Describe Image PTE Retell Lecture PTE Tips and Tricks

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hi this is jamison your free youtube pt tutor today i'm going to talk about describe image in retail lecture the tips and tricks following my series after read aloud repeat sentence right from dictation and etc the big fours now if you haven't watched those tips and tricks video i'll link it above right here so you'll have a better understanding of those modules and quite a lot of you have been asking me about the describe image and tips and tricks and the templates related to it and yes i have put my heart and soul into this video and i'm not kidding you will be able to master describe image and retail lecture in one day with my the world's easiest way to master describe image and retail lecture and i'm not kidding no exaggeration one day is all you need and i'm very confident so let's get into the basic information about describe image first [Music] the skype image only contributes to the speaking scores it's not as important as the read aloud repeat sentence right from dictation or reading and writing fit in the blanks but it's somewhat in the mid range so it's quite important it's the next important types of question after those big four so that's why a lot of people are interested in describing major in retail lecture so basically what's happening is you'll be given a photo a graph or a diagram a map or a table some sort of a visual and it'll be given for you it will be shown for about 25 seconds then after 25 seconds of preparation you will hear it beeps out and then you'll be able to speak into the microphone for up to 40 seconds and then when you're done you can end it by clicking the next button and the marking criteria is divided into three equal parts content fluency pronunciation as always with all speaking modules five points for content five points of fluency and five points of pronunciation now we've got those basic informations out of the way let's get into the tips and tricks [Music] now my first tip is going to be quite a common one that you have to speak fluently and you have to speak continuously without stopping anything and this applies for all speaking modules like repeat sentence or even retell lecture in this case read aloud you get a lot of marks deducted in your fluency when you stop speaking and take a lot of pause and stutter so yeah it's easier said than done right one thing that's a relief is that you don't have to make sense as long as you're speaking you know you should be fine and you're actually tricking the ai to make it think that you're a fluent speaker the second tip is that your grammar doesn't really get marked here you don't have to make sense in other words so this pte test is yeah it doesn't really make sense at all you can talk all the rubbish and you don't have to make a single sense and you can still get good great scores in described image tip number three i don't want you to get cut off now if you try to use the whole 40 seconds of the entire time given for describe image after 40 seconds your mic will be cut off i don't want you to go that far and for making these videos you know i reference and have a look at what other youtube tutors or online course teachers say out there and i try to verify what they say and try in the real mock test and see if it makes sense compare with my theory and come up with the best i've heard a lot of people saying that you know try to aim for 35 seconds or 30 38 seconds so in the past a lot of the tutors used to say this but this is all bullcrap you don't have to aim for 38 seconds or 35 seconds for me about 25 seconds is enough i'm not saying that 38 seconds is bad it's just that you don't have to aim 30 38 seconds now i haven't tried anything below 20 seconds but for me between 20 seconds and 25 seconds was okay and sometimes you know i might go overboard and go above 30 seconds but finishing my answering my described image about 25 seconds was perfectly okay for me and if you look at into pearson official textbooks it kind of advises you to talk about main features trend name and variables but this i don't agree with this you don't have to put all this information into your templates or your answer to get a great score you don't need all this and also it emphasizes about having a conclusion it makes it sound like you have to have a conclusion right so what i used to do in my old templates you know i used to emphasize my last sentence with these kind of with this conclusion kind of sentence to tell the ai that i am talking about the conclusion but there's no need there's no need for it correlation you're also about correlation between if it's a graph it wants you to the textbook tells you to talk about the correlation and the relationship between the two axes no need for that no need for that either i've tried it and also when you look into sub skill tested it talks about all this gibberish it talks about things like speaking for a purpose to repeat information explain supporting an opinion with details organizing or rubbish you don't need all this and also preparation it kind of tells you some tips about how to prepare and these are all the official methods to prepare for pte now i don't really advise you to follow what pearson has to say i know that sounds very weird and this kind of sub skill tested and preparation method is what they want you to do it's kind of what they want the pt test to do remember their job is to verify your english skills and that's how they want you to prepare so that's what they want you to do but you don't have to do this there are easier ways to get higher scores in pte and that's what i'm going to tell you today so what's the difference between other youtube pt channels the tips that they give and mine so when you look into vast majority of other youtubers or private colleges and other online courses i've taken quite a few i've taken a couple it's what i used to do for my students as well my old method so you have a series of words a template with a blank spaces in between and you spot out the keywords and you put them into the templates so of course you 100 memorize the templates and on the day of the exam you pick out the keywords and put it into the templates now there's nothing wrong with this method i was using it fine and and i was getting good scores out of it so was my students but the problem is that it wasn't that easy for you to get used to this template and actually you have to go back and forth you have to think of the template and put the keywords in and then come back to the template so your brain has to keep switching back and forth so you have to remember what what the template was blah blah blah blah blah and keyword and come back to template blah blah blah blah blah and some students were having trouble going back and forth with the keyword and templates and i understand because when i first made my template and applied it in the test it wasn't too hard but it wasn't too easy either so now i'm going to reveal my journey of how i came up with my new easy describer image retail lecture method i was trying to find out the easiest method to get the maximum scores for described image so i wanted to know what happened if i if i do read aloud repeat sentence and short answer questions well so those are the um the other speaking modules other than describe image and retail lecture and when it came to describe image and retail lecture i only spoke the template so i didn't apply any keywords just the template guess what i got 90 in speaking so i was like that was number one shock i didn't put a single keyword and i got 90. and i was like what the hell is going on right so i tried the other way i tested repeat sentence read aloud and short answer questions and then this time i didn't use my template at all and i just spoke keywords like if the keywords was like apple banana oranges you know without saying anything as soon as the beep goes and i was like apple orange banana kiwi pineapple apple orange banana kiwi chair so i i just talked about the keyword one by one of course i didn't leave gaps in between because i didn't want to say the words separately i wanted to be as fluent as possible but the key here was that the keyword was the only words that i used guess what i got i got nine what the hell i was telling myself what the hell is going on so my theory is this now with the read aloud repeat sentence and short answer questions i did pretty well right i didn't i made minimal mistakes so read aloud repeat sentence and short answer questions points were so high that only a small point from describe image in retail lecture was able to get me above 90. remember describe image is divided into three sections content fluency and speaking now with the first when i only talked about the templates i didn't get any points for contents but i still got points for fluency and pronunciation and that was enough for me to get me over the edge and get 90 in speaking and vice versa when i was only talking about keywords so i probably didn't get a lot of good score in fluency and pronunciation however i i got some points for content because i was talking about all the keywords but that was enough for me to get me above the 90 mark score right so i thought to myself what would be the maximum what would be the most efficient way most efficient way to get maximum points with minimal efforts for described image and then i thought why don't i combine what i did in the first and the second attempt so this is what you do okay so what i'm about to speak right now is what you're going to do for your next exam what you're going to do is you're going to use this short template this one right and you're going to read this without any keywords for the first maybe 10 or 15 seconds or so and you're gonna practice this and because it's so short i'm sure you can memorize it in one day and after you've read this these sentences you're going to start reading the keywords only so the advantage of this is that you don't have to keep switching around back and forth with template and keywords you just read the template so it doesn't matter what the question is just as soon as the beep starts you start speaking what you're prepared for you can do that right and then when once you're finished reading your template start talking about your keywords i say about seven to eight words is enough but if you have more time feel comfortable feel free to reading nine or ten keywords that's okay with me but i would say the minimum would be about six to seven keywords all up because i want you to maximize your scores for that content as well and this is not the best part now with the retail lecture you probably noticed i used the same template for retail lecture as well so i use a single template for describe image in retail lecture that halves the study load that you do at home okay so you don't have to memorize the separate templates for each and one of them that's that's going to save you a lot of time the only thing that you have to do is with the with the word image i just want you to change that to the word lecture and that's about it so retail lecture is very very similar you will hear an audio and the length of the audio varies from question to question when the audio is finished you'll get about 10 seconds only to finalize what you've what you are taking down as a note okay while you're listening to the audio audio you can write down the keywords that you hear when the audio finishes like i said you get about 10 seconds only 10 seconds is very very short time you can't really do anything you can only take a deep breath and be prepared you can't do anything and then after the 10 seconds you start speaking while the audio is being played write down everything that you hear i write minimum of seven now retail lecture is a little bit different to describe image in terms of your it contributes to listening and speaking and i want you to go above 25 seconds but 25 seconds is plenty you don't need to go for 40 seconds in this case either so you'll be using the same template for retail lecture as well this the template that i made for you guys describe image in retail lecture is only two lines you can memorize this in one day and i actually have proof guys i spent 120 australian bucks for this mock test c take a deep breath in the first domain now there's five seconds left come to the beginning let's read the main difference on this occasion was that the colonists were not just fighting against the king who were determined to use his own prerogative they were also fighting against the parliament which believed that it and it alone should not raise taxes and control revenues rights which have been won in the previous century so a couple of mistakes they're made but that's okay i can still get good marks you don't have to be perfect five seconds left come to the beginning says let's start a scientist evidence is thought to be reliable because it will have been tested and verified at every stage this is not of course infallible as scientists are subject to human error as much as the rest of us most obvious change the most obvious change is that 46 percent of the students colleges undergraduates are now women when i went there it was not only not the third year that women had been admitted and about 70 percent of the students were male 1 so this is when i thought to myself okay that's i'm making too many mistakes thought to myself let my face focus started focusing and try to minimize the error as we progress into the 21st century communications are becoming faster and faster think of the millions of different media images you are bombarded with every day it's as important now to be able to read and make sense of those images as it has been to be able to read ordinary texts so i was quite successful there five seconds left come to the beginning the past in the past wars have led to inflation and higher commodity prices fighting disrupts trade and prevents raw materials from being shipped from one country to another in second world war britain of banana was the height of luxury you can put the stress on any any words as long as they are noun verbs adjective and adverbs and i don't read it like globalization refers to a set of changes rather than a single change i don't read like that but i put enough stress in the words for me to get the rhythm and the fluency correct globalization first globalization refers to a set of changes rather than a single change many of these changes are social cultural and political rather than purely economic and one of the main drivers in addition to the global marketplace is the communications revolution so you realize that that transition from read aloud to repeat sentence is this sudden the countdown begins in three seconds and you have to be prepared mentally that this is repeat sentence as you can see above here so but this can catch you off guard if you're too surprised if you might get surprised not be ready i don't want you to miss out the first one or two questions of repeat sentence they are too important for that so be prepared mentally and let's have a look at repeat sentence an understanding of mathematics is vital for most science subjects an understanding of mathematics is vital for most science subjects if we work on this together we'll get through it quickly if we work on this together we'll get through it quickly the new law professor used to work for the world bank the new law professor used to work for the world bank many environment experts are very concerned about the future of our planet many of environmental experts are very concerned about the future of our planet the graph shows the percentage of people who smoke according to gender the graph shows the percentage of people who smoke according to gender the meeting is always on the third wednesday of the month the meeting is always on the third wednesday of the month we can go anywhere do anything you know achieve any height can go anywhere do anything you know achieve any height construction of the empire state building in new york was completed in 1931. construction of the empire state building in new york was completed in 1931. people under 70 have a higher quality of life than those over seventy people under seventy have a higher quality of life than those over seventy the area of canada is more than 3.8 million square miles the area of canada is more than 3.8 million square miles so this is where we transition from repeat sentence to describe image it doesn't give you warning as usual you can see that this is i'm describing the graph or the image below now this is where i'm going to show you what i did as promised i'm going to read the two line template first without any keywords and after that i'm going to start reading the keywords off the chart as you see so i'm just going through the keywords that i see so five seconds left let's be ready given image is about the given image is about interesting topics based on many different categories and firstly we can clearly see that images can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important finally road traffic great britain billion vehicle kilometers all motor vehicles cars and taxis 1952 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2005 so that was about 28 seconds more than enough now for some people if you find reading the the ears 1971 1973 if that's too hard stick to the easier years like 2001 2003 and etc and even the words too if you don't know certain words skip it read the ones that you're comfortable reading with given image is about interesting topics based on many different categories including firstly we can clearly see that image can show a major point which is connected to our society so it's fair to say that it is important finally economic and social research council figure 1 uk unemployment rate 1971 to 2006 percentage 1971 1973 1975 2003 and 2005. so that was 28 seconds plenty of time the given image is about interesting topics based on many different categories firstly we can clearly see that the image can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important finally sales by quarter quarter one quarter two quarter three quarter four values in dollars three thousand dollars nine thousand dollars fifteen thousand dollars year two thousand and four product z product y product x and products now some people have asked me is it okay to use the same template over and over again for different questions that's what i'm doing i'm gonna prove it to you that it's okay to do this the given image is about interesting topics based on many different categories firstly we can clearly see that images can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important finally males and females life expectancy at birth in australia is 85 80 75 17 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 and 2005. so again about 27 28 seconds that's plenty of time and you'll see that in this uh in this question subterranean africa i thought it was a bit of a tongue twister hard to pronounce i'm just i decided to skip that and stick to more comfortable words that i am able to pronounce ignore this tongue twister the given image is about interesting topics based on many different categories firstly we can clearly see that the image can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important finally adult literacy by region literacy rates by sex 2000 to 2004 world latin america and the caribbean asia arab states 77 87 53 70 89 91 the given image is about interesting topics based on many different categories firstly we can clearly see that the image can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important and finally economic conditions the philippines from the 2000 to 2004 consumer price index gdp 160 140 120 118 160 2000 2001 and 2002 and then i'm gonna just stop the video there we have transitioned from describe image to retail lecture and the countdown three second countdown begins right away so you might get surprised here once again every time the question type transitions so you'll see that this is you will hear a speech so retell what you've heard so you know that this is retail lecture so in retail lecture you have to listen to the lecture and write down notes as much as you can you will sometimes you'll be given a picture like this not many information here is just a picture of coffee beans you know that this lecture is going to be up about coffee beans while you're listening to it take down notes as much as you can i advise about only seven now and i'll show you as i've mentioned before now it's really take the coffee industry the figures are roughly these the coffee market in the world is worth about sixty billion the growers get about five point five billion ten years ago the market was about thirty billion and the growers got a third of that what has happened what has happened is that well-meaning people americans germans europeans decided that they would help vietnam and so they created a coffee industry there which is now the second biggest producer in the world this has had serious effects on other countries like colombia that depend on coffee exports so let me just stop the video there so when the lecture finishes you only get 10 seconds after to prepare you'll realize that this 10 seconds goes fast really really like quickly so my advice is here when you're taking down notes you see this is 60 billion i didn't write the entire word i just wrote b for billion 5.5 billion instead of writing the entire i wrote years like this now instead of writing the entire word vietnam i just wrote vietnam and there's a bit of typo now on the test of the exam you won't be able to type the keyword you will have to write your keywords with a given erasable pen on the board you might not be able to write everything that's why it's very important for you to just write it in abbreviations forget the spelling forget the grammar just write the keywords as much as you can let's see how i do it the given lecture is about interesting topics based on many different categories firstly we can clearly see that the lecture can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important finally the coffee industry which was 60 billion dollars 30 billion dollars well-meaning people and helping the vietnam help vietnam colombia and the exports coffee industry 60 billion people well-meaning people help vietnam colombia and exports now you realize that when i was reading the the keywords once i've read from beginning to the end i felt that my i didn't get enough keywords down i was just being extra cautious and i repeated myself again i came to the beginning again i repeated the cycle and read the keywords once again it's okay if you feel that you didn't get enough keywords down this is what you can do to increase the length of your recording now a new question now you can see that this time it's it's a graph and a flowchart now my tip is that if you're a terrible listener right and let's say you didn't get enough keywords down one one thing that you can do is you can read off the charts the keywords that are written now things like biological factors and these words in here are actually correlate to the lecture that's going to be played so get as much as you can from the lecture but if you feel that's not enough read it off the charts you can see that the two charts each give quite a different picture of the performance of boys and girls in the two key subjects of maths and english it shows that in english girls consistently outperform boys over a period of six years achieving scores about uh 10 above their male peers there is quite a different picture when we look at the maths results with no real difference between genders in the results what is the explanation for these key differences to answer this question researchers look at biological and cognitive factors and a range of social factors the interaction between these different components in early childhood development are seen as maintained and reinforced in the school context and this leads to distinct gender patterns of behavior in skills with direct consequences for school performance and achievement the argument uses this evidence to show that biological factors such as patterns of cognitive development are closely linked to social factors such as learned gender categories these cognitive skills are learned both preschool and subsequently at school supported by the responses of teachers creating a reinforcement of patterns okay i wrote it down as much as you can of course on the day of the exam you won't be able to write this much because you'll be writing down with your pen but i'm just showing you what you should be doing so for example instead of writing the entire word like i said try to abbreviate it into your own form one of the things that i i do is forget about the little minor spelling errors like this this i know that this is this means components now whenever i finish a word with the letter m i know that this refers to meant argument but instead of writing the whole thing i just i know that i've been doing this since i was in high school so stick to abbreviations if it's not enough you can refer to the charts only 10 seconds given the given lecture is about interesting topics based on many different categories firstly we can clearly see that the lecture can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important now the two charts maths english 10 more than male peers there's no difference between genders key differences cognitive factors early childhood development school performance achievements preschool and at school reinforcement of the patterns now the biological factors social factors distinctive gendered interest interest and identities gender categories and cognitive development so here i went a bit overboard i read all the keywords here and some of the keywords from the diagram as well that got me to about 38 seconds i did i went a bit overboard you don't have to do this much but 30 seconds is more than enough 25 seconds is enough as well in our survey over 100 ceos who had recently been through an acquisition or merger were asked which areas of their activities needed the most effort as you can see the most frequent response to this question was that information technology requires the most integration effort according to 58 percent of those we surveyed it was the most time consuming and needed the most work this is understandable as many of the i.t issues are extremely complex and the consequences of any change in it can have a significant impact the key is how quickly and effectively i t integration can be achieved and there has to be a clear understanding of the consequences there may be of not getting it right the two other areas requiring significant attention sales marketing and business development on the one hand and financial management on the other both were selected by 49 percent of the respondents lecture the given lecture is about interesting topics based on many different categories firstly we can clearly see that lecture can show a major point which is connected to our society so it is fair to say that it is important finally the survey hundred ceos acquisitions and merger frequent response 58 percent i t equals very time consuming it's very complex and significant impact i.t integration consequences in the two areas are sales financial management which is 49 so here that was a transition going from retail lecture to short answer questions it doesn't warn you once again so you have to be ready at the back of the mind that short answer questions coming up and you have to be prepared because they only give you three seconds for you to prepare and they ask you a question right away so be ready okay which country has the third largest population in the uk whales camels are most likely to be found in what habitat desert desert on a compass which direction is the direct opposite of southwest northeast north east so you realize that in some of the questions i repeat the answer twice it's okay to repeat your answers if you're not happy with your first pronunciation you can correct yourself and say and repeat your answers what do most successful businesses aim to do make a profit declare bankruptcy or comply with audits make a profit make a profit what is it called when the price of goods and services steadily increases over a period of time inflation inflation what mistake has the student made when trying to access the site invalid password wrong password algebra calculus and trigonometry are divisions of which academic field maths mathematics what campus building would you go to if you wanted to borrow a book or magazine library library is a profit a loss in funds or a gain in funds gain in funds gain in funds what energy source does this light bulb need in order to function electricity electricity so that was the end of the speaking modules i didn't purposely answer this and skipped it so it's time to check the end results let's see 90. what a surprise so you realize that despite some of the mistakes that i made i was still able to achieve 19 oral fluency and 90 and pronunciation which ultimately led me to not getting 19 speaking you can forget about the 16 scores in writing i was testing something else so focus on these score this was the verification of using my new method of describe image in retail lecture very easy way which you can master in one day let's go back into the video and unlike other people other teachers out there i'm going to go through the pronunciation and fluency of this template one by one because i noticed that some students uh have difficulty having reading the templates so let me go through the pronunciation of my template korean now the reason why i'm constantly trying to find an easier way to to describe image and retail lecture in in other modules is that this is going to significantly reduce the amount of study time that you need for described image in retail lecture what do you do with that save time i want you to invest that in repeat sentence and write from dictation and read aloud and the and the bloody reading writing fill in the blanks which is the hardest i don't want you to save time here and go watch netflix that's not my purpose it's for you to study efficiently and save time and reinvest in the big fours yeah thanks for watching thanks for liking thanks for sharing thanks a lot always appreciate your positive feedbacks my name is jimmy sam and i'll see you in my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: PTE Jimmyssem 지미쌤 피티이
Views: 222,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DescribeImage, RetellLecture, PTE, jimmyssem, PTE speaking, PTE listening, 지미쌤, 지미썜, describe image, pte retell lecture, retell lecture, pte describe image, describe image pte, retell lecture pte, pte retell lecture template, pte academic, pte speaking retell lecture, pte speaking describe image, pte speaking tips, pte retell lecture template and strategies, pte retell lecture tips, pte speaking tricks, pte retell lecture real exam practice, pte retell lecture tips and tricks
Id: hDheXo2epi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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