PTE Listening: Summarize Spoken Text | METHOD with Jay!

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that everything's working cool hi guys my name is J I'm one of the expert Pte teachers here at e to language in this live class we're going to look at an important task that relates both to your writing and your listening okay remember in the PT that some tasks contribute scores to two different skills this is an important one it's got summarize spoken text it's actually a listening task that contributes both to listening and writing and in some ways it's probably the most difficult listening or in some ways maybe the most important listening tasks there is so we're going to look at the method first of all just let me describe this task to you so on test day you'll see something similar to this you'll see a set of instructions that will tell you whether you're going to hear a lecture or an interview and the instruction says write a summary for a fellow student who is not present at the interview or the lecture we'll get into the ins and outs in a second you'll also see an audio player where you'll hear the lecture from then you have a section where you type your answer and you have a word count of well you shouldn't certainly shouldn't write any more than 70 words and you'll have a timer and each of these will be timed out of ten minutes we'll get to the time management in a second as well so what happens when you do this task on test day well you have 12 seconds before the lecture or the interview begins - take a deep breath get your notebook and pen ready because this task absolutely requires you to take notes and to take good notes okay so on test day they give you what's called an e raisable note board booklet something-or-other thingamajiggy basically it's a plastic sort of notepad and they give you well I got given two black erasable texture pen things yeah make sure you get two just in case one runs out because if you if you don't take notes for some of these tasks they are virtually impossible so you just write on it like you normally would and you can rub it out it's yeah it works well you just have to be careful because if your writing is messy like mine then you might have trouble reading your own writing so do yourself a favor and write neatly while you're taking notes or at least neatly enough so that you can read them back again okay so that's how the note book thing works then the lecture or the interview begins and it will start to play right goes for about 60 to 90 seconds cool you need to listen and take notes that's critical then you'll get eight or nine minutes because you get ten minutes total time subtract the lecture or the interview which goes for about a minute or two minutes so you get about eight or nine minutes left to write a 50 to 70 word summary and you have to imagine you're writing for a friend so it needs to be clear and nice and a summary basically means the main points but also some details if you can also capture the details in your notes then you simply submit your summary by clicking next or you can just if you're still writing at ten minutes it will just automatically submit whatever you've written finished or not so make sure you finish before that timer ticks down to zero cool then you get one or two more so in fact you might get two or three of these on test day like they're tiring that they're big ones the big ones all right first of all don't get confused because in the Pte there's summarize spoken text which i've just described which is a listening task where you listen to a lecture and write 70 words there's also summarized written text similar title but this one's for writing and that's where you read the text and write one sentence very different in this one we're not sorry in summarize spoken text were not writing one sentence we're writing multiple sentences summarize written text write one sentence then there's retell lecture which is a speaking task where you listen to a lecture and speak for 40 seconds so in fact what you're about to find out in the method which I'll show you in a second the method for retail lecture and summarize spoken text are almost identical except for one of them you write and one of them you speak I'll show you that in a second you'll be surprised you can transfer the method for these two here which is excellent let's firstly to the first thing I keep saying firstly why firstly let's next talk about time management okay so in listening you get a total section of time where you have to manage your own time during that section which isn't quite right same as reading reading you get a total section of time I think it's like 32 to 41 minutes and you have to manage your own time then in other words that the tasks are not individually timed you have to manage your own time speaking is a little different so speaking what happens is this summarize spoken text is timed separately to the other seven listening tasks so for the other seven listening tasks you have to manage your own time but for summarize spoken text the first listening task you get set time of 10 minutes and you should use all of that 10 minutes for each summarised spoken text I hope that makes sense so if you finish early at say 8 minutes with your summarised spoken text and you click Next the time does not carry over to the other sections so in other words you're better off to spend the entire 10 minutes or just before at 9 minutes and 59 seconds during your summarised spoken text doing your next one for 9 minutes and 59 seconds editing make sure everything's perfect then click Submit then when you go to the second listening task which is multiple choice multiple answers then the in then the time management begins where you have to manage your own time I didn't explain that very well but hopefully you got the point scoring how is this task scored well as I said at the beginning summarize spoken text contributes to both listening and writing so if you're getting low writing scores that could be happening for a number of reasons one it could be just a fundamental lack of grammar and vocab and structure or written discourse or maybe you're mucking up your summarize spoken text for even your right from dictation has a significant effect it's a listening task at the end has a significant effect on your writing score so summarize spoken text will contribute to listening because it's written it will also contribute to vocabulary grammar and written discourse as well okay so yeah it's an important one for both of those communicative skills cool here's how you're specifically scored so you scored on content zero one or two points you scored on length I'll get to these in a second grammar vocabulary and spelling content means you mentioned the main topic and the important key words or key concepts length means that you write between 50 and 70 words if you write 49 words or 71 words you will be penalized grammar you need to write grammatically accurate sentences vocabulary you need to use appropriate and precise words and yes you can and you should use words directly taken from the lecture spelling you spell all of the words correctly be careful for content if you write off-topic you will receive a zero on all scores if you write about something irrelevant so you can't just memorize something and then write it on to summarize spoken text the computer is not that dumb it knows whether you're writing about the topic or not and if you're right if you don't write about it you can just get 0 for everything ok in other words you can't cheat which is a shame but it's just the way the world works be careful for length because you'll lose points if you write under 50 words or over 70 words you should write between 65 and 70 words don't write in capital letters you will receive 0 and use correct punctuation in fact don't use like 7 exclamation marks because that is wrong capital letters full stops commerce etc method what are we supposed to do well here's where it gets interesting as I said note-taking is critical here so step 1 while listening to the lecture you need to write down the topic of the lecture what is the lecture about is it about psychology is it about history is about American history is it about this I don't know a specific type of history something like that so try and get the topic also write down in your notes as I just think now write down as many keywords and key concepts as possible the way that I do this is basically as I'm listening I'm just writing down everything I'm not writing word-for-word that's impossible this isn't a big right from dictation I'm just writing down every key word and key concept I can possibly remit understand so just let me point this out so with regards to concentration you should be focusing focusing on listening your list that's where your attention should be is on understanding comprehending the lecture and 10% is on writing it down so what we're doing when we're doing this is we're listening we're listening we're listening and the notes are serving as a reminder to us when that lecture finishes the notes are reinforcing what we're listening to so after the lecture finishes you should be able to look at your notes and you'll have your memory and you'll also have this here and that will mean that you'll be on topic it means you'll be able to structure up a good summary and you'll be able to get the main ideas and in the in the key details ok keywords what a keywords well keywords are likely it's imagine the professors up the front saying blah blah blah blah blah blah blah what a keywords which words that come out of his mouth are worth writing down and which ones should you ignore well there are two types of words two categories you can think of and this goes for any language not just English there are grammatical words and there are meaningful words usually grammatical words and not emphasized and meaningful words are emphasized so these are the grammatical words like ah that he it to of that which over on these are under emphasized they're not important they're the glue that hold the sentence together in contrast you'll have meaningful words like diet kids hectic choice food parents nutritious just compare the meaning between these two were these two categories of words so articles like that pronouns like he eat prepositions like to of pronouns again like that which these lack meaning they don't have any meaning they're just there to put the sentence together grammatically words like this in contrast diet here hectic this actually has meaning this has meaning yes that's make sense so you can think about it like this you can think about language like a brick wall right where the bricks are the meaningful words the nouns the verbs the adjectives and the cement or the mortar between the bricks and the grammatical words like the articles and the prepositions and those little pronouns they don't mean much but the bricks are what you want to focus on okay so if we look at a text a transcript of a lecture you can imagine the person speaking this is what it says we can break this down into key words and so or in other words important words and unimportant words so let's look at this in terms of the nouns because personally I well maybe I'm right here I think the nouns are the most critical thing you should listen for words like parents importance diets childhood homes parents children eating habits half parents children diet eating parents challenges price picky eaters convenient you can see what this lecture is about just by looking at the nouns if I were to delete every other word and all you could see were the blue words like parents diet childhood children etc you would probably be able to guess what this lectures about verbs are also critical because it's the noun and the verb that make a concept okay so now we've got agree comes shaping eat believe say understand provide buying buying know spending grimace grimace is a funny verb adjectives are important probably to a lesser degree melee or healthy 1/3 confident good healthy nutritious not healthy common healthy hectic frustrating healthy ongoing healthy single so what a key concepts because you don't want to just write down key words you don't want to just write down words you want to try and write down concepts so a concept will be this concept might just be a noun and a verb and possibly an adjective so if we look at this one this might be a note that you write down parents believe nutrition going down ok fine you could scribble that down very quickly you've captured main idea here a main concept by capturing a key noun and a key verb and possibly another noun as well and you may just use an arrow in your notes like a downer or an up arrow or what smiley face a sad face whatever it is it might be a symbol that will help you to remember what that key sub concept was so when you go to write your summary you can look at this and turn that into a beautiful sentence step 2 after you've written your notes you fit the topic and the important key words into a structure a framework last week we looked at retail lecture we're going to use well in fact it's an identical structure to retail lecture because that's just how this works so if you remember correctly from last week the speaker was discussing topic he or she mentioned key word one he or she talked about keyword two he or she discussed keyword three key word for suggested the key word five this is the basic structure this won't get you a 79 it possibly could get you a 65 but what we need to do is take this framework this basic structure and improve it make it more complex make it more sophisticated to push us up past 65 and into the seventy-nine territory but this is the structure that you remember for test day that's all you remember and the good thing is retail lecture and this one are the same structure so you're not remembering rememorize separate structures in memorizing one that's applied to the both tasks and there's really very little difference between the two in terms of execution how you do it on test day let's look at an example just before we do I just got to make sure everyone's cool and the technology's working all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cool all right so working nice I'm waffling and waffling and waffling sometimes I think oh oh they still there right let's look at me an example of this structure so the speaker was discussing media he mentioned how media has changed a lot by the way this is a this is just a different example it's not related to the lecture that we looked at before this is a based on a separate lecture speaker was discussing media you mentioned how media has changed a lot he talked about the printing press he discussed two-way communication he described the use of the Telegraph he suggested that media changed a lot in the 20th century you can see my notes they are the bold words like media how media has changed the printing press two-way communication etc this would get you well not a great score content you get one point out of three sorry what was the scoring again was at 0 1 & 2 I can't remember anyway content 1 point length 1 point because you only wrote 42 words it's not long enough grammar to point to vocab to spelling 2 you get 7 out of 10 for this one let's improve it example 2 the speaker was discussing innovation in media you mentioned how media has changed enormous li he talked about the impact of the printing press in Europe he discussed two-way communication including the Telegraph and telephone he described the invention of radio and television he suggested that media changed significantly in the 20th century content why did I write at one point anyway length 52 words that's good it's now up to the correct word length remember you need to write between 50 and 70 personally I think that writing closer to 70 would be better grammar vocabulary out of 10 I think we can improve it maybe not through content but maybe through grammar let's have a look at example 3 this is the 10 out of 10 month the speaker was discussing innovation in media he firstly mentioned how media has changed enormously over a relatively short period of time he then talked about the impact of the printing press and the effects that it had in addition he discussed two way communication including the Telegraph and telephone he described the invention of radio and television finally he suggested that media changed significantly in the 20th century so at the beginning in the instructions they say write a summary for a friend so here's you and your you're writing this and you can imagine you've handed this to your friend and your friend is reading the summary and it's a pretty nice summary and make it better put a smiley face on your friend it's a pretty nice summary it's very clear and you've picked out all of those important key words the key concepts you've structured it very well so if your friend miss the lecture and you wrote that down for your friend your friend would be pretty happy with this and this is what makes the Pte happy this structure here this would be a 10 out of 10 ok just a quick note on grammar on that structure you've got to get your verbs right and we've used two types of verbs here the first verb was discussing is a past continuous verb you can see that was and the ing the speaker was discussing health science and then we use past tense verbs mentioned talked discussed described suggested so first verb tense is past continuous and the following verb tenses are past simple these following ones can go in any order let me point this out you don't have to memorize the order these ones here these can go in any order you can start with talked about mentioned you can in create in fact you can add highlighted the speaker highlighted the importance of eating McDonald's hamburgers for breakfast she she emphasized so you can use your own verbs in here as well I can what's the word complexify that's not really a word you can make it more complex make it more complex okay use your natural writing skills to build on this framework to build a really nice complex summary that's still accurate get your prepositions right talked about okay talked about is the only time when we use that preposition you talk about something you do not discuss about something you just discuss something it's a transitive verb you do not need a preposition he discussed the importance of diet not he discussed about the importance of diet so it's only the verb talk that takes that preposition so let's just before I give you some practice let's look at the top score checklist on test day this is what you want to remember so the content you want to note down the topic for your opening sentence the speaker was discussing health science the speaker was discussing educational psychology whatever you want to note down about six or eight six a important ideas keywords and key concepts you want to write between 65 and 70 words no more you want to have correct grammar you want a precise word choice whenever correct spelling and you want to use all of the 10 minutes to write and edit your turn so just I'll give you just a second to write down this structure on a piece of paper because I'm about to play the lecture and you want to have this in front of you while you're writing that down I've just realized I want to put a timer on this just give me a second to find my timers you hold on on the next one where is it here it is all right cool all right sorry about that I forgot to do that cool so this is the structure you want to use I'm gonna play the lecture you better take good notes then fit it to this structure here you'll have ten minutes to do so I'll have a look at a few at the end here we go hopefully you can hear this lecture three two one nearly all parents agree with the importance of healthy diets during childhood but when it comes to their own homes only a third of parents of children ages 4 to 18 are confident they are doing a good job shaping their child's eating habits well a little more than half of parents believe their children eat mostly healthy only one in six believe their children's diets are very nutritious meanwhile about 1/4 of parents say they're cheap Al's eating is somewhat or not healthy at all common challenges get in the way such as price picky eaters and convenience you see most parents understands that they should provide healthy food for their children but the reality of work schedules children's activities and different food preferences can make meal preparation a hectic and frustrating experience there is a tension between in buying foods children like and buying foods that are healthy it can be an ongoing struggle many of us know the feeling of spending time and money on a healthy meal only to have our children grimace at the sight of it and not take a single bite you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you okey-dokey that's actually about ten minutes because remember that it includes the time of the lecture then plus whatever's left of the ten minutes yes do I have an answer oh I do have an answer okay just before I give you show you my answer I want you to do something for eetu language if you're a free user I want you to go to this website here if you're feeling generous if you're feeling a little bit generous and you like what ET language is doing you feel like you want to contribute a little bit of well not cryptocurrency paypal dot and fortunately this is real money e to language if you go to this website here PayPal dot me slash e to language and you'd like what we're doing you like these free videos that we're putting up on YouTube to help everybody pass their test so you don't have to drive to a language school and you feel like you can contribute a couple of dollars to our course please do be very helpful I'll put the link in the description below this video that would be awesome also by the way if you do need help like genuinely need some help with your PTA if you're feeling worried do go to the website eat ooh language comm sign up for a free account and if you need extra help you can always upgrade from there too for our tutorials full access to our live classes feedback on your speaking and writing etc we've got a full platform with an online course we have to talk our tutors all around the world all sorts of stuff for you there so a couple of things for you to think about one is you may want to contribute a little bit of cash to our corpus or you may want to actually help yourself and do the online course let's have a look at my answer now so my answer said this the speaker was discussing childhood nutri so that was my topic there's my verb was discussing firstly she mentioned that parents are not confident that they are providing their children with healthy food look at that sentence it's actually a complex sentence firstly well I've got the discourse marker at the beginning firstly then I've got the she mentioned because that's my framework okay let me just start to underline these verbs so you can see there's my framework she mentioned and then I've got a coordinating word here she mentioned that parents as a key word are not confident there's a key word that they are providing their children with healthy food okay she then talked about there's that preposition how making healthy foods can be burdensome I believe she said it was I've used two synonym here I can't remember the exact word that she said she said that it's a chore it's a chore so I've used a synonym there you can use the word directly from the lecture but I thought burdensome was an interesting word moreover discourse marker she discussed how some children are picky and won't eat nutritious food finally she suggested that parents are concerned about what they are feeding their children and whether or not these foods are healthy this little summary would get me a 10 out of 10 content is on the money the length is good at 69 words the grammar is perfect the vocabulary is precise everything is spelled correctly as far as I know and I think that's it that's all you need to do you should make sure you edit it before you click the next button and submit it and that my friends is how you get a top score 4 summarize spoken text tada magic all right let me answer some of your questions now because I'm sure you have some brewing
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 643,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, pte speaking, pte reading, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte tips, pte mock exam, summarize spoken text, pte listening, pte listening summary, pte listening summarize spoken text, pte listening spoken text, esl, pte test, pte e2, E2 PTE, english, preparation, e2language, e2 language pte, e2 pte listening, listening, speaking, answer, pte method, online, learn english, pearson, study,, test, exam, summarize, e2, pte course, help
Id: cc86wI4v4rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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