PTE Speaking: Repeat Sentence | SUPER STRATEGY with Jay!

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hello everyone my name is Jay I'm one of the Pte experts at e2 language what are we gonna do in this class where we're going to look at Pte speaking we're going to look at repeat sentence and I'm going to teach you a technique it's not really a method methods are more like step one step two step three which works really well for tasks like describing means in retail lecture repeat sentence is more well let's just have a look at it and get stuck into it so just quickly a task description if you're not familiar with this task what do you have to do well you have three seconds to prepare one two three then you will hear a single sentence a single sentence and you can see down here that the sentence goes for about five seconds usually about three four seconds something like that okay so you hear a single sentence then what do you do well the sentence finishes you have two seconds the audio recorder goes beep or perhaps it turns red I'm not sure you can tell me I can't remember but then you must repeat the sentence back hmm this is where it gets interesting now do you repeat what you hear or do you repeat what the speaker said because there can be a big difference between what you actually heard and so you think you're repeating it back accurately or from it can be different from what the speaker actually said so there's really two things going on here there's one there's the these the comprehension of the sentence going into your brain and then there's the the production of the sentence is it the same thing that you heard well that's the trick with this one so how many will you get on test day you'll get 10 to 12 of these so you should be good at them because well yes they're important let's just do one okay let's just do one so I'm gonna say the sentence and then you're going to repeat it the sentence is this in 3 2 1 the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program and how did you go did you manage to repeat all of those words in the correct sequence with the correct grammar we'll have a look in a second at the answer to that one in fact no we're going to look at it now I said the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program cool now you know what to do let's look at how this is how it contributes to your score so repeat sentence contributes to your communicative skills for listening and speaking and it also contributes to your enabling skills of grammar oral fluency and pronunciation of course what we see at e2 language is always problems with this one and particularly this one here pronunciation and oral fluency so we're going to have a little look at all of these things as well scoring how are you scored well you scored on three things you're in all of the speaking tasks apart from answer short question you scored on content pronunciation and oral fluency I think answer short questions a little different I'll have to check that content let's look at what that means so you'll get 0 1 2 or 3 points per sentence depending on these criteria so you'll get full marks 3 points if every word is repeated in the correct sequence and when I say every word I mean grammatical eyes as well so let's say let's say the sentence has the word dog no no let's say the sentence has the word dogs plural but you say dogs singular that will be counted as an error you get two points if you get at least 50% of the words in the correct sequence or yes if between if you get less than a this is a hundred percent correct right anything below a hundred percent you'll get two points anything below fifty percent you'll get one point and you'll get zero BOINC points if you just stare at the screen and sigh or do something like that so that's how it's scored let me show you in detail what I mean so first of all an error would be an incorrect sequence which means you get the order of the words wrong it has to be in the correct sequence that you hear the sentence so this is the first step is to find a suitable program in the application process well know was the first step is to find if the first step is to what I forget actually let me have a look let me go back the sentence should be the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program so here the words are all mixed around that's the incorrect sequence or an error would be saying a different word for example you might say the first step in the application progress is to find a suitable program and of course this word should be process another error as I just mentioned was with if you say an ungrammatical word like the first steps in the application process is to find a suitable program the first step singular so that would be counted as an error and because you use plural here this would also be no you get this one wrong cool or perhaps you'll leave out a grammar word the first step in application process well what about the article or maybe you leave out an entire meaningful word like the first step in the process what about the word application or perhaps you add a word like you say the very first step in the application process when there was no very in there at all people usually do this with articles that will add articles when they don't exist I've seen this also in read-aloud cool pronunciation you're also scored on your pronunciation and you're scored from 0 to 5 where 5 means native like this is an ongoing problem for a lot of PT candidates because perhaps you speak English really well however your brand of English is not considered native like which you know it's kind of tough we see this a lot with Indians who have really really fluent lots of great vocabulary grammatically correct however your pronunciation is non non-native like it seems very imperialistic to me however this is the name of the game and we have to play by the rules ok so if you have not seen it yet and you need to correct your pronunciation please go and watch this video here on the 44 sounds of English just type into YouTube PT e 44 sounds and you'll see that there are only 44 sounds or phonemes in English and perhaps you're making a mistake with 4 of them and you need to correct that pronunciation also is your intonation I'll get to that in a second and also correct words and sentence stress let's just talk about intonation first so intonation is when you go the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program so it's the way you use your voice to go up and down in certain parts to emphasize particular words and particular phrases in other words what you don't want to do is this the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program that's called robotic intonation and that would get you a poor score what you you might need to exaggerate your intonation slightly you might feel a bit foolish in doing it but by getting the sort of rhythm and the ups and downs of the language you will notice that your pronunciation will improve perhaps just slightly or perhaps by quite a large margin okay whatever you do don't do the robot voice the robot voice is not good for the Pte this one also include is included in your pronunciation words stress so how can I say these incorrectly okay so this is process but imagine if I said process the first step in the application process so I've divided it there instead of saying process without putting emphasis on the beginning that's word stress that's incorrect word stress or for example maybe I say instead of suitable I say suitable suitable and I put my emphasis on here and I say the process is to find a suitable program well that would be considered poor pronunciation and sentence stress is linked to intonation it's your ability to read for phrases which we'll get to in a second oral fluency zero one two three four and five where native like again you need to have native like oral fluency what's oral fluency it's the ability to speak smoothly without hesitating it's the ability for you for the words to appear in your mind and for you to be able to say the words in a rhythmical way in other words if you're trying if you're struggling to pull those words out of your mind you're going to be hesitating and that would be considered none what non native like yes more specifically things like pace which you by the way you should speak at a moderate pace in all of the speaking tasks a moderate normal pace not too fast not too rhythm phrasing intonation no hesitations no repetitions no false starts right and also no arms and ours I don't have that there but don't start the sentence by saying ah don't do that try and avoid making those sorts of sounds keep them silent you just want to say words not thinking sounds whoopsie of mr. sly here okay now I did have a great idea here to play some different audio files with some good bad and ugly intonation and stress however I can't because you won't hear it because we come through my computer speakers so what I will do is I will just say it so here is an example of good intonation up and down and good stress sentence stress and words dress the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program here's an example of bad the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program and here's ugly the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program so I've missed out on the singsong one you want to aim for good cool let's talk about the technique here the technique the technique to talk about the technique we need to think about memory we need to sort of yeah let's let's think about this for a second so there are three types of memory you've got your long-term memory where you can remember days and like days ago and years ago weeks ago long time ago you've got your short-term memory which is like minutes or hours maybe you'll remember what you had for breakfast this morning but in a week's time you'll have no idea then you've got this thing called working memory which sort of hangs around for about five seconds I think it is I'm no expert on cognitive psychology but working memory is that thing that just keeps us in the present moment and it gives us that ability to sort of to memorize things in the very recent past but they very quickly disappear now you can train your working memory by practicing this sort of thing you can do that that will help but there are other ways to do it as well there's a technique that we need to get to the first step and this is for working memory is to listen and I think people sort of forget this step because they're so worried about repeating the sentence that they forget to actually listen to the sentence and if it doesn't go in it won't come out so what you want to focus on here and this will really aid your working memory is you want to understand the sentence not just memorize it okay you're you're listening to understand that sentence fully to get the meaning out of it you're not just memorizing the sounds that you hear because when you understand the meaning it will come out it will you'll be able to repeat it a hell of a lot easier than just memorizing sounds in fact if we did an experiment right now and I said a sentence in Japanese you would not unless you speak Japanese but if you don't speak Japanese you would probably wouldn't even remember a single word because you can't understand any of the meaning it's the meaning that holds it in our working memory so that's what the focus has to be right let's look at these two these two sentences are the same but we're approaching them in different ways the first way we're approaching them by memorizing words and not meaning the first step in the application process is to find ah suitable program that's 13 words the average number of things a person can hold in his or her mind is 7 I think 7 is actually quite high usually it's 5 so if I said five numbers to you you could remember I mean if I said 10 numbers to you you could remember 5 in your working memory not 10 and this has 13 so that's really tough so we need to go about this differently and not memorize individual words we need to memorize sentence parts or phrases the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program all right so you can see here that this is just a very common phrase the first step so this one in the process in the process is a very common phrase and you would have to remember this sort of noun / adjective here in the application process is to find another common phrase a suitable program well maybe not so common but you can see how chunking putting these words together into parts or phrases makes it a lot easier to memorize so let's do this again I'm gonna say I'm gonna say I'm gonna say the sentence again I want you to listen for the phrases okay listen for the phrases the sentence parts in 3 2 1 the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program cool hopefully that made it easier hopefully hopefully hopefully yes so to better help your understanding and to better help your working memory you need to hear the phrases not so much the individual words concentrate on those phrases let's think about phrases some more because they're kind of tricky things look at these three sentences look at number one first it says please contact us if you would like more information to make a decision I want you to write this sentence down and divide it into its chunks into its parts into its phrases give you 20 seconds just put a slash between the phrases let's have a look at the chat okay good let's have a look please contact us if you would like more information to make a decision the UFO that's looking good that's looking good please contact us if you would like more information to make a decision that's looking good call now go ahead and do number two ah let's have a look please contact us no no no that was the other one this one when you come to university you will hear a lot of new terms three phrases definitely good let's do the third one here we provide choices to give you flexibility in your learning process let's have a look that one was a mmm some pretty uncommon phrases I guess we provide choices to give you flexibility in your learning process this is how we process language in fact we don't process or understand language word by word can you imagine if we did I would say something like imagine if we spoke like this we provide choices to give you flexibility in your learning process we wouldn't understand anything instead when we speak when we speak when we speak we have these chunks of language that come across and phrases that they're super important whoopsie what am i doing cool so this is how I divided these up some debate about where you would actually put this but please contact us if you would like more information to make a decision so I'm going to remember four things here not whatever it is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 not 12 when you come to university you'll hear a lot of new terms I'm going to remember 3 chunks here we provide choices to give you flexibility in your learning process I'm gonna listen carefully and I'm gonna pay attention to those three phrases the call step two is the speaking part so the listening part is just as important as the speaking part the key to this part is that you need to mean what you say this is kind of a weird concept to mean what you say because you would sort of think well language is no matter how I say it it's going to have meaning well you can say things in a way that have has more meaning if you really think about those words that you're saying and you imbue them with meaning it naturally comes across clearer it's kind of weird to explain this it's one of those weird psychological things me what you say let me the the PT II score guide which I'm looking at we're looking at right here look at that thing in red this is what repeats sentence is testing for it's testing for your ability to speak for a purpose to repeat to inform to explain so you're not just repeating a sentence you're informing you're explaining your when you when you say that sentence you're not just saying the words you're saying it with meaning you're doing something with those words and this will have if you do this right it'll have a lot of impact on your oral fluency it will make your oral fluency improve just naturally because you're focusing on expressing meaning not just repeating that words edge pronunciation is probably a bit different but um your content score as well cool all right let me explain verbally or little you can hear what I mean by meaning so let me let me read this sentence with as much meaning as I possibly can the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program so while I'm reading I'm almost I can almost see those words or I can see or feel the purpose of what I'm saying let me show you what sort of bad sounds like or sort of reading for not much meaning the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program so I'm just saying words here I'm not really meaning them and then of course you've got the ugly which is the first step in the application process is to find a suitable program I'm really not paying attention to my meaning here I'm just saying the words and the computer as odd as it sounds prefers it said with meaning okay cool you might want to practically let's let's practice that I want you to read one two and three I'll give you 30 seconds read with as much meaning as you possibly can I want you to see and feel the words as you say them cool just type into the chat if that actually worked or if if I'm losing my mind was that helpful okay cool yeah okay good people saying yeah it's a strange thing it's something you need to practice speaking with meaning it's it's I tell you what's odd about it is the more that you practice it and the more that you speak with meaning and concentrate on being meaningful when you speak is that people listen to you more they'll sort of go ah this guy is actually you know what I mean if you're speaking and not really saying much we're not speaking with meaning it's very easy for people just to go yeah I'm not that interested but yeah woopsie cool let's practice fine here's sentence 1 in 3 2 1 translation can occur through many different types of technology if you're on YouTube by the way feel free to write these sentences into the chat or into the comments below if you're on YouTube by the way please click like and subscribe one more time 3 2 1 translation can occur through many different types of Technology cool here's the answer translation can occur through many different types of technology so there's sort of three phrases there I think translation can occur through many different types of technology let's do another one I want you to relax I want you to really let this sentence into your brain really understand it give it a couple of seconds and then repeat it with meaning in three two one if you have an idea that may have commercial potential please contact us again in 3 2 1 if you have an idea that may have commercial potential please contact us cool here's the answer if you have an idea that may have commercial potential please contact us alright this leads us to an interesting thing what about if you didn't know what commercial potential was and that just sounded to you like a big blah blah fake it you just faked it just say a sound that sounded like it just push through so you might say something like if you have an idea that may have commercial patel please contact us so say something in place of those words that you didn't understand cool again relax listen for the meaning of what I'm saying and then repeat it back with meaning in three two one our business degree is designed to give students skills in mathematics and writing again in 3 2 1 our business degree is designed to give students skills in mathematics and writing cool whoops that's the whoopsie don't look at that because I did this one our business degree is designed to give students skills and mathematics and writing just curiously who got that right because that was a pretty tough one whew smiley faces yep good well done cool looking good looking good cool so David got on the second try no problem all right hold on I skipped one I hope you didn't see it let's go back to this one let's do one more in so listen for meaning repeat with meaning in three two one we'll work with you to build a bespoke solution again in three two one we'll work with you to build a bespoke solution that one has a crazy bit of vocabulary there the word bespoke will work with you to build a bespoke solution now I did this for a reason because there's a contraction here of course this is we will now the I don't know I don't know if the PT e actually does use contractions in repeat sentence I don't know but if they do i I would suspect that both repetitions would be correct will or we will I can't imagine they would penalize you for not using the contraction so I'm not sure about this one but the my short answer is don't worry too much about contractions you can repeat it as the contraction or you can expand it out into the two words that would be fine and we did that one already cool so let me just summarize what we have learned the key to repeat sentence is well hang on before I get to that it's it's it really is how much vocabulary you have and how readily available that vocabulary is in terms of your ability to to immediately have words and you're making the craziest sentences here why am i sounding so crazy how big your vocabulary is how good your grammar is that's what it comes down to really because the beti of better your grammar and vocabulary the easier this will be for you to do like if I did it with a native speaker they would still struggle they would really have to concentrate but they're not they would understand every word that comes in I'm just thinking about this they would have to train their working memory a little bit and I reckon if you've got a native speaker who didn't train their working memory and one who did I think the one who did train the working memory would improve and outperform the other one I think but the the problem for the native speaker is just working memory it's not grammar and vocabulary but for you guys it's do you understand the word bespoke or is that a completely new word and if you that probably might throw you for example and put you off off being able to do this but ultimately what you want to do is this you want to listen for the meaning of the sentence not just the words you want to understand the sentence that's your content and then you want to repeat back the meaning of the sentence with meaning and that will guide your certainly guide your oral fluency and I think it will help your pronunciation and that's how you do that one guys if you're on YouTube by the way and you're struggling to pass your PT II do check this website out e to language comm for methods that work tutorials or feedback on your speaking and writing practice materials live mock tests there e to pronunciation app and lots more right now though whoopsie I didn't mean to do that let me go to the chat and answer some questions somebody's asking J if I add articles by accident how many marks will be deducted for each question well you get as we saw it was what was it three points for a hundred percent correct two points for between 50 and 99 percent correct so it's a partial scoring so you might you'll get the two points not the three points if you had an article syrup how many marks does this repeat sentence section contribute I don't know the PT II won't divulge how many points each task is worth they just don't tell you that unfortunately I can't give you the answer Abhishek does the microphone get cut off if we don't speak for the three seconds yes if you sit there silently for three seconds you you you'll get zero so you need to start your answer at the two second mark or immediately or yep Regina when do you click next when done with the sentence or let the time run out I personally think clicking next is better why because you've got your microphone there say you're doing describe image you've got your microphone here and you've finished or read aloud you finish what if somebody over here coughs and goes is that going to go into your microphone probably so I think as soon as you finish your task you click Next you move to the next one do we need to speak in the same tone or accent as the speaker great question how Preet I'm glad you asked no you don't have to speak in the same accent as the speaker because you might hear an Irish person or a New Zealander or a South African for example you don't have to mimic the accent or you might get a non-native speaker by the way but you should mimic their purpose for example if the purpose is a lecturer saying you must do your homework you must do your homework mimic that tone of voice not the accent but the tone mimic the tone good question Nikita hi Jay can you please suggest a way to improve pronunciation right it's tough because it's a muscular physical thing it's well it's psychological and physical so first of all you have to want to change your pronunciation maybe you don't want to sound like a native speaker maybe you have some sort of you know you're proud of your accent or you like your accent which is fair enough but the Pte when you do your p te you're going to have to consciously change the way you speak if you're getting a low pronunciation score how to do that first you need to identify which sounds which of the 44 sounds of English you're mispronouncing now you've got two options one you can watch the read aloud video over here or here I forget which side it's on you can watch that video and do it yourself or maybe you could take a tutorial with e to language and let one of our experts identify which sounds you're mispronouncing which would probably be a lot more efficient and accurate then once you've identified the sound or sounds that you're mispronouncing you then need to start to practice saying them and in a native like way I should say one of the things we do offer is e to pronounce which once you've identified the sounds that you're mispronouncing we have an app on the phone where you you say particular words and you can improve your your your speech you can download that for free except you can't log in because you need to be a paid user to log in oh here's a great question vide how does pronunciation differ from accent this is like a question they'll ask in linguistics 101 accent fine accents fine as long as the phoneme or the sound is not being mispronounced okay so you can have so with Indian speakers the difference between verb and were a lot of Indian speakers will say violence or Wiese or like victory like you guys sort of missed that verb and you do that whoa now that's accent because it's an Indian accent but that's when it starts to affect pronunciation because the the phoneme the sound has actually shifted from one to the other so you can have an Indian accent but it has to be light light so I can I can hear you and say are you're from India but when I'm listening to the sounds that you're making they're all identical to the well not identical they're very very similar to the sounds that I would make okay that's the answer to that one I hope Dan Valle should we take notes in repeat sentence or just try to memorize the sentence there's no way you can take notes this happens in seconds you get three to one then you get the sentence and then you get two seconds to repeat it if you're sitting there taking notes you're not going to let the sentence into your brain you'll miss it so this really is a task of concentration and absorbing the sentence here's a good question Nova BRE J what is the best way of learning words stress this is a good question because I have a brother-in-law who said instead of the word he's he's Mexican instead of the word determine he says deter mine and I you know he's a extremely smart guy but he's been saying the word deter mine instead of determined for the last three years and I had to say to him the other day he said Tudor mine and I said determined and he went oh right and it's one of these things where you might be saying the word incorrectly no it's tough because when you read the letters it doesn't tell you which which part of the word to put the stress on so you just have to sort of know it the best way is feedback in short the best way is feedback somebody can say hey you've your work it's actually information not information' its information not information and you go ah got it thanks however there's thirty to sixty thousand words in English so how do you do that well just reading the questions mother Roger to know about improving listening skills well repeat sentence does contribute to listening skills pronunciation how many questions do you get for a repeat sentence between 10 and 12 crew pressure asks about the difficulty level of the sentences in the actual PT for repeat sentence they're usually between sort of 10 and 15 words usually three or four phrases sentence structures another one if you understand sentence structure that will help you out yes rose [Music] needy if my screen is off your screen please go to youtube and watch this and dude sorry I'm just reading questions here ash asks is there any software or website to check your oral fluency and pronunciation on a regular basis Google Voice typing is very good just when you're doing it don't choose choose Australian American or British English whichever one you feel most comfortable with it's good that's a good way to practice and to see which words you may be mispronouncing that's Google Voice typing again the app that we have e to pronounce is good for single words best possible way thing you can do is feedback expert one-on-one feedback is the best thing for sure phase alla if I don't understand the sentence at all should I skip it well no if you relax and you listen and you understand it you should be able to repeat some words at least you'll get one point and not zero so don't skip any of the tasks in the Pte Ruffy can't do the surrounding voices in the PT impact our recording during the exam I don't think so I don't think so no look at IJ what are the 44 sounds we can refer please it's the it's the read aloud video type E and E to read aloud to do it somebody's asked about the speaker speaking too fast as I said you'll hear all sorts of accents you'll also hear all sorts of rates of speech some of them come out very quickly some of them are more slowly more slow slowly uh oh my god a slower rose do we have to close our eyes while listening to the sentence that's a good point if you're distracted by something what I did when I did mine is I just I just looked down at the desk I put my headphone my headphones were on I just looked down because I didn't want to be distracted and listen to that sentence and then repeated it back then looked up what's the timer 3 2 1 look down listen to the sentence look up said the sentence so yes closing your eyes or looking down is not a bad idea somebody's asked about the proper placement of the microphone it's like this just put it to the side of your mouth don't put the thing in the front of your mouth because of button brr-brr make air puffs which will impact the noise just put it to the side of your mouth there's no conspiracy theories about the microphone I don't think ok somebody's asked good question what's the difference between repeat sentence and write from dictation in terms of technique nothing really one of them you say the sentence one of them you write the sentence but the techniques basically exactly the same I should also mention that right from dictation is extremely important for your writing school I've found a lot of people get low speaking and writing scores why because they did not complete all of the right from dictation tasks and so it impacts both of those scores all right all right all right I've got a million questions here I'm actually gonna leave it there because I'm starting to fade myself I haven't had lunch if you have any questions please you can write an email to hello @e - language calm hello @e to language calm let me just write that on the screen so you've got that right any questions feel free to email hello @e to language dot-com and we will answer your emails from there by the way while I'm at it if you have any friends taking the IELTS or the OEt please you can refer them to e to language that would be nice anyway thanks very much for coming I hope it was good I hope you learned something and good luck you
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 1,115,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte tips, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, pte e2, PTE, PTE speaking repeat sentence, pte course,, e2language, e2 language pte, pte jay, pte speaking tips, pte speaking preparation, E2Langauge, e2 pte speaking, how to ace PTE, pte feedback, pte task repeat sentence help, E2, english test, e2
Id: MYtqHGfyKy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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