Palworld - The 7 BEST Early PALS You Need, Why & Where To Get!

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we've been playing a bunch of Po world and I wish I knew sooner which Pals were the ones to go for early on where they were and why they were super good so in this I'm rounding together all of my favorite Pals that you need to try out early for their abilities or other things that make them exceptional so here are the pals we recommend you definitely don't skip out on early and put in the comments which Pals you're finding absolutely amazing so we can all learn together as a community all right so to kick it off we have Tom comat which as you can see here is a pretty cool looking pal but also very good in multiple ways so for one he has level two Gathering Mining and transporting so this guy is pretty good in your base if you want to have a solid Miner or transporter as well as a gatherer but mostly I find him great to have in your base for the mining he's pretty good to actually have in combat too he has a lot of like nice sort of dark themed skills but the main reason that you're definitely going to want this guy particularly early on is for his partner skill you can see here ultronic sensor when activated he'll use ultrasonic waves to detect the location of nearby Pals so what this actually means if we go over to him throw him out first of all we don't have to use any key items in order to unlock this he has his sort of partner ability automatically unlocked for free so he's really great to have it requires no investment uh what you then do is as soon as he's out you can hold down square and he'll do this massive sort of radar pulse as you can see and then if you look on our Compass at the top you can see we now have icons for all the pals around us it has about roughly about 100 met sort of radius you can see there's some lift monks over there there's some extra Pals over the place there's some uh Syndicate thugs up there based on the icon so this skill is actually really good particularly early to get because it allows you to identify the pals around you it comes back pretty quick as we're talking it's already about halfway recovered so you can literally just do this as you're hunting for specific Pals to add into your party tobat is a super great addition and if you're wondering where you can get a combat for yourself well it's pretty much all around the place in night time but it has to be during night so I recommend that you get yourself a torch like I'm holding here go and Adventure out during the night and you'll find combats pretty much all over the place they're very easily spotted because they have these bright purple Flames as you can see literally on him that makes him stand out in night time but tomat is going to be really good to have early on for this ultra Sonic sensor that makes sort of scouting and finding specific Pals super easy so for the next one that you definitely want to get early on it's going to be Fox Parks you might have this guy already if you're playing but the main reason that you're going to want to capture this guy or at least a few of them is number one for his work suitability which is kindling which allows him to actually cook things for you as well as melt down the ore into ingots in your base so you will need kindling uh Pals in your actual base so they're really good for that but also for the Huggy fire partner skill now you do have to actually craft the key item for this you can see here the fox spk harness this actually activates his key skill for you so when you have that unlocked you can then basically use this guy as a flamethrower and let me tell you it's extremely powerful for pretty much most of the game these guys are quite low level here but I'll just show you real quick if we deploy him and then uh activate our partner skill these are basically going to die I mean he's already a bit low but you'll see he'll just die instantly this pal here is just going to get instantly roasted this flamethrower is extremely strong especially against bosses and sort of raid level Pals so do not sleep on Fox Sparks for the actual flamethrower skill as you can see here it is super super powerful so you definitely want to grab this guy and get that partner skill and because you can get him so early on in the actual game and you can actually unlock the harness relatively early if you come down here look it's a level six unlock in the technology tree Fox Sparks is extremely good to actually have in your team for that flamethrower ability and to have in your base working on kindling so if we go here and we go over to his his like habitats you can see here here uh we sort of start the starter base on this little island and it's pretty much just down the hill from the starting area and then all over the place very abundant on this island over to the right but super easy to get early in this sort of starting area you can see in all of these orange circles so definitely catch some Fox Sparks unlock that flamethrower skill and put a few in your base so they can cook your food and melt down your ore into ingots for you all right for our next one I've brought us to this cave which if you don't know these caves are kind of like Dungeons you can go inside them they have a load of chests and loot there's usually a boss at the end but they also have tons of ore and that's where our next pal comes in so our next pal on the list is going to be rush or this guy this bore looking thing is a pretty plain looking pal and he only has mining at level one so you don't really want him to put in your base but what you do want him for is for his hardhead partner skill and you can see here it says he has increased efficiency of destroying Boulders while mounted so in the technology tree just like with the fox spark we also have the rush or saddle at level six pretty easy to make with some leather some Stone and some palum fragments so when you've got that made like you can see here in my key items we've got the actual saddle here made we can throw him out and we can get on him and ride him and then he has The Reckless charge ability which as you'll see here in a dungeon is super good because there's loads of these ores all lined up I did a really bad charge there but if you get used to it you can hit like two or three of these Allin one uh all in one run and you can see we got 12 or 22 Palladium fragments so by doing this kind of like back to back across ores it's super efficient to mine them super fast you don't start breaking your uh your pickaxe and all that kind of stuff and it's just dead easy this is like a must have for when you eventually go out on these sort of mining runs again the caves like I'm in here the dungeons are really good to get loads of ore and different things uh because they have so many different nodes all sort of stacked up on top of each other so rushal is going to going to be really really good simply because of this riding ability you don't have to do it in dungeons you can do it anywhere but you can see here we had three nodes there and we just ran forwards and backwards a couple times I didn't even have good accuracy and it was super quick and easy to actually grab all of those things but where do you get Rush he's super easy to get early on you'll find him pretty much all around the starting area once you go down the hill and Away a little bit if we go over to the actual pal deck you can see here for his habitat we'll zoom in a few times he is pretty much all over the place if you just go down from the starting Island over to this sort of additional area where all these orange circles are so just venture out a little bit and again level six is when you can get the saddle so I advise doing this early go on a little Adventure capture a couple of them unlock a fast travel Tower go back to base make the saddle and then you don't really have to worry about mining or ever again cuz you can just do it while riding this guy next up on the list is going to be LIF monk because he's absolutely incredible for so many different things things first of all work suitability planting handycraft lumbering Gathering and importantly medicine production this is one of the few Pals early on that will get you medicine production as well as all of these additional things so just having a bunch of lift monks actually in your base is going to be really nice because they can do so much they can chop down trees craft your medicine do handy work to your normal crafting benches all that kind of stuff so you want them in your base but they also have an incredible partner skill called lift monk recoil which as you can see there it says when activated leaps on the player's head and uses a submachine gun to follow up the players's attacks and this is extremely powerful particularly early on but even throughout pretty much everything I've played so far it's going to be really really good for you of course you do have to craft the actual harness as you can see here the submachine gun for him which if we go into the technology tree you can see it's a little bit further down this time at level 11 but it's so totally worth it this is an incredibly strong partner skill so once you've actually got that made you just deploy him and uh let him jump on on you and you can use any weapon so I could shoot my crossbow and he'll start shooting his SMG but I could you know pull out an Axe and just start start holding trigger down and he will just fire like crazy and you can see these level like 10 and five thugs just get absolutely murdered by it you can shoot things like uh like different nodes and things and it will do damage to them it's not very effective at actually mining or anything like that but it's more so for killing bosses killing raid Pals and the Thugs and the syndicates and stuff like that this is a super good one to have when you get raided in your base because they all run at you in a line and you can just use the submachine gun to mow them all down so LIF monk definitely a must have early on and next we have jolt hog this little guy is super cute but also incredible now he can generate electricity for your actual base with his work suitability but that's not even super important that's not the main reason why I find this guy so powerful it's actually for his partner skill jolt bomb when a when basically activated you pick him up like a grenade and you can throw thow him to do an electrical explosion on impact and this part is go is like it's like a nuke it does so much damage it's a big AOE this is also incredible when your base gets raided or just for a grouped up pack of enemies now you will have to of course make the actual gloves that allow you to do this but it's only level eight you'll need some electric organs so you probably want to farm a few of them to get that material but once you've got the gloves made as you can see uh like I've got here you can then use his ability so we're still in this cave we can see there's a load of Syndicate thugs doing stuff so I'll deploy him I'll pick him up and now I'm just going to try and group them all together and throw him and I'm telling you he's going to onot all of these guys he is kind of busted op so boom as you can see that skill is insane especially for only getting it at level eight if you can capture this guy and make those gloves he has been a pretty much staple in my party ever since I realized how op that grenade is it's so good for these sort of AOE situations particularly Against The Syndicate thugs or if there's like a whole ton of Pals all grouped together so you can see here he's actually very easily found it does need a little bit of exploring but again these are the sort of areas that you want to go to early in the game so you can get a variety of pows level up and get these overpowered sort of abilities early on that are going to really help in the boss fights and against the actual raid boss Pals so you can see where these circles are you want to basically go over here from the starting Island explore that area and you can get this guy for yourself and next on the list is Nightwing because he not only looks very cool but is good for two reasons his work suitability is gathering level two which is great if you need that personally I think a lot of other Pals can do Gathering just fine and they can do other things so I wouldn't use him as an actual worker pal in your base but he does have this tornado attack ability that is really good especially in AOE situations it shoots a tornado forwards and then he dashes fors it does a lot of damage particularly against grouped up enemies so he's actually pretty good just to attack with because he does a lot of damage but he's also one of the earliest and easiest to get travel companion flying mounts that you can have of course you do need to learn the technology in order to actually make the saddle for him so if we go all the way down you do see that you need to be level 15 which is a little bit High especially you know for an early pal to get but this is one of if not the first flying Mount that you can get so at level 15 you unlock the capability to actually do this now the really cool thing about uh Nightwing is that he's all over the actual starting area as you can see you can capture him super early on but some of the other Pals on this list which have a lower level requirement for their ability so Nightwings are super easy to get you just have to look up into the skies you'll see them flying all around the place on occasion over this starting area so you might not find him immediately but keep your eyes in the sky and you'll find him shoot him down with a bow capture him and he's all yours as you can see here if we actually deploy him it's starting to get night time now but we can use him as a flying Mount he can't fly for ages so his stamina is going to be an important thing but it's super helpful for getting to high to reach places and you can use him as sort of like a ground Mount as well CU if you actually ride on the floor you can see it doesn't use his stamina while flying him and of course you can Sprint which will be a bit faster but that will use his stamina so Nightwing going to be really really good to have in your party because you can use him as a flying Mount very early on earlier than some of the other flyers in the actual game now next we have Daydream not only does this pal look pretty cool but they have a special effect that is absolutely insane it's going to help you out loads if you choose to do this his work suitability is handiwork Gathering Transportation so they're okay to have in your base but really you want them because of their partner skill Dreamchaser which as you can see here it says while in team appears near the player and will follow up the players's attacks with Magic Bullets so as you can see here if you put basically four or even five of them in your party and you unlock the prerequisite thing in order to use his ability which here you can see is a level eight unlock so very very early on you can see in the key items you will need to make it like I have here the necklace then by having them in your party they will just come out and help you in battle as you can see they're floating around me because that is their special ability you put them in like the secondary spots and they always join you in battle so what this means is if you have something like a hoot cres as well here which if we look at H's special ability he he has the dark knowledge which while in team increases the attack power of dark Pals which by the way all of these guys are dark we have a sort of insane Wombo Combo where we can have all of our Pals out and attacking with us at the same time with Juiced up dark attack thanks to uh HR special ability here this is kind of a nuts Tech to do if you're struggling against those bosses or if if you just want to have all of your pals out with you together because you don't often get to deploy this many of them especially outside of your base area when you're out there alone fighting some higher level Powers so these Daydreams are going to be super super good to get if you actually go in the pal deck you can see here we go over to Habitat they are not available to catch during the daytime but if we toggle to nighttime you can see that they are literally everywhere all over the starting Island so again super easy to get early on unlock their thing early on level eight capture at least four of them I would recommend capturing a bunch of them so as you can see here you can get like I've got motivational leader to increase my speed increase player attack uh increase player speed and then I've just put cheer on so you can capture a bunch of them to get a load of additional perks on them that will benefit your player character equip them up and you have like an OP troop of Daydream poers that are just going to beam everything down with you so that is our list of most overpowered Pals you need to try early on they have some really good abilities these have been the Staples my go-to for pretty much the whole game since I caught them and realized what exactly they do if you have any Pals that you know are really really good tell us in the comments we can all learn together thank you for watching guys we might have more power world videos coming your way soon so stay subscribed and we'll see you next time
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 515,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, palworld best start, palworld pals, palworld trailer, palworld review, palworld tips and tricks, best pals palworld, pal world, pal world best pal, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld multiplayer, palworld early access, pal world early access, palworld release date, arekkz gaming
Id: dPfltGqU924
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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