r/Prorevenge This Scammer Thought He Got $2,000... Instead He Got BUSTED!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where an employee gets his terrible co-worker fired our first read opposes from bored hotel worker I worked the night shift as a receptionist at a hotel in Norway and most nights are spent watching Netflix and playing games last summer was really slow and I also worked a lot extra so I ran out of stuff to watch in games to play one night I got an email from scooter he wanted to book a room for almost twenty days I just had to send him the prize in confirmation that we had rooms available and he would then send me his credit card info for me to pre charge normally we just delete this kind of email but I was bored out of my mind so I responded with an offer for around two thousand dollars for the entire stay I also made sure to inform him that he could cancel for free up until the day of arrival this is probably the most common fraud attempt in the hotel and travel industry unlike most businesses we're able to charge credit or debit cards with only the card number and expiration date no need for a pin code CBC or other authorization methods our software also allows us to deposit money directly to local and international bank accounts by using the card number because of this jerks like scooter will try to prepay with stolen and skimmed cards but didn't cancel the booking asking us to refund the amount to a different card a couple of hours after sending him the offer he responded with a visa number and told me to charge him as soon as possible I checked the card with our validation software and to my big surprise it didn't belong to scooter it validation succeeds it will return the card owner's name 90% of the time I sent him a new email stating that the card was declined because of insufficient funds he quickly replied and gave me a new card to try guess what this one didn't belong to scooter either wasn't even the same person as the first card by checking the bin codes the first six digits I found which Bank had issued the cards not even issued in the same country my plan was to just call the banks and in form them of the attempted scam but there were still several hours before I could go home so I decided to screw a scooter a bit more I sent him a reply that the second card went through and also the reference number for his stay at our hotel as expected a couple hours later scooter sent a mail cancelling the order and asked if we could refund the money to a different card as he had lost his wallet and deactivated the card he paid with the card was issued from a Polish bank not sure why but Polish bank accounts are often used by people who want to launder money from bitcoins and drugs you can buy a legit card for around 500 bucks that is registered to some guy or girl in Poland from darknet at this point scooter was probably pretty happy about the $2,000 he would soon receive I replied that it was no problem for me to transfer the money to a different card as long as it was valid how fun would it be to also cancel his own cards so he had to spend 500 bucks for a new one not fun enough in the last email I wrote that he could send me the card number but that our email server would go down for maintenance in a few minutes so my boss would do it on Monday it was now Saturday morning so enough time for the charged bank to call us and reverse the transfer if he needed the money right away I told him to call the hotel before I ended my shift at 7:00 he called almost immediately and I wrote down the card number and his phone number I told him I transferred the money and that it would be in his account by 12 o'clock my shift ended and I went home with all the info scooter had provided I wanted to see if I could find out who he was and of course this idiot had an open Facebook profile that I found using his phone number he even listed his address and employer looked a bit like the artist scooter but with an even uglier face and spiky hair full of gel he lives somewhere outside of London in an area I would describe as a British trailer park houses that were nice at some point but where the owners had spent zero pounds on maintenance since it was built try everywhere and broken windows that were boarded up or fixed by sealing holes with garbage now to the fun part according to his facebook profile scooter worked at a hotel this meant that he would have access to card information from guests that booked through sites like booking.com I called the manager of the hotel and told him there was reason to believe that one of his employees was trying to commit credit-card fraud and that the card numbers could belong to their guests I gave him the name of the people who owned the card scooter tried to pay with and to no surprise both had stayed at the hotel I told him it was scooter and the manager just exploded in anger not 100% sure what he said because he was screaming so loud but I think scooter wasn't a normal employee he worked there through some kind of government training program or something after talking to the manager I called both Visa and MasterCard international and told him about scooters little business venture apparently it's pretty easy to check if there are more carts that have been involved in fraud where the cards have also been used at Hotel scooter with his polish deposit account they would also be able to pin it on scooter if he had been successful in scamming anyone and sue him for the amount stolen the police also called me later to get a statement regarding the whole situation so I know the manager reported it to the police I'm not sure what happened to scooter but according to his facebook profile he no longer works at the hotel or anywhere else as far as I can see man the opie in this story is making me feel bad when I get bored at work all I end up doing is watching YouTube videos this guy shuts down a scammer and saves innocent people from getting screwed out of 2,000 bucks our next reddit poses from Thai do you need throw away I had taken over running a small development team of 9 for a relatively big company we were there for basic quick little bits of software that wouldn't make much sense to outsource web apps that quiz employees on policy fancy interactive projects to show off a conferences or just an extra pretty PowerPoint etc the guy I took over from ran the team like we lived in the 1980s so I brought us into the modern age and surprise surprise within a few weeks our team was finishing projects left right and center I won't go into it here but if any tech nerds are interested in how bad it was I'll reply to any comments everything was going great my co-workers would take smoke breaks and listen to music our internal clients were kept up to date with their projects and my boss thought I was some kind of software prodigy as productivity had gone through the roof honestly this was more indicative of how bad it was before rather than anything I did then comes dick short for Richard of course now you know dick you probably have a dick at your office they've been there too long to fire and delight in slapping people in the face with their seniority regardless of whether or not they have anything to do with you first he sends us a project and marks it critical as in everyone stop what you're doing now this needs to be done yesterday I politely send him a message and ask him if I can move it down to medium priority as there was little to no time limit and we had other projects to deal with he replies no it needs to be done now get to it I'd like to remind everyone that he is not my boss and has no authority over me or my team so I CC my boss and the other department heads who we had projects for at the time hi all hope you're enjoying your day dick has asked me to work on this project for his department however he wants it to be done now which would delay your projects would that be okay with everyone turns out that's a no and I downgrade his project now dick starts to live up to his namesake a week or two later I check our Trello task management software and notice Hsieh a fantastic programmer and great person was falling a bit behind I go to ask her what's up and she looks like she's about to have a attack I asked her what's wrong and it turns out [ __ ] threatened to fire her if she didn't start working on his project immediately I calm her down let her take a break tell her to start working on her regular projects and to send dick to me if he gets up at he I then fire off an email to dick in my boss reminding him that one any threats of termination need to go through me and HR first - who works on what projects and when is determined by our schedule and myself three if a project deadline is moved up I should be informed directly not via my team turns out dick is infamous from making threats like this but because nobody took him seriously I was the first to remind him that he had no authority over other departments I didn't find out until later but apparently he had a meltdown at the boss about how incredibly disrespectful I was he tried to file a formal complaint but it was rejected because doing my job properly isn't actually a problem who knew at this time I accepted a better job and was going to put in my notice but I wanted to wait until after our latest project let's call it the ninja report was done as it was a big deal for my team this ninja report was part of a presentation by a company bigwig the boss's boss's boss and it was marked critical so all of us were working hard to make sure we did a good job and got it in on time now finally we get to the revenge I'm plugging in a switch under the desk when someone taps me hard on the shoulder just a minute mate I stand up and stare directly into the red face of dick erect with fury and ready to expel his rage all over the office I hope this doesn't get me demonetized I'm not your mate you need to learn your place in this company bla bla bla as this grown man is screaming at me in full view of my team it's suddenly on me that I get severance have another job lined up and really have no reason to deal with this I want my project done now he continues to yell now I could have told him about the ninja report I could have said a lot of things but I just smiled looked him in the eyes and said as long as I'm working here this schedule isn't changing predictably dick responds then you're fired I grab my things and leave as I'm leaving one of my team comes up looking like a deer in headlights and asks what they should do easy first I want everyone except you to stop working on the ninja report second at the end of the day send an email to the boss and the bigwig let them know what happened and explained that the ninja report is going to be a week late see you all for drinks Friday I wake up bleary-eyed the next day to a call hello it's my boss hi look I'm sorry about what dick said he doesn't actually have the authority to fire you and the ninja report can't be late we need you to fix this oh I'm sorry I've actually accepted another job but don't worry I figured this would happen I asked one of my team to work on it privately if they start working on the ninja report again they should be able to get it done on time my boss tried to get me to come back but I made it clear that wasn't going to happen I recommend one of my team to take my job and thank him for the opportunity he's pretty cool about it confirms I'll be getting severance and tells me I can use him as my reference Friday drinks roll around and we have a lot to celebrate the ninja report was done on time and given everything that happened it made my team look great I got a new job teammate got a promotion and bigwig was really eager to learn why his subordinates subordinate subordinate fired the lead of the team he picked himself and nearly tanked the project I'm proud I am proud to report that the office is now 100% dick free Opie is so skilled at removing dick that he should change his username to Lorena Bobbit reddit post is from sting 2018 I work in sales and we work as a team I have an assistant who helps me get leads and sets appointments well this one particular assistant and I did not get along at all this particular assistant kept going to my boss behind my back to report every little incident which is really effing annoying part of my role as a senior rep was training however this assistant was a former business owner and knew how to do the job and didn't need no help well the appointments the assistants setup had an 80% no-show rate which is insane in the past no-shows would be around 25 to 30% not only that this assistant would constantly argue and bicker over everything which was really frustrating to deal with the assistant also created their own lead card and tracking system which completely sucked and stuff fell through all the time furthermore about half of all contact details provided didn't actually work but what really irked me the most is this assistant constantly sucked up to my manager about all the great things they're doing my manager was in love with the assistant and kept preventing me from firing the assistant and replacing them now our company had a little-known policy three ethic complaints in a 12-month period and you're fired here's the deal though for a customer to file a complaint they had to go to a specific page on our website so very few complaints ever got filed one day I roll in ten minutes late my assistant had called my manager to complain that I was late my boss asked me why I was late keep in mind we didn't clock in or out and I would often come in early or stay late to come in late once in a while was no big deal but it was annoying to know that my assistant had a habit of constantly going behind my back and ratting me out on top of their sucky production we're supposed to be a team I asked to do a review of the assistants leads we got three leads deep and my assistant huffed and puffed and said the leads belong to them not me and it's none of my business actually it is they then called my boss to complain about my behavior because I was pushing them to complete the leader review my boss called me and I straight-up told him he needs to give me the authority to fire this assistant or I'm going to force his hand he told me I needed to learn how to work with my assistant so I pulled up all of my assistants leads and began dialing one thing that would justify an ethics complaint is opting in a lead for a call when they didn't want to be called which I suspected I could find at least three instances of I called all of the leads and got nine people who straight up said we never intended to be opted in to be given sales calls to which I replied oh I'm really sorry to hear that we actually have an ethic complaints page for such a situation would you like me to forward you the link so you can file a complaint it would really help us ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen again within 48 hours my assistant had gotten five ethics complaints my boss called me 72 hours later opie it's really strange we've gotten a slew of complaints about your assistant did you have any part in this well you see my assistant refused to conduct a lead review with me so I called all their leads for them on a few occasions the lead claimed they didn't intend on providing their information for sales calls so I simply sent them to the link to file a complaint my boss said yeah well now I'm forced to fire the assistant I simply smiled and said oh that's really unfortunate I'm so sorry to hear that he confided I guess you won this one I said not a problem I'll go ahead and post a new job add my next assistant was much better and way easier to work with that was our / / revenge and this is our / puppy bloopers but before I play this clip it's very important to understand that when I walk you though I put him in a harness the harness pulls his shoulders not his neck because I don't want to choke him if he pulls really hard
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,308,626
Rating: 4.9326167 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: JSfE2Fh1iDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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