out of mommy like a greased bullet direct quote from the doctor looking at me as he holds my little darling well I guess even I can learn things still I don't blame him at all who would believe parents about something like that but that kid had done so many test runs on such a regular schedule I knew there was no stopping her and fair game getting hit but a daily for a month or whatever as a trade-off to having a very short and easy labor there are worse deals our next reddit poses from Tallis I had a friend who started dating a guy while she was in the middle of rehab for alcohol and drug abuse I found out the guy was a former meth user I told her she was going to end up in prison or worse if she didn't break up with him she was on probation for multiple duis within two months not only was she in prison she was pregnant while in prison our next reddit poses from triples ia the first Avengers movie my husband was wondering whether staff could stop the almighty tesseract I casually said maybe they're both Infinity stones he said nah the tesseract is its own thing because he was more into the comics at the time I shrugged it off since then every MacGuffin in the movies down to Thor's dark world I jokingly said infinity stone to troll them you can imagine how pissed he's been since guardians our next reddit post says I'm sad lawn mower I went to the theater to watch a movie with some buddies one time while waiting in line to get popcorn I found 22 cents in the ground and one buddy said when are you ever gonna need 22 cents I jokingly told him that one day he's gonna wish he had 22 cents and he'll regret saying that sure enough when we're paying for popcorn that same buddy was exactly 22 cents short I gave it to him in exchange for a popcorn tax our next reddit post is from number 17 a dude at work had been complaining about his crazy girlfriend and her problems two weeks later he's talking about how she's pregnant in my head I'm thinking she's gonna lose the baby because it isn't real sure enough he comes in all sad about two more weeks later saying she had a miscarriage sometime past and he's complaining about her crazy antics again our next post is from couch liquor I told my girlfriend at the time that her best guy friend is into her she kept saying she only saw him as her gay best friend and he only sees her as a sister well she ended up cheating on me with him and they started dating after I broke up with her I like to think that I won that arguments I see this as an absolute win our next reddit post is from hamster buds my boyfriend's best friend let's call him John started asking me for favors and texting me at odd hours of the night I felt uneasy about John's actions and informed my boyfriend every time I was contacted as soon as it happened I explained to my boyfriend that John was acting suspiciously and making me uncomfortable but I couldn't pinpoint why cut to a month later and John claims that I cheated on my boyfriend with John I freaking knew it disclaimer I didn't do anything with John our next reddit post is from IT Works guys my wife and I went to Red Lobster one day my wife likes the shrimp and lobster pasta with Parmesan cheese they said her plate down she got a weird look on her face she told me it smelled weird it smelled normal to me I straight-up asked her if she could be pregnant her eyes got wide as she starts doing some math in her head we went afterwards and got a pregnancy test sure enough she didn't even know yet all because I remember some random tidbit about some food smelling off to pregnant women our next reddit post is from obscurity Knox when I was in sixth grade I became friends with a couple other girls in my neighborhood we each had completely different backgrounds but we just clicked for years we three did all the things good friends do the only thing I personally didn't like was to stay over at the house of one of these girls I'll call her Brianna I'd sleep over at the other girls house they could sleep in mine but I always came up with an excuse not to stay at Brianna's she started to get her feelings hurt but I ignored it then when we were all about 16 someone got ahold of liquor and we all sat around drinking being drunk we got into a little debate about who was better friends with who and I was somehow accused of not liking Brianna as much as the other friend because I wouldn't spend much time at her house since I had zero filter at that moment I blurted out Brianna it isn't you it's your dad he's a child molester I can tell just by looking at him as soon as I said it everything changed I apologized but that didn't work of course both of my best girlfriends dumped me that day I still had a solid best friend but I had to get myself a new group for sure also they started bullying me a bit but I just took it because of the horrible thing I said about Brianna's dad I felt super guilty three years later I was out of high school living with my best friend who was still friends with Brianna I got home from class and there was Brianna sitting on the living-room couch it was so uncomfortable I decided to try to apologize again hey I know you're probably sick of hearing this but I am so very sorry for what I said about your dad Brianna please forgive me I still don't know why I'd say such a thing she's sort of chuckled and said it's no big deal he molested all of us I never questioned my intuition again because I effing called it the second I saw that perv our next reddit post is from a fool in Canada we have a holiday called family day in February in 2008 my wife was dealing with a sick family member out of town and had to come back for a visit we were trying to have a child at the time well with our crazy schedules we had one chance on family day the moment we were done I jumped up gave her the double finger guns first time in my life and said BAM you're pregnant twin girls red hair turns out I got everything right except the red hair her Italian genes beat me in that one I win for our entire marriage with that prediction our next reddit post is from my animals bite in high school my best friends sister 16 at the time brought home her new 18 year old boyfriend from work to meet the family I was over at the time and talked to him for a while because we were the same age after meeting him something was off I got the impression that one he was much older than claiming and two had been in jail I wound up saying something to my friend who told his parents and sister long story short the family freaked out on me for spreading rumors that weren't true telling me to mind my own business etc two years later the sister comes home from a date with him in tears he finally came out and admitted to her that one he was 30 not the now 20 he was saying too he had spent two years in prison but refused to save for what I was very quick to point out to the family how I called this years earlier and was basically shamed out of their house our next reddit post is from last eclipse I caught up with a high school friend on a university campus pretty quiet guy subtle good looks but never showed any interest in relationships we were waiting for separate busses when he runs into one of his classmates and she joins us in the bus line we were having pretty good conversation but I saw her eyes repeatedly flickering over his face soon after my bus pulled up so I smiled and waved goodbye to my friend and I said to the girl it was great meeting you I'm sure I'll see you a lot more in the future she looked puzzled but smiled and waved back there in a common-law marriage now and getting officially married next year and they've been valuable friends to my fiancee and I for the last six years our next writer posted him jokey haha my husband is super medically fragile he's had cancer twice and a bone marrow transplant in the last nine years a few years ago he had surgery on his wrist and I had a gut feeling he was brewing an infection despite being on antibiotics his surgeon's office saw him and switched ABX I contacted the Cancer Center because I just knew it was going to become more they blew me off and punted me back to the surgeon office I knew this was beyond the surgeon scope I pitched a tantrum II fit and pretty much told them they were going to see him and I wasn't accepting no for an answer the triage phone nurse was condescending and telling me it was probably nothing and could wait we got to the clinic and the nurse they are started looking around the incision site she told me that she believed my gut and pushed to admit him the CT showed a huge infection that landed him in the hospital for a week on potent IV antibiotics with another surgery to clean out the sites our next reddit post is from Big E mclarge I had a friend who bought $2,000 worth of a penny stock and share prices went up by a factor of 10 so he had $20,000 worth of this stock in less than one week he called me to basically brag about how smart he was for finding this great stock I congratulated him and strongly advised him multiple times to cash out at least $2,000 I suggested 5,000 that would leave him with 75% or more of his original shares and he will be playing with house money if the stock continued shooting up he would be filthy rich either way but if the shares tanked in value then at least he wouldn't be out any money not only did he not listen to me he invested more and lost absolutely all of it I found out later that all the money he invested ten thousand dollars was actually from alone he had taken out to try his hand in the stock market if I had known that I would have been even more adamant about cashing out imagine paying off a $10,000 loan in a week and still having $10,000 in the bank but I don't think he would have listened to me no matter what I said just a funny anecdote in the midst of this he gave his mom a birthday card that contained a single dollar bill and he wrote inside this is the first of millions my friend is an idiot that was our slash house credit and be sure to subscribe because I may have something special planned for the 1 million mark
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,001,237
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, askreddit posts, funny askreddit, ask reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit top posts, askreddit funny, askreddit question, surgeons, anesthesiologists
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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