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y'all ever just get in the mood to mutilate a JPEG I got one of the best pictures I ever made out of that urge hi welcome back your lovely degenerates it's time for some tumblr let's get these things out of the way Oh exports you as a JPEG and turns the quality way down thanks I really needed that I read that raggedly blurring an image makes it funny for no reason and I tried it and honestly I can't stop laughing what's coming so much more this is this is the carrot 2020 mood where is that cat with the kind and reassuring face hey thank you when someone sends out a group email that starts with just a friendly reminder that really means they want to kill everyone in the office look at this it's a fox sleeping in a graveyard makes me wonder about reincarnation makes me wonder about soulmates makes me think that dark stone probably soaks up side lighted it's the warmest place around for a fox that man me is said some random shiny thing with no function or monetary value half buried in the dirt of the bus stop me oh we're all just clothes with rights and anxiety nike air just do it run because of what's out there okay okay so this is supposed to be motivating but like mostly it just comes off as as slightly threatening just do it run because of what's out there right behind you did you not hear me one foggy feel the earth Kingdom air nomads Water Tribes Fire Nation spirit world Dix's BRB I'm just gonna go like you know laugh my ass off what the [ __ ] is a Texas bender we've been propane and propane accessories yeah that person you just called up in Sears he runs a famous tumblr blog don't you feel stupid ah Sears is dead what where the was I bed it's Halloween time to get spooky it's the middle of June it's Halloween time to get spooky okay who the goddess on my - it's still Juna get spooky how just disappear every June its Jude which means it's basically summer which means it's almost fall which means it's almost September which means it's basically October and October is basically Halloween so it's funny time mr. Brightside by the killers has been in the UK charts every year since 2004 how in why has mr. Brightside never left the UK charts cuz it slaps next question so like what if instead of drops rain fell all at once like a 2-inch thick sheet of water just goes plop and then it's sunny again uh fun fact this is what would happen if there was no air resistance and it would actually come down so fast that it would kill us oh that was not a fun fact alright so in primary school we had a creative writing assignment where we had to write about a new character in his strange situation I wrote about a squid that was some out down imported from the ocean to the forest and slowly choked to death forty pages I'll never forget my teachers face look is a third side she wanted this new school is scary I hope I make friends gotta grab this well that's just the risk you take if you teach creative writing the opposite of formaldehyde is a casual did Jekyll [Laughter] I can't believe I read this post with my own eyes until I was like 12 I was vegan because my parents were too and one time in like my fifth grade science class we had to draw pictures of carnivores omnivores herbivores etc and like five kids to a picture of me for her before and and that was the moment I realized I hated public school god I wish I had crab legs correction I wish I had crab legs to eat mats replace my legs like someone's wish was granted there was a disastrous performance of Macbeth at the Old Vic by Peter O'Toole II and apparently there was this one part in the play one night where a servant comes in and should say your wife my lord is dead but what actually happened was servant my wife My Lord is dead Macbeth well what about my wife oh yeah she's dead too there's a lad event about this is like a Monty Python skit alright so lately my dog has been smacking people in the face in arms when they pet her and I was like what the we were just giving you affection and so I went and googled it she's trying to pet us back she likes to be pet so much and is trying to return the favor but can she is so good and pure and I love her so much do you ever get so annoyed at everything that you start to get pissed off at even little things like a spoon clinking against the bowl or sounds of people talking I think it's called sensory overload it's really common in people with anxiety it can also be a result of sleep deprivation stress or even dehydration oh thanks I thought I was just a bit Catholics be like don't be horny kids and then bombard you with images of half-naked men tied up to things daydreaming about terraforming actually terraforming alright so I realized this is an animal crossing meme but as an astrophysicist I was really excited for a second that someone was finally seeing the light on how freakin difficult and a huge waste of time it would be to try to terraform Mars so like according to this meme like we got Sims players the animal crossing players minecraft players and like astrophysicists apparently yeah aliens being confused by how humans deal with sense you been gonna have to watch this blanket to get rid of that new smell alien makes a note that humans prefer to mark objects with a familiar sense Cuban god I love that new car smell alien scratches out previous note and replaces it with question mark human old books smells so good alien increasingly frustrated note-taking mmm new books smell why are you like this look at this look at this and just try and tell me that all three of these women don't look exactly the same try and tell me that Disney isn't lazy when it comes to creating women hmm okay okay so it's like Wow two sisters and their mom here you're right why on earth would they look the same imagine how much shorter Naruto would be if they all had guns what wait well I would having a gun effect Naruto's height I swear to whatever deity is out there everyone on this website is [ __ ] stoned writing prompts the year is 2022 you and your gang shoot down Amazon delivery drones and sell their contents for a living hey hey is this a prompter a prophecy because like we're on our way here I touched a dick once and it was the scariest thing in my life because it had a really cold head and I don't know it wasn't fun hey so like sometimes the eye in the you shouldn't be so close in the keyboard like just just saying my dad just yelled the stairs Chloe did you know the weatherman was gay I know he was dead he just got married to his boyfriend and I was like which weather men are we talking about here and he said the blonde one with the sharp haircut that type X in the hottest body dan is there something you want to tell me I have lived in this state my entire life and today I found out Alabama has its own Groundhog Day called possum day where they get a possum from the wild and name is San Mao and Sam and make it predict the weather Sam valid Sam disagrees with buck 235th I start a religion out San Mao and Sam we may be the only lawyers on earth whose clients are all innocent the Animal Legal Defense Fund okay you know when I first saw this I thought the kittens were were the lawyer Hertz oh god that's adorable Ethel I just heard my mom say you are very naughty and then a meow and then another softer okay but next time there will be consequences and and then another meow and then just a yeah you're right probably not today I learned that the blobfish is actually a normal looking fish it just decompresses when you take it out of extreme depths huh imagine aliens discovering humans and nicknaming us after what we look like when we explode in the vacuum of space I have decided on a new constellation I call it the bees if you look up at the night sky and see all those sparkly dots congratulations you see the bees I have just made astrology ten thousand times easier you're welcome those born under the sign of the bees have emotions think thoughts is likely introverted or extroverted has at least a few friends and was born at some point oh my god that's so mean a person I just met seven yeah I grew up loving the Percy Jackson books and I I accidentally responded so you're gay yeah I mean he wasn't that gay and I mean and nobody's ever said it that bluntly before but yeah absolutely nothing will top the video game experience of being at a video game but all the NPC's you come into contact with are in awe of you for being the most amazing and talented person they've ever met this seven-year-old daughter of some NPC I'm helping out Papa you must come meet the hero who saved my life me dropping a few nade on the ground accidentally and immediately blowing myself up okay but like Pokemon is almost always the opposite is I have six gods in my party and won the championship a half-dozen times and some snot-nosed kids what Diglett will still be like you think he could beat me like the same thing in Skyrim you're literally wearing armor made from the bones of goddamn dragons and some level of Bennett's ha nor should it come today I learned that because of a mistranslation Jimmy Carter told the Polish people in 1977 that he desired them carnally and that he had left the United States to imagine being a Polish citizen did you hear the president saying he's here to [ __ ] not leaving so neighbor boy knocked on my door often he needs his soccer ball inflated and asks me to use my air compressor but he's holding a giant jar of minced garlic and I'm like so what's going on we we have Italian or what um my grandma I can't open the jar and I'm not strong enough can you so I hope with a jar in he runs back and spills the entire jar on the sidewalk I am I'm the kid it's not the prettiest but here is a little chart I made of skin tones the idea is to I drop anywhere on the chart to get a unique skin tone instead of getting stuck in the loop of white tan and dark useful flesh cloud eager to assist your art Oh clown tell us about your plans for nuclear war with Russia what the fact that the president made that face though it's just bish whet paints are an illusion and so is death Avatar The Last Airbender bringing you entirely under appreciated words of wisdom since 2005 I just drove my uncle and myself to the hardware store and he said to me Molly I want you to know that being Catholic doesn't change anything if you someday get married your wife will be welcome in this family don't ever think otherwise that is really nice but I'm not gay I am laughing so hard spoil or 20 throw of me you are super freaky gay why are all the wise wizards and witches in the party always posh British people never like Australian mage rogue the artifact we still appears be celestial in origin I'll pick mage huh - right mate I'll back mage stroke this place's jack is with rip of material components casting spells is gonna be a piece of piss magic shop attendant trembling sir I don't speak extra plain of languages please just buy things and go oh I am so sorry to all Australian viewers Jesus Christ apparently a Tetris battle royale came out and in addition to that just being funny on its own we've also got twitch streamers getting pwned by like retirees who have been playing Tetris for the last three and a half decades they're getting blown up by people with handles like Eileen and love my kids 72 this is so incredible thank you for this news the fun thing about tumblr is that the people who write like first of all this is extremely insulting it dangerous because profanity-laden otherwise flawless essays save for being actually completely wrong and it turns out that it says self-righteous 14 year old girl who heard half of a fact and ran with it and that there's someone posting sometimes the toads must go in a toad prison for their horrid goblin crimes and it's a 34 year old with a PhD in phibian behavior studies it cites the 20 seconds of outro this is literally just here for me to like you know make sure the end cards don't appear over the content so you kind of just yeah go check out the playlists in the videos and I don't know why I'm telling you what to do you know how to operate on this site
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 1,205,198
Rating: 4.9618874 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, comedy, funny, tumblr, r/tumblr, suspiciously specific, r/suspiciouslyspecific, MeIRL, me_IRL, r/meirl, r/Me_irl, tumblr posts, reddit top posts
Id: 2RIZ_bcWNx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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