PTE Writing: Summarize Written Text | Learn the Proven Method!

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alright let's get started this task lecture is on PT writing we're focusing on summarized written text I'm going to show you a method for how to do this one successfully first of all just a quick description of the task itself it looks like this get a set of instructions I'll tell you what to do in a second you get a chunk of text and then you get your text box where you have to type and you also get a word limit counter and you also get a timer which is out of ten minutes so what do you have to do well you have to do this you have to read up to 300 words of text okay so that text might be up to 300 words usually a bit less then you have to summarize that text into one sentence if you take all of that information and think okay what is the central sentence that captures all of that information or at least it can't capture all of it but the central sentence that best summarizes that information and you have to do all of that in ten minutes now that seems like a long time to write a single sentence but it's not because it's a hard task and as we'll find out a lot of the time has to be spent reading as well how many of these do you get you get well it depends on your exam your there are three possible combinations in the writing that you will get on test day one is that you'll get to summarize written text and an essay to do in 40 minutes or you'll get three summarized written text and an essay to do in 50 minutes or you'll get to summarize written text in two essays in 60 minutes so you'll either get two or three summarized written text how are you scored while you're scored on these criteria you've scored on content which means did you understand the text did you capture the main idea and some supporting points and you scored from zero one or two points lengths and form zero or one point length means that you write between five and seventy five words that's easy for means that you wrote only wrote a single sentence you didn't mash sentences together grammar zero one or two points vocabulary zero one or two points again content what does that mean to get a top score you wrote down or you write down the main points and some T sub points form and length you write between five and seventy five words and you write just a single sentence grammar you use 100 percent correct grammar and we write a complex sentence vocabulary your word choices are precise okay so you use words that make sense you also use academic vocabulary and you use synonyms where possible I'll show you all this in a second so in essence summarize written text is your ability to write key information using accurate language write key information using accurate language that's what you have to do topics include all of these topics you don't know what you're going to get right it could be linguistics it could be psychology agriculture who knows but according to Pearson you may not be familiar with the topic presented but all the information you need is contained in the text right so you might get something on economics and you might know nothing about economics but all the information you need is there and in fact this raises an interesting point you should not use your own personal background knowledge you should just use the information that's in front of you even our is even if you are an economist and you get a text about the economy it's not necessarily going to be easier for you than somebody else who does not know anything about economics let's look at one so this is what one would possibly look like I think this is about 220 words or something like that yes you may have seen this in the mini mock test yesterday but I thought it was a good one I thought we would do it again so this is what it's going to look like you're going to see this and you're going to have to summarize this into one sentence well it's kind of tough we need a method the method is split into three parts oK you've got the first part where you're going to read for two whole minutes you're going to relax and you're going to absorb the information you're going to understand what that text says because one problem that you may encounter is that because you're nervous you'll just start writing the sentence without really understanding what you have read and writing without reading is a bad idea you need to read you need to understand then you start to write and you'll spend about seven minutes writing because a lot of your time writing is going to be spent rearranging your sentence which I'll show you later on finally spend a minute at the end editing your sentence cool step one read the text I'm going to disappear I want you to read this text I'm going to give you one minute to read it okay it's just just read it at a normal reading pace one minute is not reading it fast here we go read this text and understand it thirty seconds left okay that's one minute and that's enough time to read 300 words at a normal reading pace so you don't have to rush and freak out you relax you read it and you pay attention and you make sure you understand it okay step two I want you to read it again this time I want you to take out a pen and paper and I want you to write down key words key words right and I want to do this is even even more important than writing down key words I want you to ignore details ignore details so look at this text write down key words firstly what are keywords keywords a key nouns things things what are the key things in their text and key verbs what are the do words the verbs which are most important and write down maybe write down some adjectives okay so maybe take down about ten key words nouns verbs and adjectives mostly nouns mostly nouns ignore details there you go that's tough write down the key words and phrases ignore the details here we go [Music] what that's my text message 30 seconds left okay that's one minute hopefully that was enough time to you've read through it once to get an understanding second time you read through it but as you're reading you write down the key word the key now is the key verbs so this is what mine looked like yeah I wrote I chose some phrases as well that let's just have a look this is what I wrote and I should mention that it may be different to what you wrote and that's fine that's fine there's a lot of words to choose from so these are the ones that I chose 30 adults gambling so l-dopa l-dopa which is a drug a placebo monetary gains I kept this one because I'm going to summarize this sentence into a single phrase we'll do that as a task in a second so subjects were repeatedly asked how happy are you at this moment so on my what I would do there you I wouldn't write down that sentence onto my notebook I would summarize this or paraphrase this into a few words I'm going to get you to do it in a second bigger reward after receiving l-dopa chose more risky options happier after winning okay they are my keywords so what I've done here is I've taken that text I boiled it down and what's left of these key nouns and verbs really that's what that's what is here he isn't that interesting adjectives risky happier for example the key nouns would be adults gambling l-dopa placebo gains rewards options etc key nouns are really really crucial okay this step now you've got your keywords here now you want to turn your keywords into a sentence so we've extracted the main meaningful words now we want to turn all of these into a sentence one sentence to do that you need to ask yourself a couple of questions who did what or what happened by asking this question you can create a sentence in your mind okay what you have to imagine is that let's say your friend is standing next to you in the PTA and let's say your friend is blindfolded he or she can't see the screen so he or she asks you what happened or who did what and then you have to explain to your friend in one sentence what happened or who did what this allows you to come up with a sentence okay you've only got one sentence to explain to your friend what happened so you'd say something like mmm 30 adults participated in an experiment which showed that l-dopa bla bla bla so try pull that sentence out of your mind by asking yourself who did why for what happens then you've got these possible sentence structures that you can fit it to a simple sentence like who did what but it probably won't be long enough who did what which kid what who did what that did what who did what when who did what these are pretty abstract right they don't make much sense when you look at them like this but when you realize that this is just subject verb object subject verb object pronoun like which verb object and you practice this you start to be able to create sentences one place you might want to go and check out is our course skills channel on YouTube because I've done a series of lectures on sentence structures simple sentences complex sentences compound sentences so if you're unsure about sentence structures go and check that out on YouTube just type in e to course skills then go to grammar and go to sentence structures right here's a little task I want you to do because I took that phrase or that whole sentence before and one thing that you must not do is steal a sentence okay you have to change it into your own words you have to paraphrase it which means changing it into your own words so what I want you to do is I want you to rewrite this sentence in your own words it says subjects were repeatedly asked how happy are you at this moment what's a simple way to break this into a phrase write it into the chat place good well done Sam ready subjects were asked about their happiness levels yet the level of the subjects happiness living we've described something like that happiness so happiness levels monitored happiness levels good so Remy means it's probably a bit too close are you satisfied now good good good so what I what I was looking for there and one thing that you have to be able to do in this task is to look at a sentence and turn it into a couple of words because remember you're extracting all that meaning out and you're making a very short summary so something like this what I would write would be if I look at this subject we've repeatedly asked how happy are you at this moment this to me are about subjective experience or just even experience or happiness levels that time so you need to be able to do this this is a key skill to look at a sentence and and paraphrase it into into a couple of words because then a couple of words will go into your sentence right here's a few do not do not include your own ideas as I said even if you are an economist doesn't matter you're just using the information on the screen don't feel whole phrases as we just looked at you can borrow some words you should try to use synonyms or rewrite it in your own words sometimes you can't for example the word l-dopa there's no sinan into that you must use that from the text don't refer to the passage for example the text says just say who did what or what happened not the text says who did what don't use grammar you're not comfortable with don't use vocabulary you're not comfortable with don't include too many details you have to ignore details right now I want you to summarize let's do it I want you to write a single sentence I'm going to give you I just I'll give you seven minutes because I'm just going to show you the key words here's a big clue I only want you to write about 30 words okay although you can you can write between five and 75 words you should not write up to 75 words that's crazy why because it's almost impossible to write a grammatical sentence that is 75 words long even even authors could not do that English authors so what you should concentrate on is summarizing this into about 30 words 30 you know 25 30 35 words max right you don't need to do that you do not get more points for a longer sentence and by keeping it at 30 35 words you can control the grammar and you can still capture the details or the main idea so let's do it let's summarize this into a single sentence [Music] good Monica let's fall down excellent go and keep it so Bharat yours is a little bit complex make sure it makes sense from beginning to end make sure when you're telling your friend who did what or what happened it's very clear who did what or what happened in other words keep your grammar straight good our convenience it looks good one the bad Castro that's fine so same Holly I think yours is very wonky of grammars the meanings very wonky try and straightening out simplify it you don't need to be complex good you are that's simple but it's clear that's fine simple and clear is better three minutes left [Music] Santosh researchers analyzed the happiness in adults by providing them to separate drugs called l-dopa and placebo once they were rewarded in gambling not quite what about researchers analyzed the happiness in levels while happiness levels in adults while they were gambling by providing them to separate drugs blah blah blah so you have to move stuff around move phrases try different things good Marilyn that's pretty good minute and a half left good January San Pedro that's good good grace that's nice and simple and clear well done fine sandy that scientists subjects decision-making subjects needs an apostrophe at the end forty seconds left good Chandra check out that's good good that the experiment was conducted on not among ten seconds all right cool so that was seven minutes and you can see that that's enough time definitely enough time to write your sentence one thing that you may have to do when you're writing the sentence is rearrange your sentence you might try something and you think it's just not working it's just not clear if it's not clear rearrange it let me give you an example of this I'll give you an example in a second that rearranging because it's important okay so you have one minute left so want to edit your sentence Vasili grammar mistakes silly grammar mistakes that you should not be making right so first of all punctuation make sure that you start with the capital letter and a full stop make sure you do that okay capital letter full stop at the end of your sentence you probably will get 0 if you don't do this grammar make sure you write a grammatical sentence something's wrong with this I'm missing one word what word am I missing let's edit this sentence go Auto Yousef correct yes I'm missing an article so make sure you write grammatical sentence make sure you write a grammatical sentence little words like this count absolutely count what about make sure you don't write too sentence something's wrong let's edit it good anthrax plural make sure you don't write two sentences right you don't forget the plural nouns they're critical make sure the verb match the subject something's wrong let's edit this cool correct make sure you get that verb right make sure the verb matches the subject so articles plural nouns and getting the subject verb agreement verb matches the verb matches the subject get that right and content make sure you get the main points in one or two sub points by asking yourself who did what or what happened let me show you mine so here are my key words so then I thought okay I'm going to turn these key words into a sentence and I wrote this there's something terribly wrong with this sentence and it would get zero to form and length can anybody tell me why just read through it what's the problem here now the content is relevant good grace you've got it two sentences there are two sentences here all right yes two sentences form I would get 0 for form and length let's have a closer look at why okay so 30 adults participated in a gambling experiment where one group took l-dopa and another group took a placebo . the results showed that the participants who took l-dopa took more risks and experienced more pleasure right these are two sentences but what I've done is I've just put a comma and just added this this would get a poor score you need to make sure that you're writing just a single sentence okay so then I did what I did was when I was actually writing this just before I wrote that because I wanted to give you an example of a poor sentence where I've just joined two and then I thought okay now I'll write a good sentence so I can show everybody what a good single sentence looks like and I tried to take this and I tried to change this into which and it didn't quite work i sat there for few more about a minute I thought this isn't work it's just not working I need to start again so started again so instead of that one I wrote this one I kept the same first part but I needed to rewrite the second part so it would fit grammatically this is something you may have to do where you just stop and you go you know what this isn't working I'm going to rewrite the second part or rewrite the first part so let's have a look at this one it's 29 words that is a sufficient length says 30 adults participated in a gambling experiment which showed that those who took l-dopa took more risks and experienced more pleasure compared with those who only took a placebo that's my sentence in terms of content it's good it's got keywords it's got the adults participate gambling experiment it's got the l-dopa it's got the word risk it's got the word pleasure because it talked about happiness levels experience more pleasure and it's got the word placebo so it's got keywords from the text and it captures the main idea of summarize is down I've ignored details grammatically it's perfect vocabulary the words are precise and appropriate the length is fine it's 29 words and it is just one single sentence it's not three of two or three sentences joined together so this would get me a top score opt for PG summarize written text and that's what you need to do as well it's hard the grammars the grammars the tough bit so if you're not sure I check out e to course skills go and watch those videos recap so you're going to read for two minutes first you're going to read through once just to understand what's going on second you're going to read through again and you're going to write down key words as you read you're going to ignore a lot of detail you're then going to write for seven minutes and you may have to rearrange and restart your sentence your sentence must be clear if it's not clear it's not good it doesn't matter if it's complex it can be complex and clear that's great if it's complex and it's opaque if it's unclear that's not good better to be simple and clear than complex and unclear then right at the end you're going to edit for one minute you're going to check your singular and plural nouns you're going to check your punctuation capital letter . you're going to check your subject verb agreement and you're going to check your articles because they are the biggest problems in English cool then step one is actually to read the text step 2 read it again write down key words ignore details turn your keyword into a single sentence ask yourself who did why for what happened to find the meaning the essential meaning of the text possible sentence structures include all of these check out e to course skills for more information rights that brings us to the end if you're a free user do think about upgrading on e to language comm for more methods like this if your paid user go ahead now and submit an assessment so we can have one of the teachers look at it and give you feedback cool let's go to QA let me just stop the recording
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 974,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pte, pte academic, pte writing, pte summarize spoken text, pte summarize, pte summary, pte academic writing, pte e2, e2 pte writing, e2language writing pte, e2 pte, PTE, E2 PTE, e2 pte summarize written text, pte live class, e2 jay, pte writing e2, pte summarize written text, e2 language pte, pte e2 language, e2language pte,, e2language webinar, pte reading, pte written text, pte english class, pte grammar, pte vocabulary, e2pte, e2 grammar, pte essay, e2, E2
Id: AdyRgrOEzx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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