I Spent 100 Days In Ark Survival Ascended [The Island]

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[Music] Arc survival attended is Arc reimagined an Unreal Engine 5 adding better graphics more in-game content and babies which is cool because I like killing babies in Arc of course I'm going to be giving myself a 100 days to beat all three of the Island's Guardian bosses on Alpha and then defeat the alpha overseer solo day one I spawned in on a random beach in the southwestern part of the island with Arc survival ascended be new and improved my character got up with a getting to my feet animation but anyways I gathered my bearings after having my eard drums blown out by quite possibly the loudest intro to a game of all time oh my God it is it's very loud it's getting louder so after adjusting a few of my settings and trying to pull myself back together it was all thrown out the window because an eonis immediately started to attack me don't worry even though Arc survival ascendum looks like a completely different game it's still Arc under all that makeup because there is no mercy for the week here okay after getting away from that iy and turning off motion blur because you're a demon if you play with that I begin to admire how beautiful this island now was but after fixing my mouth from how jaw dropping the landscape was I remembered I need to get to work or I'm going to get eaten out here here so I began picking some resources from nearby bushes and I got my first level up and that of course stopped me dead on my tracks because I had to admire this new user interface anyway I unlocked some necessary tool ingrams like a stone Hatchet and spear before picking more resources from bushes picking up some rocks and punting my first trees to craft my first stone pickaxe and I then proceeded to bring out my inner Steve and do some mining for Flint but I noticed that rock sound effects kind of sounded different not going to lie I know I know I'll get used to the sounds but they sound a little weird like right now they sound like delayed almost anyway screw those rocks I began hitting a tree with my pickaxe which is wrong in so many universes but it allowed me to get a thatch I needed to craft a stone Hatchet and after crafting my Hatchet I used it to farm some more wood and craft my first spear I need to kill something to get hide so I can keep moving forward because you need hide for basically any weapon or armor so after getting distracted by this floor Turtle dude the old glitches still came I took my first life on this new island by killing a Doo with the spear to the back of the head he was the first but he certainly won't be the last so after harvesting that dodo with my Hatchet to get a whopping six hide I moved about 5 ft down the beach and killed another dodo first try with my spear first try you didn't see that I killed the dodo and got the hide that's all you need to know I then crossed the river and killed a few more Doos for another sad amount of hide before unlocking some more essential inrs and traveling down the beach to discover my first naturally spawning babies in vanilla Ark you can actually claim these babies that you find in the wild if you kill their parents and make it a forced adoption but I didn't feel like raising baby Doos was worth my time right now so I kept moving I was heading towards the red obelis cuz I have to see it for myself in that Lumen making the surrounding area look amazing and I also crafted myself some cloth armor and made my way through some bodies of water that looked amazing and luckily didn't have any piranhas that could get me but finally after some time I made it just below the red obelis and took one last minute to admire on how good this new arc looks before getting my head down to grind so after leaving the Obelisk I farmed myself up a campfire to keep me fed as food was starting to become an issue from all that walking I wanted to find a place to set up a little base of operations but I didn't know where yet the island was so similar yet so different so I didn't know where was safe and where wasn't but I eventually made my way up to the small pond with a waterfall feeding into it and I found myself an explore note shut shut up I I don't want it to read it to me but besides the great experience it gave me there was also some giant bees that came out of the floor with it and they weren't too happy with my presence and for some reason the Explorer note also reads itself to you and it took me like two solid minutes to figure out how to turn the voice off because I'm not here to get the full Arc lore I'm here to beat the map and teabag over the overseer's dead body so anyways I found this little island where I felt safe to stay for a little bit so I did some quick farming and crafted myself a thatch Foundation which looks more like a thatch block but it works and I also placed my campfire down to get some food cooking and another feature I noticed that was added being the amount of time it'll run before I need to be refueled finally I decided to tame a parasaur by the end of the day and there was a level 44 walking around nearby like a teacher walking around the class when you're taking a test anyway I crafted up a Bowa and a club and proceeded to violate the poor dude until she was catching Z's in the dirt she didn't take too long to tame and I named her Perry when she woke up because you just got it it's your first Paras sword but now it's time for me to C craft Perry a saddle and that's going to be difficult as I need hide and with low Harvest rates it's not going to be that easy with primitive tools but I decided crafting a bow and some arrows would be the best route so that's what I did and I then proceeded to take the lives of two parasaurs for a saddle for my own it was a small price to pay in the name of progress but now that I have this saddle I'm ready to take over the ark or just get another exploro and leave to find a better place to build as there isn't a drop of metal around me metal will be the root of everything in the mid toay game so finding it as soon as I can is very vital but traversing this island with these dense force and the bigger amounts of foilage will prove very difficult but this is the last time I'll say this though seriously this game looks amazing especially at night with the red light coming from the obelis bouncing off the clouds in the water wild card I have to give it to you you did good here before we move on real quick I just want to say that I just launched my YouTube members I don't have a sponsor for this video so it' mean a lot if you guys check them out and support me financially to help me keep making these videos you'll get a few cool things like emojis behind the scenes content and a ton of other stuff so check it out for me and I'm going to quit yapping now finally day two I survived all of day one without dying in my most vulnerable state so let's try and keep it that way I was still wandering eastwards in search of a big metal deposit or a decently nice place to live at that and I was also crafting Bas all the way to protect myself from Raptors which are my primary threat right now and luckily it did because not even 5 minutes later I encountered my first Raptor and I managed to bow it but I was about to run away when I decided you know what I can kill it screw it we're growing balls we're growing balls it died in literally two arrows so I don't know what I was that afraid of but anyways after harvesting its hide I jumped back on my parasaur and began moving Eastward once again exploring a spot that used to be flat and Barren I swear this all used to be open land did they just add trees up here and I was also using the new map to keep me on track it has been completely reworked from Arc survival evolved it's now a popup that feels the center of your screen showing where you are in a detailed image of your surroundings another good change I would say but later on I was attacked by a combination of Raptors trudon and Titan Soldier bugs basically I was attacked by the spawn of Satan himself but I managed to get away pretty much unscathed but that didn't stop me from freaking out while I was actually under attack no but to my surprise when I made it to the top of the hill I was attacked on there were a bunch of metal nodes and even some Crystal nodes so I decided to set up a little base of operations for a while to get myself on my feet and to keep me on them I farmed up four of the new thatch foundations and placed them down before trying to figure out how the thatch wall and door framed work you see these two structures used to be separate but they stuck them together and hitting r on the keyboard makes you toggle to them to which structure you actually want it took me a while to figure out but once I finally did I crashed yeah that was a real slap in the face I I I think it just crashed my game I think pressing R just crashed my game so this isn't that ideal but I'll just log back in and nope when I logged back in I was back on the other side of the island you see in single player now there is a save game button that you have to hit to save your progress every once in a while I'm not sure if there is an autosave feature but if there is one it obviously wasn't an effect between now and then anyway I decided I wasn't going to go through all that pain again so I decided to craft a raft and sail Halfway Around the map up Northeast and eventually make my way to the Hidden Lake to build my base and I had pretty much all that I needed to craft a raft so so I just hit a few trees and set sail to my new home hopefully traveling like this will be a lot more peaceful and I also had a campfire cooking me some food on the raft at the same time so I was killing two iys with one slingshot Sunrise was finally upon me as I was peacefully sailing and I was also watching the map get filled out as I went oh Perry all right all right let's just get close to shore we're fine we're fine we're not panicking we're not panicking we're panicking it just killed my I managed to survive the ordeal and so did Perry and we slam Shore but it was still a traumatic experience and of course it started raining but I couldn't even be mad because of how good the weather looked but after that I made my way up on a cliff and there was actually a blue drop waiting for me so yeah on top of drops getting a new design it looks like the loot tables were also buffed because that was red drop loot quality right there on back on Arc survival evolved and I'm all for it here that's the coolest thing ever anyway I continued down the beach checking out different Landscapes as I went and eventually I got scammed by a blue drop that I had to kill a ton of piranhas for but that was all pushed aside when I found a literal unit unicorn there's literally a unicorn right here there is one of these on the map so obviously I had to tame it as the Unicorn is very rare I did have to use mayho berries but it was only level five so it wasn't too bad but anyways after I finally tamed the Unicorn I farmed up another raft by killing dinosaur hide killing bushes and trees for their resources but I was now on the east coast of the island so I only had to sail a little bit farther and I would be at the Hidden Lake and it was all going splendidly until I pass the swamp what oh my God pass pass pass no all right I got to push it off baby oh come on man I'm saving sprinkles maybe I'm not saving sprinkles no no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead no yeah I lost everything I mean I could get my stuff back which is what I was trying to do but it still sucks so after dying a few more times I actually did manage to make it back and snag my Loot and hop on my raft before the Saro was able to get to me and I was now headed to the northeastern part of the map with no tames and basically no gear welcome to Ark anyways I finally made landfall a few minutes later towards the end of the day and I immediately killed some of the local doas to establish my dominance and for their hide and I then crafted myself a sleeping bag a campfire to keep me warm and a pestle to craft some narcotics for future taming and I spent the rest of the night hunker down on the raft trying to stay warm and watching the Aurora Borealis overhead in the night sky I crafted a few more Tran arrows in the morning of day three just in case I run into anything I want to tame and after that I turn turned around and there was a level 20 parasaur straight chilling there like 10 ft away from me now if you remember from like 30 seconds ago my parasaur got eaten so I quickly knocked out and tamame this one even though it's horrible it's still way better than having no parasaur and after killing a few more local weaklings I had it saddle it's like Perry was never gone in the first place except I named this par St Jerry because it would be weird if I made another one Perry I don't know what I'm saying anyways I then quickly Farm some more narcoberries with Jerry to make even more narcotics and I then Farm some arrows and bullet get ready for the a great expedition to the Hidden Lake I mean I only had to run through like 30 seconds worth of jungle but I wanted to be prepared for anything in there so after a little motivation from my stream chat and a prayer to the AR Gods I made the journey to the Hidden Lake all right here's the path here's the path all right is this it we've made it oh my God guys look at this but even with how pretty it was it still wasn't safe from the wildlife as some Raptors were running Rampage I tried to B them to put them down but I'm actually horrible with aola and this happened instead I just bowed my own parachord but eventually I made it up on a little Cliff where I thought it was near impossible for stupid dinos to get me but I would learn differently later so anyway I began settling in and making some foundations to start building my base and that is until Level 30 Raptor ran up to me instead of killing it I decided to bowet it and knock it out and tame it it wasn't very strong but it was fast and that could be useful if I need to get away from anything and later on I was down by the lake looting a blue drop and harvesting a dead Raptor until I heard quite possibly the scariest sound a beach Bob like myself can hear what I just hear an I just heard an Al I just heard an Al that my friends was an Allosaurus Roar but I didn't see any alow so I went back up to the cliff where I thought I was safe and got back to work but later on when I was back down by the lake again checking out a yellow drop I couldn't open because I wasn't high enough level I spotted them there were two alows massacring literally everything in their path so I ran back up to the cliff I was based on whistled followed on my Raptor and booked it out of the Southern entrance to the Hidden Lake you're joking stop follow me St follow me no so turns out there's a third Alo wandering around the Cliffs of the Hidden Lake and it literally jumped on me through a tree to get to me it managed to kill Jerry but I somehow managed to pull a fast one on it and get back to my Raptor wh so follow on it and then run into the jungle to hide I found this little crevice where I just had to leave leave my Raptor while I tried and farm enough hide to craft the saddle so I could leave and find a safer place to be for a while little did I know this is going to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life but anyways I started making my rounds of the nearby area killing what dinos I could on foot with a Bola and some arrows until I decided to try and knock out two Raptors with the last two Bas I had but turns out there were three Raptors and I only had two polas but somehow I managed to avoid the Raptor's attacks and I put over 10 Tran arrows into it before I knocked an unconscious and then I died to the other two Raptors so basically it was a mission failed successfully but for the next 20 minutes it was just me getting arked so I'll keep it short I spent like 10 minutes trying to get back to my gear and tame the Raptor but I died multiple times until one time I finally succeeded and I then left my newly tamed Raptor inside an entrance to the Hidden Lake to keep it safe while I farm a nine more hide I needed to make it saddle but as I was about to start harvesting the parur where I killed the Doo the allows from earlier inside the lake managed to pathfind around the cliff edge up the ramp into exactly where I was and kill me before I got the highight yeah so I think this is a good time to mention Arc survival ascended also introduce better dyo pathfinding AI so they aren't nearly as stupid as they once were so no more getting a dyo that you want to tame stuck on rocks instead of making a trap cuz it's going to find its way to you if it's last thing that stupidly smart Dino AI will do but anyways after dying to the allows I died once again using myself as bait to get them away from my body and I then grabbed my items using the map to guide me exactly to where I died I then made my way back to the Raptor to the entrance of the Hidden Lake and there was a level 20 Pteranodon waiting for me and of course I killed it and it gave me just enough hide to craft my saddle and get out of there and at this point my original Raptor was dead because a Carno found it but I decided to go set up a base on the very edge of the map on a cliff where I only have to defend one side I made sure the area was safe and and I began setting up some that foundations a mortar and pestle a campfire and a storage box I wanted to put all my non-essential gear in the Box while I go on a metal run and hold as much metal as I can on the Raptor but I first decided to farm some rocks to get small amounts of metal to make a forge then a Smithy and then a metal pickaxe to maximize the amount of metal I can actually farm so I got to it I did the typical farming killing more farming and baby claiming yep you heard it right that trike I just killed was the parent of this little baby and I claimed it and of course I named it baby trike he is going to be my be farmer once he's all growing up as I don't have one right now because once again it got eaten anyway I finished my farming and finally made my Forge which I approved of its looks actually it looks good yeah I like it anyways I got the metal smelting and I had enough to make a Smithy and a metal pickaxe and then nothing else I am really poor right now but moving on I then formed all the other resources I needed to make a Smithy with and after I crafted it I wasn't too impressed with its looks but anyways I got my metal pickaxe and repaired my cloth and set out to the metal Mountain to get some metal I killed a few dinos on the way way to get some more hide and I actually took my raft over so I can make a quick Escape over the water if I needed to but anyways as soon as I beached I sprinted into the jungle found four nodes but I wasn't sure what they were is this metal it is I like this this is a cool looking Rock So after farming the four nodes and still being able to move somehow I got back to my raft and sailed home with my hall and for the rest of the day I farm the rest of the Hide I needed to make my TR saddle and farm some more narcoberries with it and after that I saw a blue drop coming down and once I got deeper into the forest to actually get to the drop it looked like the blue drop was about to explode with how much light was coming out of it but the drop actually contained a better crossbow toilet and some meat jerky which are all practically pretty useful to be honest I wanted to go on another meta run to the metal Mountain on day five but this time I also wanted to get some Crystal to finally make a spy glass so I took my Raptor and got back up to my raft and started sailing over to the metal Mountain but there was also a purple drop coming down on the nearby carnivore Island so with me having the attention span of a Nat and me liking shiny things I quickly changed my my course over to the island but I don't know that it was much of a good use of my time because look at this loot the only thing of value in here is kitan but I can farm that in a few minutes by killing some bugs so after that I wanted to go to the metal Mountain to do what I originally set out to do but there was a yellow drop coming down on the other side of the island so once again farming can wait but as soon as the drop landed I finally noticed the new animations the drops had as they landed and I was pretty mesmerized by it but I wasn't mesmerized by me not being high enough level to open the drop so modern problems require modern solutions so my solution was to kill I ran over to the bigger part of the island on my Raptor and took down a Carno and an argu which got me just enough experience for my character to reach level 45 oh my God what what are drops now so yeah it looks like drops definitely got boosted because you would never get near anything that high quality of loot back on Arc survival of a and I was not complaining I mean the only saddle I'll probably use out of these four is the thyolo saddle but this got my hopes really high for finding better gear and drops now and I'd also like to say Saddles now have durability so you can't reuse the same saddle for years on end now anyway I finally made my way back to the mainland to scale the metal Mountain I wanted to go to the very Peak this time as I believe there's some Crystal noge up there the problem is getting up so after some Advanced maneuvering in parkour on the back of my Raptor I found this abandon structure on the other side of the mountain it's entirely new to the map and I think it used to be some sort of Castle but more importantly it had a staircase that can take you up to the very top of the mountain and once I finally did reach the top of the mountain I didn't see anything because of a giant Cloud that was blocking all of my vision but I learned after a quick relo that the clouds go away and I managed to find myself some crystals and just warning you crystals also make this glass breaking sound when you harvest them I don't think this was super necessary to add at all it's actually earpiercing anyway after getting around 30 Crystal I got off the mountain and grabbed a little bit more metal and sailed my way back to my base just kidding I sailed back to the Carno Island because there was yet another yellow drop coming down exactly where it was last time and the loot was less than pleasing but I did craft a spy glass right before opening it and I did loot one last blue drop on the island before finally sailing back to my base and and it had some Tran arrows that will be useful later on and it's around this time that I wanted to tame an Argy so I farmed up a few more narcotics with my TR before heading down from my base area to form up a stone trap and some more Stone foundations to expand my base area but while I was farming for the tame an alpha Raptor appeared and got way too close for comfort oh oh it's an alpha Raptor it's an alpha Raptor so I moved away from the Raptor and finished farming what I needed to but this is when a thought dawned on me I needed to be level 62 to make an RG saddle and I'm only level 40 something right now so if I can get explore no experience buff and kill the alpha Raptor that might shoot me up to level 62 so we can tame an RG very soon so for the remainder of the day I farmed up an alpha Raptor trap consisting of one stone foundation and four door frames I finished farming the trap in the morning of date 6 and I also looted a blue drop which came down nearby that had even more Tran arrows into it at this rate I'm never going to have to farm narcotics again and I'm all for it but I did also craft a bunch more Stone arrows because that's how I'm going to kill the alpha Raptor once it's in the Trap and I then place down the little trap a little ways from my base because I do not want the alpha Raptor after stumbling by my humble abode by accident and I also made sure to save my game and relog to make sure I was safe before toggling the walls into door frames since I crashed last time I tried to do this but I have found that building doesn't actually cause crashes I started recording this gameplay about 8 hours after the game came out so it was pretty unstable so sometimes the simplest things would just make you crash but anyway I got the alpha Raptor's attention and attempted to trap it go go go go go all what it can walk through doors no and I then begged a Bronto to help me but I was quickly eaten soon after so anyway after respawning on a nearby Beach because I hadn't placed a bed yet I made my way back and got my gear while the Raptor was distracted and I then rethought my strategy and I decided to convert the door frames into windows by picking them up and toggling them and another nice feature wild card added is you can now pick up structures whenever and also walls are taller now so I didn't have any concerns about the Raptor getting out above the walls if you were worrying about that but then once the Trap was finished I got the Alpha's attention once again and had some more trouble getting into the Trap this did not work this did not work but I managed out smart and pull a fast one on it to get it in the Trap and now that it was in I had to quickly find an explor no and hope that it wouldn't be able to escape the trap in that time and I managed to find one inside the Hidden Lake while fighting a micro Raptor and hearing the allows from earlier still inside the lake it was very stressful but I pulled it off because I'm him and I then took the long way around back to my base on the beach because I wanted to avoid the forest as much as I can and to my delight their Alpha Raptor was still inside the Trap when I got back you see I knew my plan would work I never had any doubts or mistakes I what it can walk through doors and it only took a few shots to go down with a combination of my good crossbow and me only hitting head shot but even more to my surprise I got 19 levels from it which took me up to level 68 so I think you know that that it's RG taming time so I organized my gear and then made the rest of the RG trap from some of the structures that was used in the alpha Raptor trap and it was also storming this time in game and man I just can't get over how good it looks but towards the end of the day I set out to the north Northern mountains to find me and oversized pigeon to tame I had everything I needed to craft the saddle except the hide I need about 300 more but I figured I could easily Farm it while waiting for the RG to tame day seven I scaled the big metal Mountain next to the volcano and I made my way all the way to the top and hopes I'd be able to see some RGS however I only saw one and it was absolutely garbage and there were also a ton of clouds taken away from how far I could see and now I know I can turn the clouds off but honestly I don't want to they look really good and they make the game feel harder and more natural so anyway I made my way back down the mountain more Inland this time to continue my search and the decline was hurried up by a pack of raptors chasing me out and I eventually made my way towards the ma which was the land between the volcano and the mountain and I found a level 135 RG 135 we want that we want that we want that one and I then found a little Hill where I thought I could safely tame the RG So I placed down the trap in which I'm praying RGS can't fit through doorways but I'm 99% sure that they can so anyways I shot a few TRS at the RG to get its attention and I hit an actual snipe on it so I can just tag it oh I hit it oh my God so yeah I crashed once again this is why I said I think simple things just make the game Crash every once in a while I'm not even having performance issues my PC is absolutely eating this game alive and I'm still crashing but luckily I've been sporadically saving my game ever since I crashed that first time and the last time I saved was right before I built the Trap and I'd also like to give a special thanks to my chat for reminding me to save my game every once in a while you guys are real ones so anyway I rebuilt the Trap and had to put a little bit more effort into getting the RG in the Trap but once I got it it was stuck inside I think I got it yes guys you guys doubted me do not doubt me so yeah I was getting a little overconfident but it doesn't matter I was now tring out a level 135 RG on day seven in Ark survival ascended I don't know why that information was necessary but as I was putting Tran arrows into it I noticed it was getting a little too bloody for me to be comfortable with putting more arrows into it so I wanted to kill one of those Raptors that had chased me earlier and feed the body for this heal so I could safely knock it out but after killing the the whole pack and nearly losing my Raptor I realized I couldn't even drag their bodies down to the RG for some reason so I ended up placing a sleeping bag to respawn it and sacrificing myself to heal the RG and it took some coene but eventually CH gave in and ate me come on kill me yes and once it finally killed me I respawned and knocked it out and it's now time for me to get the hide I need to crafted saddle I really don't want to lead it back down to my base on my Raptor because that'll be way too dangerous so I started killing some smaller diners to get low amounts of hide until I eventually killed a Diplo which gave me a ton so with me having over 5,000 hours of experience and Arc survival evolved I knew a bunch of Diplo would spawn down by the black sand beaches over near the Redwoods so I made my way down and instantly spotted a Diplo which I tried to kill but I got swarmed by a ton of Hell creatures that spawn inside the Redwoods so I wasn't able to kill that one but there was another one across the river once again that I wanted to kill but if I could go back in time and tell myself to stay on that side of the river I would again that's a bionx you're joking I jumped right onto it Greer is dead Greer is dead so yeah I ended up losing my Raptor named Greer which I named after a stream donation I mean come on if you watch the clip back you can't easily see the bionics until I was already mid jump what was I supposed to do so anyway I'm on foot now with my armor nearly broken in one of the most dangerous parts of the map but I'm not going to give up I'm going to get the hide I need tame the RG and make the saddle to fly back to my base but after killing one more terror bird for hide and being chased back up the mountains by Raptors I decided to came the RG and craft some parachutes to jump off the mountain and parachute back to my base let's face it if I stay here I'm going to die and so is my RG so I'd rather Play Safe And Farm the hide back near the safety of my base so I tamed the RG using some raw meat and crafted a few more bullets and parachutes by the end of the day and climbed up the mountain further I spent the first 5 minutes of day eight scaling the mountain to get a high enough elevation where I could make the most distance in one jump and I was dehydrated freezing and running out of food so I made it to a decent height and took one last look around the so beautiful yet so Danger dangerous Island look oh my God look at that guys though I know I'm in a bad situation but look how pretty that looks and after one last prayer to the AR Gods I took my Leap of Faith and floated above the clouds hoping to land nearby my base and to my surprise I actually landed right next to the hill where I was based on so I somehow made it home and my RG was also named protein shake I don't know why but my chat really wanted it and a bidding war was even started for it to be named protein shake but anyways once I got back to base I'd Place some walls that I'd taken from the trap to secure my base a little bit more and I re organize the inside and I then spent the next 10 minutes running around the beaches and killing small din for hide until I finally had an RG saddle flight was now possible for me and on my way back to my base the AR God surprised me with a blue drop with a ring and I didn't think ring drops were in the game anymore so I was very surprised to see one is that is that drop of a ring oh my gosh this could be good anyway it gave me a pretty decent for chest piece and some other decent resources and once I finally made it back to my base I sat on my RG and took flight and I then spent the rest of the day flying around the map getting explore notes and loveling on my RG and I even killed an alpha Raptor and eventually made my way up to the volcano where there was a whole Giga inside but there were also a bunch of resources up there and I don't mind if I take them I was still farming away in the morning of day n and I got a decent amount of metal and obsidian and I also wanted to farm some crystal inside the volcano since there's a ton in there but remember that Giga that was inside the volcano well I thought that was going to prevent me from farming but it turns out that it actually died inside the lava and I was able to loot it and harvest it for a tide so that was quite possibly the easiest Giga heart retrieved in the history of Arc survival ascended so far but anyways I fed some Crystal with its horrible shattering noises and flew back to my base but on the way back I put my journeyman for armor to use and flew into the snow to loot a pretty mid purple drought I don't know if that's actually anything good anyway now that I have RG and some resources I want to fix up my base and since this game looks so nice I want my base to look nice too I was only going to build a little Shack for now but I'll expand it later so I spent the rest of the day farming and building but I think this Montage paints a better picture than my words the first half of day 10 was spent doing a mukbang live on stream I was actually just watching the sunrise and eating lunch since You' boys got to stay filled up to provide you guys that quality content and join my Discord in the link in the description to find out what I was eating and so you don't miss another one of my streams where you can watch the sunrise with me and hear some Grandy eating ASMR anyway I finally got to work about 20 minutes into day 10 and I wanted to finish my house in the next few days so I can get into taming some dinos because I'm not going to lie farming all these structures by hand on these low rates I'm playing on is slowly killing me and also my rates and settings are in the description if you want to check them out for yourself but anyways I continued building onto my house and adding these pillars onto my wraparound porch but I then quickly got distracted by a purple drop which is coming down nearby and it actually gave me a good anilo saddle which is going to be useful later on and yes I'm saying it correctly now ankyo it's a new game so there's a new me and I just got tired of you all flaming me for how I say anleo anyways after that I farmed some more wood with my Hatchet to craft more pillars and these new railings that look awesome and I also added some stairs and added the railings on top of them to make it more realistic and I was super happy with it oh not going to lie this is looking better all right I got I got a super cool idea I think I hope but that idea didn't turn out nearly as good as I wanted it to I tried adding these railings on the roof to make it look better but I ended up just taking them off and to finish off the day I did even more wood farming to craft more pillars and ceilings to make a small balcony SL Landing platform on the back of my house this was partially for looks but more for functionality I wanted to be able to easily unload my metal into the forges or other resources into my crafting equipment so this platform allows me to drop the dyo I was using the farm or land a bird with all the resources right next to my forges Smithy or fabricator day 11 started with some more farming this time to craft forges but when I landed back in my base actually try and craft the metal smelters I misstepped so obviously I need to place some more railings there to make this platform idiot proof because it's obvious I'm an idiot but anyways after placing the railings I looted quite possibly the worst purple drop with a ring of all time what I'm not sure why it's so bad but whatever anyway going back to those forges I wanted to craft at the beginning of the day I couldn't even craft them because I was missing the hive so I started killing some nearby dinos and I even killed a Bronto which had two babies which I can now claim and obviously I did I mean I really only needed one of them but I have two now but I then proceeded to lead them back to my base which took forever because well they're bronos anyway I finally did get back to farming some hide before getting distracted by a red drop coming down on Carno Island which honestly didn't have that good of loot inside of it I'm really hoping drops didn't get nerfed already but there is a serious loot gap between what I was getting when I first started playing and now and all I got out of the red drop was some polymer and a car car saddle and that's really about it and I then proceed to loot two more drops which were both bad and I got the rest of the Hide I needed to craft three more forges so when I returned back to my base I placed down all the forges with the windows behind them so I could access them from The Landing platform and just before the end of the day I farmed a little bit more wood and crafting two more large storage boxes cuz I was already running out of space in my shack I know it's really small right now but I'll be expending on it to the Future to house some more storage industrial machines and other stuff I'm going to need day 12 I loaded in to see a yellow drop coming down on the metal Mountain a purple drop coming down on Conor Island and another one coming down right next to my base now even with these drops being pretty mid lately I can't pass these up so I first flew out to the metal Mountain where there was a giga and a Rex waiting for me I haven't even done a dino wiper anything so it's beyond me how I found 2 gigas in 12 days but all I know is I'm not going anywhere near it but that didn't stop me from still trying to get the yellow drop going for it oh big mistake why oh that was close that was really close so after putting down the Rex he was guarding the drop with his life because his AI was too smart to walk off the cliff I collected my prize yeah once again that was not worth it and neither were the two purple drops what is happening here but anyways now I'm ready to start taming and at first either want to tame an anky or a doic because I have a saddle for both and it's just easier that way so I repaired my crossbow and got all the narcotics and trinks I would need and set out on my R to look for a tame and explore the island for the first time really but that's not before I got distracted by a yellow drop with the the ring coming down where the twin pillars used to be and once again it was absolutely terrible and the next 20 minutes we're spent flying around and looking for my future metal farming buddy but the problem with searching for smaller dinos like ankos in the sky is that you can't really see where they are the combination of Asa having more trees bigger foilage and general Shadows and Light Rays it's really hard to determine what's a Dyno and what's a rock sometimes and I was beginning to lose all hope until I was flying down near a river rest of the volcano where I thought I heard the faint sound of an Inky fighting for its life and I'm now going to give you 5 Seconds spot the anky before I do and if you don't spot it before me you have to donate me your entire bank account balance yes this is a threat maybe oh yeah there is one and luckily for the spiky dude he was level 130 so I saved him and began flying back to my base yeah and if he was a lower level I definitely would have let him die day 13 Started With Me Knocking the Eno out and it knocked out surprisingly quick because I have a decent crossbow and I only hit dingers into its head but anyways I then formed some mayo berries with my brondo to f it and it was going to take a little while to tame so I have some time to do some other things and by other things I meant opening this purple dropper right next to my base and it actually had some decent loot like 65 metal ingots and some Gunpowder if you consider that decent loot but after that I started farming some wood like a lot of wood I wanted to fill up my forges with wood so I could do a big metal run as soon as my anleo wakes up but I encountered a problem a crash it wasn't a huge issue as I got pretty good at saving my game every few minutes but these crashes are really starting to get annoying and I believe it's a memory issue from looking over at the arch official Discord and it still not fixed as I'm recording this voice over but I'm really hoping it does get fixed soon because if not I'm going to get involved that's the corniest thing I've ever said please take that out anyway I logged back in and finished farming all the wood until each Forge had about 200 wood and I also then started cooking some more me as well as crafting myself a long neck rifle I had some bullets from drops and some Gunpowder that I got earlier but I really just needed a better weapon to protect myself if I ever got attacked on foot for some reason and at this point the anky still had a while to go before it tamed so I set back out to the mountains in search of a OIC this time to hopefully start taming and it's also at this point where I realized I was hitting around 30 FPS now playing on one of the best PCS money can buy right now this is very concerning so I started messing around with turning the fog and clouds off and on to hopefully try and get some more frames I really didn't want to turn down the overall game resolution because of how darn good it looked but seriously who do they expect to be able to play this game anyway I'll be experimenting with toggling little details like these on and off over the next few days but finally towards the end of the day I looted a purple drop with a ramshackle long neck rifles day 14 I finally turn to my base after not finding anything worth taming but my anky was now tamed so that's a plus and IID also just watched a video on how to properly use the in-game map which can now be done in your inventory to do more advanced mechanics like placing way points and stuff and after that I saddled up my ankle and instantly set up to the metal Mountain to farm s that o valuable white shiny goodness but I did have to be careful as the Giga was still at the peak of the mountain but I should be safe towards the bottom but I do have to say I was less than impressed with the amount of metal my Ino was actually farming what that's some poverty metal dude oh my God but after farming most of the metal notes I could safely Farm on the northeastern Mountain I flew across the river Westward toward the mountain where I tamed my RG and continued my farming spree and I was also keeping the stone and flp my anky was collecting in my RG simply because I didn't feel like having to farm those resources again when I didn't have to and lastly I farmed some Crystal that was a top the mountain before flying back to my base and absolutely loading up my forges and after that I ended off the day by killing an alpha Raptor that was near my base and flying south once again to look for some more dinos to tame I was out by the green obelisk in the morning of day 15 and I was fighting a Carno and a few other creatures that were also fighting a giant beaver I wanted to find out what level the dude was so I could potentially tame him to be my wood farmer but I wasn't able to save him under the water and he was killed but now that there was no one guarding his Dam I took the goods and ran if the owner is no longer around the care about of stuff is it still considered stealing probably but this is Arc and I don't care so anyways I continued down the river hoping to find some more giant beavers but that's when I spotted a level 130 Pteranodon this is the first level high PT I found so far and I'm going to tame it and it only took one ball two Tran arrows and 7 minutes on Prim me the tame after I killed a spino I'd say a pretty valid use of my time and I didn't want to go back to my base just yet so I whistled the bird to follow me and kept looking and I found two more giant beavers Downstream but they were both garbage levels and weren't worth me taming So eventually I cut my losses and return back to my base and once there I named my pts stats so I could remember them for future breeding purposes I didn't want to be riding around on an unimprinted one of these birds for too long as they weren't very strong at all and I spent the rest of the day flying around getting the birds some explore notes to quickly level them up and I also started experiencing some graphic issues where the light looks super weird but a relog would fix it these issues are starting to get super annoying I was still on the hunt for some good bargain tames on day 16 and I was flying past the Redwoods when I spotted a level 150 male Pteranodon I already had a male but you can't pass up a Max Level like that and there wasn't anything special about the tame it had some better health and stamina but my current bird has better weight so I'm going to have to breed that out when I find a female but after that the bird finished taming and I took it back in my base and refu in my forges so they can keep producing me some metal and then I set back out a yep I just just crashed doing absolutely nothing that would even make my PC struggle and I know it's not my computer's issue I'll put a screenshot on screen right now of wild card acknowledging the issue it's not me guys I swear but after that I got back and continued searching for a highle female bird now and it didn't take me too long to find a level 140 female the process of looking for din to tame is now much faster cuz I'm not on the back of the RG which is super slow and by the end of the day the bird finished taming and I took it back to my base day 17 started with me crafting and placing a preserving bin I mean I wish that's what happened I actually only crafted the preserving bin and when going to place it I crashed and I was starting to get really fed up with these constant crashes come on man it's ridiculous but when I finally got back into the game after having to close it and relaunch it I did manage to successfully place the preserving B this time and I also crafted some spark powder to keep it running but now I want to secure my base area even more I'm starting to have more tames outside my house and I don't want a Rex or an alpha Raptor to run up and randomly started eating them so I decided it's finally time for me to place some spike walls and a behemoth gate so farming for those stru structures went a little like this and then a little like this until I had all the resources I need to craft a stone Behemoth gate and a gate frame and I had gotten all the stone for my past metal run I knew it would come in clutch because farming over a th000 stone you need for the pair would really suck farming by hand oh my God are you are you kidding man this is a joke dude come on yeah that's another crash for the books luckily I had saved right after I farmed all the resources and I managed to finish crafting the gates all right this time and after crafting the gates for a second time I crafted some of the spike walls I needed to block up the land next to the gate and placing them was going good I even got the whole Behemoth gate down but when I tried to open it things went downhill oh my God are you kidding that's a joke that I'm going to bed I can't deal with this right now are you kidding me that's a legitimate joke man come on anyways I finally got the Behemoth gate and all the spike walls down I needed by the end of the day but to keep it sure I crashed three three more times while doing so it was a real pain and after that the forges needed to be refueled cuz they have been cooking the metal this whole time so after committing some more crimes against nature I refilled my forges in the end of the day by breeding my level 150 tamed PT with a level 140 female that I tamed day 18 I discovered I could actually incubate the egg inside of my base with the heat from the forges and the Egg only took about 2 and 1/2 minutes to incubate so there wasn't that much time to do anything in between so I kind of just stared at it while it did its thing and then I spent half of the day raising the inside my base as well because it wasn't smart enough to follow me out through the door and I did get 100% imprint on it because luckily it wanted a cuddle and once again my breeding and raising settings will be in the description if you want to check them out for yourself but it only hit me after I hatched the egg that if this thing had wanted something other than a cudd or a walk I'd kind of be screwed and I don't think I've mentioned it yet but there aren't any cryopods yet in AR survival ascended so if it wanted kble to imprint I probably would have put it down and raised a new one and lastly I also named the bird bones for no reason at all I just thought it was a decent name but anyway once bones was fully grown I saded her up and took her out to do some power leveling so she wasn't ter terrible and I started with getting an explor note on top of the one of the snow mountains and then I got one behind the Frozen waterfall on the Northern Shore and I also looted a red and purple drop on my way back to base but they were both unnoteworthy so I don't know why I'm even talking about them right now anyway I spent some time looking for a good the or a giant beaver to Tain because I still wanted a wood farmer and I did find some giant beaver dams in the Hidden Lake so a little later on I returned with my RG and looted absolutely everything out of them wood included and working towards the last few minutes of the day I added four more foundations on the side of my base and opened up the wall to make a doorway I wanted to make a small addition to the place and make it a storage room because as I said earlier I was running out of storage space already and I put the wood I got from the beaver dams good use because after placing the windows in I placed 10 large wooden storage boxes I should not run out of storage for a while I placed in a reinforced door to seal off the new addition on day 19 and I then crafted out four more ramps for the roof but I couldn't afford the SLP walls so I had to venture back out and form some wood where a yellow drop was coming down and once I had the slope walls I open the drop to get a bunch of metal structures which is cool but I doubt I'll ever actually use them because I'm playing on single player I mean they could protect me from a giga so I might make a safe room or something but if a giga gets to my base it's game over and I might as well restart but anyway I took the metal structures and flew back to my base to finish the roof Edition but I wasn't completely done with it yet because I wanted to craft a few of these quarter ceilings to put on it they're brand new to the game and since I'm not going to be expanding the wrapper on porch around the new edition I think they'll look very nice but after only farming a few up to test it out I saw a yellow drop floating in the air right above my base what the and after investigating it a little bit I realized that drop has technically landed even though it's still floating but after some quick thinking and crafting I jumped off the back of my bird deployed a parachute and whistled for the bird to follow me and I managed to land on the drop but I had used my only parachute that I had and the drop had decent loot but more importantly I clutched up once again with having my PT fly over to me and me riding it and safely getting off the drop so after depositing my newly acquired riches I finished crafting and placing the quarter ceilings and I was pretty happy with my hen work on my house this base is insane you guys have never seen a better base than this you kidding me I'm loving this dude I'm call me chiping Joanna games because I'm building in this Arc video okay I may have been getting a little overconfident but come on you have to admit this is one of the better bases I've ever built and with these insane graphics it's smashwagon so I spent some time getting geared up to brace the wild I made more parachutes and Bowlers to keep me alive and even got some other gear to tame the the you need a trapped to T and Theory because they're fast and they hit like trucks and with them having better pathf finding AIS I'm not going to be anywhere near an uncaged high level Theory that's mad at me so I started collecting some stone structures for a trap of my own but I managed to get even more from a purple drop with a ring in the Hidden Lake these drops are starting to redeem themselves but this still isn't good loot by any means anyway I returned back to farm the rest of the Trap that I needed and I then set the rest of the day flying towards the green obelisk in search of a tickle chicken of my own day 20 and I found a lot of theories like I saw an ungodly amount of theories I haven't even turned turned up the dino spawn rates or anything it was like really weird but the problem was none of them were good levels the max level on this map is level 150 but the island is notorious for spawning low levels which is why I consider taming this level 120 ooh that's debatable man but ultimately I decided against it because I'm going to need the best the's in the game to eventually take down this Alpha dragon and I might even bring a few into the overseer fight with me but yeah I continued circling around the map for the rest of the day once again finding a bunch more the's but none worth taming I was still searching for a the into day 21 and once again I wasn't having any problems finding the's but they were all butt cheeks and not worth taming and I was still sticking around the green obelis because that's where I find most of the the's but that's also when I found another unicorn now my mic was turned off while I was recording this part but it's probably a good thing because I was screaming when I found it and I wanted to avenge sprinkles but I didn't want to tame this unicorn on Mayo berries as that would take too long and be very dangerous with all these other diners around so I remembered I had some crops back in my base that would heavily speed up the taming process if not instantly t so I spent a few minutes flying back to my base and when I arrived I took my whole stock of rock characters which I collected from drops over time from my preserving men now 20 doesn't seem like a lot but these dudes are super effective at taming Eis and unicorns so I then set back off to the unicorn on the back of my RG this time because I'm going to carry it back to my base when I tame it basically because there's no way I'm running it through the deadliest part of the island back to my base and also I don't know what I'm going to do when I need to tame bigger dinos like rexes and megatheriums I'm probably going to need to tame a quitzel and put a giant platform on the back to airlift them but now I can only imagine what I'm going to have to do and I have to Transit my boss dinos to the obelisks yeah I really don't want to think about that right now I'm going to tame this unicorn instead right now and just as I expected it instantly tamed it these Rock carrots or something else anyway I named The Unicorn sprinkles V2 hey I had to commemorate the first sprinkles somehow so directly after giving sprinkles V2 their new name I had to relog before flying back to my base cuz of this weird glitch that happens every once in a while where my mouse gets stuck on the screen and I can't turn my character it's really annoying but it's not the end of the world so anyway I flew sprinkles 2 back to my base and switch birds again once again back to my PT and set back out and I spent the rest of the day flap flap flapping that's me trying to tell you guys I spent the rest of the day flying around without finding a decent the to tame I'm really starting to dislike this island and its bad levels but day 22 day 22 my people you know what day 22 just just watch oh my God that that took a second to process oh my God I guess Ark was blessing me for having some patience anyway I can't celebrate anymore because I need to get this dude in a trap and knocked out so of course I assembled the Trap and once I was done putting the Trap together I couldn't find the theory where is that how did you how did you get over there yeah I'm not going to lie when I couldn't find the theory I was slowly losing my will to live but no worries though because I now have it in the Trap and I'm shooting shank arrows into it and once the theory was knocked unconscious I threw some narcotics into its inventory and quickly took off back to my base you see the zenos lose torpidity very fast like faster than a boss level crack addict they either have some insane tolerance or just build different I don't really know but anyway I was flying back to my base to grab the rest of the crops as I needed to tame them the the know the fastest and I had to be quick because even if I took a few minutes too long that dude would be back up and awake by the time I got back so as soon as I returned back to my humble AB boat I grabbed the rock carrots and some more saber Roots I had from a drop as well and I also grabbed the rest of the narcotics I had on my base just in case and on the way back I opened a purple drop with some questionable loot in it whoa I know I'm underage but we're getting lit tonight but anyway when I returned my theory was gone so I'm just going to have to look for another high level all over again just kidding it was there I would uninstall Arc if that happened but I did have to spend the rest of the day waiting for the tame after I put the crops into it crops are way better than berries but they still take forever to tame in herbivores the Theo finally finished taming in just over 6 minutes into day 23 and after naming the tickle chicken at Stats I had the realization I have no good way of getting it back to my base my God how am I going to get this back to my base um I didn't think about this one and now my game's broke what is my arm yeah I didn't think this one through too well but after using a few problem solving skills I devised the plan I would fly back to my base Farm up with Areno saddle then return back and walk the theory back home with my PT following me it wasn't a great plan but it's the only one I had so I put it in the action but once I made it back home I realized I had basically no hide to make the saddle so I had spent some time killing the surrounding dinos for their hides with my RG until I finally managed to craft the saddle by at the end of the day and my Rd is also still my strongest Dino to kill other dinos with which honestly kind of sucks because it's really not that strong at all day 24 started with me flying back out towards the green Obelisk for like the millionth time I don't I don't know I I hate flying back out here now but anyways I saddled the theory as soon as I arrived and got to work instantly killing a Diplo this is because I actually decided I would make a raft and walk a short distance to the east coast and stay a home instead of Walking Half the map directly through a recck spawning area and farming the raft was made very easy because my theory could Farm hide and wood very well but I did have to run through the swamp with my PT whistle to follow me which was actually pretty scary considering the last time I was over here I lost both of my tames but I managed to make it to the coast place down the raft and sail home and my PT also followed me home in the air because it's basically as soon as I said sail it was pushed off by a Saro I nearly had a PTSD attack like from last time but I made it away and I finally made it home about halfway through the day and I then immediately set back out with my theory once again but this time with my RG whistled to follow me I wanted to farm a bunch of wood to fill my forges and just to have and this wood farming strategy was much better than just hitting with my Hatchet oh my God that was horrible but anyway later on I filled my forges with a few stacks of wood and sat out once again with my RG and anky for a metal run I still had a decent amount of metal at my base from the first metal run but I wanted even more cuz I'm greedy I was farming metal all over the volcano on day 25 and I pretty much Farm all the good metal nodes on the nearby metal mountain and I don't know if I'm just not seeing them but I swear there is less metal on this map than there was back on Arc survival of V I guess they do look much more like normal rocks now only be able to be identified by the shiny streaks on them but anyway I depleted the island for more of its natural resources and set back off towards my base but on the way back I noticed a red drop coming down and that the sun looked very weird this morning what is it just me or does that sun look like it's about to explode anyway that's not that important but it looks like one of the stars that might go supernova or something I don't really know I skip school to play Arc usually but more importantly that red drop was still coming down and it had some juicy loot inside oh if only that was a blueprint yeah that the sad is going to be very useful in the dragon boss fights and as I said I wish it was a blueprint so I could craft as many of them as I wanted to but I can't complain with this but moving on I finally made it back to my base and dropped the anky off on my balcony to instantly crash straight after no big deal I've definitely saved the game between now and the time I finished farming metal and when trying to relaunch the game you can accidentally hear me opening Arc survival of fall oh I just launch wrong game anyway once I finally made it in I was in the air and I had to use a parachute to save myself but the worst thing of all my theory saddle was gone wait no we didn't get the theory saddle screw this game man yeah it's safe to say I was not too happy about that why is the sky yellow and yeah you could tell this loss was really affecting me because of the weird voice I just did right there but anyway I made it back to my base once again minus the the satle and I loaded up my forges with a buttload of metal to begin smelting and after that I finally made a fabricator literally a quarter of the way through this 100 days I'm really going to have to pick up the pace but the problem was I didn't have any place to put it where am I going to put this I literally just expanded my base and I'm already out of space so I'm going to need to expand my base once again but before I do that I want to tame a doic to make farming stone structures much more easier so I grabbed a few pieces of gear from my house and set out and spend the rest of the day looking for more of these rly Stone boys but the problem with finding one of these dudes is that they look exactly like rocks they're very small round and most of them are a gray color and combin that all with them barely moving you can classify them as rocks that's what they are and I might as well be shooting Tran arrows into a rock mostly because I wasn't finding a a single doic I was looking everywhere for one of these dudes but it's just like my luck with girls they were all hiding from me in fear that I would shoot them with Tran arrows yeah that sounded very wrong anyway I finally found one about halfway through Day 26 it was a level 120 which is incredible but all it was going to do is Farm me some Stone so it really doesn't need to be that great so I successfully knocked down my future Rock farmer and then I farmed four Spike walls to protect him because most things in the Redwoods like to eat doic and that's exactly where I'm taming this guy and after that I returned to my base while my doic was losing food the farm is with my Bronto and switch to my RG so I'll be able to carry him back to my base and I also brought the saddle so I could protect him a little bit more as soon as he was tamed day 27 and I learned doic take a long time to tame but luckily I had missed out on most of the time waiting to tame because the Little Rock was losing food while it flew back across the map so the doic only tamed 8 minutes into day 27 and I named him Rockefeller cuz he's a rock and a feller I guess anyways I then grabbed the do with my RG and took him back to my base to be my stone farmer forever and I put him straight to work farming some rocks next to my base ba that were getting on my nerves and speaking of stuff getting on my nerves I was missing some quarter ceilings surrounding my house so I crafted a few of those and finished it off but I guess it's not actually finished because I want to build a whole another expansion onto the house to house my artifacts and Industrial machines like my fabricator but I decided I would make a completely separate building with the stone foundation platform linking the two so after a little bit of experimenting I found the shape that I liked these triangle foundations edging along the cliff until I could bring them to enough space to make a rectangular shaped platform and I then crafted a few more normal Stone foundations to finish off the base platform by the end of the day the grinding continued into day 28 I had the base platform finished I believe it was a 3x7 I'm not totally sure but it doesn't matter and I then plac two windows and finally plac my fabricator this is progress baby I don't care what you say anyway I grabbed a few more resources from the storage boxes and crafted my first generator and I also unlocked a bunch of ingrams I'm going to need going forward mostly industrial structures but moving on I placed a few more windows down then placed my generator down to make sure I didn't have it sticking out through the wall and in Arc survival ascended generators were upgraded to no longer need cable cbles to power structures which is honestly really nice so any structure that requires power will now receive it cable free as long as it's inside the generator sphere of power that sounded really cool I'm not going to lie anyway I think the range of the generator is pretty big so if you have a smaller base like me you're going to be just fine powering everything you need and also Fabricators now use power from generators which is awesome no more of having to have gas in both this is a valid upgrade and I approve this message but we'll have to see if chemistry benches still need Power and Gas to run I really hope that they don't anyways after that I spent a little bit more time placing Stone Truck down to continue the build on my industrial Workshop which is what I'm going to call it and I also place this large sell door on the roof because I plan on dropping farming dins in here once I have an industrial Forge this took the place of hatch frames and large trap doors which are no longer in the game so after placing a stone dinosaur gate to finish working on the workshop for now I gathered up some taming gear because I want to tame atha colio I'm going to use AA as my main cave exploration creature because they're small and have decent health and damage but instead of rearming a stone trap I decided to fly back out towards the green obis and repair the one I'd use to tame ay and reuse that one reduce reuse recycle baby anyways I also opened a purple and a yellow drop on the flight out there but I didn't really get anything of value besides his cooked mutton I'm going to use to tame the Tho anyway I finally arrived at the trap's location and I farmed a few resources before repairing it all and then picking them up and then I took it off for probably the most dangerous part of the map the Redwoods I have to fly around the Redwoods scouting up and down the giant trees for thas while avoiding getting pounced off the back of my bird which should be easy it's not going to be easy I don't know what I'm saying and as soon as I entered the Redwoods I was greeted by a crappy level Philo who I'm assuming wanted to meet his favorite YouTuber and got too excited whoa somebody missed me ah it was you yeah but I did say it was a crappy level so I killed it and I would kill a few of these really bad level thas I'm trying to make some space for a high level to spawn in and I would also be collecting their claws cuz I'm going to need them to start a boss fight eventually so anyways I spent the rest of the day searching around the Redwoods finding no thas wor you know becoming my caving SL I can't say that day 29 and the search continued and I was still not finding any wor the the contenders to tame and I actually got pounced off the back of my bird twice and both times nearly ended with my death but I managed to make a quick Escape because I'm quickly becoming the best Arc survival ascended player of all time but to top it all off when I was trying to get back on my bird after a second attack I crashed bro bro are you kidding anyways once I finally got back into the game I decided you know maybe this is my sign to leave the Redwoods and that's what I did so I flew back to my base but I still have to tame a thla at some point but I didn't really spend too much time at my base because I just repaired my armor and then set back out to the Redwoods because I'm going to get this tho whether it kills me or not and I guess the AR gods have decided to pity me because I didn't even make it into the Redwood before I found the level 145 thla what oh my God we're taming that so I quickly assembled the Trap and I got the murder Kitty inside the Trap by luring him in with my PT and then as most of you all know by now I shot a bunch of trink arrows into him until he fell unconscious but I couldn't sit around waiting to tame this guy like my other teams bilas actually prefer cooked meat more than raw meat for some odd reason I guess they learned how to cook meat in the wild and decided it's way better than this disgusting Raw meat but either way I need cooked meat more specifically cooked prime meat so I flew back to my base and instantly placed an industrial Grill which I had gotten from a drop I'm not sure if I showed me looting the drop where I got it but so much has happened in this video already it's all starting to blur together anyway I placed the grill and then took off and killed a Bronto close to my base with my Rd which gave me four raw prime meat I cooked the meat in the very early morning of day 30 and it looks like the industrial Grill also had some changes done to it as each piece of meat now cooked individually rather than all 12 at once and I'd say I like this method better than the old one so another valid change anyway I now had three cooked land chops and four cooked prime meat which should be able to tame the thila pretty effectively so I flew back to the still unconscious thla and threw the meat into its inventory which would luckily be enough to tame it but I had to spend a few more minutes waiting for it to wake up and be mine but right before it was about to finish taming I realized I have no good way of getting this dude back to my base wait I can't even get I can't get this home so once again I flew back to my base this time I deposited all of my taming gear and grabbed the Mastercraft dla saddle I got very early on in my playthrough I knew this thing would come in handy and after that I flew back to my now tamed Phila and I named him Herbert A fitting name for a warrior that would retrieve artifacts from the depth of hell with me later on anyways I saddled up Herbert whistled bones to follow me and then ran all the way back home and once I finally made it back home I placed a bunk bed in the workshop which I just gotten from a purple drop right outside my base so i' now finally have a place to respawn cuz that's actually the first bed I've placed at my base but moving on I was starting to run low on rifle bullets and with the long neck rifle being my primary defense when I'm on foot I could not allow that so I crafted some Gunpowder from the burnt charcoal from my forges and made some more freedom rounds and to end off the day I decided to go power leveling with my [Music] thila the massacre continued into day 31 and actually it continued all the way throughout the entirety of the day so you know I'm just going to have my editor cut back to that super epic [Music] Montage wait but before that I'd like to say I legit spotted another level 145 PHA about halfway through the day what another 145 but I didn't tame it because it was a male and so it was Herbert so I think it'd be a pretty big waste of time and resources to tame the dude so I just let him go anyways back to the [Music] Montage I finally returned to my base in the morning of day 32 and I immediately put my newly acquired resources away from my hunting party and I was now starting to collect a decent amount of tributes needed for the boss fights but speaking of those boss fights I also need artifacts and I've decided I want to fight the MEAP picus first and that's going to require the artifact of the devour brute and pack the artifact of the brute is deep and in the easy underwater cave and the artifact of the pack is on the complete other side of the island but however the artifact of the devour happens to be in a cave just across the water from my base on Carno Island so now that mytha has some decent levels on him I decided it's now a good time as any to retrieve my first artifact so I organized myself for a spunking Expedition and force fed Herbert some Ron meat to get his health up and I then rode my murdered Kitty down to the beach and put him on the raft I decided to sail over to the island instead of using my RG to carry us over mostly because so I didn't have to worry about the RG when I was in the cave but now that I'm sailing over I just like to say I'm really excited to explore these caves as they should look amazing with the new graphics and features added to them anyway a few minutes later I beached on the other side of Carno Island and I immediately sprinted into the entrance of the cave which hadn't changed that much since Arc survival evolve but it's safe to say the inside has definitely changed this cave looks crazy man anyway after that I had a quick scare because I almost wasn't able to fit my thla deeper into the cave but after some skillful maneuvering and breaking some Crystal nodes I managed to squeeze through oh I made it I hope I can get back out anyway I continued to venture deeper into the cave swimming my way through the small water part to get back up to the surface on the other side and that's where Herbert came in there were arenos and Onyx everywhere and the giant bats were pretty tough to take down I'm not going to lie and they were even so tough to take down that one even managed to give me mega rabies before I could kill it I would survive the disease but if I got it once or twice more then I'm a dead man so that's when I decided you know what screw exploring the cave like it's supposed to be explored I then proceeded to repel off a very large Cliff way too fast down with my thid to collect the artifact going to drop in here and take this real quick long as you guys don't mind um this guy's minding these guys are minding oh oh oh oh there's no way I don't get mega rabies again yeah I managed to get the artifact and survive getting Mega rabies for a second time but that didn't stop me from placing a sleeping bag just in case it all went South but now it's time for me to make my grand Escape I climbed up the wall and left yeah that's why I T to tho to explore caves with me it's because I can do things like that cheesing caves anyway I emerged from the cave and it was still dark out but that didn't stop me from getting back on my raft and sailing back home with my newly acquired artifact but once there I put the artifact away as well as the hides and kiten I got from killing the cave creatures and I then got straight to work working on the industrial Workshop I crafted and finished placing Down the Walls so it's now an enclosed space and I also added in all the window shutters to make it functional and after that I placed a fireplace down which I gotten from supply drop and then I put a few more artifact pedestals down I got from drops next to it and I immediately displayed the artifact of the devour which looks absolutely awesome in here anyway the rest of the day we spent trying to make the outside of the workshop look better as it's just kind of a stone box right now and I added a front porch like my main house to try and make it look prettier but honestly I don't think this thing will ever look amazing because of its awkward shape but I'm really going to try now on to day 33 I started the day by crafting two cantens so I now have a decent apply water on the go and after filling both cantens up I did some quick narcoberry farming with my Bronto for more narcotics this is because I need to start taming rexes to breed an army to fight the megapithecus I'm already a third of the way through this 100 days and I think this is the longest I've ever gone without taming boss fighting dinos anyway after placing another Mort pestle I got the narcotics crafting but I'm not going to use Tran arrows to knock out the rexes like last time I want to use Tran darts to speed up the process but that doesn't speed up the taming resource Gathering process because I have to make even more long neck bullets to craft the darts and that that led me to farm a bunch of Flintstone with my Eno and then craft in the spark powder and the rest of the day was also spent crafting spark powder narcotics and gunpowder to eventually make more rifle bullets it was a very long and boring process but the combination of these Tran darts in my Ram shackle long neck thees should fall asleep in basically no time to put it lightly day 34 was almost like torture I had severely miscalculated how long it would take to craft other Tren darts I wanted to between crafting gunpowder narcotics and everything in between it was not a fun experience and pretty much the whole day was spent on the TR Dart dve the process was definitely lengthened by me not having any spoiled me at my base so about halfway through the day I did have to go out and kill a few dinos with my RG to acquire said spoiling me but yeah not a fun experience 2 out of 10 don't recommend but day 35 I finally got out of my base because I now have everything I need to successfully tame a Rex but now the problem is actually finding a Rex worth taming so I set out with bones once again to begin the search even before the sun came up but I first got distracted by a red drop coming down with a ring on the nearby Snow Mountain but honestly it didn't really have too much of value in it I really miss getting good Saddles from drops man why can't I get more of those anyway I dropped the stuff back off on my base before actually beginning the search for a decent level Rex this time and I first searched Carno island eventually moving towards the black sand beaches and eventually making my way down towards the green obelis there were a few rexes but honestly not too many and none worth taming sadly and the rest of the day was actually spent doing more of the same I was flying all over the island looting drops and occasionally flying back to my base to deposit the loot so I didn't get too heavy and nothing worth taming was found but with me flying all over the place a high level is is bound to spawn somewhere sometime Day 36 and I found a high level but it wasn't a Rex I actually found a level 140 Theory and at the time I couldn't remember if the theory I tamed back in my base was a male or a female so I put a waypoint on the map to come back to it if I needed to tame it but spoiler alert future me knows that I tamed a male so I won't be coming back to tame this guy anyway later on I was still flying around when I looted a yellow drop with a ring that had an ascended fabricated pistol o I'm locked and loaded watch out I'm probably actually never going to use this gun but it's kind of funny I have a super overpowered one now but later on I returned back to my base and deposited more Loot and I did actually end up testing out my fabricated pistol however the rest of Day 36 wasn't nearly as fun yeah you guessed it I spend the rest of the day flying around looking for a Rex to tame I really don't like having to do basically nothing all day but I have to find some rexes to tame or I'm not going to be able to advance but that all changed on day 37 when I was finally blessed with a good Rex oh I guess my patience was rewarded I'm sorry if I ever doubted you art Gods anyway I quickly set up my trap and it took me a little bit to eventually get it secured on the Trap well I hope it's stuck what what but eventually I succeeded and once the Rex was finally knocked unconscious I realized once again that I don't have a good way to get it back home but luckily it wasn't actually too far from my base being at the base of the northeastern metal Mountain but I decided to fly back to my base anyways because I wanted to ride my theory out to the Rex to farm stor by me and to safely guide it home but before I did that I had to place a sign down at the entrance to my base it doesn't matter what it says okay I got it from a drop and I just wanted to place it anyway I finally got on my theory and ran out towards the tame site but before I got there I killed a Rex and the Diplo which only gave me a combined five prime meat which is not going to be enough to tame it so I then proceeded to take down a her of bronos and that gave me more than enough Prime me to be able to tame the Rex and the Rex actually tamed right before the end of the day and here are the stats I'm not a pro with Rex stats or anything but I think this Rex is pretty mid the melee might be all right but I'm pretty sure the health is like really low so hopefully the Mele i t later on will have better health to balance my future Army out but finally I picked up my trap for future use and I led the Rex back home into the night day 38 and now that I have a tamed Rex I feel like I can take a step back and chill out so I decided I'm going to try and fix up my workshop even more now I wanted to try and add a wooden roof somehow working around the dinosaur gate that sticks up higher than the rest of the build so anyways I first started by farming a bunch of wood with my the and rgy and after that I need more thatch and I was beginning to grow tired of having to mass Farm thatch by using a pickaxe on the trees so I decided to take out my Bronto and tried to see how it was at farming thatch and to be honest it was just all right I guess I bet hitting the trees with my my pickaxe is probably more effective but it's much easier to farm with a Bronto and the rest of the day was spent adding the roof onto my workshop and it looked a lot like this day 39 was pretty much the same as building takes a while all this work for the workshop to still not even look that good anyway about halfway through the day I noticed that all of my te somehow had ended up in this giant ditch right next to my base and to this day I still don't know how they got there some of them were on passive so they couldn't have tried to be attacking something down there anyway I got them back up to the safety on my base and spent the rest of the day finishing the building however day 40 I realized I probably need to jump back on The Taming train to keep progressing and I looked for what I needed to craft a chemistry bench to speed up narcotic production but it was a little out of my budget for right now so I got back to farming the potent drugs the good old way by using my Bronto the Harvest the berries and craft them in mortar and pels and that's what I spent about half the day doing that is until I had just over 100 Tran darts which should be enough to successfully tame a high level Rex and I then set out in the wild to find me the high level Rex later I haven't found anything yet okay but what I have found is this drop that wasn't that visible for some reason drop some tweaker dude I hear it but it's oh it's right it's right drops oh my God good BT saddle bones bro you're getting an upgrade yeah safe to say I was more than happy to get that glitchy drop and loot it and I'd also like to say graphical glitches especially lighting glitches were happening all the time now so if the game ever looks weird suck it up I don't know what to tell you but actually I'm sorry a relog usually fixes it but after doing so many times in and out to count I just kind of let it slide but anyways the rest of day we spent looking for a oh oh um change of plans I need to tame that yeah so I really want to tame that quetzel because if I tame that and slap a platform saddle on the back of it that'll solve the rest of my dyo Transportation needs so having this new goal in mind towards the end of the day I flew back home to drop off my Loot and organized on how to tame this thing and I also decided now is a good time to craft a fridge which is what I did and I transferred all my spoiler BS into it and to finally conclude the day I opened a yellow drop with a ring and got a ton more stone structures it's time to main this quz in the morning of day 41 but I first have to finish compiling all that I need to tame the giant bird and that first started with me crafting more parachutes since I plant the grapple on the back of my Pteranodon and whistle around at the tame it and for anyone who's never tamed a qule before it's really not that easy you see these guys don't land like ever so as I said my plan is to Grapple to the back of my bird and whistle it around while I try and shoot the quitzel with Tran darts cuz sadly you can't grapple to the quitzel and shoot it directly as soon as you shoot it the grapple detaches and you go flying towards the ground but I made the parachutes just in case anything goes south because I don't want to hit the ground at Mack 10 and I also grabbed some rare flowers that had collected over time before flying over to lud a red drop next to my base and the drop had some polymer electronics and a decent uteran saddle inside of it which was nice but I was bringing the rare flowers because on Arc surviv evolved at least if you ate these dinos would get very mad at you even herbivores thus you're able to lead them into a trap much easier while they try and kill you but I'm not sure if it'll work on a giant creature like a quitzel anyway I deposited the loot I got from the drop back of my base and then I did a 180 and began flying out towards the quel it was on the complete other side of the map past the green obelis there was a decent flight time but once I finally made it out to the qu's location Dawn had broken and I was ready to do this but I first wanted to try and grappling the quetzel itself just in case anything had changed from Arc survival evolved but as I said earlier it didn't work and I got sent flying but luckily I had my parachute deployed so I then shot a grappling hook onto my PT and begin the long process of whistling the bird at the location near the sky near the quitzel and then trying to land a Tran dart on the quitzel and I did this until about halfway through day 41 when I just put in over 50 train darts into the bird and that's when I decided to whip out my magnifying glass to show me how much torpidity it has and after a few minutes of me trying to line up the perfect flight path to get a read on the quel I finally saw it what it was only about a third of the way to be knocked unconscious so to keep it short I can't tame it right now I need to go back to my base and farm even more Tran darts so that's exactly what I did and I flew back to my base leaving the quel who was now flying on the outskirts of the Redwoods and I spent the rest of the day on the grind crafting more Tran darts I wanted around 150 since I could average about 50 darts will get a third of its torpidity as long as I hit all my shots and it took a little while but I had a 154 darts before the sun came up on day 42 and I also had some Tran arrows and a spare crossbow just in case the darts weren't enough so I left my base once again and flew out towards the Redwoods to find the quo just where I left it but by the time I taken to craft all the trink darts it had lost literally all of its torpidity and it took around 20 minutes in real life for me to make the dart so it makes sense it's back to square one but it was a real bummer but now I know I can knock out the quitzel using the first method but it was very timec consuming and honestly I didn't feel like it instead I decided to spend a little bit more time looking for a more effective way to tame it I'm going to do some more research so once again I flew back to my base watching YouTube videos on how to tame the qu on the way home and I just like to say some of these videos were almost 8 years old back from Arc survival evolve so it seems this qule taming problem has been going on for a long long time however I didn't find any methods to tame it besides the first one where I believed I could solo tame the quitzel so I decided to create my own method I mean it's definitely been done before but I don't know if it'll work I decided to make a giant thatch trap with a behemoth gay on one side I have lay around from looting drops and I would then lure the quitzel inside with the rare flowers I had making it angry at me you see Wetzel don't fight back so there isn't any reason for me to use stronger structures than thatch and I had pretty much all the resources required to craft the Trap since thatch is pretty cheap that is but I did have to farm some Fiber however but it was made super easy because I have my theory anyways I decided on a 4x4 trap with four walls high so it should be more than big enough to fit a quel inside oh and also I crafted and placed a war map that I placed above the door in the workshop that piece of information isn't really that important but it just looks nice and I thought you should see it but anyway I now have everything I need to tame the quitzel hopefully so I set out back towards the Redwoods on my R this time because structures are pretty heavy but you can also see and hear the exact moment where my dog barks and scares the crap out of me on the flight out I never saw what my dog was barking at but I decided to eat him for scaring me for legal reasons that was a joke and no dogs were harmed in the making of this video anyway I finally made my way out to the Redwoods and I decided to set up the trap on the Redwood mountain and now that the Trap was fully constructed on day 43 it's it's finally time to tame this quitzel so I had the gate wide open and I took off to the nearby bird and once I was basically right under it I began Downing RAR flowers to get it angry at me but it didn't exactly work I guess the quo couldn't care less about the rare flowers I was now chowing down on yeah I probably should have tested if they get angry to rare flowers before I made this giant trap so back to plan A I guess I then flew back to my base once again and immediately switched to my PT as soon as I arrived and once again I finally made it back to the Redwoods and I first tried biting the quel and trying to angle it to fly into the trap on its own but it's AI was either too smart or too stupid for that so after a few minutes of trying I just returned to the Old Faithful and yeah I think you can see where this is going out what's out what's out what's out so I had finally knocked the quto unconscious on day 44 but it landed over a pretty dangerous part of the map being right around where I lost my Raptor Greer over 30 days ago but the more immediate issue was the quo was asleep and I didn't have any spare narcotics to keep it asleep and these guys lose torpor pretty fast that L scenes so I flew back to my base as fast as I could and tried to form as many of their resources needed to craft Nar itics as fast as possible you see the narcoberries weren't the hard part it was the spoiled meat as I had none of it and it would take about 10 minutes for me to spoil raw meat and once I had a decent amount I picked up the mortar and pests at my base to bring them back to the quel location to craft narcotics there and I couldn't waste any time waiting for them to craft back in my base the quel was losing hundreds of tore every minute and once I landed back at the tame site I placed a stone foundation and then placed in mod pestles on top of them and I got a few narcotics crafting before going to kill a few more smaller creatures to spoil even more meat and I then took down an Argy and aaser for more prime meat to tame the quz this would be enough to tame it but it's still going to take some time but now that I had the qu's torpidity and taming food under control I decided to farm up and place some spike walls around it to protect it I was really concerned about its safety I spent like 4 days trying to tame this if this thing gets eaten right before I'm about to tame it I don't know what I'm going to do but luckily a few minutes later after I placed down the spike walls the quitzel tamame and the amount of relief that brought me was immeasurable so anyway I whistled the new bird to follow me back home and once there I got myself organized and before long set off again this is because I am level 96 one level before the level required to unlock the quo platform saddle which is obviously the one I want instead of the other normal saddle so I can transport my big dinos so I spent the rest of the day flying around looking for exploring notes to power level my character and I found one at the very end of the day day 45 I made the mistake of turning clouds back on right when I was under the green Obelisk anyway I turned the clouds back off so I could actually see but more importantly I was hunting a spino you see those two little purple arrows in the bottom right of my screen yeah the combination of those giving me four times experience and me killing this level 10 spinal right here that got me up to level 97 right away and that led me to unlock the platform saddle and then fly home immediately and once there I instantly crafted the qu platform saddle luckily I had enough resources to actually craft it because it requires 220 silica pearls I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I need to craft more structures that require pearls because I have no aquatic creatures to retrieve them anyway that's a future problem for future meat so for now I'm going to saddle up my quel and do some farming with it and that's exactly what I did I saddled up the big bird and promptly picked up my doic to farm some Stone the quitzel was pretty slow but the sheer amount of stamina and weight it had made up for that anyway after farming a little bit of stone just to test it out I realized I should probably power level this thing a little bit so I dropped off my do it and then took off on my quzo alone to find some explor notes and I spent the whole rest of the day flying around and only getting two explor notes this was because a combination of the quel being really slow and me having a brain fart and forgetting where all the explore notes on the map are but even just getting those two notes my qule got some decent Levels by the time I returned to my base in the morning of day 46 both the explore notes and experience buff had ran out mostly because the quel moves slower than molasses anyway when I returned to my base I got myself organized and then crafted a few more wooden quarter ceilings and I then placed them on opposite sides of the fireplace there are 10 artifacts in total I'm going to have to collect so it makes sense to have 10 artifact pedestals as I only have six right now and this is the best place I could find to place the forest though needed to place but I actually don't have the artifact pedestals just yet but I'll place them in the near future if I remember anyway after that I once again noticed a really glitchy yellow drop these light glitches are starting to get out of hand but I'm sure they all get patched out over time wild card is actually doing a really good job of working to fix bugs and glitches quickly while I'm recording this anyway the yellow drop actually had a ring but the best thing in it was these two Stone foundations I took moving on I still need to tame a highle male Rex because as I'm sure you can all remember instead of doing that I spent 4 days taming a quel anyway I now decided this is the time I'm actually going to tame the male Rex at least when I find it I haven't found one yet so anyways I grabbed four gates from my structure storage box as well as a spare crossbow and a ton of Tran arrows I have just under 50 darts left over from the quel tame and honestly I can't bring myself to farm any more darts so these errors are going to have to do but just like that I was off looking for a highle male Rex not before I looted this red drop in the Redwoods however and if you haven't figured it out yet I'm somewhat of a loot Goblin but the drop actually had a bunch of soups and broth that I don't mind so it wasn't horrible and later on I still haven't found any rexes worth taming but I did find another red drop on the Carno Island and it had some polymer electronics and a freedom stick and it looks like they redesigned the model for the freedom stick and honestly it looks pretty good anyway day 47 and I'm still on the hunt for a good Rex I was Finding rexes once again but not having any look finding high level dude why can't that Rex be a good level it's so cool looking also I don't know why some dinos have crazy colors I'm pretty sure there isn't an active event but honestly I don't know for sure but luckily my bad luck wouldn't last for that long because I found a level 145 male down by the green Obelisk oh that's what I'm talking about so I then set on my gate trap as you do and managed to get the Rex inside pretty easily this time but I did nearly mess up actually trapping the Rex inside with the fourth gate placement but somehow it can't fit out of there I don't know I'm not going to complain I'll take what I can get anyway after out some nearby pests I put the Rex to sleep and once the Rex was out cold I made my way over to a nearby level 15 Alpha car and I maned to take it down with relative ease I guess but it gave me more prime meat than I needed to tan the Rex and also gave me some even better metal tools than I already had and now that the Rex was slowly taming and I flew back to my base to get my quel so I can fly the Rex back home but to make Dino Transportation even easier I decided to expand on its platform I added six Stone foundations then six Stone ceilings with a ramp making it easier to get up and down and I also want to say I love what they did with the building mechanics on the back of the saddle platform the structures are no longer janky to build with and they snap together super smoothly but that doesn't mean that placing them is super smooth you joking yeah some pretty mundane task will still crash you every once in a while so make sure to keep pressing that save button folks you'll be thanking me later anyway after I finished building the platform and I felt like I wasn't going to crash anymore I took off for the Rex and it took me a while to get down to my now Rex cuz I was on the back of a slow quel but once there I decided to check out his stats oh my God that melee is atrocious but it's got decent health so yeah that melee was absolutely terrible but the health was all right so once I breed out the better melee and health my boss Army should be all right especially with some power leveling by murdering more baby rexes anyway I loaded up the Rex onto the platform and spent the rest of the day flying home but a pretty significant event actually happened between here and there when I had almost made it back to my base I realized that my Rex had gotten knocked off by a tree no big deal I'll just go back down and load it back onto the platform once again but when I found the Rex it was fighing at level 140 ft female Theory and I wanted to tame the theory since it's the exact hpe I needed to make a theory Boss line so I scooped up the now near dead Theory as it was fighting my Rex and I dropped into the Hidden Lake in hopes that it wouldn't die before I came back to tame it and I don't know what it was but Arc definitely had it out for me that day since a Bronto literally tried to get onto my quell platform and I couldn't get my rex on it was just a whole big ordeal and honestly it was way too stressful but I finally had my Rex safely secured at my base on day 48 and I started the day by crafting a saddle so I'll be able to move them around my base freely which is exactly what I did I named the newly Tamed exit stats and I lined them up next to my base and after that I flew back over to the Hidden Lake to make sure the theory was all right but I couldn't find it I seriously spent over 15 minutes searching around in the nearly enclosed Lake looking for this dude and I had started to think that maybe it had died because it was pretty low on health when I dropped it in there but it's not until I began flying back to my base and defeat is to where I spotted it oh my God it tried following me that AI is crazy dude so yeah it turns out the the probably stayed aggroed on me for a while and it managed to make its way out of the lake through the entrance and out through the forest close to my base before it finally chilled out that's some pretty impressive tracking skills if you ask me anyway I decided that I wanted to tame that they are using train Dart since it was already pretty low on health and I didn't want to kill it by accident and I also decided I wanted a chemistry bench to make narcotic farming easier but I'm going to need quite a few silica PRS to craft it Electronics required to craft the chemistry bench so I took off on my bird to fly to the complete other side of the map where the snow meets the jungle on the west side of the island they're used to be some silica pearls in the shallow water there you could collect but there wasn't this time which honestly kind of sucks that they took out I really don't know how I'm going to get any silica Pros required now so I made it back home and I think I now have a solution my fellas it's time that I finally Venture underwater I'm going to tame an iy and then use it to loot all the pro caves because they have pearls inside them hopefully with wild card taking the pearls away from that one spot I was just at I wouldn't be surprised if they took some of the pearls from the Pearl caves away so anyway I got some Rami and some scuo which I've gathered from drops over time and set sail on my raft I decided they'll use my raft to look into the water and use orbit cam to spot the iys and honestly make searching the shallow oceans for for tames pretty easy didn't take long for me into day 49 to find a level 75 which I'm going to take it's obviously not a great level but these iys don't need to be they just need to get me from point A to B underwater and they aren't Built For Fighting like at all so health or melee really doesn't matter so after a few more minutes and a few more times feeding the iy was mine and I had it whistle to follow me back to my base as I sailed above the water on my raft but as soon as I beached on the coast next to my base they came for my iy the Piranhas I tried getting my iy away from the beach but I wasn't able to in time oh are you kidding dude I hate piranhas hey but at least I got three artifact pedestals I needed from a blue drop when I was walking on my way back to base I guess that kind of makes up for it n it doesn't make up for at all what am I saying anyway after taking a few minutes to think about how much I dislike this franchise sometimes I decided to get myself together and try again so just like last time I hopped on my raft and began looking for another iy but later on while I was in the water looking for one this happened oh are you joking man but luckily since I'm the best Arc survival ascended player of all time I managed to sail the raft closer to the shore before the whale could break my raft and later on I attained myself a level 85 iy and I also had a saddle for it this time so it didn't get deleted as soon as I tamed it again and I left my raft in the middle of the ocean and took off on my dolphin and I didn't waste any time I didn't even go back to my base I dove deep down to the bottom of the ocean to raid my first small Pearl cave and I made a discovery there these are silic they look like rocks that's probably why I didn't see any so turns out silica pearls don't shine anymore they kind of just look like rocks but it's good I'm finally getting some at least but there actually wasn't many pearls in this cave I only got 60 and I need over 700 but at least there's like another nine Pearl caves on the map and this is only a small one so anyways I kept making my way through the ocean carefully avoiding deadly sea creatures to try and find the next Pearl cave I can loot that is until I crashed I mean it didn't set me back much so I just kept going dude I did not even see that yeah that could have been life-ending a lot was added to the oceans in terms of forage and seaweed so the ocean is no longer like an underwater desert so you now actually have to be careful and look where you're going or Tu so might come out of nowhere anyway I eventually found myself a medium Pro cave but it didn't have any pros in it for some reason oh well maybe that one's just one exception so I kept going day 50 and I finally found another Pro cave this is the most Pro cave Pro cave looking Pro cave I've ever Pro caved before yeah I knew it well once again there was no pearls inside this cave I mean come on dude what's up with this how am I supposed to get any silica pearls so anyway I left the cave pretty annoyed because I just gotten scammed by a hollow Rock so I went up to the surface to take out my anger and to get some raw meat to feed my iy and after that I dip back below the surface and decided to take a peek at some nearby anglerfish since they're good at farming pearls but as I said earlier be aware of your surroundings at all times in the ocean no please yeah so my iy got got but using my insane skills and the deadly amount of adrenaline that was pumping through my veins I managed to pull out my grapples and use them to wrap rapidly repel up and out of the ocean to make my Escape but I now have the problem of being stuck on the other side of the map with no tame to get home but with some more quick thinking I placed a sleeping bag down and used it to fast travel to my base and grab a bird and fly back over to retrieve my stuff and I also made sure to place a waypoint on the map to make sure I didn't lose my body so I grabbed bones as soon as I spawned in back to my base from the bunk beds and took off and it all went smoothly it just took a little while since I had to go back and forth across the map anyway I've now decided I'm just going to tame the theory with Tran arrows because it's probably nearly healed by now and I decided to reduce reuse and recycle once again by flying back out to the Redwoods and picking up the Trap I used to tame the Thum and I then proceeded to fly back to my base and reconstruct it right outside of my walls and after that I hopped on the back of my quel and flew over to the the where I then picked it up and dropped it inside the Trap first try because I make buckets like that but before knocking it out I farmed some raw meat to cook because I was starting to run low on food actually and once again I love this new industrial Grill anyway after that I spent the rest of the day putting Tran ARS into the theory but now I have to keep the theory asleep and that started with me grabbing my RG in the morning of day 51 to farm some spoiled me but the art Gods decided to take a little labor off my shoulders by giving me some narcotics and a blue drop right next to my base but I still had to kill a bunch of dinos and split the meat I got to make even more narcotics because as I said when I was teaming my first Theory these guys absolutely shred through narcotics with a crackhead level of Tolerance anyways after that I opened a purple drop and got some more primy jerky and made sure the theory wasn't going to wake up by force feeding it some more narcotics and I then collected a bunch more narcoberries and got them crafting in my mortar and pestles I really wish I had a chemistry bench about now but I don't know if I can bring myself to go back in the ocean for a little while anyways later on I finally bred my rexes to get my first fertilized Rex Egg and I need to get my boss line going sooner rather than later and after that I finally put my remaining crops into the the's inventory so it could start taming but it's still going to be a while before it finishes and I spent that time farming more narcotics and mostly looting a few drops but I didn't get anything great but my theory did finally tame at the end of the day but I can't even lie it came out with pretty bad stats but at least I now have a breeding pair of the's I just have to hope that their babies have leveled enough stats to take down an alpha dragon and I'll probably bring a few of them into the Ascension cave as well so they need to be pretty strong anyway I bred my theas to get a fertilized egg but I'm still going to need to place the hatch and raids my boss dinos so I think I'm just going to build a small hatching platform in the middle of my compound it doesn't need to be fancy at all they just need to be efficient so I first experimented with placing a foundation and a ceiling just to see how the snapping would work and I liked what I saw so I then hopped on the back of protein shake and grabbed my do to do some quick and easy Stone farming with my doed autof farming all the rocks and after that I quickly Farm some more thats by hand once again because I still don't have an awesome way to farm it rather than my pickaxe and I also grabbed a nearby blue drop but all it had was some cooked meat jerky inside and after that I crafted a few stone structures and I then placed them down where I had them earlier and I eventually had a 4x4 Stone ceiling platform being held up by one pillar but I also wanted to add some stairs coming off the edges to make it more fluent and easier to access so I started with farming some Fiber with my sickle before remembering that I have a theory that can do this job way more efficiently and I also use a the to farm wood needed for the stairs and just like that I have a platform isn't it great but I need to make this into more more of a hatching platform so I wanted to place some air conditioners under it just to make it just that but the platform wasn't close enough to my workshop to be fully powered by the generator inside and I could see this by showing the generator's range and it only covered about a third of my platform so that led me to go inside the workshop and move the generator from the back corner closer to the door and just that small move allowed for almost the whole platform to be in the range of power so after that I grabbed two air conditioners I got from a drop earlier on and I placed them under the platform and it looks like these air conditioners were also changed to be Slimmer and I think they honestly do a better job at incubating eggs now but I'm not 100% sure on that so don't quote me on that but even just two of them managed to incubate both a Rex and the eggs so my theory is looking pretty promising right now anyways moving on I farmed some more berries with my Bru to feed the new baby theia I was bringing into this world but once the baby actually did hatch it had less than pleasing stats oh should to have better stats I need my theist to be born with 7.6k health and over 400 melee so there was no room for weak stats in my Army if I'm taking on the Alpha dragon with them anyway the Rex EG hatch but it also didn't have stats worthy of starting my boss Army but before the very end of the day I hat another the egg which I decided to raise because it had the good melee but future me knows that this was completely useless because this baby was female and my other theory that had the good health was female so basically this da is useless but it just hasn't dawned on me yet I was still raising the baby going into day 53 but while I was waiting to imprint the baby I crafted up a cooking pot and placed it inside my workshop I did this because I might need some Kibbles to imprint the baby normally if the baby want a kibble I would just put it in a cry then throw it back out because that resets what it wants for imprinting but cryopods aren't in Arc survival ascended yet so basically if the baby wants kibble or something I can't get quickly like cooked Prime fish meat or something I have two choices I can either let it live and just have a trash imprinted Dyno or I can kill it and when I'm in the full swing of raising a boss Army later I'm going to be putting down multiple babies anyway I realize I just can't craft any of this kibble right now because I don't have any crops so I'm just going to hope and pray that it just wants a cuddle or walk or something and I actually lucked out for the first imprint because the baby wanted a walk but there he take two imprints to get to 100% imprint on my rates so I once again have to hope that it doesn't want anything outrageous but luckily all it wanted was an mrr Berry which was quite easy to get and it now has 100% full imprint and it was now also fully grown but I decided to try and hatch another Rex egg in hopes that it would have the stats I needed yeah as you can probably tell it didn't have the good stats anyway after that I decided to hop on the back of my th to form some more R me with it to keep my dinos at my base well fed you see this dude may be small but he can really pack a punch being able to easily take down some allows anyway after that I saw a yellow drop coming down in the distance in the snow but it didn't have anything of value you see I'm still in need of a re saddle blueprint a the saddle blueprint a meum saddle blueprint and I'd like a decent pump shotgun to defend myself so looting these yellow drops as well as purple and red drops is going to be key in trying to get those items so that led to me also looting a red drop later on but it had this random assortment of loot I wasn't exactly thrilled with anyway to finish off the day I hatched one more Rex egg O oo please yes yes yes yes and yeah it actually had both a good health and melee making it a perfect male for breeding the Rex baby want to impr Prime me jerky on day 54 which I luckily had from looting so many drops and its stats after imprint were looking pretty impressive to me o those stats are looking pretty tough I'm not going to lie MEAP picus doesn't stand a chance but after that tragedy struck what no shot I left it down there cuz I didn't think anything would attack it but getting killed by a Pego is sad anyway I have another Bronto so I retrieve the Dead one saddle and return to my base and after that I soon hatched another Rex egg that popped out to actually have two twins both being perfect boss fighting males but I now need a perfect female so I can have a perfect breeding pair but moving on I then saw a red drop coming down on the distance on Carno Island but once again it didn't have anything a value and the rest of the day was kind of like a random hodge podge of events I did a meat run with one of my rexes hatched a perfect female Rex so I now have a perfect breeding pair and I also discovered emotes what a 55 was primarily spent raising baby Rex to grow my boss fighting Army but I now had to go on a few side quests to keep fueling this goal and that started with me flying over to the meal Mountain about halfway through the day with my PT and just farming a little bit of metal and bringing it back to my base and I did this to craft a feeding trough because for some reason they still require raw metal to craft and I then spent some more time raising my babies and imprinting them before taking one of my rexes on my raft and sailing over to the Carno Island this was because I needed to actually fill my feeding trough so my dinos could eat but I never actually had an easy time getting the raw meat I needed because my harvesting rights are actually pretty low and that would lead in my dno eating most of the meat before I could get it back to my base because they would take damage while acquiring the meat but it was honestly never a huge issue so anyways I even meant to kill an alpha Carno on Cara Island before heading back to my base the end of the day day 56 started with some good oldfashioned killing with one of my new boss rexes I was doing this partially for levels but more for getting raw meat I plan to power level all my dinos by mass murdering baby rexes in the future so I don't really need to worry about wanding around and killing stuff for levels but later on I have now accumulated over six fertilizer X eggs and they all have the G guaranteed good stats so of course I started incubating them all at once and also I still only have a few air conditioners under this one corner of the platform I'm simply too poor to craft more of these and the few in the corner give me enough space to hatch already so I don't really see a need to BL more right now so while those are incubating for a few minutes I went back out to get even more raw meat to feed the babies and when I returned there were ton of baby rexes and I spent the rest of the day raising them making sure that they could get to 100% imprint so they could be as powerful as possible for the boss the babies were all growing up on day 57 and they took up a lot of space now so I began lining them up on opposite sides of my base along the cliff edges and on one side they were used for breeding and masp chusing eggs for hatching and eventually murdering for baby levels and on the other sides were the ones I would only need for the boss and after that I began incubating around seven more fertilized Rex eggs I'm not totally sure how many there actually was again but there was a lot and I was basically raising my whole boss fighting Army and just two batches of babies so about half of the day alone was spent raising them to make sure they were all all right and got their imprints but then there was one that wanted regular kibble to imprint and I had to put it down because he was asking for way way too much of me anyways after that I spent the rest of the day farming even more raw meat I now had about 20 rexes that were absolutely shredding through whatever I put in the trough so it's now a constant battle to keep them fed all right now day 58 I have some big explaining to do if you've seen my 100 days in pug NAA video back on Arc survival evolve this will make a lot more sense basically every once in a while I'll have a power outage in my room and thus my PC gets shut off making my game Crash weird and the recording not saving but anyways that pretty much happened so when the recording finally picked back up I'm over the ocean on my raft Midway through taming and iy but the the problem was I wasn't on my character anymore I mean I guess I still was but there's just the body of me so I had to create a whole new character because if you crash in a certain way sometimes your character just gets deleted which is honestly a really good feature I think they should keep in the game I'm I'm just playing I I hate this feature so much this has happened to me multiple times back on Arc survival Vault so it sucks they really haven't taken this bug out yet anyway I had to loot my old body and power level my character through admin commands to get it back to high level I really hate when I have to do stuff like this but when life gives you lemons you just got to cheat or something I don't really know but anyways it looks like I was taming a level 140 male iy to go underwater again I was mostly taming this because I'm still lacking in the silica pearls department and I had a little trouble taming this dude because of some megalodons that were nearby and I also crashed a few more times which really grinded my gears I was honestly ready to fight somebody anyone who experienced these crashes a lot too will have sympathy for me anyway I did finally manage to tame it and I threw the saddle for it I had on it and I piece back out to my base leave my raft behind back on Carno Island and there's no way I'm going to lose this iy and with that goal of keeping the iy alive this time I swam all the way around the cliff to my base and parked it on the little Bay that was there and I also made sure to kill all the Piranhas that were there but that was not good enough for me I also wanted to build a water Dino pen really I just wanted to place some gates and spikes down to protect it from the average threat and I actually had some Stone Dino gates in my base from looting drops so I had a good start to building the dino pen by the end of the day but that was still not good enough for me I won't stop until I know my I is going to be safe so I took my theory and RG out to the nearby forest in the morning of day 59 and farmed a bunch of wood and I then returned back to my base to craft two more Stone Dino Gates as well as a bunch of Spike walls to protect my iy from Land threats and I then surrounded my fish with the structures and it should be safe now I'm going to be really mad if something manages to kill it in there but anyways now I'm at my iy is finally safe I crashed yeah I know pretty anticlimactic but I'm really starting to hate these crashes man anyways when I got back into the game I farmed some stone with my doic and then be crafting a rather large Stone trap this is because I want to tame an angler fish since I haven't had any look Scavenging pearls I decided I might as well bite the bullet and T an angler Anglers are really good at farming pearls like I bet I can go on one p run and not need to farm pearls for the rest of this playthrough but the problem is taming an angler they're pretty hard to tame because they spawn at the bottom of the ocean so you have to outmaneuver everything down there somehow get in a trap and then once it is it also has a high chance of dying to your tran arrows when you're actually trying to tame it you see those who have tamed an angler fish before know the pain but anyways I decided to go with a 3x2 stone trap with two high walls and ceilings on top and a gate out front it was actually a pretty expensive trap so expensive in fact that I had to do another Stone run with my doic to finish crafting it all and after that I had to get a decent amount of Tran arrows as well as a bunch of Narcotics to keep the ugly fish to sleep as they lose tour very fast but after that I threw my scuba on and was diving in the cold dark ocean in search of an angler to tame and actually didn't take me long to find a level 125 to tame and it was also red which was pretty cool but even better it wasn't too far of a swim away from my base so when I need to go back and get some prime meat or later it shouldn't be that bad so anyway I swam down to the ocean floor and found this giant rock that actually had a small out crpp in where I felt safe enough to try and tame this thing but the problem was I was cold like very cold I was freezing to death way too fast so after putting the Trap together I swam back up to the surface to grab some fur and some broth to try and keep me warm but it didn't work because future me knows that all I needed was that thr on some scuba pants and I would be chilling just because of their insane hypothermic insulation day 60 I finally cracked the code and realized having scuba pants on was the key to success I said future me all right I never said how far into the future like it was 5 minutes into the future anyway I was now ready to tame the angler but there was some Megalodon standing between me and the angler so I once again resurface and grab some Stone arrows to put them down I these can't really kill kill anything if their life depended on it so these arrows are going to be my main protection down here but anyway I took care of the Megalodons and had a little bit more trouble getting the Engler into the Trap but eventually I did succeed and I actually managed to get two in there but I only needed one so the other one was sent to the afterlife along with those megalodons but that wasn't before I crashed nice anyways the angler was still in the Trap when I logged back in and I managed to knock an unconscious however I may have accidentally shot it with a trink arrow after it was already asleep on accident oh but I just hope it didn't lower The Taming Effectiveness too much but I now have to speedrun getting some prime meat to tame it so I fed the sleeping anger some narcotics and swam back up to the surface as fast as I could and I then used my RG to get some meat and I also spotted a level 145 the literally right outside my base what why are these the's just showing up dude I mean I'll probably never tame them since I already have twoo but it's just kind of there I guess anyway I put the meat into the angler and it tamed The Taming Effectiveness wasn't great since I shot it but it'll have to do but I did name the angler old red and swam it back up to the surfi in my Dino pan along with my I and to end off the day I took my quel and picked up a fairy and dropped it inside the Trap right outside my base I'll never tame it but I just can't have a level 145 be I know why I would like that a61 started with me collecting some fertilize Rex eggs and from now on I'm just going to preface that basically throughout the rest of the playthrough I'll have rexes produ and me fertilize eggs so I can use them to power level my dinos like I'm going to have full fridges of them later on anyways after that I got myself organized to try and farm some silica pearls with old red and I actually didn't stay in the ocean too long mostly because I didn't find a single note of silica pearls for me to collect so I'm going to have to rethink my strategy so after doing a a little bit more research I found out there was supposed to be a giant area of silica pearls all over the ocean floor in the southwest part of the map but the problem is that's on the complete other side of the map from me down by the red Obelisk so instead of me swimming the angler there farming the pearls and then swimming back I decided I'm just going to swim down there with my RG following me in the air above and then I'm going to farm the pearls and leave the angler down there and fly back to my base I want to try and farm enough pearls where I don't need to come back down there in the future but I still want to keep my angler alive just in case so I'm going to craft some gates to keep it safe and that first started with me farming some more wood my Theory and also getting an ascended PT saddle out of a blue drop you see that actually really caught me off guard I'm not used to getting good stuff from drops anymore anyways I crafted Five Stone Gate frames and Gates and began my journey swimming on my angler with my R following me from the Northeast part of the map down to the southwest and it took about 15 minutes in real life to swim from here to there I mean it doesn't sound horrible but it was really really boring I traveled halfway across the world for days pearls right here yes oh well I had to keep dodging that plesio but there was an absolute buttload of pearls down here which I spent the rest of the day farming day 62 was a day for farming you could say I was still farming silica pearls in the morning of the day and yeah once again there is an insane amount of pearls down here but they're no longer shiny anyways after that I probably spent 10 minutes of solid farming and I crashed but I now had this many pearls I don't know how many there actually are but there's a lot for sure anyway I swam back to my RG and the gates I had set up prior to diving down there to farm all the pearls and I left my angler there and began flying back to my base hopefully that's the last time I ever see my angler again cuz I really don't want to have to farm pearls all over again anyway the flight back to my base took forever because I was flying across the whole map on my RG but it was well worth it and when I returned I immediately deposited my pearls into the fabricator and began crafting a bunch of electronics that I'm going to need Electronics also take forever to craft and I wanted to craft a few air conditioners but when they finally finished crafting I realized I can't afford to spend any metal on them to actually craft them so I got to do a metal run thus I mounted protein shake and swooped up metal muncher and I got to it a63 again yep I'm still farming metal I want to make make an industrial Forge soon as so I made sure to farm a bunch of metal on this run I basically farmed all the nodes on both metal mountains anyway I made my way back to my base and unloaded all the metal into my forges and then I immediately set them a blaze since I had some wood left over to get them going but looking what I need to craft the forge it's not looking fun to farm but complaining doesn't do much for me so I might as well get to work the First Resource I'm going to Target and check off the list is oil and I'm going to find most of the oil out in the snow so I threw on some fur and began flying out there on my RG but once I finally made it out there where all the oil rocks used to spawn they weren't there but after looking around it turns out they were there but they moved and they also changed the textures so they now look like this honestly good luck farming any resource out in the snow biome because it's all covered in snow it actually makes resources really hard to identify but anyways I spent the rest of the day flying around the icebergs farming what oil I could I wasn't getting huge amounts from each node from the combination of my low rates and farming with a pickaxe but it's the best method I have right now more oil farming in the morning of day 64 and in the end I farm just over 500 oil which honestly isn't that crazy at but it'll be enough to make a fors for sure but after that I decided to take a break from farming for the fors because I wanted to begin power leveling my rexes I had quite a few fertilizer X eggs now and I also decided to fly out and find a lro to tame because you see if you don't know lro will give your dno an experience Buff when you pet them so that makes them pretty useful for things like power leveling inside my base but it didn't take me long to find and tamame one and of course I named it Cody anyway after that I took it back to my base and spent the rest of the day power leveling my rexes I think I was hatching about eight eggs per Rex to kill and it would bring my Rex stats to around 30 1K HP and over 600 melee definitely not the strongest rexes I've ever had in my time of playing Arc but it should do for beating the alpha megapithecus in day 65 yeah pretty much the whole day was spent killing babies just doing the classic American thing killing baby T-Rexes killing babies yep that's what I did day 66 I finally finished power leveling my boss rexes and honestly that was probably one of the most painful experiences of my existence I was crashing a ton for no reason and it was super boring but anyway it's now time for me to do something way more eventful you see I've not been having much luck with drops as I'm pretty sure I've stated over and over by now you see I want to swim into the easy underwater cave and I then want to place beds where drops commonly spawn so I could then periodically fast travel there check if there's anything in the drops and if there isn't I can just despawn the drop and check back later but if there is something good I can collect it and then come back with my watermount and bring it back to my base so I grabbed two metal foundations two beds and some chilies to make movement and stuff much better and after that I grabbed some raw meat to keep my iy f and set out for the base and I arrived towards the end of the day but that didn't stop me from swimming into the cave my goal was to be quick place a the bed in the first air pocket then secure my I in the second air pocket place the bed and then get the artifact and at first it was all going to plan I placed the foundation in the bed in the first area then hopped back on my iy and kept moving being fast is the only way to stay alive in here and eventually I made my way to the ramp leading into the second air pocket but that's when I made the mica dismounting my iy too early yeah it's probably good my mic wasn't on because those eels scared the crap out of me but I decided that won't be the end of me trying to get the artifact and set up my beds so when I responded back to my base I regeared opting for having a bunch of grappling hooks and scuba flippers to move around in the water now and after Gathering everything I needed I set back off for the cave on my bird I'm getting my stuff placing that bed and getting that artifact [Music] well your boy succeeded if you ever had any doubt on me make sure to comment it below so I can flame you anyway I made my way out of the cave and then flew home and when I finally made it back to my base I placed the artifact in the pedestal and as always it looked awesome but after that I decided to refocus my efforts on Crafting this industrial Forge I had pretty much everything I needed besides the polymer but if I craft hard polymer I'm going to need to form more sthan paste so I'd like to form organic polymer from killing Penguins and the snow so I crafted myself some clubs since they are the best thing for farming organic polymer and set out with my PT to the icebergs but that was a mistake because apparently penguin spawns were moved I did not see a single penguin the whole time I was out in there in the snow looking for them so I had to return to my base defeated looks like I'm going to have to suck it up and farm more obsidian and cenan paste to craft all the hard polymer I need and then I'm going to have to have 600 ceman paste left over to craft the forge so I got two at the end of the day looting beaver dams because I'd rather seal than acquire resources for myself I had acquired a pretty decent amount of cementing paste on day 68 but I now needed to form the obsidian required to make the polymer and I farmed a few other resources while I was out by the volcano cuz I might as well it's basically like killing two pegos with one stone or something like that anyway when I returned to my base I crafted the rest of the polymer that I needed and I eventually crafted my industrial forage man I missed having one of these things but I did have to do some remodeling to my workshop because of how big this thing was I had to take part of the wall out as well as the roof just to make room for it but moving on what's the best thing to do when you have a brand new industrial Forge or metal of course and that's exactly what I decided to do I grabbed my ankio with my RG and began flying out towards the metal Mountain Again by the end of the day they 69 and I think you all know how farming goes but maybe if I serenate you with some music it'll make it better anyway I didn't do much for the rest of day 6 to9 besides farming since it takes a while but when I did return to my base I accidentally unloaded all the metal into the stone refining forges I somehow completely forgot that I just spent multiple days making an industrial Forge anyway on Day 70 started with me corrupting some more parachutes just in case I need them but more importantly I decided today is the day where I want to get the third and final artifact I need to summon the alpha Mega Pi the alpha monkey I don't know I can't say it anyway I need the artifact of the pack which is in a swampy like cave in the southern part of the map there are a ton of bats and spiders in there so Herbert should be perfect for the job and I decided to fly them out there with my archers because I didn't feel like running them out there but when I finally did make it out there my thila couldn't fit bro I swear these things could fit into the cave back on AR survival evolved that was a big waste of time I tried checking the cave out on foot with my gear I currently had but I saw a spider and got scared so I just left but once I returned back to my base later on however I grabbed some grapples i' had left over from exploring the easy underwater cave and I then pulled a 180 and flew back to the cave on my PT this time but I can't even describe what happens next just watch oh I messed it up oh oh they don't stop me they don't know me ow we are not making it out the hood boys move keep it moving bud I got places to be oh oh oh respawning back on my base I had an idea on how to retrieve my gear from the cave all right hear me out we're pulling up to this cave strap so I had a fabricated pistol some chilies and some bad armor I don't think this is going to work but I have to try so anyway day 71 I flew back out to the cave on my rgy this time cuz my PT was still out at the cave and I arrived in the early morning and I ran straight into the cave and at first I tried being stealthy and getting on top of a tree inside the cave to shoot down the bats but they noticed me before I could get my bearings and once I did actually start putting bullets into them the fabricated pistol did not do near as much of damage as I thought it would the strap did not work so I just decided to screw it and run down and try and retrieve my stuff and hopefully get back out of the cave with a few grapples that I actually had so I managed to get my gear but as I was making my way back out I was knocked unconscious as I was grappling up the last wall separating me from freedom [Music] oh you're joking yeah after that I was kind of done having to fight in this cave so I respawned back in my base and I decided I would take a more lethal route yeah I decided if I can't shoot him or outr run them I might as well blow him up I had pretty much all the resources I needed to craft the launcher and three rockets it just took a little bit of crafting like gunpowder and polymer and I also Only Had A Primitive set in Flack and only a few more grapples so if this doesn't work I don't know what will really didn't think it'd have to come to this but it did anyway since I have both of my fastest fers out of the cave I had to run all the way back there on my thila there was no way I'm going to findly my quest out there that would take forever anyway after a lot of running I made my way back into the cave and started my revenge tour and luckily the Rockets were enough to put down oversized bats and bugs and I got my gear that I've been trying to get for over like a half an hour now and also my PT was somehow in the mesh I had to get it out and I also crashed right after that just thought I should let you know anyway when I got back in I mounted my Rd whistled my PT the to follow me and scooped up my PHA to begin the journey back home I was back in my base by the morning of Day 72 but I wasn't there for long because I decided to use my bunk BS at fast travel into the easy underwater cave there wasn't any drops but there were land cave creatures like bats and spiders which definitely didn't spawn in there back on Arc survival evolve honestly I'm not really a huge fan of this change since they killed me pretty fast once I was in there but anyways I respawned back in my base and decided to get back to progressing I was looking for what tributes I still needed to start the alpha MEAP pacus boss and I needed Megalodon teeth and a few other things but I decided just to get the teeth for right now and I decided to use my thila for killing the megalon cuz I don't have a great underwater Dino that outputs decent damage and thas were actually buffed to swim better in AR survival ascended so that makes it even better to use one of these underwater and I also crafted a raft for some reason the hunt the Megalodons I don't really know why I crafted it it was a waste of resources because I jumped off of it as soon as I spotted some megalodons which I put down with ease on my thlo and I got more than enough Megalodon teeth from killing just a few of the oversized sharks and after that I return to my base and threw the teeth into my boss F triby box moving on I need 10 megal lenia toxin as well for the Alpha MEAP pagus boss fight and I knew Megalania spawn in the cave that has the artifact of the hunter in it so that's where I went I went on the back of my thlo since I can use it to explore the cave once I finally made it out to the cave I realized that I need TRS wait no I need TRS but you might be asking Grant why do you need TRS if you need to kill the Megalania to get their toxin well if you didn't know you can actually knock out the Megalania and take the toxin out of their inventory wait for it to wake up and knock it out again and there will be two more toxin next time you knock it out so basically it's infinite boss tribute glitch but it's not really a glitch so instead of me having to search for five megal Lenas to get the 10 toxin I need I can just find one Megalania and knock it out five times but instead of running back to my base I decided I would just place a sleeping bag and fast travel back to my base make the TRS and then fly back and I also killed a spino while getting the hide for the bag I actually need 10 spino Sals for the boss fight so it was kind of nice to multitask anyway I placed the bag and just like that I was back in my compound and I did have to do a little bit more farming but I was able to craft a decent amount of darts with the resources already in my base and once I had a sufficient amount I mounted bones and flew back out towards the hunter cave but when I made it there and got on my thila to go into the cave I realized the thila couldn't fit and to make it even better I crashed I'm going to bed dude I just crashed day 73 and I was back and I tried every angle to fit my thila into the cave but it was not working so I had to run all the way back across the map with my PT following me but by that time I'd make it back to my base I had a plan phos are one of the strongest cats in the game but they're also one of the biggest so I think you can see where I'm going with this I want to tame a saber-tooth and use it to explore the cave get the artifact and get the toxin I need for the boss fight and I managed to scrape together the resources required the crafted saddle in my base since it was pretty cheap but there now was the task of actually finding a saber worthy to tame they Spa him pretty much all over the northern half of the map but it took me over 10 minutes just to spot my first one but I guess my patience was rewarded because it was a level 15 yeah he'll be coming home with me but it actually took me a little while to tame the cat it only took one baa and a few darts to put the sleep but I crashed multiple times while trying to do this all right but future me knows why I've been crashing so much now I was informed that if I turned frame generation off I would stop crashing so so much and that actually did the trick but I wouldn't learn this for a long time but if you're still having this issue maybe try that anyway I had this Sabertooth knocked out with Spike surrounding it by the end of the day and I also killed aego for Prim meat to tame it but day 74 while I was trying to tame it I realized that it only had 53% taming Effectiveness and it's still a mystery to me today when what happened to the saber I'm fairly positive I didn't hit it when it knocked out and nothing attacked it because it would have killed it because nothing just takes a few bites and then wanders away I'm just going to have to hope the saber will be strong enough to take on the cave even with this terrible taming Effectiveness but I did manage to secure the tame in which I named the saber Discord kitten amazing name I know but make sure to join my Discord in the description talk to me and get updates on my future videos anyway I saddled up the saber and ran back to my base with my PT fallowing me in the air and once there I crafted a few more Tren ons to I use them to tame the saber and after grabbing some more cooked meat to keep me fed I got back on my saber and began the Journey Back to the hunter cave I really hope I can do what I need to do this time I'm really tired of going in the caves and getting bodied or my Dino not fitting in it and I made my way into the cave about halfway through the day because the saber is a little slower than the Philo but luckily the sa actually fit inside the cave so now it's time to get that Toxin and then get the [Music] artifact and I actually managed to get the artifact with relative ease but the cave creatures were actually doing a decent amount of damage to my saber and my saber wasn't outputting the greatest numbers of damage so if I get swarmed it's probably game over all right let's pause right here the way the hunter cave is set up is like a giant Circle but there's a cliff that you can't get up in the middle of it and that's how I got down so if I want to get out I have to run all the way around through the cave and I'm not going to survive running through all those dinos so basically to say it lightly I'm screwed but my only way out of here is just to send it through the rest of the cave but I may bit off a bit more than I can chew because there was a lot of cave creatures coming for me so many in fact that I decided to abandon Discord kitten and grapple away sorry man it's not personal but I'm way more important than you are but Arc was not a fan of my decision because I crashed ain't no way anyway when I logged back in I was actually at a point before I aggroed the whole horde so basically I have a doover and I've learned from my mistakes this time instead of trying to fight a bit of The Horde at the time my only chance in survival is to run and not look back so yeah your boy made it out never lose faith in me remember that the first part of day 75 started with me and Discord kitten running back to my base I had gone through all that and I didn't even get the Megalania toxin I originally set out to get but that's when I did a little more research and saw that Megalania spawn in the lava cave and that's also on the south side of the island so once again I made the journey back out there with my RG and thla hoping this goes a little bit better but you'll never guess what happened my thla did not fit into the cave this has to be some type of joke I don't know how I'm going to get the artifact out of here later on when I need it cuz I know my saber won't survive and I can't do it on foot oh well future problems for future me so yeah once again I flew back towards my base in defeat but I didn't actually go back to my base I went to the Carno Island because Megalania supposedly spawn in there and I know for a fact I can get my thila in there and to my delight there was actually two Megalania in there so I spent the rest of the day and part of day 76 in the cave knocking the Megalania out and taking their toxin waiting for them to wake back up and then doing it all over again day 76 I emerged from the cave having the toxin I needed and I also had a bunch of kiten and hide I got from killing cave diners anyway I returned back to my base and deposited my newly acquired resources but now as I said before before I went to the hunter cave I also need spinos sails eight to be exact so the rest of the day was spent flying up and down the islands Rivers hunting spinos for their sails I need them way more than they do I had the eight Sals I needed by the morning of day 77 so now I think I have everything I need to successfully start the alpha MEAP picus fight but I now have two more problems one I need to make all my Rex's Saddles and then transport them up to the blue Obelisk yeah the Saddles are definitely going to be the easy part had pretty much all I needed to craft the Saddles except some Fiber which I easily farmed with my the and yes I am crafting of saddles because I haven't found a blueprint for them but with my past experience of fighting the alpha monkey back on AR survival evolve I should be able to take it down with relative ease even with these bad Saddles so anyway I crafted all the Saddles and then put them on my rexes but before I transport my rexes to the Obelisk I want to craft an industrial cooker I want to craft some medical brw because the MEAP picus arena is really cold and I'm worried my fur alone is not enough to keep me from freezing to death before the monkey dies but looking at what I need to craft the cooker it's not looking fun to farm again but I got to it first starting with me stealing more cementing paste and other resources from beaver dams at the Hidden Lake so I now have all the polymer I need and I also have all the oil I need but I still need more sman paste to actually craft it however while I had some polymer crafting in the morning of day 78 I decided to take some initiative in transporting my rexes so I grabbed some Stone ceilings from my structure box and then place them expanding the platform on the back of my quel and I managed to get two rexes on before getting distracted with a minigun turret I had actually gone from a drop I've never actually used one of these before so I placed it down on my roof as you do and loaded it with all the advanced rice bullets I had and then I started to try and shoot a PT out of the Sky yeah I somehow managed not to hit a single shot on the bird anyway back to doing stuff I got back on my RG and swooped up metal muncher to farm some metal and obsidian because cookers are really expensive and after that I returned to my base and got the metal smelting and my industrial Forge and I decided to check out the snow for Penguins again once again I didn't see a single one do these dudes even exist anymore it seems like they were thrown out of existence which really sucks for me because that means I have to spend my resources crafting more hard polymer anyway I returned to my base at the end of the day and crafted the hard polymer I still needed and began crafting cementing paste in my Mor pestles to make the cementing paste I actually need for the cooker I started day 79 by farming stone with my RG and doic I did this because I need more Stone in my Mor pestles to keep crafting cementing paste really wishing I had a chemistry bench right now anyway eventually I had my industrial cooker and I first started placing the cooker inside my base but I discovered that irrigation has changed in ASA pipes are no longer in the game I know there was some way to give your base direct access to water but I decided to place my cooker down on the beach right below so I don't have to worry about piping it to it so I now have the Machinery required to make medical brw but I need narcotics and Tinto berries actually do so the tintle berries are really easy to get but I don't want to craft hundred of Narcotics and mod pestles so it's about time I get myself a chemistry bench and once again I need more centin paste and polymer so actually spent most of the day flying around the map looking for more beaver dams loot but I only found one in about 30 minutes searching so it looks like I have to go back to crafting the rest of the smthing paste that I actually need so once again I farmed a bunch more stone with my RG and DotA and crafted what's paste I could but I was now out of kitan so I grabbed my thila and swam back over to the carnivore Island because I would be killing spiders in this cave to get more kitan I made my way into the cave on day 80 but there was nothing inside because I had done a dino wipe recently so I waited around for a little bit in hopes that something would spawn in it but nothing did so I ended up just leaving the island after looting a pretty crappy yellow drop but in the meantime I decided to farm some obsidian on one of the metal mountains because I needed to continue crafting polymer and I just gotten over 400 obsidian crafting in the polymer back in my base before hopping back on on my thila and swimming back over to the caral island and to my delight there was a ton of creatures now in the cave and I killed pretty much all of them including the bats just because I hate them and I did get mega rabies a few times however so I had to place down a sleeping bag and respond to get back to full health but I did get a ton of cayen so it was definitely a worthy trip anyway I swam back across the sea to my base and spent the rest of the day crafting cementing base more Stone farming in the morning of day 81 even before the sun came up and I then had to craft even more cementing past but after that I finally had my chemistry bench and I placed it in the back right corner of the workshop but I now have to do some quick farming to get the narcotics I need for the medical bruise and that started with me splitting meat in my thid from killing the cave diners to get some spoiled meat and I then had to farm a butload of narcoberries with my Bronto and once all the meat had spoiled I crafted over 600 narcotics just like that I really missed having one of these things anyway I also farmed a bunch of Tinto berries while I was farming the narcoberries so I started making a ton of medical Brews and I did accidentally craft a bunch of different red dyes because I had AutoCraft enabled but it wasn't that bad anyway I just gotten under 100 Med brw but I also cooked myself up help some cooked meat because it's time to start transporting these rexes to the blue Obelisk and I managed to fit four rexes on the platform at first but it was not a fun flight the rexes way down the quel a lot making it Fly super slow and the trip probably took about 10 minutes from my base to the Obelisk which was insanely tedious but there's no way I'm going to be walking my rexes across the map so this will have to do day 82 and I'm embarrassed to say this but I spent the whole day on one trip from my base the blue Obelisk this time I loaded up about five rexes onto the quel making it move even slower but what really ate up the time was when I landed when the quel landed it does this weird swoop animation where if you're not careful it'll knock all the rexes off the back of the platform and it takes forever to get them back on especially on a mountain with super uneven terrain I think I even died a few times cuz how I fell off the quitzel honestly it was just terrible and I don't want to keep talking about it but I still have to do two more trips to deliver my Rex Army up to the blue Obelisk but day 83 somehow went worse I first started with the meat run to keep my Rex's fed and I then loaded up another five rexes on my quel but I suffered from the same issue as last time I had to land on one of the snow mountains which knocked some of the rexes off and it it was so annoying to get them back on and I kept falling off cliffs too which was super annoying making me want to punch my monitor and I even managed to actually die somehow so I had to fly back on my PT and leave it there while I continue transporting rexes but yeah I eventually did get the rexes to the obelis but that was another whole day wasted but I did set up a trough at the obis to keep my dinos fed I don't know why I told you that it's not that important day 84 I decided to have some rexes to kill with my quel I was really hoping I could pump enough stamina into it where I didn't have to land at all on my flight out to the blue obelis CU I'm pretty sure if my Rex fell off the platform one more time I probably would have killed somebody anyway the baby Rex's hatch and put them down my quel which honestly took a little while the quel does so little damage but I got over 3K stamina into it which I'm really hoping is enough to make it out there in one trip anyway I loaded the last three rexes onto the platform and set off and to my surprise it was actually able to make it in one trip anyway I dropped off the rexes and flew back collecting my PT and a red drop in the progress and I did get a fabricated sniper rifle but I'm not sure I'm actually going to use it I still really want a pump shotgun to Output damage but getting the fabricated rifle was enough to get me into the mood for farming some Gunpowder I had a ton of charcoal from smelting metal and my stone forges so all I had to do is Farm some spark powder so I spent the rest of the day farming Stone and flot and then turning it into spark powder in my new chemistry bench but what is all this gunpowder for you may be asking well now that I'm pretty much ready to fight the boss I'm actually missing one thing a uni to courage wor my dinos to make them even stronger so I started off day 85 by actually crafting a bunch of Tran darts I had just over 100 darts to tame a fluffy chicken and I also picked up the Trap right outside my base to tame it if you're wondering where that theory was I put in the Trap like 20 days ago or something it was deleted in the din wi but I'm not mad about losing it because I was actually never going to tame it in the first place but anyway I set out all my RG into the snow to find me a UD to tame and it didn't actually take me long to find a level 115 that would be perfect it wasn't an amazing level obviously but it didn't need to be it just needs to have a little bit of stamina to Roar and run and have a little bit of Health to T some damage but it was in a very dangerous area and it was fighting a lot of stuff so I first tried placing a trap right next to it but a literally ran right past it to fight something I couldn't see but luckily I could pick up structures and AR survival ascended so I moved the Trap down towards was a river that was nearby and placed it on some ice the Udi was avoiding the Trap like it was instant death or something I can't tell if its AI was too smart or too stupid to go into the Trap but while the yudi was running around like a chicken with its head cut off it actually got it stuck in some pieces of ice so I'm going to assume its AI was too stupid to go into the Trap anyway the Udi wasn't moving so I started pumping it full of Tran darts I seriously put almost 100 Tran darts into it before it fell unconscious and even though it fell asleep under the ice and under water it was somehow not drowning so I took it as my queue to place some spike walls around it and protect it while I fly back to my base to get a for it day 86 I arrived at my base and grabbed a journeyman yudi saddle I'd gotten from looting a drop and on the flight back out to taming the yudi I managed to snack some raw prime meat from a dead caral that was recently killed by a mammoth that had made the mistake of attacking and once I made it to my fluffy chicken it tamed pretty fast with the meat I stole and I did have to run it back to my base with my PT following me through one of the most dangerous Parts on the map but it honestly wasn't that bad and I decided to take it back to my base instead of walking it directly up to the blue obelis so I could power L it by killing some rexes and that's exactly what I did when I got it back to my base and I also named the ud Roid Rage for some reason I don't really know why I just thought the name fits anyway after that I grabbed three more artifacts and all the tributes I needed to start the boss and I then set off of my quo with my UDI on the back of the platform towards the blue Obelisk so I can actually do the boss's time and I made it to the obelisk in about 8 minutes later and I filled the trops from my rexus to get one last meal before we go in a fight that could kill us all but I'm confident I'm going to win this all right well I should be able to dog on the spot well I didn't sound too confident in that clip but I'm pretty sure there's only one way to test my theory and that is to fight the boss so I did one last sweep on my rexes making sure none of them had any extra levels I could put in the melee before the fight and once they were all good I summoned the alpha MEAP [Music] picus so yeah I beat the alpha monkey it took way longer than I thought it would but that's all right anyway I looted the supply gr that boss has now dropped to get their flag Trophy and the element we beat it it honestly put out way more damage than I thought it would though yeah and as I said there the boss was actually way tougher than I thought it'd be but I think having permanent saddles on my rexes was probably the hindering Factor anyway once I was teleported back outside the arena I began immediately loading on my rexes on my quo to fly back home and start producing more Rex eggs day 87 started with me flying my five rexes back to base and I made the mistake of putting all the females on the platform so I'm going to have to come back and snag a male later on so that they could breed anyway the flight home took forever but I eventually made it but I didn't stay for too long because I had things to do I first swam out to the sea between my base and Carno Island to get a raft that I had left there when I was killing the Megalodons with my thlo and I sailed it back to Shore and took one of my rexes on it over back to caral Island to do a meat run got to keep my D shed up my base especially since some of them took a lot of damage in a boss fight recently oh and also I looted a purle drop when I was on counter Island and I got a really good Mastercraft megatherium saddle if only it was a blueprint my eventual megatherium Army is going to need to have good Saddles when they take on the alpha brood mug but I'll take a nice pre-crafted one when I can get one anyway when I returned to my base I fed my dinos and reorganized myself as I had a lot of stuff in my inventory and to end off the day I placed a flag i' got from killing the megap pagus on the front porch of my workshop day 88 started with me scouring the samps I'm not totally sure what I was looking for but it was either one or two things it either a frog because I'm going to need one to do the swamp cave or a Rino gatha because I need to tame one in this 100 days cuz I've actually never tamed one before but I didn't find whatever I was looking for I seriously don't know what I was looking for anyways I returned back to my base and I decided to fast travel into the easy underwater cave cuz I hadn't checked on it in a while and to my shot I actually saw a blue drop deep in the water and I man to swim down there and open it to see an insane fabricated sniper rifle but I didn't have enough oxygen to make it back to my bed safely and I died oh well I can just come back and get it so spawning in back of my base I decided to do a mind wipe to give my character some more stamina since I lost my iy I still don't have a good water Dina to Traverse the water besides my angler but it's on the other side of the map and I don't feel like going to get it so if I have scuba and a bunch of stamina as well as a folo chili active I think I should be able to move through the water pretty efficiently so after that I crafted some more gravels in case I need to get away from something faster than I can swim and I then took off on Bones towards the cave and I made it there before the end of the day and I immediately Dove underwater eventually making my way through the cave but once I was there I couldn't find my body so I thought maybe a dino ate it but I couldn't see the item cached on the floor either it's honestly really annoying cuz that fabricated rifle would have been insane to have anyway I decided to cut my losses and just fly back home but at the very end of the day I accidentally Jay whistled only PC players probably know this pain but for those who don't know Jay is the button the bound to whistle all your dinos to follow you so they all mess up their lines or however you had them organized it's hon ly just really annoying day 89 and I tried to get my dinos in some sort of order but after that I decided to go look over to the swamp again cuz this time I was knowing I was looking for a rhino gatha I know this because when I found a level 20 male I said this oh that's perfect got to get the pherone thing so now that I knew where one was I flew back to my base to grab one of my erees I originally tamed to start breeding I needed it to kill that level 20 and for those who don't know how to tame or Rino allow me to educate you to get yourself your own Sky Giga it's like taming a Reaper sort of you have to get a female rho below 10% health and then have it impregnate your dyo but the only way to get it to impregnate your Dyno is to kill a male the male will drop a pheromone which you can use on your dyo signaling to the female that it's ready to plant a baby inside of it I wanted to use a Rex because it's strong you need to be strong to successfully kill a Rino and to get one below 10% Health but but but this is the most important part whatever dno you use to get the Rino baby that Dino will die no matter what so don't use your favorite tame to get yourself a sky Giga anyway I made my way back to my base and saded up my new Rex and I then begin the long journey of walking to Rex through the island towards the swamp and I killed level 20 r on site it didn't stands a chance and I got the pH mode I needed but I now need to find a female to tame a high level preferably but I kid you not after only five minutes of looking I spotted this oh okay we can't mess this up yeah I found a level 135 female but as I said I can't mess this up I somehow have to get this Ria low enough to impregnate my Rex without killing him no yeah turns out I did one bite too many but don't doubt me yet my viewers because I found another female on day 90 this time it's being a level 130 and successfully managed to get it to impregnate my Rex oh oh it's pregnated yes yes but now that I got my Rex I have a baby rho inside of it I left something out you see getting a level 130 Rino isn't that easy instead of having to kill dinos to level the baby up the baby will have cravings which you have to feed the Rex to level it up the problem is these Cravings can be outrageous like if you get lucky enough I'm pretty sure the baby rho can crave literal Giga eggs who just has those to spare I certainly don't so I really hope I don't get that one and I'm too far away from my base to make it back before the baby pops out so I decided to hunker down in the swamp but unfortunately the baby actually craved extraordinary kibble which I obviously don't have out here in the swamp so I'm just going to have to deal with whatever level it pops out as which is probably going to be very bad and I even tried re loging to see if that resets what it wanted but it didn't oh my God level 32 so yeah the baby popped out is level 32 but more importantly I still have to raise it in the literal swamp so I need to protect it and that started with me farming up and placing a bunch of Spike walls around me also I named bugger cuz it's a bug anyway I imprinted the baby twice and when I was almost full grown I fast traveled back to my base to make a saddle for it and I then flew back on my bird saddled it up and pull a 180 to fly back to my base and once I got back I thought it was pretty funny that these things can actually pick up whole rexes oh what that's insane that looks so goopy a91 and now that I have a flying creature that can pick up dinos the size of rexes I think it's a good time as any to tame a megatherium it's been 91 days on this Arc and I'm yet to even tame any megatherium to start my boss Army for fighting The Brood mother so I spent the early morning making rifle bullets narcotics and Tran darts for the tame and I only had to craft two more Stone foundations for the Trap because I had the rest of the structures from looting drops over time anyway I set the Trap back up right outside my base cuz I realized I could just carry the mega theum back to my base and tame it right there once I find one worth it to tame but after that I set off into the snow to begin my search and not long after a few things happened first I noticed that rho's wings are flapping too fast for this game to even process leading it to have this really buggy look that didn't look good at all this still looks bad what do the wings look like that they flap too fast the game can't even load it anyway after that I found a level 110 megatherium you see it's not terrible but like I need really good ones for the alpha brood mother ah that thing just smacked me for 288 though why did it just get mad yeah so I didn't know this at the time but megatheriums automatically aggro a rinos when they're closed because they're bugs and of course I gives them the bug buff making them hit like semi- trucks but this would lead me to not being able to pick up megatheriums and carry them long distances since they would shred through my rho's health but I wouldn't fully realize this until later on so anyways the rest of the day we spent looking for another high level Mega theum to tame but to no avail however my patience was once again rewarded on day 92 with me actually finding a Max Level female and of course I tried picking it up and bringing it back to my base oh stop stop stop why what is your problem so flying it back to my base is obviously not going to work so so I decided I'll bring the trap to it and I also looted a red drop on my way back to my base and I got a decent baselo saddle but once I actually did get back to my base I picked up the Trap and pull a 180 back to my base luckily the meum was in a relatively safe area for being in the snow so once I got back there I set up the Trap next to a giant rock and then I spent literally the whole day trying to get the giant sloth into the Trap it was only a few hundred ft from the trap but it hit so hard and I could only carry it for a few seconds before having to drop it then go kill something that heal my Rino up but after struggling for so long I decided to go back to my base and grab a few ramps to lead into the Trap which did the trick day 93 and I waited for the bug buff to wear off before I started lighting up the megatherium with Tran darts I didn't know if the bug buff actually affected how much Tor would take so I decided not to risk it and just wait a few minutes and once the mega theum was asleep I killed a few dinos like a mammoth and a Caro to get enough prime meat to tame it with decent Effectiveness and it had actually lost enough food to instantly tame in the time it took me for to get the prime meat and it tamed out around 6.2k HP and 330 melee which honestly I don't think is amazing but I'm pretty sure with an imprint and power leveling I can get those numbers where they need to be but I still need to tame a good mail at some point but moving on I carried my giant soft home back to my base and put the taming gear away and after that I decided to experiment a little bit you see rinos are the fastest flyers on the map but they can also carry a lot of weight too so I decided to try and do a metal run with my Rino carrying my anky instead of using an rgy and I did actually manage to farm a decent amount of metal by the end of the day but it wasn't as nearly as good as I thought it'd be sure the rinos are fast at getting around but I couldn't get the inky to autofarm when I had it picked up with the Rino and honestly it was just way clunkier with how big the Rino actually was but after depositing the metal into the forge I flew back out to the blue Obelisk at the end of the day I did this because as I said back on day 87 I forgot to grab a mail after I did the boss and I want to start producing even more Rex eggs cuz I still need a power level whole Theory and mega Theory Army when I get them anyway I got the Rex back to my base relatively quickly for simply how fast the Rino moves and I then started mass production of fertilized Rex eggs but now I think it's finally time that I start my the Boss line I began breeding my the's and I had a few eggs stockpiled as well but that's not before I did a quick bury one with my Bronto to actually feed the babies and and after that I hatched the four the eggs I had saved up but none of them had the stats I was looking for so I killed the babies with my Rino and after that I crafted and place another fruit to store more fertilizer X eggs and later on I had to kill one more baby Theory before I finally hatched an egg that had twins and they both had the good stats but they were both female so I'll have to do a little bit more breeding to get the guaranteed boss stats once I get a mail but anyways that led me to spend the rest of the day raising the two thies but I did Farm a little bit of wood and fiber at the very end of the day I did this because I realized I need veggie cakes for both my mega theum and the's and their respective boss fights and veggie cakes are pretty expensive to make requiring sap a bunch of crops and a few other things but I need to start making crop plots to grow my own crops so after getting the last two imprints on the theories I began crafting a bunch of crop plots and I had to do a little bit more farming but eventually I had four crop plots for each crop except one which had five sometimes math just does a math for me anyway the crop Lots can also snap to each other now when they're being placed which is a super awesome feature but I now need to fertilize these plots so that they can actually grow crops and I had them placed down by my cooker with a water tab nearby so that they were all irrigated and I decided to use a toilet that I had for a drop to get the fertilizer I needed no they fixed the poop glitch if you don't know what I'm talking about there back on AR survival VA there was a glitch where you can infinitely poop into a toilet and then you could turn all the poop in the fertilizer so you could fertilize a whole Greenhouse in just a few minutes so wild card this is an L change anyway I now had two choices use up my stamina poop and get one fertilizer at a time to fill in my crop Lots or use composting bins to slowly get fertilizer over time but I decided to jump around a lot and poop a bunch to get one fertilizer in every crop lot it was very slow but worked and once I had one fertilizer in each crop lot I did some farming on my Bronto to get all the seeds I needed to grow the four different typers of crops and after that I spent the rest of the day looting beaver dams for more cementing paste I spent another 15 minutes scouring the island for bber dams as well on day '96 but I didn't find any more so I just returned to my compound but I didn't stay for long because it was time for me to tame a bezel buffo as I said a little bit ago I need one of these dudes to take on the swamp cave and they also get a ton of centin past when they kill bugs so it's like doing two things for the price of one so I grabbed the master craft saddle that I had for a frog which I got from a drop and then I set out to to the swamp to find me a Kermit it actually took me a while to find a good one since I had the manly search a swamp on the ground since you can't see anything from the air but I eventually left the swamps with a level 145 m in the grips of my Rhino and once I returned back to my base I assembled a one by one trap and knocked it out and I actually tamed the thing before the end of the day because it tamed super quick and obviously I named it Kermit day 97 started off with a scare because I thought all my crops had died no what but it turns out it was just a visual glitch and they all were in fact still growing but after that I hatched a bunch of rexes and killed them with my frog and that gave him over 42 levels that would be really nice to kill some bugs with and I also decided to cook all the raw meat I had got from killing the rexes so I now have a decent apply cook prime meat now I can probably make it my main food source pretty soon anyway after that I got back on my rho and picked up Kermit and set out to the swamp cave in the Redwoods and I made sure I had a full set of scuba so that I can survive the pores in this air inside and once I was actually in the cave it was going all right killing all the bugs until multiple spiders came at me my frog simply wasn't strong enough to take them off I tried working my way through the cave but there was simply too many bigger threats and I just wasn't able to deal with on this frog so I decided to leave the cave but I had a plan to come back I wanted to tame another female frog then breathe a two for a baby the 30% damage reduction and output should be enough to make it possible to go through the cave so that's what I'm going to do so I dropped Kerman off back on my base and then turned around and spent the rest of day searching the swamp for another frog to tame day 98 and once again it took me a while to find a frog I was looking for I even found another highle male that I eventually found a level 135 female yes yes yes yes yes anyway The Taming process was pretty much identical to the last time I brought it back to my base and dropped it back into the one by one trap and actually killed more baby rexes to get the raw prime meat needed to tame the Frog this time cuz it's actually pretty efficient but once it was mine I brought both of my frogs down to the empty water pen and I got them breeding since they need to breed underwater for some reason and while I was waiting for the baby to hatch out of the egg a yellow drop with a ring came down nearby and I got an absolutely insane RG saddle from it I mean I appreciate the saddle Arc but I'd really like a theory or a megatherium saddle way more the baby tadpole hatched out of his egg in the morning of day 99 and I named it Kera as I already had a Kermit and it was a female and I made sure to wait around for it to one an imprint which I easily got since it's only wanted a cuddle and I can't lie it already had some insane melee without leveling yet but after that I did stay in the pen for a while to let CA finished fully growing up but once it was I saded her up and got all three frogs out of the water pan and back up to my base moving on after that I power leveled C by killing a bunch more baby rexes which gave it some serious health in melee if I can't roll through the swamp cave with this gal I don't know what I'm going to do but before I went back to the swamp cave I decided to check out the easy underwater cave for any drops there wasn't any drops but there were two scorpions waiting for me when I spawned in the the second bed inside the cave oh dude they broke the bed yeah I really hate how they added those dinos in an underwater cave so after getting kicked out of the water cave by deadly force I respawned back to my base and I was about ready to head to the swamp cave when I spotted a red drop coming down in Carno Island but there was absolutely nothing but trash inside of it so off to the swamp cave I went hopefully I can actually get the artifact a bunch of cementing pce and maybe even some more decent loot from cave drops day 100 bye just kidding I'm not ending this 100 days here here I know it's technically an 100 day challenge but I want to beat the whole map on Alpha in this video and I don't think any of you guys should be complaining either since you literally get more video to watch but I'm going to keep it in the 100 days format so I'm just going to be going over 100 days anyway I made my way back into the swamp cave and all the spiders were no longer a threat oh oh oh hey hey hey okay let's let's not send the whole cave one oh yep there goes the scuba but yeah arthro plura was still a threat since they can use their ass spit to break the scuba off my back anyway I managed to take down the horde I was currently fighting by using Med Rus to stay alive but I had to leave a cave once again to get some more scuba and when I returned to my base I decided I wanted to return to the swamp cave with three sets of scuba this time I had some pieces that were good to go but I needed to craft and repair a few others so I began crafting polymer that I needed to repair them with but I wasn't going to have enough to fully repair all three sets and I think you can tell by the tone of my voice how I was feeling about farming more obsidian I'm not trying to farm more obsidian anyway complaining doesn't do much for me so I took out my ankio to the mountains and farmed a little bit of obsidian to repair the rest of my scuba gear and soon after that I had everything I needed and I set back off to the swamp cave to finally complete it and once I was inside I began running through the cave with insane speed and strength but it was still taking me a while to do simply because I was being cautious well your boy got the artifact of the immune a bunch of cementing pace and a decent fabricated sniper from a cave drop day 111 I left the cave pleased with my adventure and when I returned back to my base I reorganized myself and deposited all my new goodies and I then flew back over to the Carno Island to lot a yellow drop but I'm not sure why I'm even telling you this because there's never anything good in yellow drops but after that I did a mass hatching of the eggs and I finally got a perfect mail so I can now get guaranteed boss at the's but I did have to mow quite a few other baby the's down cuz I didn't have the stats I was looking for and while I was raising the theory I crafted two more fridges and placed them outside my base I needed them because I had almost filled up the other two with fertilized Rex eggs and I spent pretty much the rest of the day raising that me Theory making sure it gets both imprints so I can use it for the boss they wanted two and it's time to start raising my the boss army the's take significantly longer to raise simply because of the fact that then need two imprints to get to 100% instead of just one for rexes I really hope megatheriums only take one imprint cuz I might go crazy if they need two but this led to the entirety of day 103 also being spent raising the second batch of the's needed to finish off my Army but now that I spent two whole days doing it I hope I'll never have to do this again except when I have to raise a whole Mega theum Army I'm not looking forward to that now that I'm done raising Theus it's time to do some other stuff to progress towards being able to fight the Alpha dragon and I decided to do some drop hunting I was really hoping for saddle blueprints or a good pump shotgun but sometimes Arc does what it wants and I even discovered a drop that goes into the ground that bug really should have stayed back on Arc survival evolved what I open this probably not oh no going to hit him with the relo to get some new drops to spawn in so yeah I spent most of the day flying around the northern part of the map looting red yellow and purple drops but as you can probably tell by the tone of my voice once again I didn't find anything good but as I was back around my base I noticed an alpha Megalodon was near the surface of the water and I need an alpha Megalodon fin to start the alpha overseer Ascension so I decided to take it out it took a long time because my Rino isn't very strong but I eventually remembered that I had a fabricator rifle and I started lighting it up and the rest of the day was also spent drop hunting as well but my luck all changed on day 105 when I opened the red drop on one of the snow mountains oh my God oh my God I didn't even notice it first dude oh um oh my god I've been searched for for what feels like basically this whole 100 days what is that durability 263 damage is pretty good that durability is crazy though I I can't express my happiness right now anyway with me getting that shotgun I was content with my drop hunting spree and I can now stop and once I was back in my base I was collecting and making more shotgun bullets as I was now locked and loaded and I also attached a holoscope to my shotgun to make finding my target easier but I didn't want to just St up on ammo for fun I wanted to put it to good use I wanted to go into the lava cave and retrieve the artifact that was in there if you can remember from a while ago I couldn't fit my thila into that cave and my saber definitely won't survive so I plan to go in on foot be smart and blast whatever comes at me so just like that I geared up getting ghilly and grapples to make the spelunking Adventure easier and I set out and I made it to the cave with about 10 minutes before the end of the day and the trip wasn't that eventful just a lot of bats and bugs being put down by my shotgun oh so yeah I didn't really have any problem whatsoever getting the artifact this new shotgun is an absolute Beast anyway after that I began flying back to my base to put my new artifact on display but I made a pit stop on the edge of the Redwoods to place down some tree sap Taps I brought from my base I needed these to start producing me some sap so I can make some more veggie cakes for both the dragon and megatherium boss fights later on anyway speaking of my theories when I returned to my base I decided it's time to start power leveling them all and that's what I did I spent the rest of the day killing around 10 baby rexes per Theory to get their levels up and once they were fully leveled they were sitting around 20K HP and 700 melee you don't want to give them more than than 21k health because that's when veggie cakes are most effective somebody did some math a long time ago and figured this out just just trust me okay the majority of day 107 was also spent killing the baby rexes for levels but it'll be worth it when I kill the dragon hopefully I I I should be able to kill it anyways it was about this time when I witnessed RAR actually failed the Alpha dragon live on stream and the theories were actually better than mine and they had really good Saddles but it might honestly just be a skill issue I don't know but moving on I got done killing baby rexes at the end of the day and I had a ton of spoiled meat from all the prime meat I got from killing the babies and that l me to craft a bunch of Narcotics simply because I had the resources for it and lastly to end off the day I did a pretty thick metal run cuz your boy needs that shiny silver stuff I wrapped up the metal run on the morning of day 108 and got into my Forge after that and I then crafted a few grappling hooks and set off on my Rino out towards the snow I was going to retrieve the artifact of the skylord and I needed this artifact to summon the dragon and it should be relatively easy to get since it's in a quite small cave and I have a shotgun that puts out big damage yeah honestly that may have been the easiest cave I've ever done this shotgun was really the key to success anyway I flew back to my base and displayed my new artifact and honestly it kind of looked weird what it almost looked 2D but I I don't know it's weird moving back towards getting the stuff I need to summon the boss I need more dino tribute starting with Alin cuz I spent flying around the northern part of the map but I only managed to kill one before something got my attention a giga which I need to kill for its heart if you can remember from all the way back at the beginning of the video I got my first Giga Heart by watching a giga commit die in the lava in the volcano so I then flew back to my base to get a trap and a shotgun to put down this Giga and I may have flown over my base to get a red drop but it wasn't worth my time but anyway the grind for getting shotgun shells started and I spent the rest of the day farming Stone and Flint to make spark powder right below my base the first part of day 109 was pretty much the same as the end of day 108 I spent more time farming spark powder then farming wood to make charcoal farming more spark powder and eventually crafting shotgun bullets and I had just over 300 bullets which should be enough but I also decided to grab my thila and try to kill the Giga using bleed damage to save some shells but as I was arriving to the base of the volcano I decided to check in inside the volcano to see if I was maybe able to lead up this gig inside it and have it burn to death there's two there's two yeah so I was under the impression that you can only have one giga on the map at a time but I guess not because clearly there are two gigas right here pretty close to each other so anyway this Giga was really low since I kept walking into lava so I put it down with only a few shots and claimed my prize yeah I got a gig heart way faster than I was expected to so that's always nice back to Tribute grinding on day 110 this time I need yudy loans and I need a lot of them because I somehow haven't killed many udis in 110 days of plane and I also did Farm a few Alo brains but I already got near the amount I needed so I didn't spend too long doing that but I did have 10 yudy lungs by the end of the day and that's all I needed now day 111 I have to move underwater you see I need 10 tuso tentacles and 10 baselo blubber for the boss as well but for some reason the Rino can actually swim underwater so honestly this won't be too bad but my original plan was just to use the rho to tame a basilo but that's when I found that level 15 tuso I I hope it can't I'm a flyer surely it can't grab me so yeah I actually plan on attacking this tuso because it was only a level 15 and it should give me eight of the 10 tentacles I need but if it can grab my Rino it's as good as dead but luckily it actually couldn't grab my Rino and I put it down with eat but it then took me like 10 minutes to find the item cash with the loot inside but don't worry I got it and after that I kept swimming around the map looking for a good bass load to tame I wasn't finding any good ones but I was finding a lot of bad ones and for some reason I didn't start killing them for their blubber just yet even though I just dogged on a tuso anyway I eventually made my way to the easy underwater kit because I wanted to see if I could bring my Rino into it and to my surprise I actually could and I could actually fly in the first half of the air pocket but the cave did eventually knock me off but the problem was I couldn't get back on it even where I was allowed to fly earlier I could not Mount the thing and after so long of trying I eventually just decided to allow cave flyers on my world to get my Rino out of the cave I don't really care what you say I'm not losing my rho just like that but don't worry I won't be cheating future caves I'll do them normally and I think if you guys were in the same situation as me you do the exact same anyway after that I left the cave and I finally killed a baselo and realized how easy it was so I decided just to farm the rest of the tributes like this but that's when I came across a lowlevel alpha tuso now my Rino didn't put out insane damage but I'm pretty sure I can kill this Alpha if I have enough time so I spent the rest of the day attacking it slowly chipping down his health day 112 and me and the alpha tuso were still going at it and it was taking a while but I then spotted a nearby Pearl cave and with some amazing maneuvering I managed to get inside the proc cave and the tuso actually tried to attack me through the walls but it couldn't hit me but I could shoot his tentacles with my shotgun and do some crazy damage to it don't judge me you would do the same but after so long the tuso literally just left and and I couldn't find it the dude literally despawned Into Thin Air that's been so long trying to kill that thing and I was super disappointed I wasn't able to kill it I would have gotten all the tuo tentacles I needed and more as well as a bunch of black pearls and not to mention the alpha tuo ey I need for the alpha Ascension anyway after that disappointment I decided to push through and keep grinding for the tributes I needed I kept swimming around the ocean killing basos and I even found a red underwater crate but it was absolutely butt but yeah at the end of the day I had all the basso blubber I needed but I still need to find a kill one more too but I didn't have to wait long because I found a level 10 in the early morning of day 113 and it was the perfect level and was super easy to kill and I now had all that I needed from the ocean to start the boss except the artifact of the cunning that's in the hard underwater cave and I'm not looking forward to retrieving it anyway I flew back to my base and took inventory of the tributes dude I got everything I need except the two artifacts so I need the artifact of the strong and the ice cave and the artifact of the cunning which I talked about just a few seconds ago and as I said I'm not looking forward to getting it so I decided to do the ice cave now I used to run the ice cave with a Rex and a cryopod but obviously I can't do that now so my plan is to Grapple through the cave and use my shotgun when I have to I pretty much just want to avoid the creatures in there rather than fight them so I spent some time crafting up over 40 grapples and then some medical brw but I had some really good fur now from looting drops so I shouldn't need these but I'm just taking them just in case but after that I was off to the ice cave but I didn't make it far into the cave before seeing the sheer amount of dinos in there and coming to the realization you know I kind of want more grapples so I left the same way I came in and flew back to my base before starting to farm for some more grapples day 114 I left the base with with just under 80 grapples if this isn't enough I don't know how many is but this may have been Overkill because I got in and out of the cave in no time and I had a ton of grapples left over too anyway I return home and then display the artifact of the now it's just on to the artifact of the cunning I've decided I'm going to try and swim through the cave using a combination of grapple scuba and a FCO chili to make me movement faster but I barely even made it into the cave before being chased out by eel so obviously that's not going to work so I'm going to have to rethink my plan well not as much rethink cuz I already know what I'm going to do I'm going to tame a baso as I have a decent saddle from a drop I'm going to make my way through the cave using brute force and I legit found a level 135 straight under the water right under my base so this has to be a sign oh hey there all right that that was easy but I legit had just done a dino wipe so it took me forever to find that Dino to kill for Prime me to start pass taming it but I did feed it before the end of the day before flying to the other side of the snow to loot a red drop I made it to the drop in the morning of day 115 that is a horrible shotgun but I'm going to take it so anyway I began flying back over to the baselo to continue feeding it but it was dead when I got back what what killed it I don't know how it died because I don't think anything naturally attacks baselo in the ocean but I guess I have to find a new one to tame but it actually didn't take me too long to find a level 140 which I would managed to successfully tame this time but during the tame I spotted another red drop coming down and it actually had a journeyman recck saddle in it oh can I just get a blueprint though man so anyways after I finished finally taming the baselo I let it back to my base on my Rino while skimming across the water and since I'm going to use this baselo to fight my way through the heart underwater cave I need to power level it so I actually picked up some of my air conditioners under my hatching platform and moved them down to underw so my bassillo could easily kill the babies and actually spent a long time doing that and my baselo got a ton of levels out of it but after that I forceed my baselo to heal it up and I then set out for the hard underwater cave but honestly there wasn't that much to say about it my basela was now super strong and had a good SLE so I absolutely swept through the cave and I then got the artifact and dipped I should have just done that the first time anyway I return to my base and I now have everything I need to start the Alpha dragon boss but I'm not completely ready yet and that started with me making more stimulants for veggie cakes on day 117 and I then flew out to the redwards to check on my tree sap Taps that I placed a few days ago and I looted a drop on the way out there and it actually had even more sap so it seems the game was contributing to my cause anyway the tree sap Taps were full and I also stole some honey from beehives before returning to my home before the end of the day now day 118 and I still really want to get there was Nino saddle blueprint and after watching a video I knew I could get them from the ice cave but the video also said I could get a good Rec saddle blueprint from the swamp cave and I just so happened to know about a little glitch where you loot a drop in the cave save the game then relog and the drop will be in the same exact spot with new loot so basically I'm going to abuse that glitch until I get a blueprint I like and that led me to craft two gas mask and fly out car to the swamp cave but before I could actually even make it to the drop I was going to abuse both of my gas masks were broken by artho poas I really hate these things so I had to return to my base repair my armor and this time I made four gas masks and I returned to the swamp cave and spent the rest of the day getting some free loot these Saddles are crazy easy oh new shoty who this Rex Rex re okay so this Rex saddle blueprint isn't amazing but I did the alpha overseer with primitive Saddles back on Arc survival evolve so this should be fine anyway I left the cave but I forgot to mention that my Rhino actually died while I was farming drops it died to like a level 10 rex or something like that but I was super mad because I thought I left it on neutral but I guess not anyway I made it out of the cave and used my implant to respond back to my base and I then used my RT to fly back to get my stuff but when I got back K and my dead body were both under the map K was easy to get out using ghost mode but I had some trouble getting my body it took almost 10 minutes for me to actually find my body under the map and I was actually not having the best day iow so if I was about to lose all my good stuff I just gotten I probably would have Rage Quit for a few weeks and you would not be seeing this video right now anyway I made my way back home on day 120 but I didn't stay for long because after dropping a a bunch of stuff I got from the swamp cave I took off for the ice cave where I could get the Saddles with the same glitch sadly didn't work in there so I couldn't get infinite drops to get a the saddle very easily and to top it all off my amazing PT bones died while I was inside the cave so I now didn't have a fly to get back home and I didn't have any good flyers in general so I had to respawn back in my base and fly one of my mid pts out to the snow to retrieve my stuff before the end of the day so day 121 started with me raising and then power leveling my new PT and I had green Wings which actually looked pretty cool so I named it green Wings listen I'm never going to get good and naming stuff okay anyways the majority of the day was spent farming metal I was pretty much out of metal now and I'm going to need a lot to craft the Saddles I still wasn't actually able to find a blueprint so I'm going to have to use some primitive ones I don't like it but I really don't have a choice I'm already 21 days over the original 100 days I was supposed to play so I can't really waste any more time anyway after the metal run I returned home and got the metal into the forge before sailing a Rex out to the Carno Island before the end of the day to farm hide for the Saddles I finished farming High about a quarter of the way through day 122 and I then began crafting a bunch of permanent Saddles as well as putting them on my my the and I had originally started loading up onto the back of my quitzel but realizing that I'd have to do two trips across the map and back to transport my whole Army I got an idea structure limits were recently increased on rafts so after crafting a bunch of thatch structures I was able to make a giant platform on my raft that will definitely be able to take my whole Army to the red obelisk in one trip and I then began loading up my the's on it before the end of the day I finished up loading my Army in the morning of day 123 but not my whole Army because I left my Udi at the blue obelis after I did the MEAP picus fight so I had to fly out on green Wings after that to retrieve it but green Wings didn't actually survive the journey home because he decided to land on the ground and get eaten by Wolves instead of following me but when I made it back to my base something wasn't right what no where's he going I managed to catch the theory however I still don't know why the the was floating upwards that's probably one of the weirdest art glitches I've ever seen anyway after that I put the UDI on the raft and then made a few veggie cakes I could with me losing my rho it would take way too long to get the rest of the bee honey required to make more cakes so I'm really hoping my theas will be able able to pull through on their own but I'm now pretty much ready to fight the Alpha dragon as ready as I can be at least without spending another 10 days preparing so at the very end of the day I set sail for the red Obelisk I made it to the red Obelisk about 30 minutes into day 124 sailing on a raft takes a while anyway I wasted no time and got my Army to the center of the Obelisk platform and it might seem like I'm rushing and that's because I am I really don't want this video to be too much longer than it already is so I have to kill this boss and keep rolling so let's do [Music] this [Music] [Music] a wait no no no no no I thought it was safe so yeah I failed the fight I nearly did kill the dragon on foot with my shotgun but I guess it just wasn't meant to be I know I set out to be all three Alpha bosses and beat the alpha Overseer in this video but you don't always get what you want but maybe if this video gets enough support I'll do a revenge tour and redo the island and actually complete it this time but until then comment down below and let me know if you actually want that
Channel: Granty
Views: 1,041,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, 100days, arksurvivalascended, survival, minecraft
Id: bRkwJXGr8I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 41sec (9401 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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