PTE Listening: Write from Dictation | SUPER METHOD!

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heyyyyyy there my name is Jay I one of the expert teachers here at e2 language in this lesson we're going to look at listening right from dictation this is the second methods lesson so if you've seen the old ones these are the new ones however just keep in mind that only half will be on YouTube the other half will be on e to language comm so if you want to watch them all check out that website alright let's get started so this is what right from dictation looks like on test day it's pretty straightforward you'll hear a single sentence you need to listen very carefully then you type that sentence out into the box below now just keep in mind this is the final task of the entire PT and they in the listening section as well and as we'll talk about in a second it's a pretty important task in terms of score contribution okay all right so the instructions are pretty straightforward you listen you write you check and then you click Next and when you click Next for the final time you can celebrate because it'll be the end of your test all right so here are some facts about this particular task on test day you'll get three or four of these as I mentioned it has integrated scoring that is it contributes points to both your listening scores and your writing scores as well and quite significantly so towards your writing scores we've seen a lot of people's report cards when they write into e2 language saying hey something went wrong I've got poor listening and writing scores what happened and we say did you finish all of the right from dictation and they say actually I missed a couple because of poor time management and therefore that's the reason why they've gotten these low scores in writing so we don't know how much the scores contribute to writing and listening but anecdotally we can see that it's pretty significant so with regard to time management there just be careful okay make sure you get to the end of the test make sure you complete all of the right from dictations cool bananas let's push on so let's talk about these scoring for right from dictation which is pretty straightforward okay with regard to scoring when you type out your sentence don't misspell any words don't leave out any words and don't replace any words okay so let's say for example the sentence that you hear is something like this the student experience is at the heart of everything we do and you type all of those words with the correct spelling and you didn't leave out any you didn't replace any you're gonna get a hundred percent and just keep in mind that this is partial scoring that means that if you get one thing wrong it doesn't mean you get zero it just means you get like a percentage score so let's go through the possible scoring ways that you can be scored okay so if you misspell a word like you type the word experience but you forget to put in the e for example you're going to get 90% because there are 10 words here okay so you've got one wrong but also keep in mind that if you do something silly like you write the students experience is at the heart of everything we do is this a grammar mistake or is this a spelling mistake or let's say you forget to put an s on the end of a plural noun which is incredibly common I'm pretty sure the computer is going to mark that is a misspelling so you will lose a point even though it might be a grammatical mistake that you made so just make sure that you get the grammar right as well okay and this comes in the checking part before you click Next okay don't leave out any words I mean obviously it's going to be difficult at times especially with the longest sentences to remember the entire sentence and all of the individual words but try to try to add them all so for example in this one if you left out the word student you just said the experience you would lose a point and finally don't replace any words what I mean by that is if you have a word like experience but you write the word experiment that's going to be considered incorrect and as a result you will lose a point as well cool now keep this in mind this is interesting there is nothing mentioned in the official school report and neither with my conversation with Pearson in the past about sequence of words so there's another task in speaking called repeat sentence right it's very similar to this one you listen to a sentence and then you repeat the sentence back into the microphone that one repeat sentence does take into consideration the sequence of the words that you repeat back that is they are in the same order that they were said to you however with right from dictation there's nothing mentioned about sequence potentially you could write something like the way you do is at everything student heart of experience duh and possibly get a hundred percent I don't know this for sure I'm quite sure this is the case and obviously you wouldn't do that you would just try to write another sentence in the same sequence and another thing is that there's nothing mentioned about adding words like this is a ten word sentence let's say you add an additional word so you write eleven words there's nothing mentioned about that either so the hint here is that if you're unsure just write whatever you can remember even if you think I don't think they said that word add it and even if you're not sure about in the if it's in the right sequence add it anyway because I'm pretty sure that it's going to help your scoring okay cool that's scoring let's now talk about the method and before we talk about the method I need to give you a little bit of background information we're going to talk a little bit about short-term and working memory and we're going to talk about different word types and how you can use chunking to aid your memory okay but before we do that if you are preparing for your PT if you've failed it before or if you've got a test coming up soon and you're a little bit anxious which is totally understandable check out the website e to language comm and if you're watching this on youtube get off youtube check out the website you can sign for free you get all of the methods lessons you'll get to see some overview lessons you'll even get some free live classes as well as lots of free practice questions top-quality stuff so check out that website okay so this is how memory sort of works okay let me get in here and draw on this thing here so here's your memory maybe you have a good one maybe you have a bad one I'm sure you can improve it memory is divided into short-term memory and long-term memory and with regard to this task here we're not worried about long-term memory at all I'm sure you won't remember the sentence when you get home we're talking about short-term memory and we're talking specifically about this little function of short-term memory called working memory working memory is kind of like the infinite you know the the information that we vary temporarily hold in our minds usually as we do something else okay let me take you through a little example of what I mean here okay first thing that you want to understand about working memory is that it's extremely limited okay we can hold about five bits of information in our working memory at any given time some people can hold a bit more like seven items for example and some people fewer items like three but five is the average so for example if I gave you if I said to you okay I want you to remember these five pieces of fruit pineapple pear plum apple and banana and then I got you to do something else like I don't know count backwards from 50 and then I asked you you you you'd struggle to do five things right so let's have a look at this sentence because as you can see in this sentence the total word count is ten this is problematic this is all of a sudden it's like oh well my working memory doesn't have that capacity how can I possibly remember ten things when the average is five and even worse this is your second language if I were to give you a sentence in Icelandic for example such as live for mendin something like that that is going to be even more challenging so the idea that you're gonna remember five Icelandic words in a row is probably more like zero maybe one at best so all right we need obviously to think more carefully about how we can do this then okay and the answer to that is a phenomenon in the human mind called chunking okay so we don't actually remember single words and when you're actually processing or understanding listening to somebody who is speaking to you you are not listening to or cognizing understanding single words what your understanding is chunks of language chunks like phrases okay so something like the student experience is at the heart of everything we do we can look at that not as ten words that we can look at that as three chunks and we can remember three things in our working memory so you can see there the student experience is at the heart of everything we do they are the chunks they're try to remember this number here I'm going to give you this long string of single digits then what I want you to do is count is to go like December November count backwards the months of the year here we go ready I'll give you the number and then you'll start to count the months backwards and then I'm going to show you the trick of chunking again so the number you should need to remember is this one nine eight four two zero two zero one eight four zero okay now count backwards from December September August can you remember the string of numbers probably not however if I were to chalk this out and I said okay remember these three chunks 1984 2020 and 1840 and if I got you to do the same task the likelihood that you would remember these three chunks is much much higher okay if you're watching this on youtube don't forget to subscribe because we are going to release as I mentioned these cool methods 2.0 lessons every week of which only half will be on YouTube but you should still become a subscriber anyway because sometimes we do live streams and some cool stuff like that okay so how do we chunk with regard to the language that is so what I want to talk to you about is three things I'm going to talk to you about meaning words grammar words and the importance of a verb in a sentence okay so let's focus on meaning words first so in this sentence the student experiences at the heart of everything we do which of these words actually carry meaning and what I mean by that is which of these words actually conjure up an image in your mind like which of these words have some sort of pictorial or or you can imagine the word you can see it almost or feel it or something like that so if I look at this sentence obviously I see the word students as being meaningful I see the word experience as being meaningful as well even though it's not a concrete now there's not something I can touch or smell a taste but it certainly has meaning it's an abstract now the word heart here this is actually a metaphor we're not talking about a physical beating bloody heart we're talking about the heart like the center of everything we do but it has meaning and everything has little less meaning and we has a little less meaning and if we think about grammar words there and look at the same sentence which words are grammatical well we're left with words like articles prepositions auxilary verbs stuff like that words like that what's like that is at the of and do I don't know about you but for me they carry very little semantics or they carry very little meaning like I can't see them these if you like are the kind of glue that stick the meaningful words together these are the grammatical words and just very quickly every sentence in English must have a verb okay every sentence in English has a verb some languages don't have to have verbs in the sentences okay in English if you don't have a verb in your sentence it's not a sentence it doesn't work okay so in this one for example we have the little is be verb there even in this one here if I look closely at this sentence here every sentence must have a verb okay so we've got a verb here with have now it's just important to keep that in mind because when you type out your right from dictation sentence make sure it has a verb all right that was a little bit abstract so after all of that how do we chunk well as I mentioned before we're thinking here about phrases the important of importance of phrases in language and in English here so again we look at this sentence here and we can see three phrases the student experience is at the heart of everything we do and we can see that there are meaningful words in the first phrase student and experience we have one grammatical word here we have the meaningful word heart and we have several grammatical words sticking it together here and here we have everything and we and we have a couple of grammatical words here chunking or phrasing is kind of complicated I think it's probably best if we do some so you get a bit of a feel for this so you probably you do it anyway but it's probably a little bit unconscious so what we want to do is bring that unconsciousness into your consciousness so you're aware of what it is you actually do anyway okay so in saying that let's look at the method for right from dictation so the method is simply this you listen for chunks or phrases if you like you write the chunks the phrases check the grammar and the spelling and then you click Next just be mindful here that with this method it really is split into two things and this is why this task contributes points to listening and writing because the first part of the method is listening careful listening don't do anything else you may even want to close your eyes one of the problems with Pte is and I've taken this test is that it's easily to be it's easy to be distracted right you're sitting there there's someone sitting here there's someone sitting here there's birds flying past the window who knows what else is happening who knows what you had for breakfast what sort of thoughts are going through your mind you really need to pay as close attention as possible when you're listening for that sentence so you need to sort of breathe quiet your mind let that sentence in then you begin to type don't listen and type at the same time because your focus will be on typing you're not going to get the sentence in if it doesn't go in it's not going to come out okay cool that's a method it's pretty straightforward so let's practice and if you're on YouTube watching this you might want to type your sentences into the comments below see how you go we're going to do ten okay you're going to do ten of them here we go let's listen to the first sentence arrive early to give yourself time to prepare okay how did you go with that did you how were you were you able rather to listen very carefully absorb the sentence keep it in your working memory as chunks and then to type it out as chunks and did you check it did you have enough time I'm putting a bit of time pressure on you here but um if you need to pause the video and spend a bit longer editing that's fine okay let's have a look at the answer here so the answer is arrive early to give yourself time to prepare so if I were you I would sort of see or hear several chunks here arrive early I would probably sort of to give yourself you don't really need to pay attention to the preposition while you're listening you're probably don't anyway and then time to prepare so you can clearly see that the three phrases here of language and make sure you do when you type get the preposition right okay cool bananas let's do number two here we go sign up to e two language if you want to pass your PT E as soon as possible ah that was like an advertisement anyway see if you got it right so it said sign up to e2 language if you want to pass your PT as soon as possible let's pass PA RAC this sentence let's have a look at the phrases within it so okay this one I would chunk signup to e2 language if you want to pass your PT e as soon as possible I would sort of say there are actually four chunks within this one it's a little bit of a longer one but yeah I think that's how your brain would actually process that information if you want to pass your PT as soon as possible might just be worth noting here how quickly native speakers say the prepositions the articles the grammatical words let's have a little look at this so if I were to say this out loud and say sign up - up - up to e2 language that would have more emphasis if you want if you if you even that pronoun you sort of get minimized if you want to want to - I don't say to say to get chopped pass your PT e as soon as as soon as as soon as soon as soon as as soon as so you can see or hear rather how would a like milliseconds these little words get they get they get milliseconds these more meaningful words get obviously get emphasize these are these have a longer duration than these tiny little grammatical words then they're the tricky ones to really hear and I think this is why knowing your grammar having a wide vocabulary really is the essence to all of this we've talked about short-term memory and chunking and phrasing etc but the fact is if you are limited if you have limited grammar and you have limited vocabulary you're going to struggle in this but it's cool I've got a solution for you check this out okay this website here is called e to school comm this is a new website by e to language and the purpose of this website is to build some of those fundamental English language skills skills like grammar pronunciation vocabulary and general English skills like listening reading writing speaking okay so it's pretty cool you can sign up for free we give a lot of stuff away for free and also the courses if you do buy them they're very inexpensive so let's check out the courses here we've got we've got a grammar review course on this website that is a hundred percent free so check that out 100% free we've got level zero one two and three we've got a speaking about pronunciation course and we've got this course here which is specifically purpose-built to build your vocabulary and test taking skills so it's not a PT preparation course it sort of sits below that just to build up your vocab and test skills anyway check out that website it's really cool or if it's not appropriate for you feel free to share it with your friends and family they might be studying English for example alright cool let's push on let's do number three now support is available through orientation programs how did you go with that one let's have a look so it said support is available through orientation programs I would sort of pass this or chop this up into only two real phrases it's really hanging off this grammatical word here so support is available in orientation programs hinging if you like off that preposition through cool let's do number four here we go entering professional life is a challenge for anyone how did you go with number four let's have a look at it it says entering professional life is a challenge for anyone hopefully you've got that little article here to remember remember that if you miss a word you'll be penalized a challenge for anyone cool hopefully you got the spelling correct with all of those let's now do number five here we go read and think about the material you need to present before your lecture how did you go let's check out the answer here this one was a bit longer there are actually 13 words just bear in mind that the average sentence length through a right from dictation is sort of between 8 and 12 words something like that but you may get a longer one so this one said read and think about the material you need to present before your lecture so really I can see four chunks or four phrases of language there a number of meaningful words a number of grammatical words hopefully you listen very carefully absorb that sentence then wrote it out in those chunks that you heard let's do number six our graduates make outstanding contributions to society how was that one let's take a look so our graduates make outstanding contributions to society I would phrase this up cut this up as such I would say our graduates make where you make a contribution don't you there's a nice there's a nice collocation there so this our adjective here we're just fit in make outstanding contributions and the third chunk would be to society to society and again you can hear how how tiny that preposition to society we don't say to society to society cool let's have a look at number seven here we go the university will also pay a superannuation contribution ok let's check out this sentence the university will also pay a superannuation contribution Oh how did you go spelling the word superannuation that's a bit of a trick there but otherwise this one's pretty straightforward the University there's a chunk we'll also pay there's a chunk a superannuation contribution there's a chunk there let's do number 8 here we go our staff provide the best learning outcomes for students all right let's check out number eight our staff provide the best learning outcomes for students but again it's spoken in a normal rate it would be something like our staff provide the best learning outcomes for students the best learning outcomes for students cool how did you go by the way how are you going if you're watching this on YouTube just you might want to sort of pop in any comments or feedback you have any sort of insights into how you can help each other prepare for this what was your experience when you took PT and you did right from dictation do you remember any of them pop them into the comments below here we go number nine you can now provide audio and video feedback to students all right let's check this one out you can now provide audio and video feedback to students so I would break this into you can now provide audio and video feedback and again to students there I think that's a pretty straightforward one you're also getting a bit of a flavor of the content of each of these sentences remember PT is an academic English test so the nature or the the sentences will be from academic contexts you hear a lot about lectures and universities and libraries and stuff like that all right let's check out number 10 thanks very much for watching that was a joke cool there's the sentence thanks very much for watching I hope this was helpful do check out e to school comm as I mentioned if you want to improve those fundamental skills if you're preparing for PT e check out e to language comm come along to our live classes they're really cool and nice and fun good one I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 156,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, E2 Language, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte class, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, esl, e2, PTE Read Aloud, Super Method, Super, Method, PTE 2020, PTE Listening, E2 PTE Listening, PTE listening, write from dictation, PTE write from dictation, The PTE Listening Test
Id: WuaRpoyiCpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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