PTE Writing: Write Essay SUPER STRUCTURE | Sentence by Sentence with Jay!

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hi everyone it's nice to see you again my name is Jay and one of the teachers at e2 language what are we gonna do in this live super skills class we're going to look at write essay and I'm gonna teach you how to write this essay sentence by sentence and I really mean that in fact we're just gonna go through I'm gonna show you how to write the introduction sentence by sentence paragraph one sentence by sentence to sentence by sentence and the conclusion so get out your pen and paper or you can type this onto your laptop or whatever you want to do but please let's write this essay together from beginning to end there's really only one way to learn how to write a good essay and that's to write you can't learn this stuff through theory it's not theory it's applied practice you put your pen to the ground that's what you have to do so let's do it so 19 minutes and 59 seconds left tick tick tick away we go we are sitting in the PT and we have just sat down and there's the right essay prompt and the clock immediately ticks down from 20 minutes what are you going to do if you go in with a structure if you go in with a plan you can nail this thing in 20 minutes and you can get a high score if you're go in unprepared then you're well you might be in trouble you might be in trouble first thing you need to do is look at that question prompt and you need to look at it carefully here is an example question prompt I'm gonna read it to you you'll notice that it has three parts but it's only really this parts important this part is just generic it's always in all all of the question prompts and this part you just well you know that you need to write between 200 and 300 fine so we really have to look at this part closely it says artificially intelligent robots are increasingly taking human jobs some people believe that eventually all work will be done by robots while others believe that there will be a limit to the tasks that robots can perform so we can automatically see that we're going to have two sides to the argument people believe that all jobs will be done by robots in the future some people believe that some jobs will always be done by humans and robots will never do them call let's keep thinking about this you'll notice that this question prompt has well sort of three parts the first sentence is always going to be a general statement actually I won't say always going to be because sometimes the question prompts change but generally the first sentence will be a general statement it's important to understand this because we're going to use this in our conclusion and introduction the general statement sets the background of the debate says artificially intelligent robots are increasingly taking human jobs fine then we have side one the blue the blue team some people believe that eventually all work will be done by robots there in the blue corner in the red corner we've got others believe that there will be a limit to the tasks that robots can perform can you understand those two sides some people are extreme saying all jobs in the future will be done by robots and then you've got this other team saying you know what no some jobs will always can only be done by humans there's your battle there are your two sides that's what your are going to argue for or against we need to stop and think even though that clock is ticking down from 20 minutes you need to stop you need to relax and you need to have a few have a few thoughts how can I say this it doesn't take long to prepare you don't need to write up a big plan or do anything sophisticated B do we need to get your thoughts together before you start hiding what you can do is just you're nervous and you just start typing and your essay just goes new crash you shouldn't do that you need to stop and go okay I need a trajectory I need an outcome I need a conclusion you need a conclusion because if you have a conclusion you have a pathway to get there let's stop and think there is a question or two questions you need to ask yourself you need to choose a side blue side one eventually all work will be done by robots do you think that eventually all work will be done by robots all work will be done by robots or are you on the red team do you think there will be a limit to the tasks that robots can perform this is really all you need to ask yourself this is the central question because you need to choose a side before you start writing by the way what we're going to do in this one is I've chosen this side whoopsie what am i done I've chosen this side here we're gonna argue for number one if you want to do this again in your own time you can write this essay again and go for number two but let's together we're gonna choose this one that eventually all work will be done by robots that's our blue site so we're on that side today that's the essay that we're going to write we're gonna argue for that but we need a structure the simple structure is is this we're gonna have a four paragraph essay an intro paragraph one two in a conclusion fine that's easy but what's inside all of this well actually before I do that I always get questions like J do I have to argue for both sides or can I argue for and for or against and against and here's the answer to that question you can't argue like this you can argue side one side two and then come to a conclusion you can argue side two and then side one and then come to a conclusion you can argue both for side one or you can argue both for side two so they are the possible structural combinations for your essay what we're going to do today is this one here we're gonna do this one I personally think it's probably easier to do both sides of the argument and then come to the conclusion plus I think that will get you a higher score because you're showing off your sophistic sophisticated thinking sophisticated thinking because you can see both sides of the argument you can just argue for one side but I do think that this is probably a better sort of structure to follow so let's do this one today okay sentence by sentence how do we write this essay that clock is still ticking down this is the overall essay structure sentence by sentence let me talk you through it just briefly before we look at it in detail first thing is the introduction one two three sentence introduction you will then move into paragraph one it will have four sentences paragraph two will be exactly the same four sentences and then you'll write your conclusion which will just have two sentences fine now you might notice something about this which is whoopsie which is your introduction and the conclusion that are almost exactly the same in your introduction your sentence one you rewrite the general statement you briefly mentioned side one and two before giving your overall opinion in the conclusion you rewrite the general statement before giving your overall opinion so you miss sentence two but other than that they're exactly the same and you'll notice that the paragraphs are exactly the same you just fill them with different content sentence one restate site one restate side to sentence to give reasons sentence to give reasons three give examples sentence three give examples sentence four conclude sentence four conclude they're exactly the same so this and this are the same structure as long as you know that structure you'll be safe sometimes I've seen this crazy template circulating the internet and it's like two hundred and fifty words long and it's got all these sophisticated sentences with gaps and you're supposed to fill the gaps in order to write your essay oh my god seriously don't do that to yourself that means you have to memorize an entire essay do you know the pressure that puts you under when you're going into an exam and you've trying to memorize 200 words it's like it's like performing in a play like a Shakespeare play and you have to memorize the lines and you can't think clearly if that's the case because you're not really thinking you're memorizing it's insane don't do that don't use a did the teacher thing don't use the template come with the structure a structure is different because you're not memorizing specific words you're just memorizing the overall story terr of the essay so then you can fill it with any ideas at all and you can be absolutely flexible and no matter what question prompt you see it will work the template on the other hand won't work for all question prompts it's a really bad idea anyway enough whinging from me this is what we're going to do and you'll notice that in this structure that I'm showing you we're mentioning side one side two I told you that we're going to do this structure we're going to look at side one here side two in the second paragraph and then we you mention them both oh sorry we choose one for your conclusion and we leave out this one so this is what we do let's look at it closely we're now down to we've not wasted we've used one minute well thinking about what we're going to write we now have 19 minutes left so how do we write the introduction well we want to write sentence one first this is sentence 1 of the introduction we need to rewrite the general statement what does that mean well remember at the in the question prompt that first sentence was a general statement it said artificially intelligent robots are increasingly taking human jobs so what do we do we just rewrite this to mean the exact same thing here's the sentence taken out of the question prompt here's my sentence these two say exactly the same thing but in different words that's all you need to do is just rewrite it to say the same thing using different words so mine says this mine says human employment is continuously decreasing as a result of artificially intelligent robots the question prompt said artificially intelligent robots are increasingly taking human jobs these two things say the exactly the same thing but just in different words your turn I want you to write your sentence I want you to rewrite this sentence in your own words make sure it says exactly the same thing you have one minute starting now all right it's a great way to start your essay because you're not really being creative here you're not thinking of something abstract you're just looking at that general statement rewriting it paraphrasing it they call so that's that's great it relieves a lot of stress and it gets you started in the essay without too much pressure so that's cool if you haven't finished don't worry you can always come back I'm just gonna push through this essay today if you're on YouTube of course you can press pause and make sure you've written your your sentence properly cool so we've just done the first sentence of our essay fantastic sentence two of the introduction briefly mention side 1 and side 2 now if we remember from the question prompt side 1 the blue team said some people believe that eventually all work will be done by robots now what's going on here the critical thing is this these people believe that all work will be done by robots beside to others believe that there is a limit to the task that robots can perform cool so what we want to do now is we want to briefly mention site 1 and 2 so what we're effectively doing what we're effectively doing is we're rewriting this in our own words we're just paraphrasing it we're not being creative we're not giving our opinion we're just rewriting those two sides in a single sentence let me show you mine so from here this is my second sentence while some people think that human labor will eventually become completely obsolete others maintain that robots will never be able to perform certain jobs this says exactly the same thing is this some people believe that eventually all work will be done by robots others believe that there is a limit to the tasks that robots can perform I want you to rewrite that sentence in your own words to mean the exact same thing rewrite this one here I'll give you two minutes because this is a complex sentence too right remember not to give your opinion I don't want to hear your opinion in this I just want you to rewrite that one more minute left make sure you capture the same meaning don't write something different that's two minutes that should be plenty of time to write that sentence so what have we done here well the first two sentences of your essay that the first two sentences of your introduction have not been creative we have also not given our opinion all we have done is rewrite the general statement and rewrite or briefly mention both sides of the argument really we've just rewritten that second sentence and what this does is it creates a bit of a funnel because we start off roared with our first sentence introducing the idea of artificial intelligence and work and the workforce and then we drill down a bit closer and we say that some people think that robots will completely take over the workforce while others believe that certain jobs will not be able to be taken over fine so we're drilling down again we haven't given our opinion yet the third sentence we move into our our opinion here so what's the third sentence of the introduction well we give our overall opinion and this is where we choose a team we choose a side the blue side or the red side and we have to decide we do we think that eventually all work will be done by robots or but we're going to say that there will be a limit to the task that robots can perform now this choice is up to you but just for this video lesson I think it's easier if we we all go on the blue side and it's a depressing side but let's just do it anyway it's a bit of fun we're going to argue today that eventually all work will be done by robots fine it's probably not the most logical one but let's do it anyway so give your overall opinion eventually all work will be done by robots so this is where I use this little phrase here this essay will discuss why and then I just simply rewrite this this essay will discuss why robots will eventually be able to perform any function and will therefore replace all human jobs cool you can see how my introduction is coming together now and it's it's really good it's really good so I want you to write your sentence and I want you to use this phrase here so what I want to do is use that phrase then I want you to rewrite this sentence in your own words you have one minute cool again if you if you don't have time you can press pause there by the way if you're on YouTube please click like and leave a comment I love reading nice comments from you guys it really helps me to stay motivated in doing this so I appreciated enormous ly okay so I want to show you your what my introduction looks like my introduction looks like this I'm gonna read it to you says human employment is continuously decreasing as a result of artificially intelligent robots well some people think that human labour will eventually become completely obsolete others maintain that robots will never be able to perform certain jobs this essay will discuss why robots will eventually be able to perform any function and will therefore replace all human jobs I have made my mind up I've made my decision now I'm going to have to conclude with the same thesis as the introduction you can see how I've made my argument clear I know which side I'm on so I'm gonna have to stick with it no problem let's do it so we're down to about 15 minutes tick tick tick we've planned we've written our introduction now we're going to spend five minutes on paragraph one so how do we write paragraph one well we start with sentence one what sentence one well we need to restate side one okay fine what was side one well if we look back at that question prompt remember the blue side was that eventually all work will be done by robots fine so I'm just rewriting this again in other words and maybe adding a little bit more detail here's my example here I said at some point in the near future artificial intelligence will supersede human intelligence and outperform us on every possible task it's a little bit different a little bit different but I've restated it's the first introductory sentence of my paragraph and I'm leading up I'm leading up to this fact that eventually all work will be done by robots so this is the first sentence so let's think about that restate side one mind says that robotic intelligence or artificial intelligence will eventually be out before sorry let me rethink this will supersede human intelligence supersede means to go further to go beyond to f4 cool so that's what I'm saying here eventually they'll outperform us so whoops I want you to start your paragraph one by restating side one eventually all work will be done by robots one minute starts now cool alright again if you haven't finished you can pause this later rewrite this properly I just want to give you that experience fine let's move on to sentence two of the paragraph what are we doing sentenced to of paragraph one while we give reasons we give reasons let's look at mine so if I look back if I look back so I said this I said at some point in the near future artificial intelligence will supersede or go beyond human intelligence and outperform us on every possible task now I need to give a reason why give a reason why eventually all work will be done by robots I said this I said machines are becoming increasingly intelligent an extremely rapid pace this is a reason why that will supersede us why that will go beyond our intelligence the reason why is because they're becoming increasingly intelligent at an extremely rapid pace and do to give a reason why you have one minute not an example give a reason why you you great so you've given a reason why and you've added information to that paragraph built on it built on it and sunny to become very logical it's starting to become very meaningful it's a sound thing that you're doing you're building your argument now we move to sentence three of paragraph one sentence three of paragraph one we give an example now I've got this little S here I've got this little S here because you might give more than one example or you might give more than one reason that's fine let's just stick to single reasons and single examples for this lesson but while you're writing you might think of two good examples for example and that's okay all right let me go so I'm gonna give an example I'm going to continue reading my paragraph one I said at some point in the near future artificial intelligence will supersede human intelligence and outperform us on every possible task and then gave a reason machines are becoming increasingly intelligent an extremely rapid pace and then I'm going to give an example and I'm going to say every few years for example computer capacity doubles in power that's my example you can see how you can see how this paragraph is just building logically it's just beautifully building and it's logical from beginning right to the end so now on yours I want you to give an example you have one minutes watching on YouTube you feel free to put your sentences into the comments below all right we've nearly finished paragraph one and we're doing it in a structured sentence-by-sentence way that will lead to a high written discourse score and if your grammar and vocabulary are good enough a high writing score but this is certainly the path to success all right let's keep going the last sentence with paragraph one paragraph one sentence for what we need to do is conclude side one and I'm going to show you how to do that let me show you what I mean here I'm going to read it from beginning to end some point in the near future artificial intelligence will supersede human intelligence and outperform us on every possible task give a reason machines are becoming increasingly intelligent and extremely rapid pace give an example every few years for example computer capacity doubles in power now I want to conclude this paragraph as a result of this exponential growth there is no reason why computers won't eventually replace humans in all jobs you can see that this first sentence links to the next sentence links to the sorry first sentence links to the reason which links to the example which links to the concluding sentence and you can see that this concluding sentence links back to that first sentence so what we're doing is we're creating a big spiral of logic logical spiral that goes around and around and around that I can tell you that the Pte algorithm the computer of the PT loves these cycles these logical cycles because that's how it knows that your written discourse is high because it sees that that first sentence leads the 2nd to the 3rd to the 4th and it sees that that fourth one links back to the first one when I say II to languages crack the code on the PT I mean it cool right good so whoops let me go back my paragraph one looks like this at some point in the near future artificial intelligence will supersede human intelligence and outperform us on every possible task machines are becoming increasingly intelligent at an extremely rapid pace every few years for example computer capacity doubles in power as a result of this exponential growth there is no reason why computers won't eventually replace humans in all jobs and you can see that this is absolutely linked to the question prompt from the beginning I am NOT riding off topic I'm sticking to the topic tick-tick-tick we got 10 minutes left it took me Phenix to write that paragraph now I'm going to write paragraph two and what I do is I use the exact same structure as paragraph 1 except the only difference is I'm going to restate side to that some people believe that some jobs that robots will be incapable of doing some jobs give a reason give an example and I conclude side to let me show you what the whole thing looks like here my paragraph - so before I do that let's just look at it I've got my opening sentence here and then I'm going to give my reason here then I'm going to give my example and then I'm going to conclude so let me read this to you despite the inevitability of human labor replacement some people don't think that computers will ever reach certain levels of intellect and consciousness to rival humans in some jobs reason these people are unaware of the rate at which computers are becoming intelligent example it is just a matter of time before computers can program themselves concluding sentence even the most complex human jobs such as medicine in education will be mechanized it's the exact same structure as paragraph 1 but what i've done here is i've i've mentioned side 2 some people believe that some jobs will be safe from robots but what i've done is i've then i've shot that argument Internet and said why yes some people believe that humans will never have the intellect or the consciousness to be doctors or teachers or whatever but then I've said ah but they don't understand the computer capacity is increasing at such a rapid pace so I've mentioned that argument but I've destroyed that argument and that's what you want to do I'll leave you to write paragraph two in your own time for now I just want to move on to the conclusion because we've got five minutes left in our essay tick tick tick so how do we write that conclusion while conclusion sentence one is well we've already done this so that's cool we have to do it a little bit differently but we know what we're doing we were going to rewrite the general statement let's have a look the general statement from the question prompt said artificially intelligent robots are increasingly taking human jobs now I said we've already done this we did this in our introduction remember it was the first sentence of our essay and I wrote human employment is continuously decreasing as a result of artificially intelligent robots okay so so we need to rewrite this again but we don't want to write it the same as our introductions in our introductory sentence we want to write it in another way we want it to mean exactly the same thing but just write it in different words so we need to write it in different words and different words to our introduction so my conclusion the first sentence says artificial intelligence is rapidly taking over the human workforce let's read this to make sure it says the same thing artificially intelligent robots are increasingly taking human jobs let's just double check artificial intelligence is rapidly taking over the human workforce those two sentences mean the same thing yes are they written in different words yes have I gone off topic if I said something that's that's not in here one thing that I big problem that I see is that people try to make this more complex than it needs to be for example people all you need to do is rewrite that in other words to mean the same thing the problem I see is people rewrite that and it means something different and that's not good avoid that for example somebody might write all this says is robots are taking human jobs and somebody might write something like artificial intelligence is becoming smarter and smarter well no I mean yes but it's about human jobs it's about taking human jobs it's not about increasing intelligence here or somebody might write that artificially intelligent robots are begin are used for driverless cars it's like well now keep it simple keep it simple all you're doing all you're doing is rewriting this sentence so that's what I want you to do now let's rewrite this sentence in your own words to capture the exact same meaning but make sure it's different from your introductory sentence you have one minute you all right all right all right that's cool all right sentence two of the conclusion in fact this is the final sentence of your essay so sentence - let's have a look at this needs to be a good one give your overall opinion all right give your overall opinion now remember that we had two options we could opine we could choose to say that eventually all work will be done by robots or we could say that there'll be a limit to the task tasks that robots can perform now we went with number one we decided from the outset right from the beginning that we would say that eventually all work will be done by robots we made that decision and it was a good decision because we stuck with it right through the essay now we need to say it is the final sentence of the conclusion to really drive home our argument remember you're writing an argumentative essay so here we go and let's have a look at what I wrote so this is the first sentence of my conclusion where I've rewrote the general statement and I said artificial intelligence is rapidly taking over the human workforce now I use this little phrase here in my opinion it is only a matter of time before robots completely replace all human jobs no matter the skill of sophistication now does this say the same thing eventually all work will be done by robots well what about completely replace all work will be done yes these two I'm using synonyms or synonymous phrases to say the same thing that's my overall opinion that is the end of my essay what I'm missing a slide but you know what to do I want you to write your final sentence of the essay here this is what you need to do give your overall opinion okay and you might want to use this phrase here you have one minute starting now actually I'll give you another 30 seconds to finish this one because you really want to put some emphasis into this last sentence finish on a great note all right so you may not have finished but go back to this video and make sure you write this essay properly from beginning to end as I said once you once you use this structure once once you write one essay from beginning to end with this structure all of a sudden you sort of think oh wow essay writing is not that hard because the structure well it's like it's like it carries everything once you know that once you know how to it once you know how to construct your paragraphs your intro and your conclusion and then it's just a matter of putting the ideas into it it becomes a hell of a lot easier reduces a lot of stress and will just increase your score anyway cool fine so let's have a look this is my conclusion two sentences I've rewrote the general statement that I gave my overall opinion artificial intelligence is rapidly taking over the human workforce in my opinion it's only a matter of time before robots completely replace all human jobs no matter the skill of sophistication cool done got one minute left what am I going to do am I just gonna sit back and total my thumbs no I'm going to edit my essay I'm gonna make sure several things I'm gonna tick it for spelling I'm gonna check it for silly grammar mistakes like singular and plural nouns or articles or maybe I've just missed something I'm definitely going to read it over because it's so easy to make a little mistake in this test especially in this little in this task rather not little task it's a big task my essay looks like this it's 217 words it's 4 paragraphs it's completely logical it runs beautifully from sentence to sentence to sentence right from the beginning right to the end just take a moment if you want pause the video and read this to yourself and see how well it flows really what's important here is that I've stayed on topic I've seen a lot of report I've seen an increasing number of report cards from PT recently where a candidate will get vocabulary let's just say 90 grammar 90 written discourse 90 so you would think that their writing score must be 90 or you know high and then they'll get a writing score of say 64 how is this possible the only way that that is possible is if they wrote a beautiful essay completely off topic that is possible because your content score will decrease enormous li you'll still get high vocab grammar and written discourse but your writing score will plummet now you have to stick on topic now the only the best way to do that is to use this structure because you're all you're doing is rewriting that question prompt over and over again and you're saying the exact same thing but in different words you're absolutely staying on topic so that's what I've done here I've stayed on topic let's have a look at the scoring part by part so first of all length is your essay between 200 and 300 words if it's below 200 words you'd better quickly add another example or another reason to your paragraph to boost it up to 200 words because you will lose points if it's below 200 or over 300 structure shows good development logical structure absolutely grammar well this is this is this is where you might need to do something if you're struggling if you need feedback if you want feedback in your essays really the only way to improve check out this website here e to language dot-com go and make yourself a free account at e to language calm and think about signing up to one of our packages why because we give you feedback we give you feedback in your writing and speaking how do we give feedback two ways one we give written feedback so you submit your essay through the website form a teacher receives it looks at your essay fills out a report card and sends it back to you and tells you exactly what you've done wrong which is important it's good to know what you've done right but it's more important to know what you've done wrong the other form of feedback that we give is one-on-one tutorials like this so you'll sit down with the teacher like me and I'll be looking at your essay I'll be screen sharing with you I'll be going through it and saying okay good you've got it but you need to fix this your vocabulary your word choice your grammatical structure your use of articles whatever it is who knows what it is that's why you need feedback because you need an expert to look at it and tell you what you need to do to improve so that's what one of the things we do at Eton language cool what else do you need help with well rather what else do you need to check general linguistic range this you also marked on this this means that you can formulate your thoughts precisely and give emphasis in other words there's no restrictions in your communication you need to be able to think like this in your first language you can pretty much articulate anything right you can describe anything I'm sure you're very very good at talking about politics of philosophy or whatever in your first language because you know you have though you have that vocabulary you have that grammar you have that social context to be able to do that but can you do it in English to the same degree for example I speak Indonesian not very well there's an eye.the I can express myself in English far better that I can in Indonesian and so I know that I need help with my Indonesian if you really if you you need I won't go on but it's good to be able to express yourself because for many reasons vocabulary you need to have a good command of vocabulary and spelling any correct spelling these are the check points that you need to mark did you write between 200 and 300 did you use the e to language structure did you check for silly grammar mistakes and perhaps get feedback from e to language before you before test day what about your general linguistic range have to restrict yourself or can you just not restrict yourself which is great good range of vocabulary and correct spelling that's what will lead to a PT 90 that's the end of that actually that's the end of my presentation I hope you enjoyed that uh what we'll do now is go to questions because I'm sure you'll have some questions somebody's asking me about idiomatic expressions and colloquial colloquialisms okay Nora don't use idioms in your essay this is an academic essay don't talk about raining cats and dogs and kicking the bucket and in a nutshell these sorts of phrases are for conversation on the street they're not for your academic essay there's a certain type of it's not really an idiom but academic phrases are really important as a result is based on according to for instance these are the sorts of phrases that you should fill your essay with not conversational idioms yes that's a different yes I see that vishwanath er but that's that's I want academic idioms not conversational idioms so so something like thick and fast Nora absolutely not no no good question though alright what other questions we got what's going on on YouTube by the way what's going on a need to any questions are you guys doing sharing your phone numbers no questions in the introductory paragraph asked depend can we say the writers position well there was no writers position in that question prompt that we looked at it just said some people believe this some people believe this what do you believe so that was in fact in no position and we need to choose a position and we need to argue for that position right through the essay from introduction to conclusion Ravi do we need to mention our opinion in the body as well or just enough in the conclusion no we mentioned it twice we mentioned it in the in the third sentence of the introduction and the second sentence of the conclusion that's enough to do it the man Rinda louis but does a low spelling score reduce the writing score if yes then how much well interesting I took the PT and I got 90 in writing and in fact I got 90 in all of the reading writing listening speaking my spelling score embarrassingly enough with 68 how is it possible that I got a spelling score of 68 and a writing score of 90 well what I think is this you know when you're writing in Microsoft Word and you spell a word just a little bit wrong and you get the red line underneath and it you know a word like necessary for example maybe I missed an s fine so the computer knows what you're trying to spell so it sort of gives you the benefit of the doubt and I think the p te gives you the benefit of the doubt but if you write a word and misspell it so poorly that the computer actually doesn't know what you've written then your writing score will decrease so if you're if you're a good speller don't worry too much about spelling if you're really bad speller worry or get help rather okay okay so I know and asks can we have a conclusion that's a balanced conclusion where you don't come to a conclusion where you just say are they they're both right no you have to choose the side it's kind of strange maybe choose a side just choose a side that's what you have to do me alarm says I thought but that we shouldn't use words like I in the essay hmm in my opinion absolutely you should met not much though I just do it once in that final sentence of your conclusion you say in my opinion why do you do that because in the question prompt it says talk about personal experiences or give your opinion how can you give your opinion if you don't say my so you're allowed to do it just not too much just do it once I suggest either ode asks J can I start my conclusion with the phrase in conclusion yes yes you can that would be good there's a lot of flexibility here you've got a structure and you can play with that structure that's fine what I've got a question here but I'm gonna rephrase it and it is what other tasks are there in the PT that contribute to your writing score summarize written text summarized spoken text write essay is the big one and then you've also got reading and writing fill in the blanks is there anything else I think that's all I think that's all acaba says should we use a template for retail lecture describe image and summarize spoken text if you become an e2 language member we give you methods for each of those tasks not necessarily templates but we teach you how to answer them correctly to is 200 words enough asked us in yes 201 just to be sure here's a good question aleem Rodrigues can you make up facts to support your arguments yes so when you're giving your example and you say for example you can make up some statistics you can say for example 99% of people know that something like that that's fine yeah or as it says in the question prompt you're you're using your personal observations and experiences so you don't you can't reference a book so you can make up your own uh example for example for example okay people are asking me about paragraph structure can we talk about the merits and the not merits and the altogether no no I don't know about it you but it took me a long long time to work out how to write an essay properly how to structure it well don't reinvent the wheel use this structure it works it absolutely works we've now had hundreds and even thousands of people use e to language and get high a lot of people have got 90s using our methods don't reinvent the wheel we are the experts we've got a team of linguists and teachers and PT experts sitting here working this stuff out so please just use what we teach you here's a good question Candice can we use British English or American sorry British spelling or American spelling okay the key is to use one choose one and use it and be consistent if you start with American like for example you spell the word color C o L or R but then later on you use a British spelling for I can't think we work exercise is that Abbas in any way then you use a British spelling then your spelling will go down that's possibly why my spelling went down in the exam so be consistent in short as I am says in the conclusion you must have to make up your mind for one side of the argument yes that final sentence in my opinion I think that side one is the winner or in my opinion I believe inside to correct any more questions euro by the way I see on YouTube there's a hundred and twenty three people watching only 65 likes that's that makes me very sad please click the like button and that makes us go climb the ladder of this YouTube beast please click like and subscribe while you're at it any more questions aleem Rodriguez another good question says PT is generous with writing but it's not generous with speaking I tend to agree with you actually most of the people we see have trouble with speaking not really writing but one of why I decided to do this lesson today is because unfortunately we've just seen a lot of people get 78 in writing and that sucks really that sucks these people have worked really hard and they've gotten 78 their one point off getting their score and they ask us should we reschedule imperson the answer is probably not you know why because they just put the same essay through the same computer and it's going to get the same score and they tell you this when you email them in fact so if you get 78 I unless there's been a major technical issue like the power went out or something then you shouldn't apply for a reevaluation I don't think yes you just have to put in a little bit more effort boost your score that little bit more maybe it's a structural thing maybe you can do it cool yeah cushy when will be your next lesson on YouTube well I'm going to hold these PT super methods every second Saturday so this time in two weeks but if you want to join into language comm we give a live mock test every Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday night so do you think about becoming a member you get to join in webinars like this where we look at we do a live mock test on speaking for example we go through the methods you get to practice I give you feedback it's rock and roll it's cool bananas it's good stuff cool thanks very much I actually might leave it there because I'm gonna go and do some exercise haven't done exercise for a while thanks very much for coming I appreciate it thanks for giving thumbs up there on YouTube and best of luck with it all I hope you passed this PT and move on I'll see you soon you
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 858,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte tips, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, pte write essay, pte writing write essay, pte essay, pte writing help, pte writing tips, E2 PTE, pte writing sentence, pte writing task 1,, e2pte, pte e2, e2 language, pte preparation, esl tips, pte writing lecture, e2, E2, pte course, PTE writing
Id: z_-u0fHQetQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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