r/Maliciouscompliance Nice Old Lady VS Angry Karen

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where drivers obey the law in a very interesting way our first reddit post is from starts I live in a subdivision connected to a major road the road out of the subdivision has a traffic light in the morning nearly everybody needs to turn left for work even if you want to turn right you're simply stuck because there isn't enough room for more than one car to compound the problem the traffic light is green for no more than five seconds we may get four to five cars out legally then you have to wait another three to four minutes before the light switches as you can imagine this causes people to run the light swerve around somebody they thought should have gone etc it's a grab-bag of idiots in cars myself included if you roll up to the light and see that you are fifteen cars back you know you've just added ten minutes to your commute simply trying to get out of your subdivision well because of all of our reckless driving behavior the police communicated via our HOA that we needed to knock it off they had a police car park near our area every morning for a week to keep us on our best behavior our board tried to work with the city to lengthen to light but to no avail that's when a hero emerged we get a random email to the HOA distribution list from an anonymous person they laid out our plan for malicious compliance there is a pedestrian crosswalk light at the before-mentioned intersection that basically goes unused in my 10 years living there I've never seen it used there just simply isn't any pedestrian traffic the subdivision hero devised a plan on how to use the crosswalk to our advantage basically one person in their car simply needs to walk over and hit the push button to cross and run back to their car when the light switches we now get 30 seconds to alleviate our traffic jam everybody is joining in and it's hilarious my oldest daughter got to do it the other day and the other cars in the line were rolling their windows and cheering her on it's possibly the best neighborhood bonding experience possible I'm sure our longer lights are screwing up something further down the line but none of us really care we're now on our best behavior since we have about five times longer to get through the light this comment down from Eddie gel this project was green lighted by malicious compliance also it's great to see that an HOA is being used as a force of good here rather than a force of evil our next Redis story is from AJ Conway this story comes from Melbourne Australia where the liquor laws are pretty strict we had a local pub near work that did five-dollar wines and beers during happy hour it was a bit of a dump but we didn't mind three of us would go regularly every Friday to relax we usually bought rounds for each other so three at a time or maybe just one each if not all of us wanted to top-up since this is a modern world we'd pay by debit and just tap our card on the little machine simple easy one week I get to the pub before the other so I went to order a wine for myself and reserved a nice table in the Sun when I went to pay the bartender informed me of the manager's new rule to pay by card is now a twenty dollar minimum for cash a new ATM had been installed in the corner that only gives 20s and charges three bucks and fifty cents per cash out of which the bar gets a good cut now I know it costs for every electronic transaction to occur and it's not unusual to find small coffee shops asking for a $5 minimum to cover those costs but 20 bucks was outrageous especially in a dive where all drinks are dirt cheap it wouldn't even cover a usual round for the three of us the bartender had to shrug and insist it was the manager's new rule I tried to argue against it since I just wanted a single glass the manager came out and firmly reiterated that I'd have to either buy four wines or get cash from the ATM but I refuse to spend money in order to access my own money I asked for four wines now I have a petite woman it doesn't take too much to get me sloppy I paid by card and sat there at the empty bar and pounded these four caps abs with the same speed that I'd usually nurse one by the time I'd finished my friends were still not there I asked the bartender for one more glass of wine the manager was also still there cleaning glasses he told me again what he was instructed to say before there's a $20 minimum so I ordered four more wines the manager looked pleased that his system was working he was pretty smug about it all and wouldn't budge on any customers requests before I paid for my second four glass round with my card I asked the bartender within clear earshot of the manager a pretty basic question you've both got your RSA's right all bartenders and bar owners are required to possess a responsible serving of alcohol license obtained through the state's commission for gambling and liquor it's a heavily regulated industry and a pretty strictly enforced license plainclothes officers will try to catch up bartenders who don't carry their license on them while serving drinks and they'll sit to observe in bars for reckless behavior such as knowingly serving alcohol to an inebriated customer I'm not someone with any legal authority but I know enough people in the bar tending a casino industry to be aware of the laws of course why the bartender asked he probably expected me to pull out a badge but I'm just a customer who wanted a glass of wine I explained that it seems pretty irresponsible to serve a small woman for drinks simultaneously when all I was asking for was one seems as though by the bars lack of attention I have become quite drunk and now you're about to happily process my second purchase of four drinks knowing full well that I'm here alone eight drinks in less than an hour does that seem responsible to you the smug look on the managers face quickly turned to anger I think you've had enough then no no you've already poured four more here take my card go on can't let all that wine go to waste I mean all I wanted was one but if I have to get four the bartender was very confused and a little worried losing their RSA would mean losing his job the manager refused to process my order and angrily poured four glasses of wine down the drain a loss far greater than the small electronic transaction fee that would have come from my basic wine order I was sad to see the wine go but I was happy to tell them that I'm reporting them to the state commission for breaches of their RSA a petty moob but the manager chose greed over customer service and got what he deserved I actually downloaded the complaint form online and began filling it out there at the bar all while my body was now feeling the full force of four smashed wines I was giggling while doing it and slurring my words while asking for the manager's name and today's date the partender was very apologetic and knowing none of this is his fault I happily kept him off the forum by the time my friends arrived I was pretty drunk after telling my story we decided to go somewhere else and we definitely never went back I don't know what came of the complaint exactly likely a big fine but the place shut down about six weeks later and became a brunch Cafe seems like they lost all their regulars to a twenty dollar minimum rule hmm we need to come up with a way to attract a younger audience I know let's punish customers for using technology there's no way that could possibly backfire our next reddit story is from as Akira this happened quite some years ago when I had dizzy spells and would randomly pass out frequently still undiagnosed due to a sucky doctor but went away on its own due to these dizzy spells I was very hesitant to give up my seat on trains and buses as I was afraid I'd fall and hit someone or something I would still stand up if someone really looked like they needed it and asked politely but I just didn't offer one day I was getting on the train and an old lady carrying a cane wanted to board - a gentleman offered her help do you need a hand ma'am no thank you I don't even need this cane she swings it around but my husband insists I use it just in case she then hops on the train I end up in the same area as the old lady in two of the very few open seats after a few stops Karen enters she had the haircut the clothes and the attitude by now all the seats are filled and there are already people standing around due to the lack of seats Karen pushes through a few people looks around and loudly exclaims - no one in particular well nobody offer a lady their seat nobody responds she then goes around complaining to a few random people sitting down that she needs to sit because she's been standing for over an hour oh the horror try working retail and she just needs to put her feet up on a full train okay one person gets fed up and gives her a seat right across from the old lady from before the Karen now has a seat but still no place to put her feet up she complains to the person next to her and to the old lady that these trains are always so cramped and it would be good if people who didn't need seats just gave them up the awesome old lady took this as her cue made a point of standing up really slowly and carefully grabbing her cane and clutching it tightly and said you can have my seat your feet probably need it more she then she then walked away very slowly leaning heavily on her cane and asking people to please step aside so she could fit through Karen got many angry glares at this point and she called out to the old lady you can just keep sitting here I don't need it that badly and the old lady replied you just said that you really needed it so take it and walk to the next cabin Karen couldn't see her anymore at this point but from my seat I could see the old lady stand up straight and pick up the cane swinging it around again I don't think many people saw it because everyone continued to glare at Karen until she got off at the next stop the old lady just really wanted to teach Karen a lesson by complying and acting her age making Karen look like a jerk she has been my hero ever since everyone's heard about man spreading on trains and buses what I want to know is how come no one's talking about Karen spreading on trains and buses and we have a couple of very interesting and very similar stories down in the comments first from Kieffer Ella oMG I sort of did this but on my own behalf ole-ole see my boys young adults needed groceries and I needed to go to the hardware store next door obviously in front of the grocery store there was a loading and crossing area the diagonal lines with stop signs at either end I stopped briefly at my stop sign and then roll up to the door and stop to let the boys out I hear the shriek of brakes behind me and realize someone was following too closely and not paying enough attention presuming that I wouldn't be letting anyone out in the area designated for such activities they had almost rear-ended me they laid on their horn and I could see them thrashing and screaming about in their car a younger lady the dude next to her looks unhappy the boys get out and I continue on my way and now she's swerving wildly back and forth behind me I can see her in my rearview screaming and red-faced I make it to the stop sign before the hardware store and I make it the full legal three-second stop her whole car is rocking from her tantrum and she swings into the next available parking spot - down from mine as I pull into the first handicap spot I see her barreling out of her car and seeing me I swear to god I have never gotten out of a car slower or with more difficulty managing my cane into position and I got to watch her whole rage and demeanor collapse upon itself as she realized she would either be that grunt who attacked a disabled woman or got her butt kicked by a disabled woman trust me more likely the second one canes are excellent weapons and I'm scrappy as Frick and another cute little story from sere angel down in the comments I was in the middle of a divorce and living with a friend having to commute 3.5 hours one way by bus I was taking an early bus like 4:30 a.m. this bus was a small bus and was getting kind of full not a problem I was one of the first ones on it was ten stops to my stop and this little Asian girl gets on when I say little I mean like five feet tall with her shoes on she's having trouble grabbing the bar I stand up until they're here take mine she stares at me dumbly now I know if she doesn't sit someone will I say go ahead I'm getting off soon anyway more dumb staring okay it's noisy and maybe she's just not getting it I gently plop her into the seat just me being nice no big deal fast forward a few weeks I've forgotten all about it this girl hands me a note and rushes off the bus huh the note reads I want to get to know you better email me blank at blink calm okay I don't have internet and I don't think about the library this was about the time that high-speed internet was coming out so I'm unable to and I have no idea who she is or what she wants fast forward another couple of weeks she sits next to me and asks why didn't you email me in accent-less English what oh it's you I don't have internet blank stare she hands me a piece of paper and I write it out she leaves I know she's not deaf because she responded to me when we talked but WTF the next day she comes back with more questions written down I write answers and give it back WTF this happens a few more times I found out she speaks virtually no English and every time she goes home and translates what I wrote and looks up answers for them then we started dating this story was a bit split up between multiple comments but apparently this girl eventually went on to become this guy's wife not exactly malicious compliance but it's kind of a cute story that was our slash malicious compliance and if you enjoy my content please consider supporting my channel by hitting the joined button right next to my subscribe button
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,399,462
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: 29FnfBp3NLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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