How to Get a High Score in PTE Listening

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hello there my name is Jay I'm one of the expert Pte teachers here at e2 language in this lesson we're going to learn how to get a high score in PT listening what we're going to do specifically is I'm going to give you a quick overview of PT listening and just show you all of the tasks very quickly with then going to look at or think about how to listen and read at the same time and we're going to do a little experiment to see whether that's possible the reason we're doing that is because a number of the tasks in PT listening actually have text on the screen and an audio file and it doesn't test your ability to read and listen at the same time or what's the best approach when that happens for example in multiple choice multiple answers or highlight correct summary so there's a little trick that I'm going to teach you there okay that'll be interesting number three we're gonna look at the key skill behind improving your listening so if you are having difficulty understanding comprehending these complex lectures there's a reason why and I'm going to show you that and finally a critical part of PT listening success is time management I'm going to show you how much time to spend on each of the listening tasks so on test day you get through to the end just before we continue if you're not yet a subscriber to this YouTube channel click that subscribe button for great content ok let's do a quick overview of PT listening so there are eight tasks summarized spoken text multiple choice multiple answers fill in the blanks highlight correct summary multiple choice single answer select missing word highlight incorrect words and write from dictation this is what summary spoken text looks like basically what happens is you get a lecture or conversation that will go for between sort of 60 and 90 seconds you then need to turn that into a well written summary of between 50 and 70 words that's how that task works that's the first one it's time separately by the way you get 10 full minutes for this task then you need to begin managing your own and you get this task which is multiple-choice choose multiple answers again a lecture of up to 90 seconds you need to select well you can select one but there will always be more than one answer option correct be careful it has negative marking this one's called fill in the blanks it's pretty straightforward as you're listening to this audio you'll be writing words in the gaps that are missing very straightforward tasks there this one's called highlight quick summary and it's a good example of one where you listen and read or do you which I'll show you in a second at the same time you can see that the answer options are quite long so it does require you to do a lot of reading and you'll also see here that this is a video sometimes you get a video and sometimes you get an audio so just be aware of that this one's called select missing word it's practically a multiple choice question what happens is at the end of the video or audio right at the end the last word or phrase will be replaced by a beeping sound and you need to anticipate what the speaker was going to say a heart was that one for example this is multiple choice choose single answer very straightforward you just select one of the answer options but again this is one where reading and listening comes into play this one's called highlight incorrect words here's the audio and here's the transcript of the audio however some of the words in the transcript will differ from what the speaker says your job is to then go through and click on the words that differ from what the speaker says and the final task is called right from dictation you'll hear a single sentence and you just write that single sentence into the box and click Next just be aware of course you're not just going to get one of each of those questions you get a number of those questions of each of those tasks okay so for example for right from from dictation that final task I believe you get I can't remember I think it's like 8 or something like that so you need to do them all cool alright that's great if you need to practice any of those questions and you some high-quality online material go to e to language comm and sign up for free you'll also get access to some live classes for free and if you do want to upgrade your account you get the entire course unlocked you get all of the live classes one-on-one tutorials speaking and writing feedback it's the best way to prepare for your PT e ok let's now think about listening and reading how can we do listening and reading at the same time because a number of these questions require you to listen carefully and read carefully how is that possible what we're going to do here is a little experiment what we're looking at on the screen here is a highlight correct summary question where you have to do a lot of reading while the lectures playing I want you to do an experiment what I'm going to do on my phone here is I'm going to read the lecture okay I've got the lecture here so what I want you to do is two things at the same time I want you to listen very carefully to the lecture that I'm saying okay so listen very carefully but at the same time I want you to read very carefully okay these answer options let's see if it's actually possible okay you ready so past studies have demonstrated that our tea intakes beneficial to human health and the positive effects include things like mood improvement and cardiovascular disease prevention the mood improvement stuffs been challenged quite a bit but it seems to be pretty robust what what's being debunked is the role of tea drinking and reducing obesity that doesn't seem to hold too well in the science but there's other things as well in fact results of a longitudinal study led by assistant professor Chang which was published in 2017 showed that daily consumption of tea can reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older persons by 50% which is this is a this is quite extraordinary ok if you're like me and if you're like every other human on the planet you would have found that to be an impossible tasks it is actually impossible to read something carefully and to listen to something carefully at the same time what you can do is sort of flick between reading and listening so you'll listen for a second read for a second listen for a second read for a second that's possible with your brain but it's impossible to do two simultaneously this pose is a major problem and what should you do in the PT test the answer is to use your erasable note board booklet the note book that you get on test day this is a critical tool to help you pass your test so what you need to do is you need to listen very carefully to the lecture and you need to take notes and what that does taking notes should actually reinforce your understanding of what is said your comprehension of the lecture the critical thing here in listening is to make sure that you understand what is said it's more important than reading and understanding what's on the page here if you just read and understand what's on the page but you didn't quite understand what was said you have no chance of getting the right answer if you fully understood what we said and you read this then your chances are much higher of answering this correctly correctly so let's do this again this time I don't want you to read and listen at the same time I want you to get out a pen and a piece of paper it's only 3040 seconds let's do this I want you to take notes and listen to what I say then I'm going to give you some time to answer the question by matching your notes and using your memory to select the best answer options okay are you ready I want you to read sorry I want you to listen and take notes then read here we go so past studies have demonstrated that TN takes beneficial to human health and the positive effects include mood improvements and cardiovascular disease prevention the mood improvement stuffs been challenged quite a bit but it seems to be pretty robust what's been debunked is the of tea-drinking in reducing obesity that doesn't seem to hold too well in in the science but there's other things as well in fact results of a longitudinal study led by associate professor Chang which was published in 2017 I showed that daily consumption of tea can reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older persons by 50% this is this is quite extraordinary okay now you have your notes you have your memory I'm gonna give you 20 seconds or 30 seconds to read carefully and choose the correct response please you okay you can pause the video if you require more time I'm sorry there's a little typo here this is my my phone it should be has been questioned my fault they're cool okay hopefully what happened then was you listened you took notes you understood and you concentrated on what the lecturer was saying more than anything then you applied your notes and your memory to this year and you went okay that's not right that's not right that's not right and hopefully you arrived at the correct answer which was in fact a B was wrong C was wrong and D was wrong a was correct hopefully you've got that please just pop into the comments below whether you found that helpful just tell me what you think about could you read and listening or did you find the note-taking to be much more helpful which personally I highly recommend okay let's tackle a larger question here which is how do we improve your listening skill in general because this is yeah for me I my second language that I speak is Indonesian and I find it I find listening to be the most challenging skill okay I I it makes me anxious because Indonesian speakers speak so quickly and there's a lot of things going on so there is a key thing that you need to understand to improve your listening and let me take you through this the key to improving your listening skill is to actually improve your understanding of spoken English or how the language is spoken because how the language is spoken differs considerably from how it is written many of you would have learned English by reading okay especially if you went to a school where there's no native English speakers and you're in a classroom with you know the teacher you're speaking is a Korean for example who's teaching you English and you're doing a lot of reading in English and a lot of writing in English but not much listening in English now the way the words appear on the piece of paper in written English is significantly different from how a native English speaker will say them so let's look at some of those differences because the key to getting better at listening is to understand how spoken English differs from written English and to understand those features so elements of spoken English include that it's connected I'm gonna take you through this in a second and show you what I mean by this its contracted it has intonation it has hesitations and arms and arse it has grammatical errors words have stress syllables function words are spoken rapidly almost can't hear words like and that on if for example content words are elongated or stressed in the sentence and of course there are various accents now all of these elements that I've just mentioned here which I'll show you in a second what I mean these are all part of PT academic because PT academic uses authentic lecture material they are not fake they are real so you'll actually get lecturers giving real lectures and making all of this messy spoken English right some of them extremely messy it's just the nature of spoken English so if you can understand the messiness then it will help you to improve your listening so let's take a look at the transcript that I read before okay now this is not how somebody speaks in PT academic past studies have demonstrated that T intake is beneficial to human health and the positive effects include mood improvement and cardiovascular disease prevention that is not spoken English that's written English and it's entirely different let's I want you to read along with me but I'm gonna say it as if I were speaking it authentically or naturally so past studies have demonstrated that t intakes beneficial to human how and the positive effects included moon improvement and cardiovascular disease prevention the mood improvement stuffs been challenged quite a bit but it seems to be pretty robust so what's been debunked is the role of tea drinking in reducing obesity that doesn't seem to hold too well in the science but there's other things as well in fact the results of a longitudinal study led by associate professor Chang which was published in 2017 showed that daily consumption of tea can can reduce the risk of cognitive decline in all the persons by 50% this is quite extraordinary so a few things you would have noticed is a lot of arms and ours right just inserted right at the beginning inserted between little phrases here there's just all these arms and ours happening all the time you would have noticed too that there's a lot of contraction studies of so we get rid of this hat there's no hat it's just past studies of so this is sort of contracted or connected speech here past studies have demonstrated that our tea intakes tea intake so there's no is there it's just tea intakes beneficial to human health what you would have also noticed or hopefully you are becoming aware of now little function words like to and conjunctions like and in articles like that what else auxiliary verbs like has what else pronouns like that these are spoken at rapid rate so quickly and that and that and then and the positive effects and the positive that the the positive effects include mood improvement in cardiovascular disease prevention the mood the mood the mood almost like split second on these sorts of words here very very quick what else we got you may have noticed that other words however are quite stressed so so I'm past studies have demonstrated boom lots of emphasis on demonstrated that tea intake critical words like these nouns and adjectives for example are are emphasized you also would have noticed the role of intonation that is the ups and downs of spoken speech so past studies have demonstrated that tea intake is beneficial to human health and the positive effects ba ba ba ba ba ba ba so this is intonation this is another critical factor of spoken English so if you need more help in understanding the elements of spoken English you should check out the other videos that we've done on YouTube called science PT speaking science so you might want to type that into YouTube as well PT speaking science because I go through intonation and words stress and sentence stress and connected speech and we look at all of that as I mentioned if you want to improve your listening you need to improve your understanding of how native English speakers speak in real time in real life okay that is the key to improving a listening skill alright cool what's next lastly I want to talk to you about time management because it doesn't matter how good your listening skills are if you don't manage your time well in Pte especially in the listening section you won't get a high score and it's usually right from dictation right at the end that is problematic so let me take you through all of the tasks and talk to you about how much time you should spend on each so the first tasks summarize spoken text you use all 10 minutes I think you get two of these on test day so use the 10 minutes click next use the 10 minutes these are time separately to the other tasks in listening from multiple choice choose multiple answers you begin to manage your own time and basically what you do is you listen take notes read the answer options select the answer options within 30 seconds and then click Next so there's the next button so don't spend too long on each one possibly even shorter than that maybe 15 to 20 seconds fill in the blanks well you complete this as you go and then at the end you spend about 10 or 20 seconds making sure the spelling and grammar is accurate highlight correct summary is the one that we just did and you listen you take notes and then you spend about a minute reading the answer options you select one and then you click the next button simple as that multiple choice choose single answer maybe 20 seconds after the audio has finished or maybe even less because there's short answer options select missing word where you need to select the single words honestly 5 seconds after the audio finishes you know the answer or you don't and if you don't you may as well just guess and move on there's no point once that audio finishes there's no point hanging around highlight incorrect words is the one where you highlight the words as you go and then you just click Next ok and finally this is the important one because you want to make sure you have enough time for all of these you listen to the sentence you write it down quickly you check it you click Next ok that's what you need to do there alright just before I go I just want to tell you one thing about this cool website called e to school comm it's a brand new website and it's built for people who require some more basic English skill training so if you're concerned about your pronunciation or your vocabulary or your grammar maybe you need to go back and do some more sort of rigorous preparation before your PT check out this website it's nine dollars per month which is incredibly good value for money considering we have some of the best teachers in the world it includes live classes great content you can build your basic English skills at e to school but for test prep PT academic training check out a two language comm I hope that was helpful my name is J I will see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 168,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, PTE Listening, The PTE Listening Test, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, How, to, get, High, Score, in, Listening, E2 Language, PTE 2019, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte results, pte class, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte e2 describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, pte preparation, esl, e2jay, E2 PTE Listening
Id: NjnjvuOXXrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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