PTE Speaking | Retell Lecture METHOD with Jay!

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okay we'll get started hi everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert Pte teachers here at e to language in this life class we're going to look at one of the trickiest speaking topics tasks there is that is retell lecture so I'm going to teach you a really good method to make sure that you score highly on this particular speaking task because it is a real trick it also contributes to your listening scores as well by the way so let me firstly just describe this task to you this is what you'll see on test day okay you're gonna see something like this it won't actually tell you that it's retail lecture you can quickly read the instructions you're going to see an image here and you're going to see an audio player that becomes an audio recorder when you are about to speak that's what it looks like and you'll receive three or four of these particular tasks on test day and they're important the sequence of the tasks is also important to understand that is there are four parts to this task or four things that will happen first of all you'll have pre listening which basically is just three seconds to look at that picture and to get an idea of what the lecture is about then number two you're going to listen to an audio recording of a lecture or an interview that will go for between 60 and 90 seconds after the lecture has finished you will have ten seconds to prepare to speak then the audio recorder will beep and you can speak for up to 40 seconds so as you can see it's quite a complicated little series of events that happens okay it's good to familiarize yourself with that sequencer on test there you go okay okay okay bang and then you do it let's talk about scoring because if we understand how this thing is scored then we can deconstruct it and we can speak in such a way that maximizes our scores so this is how you've scored for content you get zero to five points so zero one two three four or five points five points is the maximum that's content that means you have you have you have retold the content of the lecture okay pronunciation zero to five points an oral fluency zero to five points so what does the scoring mean the scoring means this content refers to what you say the vocabulary the words you use the pronunciation and oral fluency refer to how you say it okay I should also mention that grammar is subsumed in content so grammar is scored under content so grammar contents you can think about like the words the vocabulary and the grammar that you use from that link when you're speaking but then the pronunciation and oral fluency is like the delivery of your speech and if you think about it what you say is worth five points max and how you say it is worth ten points max so in some ways your delivery or how you speak is worth twice as much as the content of what you say of course you don't want to sacrifice content you want to make sure that you get the five points for content but here's the trick with this one sometimes the lectures are so difficult that you hesitate and you're forced to stop and think and your oral fluency will decrease and maybe your pronunciation will decrease because you're armed arts so we need to find a balance of how to get that content and then how to deliver it in a smooth way smooth and accurate way okay there's a way to do that I'm gonna show you in a second in fact I'll show you right now it's called the method method is like this first of all you need to take good notes it's absolutely critical in this task that you take good notes you will be given a notepad and a pen on test day to take notes with if you do not take notes with this particular tasks you cannot do it effectively even if you're a native speaker it would be almost impossible number two you need to speak using the e to struck so let's look at the note-taking first then we'll look at the e2 structure so note-taking this is a critical skill alright let's just do one I'm just going to show you how to do it so let's say this is what you see on test day you have three seconds the audio player is about to play the lecture so let's do this hmm actually I'm gonna get you to do it first I'm going to just let me get my technology sorted out I'm going to play a lecture to you 60 to 90 seconds I want you to take notes so get out a pen and a piece of paper I want you to take as many notes as you possibly can after you've done that I'm going to do it and I'll show you what my notes look like and we can compare notes okay then we're going to look at the e2 structure of how we put our notes into a structure to speak smoothly okay so get out a pen and a piece of paper I'm gonna play this lecture in three two one twenty or thirty years ago if a chicken caught a cold and sneezed and died in a remote village in East Asia it would have been a tragedy for the chicken and its closest relatives but I don't think there was much possibility of us fearing a global pandemic and the deaths of millions twenty or thirty years ago if a bank in North America lent too much money to some people who couldn't afford to pay it back and the bank went bust that was bad for the lender and bad for the borrower but we didn't imagine it would bring the global economic system to its knees for nearly a decade this is globalization this is the miracle that has enabled us to transship our bodies and our minds and our words and our pictures and our ideas and our teaching and our learning around the planet ever faster and ever cheaper it's brought a lot of bad stuff like the stuff that I just described but it's also brought a lot of good stuff a lot of us are not aware of the extraordinary successes of the Millennium Development Goals several of which have achieved their targets long before the due date that proves that the species of humanity is capable of achieving extraordinary progress if it really acts together and it really tries hard and that's the end of the lecture I'm trying to negotiate a lot of Technology here actually hopefully you heard that just for my interest if you're in the webinar there can you just put yes if you could hear that clearly or put no if you couldn't hear it okay cool you could hear it fantastic well done all right all right nice just for my interest just right down into the chat how many notes you took whether it be sort of how many concepts not necessarily words but how many different concepts did you write down five six eleven four five 310 four okay here's the big key with this one the more notes you take the easier it will be to retell the lecture if you took three or four notes you're going to struggle to get to sort of 40 seconds when you speak if you took down ten key words or sort of you know ten concepts it's going to be much easier for you to speak and retell that lecture right so I'm gonna do this myself I'm gonna take notes what am I going to show you I'm going to show you the screen you won't be able to hear the lecturer very well but you can just watch the notes that I take okay here we go so let me get my pen out here okay I've got my pen cool that's good all right let me do that again and now I'm just gonna play this lecture here we go twenty or thirty years ago if a chicken caught a cold and sneezed and died in a remote village in East Asia it would have been a tragedy for the chicken and his closest relatives but fearing 20 or 30 years ago if a bank in North America lent too much money to some people who couldn't afford to pay it back the global economic system to its knees for nearly a decade this is globalization this is the miracle that has enabled us to transship our bodies and our minds that's enough pictures and our ideas not teaching and our learning around the planet never faster stuff like the stuff that I just described but it's also bought whoops hold on why did it stop several of which have achieved their targets long before the due date that proves that the species of humanity is capable of achieving extraordinary progress if it really taps together and it really tries hard okay first of all I apologize for how hideously ugly my handwriting is okay but that's beside the point I can read it and that's good enough so what are my notes here well I wrote down 20 30 years a chicken caught a flu or something like that but basically he was talking about how global pandemics were rare 20 or 30 years ago but now because of travel if that if a flu breaks out in one country it spreads to all around the world similarly he talked about how bank if a bank loans people money and then goes broke it used to be a local issue but now it's a globe it causes global economic crises basically the topic of the conversation or the topic of the lecture was globalization he also talked about how globalization transports ideas and the ideas of fast and cheap there are two sort of aspects to globalization both good and bad he talked about the Millennium Goals and he talked about how humanity can progress through globalization okay that wasn't the structure I was just reading my notes now but you can see there that if you get the information from the lecture and put it on the page in front of you you've basically got enough information to then retell the lecture in your own words right that's the first step note-taking is critical and I suggest that you practice note-taking if you go to e2 language comm if you're a paid member we've got lots and lots of lectures so you can sit down and practice taking notes with those one to one and a half minute lectures okay now we're up to step two of the method and we need to fit those notes into a structure okay we need a structure and we need to rehearse this structure before test day the structure is going to be like this the speaker was discussing topic so what was the topic of the lecture we just heard well it was globalization so that's going to be my first sentence and this first sentence is really critical to get right the speaker was discussing globalization maybe the speaker was discussing physics or speak it was disgusting educational psychology well the speaker was discussing French art whatever it is you just need to get that basic topic of that lecture what's it about doesn't need to be specific it can be specific specific is better but even if you just get the general idea that's fine as well that's the first part of our structure then we talk to say this he talked about keyword one he mentioned keyword two he discussed keyword three he highlighted key word for he talked about keyword five finally he suggested the keyword six this framework or this structure that you're looking at here is critical for your success yes you need to take notes but after you have taken notes you will simply use this sure to retell any lecture and this works for a few reasons one first of all we've deconstructed a score the scoring of the PhD so we know that the PT wants to know that you understand the topic which is the first sentence it also needs to understand that you get the details of the lecture which is keyword one two three four and five and the final sentence he suggested that while to get a top score at for content in the Pte speaking retail lecture tasks you need to identify a suggestion or an inference or a conclusion so that's why we use this structure let's look at the structure more carefully because we want to focus on the verbs so the first verb we use is was discussing just memorize that one the speaker that was discussing repeat after me the speaker was discussing globalization the speaker was discussing educational psychology the speaker was discussing mobile phone technology whatever then we move into simple past verbs talked mentioned discussed highlighted talked suggested now these can go in any order so the key words one two three four five you can say let me get out my pen and explain this clearly okay first of all you need this verb to start this is your first sentence was discussing this is how you start so you need that one that's the first sentence that stays there and the final sentence suggested that also stays there but these ones you can move around okay you can move highlight it's just the second spot you can move discussed down to the fifth spot whatever it is any order of the verbs it does not matter and in fact you can add different verbs you can say he described or she pointed out or she stressed the importance of or she referred to or he expressed so you can use any verbs here as long as they're in the simple past that's fine let's focus on prepositions you'll notice that the purple words there are the preposition he talked about we do not say he mentioned about we do not say he discussed about or highlighted about we only use the preposition about with the verb thought okay please do not say mentioned about it is incorrect English fine now it's not that easy the structure that I just showed you then would get you I don't know 60 maybe 65 if you're aiming for those higher scores you need to make your sentences more complex okay it's an excellent structure and it works and once you practice it you'll memorize it it's really really easy but we need to add a few words to make sentences more complex so we can get up towards the 79 and above so he talked about power our key word one he mentioned that keyword two for example he mentioned that when a bank goes a bust it is no longer a local issue it is in fact a global issue he talked about how global pandemics used to be localized but now they spread around the world what about this third one he discussed the way in which globalization has both good and bad aspects so these pronoun or these phrases that we slip in here like talked about how we don't just say he talked about pandemics he mentioned banks too easy he talked about how pandemics spread he mentioned that banks now caused global issues when they collapsed blah blah blah okay so you can make it more complex cool finally if you want if you remember if you can you can also add some connectors just between your sentences or inside your sentences like also in addition finally so if you put it all together let me give you an example structure of a perfect retail lecture okay so the speaker was discussing the merits of globalization he talked about how 20 or 30 years ago global pandemics weren't possible that diseases were localized you also discussed how if a bank failed then its impacts would be local not global that it wouldn't cause an economic crisis --tz-- he described globalization as a miracle although he did say that it had both good and bad aspects to it he mentioned the success of the global minute Millennium Goals and lastly he suggested that if we all work together then globalization will succeed so what we've been able to do by taking good notes and using the e to structure we've made the impossible possible we've taken some abstract lecture and made it actually possible to retell it in our own words I'll get to frequently asked questions at the end of this lecture by the way well so if you have questions just hold on but this works this works this works really well now also just while you're speaking remember to stop at about thirty five seconds just stop before 40 seconds you don't want to keep talking at 40 seconds all right pre speaking 10 seconds so we hear the lecture it goes for 60 to 90 seconds and then we get 10 seconds to prepare and to look at our notes 10 seconds lasts this long by the way so you look at your notes take a deep breath ok what's the topic globalization ok I'm going to sequence this story and beep you must start speaking so that ten seconds goes very quickly so in other words what I'm trying to say is you need to have memorized the structure it's quite easy you're not memorizing a template you're just basically memorizing the speaker was discussing he talked about he discussed he mentioned he described he highlighted he suggested ok that's it that's all we that's all you have to memorize in fact the speaker was discussing topic he discussed he talked about he highlighted he mentioned he described he suggested what the verbs are it's up to you okay because in that 10 seconds you're basically going to take a deep breath look at your notes and go alright here we go and then ball away you go and then it will beep and you must speak now just before we go on if you're on YouTube and you're watching this click the subscribe button why would you want to click the subscribe button well that means that anytime we're doing a live stream you will get a notification on your phone and you can join in and watch it live plus if we ever release videos you'll be the first to know about it which is cool the other thing is support we're just about to launch a patreon page so what's been happening in e 2 languages we've been helping hundreds thousands tens of thousands maybe tens of thousands probably of people helping people to pass their English language exams what's a patreon page a patreon page is where you can support us by giving us a small amount of money each month like $2 or $3 a month the cost of a cup of coffee in Australia if you want to do that that would be fabulous that will help us to continue to supply free materials to you guys to help you pass your PT or your IELTS or your Oh a tea or whatever so just check in the description below for the patreon link ok and do think about coughing up 3 bucks be great anyway let's move on let's do one let's do one okay whoops see what's going on here let's do the one we just did I'm gonna play it one more time I want you to take notes then I'm going to give you 10 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to speak you may not have memorized the the structure that's fine the lecture starts now 20 or 30 years ago if a chicken caught a cold and sneezed and died in a remote village in East Asia it would have been a tragedy for the chicken and its closest relatives but I don't think there was much possibility of us fearing a global pandemic and the deaths of millions 20 or 30 years ago if a bank in North America lent too much money to some people who couldn't afford to back and the bank went bust it was bad for the lender and bad for the borrower but we didn't imagine it would bring the global economic system to its knees for nearly a decade this is globalization this is the miracle that has enabled us to transship our bodies and our minds and our words and our pictures and our ideas and our teaching and our learning around the planet ever faster and ever cheaper it's brought a lot of bad stuff like the stuff that I just described but it's also brought a lot of good stuff a lot of us are not aware of the extraordinary successes of the Millennium Development Goals several of which have achieved their targets long before the due date that proves that this species of humanity is capable of achieving extraordinary progress if it really acts together and it really tries hard ten seconds to prepare look at your notes the structure is the speaker was discussing he mentioned he talked about and start speaking now how did you go just type into the chat give yourself a score out of 15 give yourself a score out of 15 someone said very bad someone said 12 someone said 4 7 10 7 10 to 13 12 5 not bad 6 5 7 3 need to practice cool let's do another one let's do another one ok ok let's do this one here now I don't want the time it's a start just give me a minute or less to find the media I've I've got it somewhere hold on yes all right this one's gonna be hard okay this one's very hard okay I just want to come as much as you possibly can and here we go the lick just starts now if a clock is broken you take the pieces apart and you find the one tooth or one gear there that's missing and you fix that and you now are able to put the pieces back together in an additive way and you will affixed the clock a clock can be fixed using reductive point for point knowledge now you have a problem with something else you have a cloud that doesn't rain enough during a drought how are you going to figure out what's wrong I know let's divide the cloud in half and then get better tools so we can divide each half into half and each half into half and eventually we'll get like one molecule versus worth of cloud and a gazillion of them really understand how each one of them works and put it together and then we'll understand why there's a drought it doesn't work that way reductive approaches can be used to fix clocks reductive approaches can't be used to understand why clouds don't rain and the whole point of all chaos and these lectures here is when you look at the interesting complex biological systems they're clouds they're not clocks you need a whole different explanatory system you all right how was that one that was a genuinely tough lecture and there's a reason I did that to you it's because I didn't want to deceive you to make you think that it was as simple as the the previous lecture in fact it can be really hard right give yourself a score out of 15 for that one 12 12 111 6 9 to 10 12 out of 15 good okay fine okay some people got to that's fine that's fine that's fine as far as I could remember that guy by the way his name is Robert Sapolsky xur well he does a number of different academic things like evolutionary biology primatology he's a bit of a freak he's really cool if you want to listen some good lectures type into Sapolsky into youtube as far as i remember that that lecture was about chaos theory or the complexity of nature compared to man-made objects something like that anyway I can't do it unfortunately because I don't have it I can't listen to it let's think about what happens when you get an interview okay what happens when you get two people when it's not a lecture when it's in fact a to and fro between two people okay so how would you structure that well you would use a very similar structure you would just say you would call the first person the first speaker the first person that's fine this first speaker was discussing educational psychology he talked about how school-age children are using their phones too much in class which is becoming problematic he mentioned that students aren't sleeping very much and this is affecting their schoolwork the second speaker discussed how using phones in schools is in fact a positive thing he highlighted how students can go to Google to find out any information at all he talked about how they're also very good at typing and he suggested that in fact computers are helping people whatever that's how you do it let's recap and we'll also do some FAQ in a state and so the sequence of PT retail lecture is like this you get three seconds to look at that picture and to think oh oh here we go second you're going to listen to the lecture or the interview for 60 to 90 seconds yes then you get 10 seconds to prepare and you get 40 seconds to speak the method is this you need to take good notes and you need to take lots of notes then you need to use the e to structure which I showed you before and I haven't gotten here let me just find the e to structure so we can just recap it bump bump bump a bump bump bump bump bump a bump bump bump bump bump Oh yep fine we'll do the one with the verbs here we go this is the e to structure the speaker was discussing complexity theory and the complexity of nature he talked about how when you take apart a wristwatch is in fact quite easy to put it back together you mentioned that it may just be one part of the wristwatch that is broken and when you replace that specific part it all comes together again however he discussed the complexity of taking apart a cloud in fact you can't take apart clouds because they're natural objects and they don't have parts that fit together like wristwatches he highlighted the complexity of natural objects such as clouds and he talked about how reductive science does not work he suggested that we need a new theory of science called whatever there you go that's how it works right let me go forward again if a Q's here we go let me head you off at the pass with some of your questions Jay can I use this structure for every retail lecture yes you can you absolutely can I did it I got 90 in fact quite a few of our students have now got 90 in speaking and they have also used this structure the key is though is to not oversimplify this structure don't say the speaker was discussing globalization he talked about pandemics he mentioned banks he talked about no you have to add complexity to the structure in order to get a higher score okay yes you certainly can use it for all three or four of the retail lectures you get on test a question - what if I can't understand the lecture well this is a strong possibility and when I did mine I had a lecture on physics kinetic energy or something I have no idea about kinetic energy in physics I don't even know if it's kinetic energy but I took good notes and I took lots of notes and then I could simply just regurgitate what the speaker said in my own words even if I didn't really understand it because I had key concepts key words key phrases I could then it just retell the lecture okay oops just realize that if my phone rings it's a text message you're gonna hear it cool so if you can't understand the lecture that's fine preempt that take good notes and then just retell whatever it is that you took down in note form J what if I can't think of a final sentence okay so the last sentence of the structure says the speaker suggested that okay he suggested that complexity theory is better than reductive science or he suggested that globalization will lead to overall improvements for the human race what if you can't think of a suggestion what if what he or she suggested or a conclusion time just leave it out I guess or you could just say in conclusion the speaker was very I don't know what doesn't really matter it's that last little sentence is good if you can do it because the computer is listening for that key might have suggested or concluded okay but if you can't so be it it's fine number four J should I repeat exactly what the speaker says word for word well you simply won't be able to write because there's just too many words and too much information in that 60 to 90 seconds so you can take words down directly and if you use your notes the way that you say it will be different from the way that the speaker said it anyway and what you're doing is you're retelling the lecture so you're not summarizing it's different so you can in fact use words directly from the audio that's fine it's totally fine so that leads to question number five should I use synonyms or words directly from the lecture well I suggest using words directly from the lecture you don't need to use synonyms okay and it seemed going to be impossible to lift our entire phrases question six will the speakers have native English or native nickname will they be native English speakers no not necessarily they may have Indian accents or filipino accents a German accents or whatever accents so be prepared for that question number seven what if I speak for less than thirty seconds well it's not good you should definitely try to speak for more than thirty seconds but it all depends on your note-taking ability if you have the notes and you can fit it to the structure if you don't have the notes then your structure will be half-finished question number eight what if I speak all the way to forty seconds well that will be a problem because the microphone will cut your sentence off midway through and you may lose a point for grammar so stop before forty seconds you can then click the next button yeah I suggest clicking the next button that's just better cool guys if you need help with your PT sign up for free at WWE two language dot-com you'll get access to some free materials by doing that you can also sign up to our live classes yes but you may want to upgrade your package to get tutorials one on one tutorials with expert teachers to get some feedback on your speaking and writing you can join in our live mock test live mock mock tests you get the point what else have we got we've got lots and lots of practice materials all sorts of stuff for you to help you pass your PT including all the methods and strategies that you need do you remember if you don't want to sign up you can't support us on patreon cool that's all from me that's retail lecture if you have any questions please put them into the chat I'll spend a few minutes answering questions
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 875,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte tips, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, pte e2, e2laguage pte, speaking, vocabulary, learn english, pte course, e2 pte retell lecture, e2language, esl tips, pte test, read aloud, grammar, pte preparation, study, pte e2 language, method, e2language pte retell lecture, pte speaking e2, e2, E2, task, E2 PTE
Id: U9iYnbHd5ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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