E2 PTE Full Mock Test - LIVE with Jay!

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I think everything's okay I hope you like my new backdrop I got the Pte Green happening today rather than the the black which was a bit scary as some people said let's see if this works cool that's working okay that's all good then I can see myself on YouTube live what I'm going to do is I'm going to paste the YouTube live link into the chat if you have any problems viewing my PPT slides on your computer if it's blurry then you're going to need to watch this on youtube live for some reason there's an incompatibility issue with my technology and some people's computers I don't know what that is so the in the short of it is if your screen looks blurry and kind of weird then you're going to have to watch this on youtube live so I'm gonna paste that link into the chat but you can also just go to youtube and type in Pte and you'll see it up there as well okay so let me paste it in here I'm gonna paste the link to all attendees I'm also going to turn off the chat so you can only chat with me so allow attendees to chat with all panelists okay so now you won't be able to see each other's chats which is good because when we do the reading for example you won't be able to see each other's answers awesome hello from Brazil says Accardo nice to see you hi Kara and there's somebody from Saudi Arabia and yes I guess we've got many many different countries here we've got 193 people in the zoom meeting and we've got a hundred and ninety people on YouTube live so that's pretty cool um alright let's just let me get my slides together this is a big classroom crazy crazy big classroom uh right okay I guess we can get started it's all recording I think just let me double check that it's recording live I'm gonna record this hold on I'll record to the cloud yeah okay clowns good clouds good cool I think we're ready to go hello everyone my name is J I'm one of the expert Pte academic teachers here at e to language comm just before we begin if you haven't signed up for free to e to language please go and do that maybe after this live class has finished this mock test just go to e to language comm you can sign up for free or if you're feeling a little bit outlandish you can always sign up to one of our paid packages which give you tutorials feedback on your writing access to all the live classes all the course material including overview methods over the lessons methods and practice activities there's lots and lots to do at e to language comm if you want to pass your PT e cool what are we going to do today we're going to do a PT academic mini mock test what does that mean well the plan is this we're going to do one question from each Pte task so there are 20 PT e tasks in total we're going to do one of each now this will be the same level of difficulty as the actual PT or I have at least tried my hardest to make it the same level of difficulty it should be very similar in the very least we're going to look at instructions so I'm going to show you what to do in each of tasks we're gonna look at scoring and I'm also going to show you my answers as we go but I'm going to put you under pressure all of these tasks will be will be timed I want you to feel the pressure of the PT because in the real PT you will be feeling pressure right it's gonna be different very different from when you study at home there's a whole new psychological realm that you must enter when you do this but that's cool practice is a good thing let's firstly talk about PT speaking the first task of which is read aloud the task is this a text appears on the screen you simply need to read the text aloud you get 30 to 40 seconds to prepare to read aloud and then you get 30 to 40 seconds to speak or to read aloud properly when you're actually recorded okay I'm just gonna give you a little tip for this one if you I'm sure all of you of what's the news before you're familiar with particularly American news maybe it's the same in your country but the way they read it's very in lots of intonation lots of ups and downs they don't read like robots whatever you do don't read like a robot the PT II really likes good inflection ups and downs intonation okay so I want you to read this and I want you to read it with meaning I want you to read it with purpose and I want you to read it as emphatically as you possibly can okay even if you feel like you're a bit of an idiot that's cool that's what this is all about improving so just before we do this you're scored in read aloud on content pronunciation and oral fluency content means that you read every word as they are right you don't change anything you don't add anything you don't skip anything pronunciation well you're measured on your uh well you're measured against native-like pronunciation but you just need to speak as clearly as you possibly can get your mouth moving and you also scored on oral fluency which is your ability to not hesitate to not M&R and just to let those words flow here we go okay stop reading properly cool and that's the end of that this is a nice task to begin the test with it's not too intimidating you just have to read aloud but you certainly have to read all out in a certain way to maximize your scores and this is an extremely important task it also connects to your reading scores by the way and there's good reason to believe that it really does affect your speaking score this task it's certainly an important one good one to get right okay here's an answer this is how I would read it on test day materials inspired by disappearing Hollywood dinosaurs and real-life shy squid have been invented the theme swatches can quickly change how they reflect heat smoothing or wrinkling their surfaces in under a second after being stretched or electrically triggered potential users include better camouflage for troops and installation for spacecraft storage containers emergency shelters clinical care and building heating and cooling systems and I would then click next and move on to the next task now I stuttered us by the word triggered I sort of got stuck on a little bit there but I just pushed through okay and you would have noticed that I read this much like a news reader would read the news that brings us to repeat sentence which is the second task of PT speaking the task is this after listening to a recording of a sentence you just need to repeat that sentence back exactly as the original speaker said it right you scored on content so that you have to get all of the words the same words in the correct order to get a full score maximum score you scored on pronunciation you need to speak as clearly as you possibly can and oral fluency again you want to mimic the intonation of the speaker so if the speaker says something like the library is located behind the quadrangle you need to say the library is located behind the quadrangle you don't say the library is located behind the quadrangle okay you need to mimic the same oral fluency as the original voice yes cool let's do this one hopefully my audio is working I'm gonna play this one in three two one clothing can affect your mood your health and your self-esteem and hopefully you got that the answer or the sentence that was said is this clothing can affect your mood your health and your self-esteem now I can't actually hear these audio so I'm just hoping that it says the same thing let me just see any nice okay cool good looking good 228 in the webinar and 260 Wow well and truly passed 500 people in this class that's awesome thanks for coming along I appreciate it that's really cool okay good repeat sentence yeah so scoring if you missed a few words your school's scores will decrease and you should try and get the same sequence of words as well if you miss a word you may just want to insert a word at least you'll get the points for oral fluency as far as I know all right good that brings us to the most terrifying of the Pte tasks well not necessarily it doesn't have to be this is described image the task is this an image will appear on the screen you need to describe the image well in detail but there's only so much detail you can say in 40 seconds now the timings a little bit interesting you get 25 seconds to prepare that means you get 25 seconds to look at that image and think about okay what's going on here what's the highest what's the lowest what's the biggest what's the smallest then you get 40 seconds to begin to speak and you should only speak for about 35 seconds you don't want to speak all the way to 40 seconds okay if you're familiar with the ìiî language method you'll know exactly what to do in this task okay you're scored on content so you you have to be speaking about the image in front of you can't memorize something else or you will get 0 for everything right so content is important pronunciations because clearly as you can oral fluency speak without hesitating if you can here we go you how did you go if you're thinking yourself oh my god I screwed that up terribly then yeah you may need to practice this task in fact even for native English speakers this is a really tricky task in fact I'm gonna show you how to trick it is I'm going to give you an example and I'll probably screw it up myself but here we go these pie charts represent the amount of steel that was produced in two years 2016 and 2017 china produced the most amount of steel and this increase between the two years from forty nine percent to forty nine point two percent the rest of the world accounted for a significant amount of steel production at ten point nine percent in 2016 and eleven point two percent in 2017 the EU was also a significant contributor to steel production at around ten percent overall China produces the most steel BOM whoa you sort of got that terrifying little moment when you think what am I going to say at that last second but then I just I squeezed in a little conclusion there which was just saying that China was the biggest producer of steel cool there's a method there there's a structure you should be able to follow you can apply it to all images almost all images I would say but really this is about thinking on your feet about spontaneous language production and yeah this is a tricky one but anyway let's push on we're going to look at retail lecture this is also an interesting task for this one you're going to need a in fact for a number of the tasks and the PT you're going to need a notebook so if you don't have a piece of paper next to you please run and grab on because this task as with some of the other tasks they're impossible to do without pen and paper because you need to take notes and you need to take good notes so let me turn my phone off in case somebody calls me alright so the task is this after listening to or watching a lecture retell the lecture in your it's a lecture that you hear or see will go for about 60 to 90 seconds by the way so you get ten seconds to prepare after that lecture has finished which isn't much time at all it's just enough time to look at your notes and then you have 40 seconds to retell that lecture in your own words I don't know why it says describe image here I'm sorry I didn't change that should say retell lecture now you're scored on content so you must be speaking on topic and that really depends on the notes that you take so you must take good notes pronunciation you must speak clearly oral fluency you should try and speak without hesitating as much as possible right oh this is what it looks like no sorry give me one second these slides are wrong I need to paste that audio on to that I always make little mistakes it's pretty much impossible to get this right there's somebody checks it alright that's good that's all I want I just want that audio file there okay here we go get ready to take notes and listen to this lecture in three two one the idea of eliminating poverty is a great goal I don't think anyone in this room would disagree what worries me is when politicians with money and charismatic rockstars use the words it all just sounds so so simple now I've got no bucket of money today and I've got no policy to release and I certainly haven't got a guitar I'll leave that to others but I do have an idea and that idea is the called housing for health housing for health works with poor people it works in the places where they live and the work is done to improve their health over the last twenty eight years this tough grinding dirty work has been done by literally thousands of people around Australia and more recently overseas and their workers Reuven that focus design can improve even the poorest living environments it can improve health and it can play a part in reducing if not eliminating poverty you have ten seconds begin retelling the lecture now and stop if you were still speaking up to the end you should definitely stop before that time right that yeah describe image retail lecture these are the two of the trickiest speaking tasks not necessarily the most important they're all important but these ones are well makes you think on your feet that's for sure all right let me give you an answer before I do that I'm just gonna let don't worry about the time there can I stop that time okay just have a look at my notes here I did this before I listened to the lecture I took notes and these were what my notes looked like on paper so a limp of no one disagree politicians rock stars too simple so quite simple notes but if I'd really listened to this lecture and understood it then I should be able to combine both my memory of what the speaker was saying and my notes which reinforce my memory into a coherent structure and speak for about 35 seconds let me try to do this how here we go the speaker was discussing his idea about how to eliminate poverty he said that no one disagrees that poverty should be eliminated he mentioned that politicians and rock stars often speak about poverty elimination but their ideas are too simple he is not rich he doesn't have a policy and he does not have a guitar but he has a great idea and the idea is called housing for health the idea is that he will help poor people in the communities housing for health has been running for 28 years and has helped thousands of people worldwide including in Australia okay I didn't get enough time to finish my notes there but that's just what you do again there's a structure e to language teachers a beautiful structure for this gives you lots of practice and so you can go into the exam feeling pretty confident as long as you're taking good notes that you can retell just about any lecture okay some of the lectures that you'll get in your exam will be extremely abstract by the way very strange so yeah you need to take good notes that's for sure all right here we go answer short question this is a final speaking task of the PTA the task is quite simple you will listen to a question and you answer with a single word or a few words you scored on content in that you answer correctly you scored on pronunciation in that you speak clearly and oral fluency in that you do not hesitate or I man are you just say the word or the few words that you need here we go you're gonna answer this question in three two one what do you call a brief summary of a scientific research article have a look at what you write here oh okay this might be my problem nobody's got it yeah Brutus got it thank you richer ah damn I thought this was a good question maybe it's not okay let me change the question let me change the question then I'm just gonna ask you already I'm gonna ask you again what do you call a brief summary at the beginning of a scientific research article what do you call a brief summary at the beginning of a scientific research article hopefully you get the answer from that okay nice now it's starting to come in my bad not a good question this is why you need to test questions because Jay is thinking oh this is a perfect question sends it out into the universe and all of a sudden he realizes that it doesn't make any sense the answer to that question is well at least in my mind was abstract abstract the abstract is a brief summary at the beginning of a scientific research article yes if you read thesis that would definitely be wrong because theses are definitely not brief that word brief is really critical and also summering so a brief summary maybe not a great question but you get the idea yeah all right before we move on we need you to help feed the team if you're feeling generous you go to PayPal and you can donate as much or as little money as you would like to help e to language continue to do the wonderful things that we do so I'm gonna be monitoring my phone nobody's donated anything yet if you feel like donating like two bucks five bucks a hundred rupees whatever it is you can go to PayPal I'd like to I'd like to get enough to buy dinner tonight let's see if we can do that okay and I'll certainly be mentioning names as we do this so PayPal dot me slash e to language if you want to donate some small change all right let's move to PT writing there are two tasks the first one is called summarize written text the task is this after reading a text write a one sentence summary of the passage a single sentence summary you'll have ten minutes this task contributes to both your reading and writing score so you make sure that you read that summary or that that text correctly and then write the single complex sentence okay cool you scored on four things you scored on relevance so you need to be writing about the the main idea in that text you scored on structure and in length I'm not too sure the sentence structure I guess and length there so I believe this going for length is you can't write below five words and you can't write more than seventy I think that's it anyway there's a key sort of length that you should be aiming for if you're a need to remember you'll know what that is grammatical accuracy your scored on that and your scored on how precise your vocabulary is now here's the key with this one you probably be very tempted to just take full sentences out of or full sentence from the text and just change it slightly that's not what you want to do you can certainly take words from the text right because you have to write about the thing in front of you you shouldn't take phrases and you shouldn't definitely not take a sentence you need to look at this thing and summarize it in your brain imagine that you just read this and your friend says to you hey J what's what are you reading about and you've got one sentence to explain it and you say well bla bla bla bla bla bla bla okay that's what you need to try and do here is eternity to your own sentence cool let's do this one you have ten minutes if you're in zoom and this screen looks blurry you'll have to watch this on YouTube live and somebody just gave me ten bucks thank you very much whoever that was you thank you very much Vikas Kumar for your $10 an hour 20 bucks I go out for dinner tonight another 30 seconds left all right before I show you my example sentence for three lovely people donating to the e2 team we've had a lovely Russian I can't read your Russian language so existe call you the lovely Russian Vikas and super otter thank you very much for your donations it's very very helpful right let's have a look at my sentence my sentence says this your should say something similar of course there is a million different ways that you can write this complex sentence mine says researchers have improved upon previous attempts to create wearable food monitors by developing a small three-layered sensor that attaches directly to a tooth which allows individuals to track food intake such as glucose salt and alcohol and there's another donation from Raju thank you very much guys this is awesome anyway mine's about 37 works about 35 words it's good and I've think that I've managed to put in all the main ideas from those three paragraphs about improving upon previous attempts that attaches to a tooth if you didn't get that that that's important and yeah anyway there's a million different ways to do this right this leads us to right if say if you haven't seen the video on the super method or the super structure for writing the essay you should check that out it's just a very simple way to write the introduction to paragraphs in the conclusion it works for all of these PTSA prompts of course you need to be a little bit flexible on test day you never really know what you're going to get but the essay is always going to be argumentative slash persuasive okay so it's an opinion you're arguing an opinion cool the task is to write a 200 to 300 word essay on a given topic and you have 20 minutes to do so which is not much time by the way so having a structure in your mind is a very clever idea you scored on a number of criteria you scored on content that you write directly about the question prompt if you're right indirectly about the question prompts you'll immediately lose marks okay keep that question prompt in your mind at all times length you need to write between two 300 words people ask do I get extra points for writing more than two or closer to 300 the answer is no you just get two points for writing between 200 and 300 structure use the e to language structure grammar well this is where a feedback on your writing might come in handy you may need to know what mistakes you're making but you should try and be as accurate as possible of course precision you need to formulate your sentences the combination of vocabulary and grammar as precisely as possible vocabulary only use words that you know and know well you want to use appropriate and precise vocabulary and you need to spell everything correctly and by the way just with spelling choose British English or American English and stick with it okay so if you're right color or you are British English make sure that the rest of your spelling is British style as well for example alright here's the question prompt I'm gonna read it to you urban sprawl is an increasing issue around the world one way in which to solve this issues to construct cities vertically rather than horizontally Thank You Shrikant are such cities a good idea just let me explain this before you start writing the idea here is this is an IELTS essay prompt that I've stolen here the idea is that cities are expanding and they're expanding outwards right now urban developers think that people we should build our cities upwards like taller buildings taller apartment buildings and whatnot so the question problem asks you are such cities vertical cities a good idea you have 20 minutes to write your essay and then I'll show you my essay you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you all right one more minutes cool that will probably do okay hopefully you've written your essay because that's 20 minutes or close enough now a lot of people struggle with this essay prompt I guess because the word urban sprawl is quite an uncommon term it's a little bit you need to have a knowledge of that but however you could have worked out what this meant by father by understanding the rest of the sentences so says urban sprawl is an increasing issue okay so we need to know what urban sprawl is so one way in which to solve urban sprawl is to construct cities vertically well you know what vertical means rather than horizontally so that means building up not outwards ah such cities vertical cities a good idea anyway here's my answer he's an answer I'm just gonna read this to you hopefully your essay was something similar to this of course there are different thing ways that you could argue you could have argued that they that building upwards is a bad idea for example you could have said that earthquakes can destroy the apartment buildings and that I don't know what the other bad idea is but you could come up with two what I wanted to do in arguing that it's a good idea to build up is just to think of two reasons ah such cities a good idea my answer is yes okay now I just need two reasons so one I said it's going to be environmentally better and two I said it was going to be better for the community okay let's make two reasons they'll become my two paragraphs and overall my essay is gonna argue yes building cities upwards rather than outwards is a good idea so here's what I wrote and this follows the e2 language structure by the way as the human population continues to increase around the world people are increasing moving to cities as a result of the influx cities are expanding into urban sprawl one possible solution to the continuous spread of suburbs is to build cities upwards rather than outwards this essay will discuss why vertically constructed cities are a very good idea the main reason why building upwards is a good idea is that it contains cities to a smaller landmass area this results in a far smaller impact on the surrounding natural environments which means that forests rivers and oceans will be healthier it goes without saying that urban sprawl is environmentally destructive this is the single most important factor as to why cities should be built upwards that one paragraph only talks about the benefits on the environment of vertical cities second paragraph the second most important reason why cities should be constructed vertically is that it creates more harmonious communities people living in a single apartment building in sorry in single apartment buildings are much more likely to interact in more peaceful ways because they don't own separate plots of land in my apartment for example people are very friendly to each other this is not true by the way I have never even met my neighbors because they know each other very well this is another important effect of vertically constructed cities in conclusion as the population continues to climb we need to begin to build taller cities this si si si this si discussed have vertical cities improve environmental conditions and results in friendlier communities clearly building cities upwards is a very smart move alright if that seemed like whoa how did you do that that's crazy in terms of the structure it's actually very straightforward once you learn that structure and you practice a few times if you need feedback on your on your grammar or structure you can as part of the package on e to language you can submit essays through and you receive feedback 48 hours later okay so if you're worried about your writing or speaking you want some feedback you can do that but all of this is all connected up it's just part of the essay structure that we teach okay yes now if you do need help with your writing do check out e to language comm okay you can sign up for free all right let's think about PT reading now let's start with ultimate choice to single answer the first task of PT reading the task is this after reading a text answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the text by selecting one response should spend about 2 minutes on this task ok yes the text sorry let me go on the skills test it so what you need to read for or what the question prompt will ask you to look for is the main idea of the text a specific detail of the text the purpose or function of the text an opinion or tone of the text or an inference ok here we go I'm going to give you two minutes to answer this question here you you you you you you you okay that's two minutes the question prompts is according to the text so you're not using your own general knowledge or anything here contemporary psycholinguistics can best be described as of what philosophical non-invasive widespread interdisciplinary psychological or well-established the answer drumroll and feel free to argue with me if you like the answer is D interdisciplinary it is not philosophic it was philosophical contemporary life psycholinguistics is not philosophical anymore non-invasive well that just doesn't make sense that was just a word taken from the text widespread well I don't think that's correct either psychological well that's wrong because it's also taking into account biology and neurobiology well-established well know you can see from the tone of the text that it's a largely a new field of studies study so it's not well-established the answer is interdisciplinary because that's the only one that makes sense modern research makes use of biology neuroscience cognitive science and information theory so that would be the best description of contemporary psycholinguistics just put a little smiley face into the chat I just want to know how many people got that yeah got it correct huh yeah nice good okay let's move on to multiple choice multiple answers this is pretty similar except obviously you have to choose more than one or you can choose more than one so after reading a text answer a multiple choice question on the content or tone of the text by selecting more than one response this time the text is going to be longer in single answer it's a hundred and ten words max in multiple choice multiple answers it's up to 300 words the scoring works like this suppose the question has four answer options a B C and D and let's say that a and B a correct okay so if you let a and B you'll get two points congratulations if you select a you'll score one point no points are lost for not selecting B if you select B you'll get one point no points are lost for not selecting a if you select a B and C well they're two correct and one wrong so you get one point and if you select a B C and D well two minus two equals zero points this task tests your ability to read for specific details more than anything here we go you have three minutes to answer the question what is professor broader attempting to do you you you you you you you you you okay let's just I just want to check to see if anyone got this right this is a this is what you call a doozy this is a doozy we've got this right Oh who got that right someone got it there Taran Shah well done all right all right I'm gonna give you a little bit more time just just another 30 seconds or so all right let's go through the answers this is a all right so wait let's go back let's read the question problem what is professor broader trying to do or attempting to do a improve the way in which AVS autonomous vehicles if you didn't pick that up you're in trouble you needed to know what an AV is right an AV is an autonomous self-driving vehicle so improve the way in which AV signaled to each other decrease the space needed between autonomous vehicles when they are parked calculate the size of the parking grid to maximize autonomous vehicle storage decrease the number of moves needed to retrieve an autonomous vehicle reduce valuable urban space stop autonomous vehicles from pulling out on each other the answers are C calculate the size of the parking grid to maximize autonomous vehicle storage and decrease the number of moves needed to retrieve an autonomous vehicle that comes from this single sentence here which says the researchers challenge it should be in apostrophe s sorry about that was to determine the optimal size of the grid to maximize storage let's just think about this okay his challenge was to to determine the optimal size of the grid to maximize storage okay that looks pretty similar to here calculate the size of the parking grid to maximize AV storage and D well it says here decrease the number of moves needed to retrieve an AV minimizing the number of moves required to extract any given car C and D if you have seen D then he's legendary and well done that's a great effort of course he could have just chosen one answer and just played it safe why is be incorrect because his he was not attempting to decrease the space needed between the a V's when they have parked that wasn't his intention okay and in fact none of the others were I won't go into details as to why because we'll be here for too long let's move to reorder paragraph the task is there several text boxes appear on a screen in a random order put the text boxes in the correct order in other words reorder the paragraph spend about two minutes no more than two minutes what you need to do is read for the independent sentence the sentence that stands alone then you need to think about coherence sentence flow and logic where you go you you you you you you you you okay that's two minutes now let's just look at the answers and the answers are de ACB de ACB who got de ACB nice this was a tough one yeah I'm trying to really knock this up and push you guys let's have a look why this was this was tough because the usual subject-verb-object subject-verb-object where the object of the first sentence leads to the subject of the next sentence doesn't quite add up first sentence is this although mammals that live in more to share a similarly oblong body shape they are not closely related rather seals and sea lions are closely related to dogs meditation sorry related to dogs manatee share ancestry of elephants and whales and dolphins are related to hippos and other hoofed mammals to learn more about how these groups of land mammals took on their characteristic girth when they turned aquatic the research has compiled body masses for 3859 living and 2999 fossil mammal species from existing data sets the analysis includes about 70% of living species and 25% of extinct species from this analysis blah blah blah that's a tough one well then if you got that very very good fill in the blanks here we go a text appears on the screen with several gaps drag words from the box below to fill the gaps only spend about a minute on this task this tests your knowledge and application of vocabulary in particular collocation which is natural sounding phrases okay you have a minute and 30 to finish this one you you you you okay this was and these do exist in the PT by the way phrasal verbs yeah phrase me oh no not necessarily phrasal verbs actually prepositions definitely there's some other adjective ones as well let's have a look at the answers here the answers are aimed at understanding of solved in and span from at of in from who got at of in from prepositions are so tricky three out of four lot of some people got four out of four nice work cool all right if you're anything like me you're starting to get fatigued okay this is when the fatigue kicks in and by the way remember in the PT you do like five read Aloud's and then five described images and we've only done one of each so you definitely need on test day to eat a lot of food before the exam starts you definitely don't want to be hungover you should try not to be tired but you probably won't sleep very well the night before in anticipation get as much sleep as possible anyway the point is you want to be as fully energized as possible because this is a marathon this test okay like all of the English language tests reading and writing fill in the blanks so a text appears on the screen with several gaps fill in each gap from a drop down list of response options you get about three minutes to do this this tests your understanding of word choice okay so let's say that there are two answer options clean and tidy right so I cleaned the papers on my desk or I tidied the papers on my desk which is the more precise verb here which one is more precise well the real precise one is tiny tiny papers you don't clean papers you tidy them okay so there's a semantic or meaningful difference there between those two words and this task tests your ability to distinguish between those two or four words in this case here we go you you you you you you you you you okie-dokie what are the answers here well let's just go straight to it so benefit the benefit of mellotts bibs or utensils see there's also something else going on here it's not just it's not just a word you need to understand the greater context or the entire paragraph of what you're reading you really need to understand the whole thing actually in order for some of these questions you need to go back in the paragraph or forward in the paragraph in order to locate the correct word all right in this one it was talking about eating crabs and we have the benefit humans have the benefit of using melet's bibs or utensils a species of water snake in Malaysia defies this limitation ok defies is the best word there by ripping crabs into manageable bite-sized pieces is the only word that truly makes sense there he examined the feeding habits not rituals practices or modes rituals and practices refers to human beings talking about snakes here and modes is just wrong so it's feeding habits and then of course the meaning down here is he found that snakes that hunt softshell crabs can take on prey four times bigger than they otherwise could swallow whole so it's about size not weight or density or wealth it was about size so that bigger is the best one so if your benefit defines manageable habits and bigger congratulations that is not an easy task okie-dokie at this point in the PT you can go to the bathroom you can have a little break take some breaths have a drink and I suggest you do this actually utilize this time because yeah you start to get fatigued especially by the end of reading you're thinking wow and listening well it's tricky because listenings like that Tran has the transience it doesn't stay on the page where you can read it again and again in listening it just disappears right so you want to be really on the ball before you start this one anyway we're just gonna push through so I hope you're coping okay I haven't had a donation in a while by the way so far we've had the lovely Russian we've had Vikas subrata Raju Shrikant and uttal all donate some money to each language which we appreciate enormous ly summarize spoken text the task is this after listening to a recording write a 50 to 70 word summary you'll have about nine minutes to answer okay so here we go I'm gonna play this for you just let me check something actually just bear with me for a second I just need to know I've got the right audio file okay cool let me just check this I can't all right I'm just gonna have to I'm just gonna have to presume that it's right okay that's fine you'll tell me otherwise Oh the politics of racial threat in America now that's playing right okay let me go back um yeah hopefully this is the right audio file away you go remember you'll need to take notes three two one start there's an African proverb that goes the lions story will never be known as long as the hunter is the one to tell it more than a racial converse we need a racial literacy to decode the politics of racial threat in America key to this literacy is a forgotten truth that the more that we understand that our cultural differences represent the power to heal the centuries of racial discrimination dehumanization and illness both of my parents were African American my father was born in southern Delaware my mother in North Philadelphia and these two places are as different from each other as East is from West as New York City is from Montgomery Alabama my father's way of dealing with racial conflict was to have my brother Brian my sister Christy and I in church would seem like 24 hours a day seven days a week if anybody bothered us because of the color of our skin he believed that you should pray for them knowing that God would get them back in the end you could say that his racial coping approach was spiritual for later on one day like Martin Luther King my mother's coping approach was a little different she was you could say more relational right now like in your face right now more like Malcolm X you you you you you you you [Music] okie-dokie that's about in fact what happens in this task is you hear the lecture that goes for about 90 seconds you have 10 minutes total time so have about eight and a half minutes to write your summary I hope you took good notes because the key to this task is note-taking let's look at my answer your answer might look something similar to this my answer says the speaker was discussing race relations in the USA more specifically he was talking about how culture plays an important role in racism and he believes that understanding cultural differences is key to resolving racial issues you mentioned that his parents were both African American and that they had very different ways of dealing with racism while his father was religiously passive his mother was more socially aggressive that is an example of a well structured and well it's right on the money in terms of content as well this task as we may have seen before looks at grammar and vocabulary as well yes if you're familiar with the e to language structure you will know exactly what to do it's very similar to the retail lecture method by the way whoa what's going on here you logged out hold on okay cool I think we're back on let's move on just before we do if you're watching this on YouTube live don't forget to subscribe to eat ooh language so every time we're doing a live stream you'll receive a notification you should also like comment and share this if you think this is worth sharing let's have a look at multiple choice choosing multiple answers the task is this after listening to a recording answer a multiple choice question on the content or tone of the recording by selecting more than one response so this is similar to multiple choice of multiple answers in reading now time to answer if you take good notes which I suggest you do you should only use about 45 seconds at max to choose your answer or answers okay so let's just discuss scoring briefly again just like before if let's suppose a question has four answer options a B C and D a and B are the correct ones if you choose both you'll get two points if you select just one you'll get one point but you will not lose points for not selecting B so that's cool if you select B same thing you'll get one point and you won't lose a point for not selecting a in other words you can be cautious if you want if you select a B and C well you'll get two minus one at one point and if you select all of them you'll get zero points because of the negative marking here we go you're going to hear a short little lecture I want you to take notes and listen very carefully then I'm going to give you 30 seconds to select the answers okay away you go in three two one start what do you think would happen if he invited an individual had been living on the street for many years had mental health issues understand alcoholic to move directly from the street into housing we'd heard this has being done in New York City and we wondered and was called the housing first model and we wondered if it would work in Utah so to make that determination we decided to create a pilot and kita was one of the seventeen chronically homeless individuals we included in this pilot she had been on the street for 20-plus years had mental health and was a severe alcoholic the first night in her apartment she put her blinds on the bed and slept on the floor the next three nights she slept out by the dumpster near the apartment building with the aid of her case manager she moved back into her apartment but continued to sleep on the floor for several nights that took over two weeks for her to develop enough trust and confidence the disappointment was hers and would not be taken away from her before she starts sleeping in the bed policies are a continuing challenge for many cities throughout her country you you you you you you you you you all right how did you go I probably should have given you a little bit more time - sorry read that question prompt because like all multiple-choice questions the question prompt is key to this let's just quickly read it now it says which statements are true of the woman named kita aja was 17 years old B she was homeless and an alcoholic C she had moved from New York to Utah DS she finally moved back to the streets a she eventually learned to sleep on the bed if she couldn't afford the rent of the new apartment the answers are B and E she was a homeless she was a homeless should just say she was homeless and an alcoholic she eventually learned to sleep on the bed so if you selected B and E you would get two points or a hundred percent if you chose just one of those so you would still get fifty percent so that's the safe option as well fill in the blanks this one's pretty straightforward a transcript of a recording appears on the screen with gaps after listening to the recording type the missing word in each gap now when I took this test the easiest thing to do is to get your notebook I scribbled down the answers on the notebook you can if you want type directly into the gaps and press the tab key but I just felt for me anyway I just felt safe for writing it on the notebook then quickly typing it into the gaps checking my work clicking next and moving on okay so you might want to scribble down the answers onto your notebook here we go I'm only gonna give you like 20 seconds to check your work after this three to one my subject today is learning and in that spirit I want to spring on you all a pop quiz ready when does learning begin now as you ponder that question maybe you're thinking about the first day of preschool or kindergarten the first time that kids are in a classroom with a teacher or maybe you've called to mind the toddler fades when children are learning how to walk and talk and use a fork maybe you've encountered the zero to three movement which asserts that the most important years for learning are the earliest ones and so your answer my question would be learning begins at birth well today I want to present to you an idea that may be surprising that may even seem implausible but which is supported by the latest evidence from psychology and biology and that is that some of the most important learning we ever do happens before we're born you you you you you okey-dokey let's check the answers here the answers are spirit Honda phase earliest and implausible so if you got those five words with the correct spelling then you will have gotten full marks cool well done just be careful with this because even like plural nouns if it says spirit or spirits make sure you put that s on the end or else it will be considered incorrect okay so it has to have the same the correct grammar you can check that when you put it in good now we move on to highlight correct summary this one is also a note-taking task you will need to listen and take notes the task is this after listening to a recording select the paragraph the best summarizes the recording I'll give you about a minute to answer so as you can see here it's impossible to listen and read at the same time because the answer options are far too long so what you need to do is take notes and listen listen and take notes rather then when the audio has finished you should select the correct answer okay away you go start taking notes in three two one my middle child Oliver was born with a rare form of muscular dystrophy or mg mg affects his muscle strengths his pulmonary system distorts his body and makes everyday life more challenging than most from the time he could walk which was until about two and a half he had to wear leg braces for stability because he wasn't growing appropriately he had to wear a feeding tube that was placed on his face he endured stairs and so did I but my husband Greg and I told him that no matter what he was just like everybody else but everyday tasks for Oliver that we all take for granted were incredibly challenging that simple act of dressing yourself very thing that I adore was a nightmare for him his form of MD does not affect his mind his brain is an A+ which means he's acutely aware of his shortcomings this became very evident when he started school and that daily act of dressing yourself was a constant reminder of what he could and could not do alright it could be one minute to read and slip the right answer you you you you you you you okay if you heard correctly and took accurate notes then you would have matched your notes to be Oliver's muscular dystrophy is only physical meaning that his mind is normal which made it particularly difficult for him when he reached school age oddly getting dressed was a function that made Oliver acutely aware of his disease that is the best summary of that audience if not be well done that was by no means easy cool multiple-choice choose single answer guys we've got about I reckon is what is there three or four more questions left maybe just three so few deep breaths sip of water let's go let's push on and finish this one okay here we go multiple choice choose single answer you know exactly what to do you just have to listen to the audio and select one response okay I'm gonna give you seven seconds to quickly read the question prompt and the answer options okay three two one it's 4:00 a.m. in the morning I'm waking up in a Boston hotel room and can only think of one thing tooth pain one of my ceramic inlays fell off the evening before five hours later I'm sitting in a dentist's chair but instead of having a repair of my inlay so that I can get rid of my pain the dentist pitches me on the advantages of a titanium implant surgery ever heard of that it essentially means to replace a damaged tooth by an artificial one that is screwed into your jaw estimated costs for the implant surgery may add up to ten thousand US dollars replacing this ROM inlaid before would come at 800 US dollars was it my health all the money that could be earned with me that was the biggest concern for my dentist you okay if you listen correctly this is one of those questions where you can take notes if you want probably more helpful or you could just listen and then select it's about the same either way the answer here was B so what did the speaker think about his dentist the speaker thought that the dentist lacked professional integrity nothing about his unhygenic clinic not that he was excessively wealthy not that his solution was ingenious or that his technical knowledge was lacking B as the only correct answer there cool select missing word after listening to a recording select the missing word that completes the recording from a list of options so what's going to happen is you're going to hear a shorter text about 30 seconds or so and you need to listen to the entire thing because the final word or the final phrase of the final sentence is going to be cut off and you have to anticipate what the speaker was going to say based on what he said okay let's try this one here we go in three two one now I know we live in a capitalist society and profits matter a lot so let's look at it from a financial angle shall we the US nonprofit arts industry generates more than 166 billion dollars in economic activity it employs 5.7 million people and it returns twelve point six billion dollars in tax revenue but this is only a financial angle right we all know that the arts is way more than just an economic value the arts brings meaning to life is the spirit of our culture it brings people together and it supports creativity and social okay last word social the answer to this one was cohesion social cohesion he talked about how art brings people together and that's what social cohesion means nothing about social responsibility social refuge social isolation or social entrepreneurship the answer is e call highlight incorrect words this is the second last task what happens is this you'll see a transcript of the recording on the screen while listening to the recording you need to identify the words in the transcript that differ from what he said so you just do this as you go so in other words you're gonna see the transcript and 99% of it will be the same there will be about four or five words that are different from what the speaker says what you need to do in the exam this is a bit of a test of your computer skills you get the mouse as soon as you see this task you put your mouse cursor at the first word and you move the mouse as the lecture goes and every time you see a word that differs from what he said you click right and you click click click and then that's it you click Next of course you can't click the screen here so what I want you to do is this put your finger on the table and I want you to read and listen and when you see a difference you tap your finger and just count in your head how many times you tap your finger we'll look at the answers in a second here we go in three two one attention allows us to notice select and direct the brains computational resources to a subset of all that's available we can think of attention as the leader of the brain where ever attention goes the rest of the brain follows in some sense it's your brains boss and over the last 15 years I've been studying the human brains attention system in all of our studies I've been very interested in one question if it is indeed the case that our attention is the brains boss is it a good boss does it actually guide us well and to dig in on this big question I wanted to know three things first how does attention control our perception second why does it fail us often leaving us feeling foggy and distracted and third can we do anything about this fogginess can we train our brain to pay better attention okey-dokey let's look at the words that you should have clicked on the words that differ from the audio the words were yeah you should have clicked on strata because in fact the speaker said subset you should have clicked on way because the speaker said sense you should have clicked on convoy because the speaker said guide you should have clicked on disturbed because the speaker said distracted and that last one I think I forgot about I think that was different as well but I can't remember because I've screwed that one up so I hope that's okay anyway let's just say that that last one never existed and that leads us on to the final task of the Pte well done for sticking around by the way it's a taxing experience doing these English language tests but it's good to do a whole one sitting like this and feeling what it is like to be tired and fatigued at the end of it because you need to still concentrate as much as possible despite thinking I want to go home I want to go to bed I want to eat some hamburgers whatever right from dictation the task is this aha I hope you like my typing there after listening to a recording of a sentence type the sentence you should only spend about 20 seconds typing this sentence by the way you should first listen then type it's very difficult if not impossible to listen and type at the same time that's just not how the mind works listen absorb the sentence then type it out make sure you have correct punctuation as well here we go last task of the PT in three two one when we hold our babies for the first time we might imagine that they're clean slates you right how did you go with that sentence here we go the answer is to this sentence here two possibilities when we hold our babies for the first time we might imagine that they're clean slates now you can use contractions see she certainly used the contraction there there's also a comma here or you could have expanded the contraction whoopsie I didn't mean to do that you could have expanded the contraction today are these are both correct by the way if you didn't get the comma it doesn't say in the score guide about punctuation but just to be careful usually the sentences won't contain commas or any other punctuation apart from capital letters full stops possibly an apostrophe but you may as well just get it all correct anyway so let's just look at those again when we hold our babies for the first time we might imagine that they're clean slates cool sign up for free guys go to e to language comm if you haven't yet make yourself a free account think about upgrading because everything you need is in the one platform including materials mock tests methods as well as tutorials live classes every Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday feedback on your writing feedback on your speaking heaps and heaps of skill building stuff it's all there and cool thanks very much for coming along I appreciate it I unfortunately can only stick around for about 10 minutes because I'm going to visit my dad so and my brother is gonna drive which is cool haha thanks very much cool good good good I hope you enjoyed that it's much better when you do it together and it's better when it's live it's pretty hard to study by yourself cool if you have any questions pop them into the chat I'll stick around for a little bit oh okay okay so Maya says twice I've given the PTEN every time I was short on time for right from dictation my exam ended on three highlight incorrect words what can I do to manage this time I took a break at the ten minutes before listening in both exam does that add here no so taking the break is separate the break break is don't worry about that yes it's very important that you complete the listening section because right from dictation counts for your writing score as well so it's listening and writing and highlight incorrect words counts for your reading score as well so you want to get those last two tasks completed or else your other scores are also going to drop so if you're getting low scores in writing just make sure you are also completing all of the listening tasks cool what else have we got here thank you and say hi to your dad I will do I am repeatedly getting 10 in oral fluency and pronunciation whoa ET language graded me is 86 and read aloud I don't know what I'm doing wrong 10 is actually zero so I don't often say this that could possibly be a technical fault I'm really not sure there that's that's very strange you can always take the mock test at PT practice comm which is $39 and that will give you a very accurate assessment just make sure when you do that mock test you use a good microphone not just your computer microphone for the essay we discuss today's shouldn't we write both positive and negative signs and then give the idea or the opinion not necessarily there's three ways to skin this cat you can just do agree agree you can do disagree disagree or you can do agree disagree okay all are fine just make sure your opinion what you think is very clear in the conclusion okay as to in my opinion I believe this you can demonstrate both sides but in the conclusion show your opinion I scheduled my PT for coming Tuesday can you please give me some advice here's my advice go and sign up for the budget package at e to language comm all the materials all the methods everything right there J what happens if I just use simple vocabulary in the summary will it still score me highly you should try to be articulate you should try to use vocabulary that's precise okay so if you have a choice between synonyms like big for example you want to use one like large which sounds a little bit more sophisticated but in saying that you don't want to just use big words because they sound good I saw a lot of crazy words in in here and yeah don't do that just use words that you know keep your sentences simple keep your sentences not necessarily simple but clear clarity is what's key here J do we get marked down to writing more than 300 words in the essay yes you right between 200 and 300 I have written the PT exam twice I only got 65 okay that's just practice I think J for writing section do we separate time for each task or is it accumulated time for the whole section good question in writing the timing is individual so you get 10 minutes per summarized written text if you finish in 8 minutes the time does not carry over okay just 10 minutes then for the essay 20 minutes so use all of the time in writing same with listening summarize spoken text by the way you get 10 bound 10 minutes use it all because it's only after summarize spoken text that you need to manage your own time yes Rocco run I will thank you for that J there is a straight question in essay section which it seems to have appeared in the PT test which goes like how does design of buildings impact humans blah blah blah how to tackle such question the essay structure will still be applicable for that but obviously you need to answer the question not necessarily give your opinion and it still is an opinion question but yeah just just you have to be flexible on test day the essay structure should still work for that one [Music] will the PT test from Pearson at PT practice calm give a fair evaluation of where I stand yes it will if anything it's a little bit stricter than the real exam that's what our experience has been that's good though guys I'm gonna have to head off I apologize for not being able to stick around but anyway good practice thanks very much for coming don't forget to sign up at e to language comm feel free to donate to paypal me / e to language you can feed the team anyway it's a pleasure to teach you good luck in your exams and if you see me on the street do say hi I like that that's cool thanks very much I'll see you guys soon you
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 396,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte academic, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, pte preparation, pte e2, pte test, esl, pte practice test, e2, pte listening, esl tips, speaking, pte academic test, e2 pte writing, pte read aloud, e2 pte webinar, pte speaking e2, pte fill in the blanks, pte repeat sentence, describe image, pte training, learn english, tips, study, test
Id: fZlddO2IV1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 31sec (7711 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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