r/Talesfromtechsupport She Crushed The Computer With Her Huge _____

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welcome to r tales from tech support where a user's boobs are so big that they force her to call tech support our next reddit post is from sparkism ever try to do tech support for someone with their equally technologically challenged husband or wife behind them telling them what to do i was on a phone call with a customer okay click on the email i just sent you then click on the link inside to reset your password the customer said okay let me see and then i could hear this guy's wife in the background shout wait stop go back what a free ipad i think to myself okay it's a scam email no big deal i'll just tell the husband and we can move on i say that's not real it's most likely a virus no let's take a look please don't i really wouldn't do that it's okay we're just gonna look and not download anything maybe it's from the mall no it's not okay we're just gonna take a quick look wow a free ipad i can't believe it we won no you didn't click on it no really please don't please okay let's see how to redeem our ipad from apple it's not from apple you're not getting an ipad you're getting a virus [Laughter] 15 seconds later i hear the your computer has a virus message playing from their speaker our computer just got a virus can you fix this can you remote in and fix this no i can't believe people would do that and i can't believe people still fall for it cue two hours of baby stepping them through running malwarebytes because we aren't allowed to hang up on stupid people i'm gonna read this comment from user undecided you can lead a horse to water and sometimes you just gotta drown that mother effort our next reddit post is from the shire i love it we got a ticket this morning about the company's bookkeeper not being able to access the shared drives on the network without connecting to the vpn having set up quite a few people from this company for working from home i assumed the bookkeeper was off-site and trying to connect in the email chain is roughly as follows i asked is the bookkeeper working from home or is she on site if she's working from home she will need to be connected to the vpn anytime she needs to access any network resources at the office unfortunately there's no way around that is she having trouble with the vpn the company contact says she's not working from home she's in the office and working on the desktop pc in her office and still needs to connect to the vpn in order to access the shared drives does her desktop have a network cable plugged in or is she accessing the network wirelessly it's possible she may be connecting to the wrong network she's not connected with a network cable we have to use the wi-fi hotspot on her phone to connect her to the internet so she can vpn into the office network to access his shared drives i have a network cable we can try if you think that'll help yes please plug in your computer with the network cable to the wall jack that should be located on the wall next to our desk let me know if that fixes it it worked all we did was plug it in and it reconnected to the office network whatever you did remotely before we plugged it in worked glad to help if i may ask was her computer connected to the office network with a network cable before did it get unplugged somehow or was it removed for some reason it was connected before she left we took the network cable out of her office when she came back because she'd been working off of a wireless network at home and we didn't want to confuse the server well i'm glad it's working now have a great day our next reddit post is from our hunter i think this one is from the year 2000 back when most of the copiers we service were still analog and had actual buttons for all the different features we got a call from a church saying that their copier was malfunctioning when they tried to use it it would duplicate copies or zoom in when none of that was selected or other random stuff as well when dispatched to a call our standard troubleshooting procedure was to ask the person who had the issue exactly what happened when they used the machine and then try to get the same error and issue and go from there when i arrived at the church only the pastor was there and he told me the secretary was the one having issues he explained basically the same thing from the call random things were happening when the secretary used the copier but he hadn't had any issues i gave the copier once over checked to make sure all the features were working properly check the main wear and tear sections gave it a quick cleanup and couldn't find anything wrong with it i showed the pastor it was working the way it was supposed to and closed the call the next day we get a call back for the exact same thing again i headed out to the church to be greeted by only the pastor i had a repeat of yesterday all the features work correctly i showed the pastor that again there were no issues and i closed the call i asked the pastor if it happened again to please make sure the secretary would be there since she was the only one having issues and gave him my cell number on the way back to the office my cell phone rang and it was a secretary she was rather upset i'm being polite with that description the machine was still having issues i told her i'm only about 40 minutes away and asked if she would please stay until i got there so she could show me exactly what was happening she said yes and i pulled a u-turn while calling the boss to give an update when i arrived at the church i finally got to meet the secretary and have her tell me what exactly was happening it was the same issue that the pastor described i had a slight eye twitch okay what exactly do you want the copier to do i want to make copies of this and have it do xyz okay let me try to make copies for you i set it up to do what she wants and lo and behold it does exactly that what the it always messes up when i do it what did you do at this point i feel my urge to slam my head into the wall rising i just loaded the document pushed x y and z told it how many to make and press start that's what i do but it keeps messing up okay why don't you show me exactly what you do when you make a copy she got up from her desk came over programmed the copier put her document in the feeder and hit start lo and behold it did random things at this point i finally figured out what was happening now the secretary was about five foot five and had rather large shall we say features as in boobies when she stepped forward to put the document in the feeder her boobs were pressing the copier's buttons that controlled his features thus causing the randomness i think to myself oh boy how do i address this think think okay i think i know what's going on first when you go to make copies put the document in first then step back and press reset then set the copier up with what you want to do and press start from there standing about six inches away from the control panel you mean i'm standing too close how is that causing the issue tell you what show me exactly what you do again when you make copies fine at this point she was definitely getting pissed off she set up the copier and put the document in the feeder stop what um look down she looks down and it took about 10 to 20 seconds of her looking down until it sunk in oh my god her face is beat red how are you gonna write this up please don't say well that at this point my side is hurting from holding in laughter i tell you what i'll just say it was a training error and then i showed you how to set up the features correctly does that sound okay lord yes i wrote up my paperwork got in the car drove about a block parked and started cry laughing she was so embarrassed and apologetic while i wrote up the paperwork i never told any of the other texts in case they went there i didn't want to embarrass that poor woman any more than what she got that day i can still see her bright red face every time i think of this story well opie i'm glad you were imagining her bright red face because that's not what i was picturing and i'm going to read this comment from troll senior chief glad you were able to keep abreast of the situation before it got out of hand turns out she just needed better support for her printing issues our next reddit post is from deleted this actually happened a couple of weeks ago as contacts for those who haven't read my post before i work as an out of hours i t desk we support multiple businesses after hours when their it teams leave for the day it's 11 30 pm and i get a call through from my least favorite business we support we have no systems access and very little in the way of documentation their calls are renowned for being a pain in the butt to deal with service desk how can i help oh hello i'm not able to print okay any error messages any signs of light from the printer now hold on i'm not a computer person so you'll need to use simple terms what happens when you print nothing happens that's why i'm calling you do you see any messages that appear on the screen when trying to print no i have a particularly low tolerance for these kinds of callers who are unable to provide even basic details this guy was also coming across as very condescending is your printer turned on can you see any lights of course can you walk me through what you generally do to print something i'm not a computer person so you'll need to be more clear tell me how you'd usually print look here i don't really understand what you're asking me what would you what would you usually do to print i don't understand you okay sir i'd like to connect remotely to your computer so i can see what's on the screen is that okay this is all very complicated i'm not sure what you want to do i'd like to access your computer so i can see what's wrong i'm sorry can you explain that more clearly i'm not sure how much clearer i can actually be with this i need to remotely connect to try and fix this for you look this is terribly unfriendly for people who aren't technically savvy like myself why can't you fix this i'm trying to help you and fix it but you haven't been able to provide a great amount of detail on the issue so i'd like to remotely connect and take a look for myself i'm not familiar with these technical terms this is very hard i don't understand why we have you people if you can't tell people who aren't technically savvy i'm trying to help however as it's out of hours our scope is limited i need to remotely connect to see what's going on i respect that you're not technically savvy but at the same time we do expect a certain level of existing knowledge from users in order to be able to provide our support service after hours i can ask that the main service desk calls you back in the morning if you'd prefer no look this is very important and i need this fixed how do you get on my screen firstly i need you to open a web browser or just go to google i just use this for email what on earth is a web browser do you use google yes of course i do okay please go to google we spend a painful amount of time getting go to assist working thank you i'm now connected i'm going to take a look at the printer setup now i see the printer is reporting not connected can you check to make sure it's plugged in please i googled the model number and this is an old epson printer usb only at this point i've had enough of this caller's ineptness but i don't know how i'm sorry i really can't help you with this part you're the one physically located with the computer and the printer go to the printer and make sure any wires coming from it are plugged into the pc okay several minutes later i hear the unmistakable sound of a device being connected in windows okay the printer is now showing as connected so it looks like the plug was disconnected please try printing again the user navigates to outlook opens an email about discounted camping products and proceeds to print it off i can hear the printer in the background so it looks like we're good now yes it's working but you didn't help me at all click this user was such a pain in the butt he also left go to assist running in the background so i spent the next half an hour inconspicuously moving his mouse each time he tried to click something before i got bored and disconnected [Laughter] the only thing that would have made this excellent story even better is if he called you back complaining about his mouse wiggling our next reddit post is from nagel so i had to walk a client through setting up a printer over the phone which required her to set an ip address to the printer also she's not tech smart at all okay do you have a usb cable sometimes they come with the printer no i'm looking in the box now there's no usb cable only the printer and power so it needs to be networked great i walk her through getting the printer on our network okay do you see a place to enter for numbers yep it's right here okay the number is [Laughter] okay i put in 19 million 216 thousand eight hundred and three what's the second number no let's start over the first number is one ninety two the second is one sixty eight third is zero and fourth is three okay so 192.168.03 no the third number is just zero the fourth is three so zero point zero point zero point three no 192 point but what about the zero what about it shouldn't it be a number zero is a number look this is too complex for me can't we just use the cable it came with in my head i'm screaming why didn't you tell me you had a cable you said you just had the printer and power cable yes we can use the cable that was our slash tails from tech support and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra videos also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit posts every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 651,071
Rating: 4.95473 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, talesfromtechsupport, r/talesfromtechsupport, tales from tech support
Id: 4MJeRdbnFsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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