PTE Writing: Write Essay | SUPER METHOD!

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hello my name is Jay is it yes my name is Jay I'm one of the expert teachers here at Pt academic e to language let's have a look at writing right si this is method 2.0 okay just a few facts about the essay before we begin first of all on Tuesday you will have to write one or two and here's a funny little tip if you if you do actually get two essays in the exam one of them won't be marked this is called seeding it's a very clever little thing from Pearson and what they're doing is training up their computer algorithm so you'll write two essays only one will be marked the other one will be used to train their algorithm problem is you don't know which one so you'll have to write - very good essays but that's okay I'm gonna teach you how to write a damn good essay ok the essay length will be between 200 and 300 words don't write 199 or 301 words it's okay you'll get 20 minutes to write each essay and that should be sufficient time that that's gotta take into account planning writing and revision of the essay though so hopefully you're a reasonably quick typer the scoring for this task only contributes points to writing and I'm pretty sure that it contributes quite a few points to your writing score in other words it's important okey-dokey so let's talk about scoring and first of all just a bit of a warning you will be scored 0 you get nothing if you don't write on topic or in other words if you write off topic you get 0 for everything ok so you must make sure and we'll talk about this as we go through this lesson that you write about that question prompt directly about that question prompt that you're given you can't memorize an answer and bring it in to you in your mind because if it is off-topic prepare 0 points you'll also get 0 if you don't write in English yeah don't do that don't write your essay in Korean or I don't know French for example algorithm won't like that don't write your essay all in capital letters you will get zero for that and you'll get zero if you don't write anything at all of course let's look more closely at the scoring if you do in fact write an essay in English on topic so you get scored on content zero one two or three points and that means you're writing on topic you are scored on development structure and coherence and in this lesson I'm going to teach you a structure that is a super structure it's really good you'll get scored on length that is just right between 200 and 300 words simple general linguistic range that means you have a variety of sentence structures in a variety of vocabulary and you can articulate yourself precisely you also score just on grammar okay so you get your plural nouns right your prepositions right your verb tenses your past participles all of that sort of stuff vocabulary range and spelling okay importantly the type of essay that you have to write on Tuesday is an argumentative slash persuasive essay that is you're going to get some sort of controversial topic right I don't know it'll be something about smoking cigarettes or playing video games or obesity or something like that where you're going to have an opinion hopefully you've got an opinion on these topics and what you're going to do is choose a side so they're gonna have two sides these prompts you can argue for or you can argue against and that's what you have to do in this essay so it's argumentative now there's a prompt they say prompts I should say they differ in the way that they're written but ultimately again it's all about writing an argumentative essay however you may have to respond to a question agree or disagree with a particular point of view you might have to take aside in an argument might have to describe a situation I have never seen an essay like that that looks interesting or you might have to write about the advantages or disadvantages of a particular opinion okay so let's take a look at a couple of ways the question prompt might appear on test day so this is what the screen is going to look like on test day and if you read carefully here it says some people think that preparing from for an English exam is best done in a school others believe that studying online is the most effective way of preparing you can see the two sides to the argument here you have a group of people who think that they should prepare for their tests in a school and another group thinking they should study online you're going to have to decide which one you agree with and argue for that side okay so it says choose which position you most agree with and discuss why you chose that position support your point of view with details from your own experience observations or readings let's look at the same it's the same question but it's just formulated in a different way okay this one comes as like a quote or statement says quote preparing for an English exam online is more effective than preparing in a traditional school discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this statement so again you've got two sides to the argument this one's saying online studies more effective what do you think yes no or do you think school studying in a school is more effective for your exam prep okay cool so that's sort of how the question prompts might appear on test a but again it's always argumentative persuasive alright so what we're going to do in this lesson is we're going to look at a high-scoring essay this one would get I think a perfect score I did take the PT once upon a time and I did get a 90 for writing luckily so yeah and and I should say that the structure that we've taught thousands and thousands of students now many many students have come back with ninety so this works okay so we've got a four paragraph essay here what we're going to do is I'm going to teach you about the structure that sits behind this essay you can think about it like the skeleton and what we're doing is putting on the meat of the skeleton that's weird okay it's like a coat hanger and what we're doing is putting on the coat over the coat hanger hang on that's really stupid it's like the scaffolding of a building and what we're doing is putting on the outside of the building something like that anyway it's the essay structure and it's powerful if you remember it okay but before we look more closely at that essay structure if you've taken the PT before and been unsuccessful or if you've never taken PT before and you're a bit concerned about what scores you're gonna get check out our mini mock test on e to language comm it gives you test simulation and lots of feedback on your performance and we've very helpful for you before test day or before your next test all right let's check out that method that's structure so how do we write an introduction to an argumentative essay that'll score us a 90 okay first of all we're looking at that first paragraph there this is the introduction and it's got three parts not necessarily three sentences because you might expand the sentence and write two or three sentences for each part but it's got three distinct parts this is what you have to memorize so part one is where you give some background information on the question prompts okay for example I said English examinations are notoriously difficult okay so I've just given some really broad short simple sentence like a background statement about English exams I'm not talking about their effectiveness or classroom study or online study I've just written a very yeah pretty straightforward sentence about English exams they're notoriously difficult and then I've gone a little bit deeper and I've said many candidates not only fail on their first attempt but some continue to fail multiple times okay background to the overall question prompt now I'm going to come in and drill in a little bit closer to that question prompt and what I'm going to do is rewrite the question prompt in my own words okay remember the question prompt said you know some people think you should study online some people think you should study in a school here's what I wrote there are two main ways to prepare you can prepare in a school or you can prepare online again you can see my language my sentence structures is straightforward what I'm really concentrating on is being precise in what I say using the right grammar and the right vocabulary you don't have to be long-winded and sophisticated and use fancy vocab and stuff like that just make sure you're on topic you're answering the question and you're clear clarity is key to all of this structure and clarity okay part three is where we tell the reader our arguments okay what do we think here which side are we on I wrote this essay will argue that online preparation is a far better choice for candidates who wish to succeed faster okay so you can see my argument here I've gone for online preparation of course okay and I've made that very explicit it's not a mystery story of which side I've chosen I very clearly said I'm for this side you should too don't be nuanced and take half aside and half assign blah blah blah just make it very basic you've only got twenty minutes just choose the simplest thing to argue for and argue for it even if you don't really agree with that it doesn't matter cool that is the introduction if you're not yet a subscriber to this YouTube channel I strongly recommend that you become one it's going to improve your life immensely because you're going to get to see wonderful videos about PC academic and then you'll pass your PT e then you'll be able to get a great job and you'll just be happy ever after this could be the starting point okay let's talk now about how to write our body paragraphs and we want to write two body paragraphs these are the paragraphs and sitting behind these paragraphs here sitting behind all of these words is that skeleton that structure and you can use this for any question prompt this structure that I'm teaching you doesn't matter if you get a question about cigarette smoking education politics space exploration you use this structure every time okay and the good thing about this is it's not a template you don't have to memorize you know an essay that has gaps because that puts huge amounts of pressure on you on test day memorizing plus as I mentioned if you write slightly off-topic born the computer gives you a zero if you come in there with a structure as opposed to a template you're going to do much better because the structure is flexible to any topic all right body paragraphs how do we write these so we're gonna have four parts to our body paragraphs part one which is you know it's always gonna be sentence one or maybe sentence to it included we'll introduce the main idea of the paragraph it's an introductory sentence it's going to tell the reader what the paragraph is about again no mystery stories make it clear part two will give some additional information about that main main idea then we're going to give an example and then we're going to conclude the paragraph so let me introduce the main idea of this paragraph hopefully you'll see very clearly what this is about while there are several issues that students face when preparing for their English language tests in schools the main one is a lack of personalized learning this paragraph is going to be about personalized learning I've said some wofully started stuff at the start but really what I've done is I've I've thought of when I was planning and I'll talk to you about planning in a second I thought about what this paragraph going to be about in like one or two words personalized learning okay and this paragraph is going to be about personalized learning I'm not now going to deviate and talk about something else I'm just gonna talk about personalized learning okay throughout the whole paragraph and I'm gonna extrapolate and expand upon that idea that central idea of that paragraph please do that cool so let me give you some more information about personalized learning in a classroom there can be up to thirty students studying at once this means that the teacher spends very little time focusing on the students week areas you can see how that language although it didn't mention personalized learning is about personalized learning focusing on students weak areas so that was my additional information now I'm going to provide an example research suggests that teacher to student time in a classroom can be as little as two minutes you might also notice that what I'm doing here is I'm arguing for online learning because it's it's got better personalized learning but at the same time I'm beating the out of the other side of the argument I'm really picking on teasing if you will the other side about classroom learning I'm saying classroom learning lacks personalized learning you know the teacher to student time is minimal so I'm arguing for this side of the argument while punching up beating up boxing kicking the other side of the argument I really want to swear here but I won't okay now I'm going to conclude this paragraph clearly this is an insufficient amount of time to address student errors if one wishes to be successful cool so what have I done I've written a well structured paragraph that introduces the main idea of the paragraph in the first part I've given some additional information I've given an example and then I've concluded the paragraph in a single sentence there this is a strong paragraph structure this is how you should write your paragraphs on test a mine was a little bit sort of nuanced here I went into quite a bit of detail let me show you a second body paragraph so again for parts I'm gonna introduce the main idea of the paragraph I'm gonna give some additional information I'm gonna give an example then I'm gonna conclude the paragraph let's have a look so I'm gonna introduce the main idea if you should be able to understand what this paragraph is going to be about from this single sentence in addition to tailored learning online exam preparation also offers greater flexibility flexibility flexibility I think this paragraphs gonna be about flexibility I hope so so now I'm going to give some additional information about flexibility in today's day and age many people are far too busy to travel to a location to study online learning offers these people convenience while convenience flexibility are synonyms so that kind of works I'm gonna give an example here for example at e2 language comm which you should might want to visit you can log into our daily live PT classes on your phone from anywhere in the world now I'm going to conclude this flexibility allows anyone to have the best possible exam preparation no matter where they are located so this one this paragraph was clearly for online learning I'm arguing for online learning and I did mention right at the beginning did I know I didn't I just went all for online learning in that first paragraph I was mentioning classroom based learning and again punching it but um cool hopefully you can see the structure of the body paragraphs within that example okay let's talk about the plan because the plan is critical before you start writing your essay you need to think of that what your two paragraphs will be about really and you should be able to you should be able to summarize these ideas down into a single word for each paragraph or a single short phrase okay okay let's have a look at how I planned this essay because what you definitely need to do before you start writing is have those two key ideas those two ideas of each paragraph in your mind before you start because yeah you're not going to end up with a good coherent essay if you just start typing without firstly thinking through what it is you're going to say so just to reboot your memory the question prompt said preparing for an English exam online is more effective than preparing in a traditional school here's my plan what I did was I formulated that question prompt into a question for myself and I asked myself why is computer-based test prep better than classroom training my paragraph one came up with the idea of personalization personalized learning okay my paragraph two is going to be about flexibility convenience that's it that's all my plan is I've just come up with two ideas clear distinctly different ideas for each paragraph relating to why online test prep is better than classroom based test prep that's it that's all I need to do for the plan now that I have that and now that I know how to write the introduction the body paragraphs and soon the conclusion I can create a really nice essay okay if you need more than just method help like if you need more help than just this the structure and how to approach questions maybe your English isn't that good then you should check out this website which is e to school comm it's like the sister website to e tu language test prep and what it does is it builds your fundamental English language skills like your vocabulary your grammar your pronunciation your general English listening reading writing speaking even spelling is on its way this is a great website if you need more than just test prep okay let's look at how to write to the conclusion so the conclusion will have two parts firstly we're going to summarize those two main points remember I had the two May points well I'm going to repeat them again in the conclusion is the first part then I'm just going to end with a strong statement so let's go through this in conclusion preparing for an English exam online is a superior experience in terms of personalized learning and convenience so I've given my opinion again my opinion is throughout the entire essay my opinion is in the intro in each paragraph and in the conclusion it's just it's a strong argumentative essay then I'm gonna end with a strong statement which would say if I were you I would consider preparing with e to language this is I wouldn't write that in the exam of course I'm just being a bit frivolous bit silly but in with a strong statement and as for using personal pronouns like I that's completely fine just don't overdo it okay cool all right we have just looked at how to structure up from head to toe your essay from beginning to end including the intro body paragraphs and conclusion if you need some feedback on your writing because maybe you're a bit unsure if you're making mistakes or you're a bit unsure what the mistakes you're making are you can actually submit your essay through e to language comm to one of our expert teachers who will give you comprehensive feedback and a detailed report so you know what to do better how do we improve how to fix your mistakes it also works for speaking as well and if you're really struggling like you really need some help or you don't have much time you can take a one-on-one tutorial these are 45 minutes in length one-on-one done on zoom' which is a program like Skype through the computer with one of our expert teachers who will actually go through your essay with you and give you some really helpful feedback in real time about how to prepare this is the fastest way to improve ok so overall this is what we looked at and you might want to take a photo on your phone which is part one if the introduct give some background to the question prompt part to rewrite the question prompt in your own words part 3 tell the reader what your argument is you can even mention your two main points here if you like paragraph 1 and to introduce the main idea of the paragraph part 2 give some additional information part 3 give an example part 4 conclude the paragraph in the conclusion you want to summarize your two main points and again tell the reader what your argument is then end with a strong punchy statement cool alright if you need some practice questions you want to join our live classes you want to give some submit some writing feedback or take a tutorial check out e to language comm thanks very much for watching my name is Jay feel free to leave a lovely comment in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 213,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, E2 Language, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte class, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte e2 describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, esl, The PTE Reading Test, e2, PTE Speaking, Super Method, Super, Method, PTE 2020, PTE writing, PTE Write Essay, PTE Essay, essay tips, E2 PTE Writing, Essay
Id: Rnb2M5Zjlwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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