PTE Full Course in 2 Hours (2021) - Tips & Strategies - In-Depth Explanation & Practice Plan

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hey everybody varun here from language admin guys welcome back to one of the finest one of the best videos i've ever produced in this video what i'm going to do is i am going to share all my experience having taught more than 10 000 students in the last three years and have taken the exam more than five times scored a perfect 90 every time i am going to share each and every tip each and every trick and each and every strategy for each and every task which you need to have before you go for the exam so that you can clear the exam in the very first go now what we'll be doing over here is i'll be explaining each and every task with the marking criteria with the strategy with the template and things you need to be careful about i request all of you to make sure you take the notes so that you don't have to watch the video again and again and you can focus on studies let's get into the video i don't really want to waste a lot of time because this is going to be a long lengthy video so i want to give you as much value as i can in the shortest period of time i'll be sharing my screen and if you do have any doubts let me know in the comment section let's get into the video the pt full course in just one video we are going to start remember this thing this is for beginners as well what is pt english just as all of you know valid for study visa or your work visa purposes as well the four modules speaking writing reading and listening the 20 different types of tasks and then there is integrated scoring means speaking is not independent or writing is not independent or reading is not independent speaking is going to give you points in reading reading is going to give you points in writing writing is going to give you points in reading listening is going to give you points in writing so everything is interconnected that is very important thing you need to understand because if you don't understand you'll be focusing on the wrong areas i'll be telling you with each and every task that which task is concerned with which area so that it's very easy for you um at the time i'm making this video we are in october 2021 but from 16th of november 2021 the exam will be two hours long it's at the moment it's around two and a half three hours long and there will be no break from 16th of november as well at the moment we have an optional 10 minutes break but it will not be there from 16th of november 2021 all right remember this thing this is 120 a computerized exam there will be no person who will be taking your exams you need to perform everything in front of the computer and the system or the algorithm or the computer is going to evaluate you there is no human involvement as well so it's very important that we place a microphone properly because if there's a human human will put an effort to understand what you're saying but if it's not clear for the computer what you're saying computer is not going to put any effort to understand if it's not clear you're going to lose phones so when you go and sit for the test they'll give you an option to record your voice and then play it back to see there is no disturbance make sure you place your microphone somewhere here only somewhere in between your face and chin or you can keep it parallel to your mouth but don't keep it in front of the mouth or too close to the mouth if you do so a lot of air is going to go into your microphone that will um create disturbance if you're not sure if you think the voice is not clear ask for help that's very important keep yourself comfortable before you go for the dish make sure you drink water you go to the washroom you should be 100 comfortable along with that you'll be given erasable notepad and a few markers probably two markers if they don't give you two markers ask for extra marker one thing which you need to be very careful about the marker dries out very soon so if you keep it open if you don't put the cap back on it is going to dry out and you are going to struggle so make sure whenever you have the marker and you're not using it you place the lid on the marker so these are few things and make sure you focus as well before you start now as soon as you start the very first thing the very first module is your speaking then we have got your writing then reading and then at the last listen as soon as you start the very first thing piercing is going to ask you is for your personal introduction remember this thing this is not evaluated this is not a part of your exam but this is just to get you started just so that you can get into the flow you'll get 25 seconds to prepare and then you will have one minute to speak about yourself it doesn't really matters what you speak over here it doesn't really matter what you speak over here you can speak anything you don't have to go exact one minute you are given one minute you can speak around 30 seconds 40 seconds 20 seconds as well so speak anything about yourself in a minute if i go for the exam what i'll do is hi my name is varun i'm a pt tutor and i've been training students from last three years i'm taking this exam for my permanent residency purposes and i am fully prepared to take this exam so that's what i'll do that will help me to get into the flow and i'll get myself comfortable with the exam as soon as you move on from your personal introduction you will get started with pt speaking model [Music] another minor changes here this one is from 16th of november at the moment we have around six questions here and three questions here so no major changes but from 16th of november 2021 we'll have this format you'll have five different tasks type in speaking read aloud you'll have six to seven questions repeat sentence 10 to 12 questions describe image three to four questions read a lecture one to two question and answer short question five to six let's have a look um in depth task by task what you expected to do in read aloud what you are expected to do in repeat sentence first task is read aloud which you're going to have five to six remember this thing now this is very important task what happens over here you will be given a text on your screen you you'll be given text on your screen and as soon as you have the text you'll have 35 seconds to prepare after those 35 seconds you'll have around 35 seconds to read aloud 35 to 40 seconds to read this text as it is for example many papers you write in college will require you to include quotes from one or more sources even if you don't have to do it integrating a few quotes into your writing can add life and persuasiveness to your arguments the key is to use quotes to support a point you're trying to make rather than just include them to fill space so this is your task you'll be given a text on your screen with 35 seconds to prepare after 35 seconds you'll have a beep sound remember this thing in read loud you'll have a beef sound which means your microphone has opened up or has started and you'll have to read the text aloud you'll have six to seven five sometimes five but mostly six to seven read alouds this task is important because it contributes to your speaking module and your reading module as well very important why reading because you'll have to speak but at the same time you'll have to read as well so your reading is evaluated as well this is assessed on three parameters there are three parameters on which your speaking tasks are evaluated fluency your pronunciation and your content fluency means your flow that are there any pauses are there any hesitations if there are any hesitations any pauses any corrections you're going to lose points in fluency pronunciation means clarity it doesn't really means your accent remember this thing doesn't really matter if you have indian accent african accent or any accent you just need to speak clearly pearson recognizes all the accents and content means whether you are reading what's on the screen so let's say if there's 60 words for example and you're only losing only reading 50 words you're going to lose points in content in case you do not read this part you're going to lose points in content so fluency means your flow to get full points in fluency you need to make sure you go in a smooth flow frequency is not about going fast this is one problem students like go in a smooth slow avoid hesitations and self-corrections pronunciation means your clarity not your accent content do not omit words do not add words focus on s and e d sound at the end of the words how do you read the numbers contractions and years now for example you've got don't hear anything on your screen you have to read as it is you have to say don't only you will no you'll not say do not don't will be don't can't will be can't shouldn't will be shooting numbers let's say we've got 1881 for example so you can say 1881 as well but the right way of saying it is 1881 so you have to always pronounce such terms in the standard pattern the standard pattern is 1881 i was born in 1996. i'll not say i was born in 1996. so you have to speak it in a standard way and contractions as it is i'll still give you an example of what speed you have to go at many papers you write in college will require you to include quotes from one or more sources even if you don't have to do it integrating a few quotes into your writing can add life and persuasiveness to your arguments the key is to use codes to support a point you are trying to make rather than just include them to fill space so i took a few pauses but after the phrase for example many papers you write in college will require to include codes from one or more sources slide pause even if you don't have to do it you can take a slight pause here integrating a few quotes into your writing can add life and persuasiveness to your arguments the key is to use quotes to support a point you're trying i'm not saying you are i'm saying you are point you're trying to make rather than just include them to kill space so that is what you need to do in read aloud not that difficult but important task because this is going to give you a lot of points in reading if you find reading section hard or speaking hard make sure you work over here this is going to boost your reading significantly now next task is your repeat sentence again important task so read aloud you'll have five to six and after that you'll move on to repeat sentence what happens over here you'll get a sentence you will hear a sentence that can be anywhere between 9 to 16 words wrong as soon as the audio stops after half a second your recording will start and you'll have to repeat the sentence in exactly the same way as you hear you'll have 10 to 12 of these this is important why because this contributes to your speaking and your listening as well important task remember this thing this is assessed on three parameters as well now for example the blue line ends here means your audio finish your recording will start and you need to repeat the same sentence for example your sentence is i am a good boy because i finish all my work at time your own time so you'll have to repeat the same sentence in exactly the same manner five points for fluency five for pronunciation and five for content frequency again means speaking in a smooth flow not going too fast not going too slow and avoiding any kind of hesitations and self-corrections pronunciation is more about speaking clearly not reaction content content means you need to repeat hundred percent of the content how content is marked in pt remember this thing in repeat sentences if you repeat 100 sentence in the right way or in the correct sequence you'll get three on three if you repeat more than 50 but less than 100 you'll still get 213. if you repeat more than 25 but less than 50 you're going to get one by so what i'll recommend you see it will not be practically possible it will not be practically possible for you to repeat hundred percent of the sentence in each and every case in that case what you need to do is you need to make sure you continue you do not stop repeat as much as you can but repeat it clearly and confidently because let's say this is the sentence i'm going to london with my friends um to attend a birthday party now i only remember london and friends i have one option i am going to london and by the time you're thinking your recording is going to go you will run out of time you won't be able to give out your answer you lose points in qnc you lose points in content plus you lose points in pronunciation but if you say something this i'm going to london with my friends and i'm very happy now what happened here you don't have 100 of content but you are fluent you're going to get full points for fluency you're clear you're going to get full points for your pronunciation and you're going to get two points on three in your content as a result you're getting 12 130 so i'll highly recommend try to repeat as much as content you can in case you're not able to repeat it do not stop make something by yourself and repeat as much as possible so that you don't lose points in fluency and pronunciation so that's what you need to do in your repeat sentence let's have a look at a few more things yes do not stop even if you're not sure just repeat as much as you can but that should be fluent and clear use the initial strategy or memorize what's the initial strategy let's say the sentences i'm going to london with my friends while the audio is going on just right i am going to london with my friends so i a gtlw mf i am going to london with my friends so if you are comfortable you can write initial for each word in the sentence but most of the students are not because this intensity quite fast in that case close your eyes understand the meaning of the sentence it's very important that you understand the meaning of the sentence if you do you will be able to recall most of it and will be able to repeat it in a fluent manner that's what you need to do you need to make sure you practice 30 35 repeat sentences every day very important task extremely important remember this thing all right um see it might be possible it can be a case that you're not able to get hundred percent what repeat sentences are you can practice on language academy dot com dot a u um it's free to practice there you'll get a better idea next task is describe image what happens over here you'll be given an image on your screen that can be a pie chart a bar graph a table a line graph any xyz image you'll have 25 seconds to think of prepare about the image and after 25 seconds your microphone will open up and you'll have to describe the image for 40 seconds so 25 seconds to prepare and then 40 seconds to speak about this image you can have image which can be line graph a pie chart any random picture you'll have 25 seconds and 45 40 seconds to speak you'll have three to four of these from 16th of november 2021 this is an important task not the most important it only contributes towards your speaking this is assessed on three parameters again fluency pronunciation and your content fluency means flow pronunciation means clarity and content means speaking a few keywords from here now i'll give you one hint of one trick over here see there's no human involvement everything is going to be assessed by the computer and for describing which task like described means there cannot be one fixed answer let's say i've asked thousands of students to explain this image each and every student even if they're explaining it in the right manner there are chances that not even two of them will have the same answer everyone will have a different way of explaining the image that's why there is no fixed answer in the system what is the system going to look for system is just going to look for keywords from the image in describe image please do not focus on the accuracy of the image what you need to focus on you need to focus on speaking clearly fluently and repeating a few key words from the image i've got a template which has helped thousands of students to get their results go i've tried that in my test as well i've got 97 times in speaking um while experimenting a few things so i highly suggest recommend all of you to follow that template i'll show it to you practice using that and 100 that is going to boost your score yes templates do work in pt i know it can sound a bit weird that yes how can this be this easy but yes it is if you follow it the right way all righty so as i have told you fluency pronunciation and content smooth flow no hesitations and corrections clarity the accuracy of content is not important there is no right or wrong answer remember a computer evaluates you and there cannot be a fixed answer do not stop speak anywhere between 20 to 30 seconds i don't really want you to go exact 40 seconds you can speak anywhere between 20 to 30 seconds satisfy the requirements satisfy fluency how you'll do that speaking fluently no hesitations satisfy pronunciation speak clearly content speak a few keywords from the image don't try to cover everything even if you're explaining this image accurately you cannot explain everything in 40 seconds the pearson is not expecting you to cover each and everything pearson is expecting you to speak a few keywords in a clear and fluent manner use this template the given image gives information about title it is a very beautiful image and i have to speak for 40 seconds for this image the different elements in the image which are one two three i can also see four five six you can add another sentence here i can see seven eight nine now seven eight nine one two three are keywords right i'll i'll just show you in a second how i explain it one of the element is maximum the other one is minimum to conclude the image is very informative the image gives information about timetable it is a very beautiful image and i have to speak for 40 seconds about this image there are different elements in the image which are technically aware i can see statistics lecture and psychology i can see monday semester one and tutorial one of the element is maximum the other one is minimum to conclude the image is very informative i understand that it might sound weird but it works in the exam i have tried you can try it on the official pearson moctus that is exactly the same way your actual exam is evaluated you can try it on language academics portal you'll get a good idea and hold over this task this task is very easy not very important do not make a single mistake over here you make sure that you follow the template and do it the right way very easy task speak around 20 seconds a few keywords from the image if there's any word in the image you're not sure about skip it because if you'll speak it and you'll speak it incorrectly you're going to lose points in pronunciation and you're not going to get anything extra in your content because computer is not recognizing what you're trying to say so make sure you don't mess this up speak around 20 to 30 seconds and you are done you can get 90 if you speak 35 seconds as well but why i'm telling you to speak 20 to 30 seconds so that you are on a safe side and if you will try to go exact 40 seconds or 35 seconds you'll speak more and their chances that you'll have more mistakes so that is something i really need you to work on and be careful about all right let's get back so that was our described image three to four of these from 20th on 16th of november all right let me show you how i'll do this instead of saying the whole thing i'll just say the given image gives information about management team it is a very beautiful image and i have to speak for 40 seconds about this image there are different elements in the image which are director assistant to director and manager i can see michelle chris and smith one of the element is maximum the other one is minimum to conclude the image is very informative now i'm not sure how to pronounce this word i'm not sure how to pronounce this word i'll just say smith right even if you describe it accurately you can say mr smith or miss smith or smith is the customer relation manager so this is a key word as well so be very careful play smart don't work hard that is something i really need you to work on next task is your retail lecture what happens here you'll have sometimes you'll have a video sometimes you'll have an image sometimes you won't have anything you'll just have an audio you'll get an audio you'll get a lecture which will be any which can be anywhere between 40 to 90 seconds long after the lecture you'll have 10 seconds to prepare and after that you'll have 40 seconds in which you'll have to retell the lecture in your own words you'll have an audio or video lecture 40 to 90 seconds long while the audio is going on you'll need to take notes while the audio is going on you need to take down few keywords i'll show you how to take notes after the audio you'll have 10 seconds to prepare after that he will be given 40 seconds to retell the lecture it will only contribute towards your speaking and listening module this task twitter lecture is only going to contribute towards your speaking and listening model remember this thing because it contributes to your listening this is an important task why listening because you have to first listen to a lecture and then retell it in your own words you'll have one to two in the exam and this is assessed on three parameters fluency pronunciation and your content fluency pronunciation and content same fluency means flow clarity and content over here means keywords in here as well there is no fixed answer read a lecture as well there are thousands of ways to retell the same lecture so there's no fixed answer but over here content is important when i say content keywords are important you need to make sure you have proper keywords so that computer knows you are speaking on the topic to get full points five and five in your content speak around at least 15 keywords from the lecture i'll show you how you have to take notes and what template you need to use over here as well so this is kind of um a sample image or screen you'll have in your exam you might have this image you may not have this if you do have you can use these keywords as well all right i've already explained you accuracy is not important but keywords or content is important there's no right or wrong answer computer is going to evaluate you you do not need to focus on the meaning but focus on the keywords speak around 25 to 35 seconds use the templates okay one very thing very very very important thing right one very important thing grammar repetition vocabulary are these important in pt speaking remember this thing throughout your pt speaking grammar and repeating the same words i'm not saying self corrections but repeating one keyword or vocabulary is not important i have seen so many students trying to complicate describe image and written lecture trying to use very high academic words which they themselves are not really sure how to pronounce your grammar your vocabulary your accuracy is not really important when it comes to your pt speaking what pd speaking is looking for for your qnc pronunciation and content there is no parameter which will evaluate your grammar or your vocabulary what they're looking for pnc pronunciation and your keywords all right let's have a look over here how you have to do your retail lecture so we'll write down few keywords this is how i always prefer taking down keywords break or divide your notebook into different parts one two three four five and write down one word or two words or a short phrase so these are all my keywords this is the template you have to use topic was the main topic of the lecture so we'll use one keyword here he told about one two and three one keyword two keyword three keyword we told about four five six he also told what seven eight nine he also told what this he also told about this to conclude the lecture was very informative now you might be thinking you that tool tool tool tool you're waiting a lot of things remember there is nothing called vocabulary you don't really need to use fancy words and there's nothing called reputation as well they are just concerned with their keywords india was the main topic of the lecture he told about population rate of vaccination and government he also told about sports and education he told about or he also told about olympics participation rate and literacy rate he also told about rate of examination winners and runner-up he also told about lockdown covert 19 exam cancellation to conclude the lecture is very informative now let's say the lecture is very short lecture is only 30 seconds worst case or it's difficult you're not able to write down everything india was the you have to still go 20 to 30 seconds at least remember this thing 35 is better because if you speak 35 seconds you'll be able to speak few more keywords and that will make sure you don't lose any points in content india was the main topic of the lecture he talked about india population and rate of vaccination he talked about government sports and education he talked about olympics participation rate and literacy rate he talked about india government and olympics he told what participation rate sports and population he told what rate of vaccination education and literacy rate to conclude the lecture was very informative that is all you need to do in your written lecture now i understand if you're taking the exam for the first time whatever i'm telling you might not sound logical or you might be thinking what is this guy talking about but this all is coming up from all the experience i've got all the tricks all the attempts have taken just to try out few things playing with the computer trying to trick the computer and that's what i've come up from you might see a lot of other videos trying to ask you to focus on the message and all um see nothing strong nothing's right you can follow either way but i want to make your journey as smooth and as easy as possible that's why i'm sharing all these easy tricks which i normally give out in a vip course so that is something i wanted to do it this 120 works you can try it on language academy portal language at me dot com dot u and you can before you go for the actual test you can try this on your language academy portal you just go on language admin dot com dot a u um register there and practice and see your score it's all free to practice so that will 100 help you out now let's move on to the next and last task for you for your speaking model very easy and not so important task you'll have five to six of these answer short questions you'll get one two or three words journal knowledge based questions um not important for example you have something like this what is the first paragraph of an essay what are the mountains that can erupt what are the people who study history so journal knowledge based one word question this contributes towards your speaking and listening the marking is one point for correct answer zero for incorrect answer when the audio stops you'll have to speak after a few seconds once the question is done you'll get to one to two seconds and then your recording will start you'll have to give your response in a few words you don't really need to make complete sentences just one to three words are fine if not sure now let's say i've got this question what do we call the thread in the center of the candle i don't know what which is i have two options one option is i say i don't know second option is take third option is at least speak something if you do this or do this hundred percent you're going to get zero if you do this which i have tried what i do is i repeat a few keywords from the question just a thread center of the candle that sometimes work in the exam and students have even got a perfect 92 in this first of all try to give the right answer sometimes you'll have questions with options mars or pluto which is the coldest planet you don't know just a mars and pluto but if you don't have options you don't know the answer repeat a few keywords from the question that works in the exam to prepare yourself cover all the predictions we post on youtube every month twice a month we post it actually or you can cover the prediction from language academy portal as well a week before your exam don't practice this one too much not that important right so that is where your speaking section ends pt speaking is the backbone of the exam if you do well in speaking you are going to boost your reading and listening read aloud focus on flow clarity and read each and every word clearly repeat sentence repeat as much as content possible but in case you're not able to repeat 100 repeat as much as but clearly and fluently third describe image do not focus on accuracy focus on a few keywords use the template around 20 to 30 seconds read a lecture take the notes clearly one mistake which i see a lot of students make is taking down a lot and then not able to read what they have written so write clearly take down keywords and then use the template speaker on 25 to 35 seconds and finally answer short questions give out the right answer not sure about the right answer if the options repeat all the options if there are no options repeat a few keywords from the question you are going to get your score so that is where your speaking ends and now we are going to move to your writing module [Music] or it will move on to our writing part now remember this thing majority of your writing score is not from the writing module is from your reading and listening module as we saw in speaking read aloud contributes towards your reading your repeat sentences reader lecture answer short question they contribute towards your listening similarly their task in reading and listening which contribute a lot towards your writing a writing task or writing section by itself is very easy what is challenging is your reading part which impacts your writing a lot so writing i'll explain you i'll give you the shortcuts hacks and tricks which you can use as it is to crack your exam and then we'll move on to reading and listening let's get into the video writing tricks are going to amaze you shock you surprise you but whatever i'm giving i'm giving you to the best of my knowledge and i'll make sure whatever information you have it works and it will do wonders if you follow it properly let's get into the video so remember this thing pt writing in the writing module there are two different types of tasks very first one is your summarize written text and the second one is essay what happens here you'll get a passage on your screen that is something like this it's quite a long lengthy passage you can have anywhere between 100 words to 300 words what you need to do is you'll have 10 minutes in those 10 minutes you have to read the passage and write the summary of the passage between 5 to 75 words but that summary should be only one sentence you have to just write in one sentence one sentence means only one full stop right so you'll have a passage or text on your screen up to 300 words long you'll have to read and summarize the passage within 10 minutes you need to write the summary in one sentence means only one full stop no question mark no exclamations and between 5 to 75 words this task will contribute in writing obviously but along with that it will contribute in reading because first of all you have to read this whole thing and then write you'll have one or two of these in your exam some students will have one some of you will have to but 95 percent will have two in the exam this is assessed on four parameters content form grammar and spellings and vocabulary content what does content means content means that whatever main idea is there in the passage the main idea main content of the passage should be there in your answer how do you demonstrate that again there is no fixed answer because each and every student is going to have a different answer for same passage how is computer going to look for the ideas using your keywords there's no accurate information here as well you need to have proper keywords keywords for content to get full points in content you need to have around seven keywords when i say keywords keywords means nouns proper words which do make some sense for example over here we have got public figures sports stars personal privacy films music tv character leading politicians officials businesses celebrities so these are all keywords film stars musicians we need to make sure we have at least seven keywords from the passage in our answer to get full points points in content form means you need to make sure you only write between 5 to 75 words and on top of that there should be only one sentence means only one full stop if you write more than one full stop or if you have a question mark or if you have an exclamation you're going to get zero informed and remember this thing if you get zero in form there will be no further marking means you'll automatically automatically get zero over here so you need to make sure you don't mess this up right around 50 60 words and make sure there's only one full stop no full stop in the middle or anywhere between and the first word should be capitalized and the last you have to have a full stop grammar and spelling's two points you get two on two if there are no grammar or spelling errors you get one on two if there's one grammar or spelling error and you get zero onto if there are more than one grammar or spelling errors vocabulary you get two points for this as well you don't really need to stress much about this what you need to take care of vocabulary use academic words use formal words and don't use any kind of contractions that's all you need to do in order to get full points in vocabulary now how do you do this remember this thing in summarized histics you'll have the timer here there's no rollover time no rollover time means even if you finish this in six minutes you'll not have extra four minutes in the next one so it's always better to use full ten minutes first one minute read the passage one to two minutes then next five to six minutes write your summary and then two minutes to proof it proofreading is very very important if you don't proofread you're going to 100 have a few spelling errors and you're going to mess this up remember this thing you can only have one full stop not stops one full stop exclamation of question marks you can't have one full stop and one question mark because question mark exclamation and full stop they all represent end of a sentence so only one full stock or a question mark or an exclamation you have to write between 5 to 75 words you're not expected to cover everything remember this thing it's not possible to write 400 words in three in 30 40 50 words this is the main idea you just need to satisfy the marking criteria that's your jobs means once you submit your answer computer is going to evaluate your answer against the marking criteria it's going to look for seven keywords full points in content form five to 75 words only one one sentence full points no grammar errors full points here and no contractions full points here you can use exactly the same words or phrases or even sentences from the passage there are two methods of doing this task method one is the ethical method i'll say and method two is the hack which works has worked for thousands of students you can check out all the success stories on you this youtube channel or on our facebook page as well what is the first method read the passage get the idea of what the passage is and based on the idea frame a sentence by yourself so you read the whole thing try to understand what the passage is talking about and then write a sentence based on this passage but it's practically difficult it's you can do it but it's difficult easy ways select three to four sentences important sentences when i say important means the one with more keywords you can select three or four sentences and join them using connectors you can use and furthermore and then change one or two words i'll show you what i've done so this was our passage most of the times first sentence will be important because it has got all the main keywords and it will introduce a topic so i wrote public figures include politician this is this is this from here till here end of the sentence comma and another sentence people have their own right to make informed judgments about the kind of leaders they have that's it from here still here another sentence comma furthermore comma many celebrities actively seek media exposure in order to grow their careers willing to the media and many aspects of their personal lives that's all now if i'll try to add another sentence i'll go more than 75 words so you can just write 65 words after that what you can do is you can change a few words one or two words and you are done that's all you need to do very easy task not very high scoring but at the same time if you follow the trick you are fine see computer there's no fixed answer computer is not having any fixed answer computer is having a set of keywords you need to address or satisfy the marketing criteria what you're going to do is look for a few keywords write those down and you need to make sure you satisfy the marketing criteria six to seven keywords then you have to make sure you write one sentence between 5 to 75 words no grammar or spelling errors and no contractions change a few words and you are done that's all play smart don't work hard that will be a summarized written text that is your first task of your writing module and then we'll move on to your essays let's get into the video let's see what we have got here in essay essay is difficult if you follow it the right way but easy if you follow the shortcut you'll find a lot of shortcuts i'm trying to give you whatever i can the best i can pt writing task to writing essay you'll have an essay topic on your screen you'll have an essay topic on your screen you'll be given 20 minutes and you have to write an essay 200 to 300 words long you'll type here you'll have your word counter here you'll have an essay prompt on your screen you'll have to write 200 to 300 words in 20 minutes no 20 minutes 20 minutes this task will only contribute towards your writing modules summarize written text contributes contributes towards your reading and writing this will only contribute towards your writing you'll have one or two essays in your test and this task is evaluated on seven parameters there is no fixed answer but seven parameters content means you have relevant keywords and relevant information keywords are important here relevant keywords to the topic for example if they're talking about internet you need to have social media google search engines marketing job so keywords related to the main topic form means you need to write between 200 to 300 words if you write less than 200 more than 300 you are going to lose points here if you write less than 120 words or more than 380 words what will happen you are going to get zero in form and there will be no further marking this will not be evaluated so you need to make sure you write between 200 to 300 words ideally around 250 words it's not that if you write more you'll get more points it's more about the accuracy quantity is not important quality is important grammar what do we mean by grammar grammar means whatever answer you've got there shouldn't be any kind of grammatical error whatever you have written should be 100 accurate if you have one error you're going to get one on two if you're more than one you're going to get zero on two how to avoid grammar mistake if you're not sure about a sentence don't write it or write a simple sentence spelling again similarly one spelling error one by two more than one zero by two you need to be very careful about one thing that you don't mix uk and use spellings uk spelling are something which we use in sub continent con subcontinent uk for example we write organized with s here we write z here we have color c o l o u r here we have c o l o r so you need to be very careful with spelling vocabulary make sure only academic words academic words avoid contractions and then use synonyms wherever possible development structure and coherence means your idea should go in a flow there should be a link between each paragraph how do you do that you use a lot of phrases the template i'm going to give you will help you satisfy this and this as well linguistic range means having academic words strong words a few fancy words which we are going to cover in the template now what you need to cover or take care in essay before i give you the template you are expected to write between 200 to 300 words you can write anywhere between 250 to 270 words if your typing speed is not that good right around 200 to 20 words you can have agree disagree essay problem solution essay discussion essay 30 seconds to read the prompt 15 seconds 15 minutes actually 15 minutes i'll say not 17 to right and then two three minutes to proof it this is the most important part yeah this is fine writing is good but proof reading is superstar means if you mess up here these 15 or 17 minutes are going to be worthless remember listen focus should be on writing perfectly but not writing the perfect ideas when i say writing perfectly there shouldn't be any spelling in grammar errors and you should write the template properly you'll need a few ideas not too many satisfy the marking criteria and play smart very important we play smart we use the template now let's have a look at the template first this is language that means proven as a template topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world so whatever our topic will be while provenance of the argument are in favor however the opponents are completely against the relevance of the topic in my opinion xyz has more positive impacts than negative to commence with there are there are a number of arguments in favor of my belief the most prominent one is that the one positive let's see i'm saying in my opinion mobile phone has more positive impacts and negatives here i'll write one positive of mobile phones is that the mobile phone phones allow us to communicate to um watch videos help us in entertainment any anything then we'll give an example according to the research conducted by western sydney university more than 90 percent of the students are in favor of mobile phones secondly another advantage then we'll move on to the other side on the other hand critics may point out that one of the most significant disadvantages of mobile phones is that they there is a lot of potentially dangerous material which can harm the mindset of young adults or young children or you can say um of mobile phone is that it can cause severe threat to personal information for instance a survey conducted in the united states reveals that more than 20 percent of the mobile phones were hacked and financial information was stolen in the last two years something like this make up an example by also to conclude even when there are a lot of d marriage associated with the topic with mobile phones the advantages out with the disadvantages and mobile phone has become a crucial part of the life therefore efficient user mobile phone should be promoted however it's mis you should be condemned now you can use the same template even if you have two ss remember this thing each task in pt is evaluated separately so psn is not going to look that your csu's this template how is he using the same template here so you can use it and there's nothing called patchwisem when it comes to pte remember this thing right let me give you a simple answer with the increased traffic in the cities the use of public transport is increasing day by day so we have one keyword here traffic in the city is another keyword advantages of public transport use of public transport or using public transport or simply public transport has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world while the problems of the argument are in favor however the opponents are completely against the relevance of public transport in my opinion public transport has more positive impacts than negative roundabout if you don't want to repeat it you can write public transport such as bus and cars that way you'll add a few more keywords related to the topics to commence me there are a number of arguments in favor of my belief the most prominent one is that public transport such as bus and trains see i'm trying to make it relevant i'm trying to add a few keywords because whenever we talk about public transport we also talk about bus train cars ferries and all okay first advantage is the most prominent one is that public transport such as bus and train are cheaper and convenient to travel that's it one advantage and then example for the same according to the research conducted by western sydney university that's my university more than 70 percent of the users but in favor of the benefits provided by public transport so that's it i'm saying cheap and convenient and according to your research more than 70 people agreed that yes there are a lot of benefits secondly another advantage public transport reduces the harmful gas emissions and is safe to travel that's it so gas emissions go down and safety is higher now we'll talk about negatives here on the other hand critics may point out point out that one of the most significant disadvantages of using public transport is that it is overcrowded and unhygienic so negative is overcrowded and not clean which can result in a number of serious consequences for instance a survey conducted in the united states reveals that 90 of the commuters complaint regarding high waiting time and uncomfortable experience or you can say regarding the cleanliness comma high waiting time and uncomfortable experience that's it we are done to conclude you can give another reason here but because i'm saying advantages are more that's why i told about two advantages and one disadvantage to conclude even when there are a lot of team marriage associated with the use of public transport that advantages outweigh the disadvantages and it has become a crucial part of our life therefore efficient use of trains and mercy should be promoted however it's excessive and misused should be condemned and that is it we are done with essay sounds easy yes it's easy if you follow it the right way if you play smart it's difficult if you try to go too logical follow the templates and summarize written text and usa you are going to boost your writing but remember this thing your summarized written text and you guys are not the only two areas from where you're going to get your points in writing writing is primarily from your reading and listening model yes summarize written text and essay will contribute around 20 or 30 percent of your writing scores rest 60 to 70 of your writing score are going to fro are going to come from your listening and reading part so we have to make sure we focus on reading and listening as well so this is where we'll finish off our writing part and we'll move on to our reading but just to recap summarize written text take three to four sentences join them using connectors change a few words if you don't want to do that you can read the whole passage understand the message and then write a summary based on the understanding but based on the understanding what you need to do is you need to make sure you have around seven keywords no grammar and spelling errors in between five to seventy five words only one sentence in essay make sure you take one minute to read half a minute to read and then 15 minutes to write two to three minutes at least to proof it so that you can make sure there's no spelling no grammar as because template by itself will not get you the score you need to use the template properly and make it work for yourself you need to make sure that there are no grammar errors no spelling errors plus on top of that you are well aware of all the words and phrases in the template if you do so 100 you're going to boost your score last tip in your essay make sure you include all the keywords given in the essay prompt in your answer that way computer knows that you are addressing all the things whatever you have been asked for so that is it now we will move on to our reading module a slightly challenging module [Music] all right reading is the third module of your test you'll have total 13 to 18 questions at the moment we have around 20 21 questions but from 16th of november 2021 we'll have 13 to 18 minutes and 29 to 30 minutes of overall time overall time means you won't have any um time constraint per question but you'll have an overall section time so you'll have to manage your time as per the number of questions you have now what is the main thing over here time management we have five different types of tasks here reading and writing blanks mcq single answers reorder paragraphs mcq multiple answers reading blanks drag and drop reading and writing blanks you'll have five to six one two two two two three one two two and four to five now these two are not important that is three are important let's have a look in detail about each and every task reading and writing blanks we also call them drop down blanks what happens here you'll have a passage on your screen few words in the passage are missing they're replaced by a blank and for each blank you have a drop down menu for each blank you have four options based on the context based on the grammar you have to select one option which will go over here similarly you'll have four options here four options here four options here you get five to six such passages each passage will give you points in reading and writing you get one point for each correct blank so one point here one here one here one here this passage will contribute four points in your reading and four in your writing so let's say we have got five passages like this you will get 20 points in reading and 20 in writing so that's why this is very important task so as i've told you you'll have a passage on your screen with four to five blanks each blank with four options this task will contribute towards your reading and writing module you need to focus on the context means you need to understand what the passage is talking about the grammar rules now based on your grammar and your context you need to eliminate let's say this is grammatically incorrect this is incorrect according to context you're left with two options based on the meaning or the reasoning given in the passage you need to select one of these options there are few grammar rules which will you'll use in reading blanks and reading writing blanks so there is one more type of plans which will come in a while please make sure you pay attention to these these are super duper important remember this thing what is a noun noun is any particular place object chair table all these if there is a blank right after an article what is an article a an author there will always be a noun for example this is a dash this is a noun this is a pen this is a table this is a chair jared had a friend who helped him in the time of need any blank after a and the you always have to use a noun if there's a blank between article and noun he is a dash he is a dash boy he is a good boy so you'll always have adjective over here adjective is something which will modify the noun which will give you more information about the noun he is a dash boy he's a bad boy steve played a dash role a great role adjective steve played a great role in the success of his team if there is a blank right after possessive pronouns his their her our mind your words like this possessive pronouns used to refer to nouns there will always be a noun this is his car we will use his car after possessive pronoun we have got a noun if there is a blank between a possessive pronoun and a noun so possessive frown this is his dash card will have adjective this is his beautiful card this is his new car so any blank between possessive pronoun and noun you have to use an adjective she admired your stellar performance your stellar performance your possessive pronoun we have adjective so any blank between possessive pronouns or an article as well and a noun will have adjective here that's what we learned here possessive pronoun after that noun between article and noun objective between possessive noun and noun adjective as well if there is a blank right after helping verb is mr wasper so these are helping verbs he is a dash or he is dash not a will be article there will be either third form of continuous form of the verb helping verb will always go with ing or ediform this he is playing john is playing is ing forms active voice you're more likely to use ing form passive voice you're more likely to use ed form with is am are was for inactive form ing he is writing a book we were this is passive passive and active what's the difference in active you have the person first in passive you have the object first and then subject afterwards we were we were not standing stranded in the mountains because of landslide so helping verb after that you'll use third or continuous form of the verb if there's a blank right of the the words be or be they will be again third form or continuous form of the word they have been trying to solve ing form you never said they have been tried to solve they have been trying to solve the problem for two hours the project will be completed will be not complete will be completed by next month if there is a blank right after the word two always first form i'm here to play cricket i'm here to represent my client not to representing my client certain measures must be taken to rectify the situation not to rectifying the situation so these were a few grammatical rules you need to use if you have these grammar rules in mind and if you implement these while practicing and use the elimination strategy plus understand the context properly 100 you're going to have a higher accuracy rate in your reading plans now let's have a few more tips which you need to use in your reading blanks all right do not spend more than two minutes per passage one passage two minutes maximum remember this thing once you click next once you move on to the next question you cannot come back so you need to be very careful about this do not spend more than two minutes per passage understand the context first of all understand what the passage is talking about then use the rules and eliminate the options only one option you have to select you don't have anything else to do now let's say there are this is the passage this is one blank second blank third blank fourth time you're confused about this you're confused about this fill these ones first what will happen as a result you'll have a better understanding of the passage and the chances of these two being correct will go up as well so fill the ones you sure first and then the remaining ones do not leave anything unattempted there is no negative marking if you do it wrong you'll get zero if you leave it zeros it's better at least you do it this will contribute in both reading and writing why in writing because you use a bit of your grammar here that's fine you need to practice these 20 every day this is one of the tasks you will find slightly difficult but this is super important right this is where you need to i've given you tricks templates for each and everything till now but here you'll have to practice a bit that is something which will make you better um but i've given you grammar rules which will obviously help you with each and everything all right so these were our reading and writing plans five to six of these next task mcq multiple answers not so important i always ask all my students not to worry too much about this you'll have a passage a text a few images sometimes a question and five to seven options because these are multiple answers more than one option is correct if you have five options you'll have either two or three correct if you have six two or three correct if you have seven options at least you'll have three correct and maximum four correct but normally you'll have five six options in here we have got one two three five six yes so what you need to do here you first of all you don't please don't read the whole thing read the question identify the keywords and then find the information here compare the information with each option and then select the one which is correct remember this thing most of the time correct answer will be paraphrased because they're checking your reading skills as well reading mcq multiple answers do not spend more than a minute per passage this is not important i don't want you to waste time here read the question highlight the keywords locate the information and compare the information there is negative marking here you get one point for each correct selection minus one for each incorrect selection but minimum you can get a zero let's say you have selected two options both are incorrect you won't get minus two overall you'll get zero what i always recommend is if you find slightly difficult always select one option that way because one option is easy to locate and at least you'll get one on two if you'll try to be a bit greedy you'll try to get more points you may get two on two but chances are you'll mess up the second option plus one minus one you'll end up getting zero and you'll waste your time as well so select one get something out of it and move on because even if you mess this up you can get your desired score you can get 79 plus as well but if you uh waste a lot of time here and you're not paying attention to what's coming um after this you're going to mess it up this task only contributes in your written i'll show you how to solve it which of the following statements are correct these statements which of the following are correct with reference to colors of the flag so they're talking about what which all um statements are correct according to the colors of the plant so we have got the significance of orange here green here and then white here white representing the hope for peace with them where we have right white rights so we'll compare this with this why it represents the hope for equality they say hope for equality they say peace peace and equality are two different things yes most of the answers are paraphrased but peace they can be peace when there is no equality as well they can be equality when there is no peace as well so you need to be very careful about synonyms but meaning will not change so this is incorrect green symbolizes many issues but most importantly it represents wooden landscapes green has something to do with word and landscape but more importantly symbolizes evolution but this says more importantly it represents landscape this is revolution incorrect the symbolism of the colors is as meaningful today as the time when it was designed where is time we have time here but this is only about orange this is talking about all the colors so in here we'll only have information about orange this is a general passage time is here it's three equal stripes illustrate the irish political landscape as accurately today as in 1848 the year when the flag was first unflown means when it was first brought um forward so means stripes are as accurate today as they were for the first time this is correct prior to 1848 we don't have any information for that but if i go for the exam i got one answer i'll move on orange is associated with irish protestants because of the victory of william iii the color orange is associated with northern irish protestants because of the william of orange that's right almost fine put the post king so this is fine this is correct this is correct when viewed from left to right viewed left left is this actually sorry when we are viewing it from left to right we have green white and orange but this is orange white and green this is incorrect so these two will be correct options but see i've read this before still it took me around a minute to solve it that's why i always recommend select one option which is easy and straight forward and move on this is not important you don't really need to practice these again read this first locate the information compare the information select the one which you find correct select one and move on it's better and save and remember most options or correct options will be paraphrased when i say paraphrase it means meaning will be same but words will be different so we are on to task three mcq multiple was task two now we have got pt reading three order paragraphs one of um challenging task i'll say slightly confusing as well you'll have four five or six sentences here of a paragraph and all of these are in jumbled order means the first sentence can be this or it can be this the second can be this the third can be this what you need to do is you need to read all of these you need to read all the passages and all the sentences actually and based on the understanding of the context and using the rules you need to arrange them here in the correct sequence so you'll have four to six sentences in jumbled order you'll need to read the sentence understand the context and arrange in the correct sequence you need to follow the rules and that's it success is going to be yours what you need to do is first of all let me explain you the marking criteria let's say your question is in this form bd ac and the correct order is abcd you don't get points for correct placement you get one point for each correct pair so for example you have placed it in such a way c a dbe even though e is at the last it is not making pair because you'll get one point for a b one point for bc one point four c d and one point four d so maximum four points so maximum points are always one less than the total number of sentences if you have got this a b is appear b d is not appear dc is not appear even though cds appear but the ac is not appear and c is not appear only one point a b is a pair b is not appear ec is not a pair cd is up here two points and if you've got everything correct four points no negative marking minimum score is zero you are only evaluated or this is only evaluated based on your reading and you'll only get points in reading no negative markings so you don't have to ever leave this task unattended so what i'm going to do is i'm going to give you all the rules all the strategies which you need to um use whenever you do your reorder paragraphs i have given this one in one of the videos before as well but i'll request all of you to please write each and everything down so that whenever you solve pre-order paragraphs you know what you need to aim for what is important and what are the things you need to be careful about very important please note it down i request all of you all right let's have a look here strategy one first thing what you need to do is as soon as you get five four six seven sentences whatever it is on your screen you need to find an independent sentence independent sentence will be the first sentence of your answer a sentence which introduces a topic can stand out by itself and it's not dependent on any other sentence for any kind of information independent sentence basically is a complete sentence for example if i say he's a good boy you can't just say he's a good boy before that you need to say who he is you need to say um i have a friend named varun he is a good one so i have a friend named varun can be complete sentence but this won't be a complete sentence because it is dependent on any other sentence how do you identify an independent sentence this will give you a journal idea and will introduce a topic journal idea means not too deep or not in-depth information it will mainly consist of and will introduce a person's name any technical term any book title any research any player situation or concept so it will mainly introduce you the nouns it will not depend on any other sentence or clause for any kind of information means it will be a complete piece of information for noun sentences starting with he she them those they are likely to not um are not likely to be the first intense or independent sentence because if you say he means you're referring to something you have mentioned earlier this sentence will normally not start with contradicting words or transition words like firstly secondly however therefore because these are used in accordance or in relation to something you have told before acronym rule is very important we often ignore it if you have got two sentences right one says you and the other one says united nation so this is more likely to be the first sentence because you'll always introduce full name first and then short forms dr michael clark and dr clark this has to be the first sentence if there's any acronym or short form the complete sentence sentence with the complete term will always come before and the sentence containing acronym will come afterwards if you are still not remember this thing if you are still not able to find out the independent sentence consider each sentence and see that can you use the sentence to start a conversation with a stranger that let's say these are five sentences and there's a person you don't know who this person is can you use these sentences to start your conversation with a stranger if yes yes that's your independent sentence so if you can use that sentence to start your conversation with any stranger person you don't know that will be your first sentence all right before we move further we'll have a look at few other rules as well rule of articles very important we often ignore it we all know it subconsciously but we don't know how to use it practically the two types of articles indefinite a and n definite though sentences with indefinite articles a and n will always come before and sentences with the will come afterwards if they're used for the same noun for example aaron bought a baseball bat the baseball bat is green in color i bought a car the car is good so we are talking about car here you are confused whether this will come first or this will come first you have got a or n here the here talking about baseball sentence with a will come first and this will come after it can be the case that this is the first intense and this is the third sentence it's not necessary that they will come right after one another but this will come before and this will come after time periods and dates okay we often think that 2000 then 2005 and then 2010 you shouldn't blindly rely on dates pt will confuse you it can go either way your sentences can go or your paragraph can go from present to past or it can come from past to present as well you need to use them to get some idea but don't rely on these blindly examples remember this thing any kind of examples will always come after the explanation and this is the golden rule which i have already explained so now we what we have done is we have got few rules and we have figured out our independent sentence now what is the next step we have to find the following sentence we've got first sentence now i need to find second third fourth and fifth there's a rule in english that your sentences are always framed this way subject then verb and then object for example rohan is playing in the ground so rohan is subject playing his verb object is crowns what is the rule the object in the first sentence will become the subject in the second for example your sentence is the woman built a strong wall here women is your subject built is your verb and strong wall is your object so built is your verb and then wall is your object anything on which the subject is acting upon so the subject in the first sentence becomes subject in the section but it won't be that simple that yes you're saying the woman built a wall wall is good and then next sentence about something good it won't be that simple but you need to remember this rule that the next sentence will give you more information or details about the previous one let's say i'm talking about wall here next sentence will give more information about what so whatever information i have been provided will be explained further in the next sentence so the next sentence will always give you more information about previous and the previous intents will give you more information about this that's how you do it for example the woman built a strong wall it it is singular it was built a year ago with the help of three workers all of them them plural three workers had years of experience they are still working had and still working so that's how you figure out this one ball three workers and they're talking about past year and then present continues here that's how you do it so that's how you have to solve all your reorders what you need to do is you need to understand the passage plus use all the rules first of all find out the independent sentence and then find the following sentences the next sentence is always going to give you more information about the previous sentence whenever you're confused use the article rule then you need to use acronym rule examples time periods and if you frame a picture of the scenario in your mind 120 you are going to get the right answer in case it is some bit confusing what i'll recommend you is make pairs you don't know what's the worst answer first what's the second sentence third sentence select two sentences make a pair which see out of five sentences you'll be easily able to figure out that yes these two sentences are going to go together take them place them on the right hand side you're only left with three sentences don't look at the pair now look at the three sentences out of those three sentences make another pair what you need to do is you need to select two sentences which will go together now you've got another pair take them on the right hand side or the other side now what you have done is you have secured two points because you've got one pair and another pair you're left with one sentence the leftover sentence will either go in the first place on the top in the middle or at the large it will go at the top if it's an independent sentence it will go in the middle if it is giving you more information about the second sentence and it will go at the last if it is giving you more information about the four sentence or if it is concluding the paragraph if you do so if you make peers 100 you're going to boost your score plus don't waste more than don't spend actually don't take more than two minutes per reorder paragraph important task but you shouldn't be wasting time because sometimes they're confusing practice 10 every day and you'll be fine now let's move on to the next task type of your reading module okay next task type of your reading module are your reading plans drag and drop similar to the first task but over here you don't have four options for blank you have a few options probably double the number of blanks at the bottom what you need to do is you need to read the passage again understand the context use your word so is mr walls for if you can recall there was a rule edie form or ing form so based on grammatical knowledge and your context you need to solve this so you need to just drag it from here till here till here till here from here here wherever you feel this is right you'll have a passage on your screen four to five blanks and around 78 options will only contribute towards your reading not in writing here only in reading focus on context grammatical rules and eliminate the options how you need to solve these you need to read the passage read the passage and then read the blanks here now let's say you're not really sure about this leave it fill this one first and this one first this one first if you fill three you have eliminated three options now you're left with four options based on grammar eliminate the options based on context eliminate the options and then select the right answer fill the ones you show first and the ones you're not really sure at the end what you need to take care of here do not spend more than two minutes per passage understand the context use the rules and eliminate the options fill the ones you are sure do not leave anything unattempted 20 every day and contribution only in video the rules which i have told you earlier same rules are going to be applied here you need to practice 20 here and that's how you'll be able to solve but be very careful with the rules rules are very important i've got other videos where i have i did live sessions where i solved all the reading blanks so you can refer to those if you're still finding hard or struggling a bit in this task but if you follow the rules and understand the context you'll be fine now we'll move on to the last task of our reading module pt reading task number five mcq single answers not important you don't have to spend a lot of time similar to mcq multiple you'll have a shorter text here around 80 90 words then you'll have question and you'll only have four options only one answer is correct read the question find the information here and then compare the information with each and every option remember correct option is mostly paraphrased do not spend more than one minute per passage read the question and highlight the keywords locate the keywords compare and select the answer one point for correct answer zero for incorrect and only contribution in reading not very important now let's solve this and i'll show you how to do it according to this text how to excise taxes differ from tariffs so we need to find the difference between excise taxes and tariffs let's see where excise taxes are excise taxes are here where are tariffs sometimes you'll have easy sometimes you'll have difficulty excise taxes are governmental levies on specific goods produced and consumed inside a country so these excise taxes they they means excise taxes differ from tariffs which usually only apply to fund-made goods now there's a comma and and means this is a separate clause we only need to read here means what's the difference between tariffs terrorists are only applied to fund-made goods whereas excise taxes are applied on specific goods produced and consumed inside of countries excise taxes are lived on all products no not on all products products which are produced and consumed inside a country incorrect excise taxes are levied on specifically identified commodities okay specific goods wild tariffs supply to all goods tariffs only applied to parliament goods incorrect excise taxes are levered on good produce and consumed in consumed in one country inside a country that's fine while tariffs apply to imports foreign made goods are basically imports this can be the right answer but let's eliminate this as well excise taxes are levied on goods to which sale tax there's no information about sale tax you know out of the information which we need so this is incorrect and this is fine see how they replaced imports with foreign made goods and you've got the right answer so that is the end of your reading reading is important what you need to practice 20 20 reading blanks reading writing lengths and 10 reorders don't stress too much about mcq single and multiple answers reading is very very important because reading is going to boost your reading section itself and your writing section because around 20 25 points are going from your reading into your writing module and reading writing lines and reading blanks can be slightly difficult if you don't practice there's no shortcut you need to understand the context follow the grammatical rules eliminate the options and get the ones which are correct and then after that fill the ones which are left what you need to do is you need to make sure you practice every day plus every day revise all the rules are cool if you revise for five days everything is going to be super quick and easy for you time management is important i request you please mcq single and multiple even if you mess them up you can still get your score but reading blanks reorders if you mess those up you're going to struggle a bit so you need to make sure you don't spend too much time on mcqs reading blank reading writing blanks preorders two minutes maximum per passage and one minute maximum worst case for mcqs if you're not able to solve anything within two minutes for reading blanks and reorders and one minute in mcq just give your best shot and move on so that will be the end of your reading module now we'll move on to the last module which is your lesson [Music] all right we are now on to the last module last section of your pt test listening very important a bit tricky but easy module you need to be very smart here you need to play very smart especially with time because you have 12 to 20 questions and you only have 30 to 43 minutes this is the key point if you manage your time you are going to manage your score as well there are eight different types of tasks four of them are very important four of them are not that important we'll start with summarize spoken text and then we'll move on to the rest of them listening is basically divided into two sections section one has summarized spoken text and section two has got the rest of the questions why two different sections because in here you'll have 10 minutes for each question but after that you'll have an overall time so let's say you have 40 minutes altogether and you got one of this so you'll get out of these 40 minutes you'll get 10 minutes for this and then 30 minutes for the remaining or rest of the questions so you have to make sure you manage your time over here along the way i'll tell you how much time you have to spend because some of the tasks are important some are not so we have to be very careful with each and everything let's start with the first task of your listening module summarize spoken text what happens here you'll get an audio lecture the lecture can be somewhere around 40 to 90 seconds long while the audio is going on you have to take notes and after that you have to type your answer means you have to write a summary of the lecture in 50 to 70 words you'll have 10 minutes to finish this task remember this thing in those 10 minutes the time of the audio is included as well so it's not that you'll get 10 minutes to write that is one thing students confuse themselves so let's say the audio goes on for two minutes so you'll only have eight minutes to write so be very careful this is the timer as i've told you you'll get an audio lecture any interview any conversation which will go for 40 to 90 seconds while the audio is going on you have to take notes as much as you can try to write once the lecture stops you'll not you'll need to write down the summary in 50 to 70 words you'll have 20 10 minutes for 20 sorry 10 minutes to complete this task and you'll get one or two summarized spoken text in your exam this is very important task very very crucial task because this is going to contribute towards your listening and your writing and a good portion good size good um points in your listening and writing module that's how your screen is going to look like this says your audio will start in six seconds once this finish you have to start writing right between 50 to 70 words within 10 minutes this is marked on five different parameters one summarized spoken text in total is ten points you get two punch for content two for form two for grammar two for spellings and two for vocabulary you need to make sure that you maximize your points here because you'll get points in listening and writing from you now i'll explain you each and every parameter content again basically remember this thing there is no fixed answer for summarize spoken text as well but keywords are important because computer has got a few keywords few um words relevant or related or concerned with the audio to get full points in your content you need to make sure you mention the main points again you need to make sure you mention main point again main point is not about writing the accurate idea it's more about the main keywords with the essential supporting points with other keywords so make sure you include at least five to seven key ideas or keywords from the lecture if you write irrelevant content means you're not writing anything from the lecture you're going to get 0 in content and 0 in content means no further marking you'll get 0 on 10. so once you write around 7 8 9 10 keywords from the lecture in your answer you will be fine with your content when i say keywords i mean more of nouns then after that your form will be evaluated if you write between 50 to 70 words you are going to get 212 if less than 50 more than 70 means 40 to 50 or 7200 you'll get one on two if you write less than 40 more than 100 0 on 2 so you need to be very careful you shouldn't be losing a single point here because this is the easiest way to score or boost your points idly write around 65 words grammar if there are no grammatical errors two on two few means one or two grammatical errors means one major one minor one on two more than one major error zero one be very careful first word has to be capitalized and then after every sentence you have to use full stop in writing summary you have to only write one sentence but in this you can write as many sentences you want next two points are avoided for your spelling no spelling error two on two one spelling error one on two more than one spelling error zero on two vocabulary to boost it you need to make sure you don't repeat the same word again and again avoid short forms contractions and slang language use academic or formal words don't use contractions like don't can't words like like as well instead of like you can write such as so try to make it look as formal as you can so basically your job is around seven eight keywords 65 words no grammar and spelling errors and that's all and no informal language that's all you need to do how to make notes and what other things you need to take care of while taking notes before your audio starts you'll have around five six seconds you'll have around five six seconds and then your ten second time ten minutes timer will start you need to make sure your pen and notepad pad are ready before your lecture starts because you need to take down notes and if this is not working or you don't have it with you after the audio is done you won't be able to replay it and you're going to struggle with time while the audio is going on write down at least six seven broken sentences or group of words if not you can write as many keywords if you find it difficult to write phrases when you have to write you need to make sure you focus more on names dates plays things technical terms and quotes means more of nouns don't write the full word try to write short forms in every vision so that you can write more if you skip something means the audio is too fast don't try to recall it and move to the next point ignore any kind of mistakes or spelling errors you make while taking notes and be very careful this is one mistake i see a lot of students make they write too much everything is crammed they are not even able to read what they have written it's fine to write two three words less but make sure you write clearly and in an organized manner if not you are going to struggle um while writing the lecture again not retelling rewriting actually so be careful about this structure of your summarized spoken text will have first sentence introduction then your body then conclusion so basically introduction will have only one sentence body will have two to three sentences and then conclusion one sentence i've got two templates which you can follow the main focus of the lecture was main topic this is an optional statement if you have less keywords you can write a number of advantages or disadvantages or impacts affects causes of the topic were discussed in the lecture the first crucial aspect revealed in in the discourse was one idea furthermore another significant point mentioned in the lecture was another idea additionally the lecture also exhibited important information about another idea in conclusion the lecture suggested that or you can follow this as well i'll give you a simple answer so these are my notes or keywords i have taken from the lecture the main focus of the lecture was the increasing population in india the first crucial aspect revealed in the discourse was illiteracy which is the reason behind overpopulation furthermore another significant point mentioned in the lecture was the implementation of strict government policies additionally the lecture also exhibited important information about the role of education in schools in conclusion the lecture suggested that strict measures must be taken at earliest now you don't have to be that precise that this has to be the actual conclusion you can write any phrase even if it was in the middle of the lecture accuracy of the content is not that important but yes your keywords are important plus be careful with your spellings as well write around 65 words so write down a few good phrases and you will be fine um so that is your summarized spoken text very important take down take down clear notes write as much as you can then then fit it in the template important but easy task make sure after you you avoided 10 minutes right let's say the audio was two minutes i recommend in five minutes write everything and two to three minutes to proof it very important you proofread if you don't proofread you're going to struggle big time i want you to have around seven to nine keyword seven eight nine keywords no grammar spelling errors and around 65 words and you'll do your job next task now from here your overall time will start and summarize spoken text you'll have 10 minutes per question let's say you've got two summarized spoken text so you'll get 10 minutes each no rollover time means even if you finish this in seven minutes you won't get extra three minutes in the next task so it's better you use complete 10 minutes after that we'll have our part 2 and question 2 starts from here here you'll have an overall time overall time means you'll have to self manage your time you'll have to manage your time by yourself very important mcq multiple answers what happens here similar to reading mcq multiple answers but here you won't have any passage you'll have an audio instead the audio can be anywhere between 30 to 90 seconds you'll have five six or seven options along with the question according to the question and the lecture you need to select the correct options probably two or three options will be correct not one because these are multiple answers what you need to take care of what you need to take care of you need to take care of this as soon as you get the um this particular screen or options on your screen you'll have five six seconds before your audio starts in these five six seven seconds read this thing clearly don't read the options this which are the following closely represent the ideas expressed by the speaker you will get some idea that what part of the lecture you need to focus on for example the question is which of the following mostly most closely represent the ideas expressed by the speaker about australia so you need to you're clear that yes you need to focus on australia in the lecture now while the audio is going on keep on listening to the audio clearly and keep on skimming the options as well don't just go behind the keywords don't think that yes the person said conflict in the lecture and conflict is here i'll just select this no you need to be very careful that you need to understand the meaning you don't have to go beyond the keywords understand the meaning focus on the meaning not the keywords remember this thing correct options are mostly paraphrased so don't go behind the keywords go behind the meaning read the question before the audio starts after the audio do not spend more than 10 to 20 seconds if you do so what will happen um you will run short of time you'll you'll be falling short of time for your last questions and if you miss those it's very hard to get the score if you mess up your mcq multiple answers that's fine you can still get your score this is not an important task i don't really want you to focus here because you're going to get one or two of these and this is only going to give you one or two points in your listening audit so you don't have to worry too much about here this negative marking you get one point for each correct option minus one for each incorrect option minimum is zero let's say you have selected two options both are incorrect you won't get minus two you'll get zero overall so negative marking is within the question itself if you're not sure i'll always highly recommend only one option even if you select one option and that's correct you can easily get the score and this task only contributes towards your listing again what is the process before the audio starts read this thing so that you know what part of the lecture you need to focus on while the audio is going on keep on skimming these and understand the lecture based on your understanding select one option which you feel is correct and move on if you're 100 sure about the second option then only select second because if you select one correct one incorrect you'll waste your time you'll get zero out of this it's better you select one and move on you'll save your time and you'll at least get one on two because one option is always easy to locate that's what you need to focus on you'll be 100 fine next task you'll get one or two of mcq multiple answers i saw you missed it so one or two of mcq multiple answers not important task pt listening task 3 fill in the blanks super important and easy task what happens here you will have a passage on your screen and an audio will be played for the same passage but few words are missing in the passage but they will be there in the audience so you need to listen to the audio and then a bustling country let's say for example so you need to type country here and then lecture say loser laser xyz you need to write xyz here xyz here xyz here easy task sounds easy but there are very high chances you mess this up because you're going to make a lot of spelling errors first let me tell you a bit about this task and then we'll move on a transcript of the recording with several blanks will appear on the screen the recording will go on from 30 to 60 seconds after listening to the recording you'll have to type the missing word in each gap you'll get two to three questions or tasks um of exercises from this task each exercise or each question type will have four to five lessons so each passage will have four to five blanks you're going to get two or three of these why this is super important because this is going to give you a lot of points in listening and writing this task is going to boost your writing big time you get one point for each correct plan 0 or zero for incorrect answer and zero is the minimum score there is no negative marking each correct plan means your spelling should be perfect there is no negative marking so you should never leave anything unattended so let's say there are four blanks here right you got everything correct you're going to get four points in listening and four in writing you've got three passages you're good going to get 12 points in listening 12 in writing that is why this is super important and easy but you need to be very careful with the spellings spellings if there's any blank after full stop you need to start with the capital alphabet any blank after question mark capital alphabet any blank after exclamation capital alphabet any proper noun in the blank capital alphabets after that what you need to be careful about you need to pay attention towards your s and e d at the end let's say this um the lecturer said countries here and you just wrote country you're going to lose points as well all right before the audio starts what you need to do you'll have five seven seconds right quickly skim through the passage especially a few words before and after each plan so that you know when the lecture is on to the plan after that utilize this time to skim the passage and get an overall idea once the recording starts this is one very common mistake i see a lot of students make is what they do is while the audio is going on and they get the first plan they take their eyes off the screen and start writing like this i need you to keep your eyes on the screen and keep keep your hands moving because if you take your eyes off the screen you lose the flow of the track of flow of the audio and then what will happen is sometimes the speaker will go zap very fast and you'll all of a sudden freak out you will miss where the lecture is actually and everything is going to go away from you you need to make sure you keep your eyes on the screen and keep your hands moving once the audio stops have a look at the notes then type back the answers and move on alrighty um what we are on don't yes once the recording start starts keep your eyes on the screen keep on making notes don't just start typing straight away once the audio stops and you've got everything then start typing while you type in the answer make sure your spellings are perfect especially what's with snedd display if you write displays or you write displayed you're going to get 0 if it was displays you wrote display you're going to get 0. all the proper nouns including name of a particular person place organization has to start with a capital alphabet if you do so you are going to get your score very important and easy task you need to make sure you practice around five to seven every day very important you practice five to seven every day listening cylinder blanks now we have got um yes one more important one important thing after the audio once you have typed in your answers once you have typed in the answers in the blanks don't spend around uh more than 30 40 seconds while typing and proofreading and move one place we have to be very careful with the time time is going to go zap here pt listening task for highlight correct something not very important but i'll still give you some idea what happens here similar to mcq multiple answers but over here you'll have lengthier options and four options you'll get an audio lecture which will be some it's it's quite lengthy sometimes around 60 70 seconds long sometimes even 90 seconds long in here i re in mcq multiple answers i never asked you to take notes but here i'll ask you to take notes while you take notes you don't really need to write each and everything down but you need to write down few keywords so that you can recall the story story before the audio starts you'll have nine seconds in those nine seconds quickly skim through the options so that you have some idea what the lecture is going to be about for example we can figure out the lecture is going to be about travel then take notes and then compare the information with your in your notes with the options there will be four types of options here remember this thing i'll one option will be true means everything in your notes is there in the option one will be true with extra information everything in your notes is here but there's some extra information as well something with extra information is incorrect as well true without the key idea means everything from your notes is here but it is missing out the main topic false means something else is there in your notes and something else or contradicting information is here in the passage or option so that will be incorrect as well you only know what was told you in the lecture you don't have any background knowledge remember this thing you'll have four options paragraphs um quite long options you can refer them to as paragraph 60 words audio concerned or related with the options will be played 60 around 60 70 seconds normally but can range from 35 to 90 seconds you need to select one option which best relates to the audio now remember this thing this is highlight correct summary summary means the passage which actually summarizes whole of the audio so you need to select one such option which has got everything our main key ideas from the passage or the audio actually not the passage so you need to select such an option which actually summarizes the audio when we say summary what we do we mean a brief of the lecture mean it should cover the main idea plus few of the other ideas as well there will be one to two questions and this task will contribute in listening and reading you get one point for correct answer zero for incorrect no negative markings one point for correct zero for incorrect no negative marking and you're going to get points in reading and listening not that important but yes if you're aiming for eight you can practice three four a day but what are the strategies skim the options before the audio starts understand the message take notes but only keywords after that compare your notes and the information in the paragraphs or the options eliminate the wrong options remember this thing correct options are paraphrased i know 40 seconds a bit less but worst case you have to spend 40 seconds not more than that if you get the answer in 40 seconds which you will if you follow the rules otherwise move on we can't afford to spend too much time here this is not one of the most important tasks remember this thing alrighty four options i've already explained you true true with extra information without key id and false only this option is correct we'll now move on to task five mcq single answers another such question which i refer to as time wasters not important but can waste a lot of time similar to mcq single answers what's the difference the audio will be quite short and you'll have four options what you need to do is before the audio starts you'll have five six seconds the this thing read this thing properly and if you have a chance just skim these ones as well what you need to focus on now the strategies outlined in the book now i know before the audio starts that my focus in the lecture should be on the strategy in the book i need to look for the word strategy or similar word because i know this i'll be able to there are high chances i'll be able to locate the right information and get the right answer and then when you get the right answer select one of the options remember this thing your correct option is mostly paraphrased so you be very careful about this correct options are mostly paraphrased read the question before the audio starts after the audio i don't want you to spend more than 10 seconds worst case 10 seconds please this question is not worth more than 10 seconds you'll get one to two questions in the exam there's no negative marking one point for correct answer zero for incorrect select one option even if you're not sure do not leave unattended this only contributes towards your listing only 10 seconds even if you're not sure just make a guess and move on so this is how your screen is going to look like read this carefully try to figure out the answer understand the answer and then select one which best relates to the options or the answer given in the audio i'll recommend while the audio is going on once you know once you think that you've got the answer for this try to select it while the audio is going on because while the audio is going on you won't be able to move next so until and unless the audio is not finished you cannot click next so while the audio is going on select the right option and as soon as the audio stops here click next and move on that was your task five task six the last task which is not that important select missing words similar to mcq single answers what happens here you'll get an audio and you'll have four five six options and audio can be about anything the topic will be always given here this is very important i'll tell you why and the last few words of the topic of the lecture or the audio will be replaced by a beep means they will be missing what you need to do is you need to understand what the lecture is talking about what is going on what is the context and then select one option which will go according to the context over here in this task you'll hear an audio lecture 30 to 60 seconds long last few words of the audio will be missing or will be replaced by upgrade you will have three to five options to choose from before the audio starts you'll have seven seconds to skim through the options do this read this in those seven seconds and read as much as of the options you can so that you beforehand only you have some idea what the lecture is going to be about this task only contributes to listening no negative marking and one to two questions no negative marking you get one point for correct answer zero for incorrect no negative marking and only in listening skim the options before the audio starts pay attention to the meaning of the lecture this is the key no other thing can give you the right answer as accurately as this thing understand the lecture if you do so you will be able to figure out the answer when i say understand the lecture see the context of the lecture if they're talking positive throughout the lecture the last few words will be positive answers if they're talking negative the last few words will be negative as well if they're talking positive and then towards the end they're using some contradictions means contradictory words then last few words will be negative so you need to be very careful try to understand the meaning but be very careful with words which can contradict however if they sing therefore means the context will be same if the same however but here means it will be an opposite context another thing which you can do is you can note down the last few words let's say you have got a few words at the um and before the beep now what you can do is you can compare all the options here you can put in all the options here and based on grammar as well you can eliminate the options i'll show you in a while how to do this use the lecture topic and do not ever um leave this unattended for example your last this last few words before the beep work i'm going to and then b and then you have got four options swimming swim shopping play you know you'll never say i'm going to swim in you'll only say i'm going to stream so this is grammatically incorrect i'm going to shop you'll never say i'm going to shopping so this is out of the league as well so two options you have already eliminated then what you need to do is understand the context if your context was about playing this is the right answer if your context was about swimming this is the right answer but you're not really sure if it was swimming or playing what you can do is go over here you have the main topic here out of the two options which are ever option is concerned with this particular topic if it says swimming here so you just select stream so if you're not really sure go with the lecture topic so out of play and swim whichever word is related with the s um lecture topic select that one so that's the last result first of all understand the context then use the grammar and worst case if you're confused between two select the one which best relates to the lecture topic not that important um not that difficult practice a few before your exam not very important now second last task of your exam very easy very scoring and very important extremely easy if you follow it the right way but please don't underestimate it pt listening task 7 highlight incorrect words you'll have a passage on your screen and audio will be played for the same passage and audio will be played for the same passage few words in the passage will be different as compared to the audio for example instead of pass the speaker will say last so you just need to select those words or click on the words which are different instead of challenging they might say changing so words which are different as compared to the audio you need to highlight them in this task you'll hear an audio lecture 30 to 60 seconds long transcript of the same lecture will be available on the screen few words in the transcript will be different as compared to the audios you need to select incorrect or different words you get one point for each correct selection but you also get minus one for each incorrect selection minimum is zero if you have selected four options all are incorrect you won't get minus four you'll just get zero this task but yes if you've got one correct one incorrectly you get zero so negative marking is within the task itself not outside the task why this is important because you're going to get points in reading and listening you'll get two to three of these in the exam and on an average one passage will have four to five incorrect words this is just an average you might have seven as well you can have two as well but generally four to five now let's say we have got four and we have got three of these in the exam you're getting 12 points in your listening and then 12 in your reading as well 12 points in reading in such an easy task from such an easy task you need to make sure you nail this one there is no other way around before the audio starts quickly skim the text words with similar pronunciation especially noun adjectives and adverbs will be different for example um toys and tires pronunciation is almost similar but words will be different so don't just read try to listen actively and read actively don't worry too much about the article such as a and the exam are helping verbs they won't change or replace this if you're not sure do not select because there's negative marking so what i always recommend here is what i personally do whenever i go for the exam i always keep my eyes on the screen keep my cursor moving along the lecture and along the lecture i try to speak it a bit loud as well because whenever i'll speak i will not speak what i'm listening i'll speak what i'm reading when i'll speak some other word and the lecture or i'll hear some other word i'll instantly come to know so if you read along the lecture or two three seconds ahead of the lecture what you can do is you will be able to figure out words which you are reading differently and the lecturer is speaking differently that will increase or boost the chances of you getting more incorrect words and remember this negative marking if you're not sure please do not select once the audio stops you don't have much to do so move on to the next question very important please this sounds very easy but a lot of students do mess this up so make sure you practice around five seven every day easy task but high scoring please i request you don't unders underestimate it even if you go now and practice on you are going to face some challenges i'm sure so be very careful please all right a few more things um if you have got something no so that will be the end of our last question please don't spend too much time here but this is very important last question the king of the exam if you do this perfect you are going to get the score this is the reason i was telling you not to spend too much time on your mcqs and all because this is super important right from dictation what happens here you'll get an audio where a sentence will be spoken the sentence can be anywhere between 8 to 16 words long you just need to write the sentence exactly as it is now why this is important because you get three to four of these on an average one sentence is 10 words long and you get one point you get one point per word now if you have written 10 correct words here you're getting 10 points in listening and 10 points in writing as well let's say you've got four dictations means you're getting 40 points in listening and 14 writing whereas your mcqs are just giving you one point so you can't afford to miss it and a lot of students do miss it because of time management issues that's why i told you not to spend too much time let's have a look at the task description as i've told you in this task you will get an audio with a sentence 8 to 16 words long you need to type the sentences of the sentence exactly as you hear it this task will contribute towards your listening and writing you get one point for each correct word and there is no negative marking once you get the audio after that please don't spend more than 50 seconds on typing and proofreading you'll have three to four questions of this time before the audio starts make sure your marker and notepad are ready what i do is how i how do i take the notes because the audio can be fast i just write down the initials here for example the um audio is we'll have lunch tomorrow evening with i'll have my lunch tomorrow evening with my friends so i'll write i will have lunch tomorrow evening with my friends so what i have done is i will have lunch tomorrow evening with my friends along with friends see what i've done is i've just written a small s so that i know if it's singular or plural after this what i'll do is i'll quickly write the full words here so that i don't forget anything and then quickly type that but if you think you don't want to write it you simply want to type it after the initials you can do it but what i'll say is keep on repeating the sentence in your mind so that you don't forget what i'll do is i'll have tomorrow's lunch or i'll have lunch tomorrow with my friends in the evening whatever the sentence was so i'll keep on repeating it so that i don't mess it up and i write as accurate as possible you need to make sure you keep on repeating the sentence in your mind so that you don't forget any word because i see a lot of students taking down all the initials and then forgetting what the word was make sure to get one point per word you need to make sure your spellings are perfect if they are saying boys and you're just writing boy you're not going to get anything so this should be s or e d if it was there in the audio there's nothing called void i've just given you an example proper noun and first word you need to make sure you capitalize any name of a person place organization book title religion language you need to capitalize and first word as well you need to capitalize and then at the end you have to have you need to have full stop or if it's a question a question mark that's all you need to do and you will be fine there's no negative marking you need to be careful with the spellings and you need to practice 30-35 every day you can practice from a website or you can practice where from from the youtube videos we upload every week at least before your exam cover the weekly predictions we post on youtube that will really boost your score so that is fear this is where your exam will end you are done with everything and the next thing is you are going to get your exam report scorecard and i hope using the tricks you get your desired score in the very first go before we wrap up before we summarize everything what i'm going to do is i'm going to explain you quickly explain you the marking criteria just to give you a bit more information then i'm going to tell you what you need to focus on and what's your daily plan let's have a look at that as well all right what i've got is tips and strategies especially the marking criteria remember this thing your pg total score is this is going to be a bit complicated uh excuse me if you don't understand it but i'm trying my best to um you know help you how to calculate everything weighty total score is calculated out of 90. the lowest you can get is 10 so even if you don't attempt anything you'll get 10 means 10 is equivalent to 0 in pt and then maximum is 90. so you play between 10 and 90 so your exam is only 80 points speaking read aloud repeat sentence data lecture content see i've told you in speaking read aloud repeat sentence in retail lecture you have marked on fluency pronunciation and content so the content part goes into the other module and fluency and pronunciation will go in speaking speaking read aloud repeat sentence data lecture oral fluency and pronunciation will go towards speaking the score is just an estimate and can change a bit depending on your exam pattern some students get more of sa some students get less essay so it can vary a bit so um this is according to the current format but this is according to the format from 16th of november so best probably you need to follow this because this video you'll be watching after 16th of november if you are do let me know in the comment section personal introduction you get one question there's no contribution read aloud you get should be 60 here yeah it should be 60 here but marking is fine don't stress so read aloud you're going to get average six questions and this is going to give you around 28 points in speaking repeat sentences 31 points in speaking describe image 13 points read a lecture six points and answer short questions two points and you're going to make it to 80 plus 10 equivalent to 0 and you are going to get a 90 and speaking is easy to score then we have got your summarized written text will give you around eight points in writing if you get one essay ten points in writing then see if you've got two summaries and one essay you're only getting 18 points in writing the rest points rest of the points are from listening and reading reading writing plans around 17 points summarize spoken text listening blanks 12 points and write from dictation 21 points these four are very important because these are easy you can follow the templates here but not here so be very careful please reading very important read aloud you're going to get around 22 points in your reading from your speaking summarize written text from your writing three four points in your reading reading writing blanks 19 points mcq multiple one to two points reading pre-order paragraph six points reading blanks 19 points mcq single answer highlight correct summary and highlight incorrect words highlight correct summary and mcq only one to two points and highlight incorrect words create points so what's important read aloud reading blanks reading reorder paragraph reading blanks and highlight incorrect rules summarize his context it's fine not that important but mcq multiple answer mcq single answer highlight correct summary you don't really need to stress much about here don't worry about this this is the current contribution but because the format is going to be updated from 16th of november this is the updated one and then we have got listening repeat sentence from speaking around 20 points read a lecture six points answer short questions two points two to three points summarize spoken text 14 points mcq multiple answer highlight correct summary mcq single answer select missing words one point one point one point and one point listening fill in the blanks seven points pilot incorrect was seven points and the king is going to give you 20 points now you probably are thinking that i told you around 40 points right but the total goes more than 90 and then you convert it out of 80 or 90 and then the weightage goes down but again percentage will be similar so this will contribute a lot this will contribute a bit this is very important this is very important this is very important this is very important so all together 11 tasks they contribute towards your listening but six are important repeat sentence reader lecture summarize spoken text listening fill in the blanks highlight incorrect words and write from dictation these are not important that's why i told you you remember i told you not to waste too much time here what you need to do focus more on read aloud repeat sentence for your speaking manage time properly in reading and listening reading and listening don't spend more than 30 seconds on mcq single multiple answer for your reading and more than 10 seconds after the audio for your mcq single multiple select missing words and highlight correct summary so reading 30 seconds listening only 10 seconds and don't stress you're going to make it if i have done it thousands of students are doing it every day you can do it what you need to focus on read aloud repeat sentence a bit on written lecture this is super important important super important summarize spoken text listening fill in the blanks highlighting correct words and write some definition if you ace these tasks you are going to 100 get your score what you need to practice every day 20 read alouds 30 repeat sentences 20 reading writing plans 10 reorders 20 reading blanks to summarize spoken text 10 listening blanks 5 highlighting correct words and 30 right from the questions if you do these if you follow this plan for around 2 weeks 100 you're going to boost your score plus after two three days take a sectional mock test on you can just go and register there what you need to do is you can just go there use your google chrome use your computer but um the app is the mobile app is not available at the moment but we are planning to launch it very soon so probably by the time you're watching it probably is out it is not out i'm not really sure but we're trying to speed up the process so go over there you'll get one free sectional mock test for speaking for writing for reading and listening and one full scored mock test as well so anything you practice you can practice as many questions for now everything's free and you can take one scored mock test as well that will give you a crisp picture clear picture of what other things you need to work on where you're missing and what you need to do in order to improve your score if you do so 120 you are going to get your score now i'll give you a quick brief quick summary of this course which will help you to ace your exam in the very first group speaking focus on read aloud repeat sentence follow the template in describe image and read a lecture focus on clarity don't go too fast don't go too slow and practice every day summarize written text essay follow the template don't try to use too much of your brain because you you you'll need that in your reading section reading more about practice and your grammar knowledge memorize or understand the grammatical rules practice 20 20 blanks every day 10 reorders don't worry about mcq single and multiple answer listening after 16th of november 2021 will be more about time management make sure you practice summarize spoken text listening fill in the blanks highlight incorrect words and write from dictation every day plus one reason why a lot of students don't get their score in listening and writing are because of the spelling mistakes in listening your spelling should be 120 perfect i request you i need everything to be hundred and twenty percent perfect if you do so and don't waste too much time on mcq single multiple highlight correct somewhere and select missing words you are going to get your score 120 if you do have any doubts do let me know in the comment section if the video was helpful please do like share and subscribe and share it with your friends as well so that along with you they get their desired score as well to practice go on and crack your exam in the very first floor i am giving my 100 to help you guys out if you think the video was helpful or if you ever get your desires for watching my videos do let me know that is the only reason i work i make all these videos share as much knowledge as i can just to make sure you don't struggle you get your score within the time period you have and you save your money as well if you need any more help any advice anything do contact us on these numbers we have got a branches in india in australia as well or you can visit our website and find all the information there that's it from this video i hope the video was helpful and i hope all of you if you follow this religiously you are going to get your desires for in the very first attempt i won't take much of your time now just recap everything and start practicing and do let me know once you get your desired score vernon from language academy i'll see you very soon thank you and have a good day if i have done it i've got 95 times till now i'm planning to go for few more exams thousands of students are doing it you can do it as well don't give up ask for help but do not give up i'll see you very soon
Channel: Language Academy
Views: 138,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pte full course, pte preparation full course, pte full preparation, pte preparation for beginners, pte complete course, Pte exam, pte exam preparation 2021, pte exam pattern for australia, pte exam pattern 2021, pte exam preparation, pte exam tips and tricks, pte exam format, pte exam preparation for beginners, pte exam videos, pte exam pattern, language academy pte, language academy jalandhar, language academy australia
Id: 6WOv-BkFiYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 31sec (7471 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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