E2 PTE Reading | Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers with Jay | METHOD

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hello everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert Pte teachers here at e to language comm what we're going to do in this live class is we're going to look in depth at PT reading multiple choice choose multiple answers which I personally think is the toughest reading task in the PT e it's certainly very very tricky okay so we're going to look at it in depth I'm going to show you a method we're gonna do some practice we're gonna do all sorts of stuff now if you're in a hurry because test day is coming up or perhaps you don't want to watch a lengthy methods lesson because your English is already very good you might want to check out our Express methods lessons on e to language comm so if you sign up you'll get full access to all twenty express methods lessons that are short sharp and powerful otherwise stick around this is going to be a good lesson alright so more specifically what we're going to look at or what we're going to do what I'm going to do is I'm going to describe his tasks to you in depth I'm going to tell you really what you have to do then I'm going to show you a step by step method that will make it much easier on test day because you'll have a path through this tricky task finally I'm going to let you practice on your own under time to conditions with a bit of pressure and you'll get to utilize that method and you'll see how good it is okay right so let's get straight to the description so on test day you're going to see something that looks like this this is multiple choice choose multiple answers the first thing that you should notice is that there are square box answer options now the reason I say this is the first reading task of PT of the PT is multiple choice to single answer which has circular little radio buttons that you select right we can select one now it doesn't tell you when it's transitioned from multiple choice choose a single answer to multiple choice to choose multiple answers and they look almost identical when I took my test on when I did the actual PT II I wasn't quite sure whether I'd screwed it up because I thought I was still on multiple choice to single answer so the key here is if you do see those little squares you do know that you need to select more than one answer option okay because more than one answer option will be correct maybe two maybe three possibly even four will be correct okay but you need to be careful because there is negative marking in this task so let me explain to you the negative marking very very simply imagine that there are four answer options imagine that a B C and D are the answer options okay and imagine that a and B are the correct answer options so let's run through this scoring here just let me get out my my red pen okay so you select a good work you get one point you can just select one and that's fine or you select B fine you can walk away with one point or 50% that's fine but the real ticket here is that you select a and B which is two points because that's the golden ticket that's what you want you select a and B you get two points fabulous let's say that you select a and C so here we got one point but here we got minus one point so we got zero points okay this is how negative marking works let's say you choose a B that's one plus one minus one because C is wrong we get two minus one you get one point okay that's not too bad you had a good crack there if you select all of them you'll get zero points and the mark doesn't go below zero zeros like the bare minimum it doesn't go to negative 1 or negative 2 okay but the key here is you obviously want to try and select all the correct answers but you can't be cautious and play it safe and just select one answer if you want and walk away with partial marking say 50% okay so that's how the negative marking works now on test day you'll get two or three of these depending on the test you get so you must be prepared to do two or three of them you should spend about three minutes per question now the reason I say you should spend two a three minutes per question is because these are not individually timed in the PT reading section you have overall time you need to step your way through the section through the reading section efficiently and accurately our suggestion from watching thousands and thousands of candidates do this is about three minutes max okay three minutes is a good number to spend on these now there's a lot of junk on YouTube and people give the worst possible advice and some of the bad advice about this particular task some people say you should skip this task it's absolutely ridiculous please don't skip this task just use the three minutes on this task and you may walk away with you know full points for it skipping tasks like this just doesn't work so please don't do that okay cool now the text that you will see will be up to 300 words max okay that's quite long that can be up to like four or five short paragraphs so it's it's it's quite different from multiple choice single answer in that the text is almost three times as long right now critically you get a question prompt and the question prompt will say something like this which of the following statements are true which of the following statements are correct which of the following accurately reflect the key facts of the topic include something like this it's really a fact-based reading test okay you've got this text over here that's full of all these facts and you've got these answer options here that some of them will accurately reflect the text some of them will contradict be incorrect or have information that's not relevant or say something that wasn't mentioned in the text okay so this is really what it comes down to and really the best way to think about this task is to think about the question prompt saying this because this is effectively what it's asking you to do does the answer option say the same thing as the text this is really what it's asking you to think about does the answer option say the same thing as the text on that note let me talk you through the method right because this is critical okay read the question prompt again really the question prompt is asking you does the answer option ABCD or e here say the same thing as the text fine before we get to that before we want to start to confirm if that answer option says the same thing is the text we need to do a little bit of speed reading all right we need to do a couple of different types of reading in this particular task but let me take you through step two so step two what I want you to do is rapidly and superficially read the text what I mean by that is the opposite of deep reading you are not deep reading the text because there is just simply not enough time instead what you're doing is very quickly and you may not extract much meaning from this that's superficial reading very quickly just reading through okay you want to get a sort of basic idea of what the text is about and you also want to pick up some of the key words you want to sort of prime your brain so you know where the information is because that's in step three when you start to do the matching okay here's a really good tip on testing if you find it difficult to speed read take your pen because you do get a pen in the PT and put it up to the computer screen and read like this very quickly you're not really taking in all the meaning and taking in a bit of meaning but your eyes will help your eyes go across the screen horizontally and you won't lose yourself in the text there you want to spend it depends on the text because the text can be up to 300 words but you want to spend about 30 seconds - 45 seconds I'm gonna give you quite a bit of time here I'm gonna give you 45 seconds to rapidly and superficially read this text you cool well done all right so you probably didn't understand the text in detail in full that's fine that's beside the point this is a critical step because it leads us to step number three okay what we will now want to do is we now want to look at the answer options for the first time and we want to identify key words in the answer option and corresponding key words in the text because effectively what's happening is this we've got this sentence here as an answer option somewhere in the text will be the corresponding sentence it won't be identically written it won't be written in the exact same words but there will be some key words there and some synonyms and you should be able to locate it right and now that we've already done a speed read through the text we're gonna have a pretty good idea and say oh yeah I saw that down the bottom somewhere or something like that right so we identify key word here in the answer option we scan read the text find the corresponding sentence in the text okay this is another critical step so let's do this I'm gonna give you 10 seconds to find in the text here this particular sentence maybe it wasn't enough time if you need more time please pause the video now until you find it okay no problem all right let me help you out there it is there okay so we've got the answer option that says the sound of a dripping tap is caused by water drops hitting surface water and we found the corresponding part of the text that relates to this answer option now we ask ourselves ourselves you ask ourselves a question does the answer option say the same thing as the text I'm going to give you 15 seconds to confirm if this says the same thing as this well hopefully your answer is no they don't say the same thing let's read it again this says let me get out my pen here the sound of a dripping tap is caused by water drops hitting surface water so we've got some good keywords here like surface and water droplet the plink plink sound produced by a water droplet hitting a liquid surface is caused not by the droplet itself these two things is contradicts the text so we're going to leave it we're going to move on to the next one and we're going to do the same thing we're going to identify key word here and the answer option and corresponding key word or key words in the text I'm going to give you 10 seconds to try to do that again if you need more time to locate that please press pause otherwise I'm gonna help you out it comes right from the top here again I want you to ask yourself does this answer option say the same thing as this part of the text you have 15 seconds the answer of course is no scientists have worked out how to fix dripping taps no scientists have solved the riddle behind one of the most recognizable and annoying household sounds the dripping tap so they worked out something about the sound of that not how to fix dripping taps you can see how this answer option contradicts what's in the text therefore we will not select it because what we're essentially doing is asking ourselves does this say the same thing is this if no we leave it if yes we select it that's ultimately what it comes down to now this raises an interesting point which is a question are the answer options in the same order as the text and as we have seen the answer is no they're mixed up so for example the first answer option might come from down the bottom of the text and that and the final answer option might come from the top so that they're not in the same order as the text which makes it a bit more difficult to be honest and really that means it leads us that's why it's so critical to identify those key words and then identify the corresponding key words in the text okay let's push on let's keep going with this method because once you've done this once you've worked out this this is the key to it again identify a key word in the answer option and the corresponding key word in the text okay that that word bubble there is is really quite a useful word here because as we can see here you can see that word bubbles small bubble there I'm gonna give you 15 seconds to confirm whether these two things say the same thing and the answer is yes we've come across our first correct answer option let's read the answer option it says a vibrating air bubble causes the sound of a dripping tap okay the plink plink sound produced by a water droplet hitting a liquid surface is caused not by the droplet itself but by the oscillation of a small bubble of air trapped beneath the water's surface so here we go got some interesting language here oscillation and vibration are synonymous words and this is where we begin to find the real challenge behind this task it's not using the identical same words it's going to use synonyms right okay so these two do say the same thing and it's about the air bubble the trapped air bubble causes that sound cool we found our first correct answer option okay let's keep going push through to number four identify key word here which would obviously be camera do you remember seeing the word camera before find the corresponding key word in the text okay you can see it in the second paragraph at the beginning of the second paragraph using ultra high-speed cameras fast cutting fast there you go there's another synonym high speed fast cameras there you go but that doesn't necessarily mean it's correct fast cameras we use to fix dripping taps does the answer option here say the same thing as the text the answer is obviously no and this I'm sorry that was a quite a silly question obviously you wouldn't use fast cameras to fix dripping taps but anyway it's good practice the answer there is no that's beside the point it's not on topic it's it's it's just wrong okay that leads us to our final answer option now something interesting has happened here is anybody picked up on what's going on because remember this is multiple choice to choose multiple answers more than one now we found one so far we've eliminated the rest means the likelihood of this final one being correct is very high okay so if this happens to you on test day you eliminate some you find one and you've got one left either you've made a mistake previously or this one's definitely going to be right okay so let's try it out so dishwashing soap can eliminate the sound of a dripping tap now the key word there would be dishwashing I think and we're also probably in that second paragraph about taps give me ten seconds to find the corresponding sentence okay hopefully you found it here does this answer option say the same thing as that part of the text I'm only going to give you 10 seconds to confirm or disconfirm that okay great and there's a beautiful synonym here here we have can stop the sound and here we have can eliminate the sound okay you can see this word here a direct synonym stop and eliminate so let's read this dishwashing soap can eliminate the sound of a dripping tap research has found that changing the surface tension of the surface funny sentence for example by adding dishwashing soap can stop the sound the answer is yes so we found our two correct answers by a process of elimination and by a process of confirming specific parts of a text to the answer option let's recap the method read the question prompt right it's basically going to say something like does the answer option say the same thing as the text step 2 you need to rapidly and superficially read the text spend about 30 to 40 seconds because you need to identify the main idea of what's going on you also need to start to identify the key words because then in step 3 identifying key words in the answer option and the corresponding key words in the text becomes a lot easier which leads you to step 4 you find the specific part of the text you match it to the answer option and you ask yourself do they say the same thing this is ultimately what multiple choice choose multiple answers is all about okay of course you need to practice so if you do need practice check out into language comm it's good high-quality practice material by the way we run live classes twice a day for speaking reading Monday's of speaking writings on Tuesday readings on Wednesday listenings on Thursday 65 79 plus excellent teachers new practice questions every day heaps of practice questions on the website live one on one Cheetos heaps of cool stuff for you to help you pass your PT e as soon as possible ok so do check that out alright guys now we're going to do some practice I'm going to put you under three minutes of intense pressure imagine you are sitting in the PTA exam what I really want you to do is apply the method that we've just learned don't freak out and start doing something random be systematic and methodical about this remember ultimately what you're doing is confirming whether the answer options is the same thing as a part of the text okay so let's practice you have three minutes starting now you keep Sookie yeah that was pretty tough that was a that was a pretty tough question was up there okay so don't feel too bad if you struggled with this one remember practice really is critical for this to get this one right nevertheless let's go through the answer options if you do need more time do press pause and go back and keep trying it's better to spend more time and get the method right and try to answer it rather than just rush through it okay all right let's check out the answers so first one was correct it says Dodos well actually let's run through the method again so we want to read the answer option it says which of the following statements are true of dodo so it's pretty much asking us which of the answer options say the same thing as the text okay cool we rapidly and superficially read this so we get an idea of key words and the main idea we're reading about Dodos those weird extinct birds okay now we move to the answer options and we start to do the key word identification Dodos were cured out within a hundred years of their discovery the key word here is century a hundred years also the extinction killed out you can see some synonymous language there so let's read this Dodos were killed out within a hundred years of their discovery here it says the extinction of the dodo within less than a century of its discovery called attention yes so we've ticked that if you got a congratulations that's well done that was tough be the Nicobar pigeon is the only remaining dodo relative so the key word here would have been nicky bar pigeon you can see it capital letter n the closest living relative of the dodo is the Nicobar pigeon the Nicobar pigeon is the only remaining dodo relative they say different things so we're going to skip B we're going to move to C which is correct Dodos were thought by some people to be fictitious reaches its extinction was not immediately noticed and some even considered it to be a mythical creature fictitious mythical they are the synonyms there these two statements say the same thing what about D the last surviving dodo was killed by sailors in 1662 keyword there would have been 16 62 we can match that directly to the text the text says the last widely accepted sighting of a dodo was in 1660 - was it the last of ya no it doesn't it just doesn't say that the sailors killed the final dodo okay it just doesn't say that about II in popular culture Dodos symbolize adventure well they don't if you read the final sentence and the final clause a symbol of extinction and obsolescence right so they were in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland so they don't symbolize adventure they symbolize extinction okay now let's check out F Dodos became extinct as a result of disease now was there anywhere in the text where you read something about disease killing out the Dodos because maybe it just didn't say that and if it just doesn't say that it's probably going to be contradictory or wrong right anyway let's find out where in the text it is well it says in the following years the bird was hunted by sailors and invasive species it doesn't say anything about becoming extinct as a result of disease the answers my friends are a and C there you go they are the answers feel free to pause the video have a close read of this make sure you really understand what's going on the text is challenging the answer options are challenging there's synonyms are challenging it's all really really tough stuff honestly it's really really hard okay but nevertheless if you enjoyed this or if you are enjoying this video please click the subscribe button hit the like button leave a comment tell me how many you got right out of 2 there did you get 0 1 or 2 and feel free to share this with your friends so do click that subscribe button we're going to be releasing PT academic extended methods lessons every week if you're a subscriber you're going to get a notification so you'll be the first to view it plus it's pretty cool for us if we can reach 200,000 subscribers so that's our challenge for the next 6 months ok awesome alright that's all for me guys if you need further help if you need further help with your Pt check out e to language comm you can sign up for free remember that the platform has heaps of practice material there's live classes happening nearly every day there's one-on-one tutorials there's speaking and writing feedback really it's everything you need for PT success thanks for watching I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 171,515
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Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte academic, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reading multiple choice choose multiple answers, pte e2, pte multiple choice, pte reading e2, e2 pte reading, e2language.com, pte course, E2 PTE, esl tips, MMCA, e2, pte preparation, e2language, pte test, esl, pte practice test, tips, how to, help, e2 language, study, live class, preparation, exam, reading, pte practice material, sample
Id: 0MGXO9PxC6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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