PTE Speaking: Retell Lecture | SUPER METHOD!

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hello everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert teachers here at e to language let's take a look at speaking retail lecture this is method 2.0 okay so on test day you're going to see something like this it'll be the forth speaking task you encounter you're going to see a sort of image on the left hand side you're going to see a little audio player that's going to play a bit of a lecture and below that you're going to see an audio recorder after the lecture is finished it's actually going to turn into a recorder and you're going to retell in your own words what was just said by the lecturer or in the interview okay so just a few facts about this task you get three or four of these on test day and the scores contribute points to you're listening and you're speaking scores overall okay more specifically with scoring you scored on content which means that you actually described what was mentioned in the lecture you can't just say something irrelevant right but you're also scored on pronunciation so you're scored from five to zero on pronunciation where native-like is the top score and if you happen to retell this lecture in your first language which is not a good idea you'll get zero so you can see a range of pronunciation scores there you'll also scored on oral fluency that is the way that you deliver your speech how clearly you enunciate the words and how well use rhythm in your language to convey meaning that also is scored from five to zero where five is native like and zero is disfluent which means that you probably had so many ARMs and ours that the computer just said right we don't understand you okay if you need help with your pronunciation or oral fluency you might want to check out eetu school comm it's 100% free and we have a course on there called speaking lab which is a pronunciation course okay we also have general English level zero to four as well as grammar review that you can check out as well okay so we're going to go about this method in three ways we're going to talk about what you should do before the audio begins we're going to talk about what you should do when the audio is playing and then of course what to do after the audio has finished when you start speaking so let's first discuss pre listening so with pre listening you get some time I think it's like five seconds or something like that to look at the image before the audio or the lecture begins to play and what this time allows you to do is to generate some ideas about what that lecture might be about sometimes the image will be very explicit so you can just know straight away what the lecture will be about or sometimes it will look like this we think okay this is something about networks for example it'll help you to generate some vocabulary and perhaps place that lecture in a bit of a context because I can tell you from having taken this test and having done retail lecture in the real exam some of the lectures are very abstract right so this picture will help you okay then the audio will start playing the lecture will begin okay and what you have to do is actually take notes this is one of the tasks in PT academic where if you don't take notes it's virtually impossible so on test eight you're given a notebook and a pen and during this particular task as soon as that lecture starts you'll be noting down key words wares or phrases that look like this human social network structure why patterns how does it work workplaces thousand engineers you're going to write down words and phrases that help you to understand what you're listening to but then what we'll see in the part where you start speaking this will actually jog your memory and give you a structure so you can retell it okay so where did I get those key words and key phrases from let's have a look at a transcript of a lecture here and you can see that what I've really done here is taken key nouns like human social networks structure patents thousand engineers workplaces and also a verb here and there like organize or even some adjectives like inventive and cooperative but I'm just listening for those key nouns verbs and adjectives and I'm gonna note those down okay now let's talk about what you should do while you're speaking because what happens on test day is after that lecture finishes you will then have 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 etcetera which is not a long time at all to prepare to speak and really all you have in this time or all you can do in this time is you're going to have your memory of the lecture that was reinforced because you were taking notes so that's good you've got a strong memory now and also you're going to have the key words there to help you and basically the 10 seconds is just to take a deep breath and get ready to use the e to language structure which I'll teach you about now so for every one of your retail lectures you should use this basic structure this is very simplified and it will get of course much more complex when you begin to speak but this is the framework for all of the lectures that you retell in your own words it should start with something like the speaker was discussing X where X is the topic of the lecture get the main idea the gist and a topical word that you can put in that slot there he mentioned X he talked about X he's discussed X he suggested that X of course this is too short but it gives you an idea so the first introductory sentence let's have a look at the verbs structure here we have a past continuous was discussing then we move into just the simple past mentioned talked about discussed suggested that ok so that's basically the structure there now of course you can alternate those verbs those verbs are not set you can use whatever verb you like that makes sense or describes the lecture well for example you might use described or highlighted or thought or seamed or he contrasted or he compared or he believed whatever you can throw these in here as you feel free that doesn't make much sense but you get the idea now there's another important bit which is at the end you should try to insert a concluding sentence for example he suggested that or he concluded by saying and by using these key words @lz algorithm that you are actually concluding what you are saying which will increase your score so you do have an introductory sentence a body and a final sentence therefore the conclusion so here's an example of one I did earlier the speaker was discussing human social networks he discussed their structures why they form and their patterns he then talked about how networks function and specifically he talked about how they operate in workplaces he used the example of a thousand engineers and talked about how if you arrange them or group them in one way that will act differently than if you group them another way in fact he mentioned that there could be distinct differences in their innovation and cooperativeness he suggested that we have a lot to learn about human social networks I believe that was about 35 seconds and that's how long you want to speak for so you have 40 seconds in total don't go right to the end don't get cut off you want to end it at about 35 seconds is ideal we're just really anything above 30 seconds okay if you haven't taken the PT test before or you have but you don't know why you didn't do so well then you should check out our PT mini mock test it's really cool because it gives you examination you get to experience what it's like to take the PT e but more importantly you're gonna receive comprehensive feedback on all of the speaking tasks tasks including retail lecture as well as your writing tasks as well plus you'll also get to see you're listening score and your reading score in detail so check that out on e to language comm okay let's have a look at that lecture that I just told you about and let's focus in on those verbs so you can see there the speaker was discussing discussed about talked about used talked about mentioned suggested that that's fine try not to repeat particular verbs too many times like talked about but otherwise that that's a good variety of verbs there and you can see they're all in the past tense okay and also you can see the subject of each of these sentences so we start by saying the speaker and then say he he he he he or she she she she she that's completely fine the other thing that is fine to do is to reuse this structure for every retail lecture that you get it doesn't matter if you use the structure again and again we've had thousands of people use e to language who got 90 in there speaking scores and they use this structure and so did I ok let's do some practice all right you're going to have a little bit of time to look at this image then the lecture will begin you'll then have 10 seconds to prepare followed by 40 seconds to retell the lecture in your own words good luck when we look at dishonesty we often look at the half-empty part of the glass and we look at all things that people do badly but the reality is that we are really quite wonderful we don't have to go all the way to taxes we can think about all kinds of other cases so in the last few years almost every time I go to a restaurant I asked the waiter if there's a way to eat and escape without pay and you know sometimes they get strange looks sometimes they ask me for my credit card but they always give me good advice they say things like wait for a big party to come go to the bathroom there's an alley I mean they have suggestions of how to escape without paying and then I asked them how often does it happen and they say very rarely so obviously there's a lot of goodness in us why don't people steal more right why don't we take advantage so we do have some internal moral conscious we have internalized the values of society and we don't need anybody around us we don't need prison sentences we don't need to be afraid we make our own judgment of what's right and wrong and we adhere to those decisions not perfectly but to a very large degree you cool how did you go with that one it's pretty challenging but the more that you practice that structure the better you get okay let's do another one let's do practice number two before you do that if you're watching this on YouTube and you're not yet a subscriber do click that subscribe button okay again you'll have five seconds to look at the image then you'll hear the lecture then you'll have ten seconds to prepare and then 40 seconds to retell the lecture in your own words good luck so demographers have a term called the replacement level it's a somewhat clinical way to describe an intuitive concept when women of childbearing age in a country have around two kids on average the population stays flat if it's more than two the population rises if it's less than two the population Falls you have an amazing statistic about the replacement level in two thirds of the countries and the planet what is it without us actually realizing this was happening I would say about 10 to 15 years ago the statistics began to come through that we were actually in two thirds of the world's countries women were at near or below placement and that was really surprising because it had taken European and the North American region about nearly 200 years to go through the demographic transition to go from high childbearing to low childbearing and here suddenly in about 25 years we realized that particularly throughout many parts of Asia many parts of Latin America Southern and Eastern Europe we had women who were coming down from quite large childbearing to in many cases under too you cool now if you want to sign up to easy language you can actually get some speaking feedback from one of our expert teachers it has a 24 to 48 hour turnaround it's going to provide you with very comprehensive and a comprehensive analysis analysis of what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong okay otherwise it's very hard to know what you're doing right and wrong cool hopefully that helps you out for that particularly challenging tasks if you do need more help check out eetu language comm for our live classes tutorials questions and feedback and keep on practicing [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 128,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, E2 Language, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte e2 describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, The PTE Reading Test, e2, PTE Speaking, E2 PTE Speaking, PTE Read Aloud, PTE speaking, Super Method, Super, Method, PTE 2020, Retell Lecture, Retell Lecture Tips, retell
Id: bkRMshqeVVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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