THE HIGHEST DAMAGE PAL! Top 10 Best Pals in Palworld! // Palworld Ranking (Endgame)

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yo guys what is up Max our power world video and today we're going over the top 10 best Pals in power world in my opinion now this will include endgame Pals if you're looking for a early to midgame Pal video I do have a separate video for that this is going to be in general best Pals in the game now before we get into the tier list I just got to give a bit of my criteria for making this list uh and my credentials one I've played over uh I'm actually right now at 100 hours in pal world so I've played a fair bit of this game I've caught all the pals that I could and to make it on this list I did a few things one I tallied up all of the stats of all of the pals so I looked at their attacks their defenses and their health and gave them all scores uh so if you see a pal score that is going to be the cumulative um score when you take their health their defense and their HP all added up but obviously that isn't everything in power world because we've got usefulness um every pal in this game comes with a certain like pal partner skill um and we're going to also be be factoring in the usefulness of that partner skill and also just how much are you going to need these Pals in your playthrough uh how important are they to have on your team uh with that guys I hope you enjoy the top 10 list um and with that let's get right into it so coming in at our number 10 spot is orer now orer is the strongest lightning type in the game uh which is not like as strong as it sounds because lightning is actually one of the weaker types in terms of like General stats when it comes to these Pals um but they are the strongest lightning type and they come with Lord of lightning which is going to give them 20% increase damage to any of your lightning attacks which just pairs perfectly uh with them being a great lightning attacker uh they're the best like electricity pal in the game for powering your base and while fighting together water Pals drop more items when defeated uh which is great for farming up those pal liquids which you're going to need a lot of later on um and they are the number 10 spot now if you want to go capture or Zer uh you're going to want to come to the very top of the map a lot of the pals on this list are going to be uh in the very right corner of this island you can come here during the day is where you're going to see or zerk coming in at number nine spot is sweepa now sweepa has the lowest pal score on this entire list however it makes up for it with its saddle now sweepa can be ridden which means that it's okay if it's the only pal in your party because you can ride it uh because when you're using sweepa you're not going to want other Pals in your party you're just going to want other s in your party uh now if we take a look real quick um at my sweepa it currently is 430 attack and 370 defense if I add more sze to my party now I went to 584 attack and 510 defense um these s increase my attack and my defense by a percentage for my sweepa and the more that I level them up or the more that I condense them and increase their star rating the more percentage that that attack and defense are going to get uh this can lead to sweepa becoming one of the most powerful Pals in the entire game uh I forget the name of the YouTuber but there's a great video on uh this like kind of build SL team Synergy makes sweepa really strong the reason I have this at number nine and not at like a number one is because one it's not how I personally enjoy playing the game and this is my Terr list and two there's a lot of other Pals that can do this kind of stacking as well uh sweepa does it the best from what I can tell uh and that's why it's at our number nine spot but you can grab the kelpsy ignes or the uh or The Kelpies to increase water or fire attack uh you can do this with the B Pals uh and increase their attack by stacking a bunch of them uh but sweepa does seem to be the strongest at this if you want to catch sweepers or S you can find them in this General vicinity around investigator's Fork which is at 220 -27 coming in our number eight spot is war sect now I was a bit torn between war and minising for this slot minting gives you a little bit more defense as part of its passive than wark does however War adds fire damage to your attacks and War sect is the better overall pal War sect has slightly less defense than minis but is 20% more HP and I think that HP more than makes up the difference plus they give you more attack uh once you get the uh War sect I at least for me he just never really left my party he's been in my party basically my whole time playing uh he increases your defense gives you more damage uh he's really tough to kill he's got a lot of HP and he's just overall really great he's obviously not the best pal cuz he's number eight uh but he's all around really great and if you're looking for a tanky pal to soak up some damage for you uh and improve your damage he's fantastic War can be caught in this like middle left Island at around 67513 uh he also has a boss spawn that I recommend going to uh to get the Alpha version that's at 159 -225 at our number seven spot is lilen or lilen knocked and I just want to show you why this pal is so freaking great uh so there I just took a ton of damage let's say I'm in a boss fight uh or I'm trying to capture a ra rare pal and I don't want to die I pull up my lyen or Len knocked use her passive and now I just recovered 1,000 HP uh and that 1,000 HP is at the base level that has no increase to its like star power uh these pals are incredible there is no way to heal um besides your pals in this game and lilen as far as I found is the best healer um there is a felbat who gives you life steal uh but it's life steal based off of the amount of damage that you're dealing so if you're not doing much damage to like a pal that's 10 levels higher than you it's just not going to provide you with much HP um lilene comes in a dark type which is lilene knocked and she's also got just normal lilene which is grass type I prefer lilene knocked because she comes with some really powerful ice attacks as well as dark attacks and then obviously you can put like a grass attack on her so you go ice dark grass uh which is what I plan on doing with her and she also comes with some really great stats it's not like she's useless and she you can only be used as a Healer uh she's coming in around with 435 po points uh which puts her just like slightly below the like average of this tier list um but that healing function is so helpful uh and when you're about to catch a pal but you're about to die or you're about to be the gym leader but you're low on health uh you will thank me later for having this pal in your party uh just super great you can capture lilene knocked the dark version attive - 160 346 and you can capture the grass version at 661 644 the uh Island at the top right you're going to have a lot of Pals there coming into number six spot is feris now feris is a really powerful fire type it's got great stats great attack great defense uh it is lacking a bit on the HP front but the reason it is on this list is before you catch any of the legendary mounts uh this is the fastest flying mount in the game that you can use uh ferus as soon as you capture one and make it saddle which you can do so as early as level 38 uh this pal will not leave your party uh I've still used them even though I've caught some of the legendaries uh which are a bit faster uh but feris is just the fastest non- legendary flyer in the game uh not only that but they come with some great attacks yes there are a little bit weaker when it comes to the HP and that's why their pal score is a little bit lower uh but their offense and defense is great and I just absolutely love them feris can also be caught in this island at the very top around 672 643 coming in at our number five spot is Aon now this is my mining base you can see that I've got two estons going at it right now they're both hitting this St for like 50 to 65 damage uh and Aon is one amazing looking like they're crazy looking like uh dark dragon types uh but they are also one of the best or the best mining pal in the game uh they come in with Incredible stats mine's got 628 attack 641 defense it's got four mining one handiwork and they learned some pretty awesome uh dark and dragon moves particularly Dark Laser you're going to want this pal not only because they look awesome but also because they're great in combat they do have a little bit lower on the health side uh but great attack great defense but the real reason you're going to want to capture a lot of them uh is they are the best miners uh in the game and obviously collecting resources is very very important in this game uh and so I will always have these guys not only uh on me but also working at my bases uh they are fantastic you can capture a stagon in the same kind of endgame island in the top top right 672 642 now before we get into the top four I do just want to give a bit of a disclaimer uh or just kind of uh explain my reasoning so I'm going to talk about the legendary Pals at the end of this uh top four uh because the legendary pals are the best Pals in the game um however they're legendary and you're not going to be able to capture them until much later uh and they blow the base Pals out of the water in terms of stats um just like if you add up the like base Pals at level 5050 their like Health their defense uh and their attack the legendary Pals typically have more than double all of their stats combined um so I will be talking about what the best pal in the game is which is legendary Pals but I still didn't want to exclude uh really cool base Pals from being on this list just because the legendaries are so freaking strong um so we're going to do the top four now and they're just going to be normal Pals and then I'll talk about the like top four best pal p in the game which are obviously all the legendaries and how those rank up at our number four spot we've got Anubis now Anubis is passive is when fighting together applies ground damage to the players's attacks sometimes Dodges attacks with a high-speed uh side step while in battle now Anubis has one of the highest attacks in the game it also comes in with an incredible amount of HP uh mine's got 4.3k HP uh 647 attack it is lacking a bit in defense which can make it a little bit more difficult in combat however it's passive does make up for that it'll just sometimes totally Dodge attacks now Anubis is on this list because one it's really strong attacker two got a lot of HP but it's also the only handywork four pal in the entire game uh you are going to once you find one of these things want to farm a ton of them to try to get one with Artis uh which is going to give them 50% increased work speed obviously power world is a lot about cra crafting and Base building uh and Manufacturing a bunch of different products and things um and Anubis is just the best pal in the game to have in your base for its for handywork uh not only that but it also makes a really strong attacker uh you are not going to be wasting any time at all if you're trying to capture a bunch of these trying to get good passes for work speed and also getting some more attack on them uh they're just really great and that's why they're at our number four spot the one spot to catch Anubis is at1 3495 coming in at number three spot is German tide now German tide has some of the highest attack stat in the game it's got solid defense and an incredible amount of HP mine's coming in at around 4,731 some of the highest HP of any of my pals um the real reason this guy is on this list though is because he's just such a great attacker um now he is water type which in my opinion ranks him higher fight fire is the like strongest technical type in the game you encounter a lot of fire type Pals later on in the game and I just didn't come across many strong water types uh German tide is the strongest water type in the game in my opinion uh and he boosts the Lo lord of the sea passive which increases your water type attack by 20% the only reason German tide isn't number two on this list uh because I originally was going to have him at number two is because of his like partner skill uh he can be ridden to travel on water and you don't consume any stamina while moving over water I was so excited to build the saddle for this guy unfortunately he moves like a snail on Water I thought I was going to be zipping around water faster than on land with this guy uh and he just moves really really slow there's not really any point in building his saddle so that's why he's not number two on this list uh number two is just all around better in my opinion but because he's so strong because he's so healthy uh and because he's in my opinion the best water type in the game I've got him at our number three spot now if you want to catch a German tide I recommend coming uh to this spot right here uh there's actually two spots uh the one that I'm going to be showing is at 346 ne86 you can catch like alpha or boss German tide at level 45 coming in our number two spot is bazam mut now I was a bit torn between blut and inceram inceram is an incredibly High damage focused attacker however I think blaut is just a better well-rounded pal and comes with better passives and stats um so blut he's kind of glitching out on me right now uh blaut uh gets the partner skill magma Kaiser can be ridden enhances fire attacks while mounted I believe this is anywhere from 30 to 50% increased fire damage while mounting him when you pair that with his like inherent flame Emperor for another 20% increased fire attack and also having one of the highest or I would say like top I think it's top four attack stats in the game uh this is just a monster and fire type is the strongest like Elemental type being strong against two different things uh he also comes with mining four which I praised aagon for having uh he also has mining four and kindling three uh so he's great in the base he's great in the field you can ride him as a mount so you can look for like Mount speed things and you're going to deal a ton more fire damage um and he just learned some really crazy fire moves like Fireball 150 power uh this is in my opinion without a doubt in the top three Pals uh I put him at number two spot and if you want to farm him you can do so in this island up here uh but he also has a spot where he actually spawns as a boss um and that is going to be at - 442 - 560 coming in at a number one spot for the strongest or best must have pal in pal world uh at least in my opinion for non- legendaries is none other than Shadow beak now Shadow beak is amazing uh for many many reasons one Shadow beak is a ground Mount uh that is actually a very very quick ground Mount uh you can run around on them let me land him real quick uh you can run around on him really fast on the ground he is also a flying Mount which you can just take up into the air another amazing thing about Shadow uh Shadow beak is he consumes the least amount of stamina of all of the other mounts that I've tested uh I was covering distance and I was doing like a timed run and Shadow beak while not being the fastest mount in the game does consume the least amount of stamina of any of the mounts uh meaning that you can stay airborne Crossing gaps and areas for the longest amount of time staying Airborne with him and stay sprinting for the longest time so even though he's not the like absolute fastest uh because he doesn't need to stop to like regain stamina or land uh you can just fly this guy forever which is so so nice uh constantly having to land land is pretty annoying um now in terms of Shadow beak stats Shadow beak has fantastic all-around stats mine's got 4.3k uh HP tons of attack tons of defense and while Shadow beak isn't the best in any one particular category when we add up all of his base values he is the strongest allaround pal on this entire list uh when you add up the attack defense and uh HP not only that but he's the only pal that I've ever caught in this game that has a 60 damage attack move barring the legendaries Divine disaster is an absolute melter of a skill and then you can take this and then grab some other skills like if you wanted to add fire water lightning whatever um he's obviously terrible around the base so he's only got one Gathering and I think that is because this is a pal that is meant to be in your party he's meant to be fighting alongside you uh if you're mounting Shadow beak you're going to get that damage boost to the dark type attacks which he's got the strongest one in the game this is his exclusive skill no other pal in the game can learn Divine disaster and while there are other pal exclusive skills this one seems to be the strongest in the game at least for once again non- legendaries and that is why I've got Shadow beak at our number one spot now Shadow beak can once again be caught at this island around 656 uh 646 in the top right corner of the map now for the pure just strongest Pals in the game these are all legendaries uh to give you an idea of just how strong these legendaries are in comparison to normal Pals my shadow beak when you add up his health his defense and his attack it gets him to around 5,400 total stat when you take the weakest one of these guys which is my platus he has 10,000 stat um so the weakest legendary has more than double the total stats of the strongest non- legendary in the game uh so like the reason I didn't include these guys in the original top 10 is cuz there just just nowh were close um and so I still wanted to include those like normal Pals uh but palladius necromus Frost alion and jet dragon are insanely powerful uh they blow everything else out of the water and I would rank them in the order in terms of like uh their strength as patus being the weakest of the legendaries uh necromus technically has some of the highest attack of the legendaries but I don't rate him as highly as I rate Frost alion and jet dragon uh the reason I rate jet dragon as the number two pal in the entire game is because he's got great attack great defense tons of HP 10K HP comes with Legend Divine Dragon you can shoot missile launchers from his back but the real reason that everyone is going to want to capture this pal is because it is the fastest flying mount in the game nothing even comes close uh if you can get this guy with even more movement speed passives you will be zooming throughout the map uh but in my opinion the strongest pal in the entire game best pal uh is Frost alion Frost alion comes in with around close to 13,000 HP it has the second best attack out of all of the legendaries tons of Defense um but this guy is just capable of soloing any other pal in the game uh 13,000 HP is ridiculous um and it got incredible move sets it's going to come with ice Emperor to give that increased ice attack when you're riding it uh your attacks become ice and your you get enhanced attacks um and he's just while he's not as fast as jet dragon um just really really cool to ride you do this like ice cloud while you're riding around you can spin around like insane movement amazing Mount good on the ground good in the air and the highest HP value in the entire game meaning that this pal can do many many many many fights with you uh and just never kind of die uh it's just the strongest pal in the game uh and guys that is going to do it for for our list I hope you enjoyed uh it is currently 6:00 a.m. in the morning I've been working on this list for over uh 11 hours now so if you appreciated the video I really do appreciate you dropping a like uh I am going to go to sleep now and I will catch y'all in the next one take care guys peace
Channel: Moxsy
Views: 515,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld pokemon, palworld early access, palworld review, palworld trailer, palworld game, palworld best pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld xbox, palworld release date, palworld secrets, jev palworld, palworld best base, palworld how to, palworld steam, palworld best pal, palworld reaction, palworld ore, palworld news, palworld boss, palworld base, palworld rage, palworld multiplayer
Id: fqFR4B4Nq18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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