Palworld - How to Get 6 Best OP Pals EARLY - Level 1 Cattiva to Shadowbeak FAST Easy Breeding Trick!

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hey how would you like to turn this garbage little cat creature they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine into the best non-legendary pal in the entire game that has the best pal attack in the entire game that will then oneshot every pal in the entire game all at level 19 and all without having to catch any pal that isn't just a common find at level 19 yeah it's time for the magic of mandatory break hello then my fellow pal trainers before we get into this and start working down our shopping list of based Pals to acquire there's only five of them to arrive at this Shadow beak I want to first talk about this Shadow beak you may have heard of him you may have not you may have been beaten down by him you may have not but he is a dark pal and he is arguably the best dark pal only competing with the dark legendary and the reason for that is he has a monstrous attack stat coupled with well this move here Divine disaster 160 power actually dark and it's his exclusive skill this thing absolutely destroys now my shadow beak here is a kind of garbage Shadow beak but once you can breed infinite of them well you're very quickly going to have a non-one like this and this one with its 2.2k attack and divine disaster yeah just disintegrates everything and considering you can get that going as early as you unlock breeding well let's just say the breeding system in this game is as a cheat code as it is fantastic fun in any case yeah he is also an incredible flying Mount the second best in the game that isn't jet dragon at least in my humble opinion and just just fighting on him is again ridiculous to actually do the Divine disaster you do the little charge forward and then and everything doth melt so let's actually go about acquiring him and having a good old time in the process it should also be mentioned that on our way to getting Shadow beak here which let's be honest is one of the most badass Pals in the game you will be by collateral getting a couple others of the best Pals in the game that you also normally can't get to level 50 but you're going to get them at level 19 one of which might actually be my favorite pal in the game so join me as I borrow Cotton's pink skin and let's get cracking first up we want to grab cattiva yes we just need this basic little pal that you might well have caught from the very very start of the game down here at the bottom right so here I am just for completion stop you violated the law for completionist sake we will grab indeed the kativa at the very start of the game this feels like Overkill in the sphere I'm going to use but that's all right you will indeed be able to use the ones that you have at said level 19 lovely next up then we want to get ourselves a floppy and a floppy also very to get hold of and you can do so right here in the center of the map an easy one for floppy is just a little tip is the ancient ritual site in the center they just hang around the Fast Travel point so getting one is no problem whatsoever and while we are here in floppy land you also want to grab yourself a hell zepher and they are located well here but only at nighttime this will probably be your hardest catch of the collection but even then you can get them level 21 to 25 so at level 19 when you unlock the breeding Farm you're still very much going to be able to grab one no problem let's actually make sure we don't annihilate it without we're thinking about it and you know some people so there we go hell's effort has been acquired and now we are three out of five next up on the old shopping list then is Mander is it weird calling them shopping list they're living creatures but I am going to permanently put them in a slave ball and make them slave breed maybe I shouldn't use the word slave breed in any case this lovely grass bear is located all around well here so let's go add him to the collection and right next to the Mander Forest shocking fast travel point we indeed have our victim I'm going to go with victim that that feels right so let's get him in okay that's what I thought in any case that is fall down which just in any case that is far down in any case that is far down which just leaves the one the one being relaxa orus who is located right here bottom left just before you get to the volcano lvy lands this fast travel is what I would recommend and you should bump into one pretty quick both at night and during the day let's have a little look around and a little see there we go so relaxasaurus is going to make it five and with just those five Pals that we have now gone and collected in just six briefs needs we will have ourselves a shadow beak which is just absolutely marvelous I've retired to my breeding base so we can get this party started now as I said all of this is achievable the second you unlock the breeding farm at level 19 so being a shadow beac owner at level 19 is quite the fun way to Pal World alongside the other ridiculous Pals we are going to get along the way way now as I said then these five Pals floppy relaxa orus Mander hell zepha and ctiv all catchable easily at said level 19 when you get the breeding Farm in just six breeds will get you a shadow break so without further Ado let's get to it step one then we want to get hell zepha grab him and R up to your breeding farm and get him down and then we want floppy so grab your floppy flop it down and the breeding magic shall begin of course make sure that your breeding Farm has plenty of cake in the box so they actually can produce the eggs cake fairly easily and early obtainable from your cooking pot just make sure you have the various ingredients on the go the milk from the maen cows that you can get and then everything else is quite self-explanatory so now that and helzer are on the way we simply must wait for the egg I really am happy they made breeding just that little bit easier with the recent patch and we now have our first egg a large electric one cease the breeding of those two as we don't need them to make another one at least for now and we want to go incubate this first egg that we have just gotten make sure you've of course got your incubator and it will complete in at the time time you have set on your server I've gone with instant here just for the demonstration purposes of you know this whole thing this then will give you the following pal rhound and he is going to be instrumental going forward get your new rhound and add him to the base as he is going to be the next breeding Target and you will be pairing him with not the leftover floppy but with the Mander that you prepared earlier mosander and rhound then will produce you a huge electric egg obviously if you happen to get a ray Hound that's the same gender of the only Mander that you have either catch the opposite gender Mander or breed another ray Hound till you get the correct one and then you can continue the chain in we go and this one will give you perhaps a familiar face yet an incredibly powerful one The Joint best electric pal in Gris bolt he is going to be up next over to the pobox and indeed there we have it now the Gris bolt you want to be breeding with the relax orus that we also prepared and caught earlier GIS bolt and a relax orus then will provide you with the third egg in the chain a huge Dragon one once you've collected that get rid of the relaxa surus but leave the gisb bolt in the breeding as they will be immediately up again let us go hatch this egg to reveal our next pal and this one I absolutely adore we get here oerk essentially electric G Chomp and yeah I really like him he is also the other joint best electric pal along with Gris balt so you've got both of them here as I said collateral but yeah this guy is phenomenal so grab your new OAC grab your new ozuk then and place him in with the gis bolt until we get our next egg the next egg being a huge dragon egg once more a they're absolutely tuckered out can't blame them really let's go hatch it up then and we will get our next pal in the chain this one is another ridiculously both cool and potent one in the farm of aagon yeah he is something else I mean my God this guy is another fantastic bit of collateral from this process and also one of the best Pals that you can get though ironically I like him for his level for mining which is really really effective in any case a fantastic Dragon pal now we want him on the base but we don't actually need to use him next the next breed that we will be doing is is the hell Zer that we caught and used earlier down the chain so get him in then along with the Hela we want to grab the cattiva we also caught earlier how these two are going to breed is something that science can't truly ever answer but all we know is that they are indeed are and they're going to be making a partner for our newly produced well aagon eventually your patient will be rewarded with a large scotching egg we also at this point want to get rid of your cattiva and also your hell Zer from the breeding Farm as their work is done so let's go hatch the new egg we have just acquired to reveal another one of my favorite Pals and another one you'll be happy to have as a side effect of this process this is a kitson and they are again just really freaking cool I don't know where she's going but hey that is indeed nice to have obviously based on a kitsun a fox in any case this kitson is going to breed with the Asen and we will finally get yes you guessed it our shadow beak so let's get them on the breeding farm and let the magic happen the Moment of Truth the grand reveal kitson Asar produce the huge dark egg and we know what lurks within that but let us hatch it and behold our new beautiful powerful Shadow beak there you have it five Pals six breeds and the best non- legendary pal in the game and also the pal capable of dealing the most damage in a single attack are at least definitely up there with its unique skill and its mon monstrous attack stat now sadly my shadow beak ended up being a cowardly Glutton yay but you can repeat this chain to get the correct passive skills from the various parents along the way to acquire your perfect Shadow beak that will just dunk on everything that you throw it against and look the breiding system is just so much fun in this game I loved working out this efficient chain to get you here with the least effort least breeds least difficult base Pals to start with possible and I hope you have found this useful not just to get the cool Pals along the way but as a little like look at just how ridiculous compound breeding can be and I never thought in my life I would be explaining compound breeding we have acquired then in this process an ozuk a shadow beak a aagon a kitson and a Gris bolt this one's level 50 as I had to swap in a different gender one that I already had to take the place of the newly hatched level one one but still that is an already insanely impressive team yes it's not got the most typ variety but the fact that you can walk around with these five Pals at level 19 that easily that quickly yeah incredible I as I said hope you have found this both enjoyable and enlightening and I will link down below a little tool that will let you too track through the various parent and Offspring combinations to create your ideal perfect palel from a breeding chain like this Shadow beak though is certainly special and I hope you enjoy using yours as much as you can for now then let us know what else you would like and discust in the world of PALS like indeed if you like this video subscribe and hit the bell for more awesomeness and until we meet again A [Music] Goodbye Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 160,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld breeding guide, palworld shadowbeak, shadowbeak, shadowbeak divine disaster, palworld breeding, palworld shadowbeak breeding, ozerk, grizzbolt, astegon, palworld base guide, palworld best base, base, anubis, palworld legendary, palworld legend, legend pal, legendary pals, breeding guide, palworld guide, palworld legendary pal, palworld best pal, best pal, best pals, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, guide, gameplay, best, palworld all pals, pal, ragegamingvideos
Id: Woke6sNlFTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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