I played 100 days of Palworld and caught all the LEGENDARY Pals

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hallor is an action adventure Survival game set in an open world populated with animall likee creatures known as Pals player can battle and capture Pals to use them for Base building and combat and in this video I'll be playing 100 days of pal World join me in my journey as I venture to defeat the five sovereigns and catch all the legendary Pals in the game so let's begin we spawned at wind swept Hill I immediately went out to Scot the area and the very first thing I did uh make a crafting bench of course and then I started whacking some rocks made some tools with the Rocks like a pickaxe and a ax and I whacked more rocks for more materials and since I had one ball on hand I decided to catch one of the pals in this land which would be the the Sheep since I already had only had one ball I had one p and I got the Sheep I'm happy but well since this friend was hostile against us and I don't really have any balls anymore I had to end him and oh I get a level I started whacking some trees since I needed more materials to make some buildings like the pal device and yeah I thought this area is a suitable spot for a base I guess so let's put it here for now the P box also crafted a bunch of stuff like a chest to store my items since I've been gaining a lot of weight because of all these items I need to store them remember the Sheep I caught yes I made him into a worker at base he's going to help us with making some P Spears and other stuff like building and look how happy is thank you little guy look how cute he is as he helped me make this a fire camp or fire firewood fire campfire since he's such a good boy let's make him a bed just right here I'm going to plan to make my house besides it I also made him a feeding box so he won't ever go hungry and that's the meat of his fellow Sheep by the way so yeah I need to gather more of these uh materials the padium fragments so I can make more of the pal spear so we can catch more since I had more balls on my hands I caught another lamb ball it was actually time time to make a weapon upgrade so I have my lamb ball make me a bow while I cook some of his family members into Kebab oh well he he'll eat some as well oh yeah one of the loots I got from those Lambs were uh cloth so now it was time to make clothing for ourselves and look we look pretty cool with our new clothes an actual Adventure now all right with a bow on hand it's actually time to catch these cats now all right let's try that again I think I need to to charge my bow well actually yeah I don't they didn't have any arrows I forgot to craft while I was minding my own business well Syndicate Patrol decided to raid us and yeah with my bow in hand they couldn't do anything I don't think they even know how to climb they're just standing there this guy though is it doing and this last guy is probably devastated that his teammates are gone so free whacking okay round two with our B Fiasco and yes finally I'm better at it oops I found a very cute penguin here and yeah I want you my team come here nice wow there are massive elephants here and I guess I should stay away from it for now they're kind of high leveled I think 38 The Mamas all right I'll get you when I'm stronger Hey look it's V I mean Fox Parks we're we're taking this oh yeah go my sheep I believe in you oh my God yeah roll him down roll him down oh wait no ooh a dear maybe we can mount this oh okay go sheep I believe oh nice roll attack roll attack okay he's he's not doing that much damage really but we got this yeah with an axe on hand with a sheep rolling to its face we we got we got this yeah he he's in danger but not that in danger we're pretty fine okay I can catch this soon enough oh okay okay don't kill it don't kill okay that's good enough oh my God that hurts I please be caught all right oh yeah baby and lock travel Point let's go oh what's this oh uh you offer them to the Statue power to improve your ability to capture pal the LIF monk Effigy cool I swear these little fluffy dog like things look very very familiar oh yeah Bor let's go let's capture one of the oh my god let's capture one of the Eve I mean cream Eevee looking things into uh and uh bore yeah let's capture both of them we'll need them as our new oh my God my sheep became too strong it killed it dang yeah let's capture this Bo I need this it's actually time to make a house and I'm not sure what I'm doing I'm not really an engineer or something but I think I'm doing something wrong here oh yeah okay better now and let's craft a bed I made more beds for a growing pal family made a Berry Farm so they will never go hungry to find a pal that does planting and watering cuz this thing is hard work I also made a logging site so I will have unlimited source of wood and a mining side fire I mean a mining site for unlimited source of stone yeah we got that going for us and just when I was about to sleep toot too implode unit decided to raid the base and my pals were actually sound asleep and I didn't have any alarm bells for now so I'm going to have to take care of this myself along with my boar we got this I honestly wanted to catch this tooto as I never had a pal like this but the moment it entered the village all my pal just like spit all their range attacks on this guy and now like we can't it's already dead I hope this one will learn its lesson from this other one but instead instead of actually attacking me it decided to just go inside town and well you you'll you know you know what's going to happen next in about three to goodbye the very next day I decided to challenge this Dino Blossom and well as you can see it's not going well Chief so I tried using a spear ball to prevent myself from dying but I fainted yeah I found this bird pal and I really wanted a pal that I could ride to fly so this was a very good opportunity so now that it's near its death it's time to capture it and we got it we got it we got it nice what up what [Music] up after hunting and level up for a while I managed to make a saddle for the deer or the ik ther and it was pretty neat it actually could travel fast and it's charge manage to like push up very far it's a very convenient way to travel the next day I discovered I can craft something called a meat baver I already had an idea what would happen with this so yeah let me just show you a brief moment of what happened all right so finally made myself the saddle for the Nightwing and look we're flying this is amazing s this this is one of the best Pals not really one of the best but currently the best early Pals you can get so you can go to random places because your pile can fly and you can reach random Heights as its wings can take you very convenient during my Adventures I found two eggs but since I didn't really have any incubator at the moment I just store them in a chest I found a settlement that had a cage pal it was a settle from The Syndicate syndicates so I had to take care of them and save this poor animal I tried catching one 11% but I couldn't catch one of the syndicates so yeah they had guns but it didn't hurt as much I'm not sure why it's guns after all so yeah I freed this animal and he be he voluntarily became one of my friends or Pals but I never really use it it's work didn't really you know it didn't appeal to me well in my adventure to getting random Pals I discovered this a cave so I went inside to investigate what was inside there seemed to be a lot of ores and sulfur and a lot of syndicates as well so currently my damage is not really outstanding so all all I I really depend here is my pal look look how strong it is it just passed through it so yeah things were pretty chaotic here cuz both syndicates and Pals are fighting each other so I took this opportunity to take care of some of the pals and even caught two of them two of the fluders while I also took care of the syndicates for their loots win-win CR awaits me inside the dungeon and it gave me some bread so I went exploring and found this Tower it seems it was the rain Syndicate Tower I was pretty curious but I left it out for now and just activated the teleport Crystal I evaded yet again another Syndicate camp and got myself an ice porcupine as a new pal who am I kidding I was very curious so I went inside the [Music] [Music] tower [Music] hey honestly I was too weak right now to actually fight these guys look he had like 30k HP and I did like 80 damage what can I do that was even a crit I hit the person I crit with 80 and 78 but I'm barely doing anything so yeah let's take care of this some other time it's not like I did put up a fight though I I took her down to like 25k HP but yeah like I said I I was no mad for this no matter what I try I I tried kiting it but I just couldn't determined to get stronger I needed to mine some materials like this ore right here I made myself a new armor called the Bel armor it was made from some Leathers I found on my joury KN and look we look a bit nicer now I found a settlement and the the very first thing I thought was this was a Syndicate but it was actually a police officer I didn't know those existed till now so I I mistakenly took him out and now I'm a wanted person I've been charged with assault oh no so wherever I actually go they would follow me I'm I'm surrounded by police officers I even teleported to go away or to get away but they still followed me oh my God so I'm not sure what I I need to do I think I just need to be caught or knocked out so I can have my peaceful life again they were pretty strong so I couldn't really fight them off so I had no choice I had a little upgrade to a crossbow and look a ra is coming time to test my crossbow out it did a pretty good damage or decent even but my base looks so um chaotic so I'm not sure what's happening here but don't worry there's a straggler to test out our crossbow and look it did 400 damage and a head shot it takes three shots to kill so so I went back to that settlement I made a mistake and yeah they don't seem Familiar of me so yeah I just made my way on talking to this Merchant H who sells and buys Pals so I decided I'd buy this Goin since I never have I mean I don't have one and I sold a bunch of Pals as well that I didn't need like the chicken I did more exploring and I saw this very familiar duck called FL and I immediately tried catching it alive of course wait wait yo oh where are you going all right we caught him we got him we caught him yes for sure oh who is this it who crates got you I made some hot springs for my pal to enjoy on their time off work while roaming around the map I discovered a boss called the dancer on the plane which was a chill it well my Nightwing was level 18 and it was level 11 I was pretty strong at this moment I mean my Nightwing was but it still post never mind I was going to say it post a challenge I call back Nightwing he might mistakenly kill it I want I wanted to catch it so let's go we have a 25 chance of catching this thing and well we have an unlimited amount of tries 33 times more I mean so it was not a problem I I eventually Tire it down and caught it since I finally had a technology point after beating chillet I was able to get the skill for the egg incubator and incubated the large vered egg while waiting for the egg to hatch I went to explore spotting the king Paka it was a giant alpaka so I initiated the fight and since I was level 20 or my Nightwing was level 20 I believe I could take care of this so we'll see how it goes yeah I just kept King it with my crossbow and having my pal hit damage it as well also The Syndicate was dead so yeah we keep attacking the king Paka wearing it down until eventually it was low enough to try catching it but not that low so I guess I need to hurt it more a good thing we have the deer trying to get down its HP I I better make sure to check its HP before keep going at it or it might die okay okay this should be enough oh oh oh okay this this all right this is enough let's catch it is the same percent I believe my got okay with 11 HP left I should be able to catch it now it just increased by 1% all let's keep trying until I catch this guy oh yes let's go I never knew Mega Shield was a thing or Shield was a thing in this game so I made myself one now I have an extra armor and the Egg finally finished incubating and let's see what's in here a dino bosom I mean a dinome h not amazed running around an air area I discovered a church a desolate church so yeah I activated the Fast Travel statue took this item here it's basically the journals of a Castaway and went inside to find a treasure chest and an e statue I went around collecting some fgs with my Nightwing to increases to increase the chance of me catching Pals basically if you canot collect enough F and worship it to aaru looking statue you would increase your chances of catching a pal which is what I'm doing right now getting these eiges I found an abandoned M shaft while exploring I was very curious what's inside here so I went in Oh I thought this was going to be what the hell is this what I've stumbled upon an area where I'm not sure maybe execute tion has been done here oh my God it's crazy I trade in any kind of P where there stolen or prohibited ones oh my God these are expensive all already did another settlement it had this pink little pal so I was very interested in looking it up and what it was so yeah I defeated all of the enemies here and emerg Victorious saving the pal in distress I eventually stumbled in an area where these cow Pals were at and they look really cute their face looks like it's it's norla wa that's why it was so familiar it's so big around and yeah let's catch it maybe we can give us some milk I also fought these new Birds uh it's they're van worms a fire type flying birds they look like they are faster than night WIS I decided to catch one I was going to make it my new mount for sure if it was faster look at our King P go he's he just too slow and too big but he's look he's tanking for us King slam oh my God it killed the night twitch I mean borm oh Lord that Paka is too strong all right coming home two of my eggs are finished incubating let's see what's inside first we have a dazzy not sure what it is but it's lightning type and then we have a arox it looks like ENT or something but we'll see this is our Sox helping us with our furnace is spraying fire inside of it I didn't really use dazy as I didn't have anything that needs electricity I encountered a very chaotic battle between syndicates and Pals so I joined in in the air I caught some of the pals that were weak I would I'm going to help them in the base for sure let them heal then ask it to help us C like a lizard and a demon looking pal so that's pretty neat also had this large damp egg I incubated and inside was a pen king the king of the Penguins it looks like a giant king penguin and while exploring I found this sealed Realm of the sword ma master I took a look inside and there laid or was waiting Bushi a samurai a sword samurai and he was very strong honestly I did almost no damage and he dealt like massive damage to me I tried my very best but it was just too strong and I ended up in my demise with his wind blade or ice blade I didn't want to end things like that so I made myself a metal armor in hopes that I would get pank here for the fight not just the armor but I also crafted myself a musket it was pretty strong dealing like 800 damage a shot on these cows but yeah this these CS are really hard to catch round two with bushie now with a musket on hand and I have this uh monkey with an AK I I gave them a harness so he can have an AK he's doing pretty decent 16 damage at least uh I that's very good I guess so now I chose my chillet see if he can do anything with oh my God that EI slash is scary so yeah with our new and improved gear it made an easy job for this bushie to fight and our monkey is dealing pretty decent damage it was time to catch this with our new spear the Giga Spear and oh my God it that was close though that was close though all right this time for sure 60% chance 80% chance and we got it the van worm was already proving itself very useful it flew very fast compared to the Nightwing and I can spew like fire ignis blast and other attack creating another settlement to get this captured pal it went pretty smoothly with our way van worm I mean but this guy the flamethrower is scary and oh my God these guys are scary okay but we we can do this right since my vorm was in trouble let's bring out the king Paca let's see his King slam kill everything wait what okay whatever we have our musket we can one shot them head shot all right rescue this little bunny I eventually had enough material to crafting to craft ing myself a handgun so this was a neat upgrade all right damage test little cat's running around boom 749 pretty decent while I was minding my own business fan girls who can't contain their love was raiding the base that's crazy well with our handgun we're doing decent damage but they're kind of strong actually yeah these guys are actually strong but don't worry too much our pals are also strong all these fan girls are already dying to the bullets and the fans especially bushie he was very strong we can catch one of them I decided to move my base to a more spacious area so it was going to be a lot of work moving items and crafting new gear again but with all our new Pals joining it's not going to be that hard I made sure these guys are happy with their new home just bathing in the hot spring so yeah I also had this large egg and it contained beacon beacon was a lightning bird way faster than both the vanor worm and the Nightwing so he was going to be my replacement for both of them after I make the saddle I crafted this very large container it could actually house a lot of items inside like maybe around H estimate 30 plus a cute cheap symbol the new base is now looking pretty good most of our items are already transferred so yeah I went exploring in a jungle area and I found a cave so I thought why not so I went inside this was my first encounter with uh Daydream so yeah I caught some I mean the two of them cuz I wanted some on my base my hand can is very neat the damage is not that great but the amount of ammunition inside a magazine is already way better than the crossbow who can only shoot once every I don't know 2 seconds or 3 seconds but yeah the problem is the ammunition itself it's pretty hard to craft the requirements are pretty high so I went exploring in the jungle again and I found this huge dragon egg I was very hopeful to get that jet dragon that was on the trailer ooh seal sealed the realm of the thunder dragon let's fight this guy my God it's a cute dragon with a lightning Mohawk the re rexaur luxs right I think we can handle this the damage of our Nightwing is like pretty high and our musket damage is 127 yeah definitely we can deal with this level 31 Dragon our Nightwing is also level 32 so I don't see any problems with this fight wow dark flamethrower or something so yeah he's almost defeated just a few more shots and I'm going to try catching him with our Giga spear this musket reloading is so bad it takes so long I keep getting no ammo at all but you know what distraction oh oh we caught him nice that Dragon earlier was a a variant this was its uh water counterpart which we can easily deal with and capture I'm not sure what the deal with this two was but they were fighting each other and that was good for us now we can try capturing them oh yeah well I was on the sky I tried dealing some damage from above and well I tried catching one but it died it seems it was fighting these syndicates and maybe uh one of their attacks crossfir and wait how did this guy die I think my night wi killed it by mistake oh no I decided to cross the other Island and it seems like a place that had a beach and a desert and also some dragon bones this things were looking interesting until I discovered that the monsters here were pretty high leveled and I actually want to catch one of these so oh my God that hurts oh yeah um I I shouldn't be here yet I need a better gun an assault rifle would be decent and oh my God what is this percent chance oh well I managed to catch it he's going to be our new horse another raid was happening in the base and well we took care of it the the pals at base were already very strong so these guys weren't a problem at all I had a bunch of eggs lying about trying ready to be incubated so I opened up one by one I got a relaxa surus not really a not really happy with this but it's a pal nonetheless we also have a Le buk and from the large electric egg we got a rhound and for the scorching a fox spks trying out my new Mount immediately I already like the beacon it already flies so fast it's like freaking zap those you can summon lightning and even um yeah summon lightning a wave of lightning it also has a shock wave it's pretty cool and kind of fast faster than my previous flying Mount and then we have Pon he was the fire horse we caught in the volcano area and yes he's very fast he can charge dang and he also has a flame arrow and lastly a spirit fire that shoots like a shotgun fire blast or something yeah I'm pretty happy with my new mounts my new Mount uh was going to try fighting this m rest but it stomp was crazy so I I had to run good thing we're fast but it didn't actually stop me from kiting this thing to death I'm just going to shoot from afar and then run when it's Clos that's the plan here you'll eventually wear out and die it's a good plan right I can reload while I move because of my ride and he can shoot out Fireballs when his cooldowns are up all right with my new pets I mean Pals I'm going to try challenging The Syndicate again oh if you notice I have two companions with me as well uh this is the night the Daydream and forgot the name of the lightning one but yeah uh basically they as long as they're on your team they will follow up an attack from you and also hurl their attacks to the enemy it's pretty op you can actually stack them if you want you can have like the total four extra space for them alone and you'll have four extra companions five in total with your main one so yeah on this fight it's fairly obvious that I'm actually doing damage now compared to before we can actually take care of this now look our Beacon even if it's lightning versus lightning is dealing pretty decent damage now so I just wanted to try fighting it from above so I'm riding Deacon right now it's only fair that I ride my pal as she rides her pal as well and oh my God that lightning bolt it's pretty strong but yeah my Deacon's tanky it just looks strong wrong it's it's actually not dealing damage and we have eliminated the boss and we got five ancient technology points from it nice they just do a TST so while exploring I found another sealed realm it's a sealed Realm of the Frozen wings and upon entering it the seeking spawn I mean the pen King and well we're pretty high leveled now and it's a water type and our pal or the beacon is lightning it was fairly easy to defeat and capture we got another pen King I went to Marsh Island to go to the sealed Realm of the Invincible and fought catris and yeah we're still overpowered they they're just too lowered levels right now compared to us so these monsters in these Realms are not a problem at all also fought a giant cat grin tail that was nearby I tried farting it Airborne CU it was an interesting concept but it's actually really hard to control the bird in the air while flying around I saw a really large sea creature the emperor of the sea German tide so I tried seeing how much damage I could make and yeah let's run away after flying for a while I managed to reach the desiccated desert so one thing I need to do here is find the Waypoint so I can come back anytime I was dying from the heat but good thing we found the Waypoint so we can just you know come back here if ever something happened and there was a new flying monster there it's called a suzaku that church I found at the top of the hill I made my second base there I mean I moved it there cuz there's a lot of irons here like a whole lot of irons here this was going to be a base for my iron Farmers cuz we need a lot of iron in this game also refined iron so this was a good move for me so I laid down all my farming Pals and also some Gathering Pals to put them all on this chest I also need to make some furnaces here yeah and so far so good all my pals are already started working in this area the monkeys are for some reason chopping trees but yeah that's one of the per and the Penguins and the other Pals who can use fire and who can mine they're doing their job pretty well let's go all right I man you came across this area called the sealed Realm of the wing Tyrant so we're going to get a dragon hopefully as I entered but it seems to be a cute white Dragonite with hair but yeah it's pretty low level which is good so we can catch this fairly easy easy with our hypers Spear and yeah just a couple of head shot should do the trick but for some reason Beacon's not doing anything sometimes this happens in this game where your file just doesn't do anything so all you need to do is just summon another one then cuz it for some reason doesn't register an enemy and I pirate is doing great so a little bit more and we can catch this thing all right our very first White Dragonite while flying about in the desert I saw this monster anes fighting some syndicates down there I was thinking uh maybe I can fight this off as well but it looks very strong and threatening look it killed all the syndicates already oh my God look at that damage all right let's try it out oh my God he's teleporting like Dash side step side step treasure first though all right oh my God 600 on our Beacon all we can't do anything I saw that damage it was only nine so I got to leave but well I I want one of these dig toys on my mining base so I'm just going to stay here for a bit and catch this one oh my God all right got this in the bag with our nice number I made the fancy new spear making machine I think it's called production line and with our Mohawk Rex Lis I forgot it name we have electricity to make these and these Spears will be our number one thing to catch those high level monsters for the next couple of days I just focus on building my base and my happiness for my pal in the base also made a lot of cement cuz I needed it for future projects and I finally finished our quiv or Dragonite Mount but it wasn't as impressive as I thought so I didn't really use it that much it didn't fly that fast as well Beacon was more over overpowered in some ways I don't know maybe the attack skill set or the level well yeah I I never used quiver somewhere along the river I found a underground sha M shaft where inside there was a pal the Bronco the Bron Cherry Aqua for some reason I can't equip my musket oh there we go all right so let's initiate this fight oh my God that do so much damage she shaking it's a grass and water type that's crazy yeah we have our lightning bird it should be fairly easy Let's help our bird fight by shooting its head wait wait what would be really good if there was an auto attack for the B we could just focus on shooting the enemy we're actually just tanking this thing I mean Beacon is tanking it oh my God he died by mistake no while exploring the magma or volcano area I saw a cave in Mount obsidian and yeah curious I what inside and Jesus the Vander inside here are tanky as hell good think our um our Beacon was strong it was a very good asset to the team I swear and yeah oh my God why is it so tanky oh no it died inside the cave we're also some lightning Mo mandra luxes they have lightning Mohawks like the other dinosaur with a mohawk and these guys are really persistent they keep escaping our orb I want some for my base I need workers that has lightning attribute and lastly I I found somewhat the boss of this dungeon this is held up by a gate but I think I just need to beat the boss which is the the Foodler all right so let's get right into beating this guy it's not that hard oh he's not really tanky he's kind of soft so so yeah let's just defeat him and gain access to the treasure chest what should what do we get uh manual point and some life vendant that increases our HP that's pretty nice let's go a new batch of huge eggs are ready so we got a blaze Hall knock he looks pretty menacing and strong we got a vorm and a leas punk now we take a look at our Ingot farm and already we had a 46 Ingot and another 68 coming up this base is wonderful we don't need to mine it ourselves let the pals do it and the Rocks respawn on each day I think I never really checked I decided to check whatever was on this Tower so I went inside and I think I picked the wrong enemy to fight he was the boss of these police force ooh [Music] money Marcus and feris all right so let's see if we can even tickle this thing 59 I I think it's possible look we we can deal like 300 damage on our rifle it's going pretty well well until okay so we needed to power up I decided to fight more of these Elite monsters we have the wind upspring Brun Cherry we're going to catch this plant monster I mean pal all right we're pretty high leveled for this 45 Beacon and it's already half Health all right so one more shot in the face probably then I can catch this [Music] okay we got it I also spotted another sealed the realm of the exoteric and inside was lunaris it's like a mage Pokemon and yeah sorry buddy I'm level 45 I mean my is level 45 but make weapon is probably around level 20 let still our pal will take care of this we can just catch this without any problem and what's my horse doing my oh my God I hope it doesn't die okay didn't die almost dead okay that's enough let's call back our horse or might kill it by mistake this musket I swear to God reloading this thing is so annoying okay you're mine oh you're mine all right let's go while I was just trolling about I found a univolt so yeah I thought why not let's capture it look at me stylishly shooting while in the air oh my God Beacon you're so strong oh my God I missed I'm so bad at this aiming now he just moves a lot boom right so immediately it's almost dead we got this you're our new friend now ouch oh this musket I really need to have a weapon upgrade an assault rifle or maybe something that reloads faster than this oh yeah let's catch this guy he's already low near death and my God 20% is so bad all right no okay we have two more balls if we can't catch this I guess it's going to heaven for this guy okay nice let's go I also encounter this level 11 s for this small one I since I'm already oh my God I did not mean to kill him I was supposed to catch him no but okay I went back to Mount obsidian once more so I could uh have a save point this one here a statue I just need to interact with it uh I finally crafted myself a heat resistant metal armor now we can go to the volcano without feeling the heat as I was exploring the volcano area I found the jet ragon or the jet dragon the the legendary Celestial Dragon he that dragon is our biggest goal in this playr I really want that jet dragon so we can find you can fly like a jet plane so I'm going to try to see how much damage I can do to this guy okay okay okay oh my God 11 and he has 11k I think we should run but I think we're already dead and my bird died and we're dead we're dead for sure oh my oh my heart are Al but not for long we're going to oh no yes for sure uh this was a mistake I shouldn't have shot him he is a legendary dragon after all so I guess and I can run this I can run this I can run away and yes I live let's go having no more bird to fly me around I just explored the volcano for a bit getting eggs after eggs in hope so we can hatch something good from all these eggs we're trying to collect our grappling hook is proving very useful right now but the cool down is very long this is just the common tier all right another batch of egg incubation haul from our last adventure let's see what we get first we got a py KN I guess it's a horse and then we got a ragnahog a bird a new bird a wixen I think it's a fox and a van worm I immediately got working on the ragna hawk saddle I wanted to see if it's faster than my beacon LIF off and yeah it seems actually faster than Beacon dang this is a good find yes an air shot a spirit fire it's still level 13 but we can level this up I found a large dark egg so I incubated it and it was a fell B it was going to be one of our future teammates cuz Fel belt had an ability called life steal where it makes you have a life steal as long as he's fighting with you I decided to go to mount obsidian to level up my ragna Hawk by killing some of the pals here there aren't that much of a problem since well regna Hawk is 34 now and our rifle is pretty strong if as long as we hit its head and I also leveled up some of my attack stats oh and at this beach I managed to find some coal needed to further improve our gears so I plac down a pal station so I can teleport here again once I'm done mining these and went home after I was full in the backpack now we had the ability to make refined ingot and these ingots can make us better armor and an AK I mean an assault rifle I explored Mount obsidian some more with my ragn Hawk I wanted to see what was on top and there seemed to be a tower and a Teleport station here so this was a good find so yeah I'm just collecting some eggs to add some Pals to my collections while exploring in Mount obsidian I found this giant anob statue with some devil fruit joke that's some skill fruit and also a very nice spot to mine coal there was like not just two like earlier I found but there was five of them and dang I'm going to set up a Teleport spot here actually six it is finally the day that we craft an assault rifle ha haa the jet dragon days are numbered well not really I'm going to catch it so it's going to be one of my pals as I was exploring toward uh unknown Island I saw this very large tree and as I went forward towards it it feels like it's not even there it's so hard to go so maybe it's just a background but I'm not too sure so I decided to just go to the icy mountains instead it was honestly hold here and my HP is draining bit by bit but hopefully we can reach this way point before we succumb to our cold death but yeah we're we're going to manage to reach this um monsters here are pretty dang strong they're under level 40s and it's really hard to catch them uh the spear balls actually depend on the levels of the monsters and currently my spear bolt I really don't want to waste it but look look look at the assault rifle in action already pretty strong going strong and okay let's try catching this look at that oh never mind so yeah there's so many strong looking monsters in here and I I just can't I don't think I can stick here for long not until I have my cold resistant armor and it's not really a priority right now cuz right now my priority is the freaking jet dragon oh my Lord I'm almost dead okay let's see if we can catch this thing we have five balls left never mind oh I Su come to the cold for the following days I'm just going to prepare my fight for the jet dragon cuz I really want that lovely Dragon I want to you know just have a jet plane in this game I thought today was the day and I felt very Cocky and Confident that I could take this now with my assault rifle but yeah I wanted to place a teleporter first you know that one of those base things so I disassembled my previous PO Box in order to put one here but for some reason the jet dragon was enraged at us without doing anything I really try tried my best to put this so I can teleport back to it if ever I want to have a rematch but he killed my bird and I I had no way but just to try and run away as fast as I can but oh my God he also killed my horse and now I'm I'm I'm gone I'm going to have you in my team one day and the grind continues improving everything from armor to weapons and our pal also uh assault rifle bullets are very expensive so I decided to make a single shot rifle it's probably like the musket but stronger it deals about 110 damage in comparison to theault rifle which was I think either 250 or 450 yeah this was pretty strong but and it reloads faster than the musket I believe yep def definitely way faster than the musket we have an amazing weapon right now I wanted to level up some more so my pal can level up as well so I decided to visit some of the sealed Realms and here we have Balia she was a plant monster oh my God and my assault rifle is already dealing massive damage and also a single shot rifle so yeah I am carrying a bow so we don't don't accidentally kill Pals so I can still catch them and with our hypers spear we recently crafted their chances are pretty big now but still it's very small against higher leveled monsters and here's a really cute blue dragon Dragon dragonfly elidan the gentle Sky Dragon there's no gentle gentle here but yeah wow wow that actually looks very cool lightning tornado or something but yeah let's recall our okay and let's catch this you're one of our Pals now yeah sealed Realm of the stalwart and here we have warc the Giant Beetle I mean the unyielding colis okay I I can penetrate his defenses with my rifle oh my God what's a 15 it's a burning damage I thought it was my rifle damage okay let's call back our full bat might kill it yeah right now we're around the 49 I believe and we can easily kill most of the lowlevel tiered monsters but not the high tiered I still die very fast on them and they're scary as heck my mining base is yielding so much refined Ingot right now I'm pretty happy regarding this result so yeah keep working my lovely van burs and miners oh yeah since a sword was available I I crafted myself one it looked very interesting all right let's see this sword in action hi yeah oh my [Music] god did you see those numbers 12K you want a piece of this what oh my God 20K oh my God 16k I think my path in this game should be a swordsman keep whacking enemies with my sword wait what can't catch this chance is 100% yeah that's what they deserve for not being my pal oh these guys are running away that's so sad they can't taste my blade but it's okay we're going to go inside the sealed Realm of the Swift and verh is here I swear to God my eyes are not deceiving me this is Cinder Ace but grass type wait is is it even Cinder a the name of that Pokemon yeah this is ver s ver Das let's go okay ver Das you're going to be one of my pals right now oh my god with this sword I'm in I'm so strong also I think I crafted an armor as well I don't remember all right as I head to the frostbound mountains I notice a sealed realm I went in the sealed Realm of the pristine and and the monster inside was cix oh it's one of those monsters I killed earlier just a normal one but okay our war SEC provides us with armor if we fight together and heck yeah it's already dying it's a level 40 monsters so I'm pretty sure once we're fully decked out and maxed out we can get the jet dragon soon enough and it's going to be quite a challenge to catch level 4 ofon monsters as they require more Spears cuz the chances of capturing them is really high so if I can't basically catch them I don't want to waste my orbs I mean Spears I'm just going to kill it I guess yes I wasted about five Spears so I decided to just yeah end it I found a tower in the fro mountain and also a save point just right there if you notice the red the orange po yeah this was going to be a save point or a point of Interest later on once we get our jet dragon for now I don't really want to think of fighting these Tower Masters not until we fully I mean we get the jet dragon it's my main goal right now sealed Realm of the guardian and here resides Veet I think it's a poison butter fly if I remember correctly oh yeah it is a poison butterfly so our war SEC is an insect it's probably immune to poison I don't know just assuming so yeah let's beat this up with our sword all right it's moving erratically it's annoying it's it's so hard to whack oh my God my wor SI died how ah I guess it was strong I was underestimating it maybe it got poisoned or something oh Orna hop stop don't burn it to death I want to catch it cuz why not I'm running out of balls I was reserving the balls or um jet dragon or let me just call it a jet dragon jet dragon suits it well than jet dragon oh my God ragn killed it well exploring the snowy mountains I encounter these H genetic research executioners and they're very strong they're like lasering my pals to death very fast but worry not with our sword on hand I can life steal and hit hit this guy all right you got them all nice but but ragna hawkk died I'm sad I got to go home I reached a very curious Tower I thought there may be a boss on top of here but as I went and look around it only had four treasure chests and a large or huge snow egg well a good loot is a good loot all right let's see what's inside this egg and we have a king I mean an Ice King Paka a nice version of our King Paka and it has the king of muscles perk it will increase our Max carrying capacity dang that's pretty cute so I found this area full of irons the same as the church so I plan to set up my third base here cuz I needed more refined ingots or iron or or ingots cuz I needed more bullets for my guns and also stuff needed to improve our gears and build more structures so yeah this was the plan here I needed some strong monsters to guard this place and I decided the put like a lot of my bulky monsters like the wavs uh Elemental tortoises the big mammoths I caught I never really put to use or had any job for them to do they can also mine so they're perfect here I feel like I'm not making this nice to see for my pals and for you guys as well I'm just laying down the bed from my work here so I need to actually improve this in the future for now as long as they have a bed to sleep on and the food to eat this was fine when I actually came to visit a lot of my pals died here cuz it seems like some Syndicate raided this place and that was sad I have to I have to put them back inside so they can heal up and work again we really need some strong bodyguards as Mount obsidian were full of really high level monsters and syndicates so I need to put some strong Pals and I think we just have the right Bird ragnok and some other Pals back to actually preparing for the jet dragon fight I made myself a heat resistant refined metal armor an improvement to our current metal armor only now we look shinier than ever now we just need a refined metal Helm and we have a full armor set already and there we have it our last piece to our full armor set there we find metal Helm and let's see how we look oh pretty cool I decided instead of the level 50 legendary dragon let's fight the power worlds version of Lucario the Anubis and yeah my damage is pretty decent with our one shot rifle and our fbat is doing oh my Lord he broke all my armor but we got this for sure but I I honestly didn't want to was some of my P Spears here so I'm probably not going to even try catching this guy I mean I'll try for a few shots but oh my God but not everything not everything I'll just try see for 4% no no fam I really need the ultimate spear so that's I should craft some for jet dragon or just pray that would catch it at 5% oh yes I can see here it's burning it's probably going to die and one more tick yep oh four more left are we going to catch this or is it going to die come on no oh my God I wasted one ball oh yeah for sure it's going to die oh it's I still alive well I ran out of the balls I'm sorry so yeah before I can actually fight the jet dragon I'll need to make more of these ultimate Spears making those metal or iron farming bases was a good call since I can finally make some Ultra Spears it needed some refined irons and also some carbon fibers which is pretty hard to get also some cloth I need to think about making a ranch for my sheeps I decided to go out exploring while my pals made some Ultra Spears at base so yeah remember that uh sea monster before the German tide I'm gonna try fighting this if I can beat a level 45 German tide then maybe a level 50 jet dragon should be easier this was the emperor of the sea and I'm not sure if I can fight it fairly okay while flying here or I might Hyper Beam us I don't know but yeah I think we got this yeah we're dealing some massive damage to this guy oh my god oh was at ice breath oh dark Flames oh my God our ragnahog is dying half H oh it's one HP oh it's dead hey we got this guy to like 1 HP let's go 18% how many tries would I waste my ultra spear here this is reserve for jet dragon just get inside the ball or face the consequence get inside the ball okay okay nice all right we got German tide the emperor of the SC all right I've done all the preparation I can and we're already level 50 and we'll see if we can beat this jet dragon where the heck is this guy oh all right I am prepaired my assault rifle has so many bullets I can spam everything on its face and we'll see how it just goes 80 damage on his face 117 okay so ragna Hawk immediately is oh my God vagna Hawk half HP I need to return him and regenerate him so let's use a German tide on this fight oh my God I'm burning all right so far so good let's just kite this while our Pals fight it off and yeah this fight is going to be very long cuz you know good thing we have uh petalia she has a skill that recovers our health the blessing of the flower spirit so if ever we're in danger we can always have P heal us we have our Shield as well that we generate as long as I don't get damage I think it's a giga Shield by now Italia is actually doing decent amount of damage just bit by bit but still it's damaged nonetheless and I don't know why on this footage I'm not using my AK I don't think I don't think I have bullets or something I'm pretty sure prepared for bullets all right let's take out our warc warc is good for adding defense on us and right now it's doing some decent damage as well all right and it's already half HP oh my God why what what is this jet dragon is so strong as heck the fight is going faster now because we have an A I mean an assault rifle and I only had a actually a few bullets I thought 100 would be enough but oh my God but we're dealing so much damage 20 bullets at 308 and 50 when it's head shot they around 40 plus it's almost dead we can catch this we have 27 Ultra spear on hand so I got to make sure it I don't kill it or else I'm just going to cry in a corner if I do kill it I'm just going to chip away some more and let's let's hope I I get this oh my God 7% all right some more chipping all right go inside no wait I should yeah go inside go inside be my oh yes go one more yes we god let's go oh my God yes sir we got the jet dragon ah I'm done Yeah Yeah Boy come to the team Divine dragon and a legend increases the attack by 20% and Legend has 20% attack defense and also movement speed 15% that's crazy but now the problem is to make the harness and the saddle is not really easy to make you need 200 refined Ingot that's not a problem cuz we have a farm but the uh the circuit board is the problem you need pure qu quarts and pure quartz is dropped by jet dragon and five of them makes one circuit so that means we need to kill this Dragon multiple times and these bosses spawn every hour or one in-game day but don't worry I actually before in the beginning of the video I didn't mention but I actually increased the pacing of the night time cuz I didn't didn't want to play in the dark so my night time in this game is very fast and what is this Dragon doing is just flying around I think yeah his skill is gathering level three so I guess he's Gathering some materials look at my cute little dragon I mean big so I made myself a cold resistant refined metal armor since I had enough materials anyways since I have no way to get the circuits which is needed to ride this Dragon I'm going to stick with ragna Hawk for now he very useful in Mount obsidian there is a hidden shaft in this mountain and inside this shaft is I believe it was basut the cursed Tyrant so yeah immediately I made use of my jet dragon and look at this look at that crispy damage and this jet this wing bag of his laser beams and then another Fireball blast he actually drained basam a level 49 be HP into like 25% left so now I'm just going to call him back so he'll accidentally kill this blasa move I'm going to just whack it to death and with life steal I don't think I need to worry about anything it actually took a few tries before I captured this guy but hey I got him let's go emperor of the Flames you're going to work as a miner now so I went inside one of these desert caves and here lies the Scorpion pal menacing cuz he's menacing and he stings I guess that's how he they named it I don't know those pretty with the menacing menac thing all right so it's fairly easy to beat I'll just need to whack it with life steal on and don't worry about a single thing I it's pretty annoying he moves around like this I just didn't don't want to waste ammo that's why I'm just whacking it with I'm res serving most of my ammo with jet dragon when he spawns again oh for St oh we got it nice I decided to try fighting this police general again from this Tower see if we manage to win this time Marcus and feris let's go Death Dragon go oh dang what is jet dragon doing sometimes I am very curious about what's happening inside its head cuz sometimes it just doesn't attack and that's annoying but hey it's attacking now it's dealing massive damage with its laser beams oh my God look at the enemy's HP go from 145k to 1 13 33k jet dragon is having this on the back not really it's going random ways again I don't know what it's up to maybe there's some something like a Collis bug in the game but hey yeah you do you jet dragon as long as you try you attack this guy when your cool down is up the fight lasted kind of long but around 6 minutes I guess and it's almost dead I I kind of swap P since jet dragon kind of I don't know what wrong with him but yeah I've been swapping Pals after each attack then yeah we defeated the boss thanks to our team let's go jet dragon was jet dragon is very strong but I'm not sure something's wrong with it maybe yeahi issue something I found a city in the desert and I went inside to visit what they have in store there were various Merchants here selling goods and these guy even has some fruits with him and this guy this guy is the most important Merchant cuz this guy he sells ammo and that's what we need we have 77k and I can buy a lot of ammo so we don't need to craft anymore and looking at my inventory I saw that had items I could sell for money and those were a lot lot of money now I can buy a lot of ammo by selling these so all I need to do is kill some Elites and they will drop the materials that can be sold for money and I can buy a lot of ammo all right so the next Tower I had in mind was this Tower I found in an icy mountain and we're we're going to check and see how strong the paltic Syndicate or enemies are Goan oh my God Shadow beak looks very cool is this guy from near automata or is this Goos atoru but no it's Victor all right I think we can handle this with our Jeet Dragon the ultimate Pokemon I mean pal I keep mistaking it that's yeah let's call it pal look jet dragon is actually not being dumb right now he's actually attacking oh okay I get it jet dragon does that whenever he already finishes all his attacks and is on cool down cuz I guess he doesn't know what to do next cuz everything is on cool down and he attacks once again once the cool down is off oh I get it now it's actually not broken but since the pals only have like three move set it just doesn't understand what to do next oh my God this dark beam is crazy yeah this we can we got this fight I should use my a assault rifle I have a lot of bullet but nah oh my god I'm frozen Death Dragon it's just so weird looking at it just erratically going left and right on the enemies without doing anything the least you could do is just hide or something or maintain distance or even t damage for us but no oh my God it's half Health already my jet dragon all right we're down to like 20K HP left and we have 2 minutes left I actually spent about 8 minutes kiting this guy down and our jet dragon is dying so let's call our other pal to deal with this and yeah I think we got this 2 minutes is enough time he had 200k and we lowered him down to around 20K under 8 minutes so we should be fine oh my God it burns if ever we don't have enough time I can always use my assault rifle I had some bullets start up for this oh my God our ragna oh he's alive nice and fell bad let's life steal this we need the life steal oh my God this this thing is so strong I want one of these how do you get that I want shot beak as well oh all right we're fine FAL is already down to half Health that's crazy a 2K left and it's dead and we've done it we have eliminated Gojo satoru I mean Victor let's go and with this only one Tower remains unbeaten I fought a jet dragon again to get the materials for the circuit board the pure quartz and with our AK it was very easy and also our our own jet dragon to fight its own kind we were having a breeze killing this guy I didn't even think of catching him cuz I didn't have that much spear on hand so I just defeated it oh well I tried but it never stopped attacking us and I ran out of balls so goodbye one is enough oh hey I don't know how many more times I need to kill this thing maybe six or 8 10 so we can ride our own jet dragon all right I decided to fight the final and last tower that we need to [Music] defeat [Music] oh my God that hero Landing so [Music] cool it's Lily and ly well I should have actually started with them they look pretty weak compared to the other two we started the chief police and Gojo satu and now oh my God they're just dying very fast but our jet dragon is doing its usual thing is you know I think it's mocking it it's face just going left and right left and right but yeah let's deal with this and complete the task of defeating all the tower oh my God I missed defeating the tower Masters and bam oh my God I need to uh upgrade oh my God where is my aim all right oh yeah I just noticed I think I made a new armor set I totally forgot mentioning about it but yeah I think this is the refined ice resistant armor set and the refined helmet cuz it looks cooler than the usual or I think I'm just blind but yeah we defeated the final Tower boss and thus we heck what's happening oh my God all right so the only remainder of this I mean of this playthrough is catching the remaining Pals and also getting the saddle for a jet dragon oh my God I'm actually dumb there was actually a fifth Tower Brothers of the Eternal pyy or py py I don't know so yeah and this guy had a really cool pal how do you call this thing Pals palmon palet I think Pals palmon sounds way better but yeah this is the final Tower character we need to [Music] defeat dang no looks so menacing axelent orir okay I'm going to summon my oh my God 3K all right I have my jet ragon too I can roar too R oh yes a assault rifle plus jet dragon attacks were invincible and the ultimate fire tower tag team oh my oh my God it hurts it dealt like one 14 of my no no no no no one of my shield oh yeah because we discovered that Merchant in the desert and now we have actual unlimited ammo Source I have feel no reserve of reserving my assault rifle ammo in terms of fighting hard bosses or tankier bosses wow that's cool so yeah um basically I just need to hunt down some Elites sell their loots and buy some ammo with it and it's pretty pretty easy to kill the El lights now that we're level 50 and yes finally this time for sure we finish all the Tower Masters there was actually another dragon type inside I mean in Mount obsidian it was inside one of these caves so I went inside and immediately I was met with a hyper dark beam or some sort that hurt man and this was aagon and I'm going to capture this Dragon oh oh oh oh my God I was going to capture this Dragon but oh he also dropped some pure quartz we can Farm him alongside jet dragon to hasten our circuit board but dang I wanted to capture it all right next time then so an uncommon refined helmet schematic that's pretty nice I went to another cave in the desert and fought the dinum luxs it was actually [Music] whoa what what a similar looking pal with this one was a lightning ah there was a the plant version the dinum I think this is the lightning version of it all right cool and in the desert I saw two por looking Pals paladius and NE chromis so we're going to initiate the fight with showering them with bullets and oh my goodness there's they're tanky as hell but good thing we have an AK with I think I have about 1,500 bullets I don't know I bought a lot but yeah we we're going to just shower them with bullets until they die it's an actually very hard fight they're having two level 50 Knights attack me with their very strong attacks they're crazy so jet dragon is almost dead oh Lord oh my God they're very dangerous I need to take distance or fighting this my Ragnar Rock Ragnar Hawk is already dead and my fbat is almost dead what the heck okay we still have our plant pal and she died in one shot when he d that's crazy good thing we're still we still have our suzaku with us so I don't think I'm going to summon any pal since they're just going to die for now I'm just going to shower this guy with bullet until it dies we're actually down to only 947 bullets I was mistaken with having 1,500 bullets is probably around 110 or 100 1,20 I mean so yeah okay let's go I'm going to summon My Pal if it I feel like it's safe I'm going to call them back each each time you're trying to get close our jet dragon has regenerated a bit of Health now so he can fight back with us and oh my God these guys are very annoying indeed oh necromus with that dark stabby stab our jet dragon being capped in ice okay with this I maintain distance from the two of them I'm going to work on killing necros first even with his yeah yeah yeah okay so pal Adas is distracted by my pal I'm going to focus on this guy and my pal is pretty safe hiding in between trees and I don't think their attacks can reach it but for now let's shower necros with bullets with 800 bullets left I think I can deal with both of them all right headshotting them deals 35 and yeah let's just keep oh my god did I throw the spe I don't think I can catch them I don't think I can afford to catch it but I can try later with paladius but for now necromus you're you're dead to me now okay jet dragon is ready to fight and it's not fighting it's doing this crazy weird dancing thing about enemies just encircling them is dumb Dragon but I love this dumb Dragon he doesn't have a trait of being dumb but I'm not sure what he's doing attack this guy help me out here but still you're my favorite Dragon let's fight this guy I I really do hope they don't regenerate when they run like like this oh our dragon is attacking but it can't reach but it did damage to paladius though I'm happy for that okay keep paladius busy while I kill Nic Romas and he's almost gone he's almost dead 600 bullets left we got this all right and yeah he's dead okay one more only paladius left we got this it should be easier now now that it's only one versus two it was to two versus two earlier but now one versus one he's probably we're going to cheese him to death all right jet dragon is already doing his job well and a bit more we kill this paladius all right oh I just a few more HP left I'll try catching this guy but we only have 23 hyper spear not even the ultra spear but yeah oh wait what the hell no it di but it did drop us some P metal ingots about 60 of them it's pretty nice we got a cold resistant P metal armor schematic a legendary armor that's great let's go all right so I crafted myself the h metal set the the armor the helmet and it looks pretty cool look at this look at me look looks Hightech so yeah for the next following days in the game I didn't really record it since I was just farming jet dragon for Pure quarts I mostly just AFK That Base every time I killed it and wait for a day to pass and about I don't know maybe 8 n n pen Dragon long I eventually had enough materials to craft the missile and since I didn't have the bigger machine it actually took quite a while to craft this so I decided to just AFK again and have my pal craft it for me and finally I finished crafting the saddle and look at how fast the jet dragon is oh my God this was our ultimate goal in this game now I can travel much faster and look for those capturing fgs increases our chance to capture and look at our skills we have we also have missiles some the saddle we fire missiles it's pretty strong so I tested it out on a random mamz near the base and well the aim is honestly kind of off it was hard to aim its attack I'm not sure why but oh my God half HP in one skill so let me try the missile it's really hard to see cuz all I see is my butt but yeah it it's it's the the the most important part of this is that I can ride the jet dragon and he's really fast it makes exploring very fast so I made a second floor on my base as I needed a place to put all my assembly Productions oh yeah this would be a good place for it I crafted a Lily's sphere I wanted to try if it's it was good and so boom 14k pretty decent similar to a great sword I tried exploring the icy mountains to look for the horse legendary the frost Mount I believe but it was too cold for me I totally forgot to record my fight with a frost main frost line or something oh yeah I tried going to this island with a tree but there's a red wall blocking my way and I don't think I can go inside I think this is for future content so yeah now back to the legendary it's called the frost alion actually and let's see if we can catch this with our hyper spear I don't think we can but I I I still believe yeah after tripping a lot of it HP I'm going to try 2% we really need that Ultra spear but I I'll keep trying until I actually catch this thing or you can just kill it and move on and then make the ultra spear but it can't hurt to try it might work you know if we're lucky 2% lucky and yeah I don't think so I'm just wasting my spear here also there was a cave here that housed the king alpaka or the Ice King alpaka he wasn't really hard to kill as he was not a legend it's just a normal Elite monster oh yeah I needed to farm the jet dragon in order to get more circuit board or the pure quart so I can make an electrical electrical furnace so I can make the pingot metal so we can make the ultimate Spears so it's a lot of grinding to do so it took like about a few days before I can actually got get everything I still have some pile ingots I mean pile Metal Ingot remaining from defeating those legendary Knight horses so I'm going to craft this five pieces should be good enough to try and catch one of the legendaries I initiated the fight with a frost stalion once again hoping I can catch this this time with my five Spears okay let's do it believe in our [Music] luck 18% h okay one more time I still have three more all right okay we got this we have still have two more two more chances Last Chance oh my God this is horrible 19% all right die I decided to farm the paladius and the chromos since killing them they give about 30 ingots the pal iron ingots so yeah they they were a good source of those ingots so killing them would be making a easier time and crafting those so I dealt with P just first taking its pal iron ingots I mean pal metal ingots my bad I was wondering why my jet dragon came for me so I look at the area where he came from and he actually defeated the boss all by himself that's crazy damn what I'm actually doing now is just farming these bosses to get them materials but sure I don't mind actually but would have been better if there was a quar ore or I mean quartz stone where we can mine crafted about six legendary Spears also finally made the electric furnace now I can make some pal Metal Ingot and it was actually way easier than making the iron I mean refined iron ingots cuz this one only needs padium fragments instead of coal padium fragments are more widely available even near my base there's a lot of them it's compared to Coal so this was a game changer for making the ultimate I mean the legendary Spears but yeah it takes a while before they are crafted I decided to go to a dungeon near the Mount obsidian uh this is the volcanic Cavern a level 40 Dungeon and usually in the dungeon you get there's this big padium ores where you can mine padium fairly easily and also if you defeat the dungeon boss it would give like technical points and also some schematics so that was was what I was looking for inside this dungeon I found the end of the dungeon and a Cognito an elite Cognito was guarding the base it was uh fairly easy to deal with since it was just level 38 and wasn't really one of those legendary monsters so we just needed to pump two shotgun shots and it's dead now all we need to do is claim the chest inside the dungeon and this chest had the technical manual and a refined metal helmet schematic pretty useful I wanted a weapon though on the very top left of the map I found this island where it had so many treasure chests it contained like accessories some schematics and the Monsters inside were Elites like level 40 monsters so yeah I recently discovered there was actually a pump action shotgun and it held like eight bullets so I didn't need to reload that much I can just shoot like eight times Pump It Up all right so I have H six legendary spear on hand and I wanted to try again and see if I can actually catch this Frost stalion this time okay so moment of truth let's go first ball oh my God Second Ball please please yes we got the second legendary Frost talion let's go the Metal Ingot production is not really fast so we I got a wait for this so preparation must be done before we fight those night Knights again pales and necromancers I don't remember their names so while waiting for those metals to actually be done I just explored around with my jet dragon looking for epgs hopefully it will increase my odds of catching them as I level up my level for this F the LI monk totally forgetting to mention I crafted a rare handgun I got the schematic somewhere along the islands I believe so yeah now I have like 300 extra amamos on our handgun it was two times the damage as the assault rifle but it's not as fast as the assault rifle but still it's better than a musket or a one- shot rifle yeah the farming continues for a while as we needed more materials and after much preparation I decided it was time to try if we can catch these legendaries necromus and paladius I don't with necromus first I see he kept always keeps charging in my face so yeah I isolated him from paladius and started trying to catch him we had eight legendary Spears and hopefully it was not enough all right hopefully yeah let's go one more ah okay one more try please spin spin no come on I still have the F just to C oh my God this thing is wasting all my Spears okay this time for sure oh my oh my God all right two more chances if this fails and we got it okay that's necros H just love all right let me pump more of my shotgun his face just handgun it to tickle him away and with his remaining HP let's try this oh my God we failed instantly we still have our hyper Spears if this doesn't work and yes we C caught him with our last legendaries here let's go so yeah I've caught the four legendaries I'm not sure if the shadow beak is a legendary but I'm pretty sure these four are the only legendaries in the game so we've caught everything now all that's left is I always wanted to catch the anois so I'm going to go for that let me make more of the ultimate Spears then we'll catch anois I was trying my luck on the wildlife sanctuary supposedly a shadow beak would spawn here but I wasn't that lucky cuz nothing spawned here aside from from other pal and I sure why they always keep saying criminal activity when I'm here I'm not criminal all right I believe I crafted enough legendary Spears I'm going to take on Anubis with our missiles this guy was in our Mercy I just spamed the missile not everything hits but it still deal a decent amount of damage oh my God our dragon is so strong and the same is not that great I got to change the skill set so yeah an nois is left with almost about 1 half of each HP are lower and our new KN oh my God he almost killed an nois I'm going to call them back so I'm going to chip away with my pistol now and Oh wrong spear Okay Legendary spear 12 surely it'll just get no one more surely it will get caught now it has 31% bigger than the other experience all right we got the an nois let's go so we caught all the legendaries and also a nubis okay so yeah that's about it so yeah thank you guys for watching this 100 day video and hope you enjoyed honestly it it was fun it actually took a lot of my time it was honestly fun to catch race spout but my ultimate goal was the jet dragon as you see very op very fast I can travel the entire map in a matter of seconds I was here and now I'm here so this jet dragon was very amazing thank you again for watching this video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Rogue
Views: 350,210
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Keywords: new game, palworld, pokemon, pokemon with guns, palworld early access, I played 100 days of palworld, 100 days of palworld, palworld 100 days, I played 100% of palworld, Palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld starters, palworld game, palworld paldeck, paldeck, palworld walkthrough, palworld lets play, palworld let's play, new games, 100 days palworld, palworld 100 days gameplay, palworld max level, legendary pals, palworld legendary pal, palworld legendaries, jetragon
Id: VjKkCkG3r8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 54sec (6354 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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