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seems to be working suppose that's rock and roll then hello everyone my name is J I'm one of the expert Pte teachers here at e2 language in this live class we're going to focus on PT e reading and we're going to look at multiple choice single answer which by the way is quite difficult on test day as you would have noticed by now if you've done your test so what we're going to do is this I'm gonna give you a task description I'm going to describe what this task looks like and what you have to do I'm gonna talk to you about the different question prompts that you might see on test day this is really critical the question prompts her what this task is all about then I'm going to show you a method we're going to do some practice and then I'll just recap what we've learned ok so task description on test day you're going to see something that looks like this this is multiple choice single answer let me just label it for you because we need some language this here this thing here we call this the question question prompt ok question prompt that's called the question prompt these things here are called the answer options ok so we're gonna talk about this today so we need to you need to know what I'm talking about and this here is the text ok so we've got a question prompt answer options and text no problem the text has about a hundred and ten words max so it's quite short it's quite sure the text is short multiple choice multiple answers is in fact quite a bit longer okay and you're going to get two or three of these types of questions on test day fine let's talk about the question price because that's probably the most nobody is the most critical bit so I've just simplified the question here on the left you can see the text you can see the question prompt and you can see the answer options so you may get a question prompt that asks you about the theme of the text okay in which case you've got a theme like is this text here is this about online learning is about tertiary education is about high school studies or childhood learning what's the theme that's one of the possible question prompts or you might get what is the topic of the text is it about educational psychology is it about eLearning is it about learning through play is it about language learning for example or you might get what is the main idea of the text what is the main idea the children acquire language the children are taught language that children learn language through their mothers the children struggle with language what's the main idea of this text this text here or you might get a question prompt that says what is the purpose of the text is the purpose here to inform is it to warn is it to criticize is it to rebuke for example what's the purpose of the text or the question prompt might say what is the writer's opinion that children should be left alone that parents should read to children that many children need help or that few children need help what's the writers opinion or you might see one that says what's the writers attitude is these attitude dismissive contemptuous disapproving or respectful so these are slightly different some of them there's not much difference between the two for example the first one we saw what was it theme and-and-and-and let me think I forget the first one was theme the second one was topic there's not much difference between theme and topic theme is a little bit more broad whereas topics a little bit more specific or the difference between tone and attitude there's not much difference there at all but what I'm trying to show you is that you have a purpose for reading because the question prompt asks you to read for something you're not just reading that text you're reading it with purpose if you understand the question prompt right let's go back I'm gonna go through them again so theme topic main idea purpose writers opinion writers attitude this is an interesting line this is a difficult one what is inferred by the text this means an inference an inference you may get this question prompt by the way an inference is something that is not explicitly said it's something that's implicitly said so the author might not write it directly but you can sort of get a feeling or understand something from the words that this is what he or she means that's an inference we're gonna do a practice one of those later so the inference might be that parents should leave children alone he doesn't say that explicitly but that's what this text says or that children learn more from their friends or teachers often interrupt learning or school systems need an overhaul or you might get one that looks like this and it says what does specific detail mean that language is innate that language is a social performance that language is learned by rote that language is prone to errors so now we're looking not at main ideas but specific details or you might get one where you have to guess the meaning of a word from the context so it might say what does the word X mean like a cuisine or something there's some complex word able to be learned able to be extrapolated from able to be forgotten able to be built upon right so they were the different types of question prompts that you may see on test day and that's critical now we're gonna look at the method for how you should go about answering this type of question okay so method firstly understand the question prompt what are you reading for even if you're anxious even if you're sort of feels like a bit of a dream state in the exam because of your nervousness focus on the question prompt what are you reading for what's in the text that you need to find okay step-ups so that will look like this so what is the writers opinion so the key word here is opinion so you're going to be looking for an opinion but before you go to the text you should connect the question prompt to the answer options connect the question prompt to the answer options what I mean by that is if you're looking for the opinion then what's the opinion here children should be left alone leave children alone leave children alone that might be the opinion or parents should read to children parents should read to children that might be the opinion so you're connecting this to the different answer options okay or that many children need help or that few children need help what's his opinion then you go to the text then you deep read the text remember it's only a hundred and ten words it will take you about 20 seconds to read and maybe 30 seconds to deep read so you really need to read that text and understand it okay so you go over to the text you understand then step four you eliminate incorrect answer options because you know that these three are wrong because he didn't say that that's not his opinion and that leaves step five where you choose the correct answer option which is here parents should read to children for example cool let's put this into practice okay I want you to run through the method with the following question so I want you to read the question prompt understand it what's it asking you to read for okay then connect that question prompt to the answer options then I want you to deep read the text you have enough time to deep read the text then I want you to eliminate the incorrect ones before finally selecting the correct one now I'm going to give you two minutes per question because really on exam day you should be spending no longer than two minutes maximum remember it's a hundred and ten words you can probably do this in a minute a minute and a half per question you have to manage your own time on test day for reading so I'm gonna there's a timer here you'll see the timer don't freak out with the timer here we go alright that's 2 minutes let's have a look what we got here what do we got well I've got lots of different answer options that's not good [Laughter] damn and not many people got the right hand so I thought this one was easy interesting interesting interesting all right all right all right fine fine let me talk you through the answer here so before I go to the answer let's just look at this so we're gonna read this question prompt and it says what is the author's opinion okay so we're looking for an opinion so what's the opinion he or she is a bird well okay it's a weird opinion that's not really opinion I'm not happy with that one she is clever okay that's definitely and it could be a possible opinion she is smarter than most eight-year-olds that could be an opinion she has an unusual behavioral quirk that could be an opinion I suppose she learns quickly okay so it can't really be a I'm not happy with a fine then we go over here to the text and we read this in the early 2000s the New Caledonian crow okay so Betty is a bird so that's an opinion that's not an opinion Betty in Oxford shocked the world when she spontaneously bent a hook into a straight piece of wire while trying to retrieve a small out of reach basket with a handle from a vertical tube interestingly when human children were tested on a similar task setup they showed great difficulties with coming up with a suitable solution until the age of nearly eight years New Caledonian crows are specialized tools users in the wild and their ability to handle tools is innate nevertheless in this case Betty seemed to innovatively produce a novel behavioral sequence on an unknown material okay now we want to go through and eliminate so definitely not a because she is a bird it's not an opinion definitely not see she is smarter than most eight-year-olds it does not say that it says shield it just does not say that she learns quickly well well it didn't say that with we've got to here now a lot of you chose D she has an unusual behavioral quirk is that an opinion really because yeah all right let me think about this let me think about this let me think about this and to be perfectly honest my answer was B I wrote these questions by the way my answer is B if you got Billy she is clever that is definitely correct now is D also possibly correct is the author's opinion of Betty that she has an unusual behavioral quirk well that's not really an opinion it's not really an opinion okay let's read here I think most of you got it from this sentence here nevertheless in this case Betty seemed to innovatively produce a novel behavioral sequence on an unknown material the author's opinion is that Betty has an unusual behavioral quirk I don't think that's the answer I think this is a much better answer this is the author's opinion of Betty that she preached that she innovatively produced novel behavior and she's smarter than children from 0 to 8 years old in other words his opinion of Betty is that she is clever maybe you can argue with me against this one but B is a better option than D here now one of the reasons why you may have chosen D is because the sentence was longer and it looked more complex and if it looks more complex and that's probably right because they're trying to trick you don't think like that it's not about the length of the answer option it's nothing like that it's about meaning it's about meaning now the meaning might be short and easy to understand like option B so don't see big words and think that must be it because that's more complex than B no let's do another one so she's clever cool practice 2 here we go here we go here we go all right cool cool cool fine fine fine okay oh oh hold on let me just check you guys all right that's looking good people are saying tricky one okay they're tricky they're tricky yeah in the PT they're they're tricky they're tricky all right let's have a look at this one so let's read the question prompt the question prompt says why could people see more clearly than usual so this is going to be looking for a bit of a detail it's going to be looking for a detail so let's connect the question prompt to the answer option so they could see more clearly because the Sun disappeared suddenly they could see more clearly because there was no moon present they could see more clearly because of the near objects well they could see more clearly because people's GABA receptors malfunction now if you just chose this one because it looks more complex think again so let's go across to the text and read it so why could people see more clearly than usual if you were fortunate enough to witness the recent total solar eclipse in all its glory you might have noticed something surprising it was dark as night yet people and objects were easier to see then on a typical moonless night okay so I'm gonna eliminate B immediately scientists have discovered a possible biological explanation the presence or absence of a protein in the retina known as the gap a GABA receptor the GABA receptor is in abundance on certain cells in the retina on sunny days and enhances the ability to see details and edges of objects at night it disappears but that process is normally gradual that process is normally gradual when the total eclipse took viewers from brightness to darkness in minutes the GABA receptor would have still been present on those cells in their eyes giving them super sharp night vision for a brief time so why could people see more clearly unusual the answer is a because the Sun disappeared suddenly not gradually D is incorrect it says nothing about people's GABA receptors malfunctioning B is incorrect because the moon was present or at least it doesn't say anything about that and C is incorrect because it doesn't say anything about near objects just out of interest who got a just put into the chat a smiley face yes good good good nice nice nice nice let's keep going let's do some more good whoopsy practice number three okay let's do it okay that's two minutes now I'm a bit worried to look into this chat here let's have a look oh no lots and lots of different answers [Laughter] hmm I'm gonna give you another two minutes I hate to do this but I'm gonna give you another two minutes so let's go back I'm gonna give you another two minutes to get this right read the text carefully understand the question prompt okay wait actually I need to give you a bit of a hint here because this is the question about inference so the answer one of these answer options it will not be explicitly mentioned in the text you will have to read between the lines okay it's the meaning behind the text so you have to assume something here I want you to do it again read carefully you okay so that was four minutes that's way too long to actually spend it let's see let's see let's see okay yep good okay okay okay before I give you the answer I want you to think about I want you to justify your answer to me justify your answer type into the chat into the comments why you chose a or B or C where in the text can you take that from what is the information in the text that gives you that answer tell me I want you to justify your answer for me please give me a reason why you chose a b c d or e what's the reason that they were victorious for example where does it say in the text that they were caught or that they became war heroes or that they perished or that they escaped [Music] let's have a look all right all right all right all right right right right right right okay so okay yeah yup so um I okay so Ruffy says the Hundley ruff you chose a because the Hundley delivered a blast for 135 pounds of black powder so the assumption there is that they were victorious because they delivered a blast using black powder is that a good justification does it really because they delivered a blast does that mean our victorious it's not strong enough for me to be convinced okay chef es chose us ie because the remaining crew were rescued okay well that's interesting the remaining crew were rescued but remember that we're reading about there were two actors here there's the Hunley okay the Hunley which is a submarine and then there's the Housatonic which is a warship so the Hunley delivered a blast the Housatonic sank and and and and the Housatonic lost five crew members or sea men that came bla bla bla bla the remaining crew members were rescued now was that the remaining crew members of the Hunley or the Housatonic in fact it was the Housatonic but we're interested in the crew members from the Hunley let me take you through this one and show you what the answer is so what can be inferred about the crew of the Hunley so it's not gonna say it explicitly we're gonna have to read between the lines so the Hunley crew were victorious the Hunley crew were caught the Hunley crew became war heroes the Hunley crew perished or died that's another word for perish they died or they escaped let's read this so it says the Hun Lee's first and last submarine combat mission occurred during the Civil War On February 17 1864 when it the Hunley sank a 1200 ton warship called the USS you see tonic outside Charles Harbour in South Carolina the Hunley delivered a blast from 135 pounds of black powder below the waterline at the stern of the Housatonic sinking the Union ship in less than five minutes Housatonic lost five sea men five seamen died but came to rest upright in 30 feet of water which allowed the remaining crew of the Housatonic ship to be rescued after climbing the rigging and deploying lifeboats the fate of the crew of the 40-foot Hunley however remained a mystery so there's some key words in here I'm going to point them out so the hon Lee's first and last mission the fate of the crew remained a mystery until 1995 and this happened in 1864 using these clues I want you to retype the end what you think the answer is a B C D or E so look hopefully hopefully hopefully hopefully yes it's looking more consistent that you're talking like they could the answer is D they perished so the Hunley crew members died that's what can be inferred from this passage okay good fine I hope that's clear practice number four we're gonna do two more two more stay with me stay with me here we go fourth one [Music] all righty then haha whatever you got this is looking much better well done well done this is looking good yes yes good you should be able to justify it remember that if you're unsure try and justify it to yourself say okay it has to be a B C or D it has to be D for example because needs a reason why you're not just choosing arbitrarily you're choosing with purpose you're choosing for a reason okay yeah this one's a little tricky let me walk you through it okay let's read the question prompt because we want to know what we're reading for what would be an example of ecole alia all right so this is a strange word we don't know what this means in fact I didn't learn what this means until yesterday when I found this and I thought oh that'll make a great question I've heard the word before but it wasn't sure so if you don't know it don't you know that's fine what would be an a an example of ecole alia so let's connect the question prompt to the answer options so an example of ecole alia would be mimicking another's phrase an example of echolalia would be blinking if someone else blinks an example of echolalia would be becoming excited with someone or yawning after someone else does it or throwing a ball to somebody what's an example of echolalia fine now we deep read the text feeling tired even if we aren't tired why do we yawn if someone else does research suggests the human propensity for contagious yawning is triggered automatically when we observe another person yawn it is a common form of echo phenomena the automatic imitation of another's words echolalia or actions echo Praxian and we don't even need to read any further than that because what we're doing is we're reading for detail so we can just cross all this out we don't really care about that really we care about we care about we care about from here to here I'm sorry that's too messy I'll just leave it so ecole alia it says the automatic imitation of another's words echolalia or actions echo Praxian but we're focusing on ecole alia so let's have a look so the imitation of another's words mimicking another's phrase well that looks good to me let's eliminate the rest just to be sure blinking if someone else blinks no well that's echo Praxian that's an action so it's not be becoming excited with someone well no because echo Lali has got to do with language yawning after someone else does it well this talked about yawning a lot but that's not école alia and throwing a ball to someone would also be echo prac seer therefore the answer must be a please put a smiley face into the chat if you've got a let's have a look at all those smiley faces nice nice nice good someone put a party hat in there too that's good cool last one practice number five here we go all right that one I think was a bit easier okay there's a great question in here it says what does C and D mean yes yes yes all right let's go through the answers here so let's read the question prompt what is the author's tone tone and then let's connect this to the answer option so we've got X is it an excited tone is this text it is an excited tone is it an enthusiastic tone is it hysterical is it ambivalent or is it a concerned tone okay so we know what probably know what that means we probably know what this means and we probably know what this means hysterical means to be sort of highly emotional highly emotional an ambivalent means to have well mixed feelings mixed feelings like happy and sad or sort of sure but unsure mixed feelings okay so you really do need to if you don't know what these words mean just leave them just leave them for the time being and then see if see if it's a B or e and if it's not if it's not if it's not the ones you know then you can sort of just have have a guess okay so let's say we eliminate these ones and we read it and we go okay it's not concerned it's not excited not sziasztok and then you've got two choices well they need to just guess one for example okay so you should definitely guess if you don't know the answer but let's let's read this text now it says as the opioid crisis escalates the science behind addiction remains poorly understood to address this need researchers at University of Zurich devised a system that allows embera fish a small tropical fish to self administer doses of hydrocodone and opioid commonly prescribed to people for pain after one week the fish had increased their drug seeking behavior even when doing so required them to put themselves in risky conditions further 48 hours after the last exposure condition fish signs of anxiety a hallmark of withdrawal so what's the tone of this piece of writing is it excited nor is it enthusiastic no is it hysterical no it's not overly emotional is it ambivalent it has mixed feelings no is it concerned yes it has a concerned tone now the key words that give it away are there's a crisis that's escalating there's a need okay will they increase their drug seeking behavior which is not good risky they showed signs of anxiety and had some withdrawal all of these words point to a concern cool let's recap what we've learned about multiple choice single answer let's just go through the method so you need to understand that question prompt and the question prompt might ask you about an opinion about a tone about a main idea that a detail an inference a single word something like that then you connect the question prompt to the answer options you need for example if the question prompt asks you about an opinion then you read the answer options and you go okay there's the opinion there's the opinion there's the opinion there's the opinion right connect that question prompt to the answer options then number three deep read the text you have enough time it's only a hundred and ten words you have plenty of time to read that text and understand it then eliminate incorrect answer options before you choose the correct answer move on past the Pte and live happily ever after if you need help by the way check out I don't know if you have a free account at2 language but you should check out a two language comm if you need help lots of reading materials tutorials feedback on your speaking and writing live mock tests like this one every Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday yeah lots of good stuff going on e to language check out our Facebook by the way lots of testimonials got 222 to date of people 4.8 rating anyway let's go to question time let's go to questions cool oh cool somebody got 5 out of 5 actually just for my interest put into the chat what score you got out of 5 for all those five questions how many did you get 3 3 5 4 1 3 4 100 3 it's a mixed bag mixed bag a lot of people got 5 out of 5 which is great - 4 - ok if you got yeah fine fine ok somebody got the Betty Crow one was confusing ok now please put your questions into the into the chat okie dokie VJ hi J just in case when you realize if you have short of time which questions tasks can be given less priority or can be ignored can someone ignore multiple choice question ok don't ignore any of the questions in PT reading even if you've if you've run out of time just guess you don't lose points for guessing multiple choice multiple answers just guess one for example then move on if you that's if you're really running out of time I've just put up a new blog article on time management for the PT so go to the e - language blog and look for the time management blog you'll see I've broken down every task into how long you should spend on every task so do check that out Denise what does inferred mean infer means all right here's a very simple explanation of the word infer we make inferences all the time you you do it you don't know what the word means but let's say I'm sitting in your house you're making pancakes ok you're in the kitchen making pancakes and I'm sitting in your lounge room and then I say whoa jeez that smells good what's the inference there what have I asked for by not asking for I've asked for some pancakes I'm basically saying please give me pancakes but I haven't explicitly said it I've just implicitly said all that smells nice and then you will say oh do you want a pancake right that's an inference a very simple example of an inference we're inferring something you know you don't explicitly say it you just read between the lines neasha and your webinar timings don't match based out of India you can watch the recorded ones online if you want but yes we're thinking about doing several a day from now on let me I'll let you know should we use the same technique that we learned today for multiple choice multiple answers is similar but it's a bit different so please watch that lesson which is on YouTube as well Jay what other tasks contribute to PT reading why you've got reorder paragraphs multiple choice ink multiple answer single answer fill in the blanks and reading and writing fill in the blanks as well as read aloud rows I'm a pip I'm a gold member ani to language comm can I get another lesson and feedback yes you can simply upgrade from gold to platinum if you want you just pay the difference between gold and platinum and you'll get two additional tutorials and extra feedback I can't remember how much on your speaking and writing Jay where did you personally find the most difficulty in the reading section I think multiple choice for me it's different for you I think the hardest one is reading and writing fill in the blanks that because there's no real method to that one that one is just a test of your vocabulary if you have a big vocabulary you'll be fine but if you have a limited vocabulary you will struggle on that one but also multiple choice single answers difficult Jay do we get a pen and paper to write on yes you get a pen and paper to write on in the exam okay what if we run out of time do not need to read phrases only see and if you run out of you need to manage your own time well so for example what we just did today with multiple choice single out so you can see you only need to spend about a minute and 45 seconds maximum two minutes on that question type then move on don't waste time on it okay follow the method select the answer click Next J how do we improve on reorder paragraph please watch the watch the methods listen here on YouTube that will help you um okay I've got like 80 questions here hon your month I'm mainly struggling with fill in the blanks reading collocation lists doesn't work for me how to tackle this task with grammar hmm it's a vocabulary test one of the what I noticed about taking the PT II in PT reading specifically is it really is a test of your vocabulary it's it's all about academic vocabulary if you don't have the words then you cannot possibly you you can you need to build your vocabulary you need to build your vocabulary very widely you need to read widely I recommend a website called science daily comm do reading from that it's excellent it's perfect it's it's it's like semi academic which is like the PT II it's not like reading research papers or scientific articles because they're too academic but this is a really good website for that newspapers are fine as well but they're not so academic you need to get into the sciences into biology into psychology and zoology or whatever it is Jay I'm one week away from my first PT I'm feeling very nervous what should I do in this coming way to get relaxed and fully prepared I would suggest if you're nervous well I think preparation relieves anxiety good preparation relieves anxiety yes so prepare properly if you're not a paid member Andy to language I would recommend because you've only got a week the budget package will give you access to all of the practice material the methods lessons in the live mock tests so do come along to those live mock tests this week that would be great cool cool cool Andre J I have problems about timing how can I improve that well it's about it's about balancing efficiency with accuracy now how do you balance efficiency moving quickly with being accurate it's about practice and having the methods and knowing exactly what to do when you see that task multiple choice single answer read the prompt connected the question current connected to the answer options read the text eliminate select the right one move on next they need to practice those methods to do to do knitting nope sorry let me read another oujet in de my last goal was 80 plus in everything except for reading I got 76 tough that's hard Phoebe hi I only have two weeks to prepare how what can I do now you should prepare you should prepare properly e to language package either bronze or silver you can definitely take your two tutorials in the next two weeks that would be fabulous and it to do Rose how can I study the collocation list I don't know how to use it okay so on in your platform for dt2 language even free members you can download the vocabulary list it's a list of collocations or or words commonlook how can I describe this a list of words that commonly appear with other words like you might have the adjective academic and then academic circles academic papers academic whatever words come with that word academic to create natural sounding phrases what should you do with this you should just glance at the word list and just become familiar with how language works like this because we don't use vocabulary in sync as single words words always come with an assert come with a partner word or in combinations we need to start learning the combinations of the words because that's what leads to fluent native like grammatical sentences and will also help you in the reading tasks as well pravin okay just reading questions Leung key whenever can we have the methods listen for retail lecture it's a part of the e2 language package I might keep that one secret to make people sign up sorry need to pay the bills okay fine jillian is grammar in speaking as important as fluency okay so for the speaking tasks you've got three criteria three thing that the three things that the computer is listening for one is content which includes vocabulary and grammar one is oral fluency how smoothly you speak and how immediately you can speak in terms of retrieving were saying words you're not searching for words for example third one is pronunciation how much you sound how much your your speech is like a native speaker okay someone's asked me when are we going to learn about the speaking tricks okay here's the thing but does it annoy me it doesn't annoy me but it worries me it worries me when I see on YouTube like PT speaking tricks or what's a trick that I can use to pass the PT speaking thing there's no trick there's no trick this is it's it's hard it's complex it's complicated there's no you can't click your fingers and trick the computer and get in PT 90 and speaking no it's about understanding linguistics it's about understanding the the 44 sounds of English and and finding the particular sounds that you're mispronouncing and working on those sounds to improve them so they sound like a native speaker and then taking the PT and using the e to language method so you do all the tasks successfully that's not a trick that's hard work it really is hard work and if anybody tells you that there's a trick to doing PT speaking I think you should walk away honestly it kind of yeah it frustrates me a bit frustrates me because the reason it frustrates me is because people get fooled into thinking there's a trick for the PT e and they might spend their money on learning tricks or they might believe people who say there's a trick and it's crazy stuff that's crazy sorry my little rant there J is there any audio channels to improve listening skills I think you need to listen to lectures because the the PT uses authentic lectures so if you go into YouTube and you can I'm kind of the kite random there's no real collect collection of lectures mmm typing Stanford like Stanford University type in Stanford lectures or Yale lectures and just choose randomly and just start listening to some proper academic lectures that would that would be helpful and take notes take notes while you're doing Korea I've got my test on third Tuesday and I feel pretty confident good for you that's good mmm okay how many mistakes are allowed to achieve 79 plus I don't know the PT don't tell us Pearson don't tell us how they score like how they weight the scoring for example oh good thank you Parrish that's great mmm okay all right I'm actually gonna leave it there just cuz I've got hundreds and hundreds of questions and I've kind of gotta go now sorry people on YouTube please click like leave a comment thanks for coming I appreciate you coming along I hope it was helpful I'm sorry I didn't get to your questions if you do have a specific question please email hello @e - language comm hello @e - language comm we will get back to you yeah cool I hope that was helpful it's kind of fun I enjoyed doing that one I think just before I go I think I think you can actually make this kind of fun I think when you when you get taught bad methods and it's confusing it's frustrating it's so frustrating you want to get the computer and you want to smash it on the ground but if somebody teaches you it very clearly I think it can be quite enjoyable this thing yeah anyway that's just me being a language geek see you guys thanks for coming along you
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 222,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte tips, pte mock exam, pte multi choice, multiple choice pte, pte reading multiple choice, pte reading e2, e2 pte reading, pte course, e2 pte course, pte reading choose single answer, pearson english, e2 language pte, pte, e2 pte online, pte preparation, pte read aloud, pte academic test, esl tips, e2language, pte tutorials, e2, E2, study pte, esl
Id: cdttHHw66KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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