PTE Reading: Re-Order Paragraphs | Learn the Proven Method!

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poking okey-dokey let's go back to the PPT just let me double check that it's working you guys are in for a treat if you're on YouTube watching this please stick around to the end you're going to learn some good insights into reorder paragraphs which is a very very tricky little task on the PT II just let me check this is all good cool looks like it's live streaming on YouTube let me pause that alright excellent we're away cool welcome everyone this is we're going to focus on PT reading we're going to focus on reorder paragraphs a really tricky reading task in the PT II but we have a method for you so let's just have a look at a task overview I'll describe this task to you this is what it looks like this is what you're going to see on test day certainly not an easy task in fact when I did my PT II one of these reorder paragraphs was particularly difficult and I got stuck on it because I just it didn't seem to have the logic of a good paragraph I actually don't think it was a good paragraph but anyway you need a method so you get some instructions you get a mixed up paragraph here you have to put it back together in the right order here using these little buttons you click Next when you have done it you get two or three of these on test day you get one point for every correctly aligned sentence so this paragraph has five sentences right let's say you get one of those sentences in the wrong spot that means another sentence will also be in the wrong spot it will mean that you'll get three out of five okay so you there's no negative marking but you just simply don't get marks for the ones that are incorrectly aligned so the name of the game is to just align these sentences put that paragraph back together time management how long should you spend on a reorder paragraph because in PT reading you need to manage your own time fast people can do it in about a minute slower people it takes them about three minutes you really don't want to spend any more than three minutes per paragraph one minute you are probably pushing it and you might be a little bit inaccurate so again it's all about balancing accuracy with efficiency I think ideally you want to spend about two minutes on each of these if you know the method you should not have to spend more than two minutes because it won't be guesswork you shouldn't be guessing you should know from the inherent logic in the paragraph and the method let's have a look at that method there are three parts not necessarily steps the first one is a step there's definitely step one step one is you need to find the independent sentence okay I'll talk you through each of these in a second and then the second step includes two parts where you need to read for sentence flow and you need to use grammar hints okay let's have a look at each of these parts one by one so the first step it really is the first step is to find the independent sentence what does that mean what's an independent sentence an independent sentence introduces the paragraph it introduces the topic of the paragraph it's often called a topic sentence for that reason because it sits right on top of the paragraph and tells the reader what the paragraph is about the first sentence of the paragraph is also a complete sentence if you pulled it out of the paragraph and you showed somebody that sentence it would make sense to them it doesn't need other sentences to make sense it does not refer back to other sentences okay so your first sentence is complete it introduces the topic and it does not refer back it's just autonomous it's independent you need to find it so have a look at this paragraph here it's out of order I want you to look at it I want you to eliminate sentences that cannot be the independent sentence I want you to find the one sentence that stands alone that does not refer back to other sentences let me disappear I'll give you 30 seconds to do this cool excellent people are getting it in that took you eight seconds so that's fantastic good good good good good I can see the chat lighting up yes yes good all right you didn't need 30 seconds you needed eight seconds that took you eight seconds to find that independent sentence let's go through each of them and we're going to eliminate them right so the first one is impossible because it starts with this says this natural process well that's referring back to another sentence so it's impossible that that's the first one the second one however bang we can eliminate that one what about this third sentence lumbering out of the water at night these herbivores bang eliminated it's referring back to another sentence by daybreak having eaten their fill they returned to their daytime resting bum delete it we have found our first independent sentence this is a critical step because if you get that first sentence wrong all of your other other sentences will probably follow on and also be wrong you need to get this one right it sits right at the top of the paragraph and from here we now move into the next part of the method which is sentence flow it incorporates your understanding of subject-verb-object if you're unfamiliar with subject-verb-object you need to go to our core skills YouTube channel and watch the lectures that I've done on sentence parts subject-verb-object you need to understand that concept to then complete the paragraph just briefly it's like this this is how sentences are constructed in English a typical sentence subject verb objects so a common hippopotamus can spend up to 16 hours a day immersed in lakes and rivers we've got our subject a common hippopotamus we've got our verb can spend and we've got our object up to 16 hours a day immersed in lakes and rivers here it is here let's look at the next sentence lumbering out of the water at night these herbivores graze on tropical grasses and consume 80 to 100 pounds in one meal by daybreak having eaten their fill they return to their daytime resting area to rest digest and eventually eliminate this natural process results in millions of tonnes of Hippo done entering africa's aquatic ecosystems every year however as distasteful as that might seem the hippos deposits actually serve an important ecological function each of these sentences has been broken up into subject-verb-object you need to be able to do that in your mind on test day I'm going to show you why that's super important so if we got subject-verb-object subject-verb-object look here's the rule and this is probably the rule that solves the problem for reorder paragraph the object of the first sentence becomes the subject of the second sentence the object of the second sentence becomes the subject of the third sentence the object of the third sentence becomes the subject of the fourth sentence and so on and so forth this is how you construct logical flowing paragraphs because the information that's in the object of the first sentence then moves and becomes the information in the subject of following sentence and the object of that sentence goes into the subject of the next sentence this is how ideas move from one to the other okay here's a very simple example of course in the PT it won't be this simple but this is what I mean here yesterday I saw a massive dog so there's the object a massive dog and you can see that then that becomes the subject of the following sentence the dog was chasing a cat a cat object becomes subject the cat was chasing a mouse a mouse object becomes subject the mouse was chasing a beetle object becomes subject the beetle was running for its life this is a well-constructed paragraph although very simple it follows that rule that I was just talking about let's think about this one here in terms of subject verb object let me disappear this is the correct order of the paragraphs I sorry the correct order of the sentences okay what I've just showed you is very simple it's never that simple but the concept remains the same so let's look at this first one here a common hippopotamus can spend up to 16 hours a day immersed in rivers and lakes this is an important part of the object here lumbering out of the water at night you can see that this object becomes this subject but it's using different words right it's using synonyms and these herbivores graze on tropical grasses and consume 80 to 100 pounds in one meal one meal by daybreak having eaten their fill you can see how the meal then comes as the object turns into the subject here or is linked to the subject they return to their daytime resting area to rest digest and eventually eliminate eliminate here is a euphemism for mmm how can I say this nicely well hippopotamus taking a crap right so eliminate becomes this natural process this is a very polite way of saying that but anyway eliminate here the object becomes this natural process in the subject and here millions of tons of hippo dung is mentioned here in the subject as the hippos deposits so where are we what am I doing here let me move that so you can see that the connection between the object and the subject of the following sentence objects subject object subject cool here it is here so rivers and lakes becomes the water one meal becomes having eaten their meal eliminate becomes this natural process hippo dung hippos deposits boom we've just put our paragraph back together again based on our understanding of subject-verb-object and asks our ability to understand synonyms because the word will never be exactly the same in the object in the subject it will be synonymous it will be related to it if not similar okay practice I wanted to use that concept to complete one now so have a look at this this is obviously the out of order find the independent sentence first then put it back to or back together again this is the one we just saw so this should be easy I'm just going to give you one minute to do this [Music] cool I'm good I'm seeing answers already after 20 seconds so that's fantastic thirty seconds left ten seconds three two one and stop cool well done that was easy because you had seen it but good to get those concepts into your mind right so here it is here we know the answer here that's fine let's do another one you have not seen this one this time I'm going to give you two minutes I want you to think about the subject-verb-object first find the independent centered then think about the sentence parts and how they flow from one to the next here we go two minutes starts now good you found the independent sentence well done great so Sam submitted at one minute fantastic so is garage in he tesha so is Abdul and Krishna Arnel Abhijit forty seconds left Monza rule well done good raghuvaran dvash bella would want are here orinda excellent twenty seconds three two one and stop in the exam you can spend you know two minutes 30 seconds try not to spend three minutes because it does eat into the other time and if you practice this you won't need to spend that long it's hard you need good practice materials I must say need good practice materials some of the stuff I've seen on YouTube is rubbish is hippopotamus done I must say come on check out a two language comm if you if you're not sure who we are got it ww2 language comm sign up is a free user and you'll get some free practice materials or you can upgrade and get all of it all of it full access cool let's check the answers here so the independent sentence was this in April last year billionaire Yuri Milner announced the breakthrough starshot initiative that was the only sentence that was independent that stood on its own that did not need other sentences it did not refer back to other sentences cool what's the object of this sentence the breakthrough starshot initiative I don't know what that is it's very confusing but what does it connect to well it connects to this first of all you've got Yuri Milner and then he he plans to invest a hundred million u.s. dollars in the development initiative development of an ultralight light sail fine so we connected 1 & 2 what's the object of this one and what does the object of this one connect to well it says here can be accelerated to 20% of the speed of light the problem of how to slow down this projectile accelerate slow down you can see the object connecting to the subject here in fact this is part of the verb but anyway it still makes sense slow down this projectile once it reaches its target and what's the object of this one a challenge here's the verb a challenge connects to the subject here one solution and here what's the object it's the craft the craft connects to the subject here it so in a way you don't even really need to understand the meaning of the paragraph overall you can almost just can just look at objects and subjects and connect it but don't do that because we do want to make sure that it's correct we do want to read for overall meaning at the end I'll show you that in a second cool so if you had this order well done if you got one of them wrong it means two of your sentences would be wrong so you will get three out of five that's still not a bad effort well done cool now we move on from looking at subject verb object to looking at grammar hints within those within those within the paragraph a little words that give away the development that give away the how the sentence is connected to one another let's have a look the first one is articles articles like app and and that and also no article you can use your knowledge of articles to connect sentences to each other some grammar words show development nouns the nouns for example elephants the elephants so the first sentence might just say elephants no article second time elephants plural is mentioned it will say that elephants for example elephants are really big the elephants in West Africa are the biggest right elephants are really big no article the elephants in West Africa article what about singular nouns here we've got noun s here we've got single one noun a noun the noun an elephant in Ethiopia recently ran through a village the elephant ate all the rice in the village an elephant the elephant there you can use articles to connect sentences so if you're looking at a bunch of scramble sentences and you see a scientist and then you see the researcher you know that you can put that one on top of that one what about this and V so some grammar words show development the noun can become this noun because it specifies it goes from specific to even more specific for example the elephant that ate all the rice in the village was captured this elephant was then released into the jungle right or the nouns become these nouns plural plural you can see how they connect for example the elephants become these elephants you can also use your understanding of pronouns because pronouns also show development of sentences in a paragraph so a single noun can become it or its if it's possessive nouns becomes they or their if you're talking about a person for example a scientist it can become he or she or it may say something like a person's name like dr. Smith he or dr. Smith she he's in her or if it's talking about people plural dr. Smith and dr. Patrick I don't know they and they're okay so think about what's first mentioned what's secondly mentioned cool also connecting words we can eliminate from the independent sentence because if a sentence starts with however you know that it needs another sentence so it can't be the independent sentence or if a sentence starts with for example you know that we can't use that one as the independent sentence or in contrast or as a result okay so we can use our understanding of connecting words to think about the development of the paragraph in addition we can use our understanding of active and passive sentences so here it says a scientist devised a solution fine and here the solution was devised in 1994 now this is active this is passive if it were both active it would say a scientist devised a solution the scientist devised the solution in 1994 it doesn't sound good so often what people do is they'll have an active sentence first they don't want to mention the scientist again because it's irrelevant so they'll turn it into a passive sentence in the next sentence the solution was devised by the scientist in 1994 so your understanding of active and passive sentences can help you let's practice because we now know that we need to find the independent sentence we now know that the object is becomes the subject of the following sentence or is mentioned or linked in some way and we also understand that we can use grammar our understanding of how grammar works to connect those sentences logically let's just look at the one we've already looked at and find just what I want you to do here I just want you to spend a minute looking at this thinking about how grammar connects these sentences so this is the correct order think about the nouns turning into pronouns think about the singular nouns or becoming being mentioned again think about the use of this and these and they're all those sorts of works I spend one minute see what you can find see what you can find here good found a common hippopotamus and then these herbivores excellent well done Krishna yes good these there they says doer one meal becomes eating their fill excellent rivers and lakes becomes water good Natalia's found these there this and however good Malick's found by daybreak excellent because that can't be independent it's definitely referring back this natural process excellent done becomes deposits it's like bank deposits it's a bit strange but I suppose if you're a zoologist you need to speak politely about hippo dung that's one way to do it cool all right let's have a look here are some that I found we've got a common hippopotamus and then these herbivores they and then the hippos you can see how the actor the the main character of this paragraph the hippopotamus if we're mentioning it again and then again and then again it transforms from one thing we don't just say hippopotamus hippopotamus hippopotamus hippopotamus we say a common hippopotamus these herbivores they the hippos because we need to make up writing interesting so we'll use will transform that word into different different words that have the same meaning cool rivers and lakes becomes the water our one meal becomes their fill eliminate becomes this natural process and then again to hippo down and then again to deposits here we've got aquatic ecosystems and then ecological function so we can see how these words are connecting throughout and there's lots of they they're they're these critical grammar words that will help you to reconstruct paragraph right let's recap the method because I'm going to give you to practice ones to do so first of all find the independent sentence read for sentence flow including subject verb object subject verb object use your understanding of grammar use grammar hints like ah dah let's do some practice I'll disappear I'll give you two minutes to do this one here find the independent sentence first call so people have found the independent sentence it's a bit hard with this one good could be a couple of them Oh well done got a bit of a problem here because there potentially could be two independent sentences that's going to slow us down I'm going to give really hint the independent sentence is not a good Sheila yes oh let me give you a better hint the independent sentence is C start your paragraph C [Music] [Music] cool I'll give you another 30 seconds [Music] [Music] five seconds cool interesting we found something that sort of threw a spanner in the works there and that was that there were actually several potential independent sentences it's a good lesson because this can happen in the PTA where yes there may be one or two now I'll show you the answers then I'm going to show you how you can deal with that okay so the independent sentence here the only one that works because then the rest of the sentences can follow on correctly from this is was see after a busy day children do need down time to rest and relax okay if you had a you can't then pin the rest of the sentences to it because you're going to run into a problem where there just won't be a logical connection okay so let's go through this one I'll show you what I mean so see followed by D increasingly kids leisure time is spent gaming but does it detract from homework or would kids be better off reading a book you can see down time rest and relax kids leisure time then we connect up this one historical research which is a historical research shows in some cases that interactive gaming can have a positive can have positive effects for mission by promoting memory attention and reasoning we then connect this one other speed oriented games have been shown to improve perception and motor skills so should gaming for relaxation be encouraged if you had those ones in that order well done that was a particularly hard one but it leads to an interesting point and it's probably part of the method and it's the last thing that you should do you need to read your paragraph after you've put it together for overall meaning and there should be no leaps of faith what do I mean by that this is a leap of faith this is when you put two sentences together and they don't quite fit and you think oh I'll just put them together anyway it will be wrong if it doesn't make sense in your mind it's going to be wrong the sentences have to link logically there is no gaps between ideas here okay so what do I mean by that well here's an example paragraph of those sentences we just saw but one of the sentences is in the wrong spot and so what happens is that we create a leap of faith this one here for example the second one is wrong let's read it it says after a busy day children do need down time to rest and relax so should gaming for relaxation be encouraged well it's kind of a bit of a leap of faith why because gaming hasn't been mentioned yet and all of a sudden gaming pops into the ink as the following sentence and so there's a sort of there's no continuity between the sentences it's not quite right and so that's your leap of faith and this is going to cause problems through the rest of your paragraph let's do another one thinking about not making any leaps of faith thinking about okay every sentence has to connect logically okay let me disappear let's do this one excellent so people are finding the independent sentence Maria's already put it back together in 35 seconds well done threes put it one minute well done so is Anil 20 seconds give you another 30 just to make sure three two one and stop that's two minutes and thirty seconds probably in a good amount of time to whoopsy whatever done probably a good amount of time to spend on this particular task right independent sentence strikes of lightning fires was ravages of time left their traces on Heidelberg Castle good we've got a very clear object here okay and it's also this was a bit simpler because it was was the only possible independent sentence today it is considered now now the castle has been reconstructed know it starts with now doesn't make sense and it no this reconstruction no should take you ten seconds to find the independent sentence the problem is when you have several then you need to start doing some logical gymnastics right but we've got a clear sentence here clear independent sentence with a clear object Heidelberg Castle today it harder burg Castle is considered one of the most important Renaissance buildings north of the Alps it could have been C it could have been C because we got Heidelberg Castle and then now the castle has been reconstructed but it's again you've got a little bit of a leap of faith there it hasn't built properly the meaning hasn't come out naturally there this is a better sentence so strikes of lightning fires wars ravages of time left their traces on Heidelberg Castle today it is considered one of the most important Renaissance Renaissance buildings north of the Alps and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Germany with about 1.1 million visitors from all over the world every year many of them from english-speaking countries and Asia now the castle has been reconstructed as it looked before its destruction by means of a three-dimensional virtual model this reconstruction contains a wealth of details that by far exceeds that of past reconstructions so a lot of people have [Music] D is the final sentence there but doesn't really make sense does it flow to put this as the final sentence and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations kind of but it does but there's a better way to do it and that's to put D as number three why because it follows on from this sentence more logically today it's considered one of the most important Renaissance buildings north of the Alps and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations that has a better connection so sometimes we can use the subject-verb-object and it works and we can use the grammar and it works but ultimately it comes down to meaning and it comes down to the best possible sequence of sentences for overall meaning it's a bit of a trick cool while I've got you here for free users do go across the ww2 language comm why well we'll help you get to PT success but we'll do much more than that because we'll build your language along the way which will last a lifetime if you sign up for a paid package you get a personalized study plan you get a grammar vocabulary and pronunciation skill building lessons you get methods for every single PT test like I've shown you here but also for retail lecture for summarize spoken text for right si the whole shebang also lots of practice materials you get feedback in the form of written feedback for writing and speaking also one on one tutorials with expert teachers like me and you get to come across to the live mock tests that we have every night of the working week cool let's go across to QA and let me answer some of these questions because I know you've got a million rights what have we got okay okay so Preet says that in the actual exam these tasks are relatively easier I think it's a bit of a mix some of the ones that I got were distinctly difficult so yes if you're lucky you'll get some easy ones but there are some difficult ones floating around um okay people are asking about scoring again there are five possible ones you get you put down your five but one's wrong which means that another one must be wrong so you get these two wrong so you get three out of five that's how the scoring works you get every correctly aligned sentence you get a point I should mention that understanding this understanding how paragraphs are constructed is not just good to do reorder paragraphs it's great for your writing think about how your sentences flow from one of the one to the next in your essays there should be no leaps of faith there should be no sentences that have a disconnect all of your sentences should flow from subject-verb-object through right to the very end so it's a good activity to build your writing skills as well and Bart's got a question about the length of the sentences in the actual Pte other sentences longer or shorter like this I'm not sure I've only taken the PT once I think they're probably about this length it's not going to you're not going to get huge long sentences okay what else we got yes three us concerned about reading in terms of time management yes yes you need to manage your own time that's why I was quite strict and I gave you just 2 minutes 2 minutes and 30 seconds for the reorder paragraph we want to save time for the more difficult ones like multiple choice multiple answers and reading and writing fill in the blanks Terron deeps has us is it always five sentences sometimes you will get a paragraph of four sentences that makes it way easier having the extra sentence makes it harder in the PT you will get will be four or five sentences people are still worried about scoring don't worry so much just practice instead of trying to understand that how the bt is scored work in your english that's the best thing to do cool alright someone's happy about this little lecture excellent sams happy three is asked if the pta sort of calibrates so if you get a few wrong does it make it easier no it just stays difficult the whole time I've got to say cool all right I might call it a day excellent I will see paid users for the speaking live mock test tonight so see you then and free users up great cool see you guys thanks to that that was fun
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 612,420
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Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte tips, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, e2 pte reorder paragraph, e2pte reorder paragraph, e2 pte reading, e2pte reading, e2 pte webinar, pte re-order paragraph, e2 pte academic, e2 pte academic reading, reorder paragraphs, pte reading tips, re-order paragraphs, e2language pte, pte preparation, PTE
Id: 9c__V0SyQqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2017
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