Memes You'll Think are Neat (r/MeIRL)

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hey little man how's it going yeah welcome back yo lovely degenerates we're doing some me irl featuring to me irl formula as well as the other me irl it's all the mia rls coming together for a me irl episode that's kind of like oh hey that's me but like irl that makes sense are you living or are you just jumping from one obsession to the other to run away from yourself oh what are you the coping mechanism police or something that's a call out if i've ever seen one hey at moon pie when you go to sleep you count sheep or moon pies when i go to sleep i count my mistakes like taking this job someone should probably check on the pr boy from moon pie yeah he's been kind of depressed lately me me when the crushing realization of existence sets in me again when the toaster dings with my pop tarts happy pie sum uh if asians got random english tattoos too hey it means love in english me when my alarm wakes me up let the potato rest for five minutes you know i wonder where i'll be three years from now ah i'm in my bedroom choose a security question where did you go for your honeymoon what was your first job what was your first girlfriend or boyfriend's name what was the name of your childhood best friend me this is easily the most relatable email i've received hey hey i need to postpone hi rachel i've i have lost control of the day when i realized that i'm wasting another year of my life but this time this time it's not my fault hey uh why why is there a bird in here it's pretty weird right walmart obviously to get [ __ ] up jessica god when you're dead inside when your best friend needs emotional support get over here so i can give you some spooky ass support you're gonna get it and you're gonna like it this is this is basically me when i try to like encourage anyone like i'm terrible at this but i'm trying my hardest oh it's like he's a skeleton meme when you try to caffeinate yourself but you just end up increasing your heart rate while remaining exhausted family sized bag of doritos exists me you know i'm something of a family myself i also don't have any self-control me at a restaurant waiter here's your cup me uh oh uh thank you points down cup thank you phil's cup with water thank you i'll be back soon with your food thank you last time i went to urgent care i checked off excessive crying on the symptom list and the nurse got really confused and told me that was meant for babies [Music] that took a second to click can they please make a dishwasher with a transparent door i want to see what's going on in there like a washing machine it's open it's honest it shows how it's cleaning your clothes but a dishwasher a dishwasher is mysterious it's untrustworthy it keeps its cleaning methods a secret when your friend asks why you have like 1653 depression memes saved on your phone i just think they're neat manager hey we're short staff for tonight ah oh damn that's that's good crazy though here's that here's a fun interesting fact about me back when i worked in fast food um i got a text like this once so what i did was i went to my car turned it on put it into drive hit the brake and turned it off and then took a video of my car not starting because it was in drive but claimed i was having starting issues and that is that is how i avoided working on the night that i had to study for finals so yeah my whole life consists of people asking me if i've seen this movie and me telling them no i haven't seen that movie and then telling me i should see that movie and then me telling them i'll add it to the list there is no list and i won't watch that movie me fully aware that jfc stands for jesus [ __ ] christ my my brain john f i often think about this moment from my parents wedding video where the cameraman just zoomed in on a plate of ham just can you imagine watching back your wedding and just [Laughter] during the house the cameraman just suddenly pans off and just huggerly stares damn [Laughter] my brain small with knowing glory zero everything equals noise your brain bumpy weird gross twinkles i am having way too much fun with these new audacity plugins i just downloaded hey how's your dad doing i don't have a dad i don't have a dad i don't have a dad i don't have a dad quick take all this against all the pokemon but but i'm only 10 years old [ __ ] off already mom hey uh where are you i'm coming home oh home wait home home oh what oh no the fbi guy scientists just erased certain memories from a snail's brain and they think it'll work on humans too scientists do you remember anything snail scientist my god what have we done okay but like the mimi scientist reaction is probably pretty accurate because like imagine authoritarian government with this uh technology they could uh just erase the idea of freedom from your brain and oh my god what have they done the financial diet millennials don't feel entitled to some perfect life they feel entitled to the life that everyone told them they would have a life where if you work hard and make good choices you can build financial stability the the problem isn't that we're greedy it's it's that we were sold a lie wow an actual article slash tweet that um isn't on millennials for being a lazy generation that's um that's new you know this [ __ ] fish decided to walk out of the water one day and now i have to go to work and pay rent you fish [ __ ] you man spider man spider does whatever a human does goes to work like some memes gives up on his hopes and dreams look out there goes this man spider so if you were to like let's say give a spider the cognitive power of a man is that kind of an [ __ ] move because you may have just you know given the spider depression i wanna know having to cough out in public excuse me everyone i need to inform you all that i do not have the coven i simply have choked on my own spit because i am truly incompetent as a human hi someone is in your home now it is too late to escape how does one turn their emotions off okay so first go to settings uh oh wait i'm a [ __ ] idiot i thought that said emojis at first ah no no no no i'm still willing to try this go ahead i'm at the settings what do next hey what kind of friend are you i i think i'm a background friend i don't i don't fit in with any particular group of friends i mean they're all closer with each other and i sometimes link on but i'm permanently with no one like i think about all these people constantly but i don't think i crossed their minds often but i mean like same really with high school [ __ ] i like my woman like i like my food and and and by that i mean literally anything i have no standards somebody please talk to me god i just i just love the new possum memes if you don't follow my twitter then you wouldn't know that possums are basically my spirit animal look at this this is gorgeous i love masks i can't believe i let y'all just breathe on me before i mean i i know right i feel the same way about grocery lines like always stay six feet away from me forever i for what hope doordash continues to do the leave it at my door thing because i don't want to like talk to people i will never forget the look on hillary's face when she went into the home of a working class family just oh it's just so great look at [Music] she's probably just looking like what the [ __ ] why wha what kind of kitchen is this welcome to middle class living hillary how does it feel [Applause] oh look at her face oh thinks boyfriend's mad because he's being very quiet what you thinking about think about how bike tires are made like like what the hell ladies we gotta stop worrying about what boys are thinking because nine times out of ten it's some dumb [ __ ] like this have you ever been chilling minding your own business and realize your jaw has been tightly clenched for like the last 15 years oh oh my god that feels weird to just like let it relax am i that wound up my my family what the f was that noise my my dumb ass in the bathroom i want to be an artist when i grow up oh me too yeah but but you are grown up and then [Music] i feel you pam i feel you me in in math tests well i mean i got 126 and like 125 is close enough so so i mean i guess so quick fun fact uh most math tests have common mistakes as answers uh and the uh the multiple choice so if you uh you don't see your answer there you really [ __ ] up well here we are the outro when i uh as you guys know the mini odds episode will hopefully be be released around september 15th judging by subscriber analytics um yeah that's like the main announcement creeping up on 500k kind of spooky and i realized that my responsibilities got away from me yikes
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 636,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2meirl4meirl, comedy, funny, me_irl, meirl, memes, oz, oz media, r/2meirl4meirl, r/me_irl, r/meirl, reddit, relatable memes, satire, wholesome, wholesome memes
Id: 02iFvMJpBcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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