PTE Full Mock Test

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okay the video that you're about to see is two and a half hours long and it is that long because i'm going to take you through every single task of the pte test i'm going to explain the task to you you'll have an opportunity to practice then i'll explain why the answer is the way it is now you can watch it here on youtube which is fine or if you want to do it in a more interactive simulated way you can actually go to sign up for free and actually take this guided mock test with the questions on the computer okay it's up to you watch it here or check it out on hello my name is jay i'm one of the expert pte teachers here at e2 language so you've decided to take pt academic which as far as i'm concerned is a very good choice it's it's a good test that's all i'm going to say it's a good test the problem with it is that there are 20 tasks so it takes quite a bit to sort of understand how this test works what we're going to do over the next hour or so is i'm going to take you through each of those tasks i'm going to tell you about the task you're going to have a go and practice it for yourself and then i'm going to show you the solution or a model answer or something like that so we're going to go through all 20 tasks like that ready you have to stay with me and do this i promise you it's going to be a painless way to prepare for this test so let's get started and look at the first task of the speaking section called read [Music] aloud okay let's look at this first task it's called read aloud and it looks like this what you have to do quite simply is read a paragraph of text aloud you're going to have time to prepare to read between 30 and 40 seconds and when that 30 or 40 seconds is up the recording device here will open and you'll have to read this as clearly as you possibly can now there's a couple of little hints here in the preparation time you should be whispering aloud the paragraph so don't read silently in your head because you want to start to warm up your pronunciation muscles right so you'll be going something like beatboxing is a musical art form mainly associated with contemporary and what you want to do is stop on words that you're going to find difficult to pronounce or words that you perhaps do not know like contemporary contemporary get it right and then move on the last thing you want to do on test day in this particular task is stop do not stop keep reading read that whole paragraph in one go okay you can't really make a fool of yourself nobody's listening and the thing that is assessing you is a computer algorithm so if you do say something stupid it doesn't matter okay the computer has no feeling about that it's just listening to say it's listening to you to see whether you're saying the words correctly or not okay that's it so just push through i think even more critically for success in this particular task is that you understand what you're saying and you speak with meaning okay so you should be filled with meaning as you're saying the words because when you do that your oral fluency that is the way that you deliver your speech will be better you'll pause in the right places you will use the correct intonation in the right places and you'll have better overall rhythm okay so i want you to have a go at this and don't just dismiss it as a simple read aloud tasks this is pretty easy i mean it is easy in some sense but you really want to maximize your scores okay so what i want you to do in the preparation time is rapidly whisper through identify words that you're going to have trouble pronouncing but more importantly understand what you're reading and then when it comes time to actually speak aloud read with meaning cool bananas i'll see you in a second okay how did you go reading that aloud it's pretty difficult right it's it's some of those words were quite complicated you want to make sure that you keep the rhythm up so let me do a reading of this paragraph i actually haven't read it aloud yet so i've only just seen the first bit so this is a real reading and away i go beatboxing is a musical art form mainly associated with contemporary hip-hop culture in which performers use their vocal tract mouth lips and tongue to create percussive sounds sometimes individual beat boxes perform as part of an ensemble providing beats for other musicians but often they perform alone singing and beat boxing simultaneously one of the things i like to do when i'm doing a read loud is actually move my hands because it helps me to sort of get in the rhythm of what i'm saying and understand what i'm saying as well importantly while i am reading this i'm trying to understand what i'm saying and in that preparation time if i did it i would have understood the paragraph so beatboxing is a musical art form mainly associated with contemporary hip-hop culture so when you are practicing this one which i recommend that you do even though it's a seemingly simple task is practice reading with meaning practice reading with your hands practice reading to express as much meaning as you possibly can don't be afraid of pausing for example you'll notice that between sentences there were slight pauses at certain parts like after commas there were slight pauses for example yeah anyway cool i hope that was helpful let's move on to the next one the next task that you'll see on test day is called repeat sentence this is what the screen looks like what's going to happen is you're going to hear a single sentence right and what you need to do as soon as that microphone opens which you'll be able to see visually when it opens is you need to repeat the same sentence that was said the exact same words and try to actually copy the way in which it was said as well in terms of intonation it's pretty straightforward this task i mean that's all you have to do you just listen you'll hear a sentence you repeat the sentence back the problem is it can get pretty tricky because the sentence lengths can vary quite considerably as i mentioned when you're doing this one you do want to not just repeat back the words but also try to capture the same rhythm or the same intonation that the speaker used when he or she said the sentence so for example if the speaker says a sentence like um you know make sure you bring your books back to the library after school or something like that make sure you bring your books back to the library after school try to copy the sort of rhythm of that sentence okay don't repeat it back like bring back the books to the library after school you don't the the last thing you want to do in pt speaking is speak in a monotone flat way try to bring rhythm into your voice whenever you're doing any speaking task cool anyway have a good one and i'll show you what to do after this there are a number of reasons why a result is not returned okay how did you go repeating back that sentence let's have a look at it so the speaker said there may be a number of reasons why a result is not returned now you can hear that the intonation actually sort of goes down at that final part a result is not returned see if you can copy that hopefully you got all of these words correct so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 uh words there if you do miss one for example that's fine just repeat as many as you possibly can you are awarded points for each word that you do say correctly cool anyway that's pretty straightforward let's do the next one [Music] okay this task becomes considerably more challenging than the first two this one's called describe image and what you'll have to do on test day is describe an image now the type of image that you get on test date will vary you may see a line graph like we just saw you might see bar charts pie charts venn diagrams maps you may also see just sort of like photographs we have to describe a photograph some of them are pretty straightforward sometimes you'll see two like a pie chart and a line graph it's pretty crazy but it's okay it's fine um you can do it now the timing is interesting let me explain to you how the timing works with this you get 25 seconds to prepare to speak in other words you get 25 seconds to analyze the image and to think about what you're going to say when that 25 seconds is finished you then get 40 seconds to describe the image you don't need to speak for the entire 40 seconds but you should try to speak for more than 30 seconds okay at the very least optimally you will speak for about 35 seconds describing that image okay what tips can i give you well listen to be perfectly honest with you if you are not yet familiar with the methods of e2 language if you haven't been to our website and learned our methods watched our methods lessons or seen them on youtube even i suggest that you start there because there is a bit of a structure that you can apply to any image you see what you do not want to happen on test day is that you sit there and go um okay so there's a uh there's a because you are penalized you will lose points for your uh uh hesitations you will lose points for hesitations you're allowed to um that's okay uh but not too many times as well what you need to be able to do or at least try to do is to maintain consistency of speech okay anyway it's probably best if you just have a go at it see how you go you've got nothing to lose here and then i'll do a performance i'll show you what i would do with this one here cool see you in a bit okay i'm gonna have a go at this uh this isn't scripted i'm just gonna speak spontaneously which you'll need to do on test day as well here we go this graph represents the number of podcasts that were listed on itunes in america between june 2007 and june 2015. there are between 0 and 250 000 podcasts on itunes as we can see there was slow steady growth of both active and inactive podcasts across the time period but there is quite a big distinction between the number of active podcasts and the number of inactive podcasts in 2015 there was obviously the most podcast listened to okay definitely not the greatest uh description of an image that i've ever done but that's just what happened okay that's what happened my conclusion was a bit odd in fact i think it was a bit absurd but again don't be don't be hard on yourself this is quite a challenging thing to do even for a native english speaker right yes anyway this one does require practice and i really do suggest using the e2 language method when you practice this because it does enable you to describe any image with a particular structure and that's the structure that i just used i'm not going to go into detail here about that method but that is certainly something that's going to be able to help you out cool [Music] okay the next task is called retail lecture and this is what it looks like on test day first thing you'll notice is an image there's always an image associated with this retail lecture it's going to give you some sort of indication of what the lecture you're about to hear will be about okay so let me describe to you what happens with this particular task you're going to hear a lecture of between sort of i think that can be as low as 45 seconds up to about 90 seconds okay so just a short little snippet of a lecture and let me tell you the lectures that you hear in pt academic are real they are not uh fake lectures they are not scripted uh recorded ones they're actually real from real professors so there's a lot of mumbling and a lot of stammering and they're quite difficult to understand and some of the topics are quite complex one of the ones that i had on test day i remember was on um some sort of physics and i have no background in physics but actually with retail lecture i just needed to deal with it and that's what you'll need to do here too so you're going to hear that lecture will go for up to 90 seconds while you're listening to that lecture this is absolutely critical you need to take notes because what will happen as soon as that lecture finishes you get 10 seconds 10 9 8 to prepare to retell what you just heard in your own words 10 seconds on test day goes like that also this task is virtually impossible to do without a good set of notes so if you're not good at note taking you need you need to start practicing that skill because in pt academic it's an essential skill that's going to get you through and will probably be the difference between you succeeding or not because in short you can't retell this lecture without the notes cool that's it in a nutshell again there is a method a template a bit of a structure that you can use to help you with this but go ahead have a go for yourself and then i'll see you and i'll have a go at this myself now we know that the success of driverless cars is dependent upon the science of artificial intelligence and visual recognition but what we also know is that visual recognition by machines has some way to go there are sophisticated considerations which we as humans employ without a second thought such as separating an object from its background knowing when an object ends or recognizing an object partially obscured in terms of autonomous vehicles this begs the question what happens when a driverless car approaches a stop sign that has been sprayed with graffiti does the car stop now philip you have similar doubts about robots especially regarding how they can perceive objects well these systems have gotten quite a bit better at recognizing objects and in certain standardized tests they can classify images about as well as humans do but when it comes to shape there are major deficits to give a simple example imagine you have a glass horse ornament on your desk as humans we know it's a horse from the shape a computer however or say it's a hook or a corkscrew it doesn't recognize horse just from the shape and this clearly has profound implications when it comes to driverless vehicles indeed okay how did you go retelling that lecture before i give you an example one i just want to have a look at uh the vocabulary that we just looked at here and let me take you through this one this one was a complex it was actually an interview not so much a lecture but one of the things i want to point out to you is that the complexity of the questions that you'll see or hear on test day will vary that is the difficulty levels of each of the questions will will change there will be sort of medium level difficulties and hard ones and some easy ones for example this one that we just listened to was relatively complex let me take you through the vocabulary here so as you can see here a lot of the words are pretty straightforward words like science or no or second or even even even simple ones like better for example lots of simple level words here of a complexity of an a level but as we go down here and the colors get darker we can see that some of those words are really complex and there's quite a substantial number of complex words here like perceive or objects or background or corkscrew for example classify standardize so there's a mixture of simple vocabulary with complex vocabulary within here so that's just something to be aware of okay so i have my notes here just on a piece of scrap paper i hope you don't mind and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to retell that lecture in 40 seconds using my notes my handwriting is really messy i haven't written full words i've just written in shorthand just little a few letters here and there that will sort of jog my memory so i have now i have two forms of memory to help me i have my actual memory of course but here on the page i have words that will help me to structure and remember what was said and hopefully i'll be able to speak nice and fluently and on topic okay let's see how i go the speakers were discussing driverless cars they mentioned the need for artificial intelligence and visual recognition they described how humans used sophisticated ways to recognize things and they talked about the problems machines have doing this they then discussed the problems machines have recognizing shapes and as suggested that computers cannot yet match humans in this field which is a concern for driverless technology not the uh again not not great but this is hard it's really hard this is my first language and it's still hard so for you i you know i can't imagine how complex this is one of the things you may want to consider before test day and i strongly recommend this is getting some feedback on your speaking or writing a lot of people take the pt and don't get the scores they want in other words they fail and there's no reason why i shouldn't say that they don't know why they failed okay there is a reason but they don't know what it is okay one of the things that we can do at e2 language is very rapidly identify what you are doing incorrectly and maybe something really minor that's impeding you from getting the scores that you need so if that is the case you might want to think about getting some speaking and writing feedback what you do is you sign up to the website you'll upgrade your account you can submit both your speaking and writing through the computer through the website and you'll get an a comprehensive report card from one of our teachers within 24 to 48 hours so it gives you a detailed score report and feedback on your speaking tasks and comprehensive score reports and feedback on your writing tasks it's super efficient it's a really quick and easy way to to find out what you need to do to improve cool let's have a look at the next speaking task okay the final speaking task is called answer short question and what you need to do is answer a short question it's that simple so what's going to happen here is you'll have a little bit of time to take a breath you're going to hear a question someone is going to ask you a question and as soon as the audio recorder opens which you will visually be able to see you simply say the answer to the question in a single word or a few words maximum just keep in mind you do not need to answer in a full sentence in fact you should not answer in a full sentence so we're looking at a single word or a couple of word answers to these questions cool pretty straightforward let's have a go at it i'm sure you've answered a question before in your life here we go what do you call two lines that run side by side but never meet how did you go did you firstly understand that question because that's critical if you don't understand the question you obviously won't be able to answer it this one was pretty tough just between you and me this was actually a question that i got on test day on my pce so i don't think they would still have this question because that was quite a few years ago but this is a good indication of the complexity of some of the questions that you'll get so what do you call two lines that run side by side but never meets the answer to that is parallel okay parallel so you could say parallel or you could say parallel lines either of those would be considered correct but certainly the word parallel has to be in there well done you've just learned about the speaking section of pt academic we've just gone through the five speaking tasks there okay so that's pretty straightforward that's that's what's going to happen on test day of course for each task you're going to get more than one question i can't remember the number of questions you get but for read aloud for example you get i think four or five uh repeat sentence you can get 10 to 12 of those so you get a number of each task but that is the speaking section in a nutshell cool let's move on now let's have a look at the writing section okay the first writing task is called summarize written text and this is what it looks like oh no you're also going to have to do some reading here i'm sorry about that but that's just the way that this one works it does contribute points to both your reading and writing scores so let me tell you what's going on here it's a pretty busy screen first thing i want to point out to you is the timer because in this one you get 10 minutes to complete this task it's one question basically you might get one of these or two of these on test day here you have a paragraph or a few paragraphs of text on a specific topic what you need to do is you need to read this very carefully and understand it then you need to summarize it into a single sentence one sentence one sentence so you're taking all of that information all of those words all of that meaning and you're boiling it down into a single sentence and your single sentence we recommend should be between sort of 30 and 40 words okay you can write up to 75 words but there is no need to do that okay so between 30 and 40 words so the key to this one is actually in the reading because you need to understand what you're reading in order to summarize it appropriately and to make sure that you're getting the main idea of that text and any critical details okay so one of the things that you need to be able to do here in order to succeed is actually ignore a lot of the meaning a lot of the information okay put it to the side it's not important what is the critical thing here that you're reading for the main piece of information that you need to make is the central part of your sentence cool anyway you have 10 minutes to do this have a go at one for yourself and then i'll show you my model answer cool good luck okay how did you go reading that text understanding it fully and then translating it if you like into a single sentence it's a pretty challenging task one thing i want to mention to you is that preparing for this test can be pretty boring okay it's not that fun especially when you're by yourself one of the things we do at e2 language which makes it much more interesting to prepare is we run these daily live classes so twice a day seven days a week you can attend from your lounge room or your bedroom or your school or wherever you can open your laptop and attend the live class and we'll have a teacher there who'll actually take you through this and there'll be dozens and dozens of other students in there and it just sort of makes it a bit more motivating to prepare for these tests so do think about signing up to some live classes on cool okay here is my sentence my sentence says this after much research dr tom morty recommends that students sleep for at least eight hours before an exam in order to increase their ability to concentrate and remember which are critical factors for academic and exam success that's 37 words and that is cool because what i've done is i've captured that main idea here the the real essence of the there's the bullseye the bullseye i've got the main idea of this and i've put it into that single sentence there so you do need to make sure that you capture that main idea you may need to read that thing two or three times to make sure that you have understood it good stuff okay let's move on let's do the second and final task of the writing section [Music] okay like all good english language exams i'm sorry to say you have to write an essay so on test day for pte you're going to see this interface and let me point out some stuff to you here you'll have your sort of question prompt uh and here you just simply write in your your essay the wonderful thing is it does count your words automatically as soon as you finish you just click the next button here you'll have 20 minutes here you go this is what it says 20 minutes to plan write and revise your essay before you click next you might get one essay or two essays on test day okay let's go through this question prompt here it's a bit of a leading question that says preparing for an english exam online is more effective than preparing in a traditional school let me read that again make sure you understand this fully this is critical actually on test day read this thing like seven times so you fully know what's going on here preparing for an english exam online is more effective than preparing in a traditional school discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this statement support your point of view with reasons and or examples from your own experience or observations if you have not yet watched the super methods lesson on how to structure up an essay you must go and do that because for a lot of you you probably haven't written an essay since you're in high school understandably and you probably have forgotten how to construct an introduction and body paragraphs and conclusion and how to make the introduction linked to your paragraphs how to make the conclusion link back to your body paragraphs and how to make the introduction linked to the conclusion etc that video is going to help you out enormously it gives you the structure of the essay and once you have the structure you can basically answer any question that you'll see the questions that you'll see will look pretty similar to this there may be a little bit of variation on a theme you're always going to have to write an argumentative persuasive essay where you sort of choose a side argue for a side here okay before you go and write yours which i'm sure you're just going to click next because it's boring writing an essay i strongly suggest that you you you do write one just to get a feel for it you don't want to leave this until test day i'm going to show you mine mine's kind of an advertisement for e2 language but anyway it does use the nice structure this is what i wrote and within this essay is the structure itself you can't really see it because all you see is words and uh sentences but sitting below this is is like a a skeleton as a strong structure of every one of those paragraphs okay and what i've done is i've just filled those paragraphs i've filled the structure there it's it's so important that you learn that structure so i wrote english examinations are notoriously difficult many candidates not only fail on their first attempt but some continue to fail multiple times there are two main ways to prepare you can prepare in a school or you can prepare online this essay will argue that online preparation is a far better choice for candidates who wish to succeed faster while there are a number of issues that students face when preparing for their english language tests in schools the main one is a lack of personalized learning in a classroom there can be up to 30 students studying at once this means that the teacher spends very little time focusing on the students weak areas research suggests that teacher to student time in a classroom can be as little as two minutes clearly this is an insufficient amount of time to address particular student errors if one wishes to be successful in addition to tailored learning online exam preparation also offers greater flexibility in today's day and age many people are far too busy to travel to a particular location to study online learning offers these people convenience for example at e2 language you can log into our daily live pte classes on your phone from anywhere in the world this flexibility allows anyone to have the best possible exam preparation no matter where they are located overall it is clear that preparing for an english exam online is a superior experience in terms of personalized learning and convenience if i were you i would consider preparing with e2 language what a wonderful essay that was what a fantastic structure it uses cool now it's your turn good luck okay did you do it did you write an essay look whatever i don't blame you if you didn't it's it's boring but yeah again it's it's good practice um you can as i mentioned before if you want feedback in your essay type one up and submit it through to one of us who will grade it uh give you some comprehensive feedback let's have a look at the scoring of the essay this is important to understand okay so how does that computer algorithm score your essay so you scored on content that means that you're right on topic so if you are given an essay topic for example about preparing online versus preparing in a school then you must write about that if you deviate even slightly you will be penalized the computer knows by the content of your vocabulary whether you are writing on topic or not so make sure you understand that question prompt everything you write has to be directed to that question prompt be about that question prompt cool that's important and if you write substantially differently you'll get zero for everything okay so in other words you can't memorize an essay and bring it with you in your head that's a stupid idea just answer the question use the e2 language structure you'll be right cool second thing is development structure and coherence again the super methods lesson is critical for this one because it will just almost guarantee that you get a two length well you have to write between 200 and 300 words simple as that and you'll get a 2. don't write below don't write more okay general linguistic range this basically means how precise you are with the combination of your vocabulary and grammar how uh how what am i trying to say here i'm struggling with my general linguistic range how precisely can i describe something or show something through language that's what this is about how good is the versatility of your vocabulary and grammar yeah something like that okay grammar usage and mechanics this is basically sentence structure plural nouns verb tenses articles etc so it will uh it will grade you on your grammar vocabulary range so what you want to do is try to find some synonyms related to topics like online learning learning on the computer classroom schools stuff like that so try to vary your vocabulary as much as you can but making sure that you're still on topic and spelling is also greater just with spelling keep in mind that uh you can use american or british spelling that's fine but you need to choose one and stick with it okay what i've noticed from spelling is that it's not weighted heavily so if you do make spelling errors you may get a low spelling score but your writing score will still be quite strong which is good okay the key to this one is if you're writing a word and you're really thinking oh i don't know how to spell that think of another word that you do know how to spell that means the same thing and write that one instead so you don't have to go through that risk cool all right just on the topic of personalized learning if you do want to get some personalized tuition you can do that at e2 language you can join an e2 expert in a one-on-one tutorial for any task or tasks of your choice so it's one teacher to one student 45 minutes sessions you get all of your questions answered it's particularly helpful for a task like write essay for example because what you do is you type it up you submit it through and then what happens is in the tutorial which is done on zoom so program like skype we have teachers all around the world so it can be at a time of your convenience the teacher will actually go through your essay with you pointing out what's good what's bad what needs to be done to be improved and how and you sit there and you learn this so it's a very rapid way to improve your score and improve your proficiency and your score cool all right guys we're through speaking and writing we're now on to the reading section stay with me let's have a look at the first task of the reading section [Music] okay the first task of the reading section is called reading and writing fill in the blanks and as the name suggests it contributes points to both your reading score and your writing score and it's a fill in the blanks type of activity this is somewhat what it looks like on test day it's a little bit deceiving in fact on test day these are going to be a drop down list that you click and it's going to show four options but you get the point immediately what you have to do now there are two things that the list of words will test for this one is actually testing you for grammar okay it's testing you on a particular verb tense actually but the rest of them and most commonly will test you on vocabulary and what this test oh sorry what this task rather is really testing for is word choice okay because what it's giving you is a list of choices or a list of options of which one will be correct or precise in that context yeah this is why it contributes points to your writing score as well because one of the critical elements of writing or how to be a good writer is your ability to choose the right word at the right time to convey the right meaning okay a critical skill it's something that you really should pay attention to anyway it's powerful cool anyway you may as well have a go at this just before you do i want to talk to you about how the timing works of this reading section so so far in speaking and writing the tasks have been self-timed that is each task has its own little timer and you don't really need to worry so much about managing your own time now in the reading section here you get overall time okay so you get an overall time to complete all of the tasks the problem with that is it's up to you to decide when to click next and move through the tasks okay it doesn't tell you so you can spend all of your time on one task which would be ridiculous or you can move efficiently and accurately through the reading section having a good idea about when's a good time to click next okay what we'll probably do for you in the mock test here is just give you a single timed question but ignore that because on test day as i mentioned it has overall time all right have a go at this one and then i'm going to take you through the answers okie dokie how did you go was that pretty easy did you sort of quickly go yup that one that one that one or were you struggling okay because if if you were struggling i've got a little something to talk to you about after this let's go through and look at the answers here though okay so as i mentioned this first one was actually a question of grammar so recent clinical studies of olive oil have been shown that it may reduce shown that it may reduce have shown or has shown that it may reduce whoa this is really tough because here we're looking at what this subject is here it's actually clinical studies plural it's actually not olive oil this is in fact the subject so now we need to connect the verb here clinical studies let's get rid of this one and this one clinical studies have shown or has shown in fact the answer here is have shown if you mistakenly thought that this was the subject you would have chosen as shown here but that was not the subject as clinical studies have shown well tricky tricky tricky these studies also elucidate indicate quantify or hinted that eating olive oil can blah blah blah the answer here is indicate that is the precise word here ellucidate is wrong quantify is wrong and hinted is just wrong scientists believe that there are elements specific to olive oil which have special properties that play a role in reducing damage creating damage proliferating damage or declining damage the answer here is reducing damage now this one of course relates to the context okay and what you'll find with this task is that the right word depends or your decision as to which is the right word depends on the surrounding information the context here in other words you have to understand what you read from beginning to end to choose the right word choosing extra blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah vegetables and whole grain breads and cereals may reduce your risk of chronic disease event development build out or initiation it's chronic disease development it's reducing reducing chronic disease development so they are the correct answers have shown indicate reducing and development okay one thing i want to talk to you about if you are lacking the necessary vocabulary to do tasks like this if for example throughout this mock test you've sort of been thinking like whoa you know my english is pretty good but i don't really have that academic vocabulary i don't really have that topic specific vocabulary related to you know whatever it is health environment crime education these sort of academic topics if that is the case for you then i suggest i strongly suggest that you check out this website called this if you like is the sister website to at you can build your basic or fundamental skills one of the courses we have on offer is called test ready and it's for vocabulary building test skill practice and it helps you with listening reading writing and speaking as well as as i said vocabulary and what it does is the teacher here alex will actually take you through topics like crime or technology and help to build your vocabulary in these topics so it's so it's extremely helpful for language tests like pta cool let's do the next task of the reading section [Music] okay the second task of the reading section is called multiple choice choose multiple answers it's a pretty straightforward multiple choice type question don't freak out here you probably just looked at this and thought ah that's it i'm going home sick of this i'm gonna look at instagram watch netflix i hate this stuff i'm over it please try to do this honestly if you don't do it now and you try to do this on test day your chances of success are going to be greatly diminished okay you need to pay attention one of the challenges of this test especially the reading and listening sections is you your mind because like everyone else you probably struggle to pay attention okay you really need to get over that okay and especially when you're preparing you'll be sitting there and you're going to do a multiple choice question for example and you'll get three seconds and you think ah bugger i'm sick of it i'm going to have a cup of tea or i'm going to do something else you need to push through those feelings you need to continue to pay attention to what you're doing because that's how you improve it's time on task that's how you improve cool all right let me take you through this one it is it is challenging and it's not that fun i agree but at the end of the day you need to pass this test so let's do it together so you're going to see a few different things critically you're going to see a question prompt here this one's straightforward according to the text you're going to see various answer options here of which more than one will always be correct it might be two it might be three it could even be four perhaps usually it's going to be two or three of these will be correct which means the other ones will be incorrect what you need to do here is you need to identify keywords or key uh yeah usually keywords and then identify the corresponding keywords in the text okay and then you need to ask yourself do they say the same thing or do they say something different or contradictory if they say the same thing you'll keep it you'll check it if they say something different or contradictory you'll move on anyway see how you go with this one then what we'll do after you've had a go and you've paid attention and you've had a good crack at it i'm going to actually take you through the answers and show you what they are but please do try to maintain concentration for three minutes here see you in a bit okay how did you go completing this multiple choice choose multiple answers let's go through the answers together here answer option by answer option okay the first one says people who repair computers are in a unique position to make more sales so here it's talking about if you're a computer repair salesman if you're a computer repairman or whatever this is a critical word that really changes the meaning of this the answer is no while the author is referring or using computer repair sales people as an example it is just as an example it is not referred specifically to them so this one is wrong i wouldn't select that the next one says there are misconceptions about why people should post content on social media okay so here it says something about you might think of it it posting content as losing business you're probably thinking how does teaching my customers how to solve their problems for free get more be more customers but the truth is this something that a lot of you aren't understanding there are misconceptions about why people should definitely that is definitely one that i would select next one says you should create marketing materials for social media to make more immediate sales okay this is in direct contradiction with a lot of information in the text you'll get the sales in the end it will be better for you in the long run you're in it for the long run you're not doing it just to bait your customer into a quick sale but i'm going to win the war even that is a metaphor referring to long term and this says something about making social media for for immediate sales that is wrong next one says facebook videos should be no longer than 30 seconds okay well this one says put out 30 second videos on facebook does it say any advice or any sort of should type of words here about the time length of videos no this one is not strong enough it does kind of mention the length of time but there's no advice given here really okay i'm not going to select that one it's not a good answer option okay this one says by educating people for free on social media you eventually achieve greater success that is what the whole text is really about so in the end what i have chosen here is uh let's see b and c d e i've chosen b and e as the correct answer options there cool how did you go with that one that was the text itself didn't have any really complex vocabulary in it it was a pretty straightforward medium level text but it did require a lot of reading these ones can have text up to 300 words that was pretty close to 300 words the problem with multiple choice multiple answers is knowing where to look in the text to see if they say the same thing the text and the answer option say the same thing or if they say something contradictory that really is the key once you can do that which requires you to scan the text identifying keywords that really is the key skill behind this one and then of course you need to read in detail to find out that meaning cool anyway that's good practice of course if you want more questions to practice with check out you can sign up for free or if you upgrade your account you'll get heaps of practice questions including smart questions where i take you through the answers [Music] okay this is my favorite task of the pt it's called reorder paragraph and i think it's a bit of fun what you see on the left hand side here is a bunch of random sentences these sentences in fact do come from a coherent sequential paragraph however the sentences have been jumbled up your job as you probably can imagine is to reorder the sentences into the correct sequence so the meaning flows from beginning to end i don't even need to explain any more than that the only real tip i'm going to give you to start you off is that you find the independent sentence okay with this that sorry let me explain what i mean by that the independent sentence is the sentence that doesn't refer back to other sentences in and of itself it has meaning like if you pulled that one independent sentence out and just read it by itself it will make meaning and it will sort of introduce the idea of the paragraph in short it's the topic sentence you need to find the topic sentence the problem with this one is there are two that could be the topic sentence anyway so choose wisely and i'll see you in a minute or two okay how did you go how did you go sequencing that paragraph did you get it right did you do it with full confidence were you able to think yep okay good yep pretty confident with this or did you do it sort of haphazardly sort of guesswork hopefully you did it with some confidence okay let's have a look at this sequence what is the correct sequence here so in fact this paragraph starts with a question says what exactly happens when you blow on a soap film to make a bubble as mentioned this is a good independent sentence in and of itself it makes sense and it's also a great introduction to a paragraph if you the paragraphs that you'll see in test day won't have questions or maybe every now and then you might get one with a question so don't just look for questions as the start of your paragraph this is a unique one okay usually they won't have a question in them but this is a an interesting one so what's the follow-on sentence here well it's this one behind this simple question about a favorite childhood activity is some real science so you can see how these are connected because this is a question and then it says behind this simple question and of course we've got a reference pronoun here that is referring back to that there the third sentence says in a series of experiments replicating bubble blowing nyu's applied math lab has discovered two ways in which bubbles can be made the first is by pushing wind through a circular wand with a soap film which causes a bubble to grow the other way is by gently pushing wind against an already inflated film in order to drive its further growth now i'm guessing that some of you thought that this was the independent sentence and i'm guessing that some of you actually put e as the first sentence and then put this is the second and this is the third but then you're left with this sentence here as the fourth and it just doesn't really fit so you would have had to have rearranged it anyway hopefully you didn't come across that problem hopefully you got it right cool anyway you'll get a number of these on test day uh they will vary in their difficulty level they will vary in the complexity of their vocabulary uh yes but this is what you can expect let's do the next task [Music] okay the next task is called reading fill in the blanks it's very straight forward this is what it looks like on test day and as you can imagine what you have to do is take one of these words from the bottom here and you drag and you drop it into the gap now what you're doing here is you're completing or what this is testing for is your knowledge of and your ability to produce what's called collocations a collocation put simply is a word pair okay so it's a pair of words usually two words that come together in high frequency like for example in english we have strange collocations like we take a shower for example or you take a rest these are collocations using the verb take okay or a more academic one would be to accept responsibility you accept responsibility commonly occurring pairs of words that come together that's what this is really testing for amongst some other meanings as well anyway pretty straightforward you have a go at it and then i'm going to take you through the answers cool how did you go this one was actually a little bit different there weren't too many collocations here but let's go through the answers and hopefully you got them right okay so the first one our ancient ancestors had many ways of something with their dead loved ones okay really the only word that can fit grammatically here is actually parting so i mean it has to be parting because of because of grammar but don't just rely on grammar to identify if this is correct or not what this is is a collocation you part with a loved one you part with a loved one you part with a loved one that is a collocation that is a combination of words that appear together in high frequency some were left in okay well we can see here trees and mountain tops for example and here we have the word caves so i'm going to take this right around here somewhere left in caves there you go that's correct there still others were sunk in lakes put out to sea now here we have a past participle almost looks like a past tense verb we need an adverb here ritually cannibalized if you do know your parts of speech if you can identify that this is an adverb that this is a plural noun that this is a plural noun for example that this is a gerund this is an adverb and this is a plural noun this is going to help you on test day because only sometimes sometimes only a particular type of word can fit here we know that the answer to this one here can only be this one or this one and then we just choose for meaning so that's helped me enormously let me get rid of my drawings there all of these something though some may seem strange all of these what what are these these are practices practices so practices was the correct word here cool anyway so they're the two main features of this particular task your ability to identify and use collocations those word pairs but also if you can identify and use parts of speech like grammar then that will be helpful as well okay the next reading task is called multiple choice choose single answer and it's very straightforward okay it's a multiple choice question with one answer option that is correct it's going to ask you for the question prompt which which i'll show you in a second which is really critical is going to ask you to read for a main idea or like the gist of the entire paragraph it might get you to read for a detail it might get you to read for an opinion of somebody or an attitude towards something it might get you to infer or make an inference or see the meaning behind something so whatever you do make sure that you read this very very carefully because this is really critical there are two types this one is an incomplete sentence you can see dot dot dots an incomplete sentence sometimes we'll ask you a direct question with a question mark anyway have a go at this one and then i'll take you through the answer in a minute or two all right it's you know it's a simple question type but this one this particular question that i wrote really does get you to read in detail for something it's asking for you to identify specific detail let's have a look at it in more depth a little more closely so it says according to the passage this of course is the passage this whole thing paper transcripts okay cool so i think woohoo founded paper transcripts i just got to read this easy-peasy putting in pie kissed the girls and made them cry no in fact i needed to read down here because the answer wasn't located there it was actually located here under paper transcripts so let's go through the answer options one by one and we'll start at the bottom okay so paper transcripts will likely take more than a week to be delivered wow it say that well up here it says from the date of payment please allow up to 10 working days no will like likely take more than a week no it just doesn't say that it's that's not right paper transcripts require you to complete a student authorization form it just doesn't say anything about that at all so i'm not going to select that one okay paper transcripts are only available for study periods prior to 1990 paper transcripts from 1990 to present can be issued immediately so it's not that one okay we're left with this one here paper transcripts can be paid for and collected on the same day paper transcripts can be issued immediately at the front counter of the student center the cost is 40 dollars that is the correct answer there okay cool you're done with the reading section which is fantastic you've done the speaking you've done the writing you've now learned how the reading section works we're now up to the listening section okay so stay with me we've only got eight more tasks to get through and then you'll understand the pt in its entirety okay see you in a little bit [Music] okay the first task of the listening section is called summarize spoken text and it looks like this what's going to happen is you're going to hear a lecture okay so a lecture or an interview that will go for between say 60 and 90 seconds okay not very long what you're going to have to do while you listen to that lecture is again take notes in fact in the entire listening section you'll be using your notebook a lot so on test day they give you this thing called an erasable noteboard booklet which is a notebook and a pen it's critical that you take notes for some of these tasks so you listen to that lecture interview you'll be taking notes then you'll have about nine minutes left because it goes for 10 minutes in total this task and you'll have to turn your notes and your memories into a well-written summary of between 50 and 70 words pretty straightforward just before you have a go at yours i just want to talk to you about timing for the listening section so this particular task summarize spoken text the first task of the listening section is timed separately from the rest of the listening tasks so that 10 minutes you get for this task you should use all of that time use all of the 10 minutes here then when you move into the next tasks which i'll show you in a second you have to start self-managing your time but for this one you don't have to worry about it just use all of the 10 minutes cool all right have a listen to this lecture or interview take some notes and turn it into a summary and then i'll show you mine after that recently we've seen the rise of volunteerism that is tourism which is linked to doing good for the local community of a travel destination now this field tends to attract student volunteers perhaps best described as amateur humanitarian workers they join in projects like building painting teaching or sometimes they just make friends with children perceived to be in need all seems very nice at first glance but the volunteerism industry is coming under fire lately why well a number of reasons perhaps the main one is the lack of skills these volunteers sometimes have they may be there with the best of intentions to alleviate poverty or offer support to vulnerable people but what can often happen instead is that they end up sort of contributing to patronizing or unhelpful ideas about the places they visit and when children are involved the inevitable departure of the voluntourists can have a devastating emotional impact now it's not necessarily the volunteer's fault the very design of these programs is often to blame but it begs the question is there a place for volunteerism well i believe yes but long-term commitment is key doctors engineers computer scientists and particular types of educators have important skills and could make more enduring contributions okay how did you go first of all understanding what you're listening to taking notes while you're listening and then transcribing transferring your notes into a well-written summary it's a pretty challenging task here's what my summary looks and sounds like the speaker was discussing volunteer tourism she mentioned how volunteer tourism mainly attracts students and she described how they participate in projects like building and teaching she talked about the lack of skills among these volunteers and the problems this can cause she discussed the impact on children when a volunteer leaves and finally she suggested that volunteer tourism programs would be better with longer term commitment from skilled professionals so this is 69 words it's well within the word count it uses a good structure which is the e2 language method if you don't know what that is do log in to the website and watch that video it's an important one it's got good grammar and all the rest of it now one of the problems that a lot of people will face when uh when when doing this is grammar itself okay grammar in any language is complicated and actually extraordinarily complicated it's almost like philosophy it's it's so it's anyway i've i've been learning been trying to understand grammar for quite a while at a really in-depth level and it seriously gets into some crazy realms about time and space and causality and reasonability and all this sort of bizarre stuff we've made it way easier for you to learn grammar what you can do at is take our free grammar review course which is easy to learn it's taught by expert teachers i'm one of them and there's lots of fun activities and application to listening reading writing and speaking so if you do want to sign up to our free grammar review course check out okay let's look at the next task of the listening section and you'll start to have to manage your own time from here on in let's check it out [Music] okay the next task and the first task where you need to start managing your own time is multiple choice choose multiple answers this time it's the listening one so this is what it looks like it's pretty straightforward like multiple choice choose multiple answers or multiple choice choose single answer it's important that you pay attention to this question prompt okay that's absolutely critical and like the one in reading there will always be more than one answer option that is correct so there might be two or three or possibly even four correct answer options my suggestion for this one is that you take notes again okay because one of the things that's so challenging in a listening test is that they're also sort of testing your ability to read okay because you have to read those answer options the problem is you cannot listen and read at the same time okay if the audio is saying one thing and the answer options are saying another thing my brain like your brain cannot compute that it's too much information i can only listen or read and so i can go back and forth rapidly like this but it's much better if i just put those answer options to the side take my notebook listen carefully to that lecture okay because that's what you're being tested on take notes and then when the audio finishes look at my notes use my memory and decide which of these answer options are correct okay that's how you do this one cool anyway let's see if you can do it i'll see you in a few minutes the world solar challenge is a race for solar-powered cars covering about three thousand kilometers from darwin to adelaide the cars competing in the solar challenge use solar panels a bit like you might see on the roofs of houses and they work by converting sunlight into electricity the panels are made up of wafer thin layers of silicon when sunlight hits a panel electrons in the silicon move to create an electric current on a typical solar powered car the solar panel can generate about 1 320 watts that's about the amount of electricity some hair dryers use so to be able to drive at normal speed on a highway the cars have to be as small and as light as possible and then there's the weather when it's overcast the cars are reliant on batteries which last less than four hours installing more batteries would make the car too heavy all of this science comes at a price too the cars in the world solar challenge cost a lot to build 150 000 at the cheap end rising up to a staggering 2 million for the most expensive but even though we aren't likely to see these solar cars being sold at dealerships these teams aren't wasting their time and effort some of their innovations have already made a difference for example special tyres which were designed to enhance fuel efficiency and solar car racing are now stocked in shops while it looks like a lot of fun there is some serious science and that's worth celebrating okay uh that one was a relatively simple one by the way so they can get quite complex in nature in terms of the vocabulary and the specificity of the topic that you will hear cool let's go through the answers for this one so the answers are they can be surprisingly expensive there was quite a lot mentioned about the price of these solar powered cars and there was also something mentioned about running it on the same amount of energy as a hair dryer so they can run on as little power as some small household appliances so they are the two correct answer options there hopefully you got them right one thing i should mention before we move on is that there is negative marking in this so let's say you got both of those correct but you accidentally chose d as well which is incorrect so you got two which is good however two minus one equals what it equals one so you'll only get one point because of the negative marking so keep that in mind that's actually the same as the reading as well and this one here listening multiple choice multiple answers and there's one more listening one coming up that i'll talk to you about that also has negative marking [Music] okay the next task is called listening fill in the blanks and it's pretty straightforward what you'll see on test day is something that looks like this what you have to do is listen very intently to that audio and follow along and you can either type the words directly into the gaps or you can use your notebook again you can write them down as you're listening and then transfer them into the gaps after the audio has finished this one's pretty straightforward you may as well have a go for yourself and then i'll show you what the answers are many of our native animal species are either threatened or endangered this is mostly due to human activities such as logging oil and gas drilling overgrazing and urban development all of which result in habitat destruction and eventually the collapse of local ecosystems scientists tell us the best way to protect endangered species is to protect the places where they live wildlife must have places to find food to shelter and to raise their young by protecting habitats entire communities of animals and plants can be maintained in fact entire ecosystems can be preserved okie dokie how did you go there let's have a look at the answers so the first one was activities so it needed to be a plural noun and you needed to get the spelling correct so it's activities next one was destruction next one is shelter habitats if you wrote habitat singular no s it would be considered wrong you must get the grammatical form right that is habitats and you must also get the spelling right to have this one marked as correct the last word was preserved cool pretty straightforward let's do the next task [Music] okay the next task is called multiple choice choose single answer it's very straightforward here we go this is what you're going to see and here it says according to the speaker what is the main difference between the two phones this one has given you something to something specific to listen for like all of the reading and listening multiple choice questions that question prompt is absolutely critical if you do not read that or you do not read that carefully then you don't know what you're going to be listening or reading for and so you basically cannot answer the question okay so just make sure you get that right this one's straightforward you may as well have a go yourself and i'll see you in a few minutes the latest iphone and samsung galaxy are just incremental upgrades on their predecessors though that still makes them some of the best phones available in features and price they're certainly two of the top flagship phones of this year as far as design both phones look much like their predecessors the samsung galaxy's display a1 style while the iphone is a round edged rectangle the galaxy screen makes it slightly larger than the 5.8 inch displayed iphone if screen size matters to you alright there's really only one comparison here that camera the galaxy opted to stretch its three cameras and flash into a rectangular wedge which looks a bit too angular in an 80s sort of way but it's arguably more attractive than the camera on the iphone that setup looks all kinds of lopsided and will arguably split phone fans down a love or hate line but if anyone's winning this beauty contest it's the galaxy by a healthy margin okay how did you go with this one multiple choice choose single answer especially if the answer options are quite small you probably can just listen and sort of flick between listening and reading or again if you're good at taking notes and you're confident doing that it's just as good if not better to listen and take notes and then apply your understanding of your notes and your memory to the question here but this one was pretty straightforward because the question was was quite clear what's the main difference between the two phones let's have a look at it so the look of the cameras the upfront cost the size of the displays the color options or the performance of the cameras the answer actually was or is the the look of the cameras so let's have a look at the transcript here there's a critical part of the transcript just here at the bottom all right there's really only one comparison here okay so what is the main difference the really only one comparison the speaker does mention all of the other things such as display size and some other features like that but here he says the galaxy opted to stretch its three cameras and flash into a regular wedge which looks a bit too angular in an 80s sort of way but it's arguably more attractive than the camera on the iphone that setup looks all kinds of lopsided and will arguably split phone fans down a love or hate line so this was the main difference that we're looking at here this was why the answer is the look of the camera so he wasn't actually discussing the performance of the cameras cool all right they're pretty tough they're the sorts of questions that you want to get some practice at long before test day so again sign up to to prepare for your pte and let's look at the next task of the listening section [Music] okay this task highlight correct summary i hate to tell you is a laborious one it's a challenging one it's a difficult one one of the reasons is is because the answer options here are very long and so it poses a real cognitive dilemma for us that is because we cannot read and listen at the same time we have to take notes in this particular task and match our notes and our memories to one of these answer options the other three will be sort of plausible they'll be sort of somewhat correct but maybe a little bit wrong only one of them accurately summarizes what was said in the audio now i've got a little video here because sometimes in pt you will actually be given a video instead of an audio player so just keep that in mind the critical thing about this is that the visual of the video doesn't matter it's what the person is saying it's their speech it's the oral form the audio that is critical cool all right so have a go at this one again take notes while you listen match your notes and your memory to the best summary of what was said i'll see you in a minute when we think about the opposite of work we many times think it's leisure and we say uh i need some leisure time and so forth but the fact is that leisure is a very busy thing we go to play golf and tennis and we meet people and we're going for lunch and we're running late for the movies it's a very crowded thing that we do the opposite of work is actually idleness very few of us know what to do with idleness when we look at the way that we distribute our lives in general we begin to realize that in the periods in which we have a lot of money we have very little time and then when we finally have time we have neither money nor health okay how did you go with this and as i said it's a sort of look to be honest by this stage of the exam especially on test day when you've done multiple question types for each task you are emotionally intellectually cognitively physically drained it's really quite exhausting the key to success on the listening section from here on in is your ability again to maintain concentration because trust me by this stage your blood sugar levels have dropped down so low you are starting to daydream you're forgetting that you're even what am i doing oh yeah i'm taking the most important test of my life here what oh yeah i wonder what i'll have for lunch later okay your ability to pay attention now is is is really critical so please stay with me for the rest of this you need to build up your endurance skills okay let's have a look at this one here so three of these were sort of incorrect they mentioned a lot of keywords for example from the audio however they were just not correct summaries of what was said or they didn't focus on the important parts this was the important one basically what the person said here was that despite what many of us believe idleness not leisure is the opposite of work however today we don't know how to be idle we are too busy with work or packed leisure schedules ironically we are likely to have enough time when we don't have money or wealth that was what was said in essence or in short cool let's do the next one stay with me [Music] okay i just want to stop here and talk to you for a minute about our pte mini mock test and why it's so important so what you're doing right now is the free mock test and it's great practice it gives you a good idea of what to expect but it does not provide you with any critical feedback on your speaking and writing and it doesn't allow you to drill down into all the different question types to find out which ones you're performing not performing well on in on i'm getting tired too let's take a look at this okay so if you do go and take pte and you're unsuccessful maybe you you're just not sure what went wrong come back and take the pt mini mock test okay you get to experience the exam in like a two hour sitting so it's a shortened mock test you experience the speed and pressure of the real test what you'll receive though is really important so for all of the speaking tasks and all of the writing tasks you'll receive a report with grades and comments from our teachers which will help to improve your score one of the problems with these tests is that we just don't know what we're doing wrong and we just get a number that says you know 62 and you think why 62 this will tell you why you've got 62 okay so do think about taking the pt mini mock test with feedback it's a really really cool way cool it's a really effective way to improve efficient and effective way to improve okay this task is pretty interesting it's called select missing word and what it tests is your ability to anticipate what the speaker was going to beep say for example so often when we're listening if we're listening intently we can sort of predict what will be said because we've understood what was said okay this is a good indication that you're that you have good uh listening abilities and this is a particular task constructed to test for that so the audio that you'll hear will be a little bit shorter than user usual it won't be sort of 90 seconds it'll be around the sort of 30 to 40 second mark and the final word or phrase will be replaced by a beeping sound okay let's take a look at this one in more depth okay so what you'll notice is that there are four or five or six answer options they're short because again they're finishing somebody's sentence right now here you can't actually get much meaning from them because it completely relates to what is going to be said here on test day what i suggest you do is you'll see this moving along indicating when the audio is going to be finished playing and so as soon as it gets really close to here you know you're going to hear the beep sound so it's critical that you listen like you're going to listen intently through the whole thing but here you're going to complete silence and awareness and just understand what is going to be said just a little hint up the top here it will actually give you the topic of what this will be about so if you do happen to remember that you'll know you're going to hear an audio about internet technology for example cool uh you may as well practice this one i'll see you in a little bit if you don't know what html5 is let me help you understand it's a programming language but it's a profound one because for the first time we're able to construct a web page where the entire thing can have embedded interactivity can have video audio whatever it is that we want we no longer need flash boxes and this represents a huge huge change because it's essentially opened up a new canvas and it hasn't just opened it up for the new york times or large corporations it's opened it up for everybody on wordpress it's opened it up for musicians and home entrepreneurs because suddenly the ability to produce a differentiated highly compelling value-added maybe even monetizable product okie dokie how did you go were you able to anticipate what the speaker was going to be say let's have a look this one was about what was he talking about html5 or something like that but anyway it ended with is there as the correct one it wasn't about expense or intrigue or redundancy this was the only phrase that could end this correctly according to what he had been talking about and what he was going to say cool let's move on and do the next task we're getting close to the end now let's do the next task of listening section [Music] okay this is the second last task of the listening section and the entire pt it's called highlight incorrect words it's a bit of a strange task this is what it looks like and what happens is that this lecture that you'll hear from here this here is a transcript so it's exactly the same word for word however some of the words a handful of the words differ okay so let's say 95 percent of the words are the same but there will be like say three four or five words that are different from what the speaker actually says on test day when you see this task you need to get your cursor and put it right at the front of the first word here because as the recording starts to play you'll move your mouse along and you need to click on the words click click on the words that differ from what the speaker said okay this is also the other task that has negative markings so you can't just click all the words and if you click one accidentally you can unclick it simple as that but yes what it's getting you to do is to listen very intently and read very intently at the same time and to distinguish or find the differences between what was said and what is written on the page and to simply click on it like that cool may as well have a go at it so again before the audio starts playing move your mouse right to the start as soon as that audio starts playing move along and click click click on the incorrect words i'll see you in a second or two or more the first recorded use of wearable glasses occurred in italy during the 13th century the lenses were glass blown and set into wooden or leather frames they were held in front of the face or perched on the nose initially used by monks the glasses grew in popularity and the technology improved over the next two centuries artwork remains the best evidence that these glasses existed as early renaissance paintings sometimes depict scholars using either handheld frames or perch star glasses okay how did you go clicking on those incorrect words let's have a look so hopefully you clicked on the word feather because the speaker said leather hopefully you clicked on the word placed click because the speaker said perched hopefully you clicked on the word quality because the speaker said popularity and hopefully you clicked on the word people because the speaker said scholars okay so there were one two three four words here that differed from what the speaker said in the audio cool let's move on and do the final task of the entire test you've done very well [Music] okay the final task of the listening section and the entire test is called right from dictation but before we look at that i just want to remind you about how important it is to prepare if you want to succeed on your test i can't tell you the number of people that i have met you know through working at e2 language who have taken a test a number of times and continued to fail and haven't sought or gotten preparation because they thought just let me do it one more time just another 350 dollars just one more month of my life let me just have one more crack at it it's crazy honestly the amount of money that people spend on failed exams if they just spent a little bit of time and money preparing beforehand that we just do it so much quicker so if you do want to prepare to succeed check out for live group classes one-on-one tutorials smart questions speaking and writing feedback and if you need more fundamental help with your language skills check out where you can take courses like test ready speaking lab for pronunciation level 0 to 3 and grammar review so they're the two websites that you absolutely need if you need help on your pt or your basic general english language skills all right enough of that let's have a look at right from dictation this is what it looks like on test day what's going to happen is you're going to hear a single sentence it's very much like repeat sentence right at the beginning in the speaking section we talked about repeat sentence where you hear a sentence and you say the sentence back this one's pretty much the same except instead of saying the sentence you type the sentence out simple as that hear a sentence listen very intently understand it then type it out importantly don't listen and type at the same time because you would just confuse yourself the sentences literally go for a few seconds right cool simple as that you don't need to worry about punctuation actually capital letters and full stops you may as well use good punctuation you do have to worry about spelling most importantly you do have to make sure that you get the right words in the right sequence anyway have a go and i'll show you what the answer is in a few minutes we solve problems through innovation and hard work okay how did you go listening to that sentence and typing it out i should point out that at this stage of the exam your time will be ticking down so this is a really critical task to get right and it's important that you complete all of the right from dictations you get to the final one the end of the exam because this task contributes points to both your writing and your listening scores okay and it seems to contribute quite a few points to your writing score that is when we see people who have low listening and writing scores one of the reasons is because they didn't complete all of the right from dictation tasks here anyway so the sentence that you just heard was we solve problems through innovation and hard work so that's what you should have written there that is what the sentence looks like in its correct form simple as that well done that's it you've just done all 20 tasks of pt academic and you've had a good taste of the complexity the challenge hopefully for some of you the simplicity of it it is a really good test it's really you know on test day it really does function and flow very smoothly there's a lot going on here fundamentally though this is an english language test so if you are lacking vocabulary grammar and pronunciation there's not much you can do i really strongly suggest e2 school for you if your english skills are already very good that is you have strong vocabulary grammar and very clear pronunciation then you need to do some test prep okay some practice questions some live classes stuff like that and you should be right anyway enough from me thank you very much for joining me for this i hope it was helpful my name is jay anyway i'll see you soon or maybe not maybe you'll pass this test and you'll move on with your life which would be great see ya
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 244,655
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Keywords: PTE, pte, e2 pte, E2 PTE, e2 pte academic, E2 PTE Academic, PTE Mock Test, pte mock test, pte full mock test, with answers, test with answers, pte answers, PTE Test, e2language, PTE E2, PTE Reading Test, PTE Writing Test, PTE Speaking Test, PTE Listening Test, PTE Speaking, PTE Writing, PTE Reading, PTE Listening, Read Aloud, Retell Lecture, pte academic, pte reading, pte speaking, Full Mock Test, PTE 2021, pte test answers, pte e2, pte full test, PTE Mock Exam, exam
Id: lo6wzEPfCrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 40sec (9100 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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