I Used Just 1 Item to Turn Palworld Into Ridiculous Chaos

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out pal world today or as everybody on the internet has been calling it a game featuring pocket like Monsters but with guns lots and lots of guns well this seems like it's going to be a lot of fun hey that reminds me of the sponsor for our video Opera GX the one and only browser for gamers and people that just want to have a good time like don't you want to browse in style cuz with Opera GX You've Got Mods to take a normal browsing experience and customize it like crazy just so you can have a little more fun while you browse there's even an lgo mod that has a bunch of sounds and visuals you'll probably like hey there it's Josh but if you want to really mix it up there's tons of mods you can go through and mix and match just the things you want so the your results have this background with this when you type this when you open tabs W now we're talking it's also super easy to bring your settings and stuff over from other browsers you just click here to go to settings scroll down to where it's it says import bookmarks and settings click the stuff you want to move over hit import and you're done and the thing that's always my favorite the GX Corner which shows you all kinds of gaming info like games that are coming out what games are on sale what stuff is free and all kinds of other random news and info so if this sounds good to you download Opera GX for free using my link you in the description below and thanks again to Opera GX for sponsoring but enough talk new game first things first let's name our world s an of suffering good okay and it's character creator time now this game just came out into Early Access so I'm sure this will change but I like how it's quick to let me know you cannot edit your character again in other words Choose Wisely because you're going to have to commit to your choices which I think we can all agree this is the Torso of our dreams followed by skipping arm day and skipping leg day and let's see for the face what do we want now we want pouty lips obviously but we also want the face of pure determination I got to be honest I think we're going with this one they already look really tired of everything but not so tired we can't give them hearts for eyes yes that is the magic and let's make sure to get them the perfect hair and hair color okay looking great what a warrior time for an adventure wakey wakey your nightmare has begun quick everybody run before somebody files a lawsuit everybody scatter But be sure to leave this guy with his wish.com tablet well it's time for me and my ton legs to have an adventure I guess well here we are ready to go that's a face that takes this seriously also not really sure why we were shown walking on the beach then end up in a cave but whatever and also if I move the mouse wheel up and down really fast our guy starts trembling he's quivering with excitement for this adventure okay but enough of that let's get out of here or maybe not what do we have here oh look it's our first how thing and it's currently fusing with my face let me go let me go okay well that sure is something isn't it what a lovely cartoony creature against this beautiful realistic background are you taking off okay I'm sure I'll see you later when I try and capture you anyway over here in the tutorial we can see that they want us to do a couple of things you know all the basic crap like picking up Fallen branches or whatever so hang on let me do that real fast and now that we've gotten some wood it wants us to open the build menu and build us A Primitive workbench okay well let's find the perfect place to put this I can't just put it on you can I looks like no but we'll try and do the second best thing which is shove it right in front of its face yes be impressed while I build this thing in front of your very eyes and now the next thing we need to do is go over here to technology where we can see all the stuff we can build right now and then the stuff we hope to build starting off with all the survival Essentials like Stone axes and pickaxes and whatever and then it looks like it's just kind of a mix of all of our hopes and dreams you might want a bow and arrow you might want a screwdriver but maybe you're more into the fancy stuff you know like a crossbow or a grappling gun or a musket well pretty sure this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime hey where are you going okay well let's unlock the pal sphere cuz we're going to need that captures Pals when thrown it looks like we're going to need to harvest this stuff which means we're going to need this stuff to get that stuff and stuff or whatever you get get the idea for now though we're just going to do some nice healthy punching to get our Stone it doesn't feel like we earned it unless our hands are just stumps of Blood by the end wait how long can I punch this it's got to go away eventually right I also appreciate that The Rock Quivers in agony every time I punch it and still punching oh it's starting to get smaller oh good and I leveled up something presumably it's all that sick Rock punching I'm doing wa wo get out of the way hey that was your fault let's calm down for a second oh oh no oh no well now we know all right you jerk round two where are you hey come on where did you go ah Fiddlesticks looks like it's gone well I guess you're just going to have to do oh wow you can really whale on these things well that was that I can't tell if this thing is dead or not but we're not going to take any chances pardon me please going and going and whoops your corpse is so light okay and someone else's problem anyway back to building stuff and by that I mean it's time to build a stone pickaxe and now that we've got this beautiful weapon here I think I know what we're going to do with it yep that's right right should I feel bad about this I don't feel bad about this uh-oh was this your part uh-oh I'm sorry did I just kill your best friend oh well thanks for the egg and the P tree here you go sit next to your friend okay I guess a pickaxe is more effective gives us plenty of stone as well as these palum fragments which if you recall is a Cornerstone to building our pal Spears which we're going to need many of let's build as many as we can right now just do a little bit of air crafting with all of your corpses in the background now that we've got our pal spheres I think it's time for us to capture some legally distinct Pals wait can I do it on these things let's find out H I'm going to assume that's a no well I guess they're just dead then let's see there's something here that's alive and running from us okay that one's too fast let's go for this one that seems slow and not agile oh yeah there we go 11% that doesn't seem very good oh but if I surprise her from the back that's okay well let's try it out looks like it didn't work and now it's all sorts of upset well so be it you stop that right now little guy well and that's that that's okay there's more where those came from but first we should probably do something like build a stone Axe and the game is letting me know we're way down but I'm sure it's not a problem right oh I actually can't move and as a bonus look at our arm really committing to holding that axe with your arm going inside your voluptuous body and popping out the other end God what a hero I guess I'll just drop some of this Stone and we'll come back for it probably anyway time to build as many pal speres as we can oh yeah I see you over there hope you're excited to be spared momentarily wait hold that thought it's one of these things again and now I really want it stop running away it's not going to help well that's still a pretty low percentage but it's not 0% so here we go wait for it wait for it ah New Pal captured good old kativa well that's just great and now when we want to use one we just hold it out and here it comes terrified and disoriented and let's see if we want to do something with them we can issue some commands or really even just pet them come here you come here a how about some air hugs and then an axe right in your face as you run off again oh my goodness they also mine on their own oh I see how this goes we capture them and then they work for us what a deal and then when we're done with them we can suck them back into a ball wait can I just take these guys and throw them right off of a cliff side yes yes I can and boy is this going to be exciting look at this big world to explore and if I recall from our crappy iPad we're supposed to go towards the towers I mean I know the tutorial says like make a PO box or some crap but I'm sure we can just do that on the way and as we slowly make our way over to that Tower we're going to see the occasional friend we haven't met yet smack him with our ax as our standard greeting and then capture them in one of them spheres you know what I love by the way like I was going to capture this guy but it turns out I ran out of spheres if we can still whale on them no problem but if we just do it a little too hard well that's that that's their life now oh wait a minute what's this a Wandering Merchant wait do you have some Goods talk to me What's your deal I've got some good items in stock okay I see some schematics I see supplies and all kinds of stuff I can't afford well I have a better idea I can't capture this guy in this C can I come on 5% you can do it just keep it up oh he didn't like that uh-oh and he's packing thank God we have kativa to help out and oh thanks for defending my honor I guess well it looks like we have gold now 277 to be precise and we'll just uh not think too hard about what just happened oh look another one is here dumy Dum yes come and visit I'm definitely not going to try to trap you in one of these again have a good time 5% oh crap here maybe if we soften them up a little bit we can actually get something going here will make you one of my companions whether you like it or not oh yeah capture success the visitor has left the base yes I would think so well golly why worry about capturing all of these creatures when I could capture the most dangerous prey of them all man let's see what this even looks like when I let it out of the cage well just what you thought it would be hang on can I still buy stuff from you hey hold still okay you can run all you want but I'm just going to shove you back into the ball they didn't have to be that dramatic oh my God I can pet the wandering Merchant what the hell is this going to look like come here come here come here oh well I'm not sure what to make about this one sher's romantic with the waterfall though I also chose this area to put down my pal box which among other things I can take one of my wandering merchants and I can assign them as a pal at the base hey look there they are right now and they're in good condition they don't seem very inclined to work but that's okay we can still talk to them I've got some good items in stock and then the game glitches out and they just wander off but luckily I can still buy and sell so that's all that really matters which while we're here let's go ahead and unlock ooh the long-eared headband okay now that we have this schematic let's go ahead and build it ah Fiddlesticks we can't build it yet it requires cloth and ingots oh boy we have our work cut out for us don't we and also if you're not going to do anything around the base we're going to have to put you back in the Box well you asked for it into the box you go and instead we're going to replace you with one of these guys that as far as I know is excited to work yep see there he goes do you just keep doing this like forever apparently so keep up the good work now that we've got some materials going let's work on our base so right now we have a lot of technology that we can unlock and 22 technology points to do it well we're obviously going to need these wooden structures allows building of wooden foundations walls ceilings stairs and other things necessary for building a house our favorite okay so we'll just put a foundation right here and then we'll take some stairs and we'll put those right around there yes good and then we'll take a roof piece and put it right there oh boy I like where this is going is there anything to really stop me from building something all wacky because so far things are looking pretty good obviously the game is a little charitable about how we build which I'm very excited about but now I have another question I wonder how high we can actually build up because I don't know if I mentioned this but this game has a climbing feature that's probably familiar to a lot of us which is to say we can jump against any surface and just start climbing and yeah we have stamina so we can't go too high before we drop to a surface and let it recharge but this certainly does give me something of an idea so if we just build a wall and put it next to the other wall and then just keep building up like this and then just keep oh I'm out of wood hey you can you chop wood too what does sand mean is that your sanity because if so 25 is still too high I guess just keep doing what you're doing if we go back down here to the pal thingy we can get additional information on these guys in this case we can see the kativa here or wait whose name we can change let's do that first smashy Muk rocks good enjoy your new name anyway if you look over on the right you can see under work suitability that mining is something they're good at but not cutting down trees or else lumbering would be lit up so it looks like we got to find something that's good at chopping trees oh my goodness what are you doing to that rock how about you come and do that back in my base oh yeah there we go nope not this one looks like it's good at planting but not lumberjacking okay let's try this thing this looks like it wants to chop some trees right hold still hold still oh we didn't like that did it fine have it your way we could have done this the easy way but I'm happy to do it the punching way every time okay much better let's do this and captured nope not this one either wait a minute what is this ah hello there skilled Islander now now of course we could talk to you on the other hand I think we know what we're going to have to do here oh oh no should have gone with the back approach that's fine I'm just going to soften you up a little bit I couldn't help but notice that in the corner it says I'm wanted for one count of assault but it turns out it's not that big of a deal cuz it's already gone looks like you're on your own skilled Islander and now that you're very weak you know what happens next mhm mhm oh yeah uh-oh and now there's solders shooting at me okay I think we did it we got away thank goodness the law didn't stop me from kidnapping not that it matters our skilled Islander isn't good at much except punching well that kind of behavior you're definitely staying in the Box wait I think we found something I've got a good feeling about this one fingers crossed they always put up a fight don't they that's okay we'll soften them up for the sphere okay let's try this again come on home with me you're going to love it I can't know that but it's too late to decide oh and we've done it tany here is very good with the lumbering as well as many other things what an amazing little Workhorse well it's doing something I guess well whatever works for you I guess if standing all the way over there allows you to chop all the way over here don't let me stop you okay now it's time to do this all over again and now that I have wood we're just going to keep jumping and building Higher and Higher and since we're going to have trouble reaching I'm occasionally going to drop down one of these platforms that way we can climb our way up and then before our stamina gets too low we can take a load off and build it back up and then while we're up here we can just keep on building and rinse and repeat and I'm sure you're as curious as I am to know the answer to this is there a limit to how high we can build only one way to find out hold please oh hello there I have things to report things you need to know the answer is yes yes there is a limit once we get to a certain height it actually shows us the message that you can't build in such a high location so that's it that's the limit but the question is still how high can you build and it seems to be the case that you can build pretty high like really really high like really really really high and the whole thing isn't entirely climbable due to our nice little hoppy little Skippy system all we have to do is start climbing and every two stories we can just drop down wait for our stamina to recharge and so on and so forth it only takes a bajillion years oh and I tried to count it up we're 240 stories in the air so I believe that might be the theoretical limit and what a view by the way look at that we can see whatever the hell that is and whatever all this golden stuff is down there and that thing and all that not to mention the horizon line that we're not supposed to see because we're so high in the air I think we're actually above the ocean and there's even this like tree thing right over here pretty neat there sure is a lot to see in this game and you might be asking yourself when you need to get down what do you do here's the quick way down we go along the backside here and as we fall and get closer and closer and closer if at any point you want to abruptly stop falling at terminal velocity just grab onto the side and then continue your journey until you need to re-engage your incredibly strong fingertips ah there we are actually I wonder if we can just land in the water and by that I mean this shallow shallow River yeah see worked like a charm anyway back up here if you look at our base info over here we have three Pals working in the base except you may notice something they're all incapacitated and this one is starving and has a fracture and it's trying to let me know that Pals without a bed will get stressed well so be it we'll build some beds and we'll do it all the way up here why not okay let's see they want three beds okay looking good and another one actually wait can I just put it like way off on the side this won't be disconcerting at all to sleep on and a third one facing out so you can wake up to this gorgeous view and let's put a wall here and then we have just enough space for a roof which is what the beds need to function what why isn't this good enough for you oh silly me I was building the wrong thing I'm supposed to be building straw po beds that sure will teach me to not pay attention all right well let's head back up there hold please God I hope I never have to do that again anyway now that I'm up here time to build this a straw bed and like before we're going to put a them right on the edge and two and three and looking great there we go three beds for three Pals no idea how they're going to get up here but whatever the game thinks it's there I also noticed a weird thing about stairs sometimes the game lets you try to place them but this actually isn't a valid place to put them but it still lets you try and then it denies You by not putting down the stairs and instead taking the wood you used and putting it in a nice little pile but then I realized it's also giving me experience it gave me three experience to place those stairs except every time I try this it just returns all of my materials but that means I can just keep placing stairs collecting a little bit of experience points and automatically get my materials back I'm pretty sure if we just keep doing this we can level up yep there we go oh and also sometimes our base gets raided which I think means a bunch of guys or Pals or whatever show up to try to rough you up but I wouldn't worry about it they're down there we're up here and at some point this little message goes away and I think they just kind of give up so hold please and let's see if there's a limit to how long this can go oh hello welcome back it's been several days now but the good news is we're level 46 now that's only four levels off from the maximum level and even better is whatever Pals I had on me are also level 46 that was so easy just look at all the levels of technology that are available to Us Now 46 levels of ridiculous goodness and I have no doubt that we could unlock these last four levels but it turns out that at these higher levels it takes a really really long time and we don't really need to go that high just yet now it's time to see how much more amazing we are at fighting remember this guy he looks to be level 38 but is that going to be any match for our level 46 wandering Merchant I doubt it very much well come on attack him here here's what I need you to attack right here right now okay go for it yep so far so good and by that I mean the wandering Merchant is doing virtually no damage well let's see how you deal with my level 46 kativa get ready for the thrashing of a lifetime yeah get in there look at this true battle of the Titans oh no wait this isn't working out quick get out of here ah okay so be it you win this round but I'll be back anyway now that we're a majestic level 46 let's finally build our base oh I'm sorry what is going on over here are you guys okay oh right all three of you are incapacitated and one of you is starving and has a fracture well seems fine carry on so the first thing we're going to want to do is unlock a couple of things basically we need to get our Pals working on all kinds of stuff but in order to ensure their servitude we need to give them things like uh a feed box slays food and Pals at the base we eat from it fine so be it and likewise while we're here we're going to unlock the berry Plantation which will make sense once you see it and while we're here let's also get this parachute cheaply made and not so fast wee look how great this is until my stamina runs out and then it's a nice sailing down just like before ah my spine and then there's a whole bunch of other stuff we need to unlock to give us a nice full base so first let's build this feed box I guess it would make sense to put it right here near all of them and I don't want to be super cruel to them so I'm not going to put it too far away I am however going to unlock these campfires so that no matter when they're hungry they're going to be nice and warm but right now there's nothing in the feed box and that's what the berry Plantation is for and we're going to find a nice even patch to put this on yeah there we go something like that looks Majestic especially the part where half of it is buried underground so the way this is supposed to work is we're going to get red berries from it but first we have to come up here and seed and this takes a bajillion years as our guy throws seeds not even in the berry Plantation box you're doing a great job and then once that's done now you have to water my God that's quite the water can and then once that's finally done TAA now all you have to do is wait and now you do the horrendous task of picking them that's some amazing air origami you're doing just a harvest and the seeding process starts all over again to which I say no thank you that's what the pals are for they're going to do all this work so we don't have to I mean not specifically these ones they're a little too tired to do anything useful right right now okay I guess we'll resurrect them which means putting them back in the pal box to let them heal and while they're doing that we need to find a suitable pal that can handle doing the planting and then also can handle doing the watering luckily planting is covered by tany here but they can't do the watering so let's go find us a pal that can and hey this thing looks promising look there's like a water droplet I think that means this one is a water pal hey pen Gillette think fast and there we go oh and what luck all of our pals are finally healed so we'll just go ahead and put them back into circulation not to mention our new friend pendulette ah yes I see they're doing their job perfectly oh there we are get to work see look at all the planting this guy is doing while this other creature is standing in the planter box oh before falling asleep again I get it though you need to take a load off what with your starving and minor injury and Fracture especially now that pendulette is using their beak to water the entire thing yes that's good spray all your tummy fluids on everything now it's time to harvest all those berries which I'm looking at you why aren't you doing it hey come here don't do that do this this instead okay well you don't want to listen to orders that's fine we're going to go and turn that frown upside down good morning weird pal creatures don't mind me okay here's your new assignment in heaven don't worry he's fine Lee drowning see look this one's harvesting now it knows what's coming if it doesn't well smashy mcrock appears to be eating but it looks like other things are happening too yeah that's the perfect place to go to bed nothing bad can possibly happen while sleeping and on fire what a spectacular death and pendulette is over here like come on buddy you got to wake up hey leave him you've got work somewhere to be doing anyway this is pretty much how this goes you have a bunch of these random little boxes that I place at weird angles like in the case of this one it's a little thing that gives us endless trees and then after our amazing labor builds this for us there we go now we have a lovely logging site with tany here going at it one log at a time and we'll do the same with this Stone pit looking good yes looking good and an oh very Majestic and this is pretty much how it goes we place various things that do various stuff and from that point forward our Pals take care of the rest I love it too cuz as we see all this activity happening for a brief second they look happy and then you see the veneers start to crack here I'll go ahead and fix this so that they understand no crying take it in unless it's crying into my new furnace in which case carry on wait a minute what the hell is this glowing noise we need to take a look why is this kativa so big and sparkling you know what I don't care whatever we captured it oh but it gave us ancient civilization parts that sounds vital you've captured a lucky pal see what special abilities they have ah I see they have a hydro laser but they're also level three so I don't care into the labor pool you go feel free to bully everyone else if you want actually wait this thing seems perfect for testing out our new weapon actually wait hold that thought long-eared headband here we finally come ah yes there we go how adorable you can see by the look on his face that he feels adorable too okay now back to the cleaver so here's how the cleaver works we unleash one of our Pals here and suddenly we have a new command we can butcher them let's give it a shot oh God I'm not sure what I was expecting but we got more ancient civilization parts so I guess it's a positive wait can we do this on human beings too no wait where you going come back here this isn't going to save you well I guess that's a yes yes you can somehow it's even better while wearing the bunny ears anyway hopefully you all think twice before you see me running around with the Cleaver and now that my blood lust is pumping I think it's time to make this weapons workbench because unlocking this is going to make way for this the musket which in order to make we're going to need some highquality pal oil but I think I know where we can get that and it's with this guy right over here so I guess it's finally time to take this guy on again and I'm going to do this in the only way that feels appropriate with campfires now it wants to tell me that we can't build too close to it that's fine we'll just run away from it and build somewhere else not like we're not going to be able to lure it all the way over here okay so now let's build some campfires as many as I can and oh boy I feel like this might take a little while so hold please okay I think we've got our things set up now we've put down a couple of campfires to see if we can create like a line of defense and judging by how things are randomly damaged over there I think it's probably working but what better than a live test hey think fast come on buddy come with me okay now just ow O ow oh yeah just run into all the fire yep that's the spirit just run through all of it that's how the winners do it oh no are you trying to get to me too bad you're almost dead uhoh going to do an attack this might kill me ah whatever I still got him oh I see his corpse is still here oh and he left some stuff on the ground oh there's the highquality oil here we're going to help you out have this this is a good death oh never mind the water is shallow I guess this is how you'll be forever now played out with all of your dignity intact and that's one way to defeat that boss hey Pals did you see how good I did no looks like you're all having your own problems in here just know it was great anyway now it's time for the musket which for that we're going to need this weapon work bed and boy does It Blend in you know how in your fantasy monster collecting games you have these realistic Firearms whatever it's musket time okay now we've got our musket extending proudly from our ABS now let's ready our weapon oh yeah I forgot that's what loading a musket is like well better not waste it say your prayers oh oh wow that really worked didn't it well this is fantastic let's see what else we can do hey pendulette ah it feels good every time now I know what you're thinking we should try to take this guy out with this but I think we have a larger fish to fry and it's over in that Tower excuse me can you point me to the nearest Tower thing just kidding I'll find it on my own you know I'm just going to say it having a musket in this game has really elevated it and I hope it elevates this part of our journey too okay getting closer to this Tower thing ah rain Syndicate Tower I don't know what any of those words mean do you guess not bye okay let's go ahead and see what this is all about oh boy what is this uh-oh this looks like serious business okay we can see what's going on here she wants to fight because she herself has a really Fierce pal well that's fine have You Met My Friend the musket oh dear this is going to take a while isn't it oh crap you know this isn't working out quite like I thought it would okay screw it musk's not powerful enough it's time for us to make this instead the handgun yeah that's the spirit you and your worried eyes are doing a great job crafting a handgun for me as you do out here in pal World okay here we are brandishing an incredibly large hand gun well can't wait to go fire this hand cannon at something okay here we go good luck oh wow that's much better although they do still have a lot of hit points and this reloading might get me killed okay screw it we need to go For Broke and by that I mean this the assault rifle which is going to require us to get a bunch of stuff we don't have yet don't worry I saved you the trouble just know that it required a lot of blood Blood Sweat tears and conveyor belts but you know hard to argue with results okay Tower I'm back let's see how you deal with this oh now we're talking that's all I've needed this whole time ah it feels so good it feels so good oh and then it places me up here on top of the tower presumably so I can enjoy the view but it's kind of hard when we look back at our base and not only do we see our beautiful campfire work but we have a tower that goes much much higher either way it's a fun place to jump down from you know until we possibly fall to our death I want to thank Opera GX again for sponsoring this video if you want to check out the browser for yourself it is free to download and you can do so with my link you in the description so I hope you had fun I know why did I think I know what I'll be doing for the rest of my lifetime in the world of Pals and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,523,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, palworld, palworld game, palworld gameplay, craftopia, pokemon, pokemon like, let's game it out palworld, lets game it out palworld, lgio palworld
Id: jQJYHSlz4Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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