r/Askreddit What's Your Scariest "We Need to Leave... NOW" Moment?

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dear our sloshed ass credit what's your most terrifying we need to leave now random Russia fear you felt my car was stolen the very night I moved into my new house in a very good neighborhood the neighbors had warned us that the neighborhood was being targeted at the time they mentioned a woman around the corner that opened the doors for knockers in the middle of the night and they attacked her and robbed her and almost killed her we reported the car stolen and did the police reports when it happened well two nights later in the middle of the night I hear a knock on the door and they said open up it's the police well since I'd heard the story about the other lady I was suspicious and didn't answer I grabbed my kids and put them in my daughter's room because it had access to the roof from the window I called the police to say that two men claiming to be police are pounding on my door they said there were no police in the area and they're sending a car turns out these same guys stole the car and came back for seconds I did get my car back because they brought it with and the award for dumbest criminals of the year go to these two guys our next reply from sinful years years ago my boyfriend owned a truck tire repair company he stopped by a customer's house unannounced one day to try and get a check as they owed a lot of money when he came out of the house he was pretty shaken up he explained the man's numerous other brothers were there which was unusual everyone was very jittery but they cut him a check and then rushed him out he had a scary feeling that day two days later that customer and his brothers were arrested for a murder that they committed the night before we stopped by oh man I wonder if the body was still in the house when Opie stopped by no wonder they were nervous our next replies from a Leviathan ID when I was hiking in the woods and I saw a baby bear I slowly turned and walked quickly away from the bear because I'm not getting eaten I had to drag my friend along with me because he didn't understand why we needed to return the way we came from then Walt skink replies to that comment I remember when I was with my nanny ones we were driving down the mountain she lived on a baby bear waltz out into the road and stopped to just stare at us she hit her brakes and just sat there it was like a good five-minute wait but the cub finally moved on but my nanny didn't move I asked her why and she pointed out the side of my window because of that and I looked over to see big ol mama bear meandering along after the cub it was terrifying but at least we were in the car so we could make a quick getaway if we needed to I like how the friend in the first story didn't understand why he needed to run away from a baby bear like dude come on haven't you seen the revenant our next replies from pound-foolish I was riding my bike home from a friend's house when I was a young teen over 20 years ago we'd both lost track of time so it was dusk when I left I lived about a mile away I was traveling down one of the last roads to get home when I had this weird feeling so I turned around to look back down the road saw headlights pass stop back up and turn on the road I was on it was a pretty long road without many houses and no streetlights or anything as soon as they turned I bolted into the woods and hid pretty far in the car slowly drove by and kept going no idea what they were doing but I didn't want anything to do with it our next replies from pail gunslinger hurricane Florence a year ago we planned to ride it out as we were on a hill and in an area where the winds wouldn't be bad mostly ignored the news too the night before I got this huge pit of beer in my stomach and begged my dad for us to go stay with my sister a few hours inland he fought with me about it but I finally convinced him we came back a week later to find a tree fallen into our house the house full of water a tornado formed in the woods behind the house and pushed a tree up a 45-degree slope into our roof and through our house now I will always trust my gut feeling no matter how stupid it seems you mean you were attacked by a hurricane a tornado and a falling tree and the only thing that saved you was your gut permission dude you're literally the main character in a final destination movie our next replies from si and Barak I was walking in my old local park with my sister we entered the park at about 3 p.m. and we're hanging around until about 9 to 9:30 we saw three people all wearing somewhat similar outfits all the way on the other side of the park I immediately noticed but don't think much of it we walked for about two more minutes and I notice one of them stopped and was staring at us I immediately had a bad feeling and told my sister we should leave she noticed and obliged later that night there was word of a stabbing in the park and the suspects were all the people we saw in the group of three our next replies from twenty brink I was camping with a friend in a backwoods camping area not very many sites and they were all super spaced out we'd already been there one night had the site fully set up and we'd been hiking all day that works we drove into town to get some food and when we were driving back to our secluded campsite we passed a man walking out of the only road to our site we both locked eyes with him and I got a super creeped out feeling he stared at us like he knew us and hated us but we've never seen him in our lives when we got to our tent we went inside and everything we had and there was tossed our bags were dumped out and our clothes were thrown everywhere we quickly realized both our hunting knives were gone along with a bunch of our clothes we also realized it had to be that guy we saw they wouldn't know other sites are hiking past he could have been walking from besides ours we jumped in the car and drove back towards where we'd seen him but he was gone we drove a bit further and found a common area where other campers were gathered we sprinted down and asked haven't have you seen this guy and described him the people at the gathering just stared at us and didn't speak giving us an even more creeped out feeling it was at that point that I told my friend we need to leave this place right now walking back to our car we looked over the edge of a guardrail and saw all our stolen clothes in the woods we gathered them up but didn't find either of our knives knowing this guy was still out there with those knives and that no one around us scared freaked us out so much we packed up the car and ended our camping trip early no way we're staying out in those woods one more night this kind of sounds like the opening of a horror movie but in this story the car starts and the people are actually like screw this let's get out of here our next reply is from Pete potato I was drinking at a bar with some mates in Sydney two young guys walked past and I happened to make eye contact he flashed a gun at me and nodded towards the door I didn't make him ask twice then when someone asked Opie what happened he replies we booked it a fair distance away and called the cops to their credit they arrived in 30 seconds or so and in total there were easily more than six cars the two lads got away but were apparently caught a few weeks later and the gun recovered our next replies from princess Jimmy I was walking by a long stretch of road with no houses there was a cemetery a van with two guys in it stopped to ask me if I needed a ride this was in the late 90s so it's not like hitchhiking was illegal I'm all no thanks I'm nearly home they wouldn't budge they kept following me with the windows down kept saying come on just get in at some point they just stopped and they start getting out I was just a teen and they were clearly 20-something I just took off running I must have sprinted half a mile to get to an alley and hid by the nearest building near the road I waited about 15 minutes before moving on to make sure they've given up so they wouldn't follow me home then random person replies to that comment late 90s early 20s - I used to hitchhike in the evenings the walk home was long if I missed the last bus I usually got a lift of a middle-aged person or a truck driver when hitching one night though some young guys picked me up I got a weird vibe off them and they had me sitting in the middle backseat so I couldn't just jump if things got hairy they were talking about using party drugs like speed so I started talking about my drug use and how I was panicking because I could have hep-c a block later they said they were turning off and this was as close as they could give me to home I breathed a sigh of relief this is kind of like you know those jungle animals like poison dart frogs it's like hey you might kill me and eat me but you'll regret it because I'm filled with poison so - creepy van guys if you're planning on assaulting me there's not much I can do but you're gonna regret it later clearly it worked our next replies from a volca Tishri i was at a party my freshman year of college and some CD people were present the night was getting very tense but no fights or anything happened as the night went on it became very clear to me something was going to happen I told my friend it was time to leave no more than five minutes after we left someone was stabbed and the stabber was shot smart move Opie when people go to a party to get shots that's not usually what they have in mind our next reply is from some dirty Punk I was at a national park on vacation the layout was kind of like a crater with a rim you can walk under almost all the way around had this major gut feeling of yeah not going down there later that day a lady was killed from kids throwing large rocks and tree branches into the opening that sounds like a horrifying episode of our slash entitled kids our next replies from cat-like genes when I was a preteen a strange man stopped and asked me for directions that didn't make sense as I'm trying to help him a van rolls up and the side door opens I just booked it and never looked back and then Ft throw away replies to that comment man I had a similar experience when I was 14 I was walking home from school when a creepy older guy pulled over his work van got out and was asking me for directions to a well-known local place and feigning like he didn't understand what I was saying in an obvious attempt to draw out the conversation so that alone set off alarm bells in my head but then he kept looking around the whole time and I knew he was about to try something some lady happened to be walking from her house to her car so I yelled out hey mom can you come here and help give this guy directions surprisingly the lady actually came over and as she did she yelled something like your father and your big brothers will be out in a minute are you ready to go he looks panicked quickly got back into his car and took off once he left that lady told me she knew what was up and made sure I was okay before letting me use her phone to call the cops turns out I wasn't the only girl he tried to lure a / abduct my faith in humanity was both damaged and restored that day and when someone said that lady is a hero which I totally agree with by the way she replies she really was I'll never forget her and I wish I'd express my gratitude to her more at the time I still remember what she looked like and how she lived in I remember she had a son who had Down syndrome and you could tell she was a very dedicated and loving mother to him who was always keeping a watchful eye the lady just knew instantly that something was wrong and without hesitation she backed me up I will be forever grateful and I hope maybe someday I can help someone else like that if they need it this lady is the polar opposite of an R slash entitled mom she's like an r slash heroic mom our next replies from Vox traumas definitely when my town got hit by the worst fire storm we've ever had in 2017 the Thomas fire we knew there was a fire somewhere maybe another town we weren't too worried the power is beginning to go spotty and the winds are howling outside then my roommate gets a call from her friend on the other side of town my house is on fire you guys need to pack a bag after the call was over the power went out and stayed out so we packed our bags and I start to hear little plinks against the roof almost like rain but it isn't rain it's just ash not 15 minutes had gone by and I look outside we lived by a large hill that was only two blocks away and it was burning it got there so fast I got back inside until my roommates we have to leave right away this is what our neighbors start wigging out - we had to then capture our three very scared and fused cats it was so crazy to drive away and see only blackness ahead of you but in your rear-view mirror only flames Opie you get five out of five stars for saving your cats our next replies from ghosts in your pants I was on a second date with a guy who wanted to stop at his house to grab something and invited me in he was super hot but I wasn't feeling comfortable with him for a reason I couldn't put my finger on we get to his house and it was just creepy he was well off and the house itself was gorgeous spotless and totally sterile nothing on the walls every surface empty no books no CDs nothing I asked how long he'd lived there and he said five years while he was in the kitchen he then asked me to go into his room to grab something keys I think from the top drawer of his dresser I got the coldest chill up my spine and immediately stepped closer to the front door there was no way I was letting him come between me and the exits he asked me again to go to his room and I laughed and said no dude I'm hungry let's go he asked one more time visibly annoyed at this point and I proceeded to pretend that I was a jerky stupid girl and made a fuss about being hungry and what the heck is taking you so long he was pissed so I walked out of his house down the sidewalk and made him follow me we got to the car and I kept pretending to be a jerky clueless chick and demanded he take me home he did in cold furious silence then when he stopped the car in front of my place he grabbed my face to kiss me goodbye he bit my lips so hard I was bleeding and he reached under my shirt and twisted my nipple I luckily got him off me falling out my door and ran inside to the sound of him laughing I ended up with a bruised face and nipple cut lip and was scared that he knew where I lived but I still feel like I survived a legit serial killer man Opie I'm with you on this one it sounds like he never intended you to walk back out of that bedroom that was our slash ass credit my ass credit question for you is did you remember to hit the like button
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Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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