r/AmITheA**hole For Not Giving my Boyfriend my $4,000,000 Inheritance?

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welcome to our /mi the butthole where a boyfriend trisys happened to his girlfriend's for million dollar inheritance am i the butthole for laughing uncontrollably at my son when he asked me to replace a christmas gift he broke out of anger I know I likely am but the extent of which I went sure about my son is almost 17 this Christmas we bought him an expensive computer gaming chair as he plays a lot of online multiplayer shooters my son has some anger issues which he's currently in therapy for and these shooters tend to bring out his temper more than normal however the past few months he's been keeping it together well so I figured the chair might be a fair present I was wrong because the day after Christmas he was gaming started to have bad luck and apparently people in game were epping with him because he was losing his patience this culminated in him screaming insults and then picking up his chair and slamming it into the ground breaking the back of it after talking him down we had a very serious conversation about him no longer being allowed to play multiplayer games while under my roof until his therapist feels comfortable with his progress talked about coping mechanisms etc however I made it very clear this was unacceptable and he would be grounded we've had these heart-to-hearts many times so it's not like every time he has an outburst I'm making light of it it's a serious issue and treated like such however when he came to me later that day and told me he'd like me to replace the chair because it was a gift he really liked it and it would only be fair the frustration disbelief and disappointment his behavior boiled over and I started laughing hysterically as in a full laughing fit barely able to breathe or talk the more he plead his case the harder I'd laugh repeatedly asking him how it was fair in his mind to have me replaced a gift I paid for that he broke in anger this obviously pissed him off more which led to him getting emotional but I just couldn't seem to stop myself I tried walking out of the room and asking him to drop it but every time he'd say but I need a chair or what am I supposed to do now I'd laugh again I tried explaining that I'm not laughing at his feelings I'm laughing at absurd it is for him as a teenager to expect me to replace stuff he can't be bothered to treat with respect and then whine about it when he broke it he's still pissed about it and feel slighted I feel bad for laughing and honestly wonder if I had some sort of mini stress break myself because it's never happened before and I couldn't seem to stop but at the same time I stand by the fact that his request was ridiculous enough to make most people want to laugh how badly did I F up so here's a fun fact about this YouTube channel I don't pre read posts every time I read a post you're hearing me read it for the very first time that way if something catches me by surprise or if I'm shocked or something's really funny then I get a genuine reaction out of it yes so in stories like this when I'm laughing as I'm reading that's actually genuine so no o P you get zero buttholes because this is so ridiculous that even I was laughing so I really don't blame you for laughing as well your teenage son was being a little entitled let's be honest when I read the title I was expecting your kid to be like eight or ten or something but 17 come on a 17 year old knows that if he destroys something then he's responsible for it am I the butthole for telling my friend that she isn't as attractive as she thinks a few nights ago I was hanging out with one of my friends and we decided to order food through door - about 30 minutes later I get a notification the delivery guy is approaching with our order without a word she dashes out of the front room I'm confused but the doorbell rings so I go answer it when she hears the door closed she saunters back into the room grabs the food for me and starts pulling out items still confused I asked what was that all about she then tells me that she doesn't like to be seen when delivery guys are at the door because they always hit on her she then shows me a group of saved messages from delivery drivers and service workers asking her out apparently it's a common occurrence for her I was shocked and we get into a conversation about how inappropriate it is for them to do that at some point in the conversation she says that's one of the drawbacks to being really pretty I mean if I wasn't so obviously out of your league then I'm sure you would hit on me all the time I laughed because I thought she was joking but she kept pushing this point so I responded with honestly you're not that attractive a lot of these guys are just desperate and they probably think they have a chance with a girl who looks like you she tried to laugh it off as well but the rest of the night was pretty awkward and we haven't really spoken to each other since yeah I'd say everyone sucks here you each get about maybe two out of five buttholes she insulted your looks then you insulted her looks so I guess everyone's about the same maybe I could bump her up to like two point five out of five buttholes because she instigated it and kind of insulted you for no reason and you were just defending yourself am I the butthole for telling my mother and siblings that they're now dead to me two years ago I a 21 year old female married a 27 year old Korean man we've been together for four years and I have to be honest my family never liked him because he's Asian they my mother and my siblings used to make fun of his eyes and they even made fun of his height he's really tall and for them real Asians can't be tall last year I got pregnant and they were happy because my daughter is their first grandchild well now my daughter is three weeks old and my family didn't want to come to meet her because my sister who decided to get pregnant after knowing that I was pregnant doesn't want them to come to visit me and my husband because she thinks my husband is infected she is obsessed with the virus it's affecting many people lately the virus had started in China my mother avoided my texts for weeks and when I sent her pictures of my daughter she didn't even answer me and one of my sisters even made fun of my daughter's eyes I sent her a picture of her and she said oh she has racial slur eyes like your husband I tried to ignore that kind of comment but I had enough yesterday they decided that they wanted to come to meet our daughter so they should have at my house with gifts for her but I didn't open the door and when she called me to tell that they were outside I said that we only accept visits from family members and that they are no longer my family and my mom cried and told me that she has the right to meet her first granddaughter that I was being cruel but I told her to shut the F and I hung up the phone today my sister the one who said that my daughter has racial slur eyes sent me a text saying that she's very sorry and that she wants to meet my daughter but I told her not to contact me anymore because for me they're dead and I blocked all my family from everywhere am I the butthole for telling them then Opie I'm gonna give you zero out of five buttholes I'm actually married to an Asian girl and if my family treated her that way I would 100% cut them out so I think he made the right call am i the butthole for applying to a rude customer in the language they were speaking in front of me I am a slave to the siren a Starbucks barista I'm pretty decent with most customers and I'm pretty good at having conversations with customers and sensing when someone just wants the line to move forward anyway I was on register the other day taking people's orders to older men were ordering from me one of them said a coffee black so I just asked to clarify the size he wanted and the roast blonde medium or dark to which he first spoke to his friend and said rudely a coffee black news agnya dee slim steamy Dee here worked here Z's Uddin in BG [ __ ] and Lyra nama hoon here sin and take GU broken which is Dutch and translates very roughly to wow this is not the smartest gal that works here huh they could learn to use their brains a little then he told me he wanted a medium dark roast so I nodded and then replied to him and Dutch asking him the regular questions I would to complete an order anything else to eat or drink today what was your name for the other drinks do you have a Starbucks reward card I was perfectly pleasant and smiley for the rest of the transaction but just conducted it in Dutch he answered the questions in English but his eyes were bulging out of his head his friend looked kind of worried but burst out laughing when they walked away I realized it might not be the best look for someone in service and when my coworker asked me what it was about and I explained she seemed kind of confused as to why I would do that I don't think it was a butt-hole move because I was still nice to the guy but I definitely called him out and made it clear to him that I the stuff II was saying but maybe I shouldn't have because of the position I was in at the time like customer service am i the butthole god no oh P zero out of five buttholes just because you're in customer service doesn't mean everyone else has the right to just treat you like a piece of garbage and to be honest you handled that situation about as gracefully as someone could expect that Dutch guy however gets three out of five buttholes that was extremely rude this next set of posts is super unique because two separate people who were in an argument made two separate posts on our /mi the butthole am i the butthole for asking my bridesmaid to temporarily change her vibrant hair color from my color scheme dwelling I'm a 24 year old female and my 26 year old bridesmaid slash cousin Ella is to be in my wedding party in June the ongoing issue isn't my wedding has a blue and green peacock theme and guests have been asked to follow this color scheme with her clothes hair wasn't originally included at all in the color scheme but my cousin Ella has natural bright ginger hair I would never ask someone to permanently change their hair for my wedding I know that would be bonkers so I suggested some temporary hair dye but Ella argued that she's been growing her hair for six years and doesn't want to risk the color not washing out I thought this was ridiculous because it literally says that it washes out in like 14 washes but Ella says because her hair is completely natural color it might take strongly to her hair so I gave up on that Avenue and suggested a wig it's one day one single day and there were some amazing wigs these days I had a look on Instagram and you wouldn't even be able to tell but she said she would feel self-conscious and weird wearing a wig and that because her hair is but length that it might sit weird on her head so she won't diet and won't cover it up I really don't want to come across as a bridezilla but but length flaming red hair will destroy the wedding photos and ruin the color scheme completely I'm at a loss I can't cut her from the wedding because my mom would murder me but I can't have freaking Merida ruining the photos am i the butthole for asking this of her for just one single day then Opie's cousin makes a post will I be the butthole if I refuse to attend my cousin's wedding after she asked me to dye my ginger hair yes I'm aware that my cousin posted here and oh the irony as I showed her this up last year but I really don't care if she sees this maybe it'll hammer the point home and I doubt she'll see it as they're currently on their pre-wedding honeymoon legit didn't even know those were a thing so Amy's getting married she is a blue green and purple theme for her wedding people are supposed to wear these colors including the maid of honor and the bridesmaids what irks me about that post was that my hair is not flaming mérida red maybe slightly more ginger in low-light this whole thing is completely insane to me and I have no idea where it's come from my hair is what I would describe as strawberry blonde maybe ginger blonde those are actual pictures of my hair not some poor strangers Instagram things have been awkward from the start with Amy demanding that everyone has to stick to the dress code or they'll be barred by security at the freakin door she's also asked anyone with hair pass there ways to cut it in a Facebook post but it got no replies and I can't think of anyone except me and maybe my sister was super long hair my mom and dad are both way more ginger than me and my sister who's 8 months pregnant has hair that's not much shorter than mine and his super ginger and Amy never asked her to touch her hair if anything I got the dull hair Jean at first Amy called up to tell me she made a post ear I took a look and I had a laugh to be honest she linked me early on clearly thinking people would agree with her but she said she was worried because it blew up after things went south she decided to try and negotiate with me still completely bizarre as my hair is not Merida red my mom and dad called around a few days back to talk about it but got absolutely nowhere with her as she's still insisting I dye my hair a dark brown for the day or get a wig my aunt Amy's mom called to apologize to me and asked me to please come but I don't feel welcome can you imagine attending a wedding where the bride stares daggers at you the whole time and what if security refuses to let me in these are extremely similar to the gowns that bridesmaids are gonna wear I've tried mine on and it absolutely does not clash at all I bought and paid for my dress so I don't owe her anything but our families are so upset that I'm dropping out but if I go I have no choice except to dye my hair as there never was a compromiser middle ground it was diet by a short brown Bob wig or don't come she specified it has to be a short brown Bob wig for some reason well I be the Buttle if I say F it and just stay home edit also to be fair I died a small strand underneath to test how it washed out four weeks ago and it's still dark brown so this one's pretty cut and dry the bride absolutely does have a right to decide what her weddings gonna be like and who gets to come and not come but that being said there's a line of how much you can expect people to do for your wedding day and I think this bride has crossed it all so I looked at the pictures of the cousins hair that she posted and I don't know what this bride is talking about her hair is at most strawberry blonde not Disney Princess Merida red so I'm gonna give the bride two out of five buttholes and the cousins 0 out of 5 bottles I really don't blame you for staying home and skipping this wedding sounds like this bride kind of has some issues to be honest am I the butthole for telling my boyfriend he isn't entitled to my inheritance my grandpa passed away a few months ago and I inherited a little over four million dollars from his estate I had no idea he had that much money and was honestly not expecting to receive anything as I assumed it would all go to my mom after I got over the initial shock I took the opportunity to finally quit my job which I really hated as I don't have any outstanding debts and can easily live off of $40,000 a year I'm pretty introverted and I'm more than happy to stay at home working on arts / music / interests in gaming ever since I inherited the money my boyfriend has been pressuring me to cover all of the rent and utilities about $1,200 a month for our apartment and start putting money away into a joint savings fund I would be happy to do this if we were mayor but were not we've only been dating for a year and a half and I would prefer to keep our finances separate despite not working anymore I still pay my half of the rent every month and I've started paying for a housekeeper to come in and clean a few times a week so our apartment is nearly always spotless and looks great I told my boyfriend he isn't entitled to my money and he said I was being selfish for expecting him to still contribute to the rent when I could easily afford to pay for the whole thing am I the butthole god no Opie this is red flag city you don't need a joint savings account you need a lawyer and an accountant ASAP that was our slash am I the butthole and if you don't like and subscribe then you are definitely the butthole
Channel: rSlash
Views: 620,461
Rating: 4.933526 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: az4dYxtIjmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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