FacePalm | Beware the Speed Bumps

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how to connect a ps3 controller to a PC oh boy it's time for some R slash facepalm almond disclaimer recall alert 1.1 million pocket knifes recalled for posing laceration hazard well they better laughing cow cheese huh that's actually really good cheese I actually got like a bag of that stuff in the fridge it's pretty good stuff I bet that cow wasn't laughing when you slaughtered it huh yeah you don't kill a cow to make cheese you dump sentence reduced for man who set partner alight and that would sign for a very poorly placed ad domestic violence shine alight so I was trying to Google that seat and page of the Caribbean where Jack and Will are walking underwater with the rowboat over their heads because it looks cool and I want to try it it's impossible Mythbusters tried it but the thing is I googled boat scene and pH of the Caribbean and you can see my problem please excuse me while I search for a new psychiatrist from behavioral health education surfaces Justin has an appointment with dr. Marshall on Monday October 7th at 12:45 p.m. replied a confirmed date and time EP blue blue Justin this is not about a message should we consider this a confirmation percent oh my god I'm so sorry yes tomorrow are you Amish I'm just curious because I have never heard of a religion refusing to be touched by the opposite sex but not the [ __ ] right yeah yeah Amish on reddit I'm gonna I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Barnes don't have Wi-Fi oh I I didn't think of that I really failed a print document printing is not supported on this printer then what the hell is flat earthers spend twenty thousand dollars trying to prove earth is flat accidentally prove earth is round you know it's not a good idea holding the hand or the truck bandha all it takes is one speed bump or pothole the handles getting joint reasons he's not texting you oh I can think of a few reasons one of them being Europe an idiot and the second being that's a hero to a phone and it's it's not even plugged in either as if that would matter hey yeah what if we just printed this quiz out from online what could go wrong hey that's a pretty good idea question one please match the following terms with the corresponding definition communication choose a cooperation choose leadership shoes hey yeah go ahead and turn you know what [ __ ] you just wing it late for work no time for breakfast no problem drink your body wash while you shower three in one hair body face revitalizing caffeine and rotated beep it's the recharge don't ever use a three in one body hair and face wash they're just it's just a concoction of chemicals it's gonna dry your scalp out your skin's gonna get all acne and dry and your fingernails are gonna peel you don't you don't want to use this kind of stuff in what state or country were you born uh yes no I don't know perfectly cooked rare chicken no no yeah why do you people keep insisting on eating raw chicken why you have to cook poultry all the way through so you don't get sick yup degenerates Chinese woman opens emergency door for fresh air Oh God here's a really bad sticker placement juicy [ __ ] Troy's table it's good for you KKK leaders started stabbing each other over an argument about who is the most racist I okay with this outcome I really am because I mean not only did terrible people stab each other but they also got arrested that's like that's like two wins in one headline nice leg day is the best day you a came up is what legs really that's funny because I want the powerlifting squad competition two years in a row the second 24 year old to ever squats over 500 so I'm not really sure what you're meaning one my legs are 18 inches around I think you're blind you can idiot I was making a camo joke dude why are you so defensive Jesus hello blank I just wanted to ask a question why are you using my name as your account name because it's my name and that's right this person just found out today that names aren't unique man sues Apple claiming iPhoto Russian oh that's why he's okay a Russian man has launched a lawsuit against Apple claiming an iPhone app turned him gay but what was it Grindr I don't know how many apps that can open the closet for you but okay please do not stand on the toilet seat people have to sit on it thanks there is a story behind this and I must know oh look it's an investing ad plus thirty seven point two seven oh but but it but if we looked out here eighty-three percent of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider uh-oh someone had a lawsuit unfactored student sues Kentucky Health Department for banning him from playing basketball Catholic students says ban violates his right to freedom of religion and evac Steen who sued over school help it has come down with chicken flags on a serious note this kind of sucks because chicken pox at that age has lifelong consequences so Yanks Tyson honey barbecue flavored chicken strips well that looks pretty good until you actually get out of the package and then just that is that is not very appetizing my boyfriend met my family for the first time and we were playing catch phrase and his word was boner instead of skipping it like a normal person he said something that Bridget gives me right in front of my father here is a review for the Joker one star very inappropriate for kids I took my kids to see this movie it had to walk out one hour in after paying $50 on tickets and snacks I thought he was going to be a movie with Batman but this has nothing to do with Batman the theater didn't give me a refund and I'm not going to take my kids back in to finish it do not watch this with your kids I am disappointed in DC for allowing such a movie to be made hey you know it's rated R right cancer pink ribbon pretty obvious statement be very hard to misinterpret this but alas well you said cancers no dumbass I said cancer the disease this was in September of 2018 all right now let's get into the good stuff blame daylight-saving there's been a bit of talk about the drought lately but as anybody stopped to think of the impact daylight saving has had on the climate the extra hour of sunlight causes more evaporation and therefore drought the two states that don't have daylight saving Queensland and Western Australia are not in drought it seems to me we never had drought in this country before a daylight saving came along I call an NSW Victoria Tasmania and South Australia to abandon daylight saving this year the drought is already bad enough surely we don't want to make it worse emergency phone not installed please do not have emergency at this location that's not really in my control though is it I'm like 90% sure this is one of the emergency boots that they have on universities and whatnot basically the way these are set up is that you will always have one of these in your eyesight no matter where you are on campus I think this is a brilliant idea just as long as they're working and now questions about the moon by stupid people is the moon a star a planet is it Hollow is it bigger than the earth made of cheese but let's stupid and the rest is it full tonight Jana Tarzan let's see if you can guess the Disney movie based on just two of its characters way to knock it out of the park BuzzFeed with Europe and quizzes the California Supreme Court decided a case that could add billions in labor costs to employers bottom line by requiring them to pay employees for a work time that previously went uncompensated Wow I think this next week sums up my inner disgust pretty well you have to pay employees for work being framed as adding billions to labor costs is the most American thing ever I tried the water the loved a little bait at words [Laughter] never actually knew there was a difference between that and then always thought people just use then when they wanted their sendings to look like American or something one star I love Denny's I love Denny's I will go there night Day Afternoon midnight whenever I love Denny's then why the did you give it one star Felicia plot twist it's an IHOP review I don't actually know if that's the case is math racist new course outlines prompt conversations about identity race in Seattle classrooms is Seattle really teaching that math is racist why did parents start to see ideas for my buh-buh-buh-buh-buh no you idiot Nandi aqua package drinking water now water with h2 whoa what the hell was i drinking before then my god oh wow look at swish calm it's a GoPro save big on 4k action cameras even even though it clearly says that it's 1080p okay so speaking of which I was edit on mobile where there's ads and whatnot it is this this goddamn cab BTS and mask forget [Laughter] also they're offering a Macbook for $20 but that's probably BS hey you know it's not a good idea King a Tesla do you want to know why because well they have nine cameras and they record damage that's done to the car so congratulations you've been caught you think that generally don't keep people's cars god damnit why he's even parked in the Lions there's no reason to do this this is out of spite like goddamn hey welcome to the outro if you enjoyed this video like and subscribe and comment and do all that jazz and all that if you want to see my gaming channel you can go check that out that's pretty cool right Maya valid youtuber now now that I have a gaming channel and a Twitter and a discord and and stuff no yeah I thought so
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 1,228,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit cringe, satire, comedy, funny, facepalm, r/facepalm, face palm
Id: UlHlESetKVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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