I Played 100 Days Of Palworld.. Here's what happened.

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welcome to power world this is the palpo islands creatures of many sizes of various elements living happily various locals living together in harmony with the pals across the islands I will be spending 100 days here as I make my way through the lands in order to be the very best like no one ever was to catch them is my real test and to train them is my cause waking up on the beach I was immediately surrounded by a Meowth wulu and chicken now that isn't their actual names but let's be honest this is the Pokémon game we've all been waiting for even if legally due to International copyright laws they are now called Pals I saw a tablet nearby which told me the towers are the truth and the tree holds the key then began to ascend up a long Stone stair staircase and I figured the best place to start this adventure would be by completing the tutorial shown in the top right so I got to the top of the stairs entering wind swept Hills the first of many locations I'll be exploring as I set a goal to tr fight every boss catch every pile and visit every biome but first I had to chat to this lady with a shotgun who gave me some wood picked up some of my own and spotted my first actual Pals a pair of amist two very large and very strong grass top PS but they were out of my strength range for now so headed over to a flat spot where some chickens and sheep were to build my first primitive workbench the first task of the tutorial and start of any power W playthrough as you'll build a bunch of basic gear and Equipment here to do that I needed resources so I punched the rock giving me stone and pum fragments and with these two resources and the wood from earlier I was able to make make my very first pal spere this basic orb is a key to catching and taming your very first Pokémon I I I mean how so punch the nearby chicken in the face in order to weaken it before turning and yeting the sphar right at it trapping it with 100% chance giving me my very first pile this was a chicki who I chose to name cluck the first of over 100 piles that were available during my playthrough but let me focus on getting myself set up first so I made a pile box which basically acts as the PC and Pokémon which stores all of your pals as well as you can use to put them to work in order to automate different actions such as harvesting wood farming crops and eventually committing to the Industrial Age as I force my pales to mass produce weapons for my Conquest but for now my cluck couldn't do much so I instead made a pickaxe to help speed up my Stone Collection grab some berries from the bushes in the area and use the level UPS I had gained so far to increase my work speed and weight I end up focusing mainly on health and weight in this playthrough since Pals can do most of the crafting traveling and attacking until that happens I made myself an axe to help gather wood faster which I used to make a bed for cluck so his sanity wouldn't completely deplete as if that happens the PS will die or Worse refuse to work and I was up to level five so I learned a couple engrams and the most notable of which was the fire bow and arrows a weapon to set my enemies a blaze and the feed box so my PES would have somewhere to eat I made up a spear and some spheres to immediately beat the nearby chickens so I could trap them in the spears to tame them but with my plans to get stronger I needed to upgrade my base's level you do this by completing the missions on the pile box and the first of which was to make a storage box I chose to fill the Box immediately with wood and stone then using the new found wealth made up 10 more power spheres as I had to catch 27 more powers for the tutorial since there was also a task to capture five lamb balls the small sheep P we had seen on the beach I quickly used my spear to poke them spear to catch them and quickly grabbing all five in a nice quick succession and you'll see if you catch the same pile multiple times you can get a nice healthy bonus to experience to truly boost you forwards with that knowledge in mind I captured five more lambo's mastering the lambo capturing process so to celebrate the end of the first day and Mastery of capturing Lambs I killed up the next one I saw starting out in the morning I was going to need more spheres again since mine were full of lambs so mind up some more pallum on the noes nearby to the point where my pickaxe even broke but I did find a pal spere lineing on the floor and I used it to capture a second Chickapee then headed home in order to repair my pickaxe I had to make a repair bench only to be short of wood dropping down some trees nearby I built the bench and my Lambo even help me build it repaired my pickaxe as the lamb ball kept working by immediately going and Gathering some Stone near bar such a good little mutton chop I had to craft up some cloth then made myself a three shot bow a bow which surprisingly shoots three times for one Arrow I also made some more spheres a lot more spheres but it was starting to get dark so I needed some shelter building myself a nice basic wooden Shack with what is an awesome building mechanic P then place down my bed before leveling up my power box having completed the missions increasing your power box level helps with one main feature it allows you to have more PS working around your base So currently I just have a bunch of sheep running around and hopefully I can get more useful Pals later on but at least these mutton chops help me make a feed box which basically acts as a trough for the pals to eat speaking of which a b a berry Plantation to farm a sustainable food source so I wasn't forced to murder the entire population I likely will do it anyways but at least I don't have to seeding and watering so they could grow I got the Sheep to make up some more P beds while gathered more wood making a campfire and gear bench to continue leveling the pile box all the way to level six to end off the day the next morning we spent harvesting some Stone and wood to make a Crusher and the structure can allow you to grind some resources down into other resources made myself an egg incubator with can patch the wild pile eggs you'll find around the map and then made my very first set of cloth armor next was a massive chicken catching spree for experience I caught enough for a running total of 10 so I'd get that sweet boost in experience from the complete XP bonus and I ended up building a workbench in the middle of nowhere so I could make up some more pphs when I saw the Meowth rip off a kativa so of course I had to attack it with my axe beating it s before throwing the spear straight at it capturing it to be my third unique pal so I quickly captured another three more Pals and hopes one of them would have good stats as not all pals are equal but I'll explain that more later when we start doing some breeding for better stats and potentially even some hybrids however continuing down the ramp in land I spotted some more mamist which I didn't want to get close to and a small penguin came bobbing by who I did one quick arrow to the face and a pal spere to the Head capturing it with a 34% chance my very first ping gullet who I named squishy and I'll be naming a ton of my piles off my patreons later on in the video another penu attacked me so I fought back with my sphere allowing me to catch it as it was guarding a scorching egg this was one of the types of eggs that can be found scattered across the map being various types of various sizes all for uniquely weird and wonderful Pals but something more interesting caught my eye on on the other side of this Gap but I couldn't exactly jump across thus I pulled out my wood to build a nice bridge and simply skipped across collecting a li monk Effigy something that you'll see to be very important later and some skill fruit from the trees these skill fruit can be fed to your P teaching them different abilities like a TM from Pokémon with my loot I headed home just in case I was to die that I don't lose it then plop the egg in the incubator to begin hatching so we'll see what hatches into once it's done now my one sheep was looking a bit sad so I gave it a pat on the head in order to cheer it up so it get back to work but being low on food I decided to cook up some lambor kebabs on the fire to fill up my belly before lying down in my bed as the day came to an end as day four began I did some basic gardening and got my penguin to water my crop plot as Pals will automatically do any task they have the skills for if they are happy I'll be automating a lot of this medial work later with my slaves I I I mean Pals making my way back out to see what Pals were in my area I had a closer look at the mamar from earlier and these were the king of the forest a basically mini boss that is scattered across power you need to defeat or maybe even capture as your own usually there is only one but since I've messed up a sess in my world two of them will spawn at every location instead of just one so my adventure was going to be a lot harder when I want to start taking them out further along there was a glowing red Shrine which are activated as this was a fast travel station they are dotted all along the islands helping to speed up travel by far as traveling between them makes sense I know there are also these pink llas hopping around and my legs were feeling tired so I thought if I can capture one and make a saddle I could use this to help me get around much faster so Drew back my bow and fired it immediately fired an air Bloss back before for charging in so I had to dive out of the way I continued to fire into it before throwing my sphere only to have it deflected by the Llama so I fired even more bow shots into it before eing another sphere capturing it with a 69% Chance nice my first Mal Pacer its friend kept attacking me but I was able to fend it off to trap it up to only for to break free and one more shot killed it whoops I name my first llama Carl I only had had a hat I made up even more spheres as I'd seen someone and had a Sinister idea turning and taking aim I fired my bow at the skilled Islander sitting peacefully by his pot firing twice before launching my P spere one failed so threw another capturing the Villager now this isn't the most morally correct thing to do but I just wanted to see if it would work I just now had some pf Gods off me who were taking zero damage from me so I just left heading home to snuggle my sheep and do some more mining chopping and crafted myself a common shield for some added defense also found some chests which gave me a megas sphere which is used to capture more powerful Pals that's when I spotted what was the coolest pal yet a dinosor which looked like a hippie green dinosaur a bit out of my league for the moment so I crafted up a saddle for Carl m Pua allowing me to Mount her gaining my very first form of travel it was a huge upgrade as I charged straight through some sheep some kativa and some chickens I was feeling strong as I Massacre the weakest of all the pals I contined to fight stuff in the morning before making the decision to see if I could take down the mammoths now I was level 14 they were level 38 so imagine my surprised with my first attack the did a whole one damage I turned to run away near instantly now after I escaped I still wanted to complete this tutorial and the only thing left to do was defeat the boss at rain syndicut Tower ier was going to need to actually find rain syndic Tower so as I rode Carl up through a gap in the mountain I could see a tall mechanical looking building that had to be it except something a bit more sparkly caught my eye I had found shiny occasionally in power you'll find these sparkly PS and these are called shinies they're actually called rares cuz their rare version of regular PS would increased stats and are larger they also work a little bit faster for your base definitely worth catching if you can be careful as they are much stronger so I had to run away and hiding up on the ridge was a big blue dinosaur a relaxa orus so adorable I definitely want went one but for now I just headed home as night was beginning to fall having failed to catch my first rare waking up in the morning I checked on my egg which still had a few hours to hatch reminded me of Ark all over again and I set out to try and make it back to the tower once more the shiny was no longer around so simply ran up the path arriving at rain syndicut Tower I made sure to claimed the far travel point then entered the Tower of my first boss battle this was zor and Gris bolt oh you have way too much health that's way more Health than I expected I threw out Carl to be able to outpace them sprinting behind one of the many pillars as I began to dodge their attacks running attacking jumping and dodging this was not going to be an easy fight and I was sely underprepared 2 minutes had already passed and I had bar dealt 1,000 damage to the 30,000 Health behemoth fighting fleeing but all that seemed to be happening was bailing no matter what I did I just simply didn't have the damage for this fight yet the timer ticking lower and lower they were down to 17K Health but time was up as I timed out failing my first boss battle defeating me sending me back to my base and I think I need to come up with a better strategy bought myself a primitive Forge in the morning which went really quickly thanks to my now small force of power and one human helping build it faster I also set up a ranch which is a very useful structure for your power world playthrough this Ranch allows certain Pals with the grazing skill to come in chill out eat some grass and in return depending on the pile they'll drop a variety of useful items for free I also set up some more boxes for some extra storage space and collected all the stone that my kativa had harvested and simply left on the floor all of which was so I could craft even more arrows with the help of squishy my penguin but I needed something that could run my Forge so I needed a fire pile that's when I came across these cute fiery foxes so I shot all three of them trapped all three of them made them my new friends I also caught to of these small sapl PL looking PS called a gamos now why was I capturing these low-level weak PS well this is all part of the automation I mentioned earlier you see the fox Parks who I named trackon could use its breath to power my Forge and the gas who I named sappy could spit its seeds onto the farm in order to plant it so now I could head outs Massacre the Penguins and chickens for their drops and experience while back at my base the PES work relentlessly to B me resources but I wasn't the only one trying to extort the p as I came up on a group of Syndicate thugs these dudes were bad news they want to kill all the pals and take them on as slaves and I simp simply wasn't going to let that happen as I didn't like the competition they even tried taking on a mammoth but got absolutely squashed it was then on day eight that I came across what is arguably the best name pal in the game this is a quack YouTube Don't demonetize me please it's like quack with an it I wanted to capture one I just had to be careful of the mammoth so after AG gring it over I was able to throw down my sphere capturing my first F I wanted to capture the second one too but ran out of balls so I quickly built a workbench crafted a ball and captured it as I fell off the cliff but it worked anyway so with my flx now tamed I spotted a green squirrel running around near bar I tried to capture it only for to break free leaving me with no more spheres and it was gone by the time I returned with a new sphere I had to just keep moving but there was another new paa a small yellow looking rat with a lightning ball tail you're right it's a Pik I mean a spocket I hit it with a few times with my bow weakening it so my sphere could snag it with 100% chance and I chose to name my sparket Raichu I captured another one nearby so so if I ever planned to breed them I could and at home I bought my PS their very own sauna this basically gives them a quick way to quickly regen their sanity which drains while they are working and I clearly want the best for my P that's why I set up a bunch of straw bads for them to sleep on which I made them B and while I headed off to go Harvest a bunch of or but along the way there were some hookes which I didn't have yet so I had to capture one then as the day was coming to an end I had my dracon cook up the ore that I had just gathered and once the ingots were smelter I use them to make a high quality workbench this bench can be used to make some higher tier equipment I wanted it to make some Pelt armor for Extra Protection as well as a fire bow and the arrows for it then as I was arriving at the tower I spotted a commotion off to the side this was a Syndicate raid Camp they opened fire on me so rideing on car I stormed in blasting them down one by one as they had a p catched in the center I killed off enough thugs so I could hop off Carl to release the pal but doing this actually made me capture it as my own so I now had a Mal Crist which was a lot rarer than I actually originally thought but I'll explain why later when I figure it out the P deck I guess but I had a tower to bring down as I rode over to the entrance zo and GIS bolt Came Out Swinging so I immediately had to dve behind the pillar for cover to throw Carl while began to fire arrow after Arrow Carl was using air and Earth Bol like a wizard in RuneScape but they were starting to deal too much damage so called Carl back to send in my hookes but it got obliterated this fight was not going to be easy as I threw out my dracon my fox pox GIS Bol was chasing me down while my fox inflamed it damage fell slow so I threw out a Lambo to see if it would be any good but it just kept knocking itself unconscious but I did not relent with my mass of arrows I had to bring back Carl my malaka as they clearly would deal the most damage but I was out of arrows and mounted Carl for the final fight speeding around the arena sending air and sand at the oversized Pikachu until finally I got it down to 276 health turned and flung my sand blast 12 health and one more air cannon defeating zoor and Gris bolt my first boss eliminated so I ascended to the top of rain syndicut Tower where I could survey the land around me I saw an area of the map with redish shoe to it which looked to be a new biome and headed out to it where I came across a cute Eevee looking thing that I captured fairly easily named a Vixie this cute little guy was considered the idol of palpus Island but nearby was another group of Syndicate thugs bullying one so I charged in to take them out and with them sorted out I ran up the ridge to see an abandoned church Carl and I headed over to take a closer look and inside was the first statue of power now remember those Li monk Effigies from earlier you can use these to boost your character's capture power allowing you to more easily capture stronger Pals with my power slightly stronger I headed off again when I got jumped by some wild pigs who I captured with my new found powers as these pigs have the mining trait so I can use them to automate my Stone Collection later on only to spot the biggest llama I had ever seen King pucka another one of those World bosses wandering the map and I wanted to try to capture it but my arrows did nothing and my draon got absolutely shredded my Lambo also got wrecked so I just decided to get the heck out of here I did find a little lightning Hedgehog that I captured as the day was ending called a jolt hog so I named him Henry I found a chest early in the morning and spent some time capturing a bunch of jolt Hogs and tanies in the area with how dark it was in some of these areas I crafted myself a torch as I wanted to explore this m shaft I stumbled across descending down into the darkness filled by my torch light at the end of the tunnel was a black marketeer now these guys are bad news they trade in the black market of Pals buying and selling rare variants of Pals that aren't too commonly found around the island but I had nothing else I wanted to gain in here so got home where I then spent some time doing my daily chores like mining base management only to get a warning that I was being raided a herd of man eating Pals riding on Carl I charged in but they ran straight by towards my base so my horde of PS all stood their ground to attack killing off The Invasion I made sure to pet Carl for doing such a great job repaired all my equipment and checked on my egg which was so close to being ready to hatch made some meas speres which are upgraded version of spares as you get multiple tiers from basic to Mega then Giga hyper Ultra and finally legendary with how much Stone I was starting to need I crafted myself a better pickaxe and this was a huge upgrade like damn I gained so much more Stone so much stone that I couldn't even move so I just built up some stone structures right where I was standing since I needed the base upgrade anyways heck I even wanted to change base locations at some point as there's a lot of benefit to having multiple base spots for different goals but I finished my little Stone House before jogging down the hill where I found a shiny kativa I of course had to capture it who knows maybe sometime I can do a place through with only shiny nearby the shiny in this ruin there was a purple deer who I didn't have yet so after many arrows and a couple waste of Spears I weakened it so I could capture the ik theoda who I named prongs turning around there was a large dark egg which I yed hatch at my base as that scorching egg should be almost ready to hatch by now but I first had to get home so spent my journey massacring a bunch of firef foxes for their orans so I could craft more things and the final day of week two did start with finding another large dark egg that I'd also need to hatch but running along the beach there were a few of these weird Flappy Rays I caught called accelery there were also some of these small watery elephants they really were pretty cute so I captured some and it's called a t fat I Nam mind dumbo but it was time to head home so almost there when I heard the Tully noise of a shiny it's a shiny Cris the Eevee looking pal so after many arrows and a singular P spere I'll was able to capture it as I got home I saw my egg was fully incubated and hatched it into an r sox I set my next egg to hatch immediately which is going to take way longer than the r sox but an r sox is a fiery Ram type Pokémon who are named Crimson I made Crimson a saddle so I'd be able to ride her and set off on a power punishing program for experience only to see those hippie dinosaurs again known as a dinosor these leafy reptiles are really powerful so of of course I wanted it whitling its heal down to throw my spear in order to capture it I chose to name it a hippie knat setting off the next day I went on an absolute Rampage with Crimson destroying everything I could until I turned my eyes to the mamist and threw my Fireball it did one damage so I began to Sprint to get away running straight into a herd of IIA who massacred my Crimson killing it I had to get away as mamor wor all chasing me down throwing out Carl my alpaca that distracted it just long enough for me to hop on and Escape but then I saw my first flyer a large Eagle that dropped down on me launching a tornado as I launched my meas sphere trapping it I turned my focus to its friend that obliterated my health like it was nothing so I ran away getting home on Carl as raid made itself known two too Taco were coming straight at my base so I tried killing them but they ascended up the cliff to start the siege of my base all the P sprung into action but I didn't realize that they were self-destructive as one started to beat I blasted the second one before it could detonate as well but the damage had been [Music] done no my house not the house my house is [Laughter] burning it could burn down your house oh was that okay I guess that's why you don't build your houses out of wood glad I'd already built the Stone House I guess the rest of the day was then spent crafting Mining and fetching the pales who had fallen off the cliff getting themselves stuck and day 16 started by simply watching some of my PS work as I needed it to get a bit darker so some more nocturnal PS would come out as I was waiting I was throwing under attack by raid of wild Pals I tried capturing some of them but they broke three only to get instantly wrecked by my pals around the base with the base fully defended I took the time to make up a Nightwing saddle so finally I could take flight for the first time I tested the Nightwing who I named Pidgeot but the sun had finally set so the nocturnal poers had all begun to show themselves one of which was a purple Galaxy head floater I was able to capture and learn it was a day dream thus I made sure to capture at least a few of them only to spot another few new PS a night Fox I captured called a nox as some smug looking ARS knocked out Pidgeot so I captured them too as the day was actually coming to an end I made a saddle for Hipp my dinos some since eggs were taking so long to hatch and I had a couple by now I set up a second incubator to double my hatching speed only to realize how chaotic this base actually was thus I built a nice stone foundation area where I then moved all of the path beds to at least be a little more orderly before wanting to go level my hipping at by killing Daydreams bambs and kativa when I found that the Syndicate had returned to set up a new C which I promptly massacred so that I could freed the power inside a dazzy continuing further there was this four-legged plant with with a large bulb on its back known as a capri my quest to capture every pal I made sure to snag this one too that may have been a mistake since there were these people standing nearby that I ran up to say hello as they were devout Pal's protection people but they just open fire on me as if I have ever mistreated any Pals Hipp did take them out without even breaking a sweat so I headed home where my bulber goat could start its life of Labor in my base while I made a cooking pot to make myself some more like urious meals I then proceeded to make myself a mo so I could grind up flour to make cakes something I'll explain while later and hatched and ik the idea from an egg for the day to come to an end and you end up using a ton of spheres in this game so I made up even more in the morning and with plans to capture even tougher PS I also set up some more storage boxes before learning the engram for the gigos spere and the middle armor some much anticipated upgrades what I also needed to upgrade was my base defense building up a couple sandbag bunkers around for Scouts to keep watch feeling more secure I took off again this time finding a small settlement that had a Wandering Merchant and a pal Merchant in case I ever wanted to buy some but until the day comes where I'm rich enough to buy more Pokémon I'll be doing mining myself a lot of mining making sure the piles I do have get back to work one pile I really want though is the mamist there's only one way to get one by weakening it to try and catch it but it just had so much heal I even tried switching to Hipp instead of Pidgeot but it was no use as I took a huge blast of damage so had to retreat home for recovery and in the morning once I was well rested I set up a monitoring stand and this thing is dangerous for the palace anyway you can choose to make them work harder such that their food and Sanity could drain way quicker but they would also work much faster so if you ever a true slave driver this is the structure for you I also set up a stone quarry so I'd have pil continuously Harvest Stone and Ed the tree farm to give me plenty of wood the deer fell in love immediately as it banged its head against the wood I made a second hot tub since keeping past sanity High keeps them working before cooking up some roast ioda a very tasty meal then the rest of the day was just spent crafting up a ton of gigas feres in preparation massive taming as there were still a ton of bosses I needed to defeat the next day ended up being quite slow that is up until I stumbled into one of the cutest bosses around a watery Barret who I easily captured with my gigos spere and then immediately captured the depresso behind it the boss was a chillet kind of like a fet version of Toothless from How to Train a Dragon so that's what I named it I then spent the remainder of the day finding an egg a cool ruined Castle insta catching a shiny sheep another large damp egg this time and hatching the two dark eggs I had incubating into KNX and day 22 started just outside the church where I sacrificed some more Li monk Effigies to increase my capture power as I wanted another boss a big chonka Lama they absolutely wrecked me so I had to flee home where I collected the mass of goodies being generated for me by the ranch I told you it was powerful with the supplies I made up some more fire arrows as well as a saddle for my fair Toothless and took off massacre in the population for experience only for a bunch of stupid deers to demolish my fair toothless causing me to switch to Crimson in order to finish them off so I began to make my way home but I did see and catch a shiny T Fant and flying out in the morning I came across this manhole cover labeled sealed realm of Frozen wings so I had to investigate only to be swarmed by a horde of pen gullets and Pen Kings this was a boss's dungeon and they messed me up defeating multiple of my PS fortunately I got home as at my base my metal armor was complete so I'd be a little more protected but I needed my PS to be stronger to do this I built a p Essence condenser which can be used to take all your extra Pals and shove them into the veins of One Singular pal boosting is star rating and stats making them stronger the rest of the day was then just spent doing some minor exploring and capturing some more PES for my collection day 24 25 and 26 ended up blending themselves together as I first set up a weat farm in order to level up my pile box so I could have another workup then I went to set up a breeding Farm as you can actually get a ton of weird and wonderful PES and they variant simply by breeding a mechanic I do plan to look into more later but I had no space to set up the farm so instead just built a wheat Silo to accelerate my P's farming speed a weapon workbench as I still wanted to make myself an actual gun instead of just these bows then adventured off where I found an awesome large flat spot that I decided had to be my new base spot grabbing what I needed at my base to set up a pile box I placed down some foundations the P box a mass of storage boxes and got a bunch of waxs to help build it all for me Gathering the wood I would need for their beds and collecting all the resources and old structures from my old base even Shuffle carry in the wood due to being over encumbered only for a raid to happen as I wanted to fast travel fortunately my bow made quick work as Crimson finished them off even snagging one of the Raiders in a p spere as punishment and setting up the farms and the benches grabbing The Silo I had built so few days ago and truly organizing the new base to just be improved in every way including the breeding farm that it had been a large reason to choose to move now building up The Silo again setting up new hot tubs making sure to show some appreciation for the pals working hard one of them anyway I'm sure the others fter too before building up my own house out of stone just in case any more Taco Taco show up or deciding it was time that Pals got an upgrade of their own crafted up a bunch of cloth to set up some comfier Beds which will increase their sanity quicker and it couldn't have been sooner as a raid of wild dinos attacked so I captured every single one always good when pales deliver themselves to you I was then checking out the map to see what I had explored and what was still left before deciding to head to across a bridge near my base where I immediately found some Pals I hadn't seen before like this moth which ended up poisoning me dealing a ton of damage so I headed home for safety once there I made myself a Mega Shield as well as some more comfy beds then well rested I flew off to the pen King's L as I had a score to settle entering as night fell so they all had all gone to sleep allowing me the element of surprise as I started to attack and take out the minions one by one then turned to start work in the pening as I lay waste to the oversized blue and white bird finally launching my PPH capturing it as my own so I could focus on destroying the second one started the journey home capturing a plant lady known as a brista and I found a camp which was run by the people for the protection of pal devout in the morning of day 30 they had a caged pal not very protective of them so after I took them all out and freed the pal a re bunny I ran up to the ledge to see what they're actually guard in and it was a massive ruined structure I dropped down for a closer look to see this was an ancient burial site with a ton of weird and wonderful PS surround in it but it was under siege by these P Dev our people who I had to clear out and they were everywhere but I worked my way around even capturing a floating bunny called a Floy who I named waffles and there was a shiny Floy that I snagged as well then turned my attention to this Eagle that was called a Gil claw but seen new humans around and not just the Syndicate made me head home where I set up some extra defenses like a mounted crossbow at the sandbags I by the settlement I had found so many days ago where I bought a loop Moon a pile I hadn't naturally come across and realized I actually rely needed experience so I went on a massive capturing spree whack after whack throw after throw and catch off the catch gaining thousands of experience till I got to level 29 so I could unlock a few very important engrams the sphere line factory a production line factory a handgun and the hypersphere so I continued my mass catching spree as I do still got to catch them all when I found a locked up jol hog Crist in one of the camps now with the hundreds of Pals in the game on top of that you can find some that are variant Pals that with completely different elements compared to the original and this was a Cris jol hog so was like the little electric Hedgehog but ice I am not quite sure how many variants exist out there but I know there is a lot so for now I continued capturing what could including some brand new Pals and it was then day 34 when I began my journey even deeper into the island snagging a new wolf as I came up the ridge to see another syndicut stronghold this one had some of the toughest members I had seen yet as they had grenades but I had a Nightwing with the stronghold cleared I found an electric egg in a spot that looked I could make a really neat mining Outpost once I captured the kelpsy who I named Squidward I said up a new pile box with a bunch of BS and sheeps so the BS will automatically mine any stone nearby and the Sheep will pick it up carrying it to the base but just doing this would not be enough so I set up some farms and walls and slowly building up a fully self- sustaining mining Outpost I can just stop by here every day so often to collect a mass amount of passively collected resources I found this plant-based Bronto right near my base that I captured after the Nightwing injured it enough of these fiery birds called a van that I hurt in order to capture them I also caught a cow cuz why not before descending into the lir of the sword master two bushy ninjas were in here and Pen King began to blast them with his ice breath but it wasn't enough as I ran out of PPH making the decision to leave since I couldn't capture them anyways watching a stronghold getting smash by some memorist allowing me to free a brista but too long had passed without a boss t so King pcka it's time for you to become mine as we flew into battle Nightwing was doing good damage but started to get low so I sent out hippie Nat only for one king Pua to ascend out of nowhere so with one singled out we eventually took it down and then saw the other behind us and Crimson brought it low allowing me to capture it then as I was working at my base I got notice of another raid not this time as I sprang into action to take out the budget nuca Doos before they got anywhere close to my base I wanted to change out my flyer on day 37 as Nightwing is good but he's slow so I made up a saddle for my vanm and took off soaring high into the Sky starting my Massacre on the local population in order to earn as much experience as possible I found myself a shiny jol hog in the morning as I headed towards yet another brand new area Crossing this Grand brid bridge towered by some massive statues there were these Cinemas which absolutely wrecked Vanos my van so I simply headed home as I wanted to start trying to breed some Pals but for that I needed cake I set up a cooking pot and got my tea fan to run my flower M and while that was going on I headed out to my mining Outpost where I tried to get my Bo to mine the O but it didn't have a high enough mining skill so it just didn't want to work but fine guess I'll do it myself but now anyways after some time had passed and all my flour was made up I started cooking up a cake in a frying pan not sure how you cook cake in a frying pan but I did and it was taking long though so I set my PS to do it for me and headed out as I plan to bring down the azuro beam a water dragon serpent boss that I managed to harm enough in order to capture it good thing too as there was a Syndicate camp nearby that must have been preparing to take it on as they brought flamethrowers probably didn't realize water would beat fire anyways but you know and my Nightwing wind attack beats them too allowing me to free the Flack captured in the middle wondering the fields nearby were these pink sheep that actually had cotton candy as their wool so while they did knock out my Nightwing I captured another with both my fliers dead I jumped on hippie Nat to continue my adventure however night started to fall with that came out some fresh new power one of which was basically choma a bird plague doctor called a corito so I named the one I caught Crono there was also a loop Moon guarding The Syndicate Camp I'm guessing they defeated all the guards and nearby I found my first logic so these can potentially hatch even more powerful Pals I was just spending my time exploring as I needed to find the next boss Tower to try and fight it and I instead found a large draconic pile with a long Serpentine body called a German tide I continued to move through the biomes entering a bamboo grow and here there was a sweeper a larger version of the S kind of like a cat and a mop had a baby was at least cute though unlike these Syndicate thugs that were Now using flamethrowers to try and defeat me but Farah toothless handled them with no worries as he exploded the canister on a thug's back blasting him into the sky but I dealt with each one letting me save the small candle pal trapped in the camp a flambo who I named Wick when I kept moving forwards not quite realizing how low Health my chill it was as a random Syndicate fired one shot killing him so I hopped onto Crimson now down three of my five pal team and no fast travel points in sight with no clue where I was as this was my first steps into the desert spotting many New Paths including a doom M I was trying to catch it as a flock of Taco Taco Advanced towards me but I caught the Doom mud and named it Flopper when I spotted a pile that really excited me a large tortoise with some drills on its back known as a dig to and it was so angry to see me as it spun straight at me dealing massive damage causing a retreat I was so close to a fast travel point when I saw a small herd of relaxasaurus these blue dinosaur boys but one of them got mad and I was too scared right now to even attempt the capture traveling away as it got right next to me could not have cut it closer safely at home I set up a ton of the eggs I had found to begin hatching and these large eggs take way longer to hatch so while I waited I help my cinam continue to bake a cake before cooking up some eggs to Feed My Starving team also made a rocket launcher for my pen gallet something that I immediately forgot to try out but don't worry I will definitely be using it this this video I wanted to work out where the next boss was so I flew up high on Vanos when I spotted a huge tree reminding me of that tablet I saw at the start of the game watching what towers I could in the distance and I definitely needed to see if I could get to any soon to scout them out I ended up coming across some Syndicate scrubs fighting some of the blue rexes who I managed to catch for myself as well found another fruit tree for some more skills before flying over to the mop cat boss the sweeper in order to take it out in the morning I did end up on the edge of what seemed to be the volcanic biome with new PALS like a fire lizard a fire Pony but I started to overheat so had to leave only to find a fire maiden and a fire kelpsy lots of Fire PS in the area here I suppose it makes sense there were even some of the fire maidens cooling off at the beach while the fire lizards had a swim across the bay area there were more of crimson kin the AR Sox but with no way to go deep into the volan volcano area yet I headed home where I set up even more egg incubators as I had amassed quite the collection working hard to craft up nails when a raid of PS devout showed up and I proved just how devout my PS are by burning them all to a crisp and I had to expand my work area in the morning in order to build my very first conveyor belt this one was used to make pal speres I was just short of ingots for the generator so I had to mine some more ore to let it start to smelt and I had to look at my map only to see just how big the lands actually are I still have a ton of exploring to do but maybe you can explore the Subscribe button if you found yourself enjoying the video consider joining the Discord it really would help me out I have a power W server that is free to join come on down it'll be tons of fun I stopped by my base and saw I had actually gotten another Nightwing with a swift passive skill now there's a massive variety of passive skills but Swift gives gives you a 30% boost to movement speed so this Nightwing was much faster than my previous one and great for traveling I then got my first egg from breeding in the morning of day 46 now breeding is a huge mechanic in power world something I didn't fully understand and likely never will I had just braed my two AR socks together so that gave me another R Soxs but you can breed any random combination of PS to get a completely different one I'm sure there'll be more information coming out in this soon so I spent some time hatching all my eggs even getting a beacon a large lightning bird as was a bushie the fire Samurai for building myself the generator I needed that could then power my sphere production line thanks to that beon I just hatched providing power to the generator welcome to the Industrial Age an age that must have pissed off the Raiders as they yet to again attack but thanks to my awesome base fot they couldn't even get up here I set up my P condenser again so I could hopefully power up my pals then far traveled back out to continue my Explorations where some Raiders were waiting in Ambush but venos just made them all vanish especially the flamethrower guys by igniting their backpacks and just exploding them but I was off to the desert where I captured myself a doomo while some taco taco tried to explode me again but not today as I could just dodge into the sky but his started to get hot again so I headed home to see what could be done about it and saw that there is a heat resistant armor in the game I'll need to make that at some point for now I found myself my very first cave dungeon the hillside Cavern now dungeons in the game are awesome they seem to be randomly dotted across the map however they will appear and disappear based on a timer so they're not always found where they should be but are always in the same spots this dungeon was full of some more Syndicate thugs who my zurob be just popped to death with water bubbles and bar toothless sliced with an ice lash making it to the end there was an alpha hres defeating one of them and taming the other they guarded the two chests giving me a pendant and a technology book after leaving the cave I hung around the entrance to see it vanish before my eyes showing me that these weird OD crops are where the dungeons will randomly spawn on the map at home I hatched one of the large scorching eggs giving me a py knocked the pyate and dark variant then proceeded to spend the rest of the day hardening up by crafting cement I would need for more structures and defending the base from a mass of power Syndicate thugs with the cement I made up a better hot spring for the PS to regen their stamina Foster and headed off to the small settlement where I traded a ton of rare resources I had found for a large amount of gold with the gold I bought myself a unival from the pal Merchant in my quest to catch them all at home I made myself for faster furnace as ingots were becoming a seriously difficult to acquire resource that's when I hatched a doom reminding me of the Dig toys in the desert I also leveled up my base to level 15 unlocking me the ability to do a third base so now I could have two potential outposts I ventured out again where I did find some Alpha univo that is I adventured out again where I did find some Alpha uni faults that I started to fight dealing some really good damage allowing my hypersphere to capture the lightning horse I named mindless sh after a hero and doter nearby I also managed to collect my first huge egg a huge dragon egg now this excited me but I was here for something else as I entered the realm of the sword master opening fire on the bushie duo I sent out a zurob be to handle one while I weaved around the other dodging and firing arrows hiding behind a pillar but I was taking too much damage so howly dipped out of the arena and headed home I didn't want to die okay I instead headed to the desert way riding on Farah toothless I was able to fight off some dig toys managing to capture them even while they tried to spin me to death quickly snagging another pair nearby and nearly running straight into Anubis the Guardians of the desert and I was clearing out a Syndicate camp in the morning when a taco taco flock almost blew me up but one explosion pushed me away allowing need to safely Harvest some sulfur and with my dig toys and sulfur successfully claimed I made my way across the ocean to a brand new land and this place seemed magical up until the researchers opened fire on me trying to kill me so I had to dodge and weave around them as there was this massive ruins which basically looked like an abandoned city I began to explore around finding many PS and eggs around the area and even a brand new P like these ice but they were brutal some flaming Griffins roaming around the night but it was clear I was underleveled for this area and flew across the bay towards the snowy mountains these frostbound mountains had some interesting was and be Pals what was most interesting was the second pile tower Lily and lene the fight started with me throwing out Vanos whose dark orbit attack was highly effective against the giant plant dodging High into the sky I had to fly as fast as possible but lene was too strong for now as she knocked me off Thanos causing me to fall to the floor knock unconscious having lost the fight I headed to my mining Outpost where I set up my dig toys to begin grinding down the or note now fully generating me a passive supply of all and headed home where I hatched up a ton of eggs gaining quite a few brand new piles like the ice rep Taro a ksun which can keep you warm or cool if you ride it A cilx A Rang Rex and even an Ice King Parker I knew there had to be a fire boss so I was going to need a team of water piles to take it out in fact I was going to need a team of every type of P if I plan to take out these bosses the rest of the day was then spend hatching a truckload of eggs as I had stock part these bit getting a relaxed Taurus a kitsun and More in fact I repl my whole team with an ice rep Tyro KSU the mount which can keep me warmer cool cix rang Rex and Ice King Parker and The Syndicate was starting to get really aggressive as I found them lurking around my mining Outpost fortunately they did try to bring some guns to a tornado fight as Nightwing blew straight through them so with my base in order far traveled back to the north only to get hit by an ambush of O Sox who almost killed Nightwing though I got away to start my Center up and over the mountain to find a massive snowy Tundra preventing me going further due to the cold with no saddle for ksun yet I just continued around it exploring a massive desert where I did see a level 50 shiny too Taco with 0% chance of catching it but the heat started to get me low on health too and I had to leave a and Sh to grab the Fast Travel point to come back here later and what I didn't realize was it was a snow biome blocking my path home which almost killed me as I froze on the back of Nightwing so I had to be careful as I spotted some PS I didn't have yet like these black and white rats known as a gory rat in the morning I discovered I was entering a volcanic area which had these fire fueled lady squirrels I was able to capture wixen acquired with my wixen I kept moving to end up in another desert and with it so early in the morning the desert wasn't quite hot yet as I began to explore through spotting a robin Quil Terror a mass of Scorpion named menting these fiery birds called suzaku a dungeon which was too strong for me with my current team and a level 46 chiny dazzy which I wanted so I drew back my bow and fired the dazzy began to drop lightning bolts behind me only to get hit so I had to D away having not realized how low my health was from the heat as I got knocked out of the sky I now had a problem though I somehow had to get my stuff back I made myself a tropical outfit to help with the heat as well as a saddle for my kitsun the wolf which protects you from heat and cold then ran into the desert where I did see one of the nocturnal PES the lavander a tall pink humanoid looking pile but I spotted something much larger I could see a small grouping of buildings in the distance so I sped over to it and it's called the dune shelter this small shanty town was pretty impressive with some merchants and vendors dotted around one of which sold two very expensive Nightwings but I still needed my stuff once the sun started to rise warming the air a bit I flew out the town on my Nightwing traveling past a massive flock of taco taco and some more of those Firebirds and the robin Quil before reaching a huge Cliff face I had to ascend up and over to get back to my stuff now I could continue my Journey when I saw some of these lightning dogs called a rhound I chose to try damage one but with how high a level they were and these suzaku showing interest in me I had to leave even decided to leave the desert entirely back to the volcanic crack where I did put some of those piles to out to sleep as they were guarding a large verdant egg I'd been collecting a ton of eggs in anticipation of a massive hatching spree there was another yman a pile that I really wanted but couldn't get right now and I ended up finding more P of art that stood no chance with a gun vers my Eagle but night was coming and Fast N however causes everything to go to sleep allowing me to fly straight up to a Syndicate group sleeping next to some Chesire cats I of course wanted the cats so did have to fight to bring them down to low health and smash its face with my PPH in order to capture it and continuing on I did find these small little fire deer called a ruby but I wanted to keep exploring this entire section to see what I could find flying far across the ocean eventually spotting a cliff face in the fog in the distance finally getting closer to see it was a quite a large land mass and it had some azures and a strange colored I theoda Terror variant which I easily captured I then kept moving in to see this was a classified as number one Wildlife Sanctuary I was technically poaching that didn't stop me from stealing from their chest to to get a metal armor schematic and there was also this flower lady I was able to capture called patalia it looked very similar to line the trainers Pokémon we had tried to fight in the tower so of course I had to capture her but there were no other PS on the island so I wanted to move on to where the Brun Cherry Alpha was waiting for me and while I already did have a Brun Cherry I still had to defeat the alpha as part of my challenge so I figured I may as well capture them my Explorations continue straight into another volcanic area where I did use ksun to keep me cool before grabbing the far travel points so I could head home as all my eggs were ready to hatch giving me a mass of new PWS including the dinosur Lux the Mander and foxico but with all the eggs hatched I repaired my armor and headed back to the volcano and boy am I glad I did after I came straight up to a beautiful blue fire manacor I wanted one so badly but it kept escaping my speres so finally with a 36% chance at court in my hypersphere the second one was caught soon after allowed me to continue on my adventure as I really wanted to get to the top of this volcano but the heat was getting to me as I had to retreat using kitson to call me down retreating all the way back to where there was a Fisherman's Village I had just completely missed there was even a merchant where I bought myself some heat resistance underwear and a ring of flame resistance these should help me survive the scorching elements as I make my way up the volcano for it is essentially the third time scaring some incin Rams as I ran past and spotting some Fang Lopes ascending higher and higher on kitsun before switching to Nightwing when I saw a point of interest there was a huge statue of Anubis here carved out of sheer Rock clearly being worshiped as some kind of God or diety and it had some skill fruit offerings for me at its feet as a way to end of the day the climb up the volcano was harsh due to the low stamina of my Nightwing but I finally made it to find this was the Tower of the Eternal p a boss that quite clearly would be making use of fire to defeat any who would challenge it I didn't feel ready to attempted yet as a one and more powerful flyer and I wanted a quiver these massive cute dragon flies were captured with no problem one even came with swift so it's nice and Speedy too I then headed home to hatchat mik getting a Yan tide ignis wise this massive serpent could be exactly what I need to take down Lil and Len thanks to its fire Supremacy I also looked what I needed for tier three pistol schematic I had found and I was going to need a lot of ingots so spent some time farming for that and even set up a second Forge to help with the smelting and I was almost ready for my revenge against Lily and lene it was day six 61 as I realized I really needed some upgrades looking in the engrs I did see a pump action shotgun some refined metal armor but in order to make refined metal I needed coal and charcoal wasn't quite going to cut it I checked by the volano but saw no nodes so thought if I'm going to be searching I needed a saddle for my new flyer the Quant saddle the saddle made up I also made a makeshift light by throwing all my fox box into a cage then headed on my quiv only to attack some PIR who melted my quiv knocking me out of the sky ksun was immediately thrown out to jump onto and escape the volcano and I had a look to see if I could make the refined pickaxe but still with no coal I was out of luck so I went on a massive all harvesting three smashing so many nodes my pick broke but I couldn't wait for the refined metal to make myself an upgrade setting up the conveyor B to begin crafting the very expensive handgun schematic gu i' had found I also made a saddle for the dark manacore before laying down to sleep for the night then with the sun rising and feeling confident I went off to the snow where I entered a tower for the second time hello Lily and Len the fight started with me throwing out kitsun who started with some fire tornadoes Lily tried to throw out a poison attack which I dodged by aing katsun and sent out blal he was taking heavy damage i c back to send my ignor yman tide damage was getting thrown around heavily from both sides as I swapped back to katun with my arrows peppering lily as she turned to fight me instead as I had to Sprint and dive away over 2 minutes had passed it almost 20,000 Damage Done I brought blaz hard back to deal some more damage as I replaced him with the Alman tide who got one shot as he was released it was up to katun again whose fire tornadoes kept massacring the flower princess she was down to half health and with over 6 minutes left things were looking good CX had started dealing damage but I needed the fire damage and blazow was perfect for it but Len was too strong as she killed off my Blaze how I was now down to two PS I sent out qun to see what it could do swapping into kitsun to try to keep DPS high but the second time qun went out some bubbles to the face knocked it out completely only two PS left kitsun was my final fire typ and it's up to you but Health was low so I kept dodging Lily's attack by retrieving him throwing him out to attack so I jumped on Kon to try myself only for one badly timed tornado to get me hit by water glob killing Kon I was out of fire Tes so I sing cix and Lily was focused on me as I dodged cix in and out attack after attack bringing Lily's Health down to below 10K as less than 2 minutes were left we kept fighting and fighting 2K left but I just ran out of ARS all I had left was SI but all it took was one bad attack as s was killed 24 Health 1 minute left and a dream oh my God that was so close I can't believe how close that was uhoh the cold with Lily and Len defeated I fast traveled home to put all five of my P into stasis so they could heal we are then hung out for the rest of the day to recover my sanity from that nail biting fight two bosses down three to go the next few days ended up being a truckload of all mining power fighting boss catching pal taming Camp clearing pal freeing fast travel unlocking and boss fleeing it was just an overall incredibly busy time that is until I was able to get home and collect my handgun and it was a huge upgrade so I went out to the fisherman's point in order to buy a ton of ammo but in all that time something I never found was coal fortunately I got a tip that there was coal on the wildlife sanctuary I made a saddle for Zer then made the swim across only to see that they had increased security here as I was now listed as a criminal but I wasn't here for poaching as I collected a ton of coal to then smelt into refined ingots and while waiting on resources to be ready I was attacked by a random group of soldiers but they stood no chances I melted the ground beneath them with the thread cleared I made myself a refined metal pick before spending a ton of time Gathering even more or enough or so I can make another production line at the end of day 69 nice with this fresh new production line I was able to craft myself a ton of much needed upgrades like a large Feed Bag which can keep all my PS wellth fed a giga shield for some extra defense a hip Lantern to light my way at night and a refined metal Helm for even more armor with my fresh gear I entered into another dungeon there was an ambush waiting for me that quen was able to clear through when I saw a pal I didn't have yet some cat lady I who I shot in the head in order to capture it and fighting the way through the dungeon to end at a Manda Duo boss KS soon was able to burn them down killing of one so that I could capture to the other collecting the chests as my reward in order to end off the day and there was another raid in the morning of day 71 but my entire base jumped into action utterly destroying it so I set up some Ultra Balls to start crafting as I was going to need them to capture some of the stronger PS I also made myself a mega grappling gun as I had a plan to get myself a metric buttload of War it was quite fun to pull myself around but I would be using it later as I headed up out where I had found not one shiny swe not two but three of them in the span of 5 minutes not sure what lucky God was looking down on me but I just used up all of it in one go on some rare SW I kept moving to capture myself a couple Doom as I was working on building myself an army of ground PES in order to fight a lightning boss I also captured myself a lavander the weirdest of all the pals before heading over to a new only to almost get one shot as I had to flee as fast as I could fleeing all the way to a cave that I had cleared all the problems using my pistol including the alpha Vixie guarding the exit on my quest for some stronger Earth TS I also took my chance to try and grab myself a mam rest but I accidentally killed it as it killed its friend leaving me with two dead mam rest and none in my pockets so with no mamist I did at least find Alpha Doom that I caught then I found a memor that I was able to catch as well as a rare Capri not exactly super useful but hey that was a rare so with that I also grabb the Nightwing Alpha who spawn nearby then turned to take on the beon next firing round after round while ksun Fort alongside me capturing one and killing the other and I still was not feeling any closer to beating the next boss on day 74 so my journey continued West finding a massive ruined Castle when I spotted the same Rock formation as sanctuary crossing the ocean and on the island was a large grassy looking pile known as a wampo ban or yman TI ignis and a manting three very powerful Pals who definitely want to try and get but my spheres kept failing against the wo and I had to abandon my goal so I had a plan and set up a pile box on the beach nearby so I could F travel home to make up even more Ultra spheres getting back to find there were Al quiver on the island and they looked so cute but I wasn't here for them I wanted the wo finally catching it after way too many spares were wasted then as I kept exploring the island I accidentally ran straight into a group of PF Gods who opened fire for trespassing forcing me to yet again flee the island from my poaching Mission but I didn't need to poach as there was a fire eagle waiting for me on the cliffs by the beach a Ragnar Hawk that was level 34 and it Absolut wrecked me this game it really just is so challenging and so much fun that even when you're close to max level you have to be careful while trying to capture new Pals but I continued on my flight finding an egg at the very tippy top of a tower I took some time to check out the lava Fields behind the castle but I was definitely not ready for whatever may be in there so I headed home to restock my supplies so I could head out to mine coal lots of coal so much coal that I almost didn't spot the gis bolt alphad dran and Veet which I was able to catch with my new piles and all of the co I melted up all of the refined ingots well yard did it but I told him to do it so I'm I technically made all the refined ingots but I needed more as now with all the coal I needed some more or so that I could make myself a set of heat resistant refined metal armor and a rep Tyra saddle this was it the final preparations to fight the next boss but I got a little distracted first as I found a high level dungeon in the tundra when I entered to find infested with pile researchers but yman tied fire tornadoes was able to melt them alive so I kept moving through the caverns full of cyx taking them out but the casualties were not nothing as they killed katun my trusty ice firewolf thankfully Yan tide was able to finish them off so I could move deeper having to Grapple up Cliffs to make it to to the next rooms I was out of bullets by now but I wasn't turning back quiver and helping bring down a flock of tomats when my path was blocked by more researchers now I'm not ashamed to say that I cheesed the heck out of these guys hiding behind a wall as I sent Yanti in and out with repara for them to easily bring them down I was definitely underleveled for this dungeon with all these kills experience was rolling in like crazy te's really is the most powerful element until I arrived at the final boss Cavern marra the messenger of death I was going to have to take the slow as I began to carefully and methodically send out yman time slowly but surely sending in pal calling them back sending them back in burning MTH down when I saw an opportunity to Sprint into the room but quickly realized this was a mistake as I retreated back to the choke point one morth died till eventually the the second was able to be killed off with one final stomp from reparo feeling incredibly drained after that massive fight through the caves I headed home where I hatched all the eggs I'd collected even getting a suzaku aqua a very powerful waterfly that I couldn't quite make a saddle for but knew I want to however after that cave I knew I needed more upgrades as I made some cold resistant armor which should help with any ice fights there are still more Alphas to bring down and one of which was the gluttonous thunder dragon relaxa orus Lux its lightning attacks were powerful but riparo gave it no chance to survive and no chance for me to catch it ending day 80 with the long way still to go so to try and get stronger I started crafting myself a pump action shotgun working directly alongside my pals tirelessly crafting the shotgun and heading over to the fishing Village to buy a few hundred rounds of ammo and then fars traveled up to the brothers of the Eternal P Tower let's do this bring it on Axel and orer I started by throwing in rep Tara as I open fire with my shotgun 10 minutes 130,000 Health this was going to be tough I sent out Doomer to start dropping some mud spikes before swapping them out for sux who could freeze the Lightning Dragon I had to keep diving and firing as fast as I could 2 minutes into the fight and over 30k Damage Done I was getting the hang of things pulling my PES back to dodge or CER attack and shotgun blast firing as fast as possible I was making good progress I had to keep swapping my PES in an R to maximize damage and keep them healthy as a cooldowns and health would regen while in my backpack but I myself kept firing with my shotgun as a timer hit 5 minutes left or it was below half Health with just over 60k this fight was going to be close I had to increase my damage but things were about to go dramatically wrong as one final shot of my shotgun broke it I switched to my pistol as siix kept dishing out massive damage by far my strongest power vers orer but she was taking too much damage as I swapped out only to get blasted by lightning kameha Maya repara was doing his best to melt them down but orer was focused on me as I got blasted again stunning me for it felt like forever so I brought out subx again to keep my damage highs I dived out of the way of this stunning attack once more threw it back out not noticing the low Health has orer smited her with a powerful lightning attack killing her off so I switched to ripire to try and continue my Onslaught dodging out of the way of their flame attack only 2 minutes left and only 20% of their health left I had fallen behind in damage but I wasn't giving up firing my pistol as fast as I possibly could while rep turn the room to magma I sent out doom again as his mud attacks were highly effective to them but he was slow 1 minute left and 11% Health it was coming down to the wire shot after shot room filling with Magma and rocks flying in orer 10 seconds I don't think I can do it I think I ran out time keep going just don't don't worry about it just keep going as hard as you can I was so close no six shots with my pistol stood between me and victory but I had failed to defeat orer and was now seriously for this 100 days back at home I threw my piles into the pile box so they could start to recover as well as repaired all of my gear I wanted to get stronger so I could come back to take out orer but I had a lot of work to do so I grabbed all the skill fruits I accumulated over time as well as finally made use of the power condensation machine uing my doomed with the souls of of his Brethren increasing his stats and skills however knowing the team was feeling pretty down after that near loss I made up a decal gun which is essentially used for weaponized graffiti only to be short of power fluid I needed to make the ammo so I flew off on my quiver to begin a water pile Massacre defeating dozens of T Fant pen gullets and celeries nothing stood a chance versus my pistol and with enough blood of my enemies collected I got home where I made up the ammo and let me introduce to you the relaxa orus sticker gun it was so much fun splattering stickers all over the place even smothering some of my piles in them it was great but I had enough playing around as all time to start improving my Army for aerk making an ice rip to saddle as ice and ground or the most effective attacks verus an electric dragon I just needed to level them up best way to do that is firstly by capturing every pal you can can but at this stage in the game the strongest fears needed are so expensive I chose the second best option and that was relentlessly fight any and everything I could while capturing the occasional pile I didn't have yet like the Ragnar Hawk his friend didn't make it I ended up leveling up myself so I was able to make a saddle for my suzaku Aqua a very powerful fly as well as a saddle for my yman tide but I was unfortunately still one level away from the legendary sphere the most powerful power catching tool and I had another idea in order to keep increasing my power levels and that was by making the statue of power like the shrine which can be found in the church here I was able to imbue myself with the lift monk effies I had collected to increase my capture power and then I was able to imbue my pals with all of the souls I had found increasing sibl damage to plus 30% and her health to plus 24% I did a couple other other upgrades as well then set off to do a dungeon so I could level my suzaku capturing the two kativa at the end and freeing an iox who was imprisoned in a camp out side but these were all such low levels so our far traveled to the north and headed into the snow and thanks to my cold resistant armor and the thermal underway I was able to survive in this harsh climate where I found in tamed a hang Eucharist then found this weird spiky boy that looked like Pete claw's Ward from Monsters Inc a cry linkx and I wasn't able to catch him as he kept breaking atmospheres thus I kept just hiking up the mountain revealing an absolutely gorgeous sight a huge sprawling abandoned snow City and another Tower the Tower of the pile genetic research unit if I barely lost to orer no way I could even try this yet and that's when I saw the tree was just there I wanted to know what was hidden there and began to fly over and on my way did come past one of the four legendary Charles the frost alion but I had a tree to visit flying high over the water when my path was blocked by Red force field I wasn't sure if it simply wasn't unlocked yet or maybe I first had to defeat the five towers that I knew were in the world I found there were some sux here so once I got some better speres I would definitely come back here in order to catch them so once in better speres I was going to need some circuit boards to upgrade but was short of the oil I needed to make it I was at least able to begin working with my to make an assault rifle which I got the schematic for somewhere as well as some more Ultra spheres then headed off to the desert to begin in Mass defeating all the PS there for the oil it was also just good experience to capture some PS that didn't have yet like the Robin ctera and I did encounter a wondering party of Syndicate soldiers and they've started carrying around rocket launchers like who decided this was okay so once I got home I picked up my assault rifle which had been completed and it was an absolutely devastating tool of Destruction so I headed out to sell off my precious object to buy a couple hundred rounds of ammunition as tomorrow it was time to take on Axel once more waking up weapons and teams fully ready I headed back to the top of Mount obsidian where I was ready to enter the Tower of the Eternal P Axel you're going down as I sent out siix to open fire with my assault rifle and wo boy boy was it so incredibly powerful or's Health began to drop at a rapid rate as sub kept freezing him while I did my best to dodge dive and dealing so much more damage their health began to drop as rapidly as my assault rifle could fire bringing him down to 30k health within 7 minutes left as my rifle ran out of ammunition but I still had my shotgun as we continue to fire blast after blast at orer spell after spell and until they had 10K Health left 5K left and boom down goes orer absolutely wrecked it felt good I admired The View below only to spot some P soldiers waiting to Ambush me so I chose to get the jump on them instead in order to take them out and with Axel and orer defeated I ended up gaining enough experience to reach level 44 and saw that everything was so expensive at least my ice rip Tara could help a little with mining Some Coal before grabbing out what were my strongest water TS as I had a single destination in mind the desert finding a dungeon which I just had to explore delving into it and let's just say a hydr cannon to the face is pretty powerful so I fought my way through the cave taking out some more brothers from the P until I get to the final R well a Hydra Cannon to the face infective so is a pump action shotgun and with the loot free to claim at the end I got myself a cold resistant underwear which will be grateful when I go back to the snow the desert really was a beautiful biome and I even noticed another Sanctuary off in the distance but I'll be back for that later as there was only 10 days left and for day 100 I had quite the idea I stopped by the fishing Village to stock up on more bullets using up all of my gold then made my way to enter the p F Tower it was time to fight Marcus and FIS it went terribly I tried to mow it down with my assault rifle but since valeris was a fire power I simply didn't have power for enough water PS in order to damage him half my time had passed by the time I had barely done 50k damage his molten floor attacks kept me moving until I ran out of ammo and tried to jump on a Zer be without my rifle for increasing the damage output we simply could not keep it up needed to beat him so I chose to honorably accept my defeat I blew off some steam in the morning by blowing a penguin up with a rocket on that felt satisfying and doing this made me realize I needed a lot more Firepower so after doing some crafting with my PES and started the longest ever craft I could completing it after half an entire day while I crafted I jumped onto my relax aurus to use my new most fun ability rocket barrage it wasn't very good yet as this relax sorus was only level two but this would be a mighty powerful addition to my boss fighting team however even with the relax sorus I knew I needed a really powerful water mount to lead my team a mount which I already had the fire variant of that pile was the emperor of the sea Gman tide we began to fight as I used my damage shotgun to blast a sea serpent making really good damage as I kept swapping between my slap together team of lightning PS fighting as hard as I could but yman tide was so incredibly strong even getting them down to low Health it only took one strange shot as I threw my spear but I was hit defeating me but that just increased my drive why I wanted one and I set off in the morning for my daily resource grind only to have some of the P darts show up and require a very intense shower but I guess that annoyed the p as they attacked me for trespassing so I helped them out with a bubble bath and with a decent chunk of resources my team still needed work so I headed into the snowy Tundra once more where I found a frozen mansha that had a line knocked inside way too strong for me to even attempt and I found some more cry links on day 96 that I was able to weaken down so that I could capture the Monsters Inc Eric claw only for the herd of wo nearby to absolutely decimate my BL he they kept up their Onslaught as they snared my suzaku out of the sky I was now stuck in the snow without my strongest power and no flyer thankfully I had my relaxed sorus who was able to carry me safely into the warmer climate and Blasting the researchers on my way past before safely leaping off the edge to the safety of the water below running up to the F travel point in order to escape the North and I wanted to upgrade so I made some saddles for my P te also made sure to check up on my base workers having some fun with the kilari I got much earlier on it was quite fun to spend some time with some of the Lesser used PES headed out to the desert in order to do some more exploring as I still had that Sanctuary I needed to visit and I continued the goal of capturing every pile by snatching myself a suzaku the Fire original variant of my main flyer but the explorations continued finding some Alpha suzaku and a secret M shaft which had a black marketeer in the bottom of it while the rest of the desert was just swarmed with Syndicate soldiers but myaxa was starting to get pretty powerful as Rockets were able to rain down Hellfire and my Su zaku brought down the full weight of a tsunami and dozens of Syndicate members fell under my feet as I traveled across the dunes towards the sanctuary number three there were some pf guard here but I suppose in their eyes I wasn't technically setting foot in the sanctuary considering us just flying around on my suzaku but then in the morning I saw the pals that caused this island to be considered a sanctuary such as lene the Pal's devout main pal capturing it to be my own along with an orer when I spotted another new pile the Blazer moot a large fiery Beast that I captured to be my own as my final capture of this 100 days so that brings me to the end of my time a time that I've enjoyed so incredibly much but it's unfinished I tried my best but failed that's okay cuz I will be back to complete it to complete all of it and I hope you'll be here to see it by hitting subscribe thank you for watching goodbye
Channel: NaturalCauzes
Views: 424,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld guide, Palworld, 100 days palworld, palworld 100 days, pokemon 100 days, 100 days pokemon, palworld playthrough, 100 days playthrough palworld, palworld full playthrough, how to catch pal, how to beat palworld
Id: -PwC_obH3Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 10sec (5290 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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