Build The Perfect Team! PALWORLD - Top 10 Highest DAMAGE PALS You Should Get Right Now (Tier List)

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so if you ever played pal world and let's be honest you all did because this game is addicting as heck yeah you at some point probably wondered which are the biggest damage dealers to go for well today we're going to explore 10 of the best damage dealers in pal world that you should go ahead and take up right away and I'm talking about some amazing ones that are strong right off the gate with minimal point and skill investment I'm talking about ones that you can immediately get into your party form a dream team and they will absolutely dominate right away now obviously there's one thing you should probably know and that is the fact that breathing can still absolutely make anything overpowered and if you crossbreed enough you can literally pass down legendary trait and eventually even turn a chickpea into something that's absolutely crazy so that's going to be one of the things you're going to be doing at the end game or even before that but now I'm going to focus on the ones purely very very strong right from the very beginning so let's get started with a few of the options at number 10 war is definitely a very good option right there he was consistently one of the best options that I played around with and it's actually really awesome because you can get this very early it's actually one that you can fight right here very close the Goin Turf so you can get this by level 30 and already get a very strong damage dealer that also has a lot of tankiness so this is one of the highest defense kind of Pals in the game but he also has very good attack power even if you don't use stuff like ferocious which I am right now but he can get easily into like 550 and still deal a lot of damage with his Stone abilities especially the rock Lance can be a very solid option but he is both a ground as well as a grass type so he can literally fit both of these but he also has a very interesting special ability so he applies fire damage to the players's attacks when you have him out so this is going to help you Aon if you find and want to have some extra damage for that now at number nine and one of my favorites is yman tide and yman tide comes in with some amazing abilities assuming that you actually get the proper variant of him so yes you can totally breed this specimen from very early on there are many ways to get him like pre- level 30 even pre- level 25 however you're going to eventually want to look out for the actual lord of the sea variant which is the level 47 that you can find right here up West so this yman tide comes with a special ability that already makes this very strong variant even stronger so he has lord of the sea ability and what this does essentially is that this is going to turn him into an absolute killing machine because his water attacks are now going to deal even more damage by about 20% so if you can breed this guy with some ferocious aggressive and maybe even some lucky stats or maybe even the legendary if you can pass it down to him you can literally get some very strong opponent right here but um even like this he can easily get an almost 600 into attack and his defenses are not too bad and especially so he comes with some very strong abilities right out of the gate so his Hydro laser is literally one of my favorites he does this like Aqua gun that completely destroys everything in its path especially if he plays it against something like fire creatures also Aqua burst you can also cast lightning strikes and of that with the TR lightning this is out of the gate by the way but also he uh prevents stamina depletion while moving over water so he's an amazing option to have if you want to swim with somebody so you can totally ride this and just have it like that on water now at number seven we have Shadow beak and he should have placed much higher however that's because there are some even better options out there but this is like the perfect Mount it's both amazing at damage and it's both amazing at run speed as you've seen probably from yesterday's video which you should probably go ahead and check out he consistently came in like top five when it came to running and of course Sprint speed especially when it comes to Flying Sprint speed but he comes with the Divine disaster and the nightmare ball all of these are some amazing Darkness abilities so if you want to fight something that um is weak against Darkness like any sort of normal type you can definitely bring this in combat but Divine disaster is by far my favorite it you do this really big long charge it leaves behind some of the Spheres and each and every single one of those like dozen plus Spears will completely annihilate and Target enemies this by the way can also be used while riding this flying Mount so this can be a very good option to gain a ton of speed plus unlike other similar abilities it doesn't stop the animation that in its tracks right at the end so you can resume flight right from that point on plus you can also use the shift but yeah amazing damage great overall now moving on to number six we have orer so this is another sort of legendary beast that you can get but this is like the lightning the goto lightning crazy special ability guys so he has a number of interesting abilities one of them is that he comes with the lord of the lining so this increases his lining damage by 20% but unlike others he comes with a very special lining ability called K I think I might have pronounced that wrong plus he also has the lightning strike so this combo is absolutely devastating on the lightning strike essentially he jumps up in the air he charges the entire area with electricity and then just unleashes a powerful lightning blast which is the one that deals the highest amount of damage in my experience and it's like completely devastating and usually he's also very fast so he immediately jumps into kwano so this is going to be kind of like a spear that he throws go at the enemy to follow up with some nice damage by the way if you want to catch this guy you will find it on the secret Island right here up north actually there are many of them that can spawn especially if you increase that spawn rate is going to help you quite a bit now the next is going to be paladius and he's only at rank five but that's not because he deserves that spot he should be much higher but I am completely biased towards a much greater pal so we are focusing a bit more on damage however this one kind of does two things as as you can see his defense is insane probably the highest in the game at 901 in this case plus he has a very decent attack nonetheless and his attacks are also very good you can by the way catch him right here up north in the desert however keep in mind this is a difficult fight is like 10K HP and level 50 so you do have to be careful about that nonetheless I do love some of his abilities so he has a charge attack I believe that's the spear thrust so he's going to charge up hold up his shield and then just charge up with that big Spear of his that is going to just push everything out of the way and also deal some good damage his spell blast is also very good so this is an energy sort of um beam attack that also gets used against you so the combo that he usually uses is that he uses blizzard Spike first to stun and freeze you which also deals a lot of damage and then immediately follow up with a pal blast that completely annihilates you but he also uses that combo when he's on your side so against most enemies this is completely devastating there are other options of course here you can pick Power Bomb and whatnot but these are by far the highest in terms of damage and he also comes with these passive skills so he is a legendary creature he also comes with Celestial Emperor so both of these are absolutely crazy to use now you can pretty much consider padus on the same rank or maybe slightly below necromus now necromus has slightly more damage at the cost of a bit less defense so that's kind of like the trade-off necromus can be found in the same location but he the version that spawns during the night time so I really really like his Dark Laser and the twin spear attacks especially the twin spear I believe places him a little bit ahead so he essentially charges his Spears with this dark energy and then continuously slashes for a pretty long time which is why in turn this is going to contribute to dealing a lot more damage assuming that all of those hits actually land on the target compared to just having the spear charge from padus which only hits once so if it does happen to do that you will see him absolutely shredding enemies but he also has this dark laser beam that's also very good so definitely something that he uses quite often but um he is going to have to charge this it's a little bit on a longer duration compared to all of the others now the next one is blaset and this is a pure fire creature coming up with some of the highest damage dealers in terms of fire skills plus it comes with the flame Emperor which further Buffs those fire abilities and again via cross breathing you can achieve some even higher attack and defenses but especially on attack um attack and defenses on this creature are also very good by default it's also one of the best at the kindling but essentially you can find this right here at the obsidian mountain and the entrance to its cave is just a little bit up north however this creature is completely insane so some of its abilities as I've said include some of these Fireball and ignis rage so ignis rage especially kind of just energizes the surrounding ground as it says and this is going to cause a ton of these eruptions which makes it one of the best abilities against large groups of enemies especially if you times three the spawn rate um it also comes with a fireball which is another amazing one to have so this just creates that giant um Fireball that you've likely seen on other um Pals out there just dealing a ton of damage and it also lingers for a bit so the damage is a bit continuous with the following explosions but with that out of the way it's time for the top three and yeah top three is going to include Anubis Anubis is going to be on the third spot and the reason for that is also because he's very strong but especially because he's one of the earliest top tier damage dealers you can get in the game at level 25 he's one of the easiest breeds right now between that Bushi and um the pan King you can get from very early on so he comes with a few abilities of course on his guardian of the desert he um also has a couple of very interesting skills one of which is that he sometimes Dodges attacks with high speed and this by the way also works if he is completely stunned which means that not only does he have pretty respectable defenses but he also Dodges incoming attacks a lot easier otherwise he his active abilities are strong right of the gate so forceful charge is a really cool one when he fights he Dodges a lot and then immediately does a first full charge which is very fast um dashes him very far away and can deal quite a ton of damage the ground smash is of course His Highest damage ability an AOE ground slam which takes down multiple enemies at the same time actually and can easily deal 1,000 plus damage even once you get him at around level 25 or while assuming you level him at that and finally on the second and first spot obviously it had to go to the legendary dragon so either jet dragon or for stallion depending on your choice I placed for stallion higher but the jet dragon is also really good so again this doubles as a flying Mount and has some of the highest speed in the game but his Dragon meteor the Fireball and beam comat are all some of the strongest in the game the damage on these things are absolutely crazy he is a dragon type so you do have to keep that in mind when you're fighting anything that is strong or weak against that so if you fight ice creatures obviously the dragon is going to take a lot of damage but if you're fighting dark enemies he's going to absolutely wreck them plus he comes with the legend again one of the strongest perks in the game and divine Dragon which increases his dragon attacks and finally to the first spot we have for stallion reason being is because Frost and blizzard attacks are much much stronger than dragon attacks so he has the legend he has the ice Emperor all increasing that damage as well as the ice plus you can find them right here in the snowy mountains and in the case of J Dragon you can find them in the obsidian Mountain so right here both of them very very far west and pretty much one beneath the other but I would say that for stallion deserves the first spot simply because he has the blizzard Spike so this immediately stuns most of the targets and what he usually does is that he immediately follows with the crystal wing things right after which are again going to absolutely wreck enemies again as long as you don't fight fire creatures you should pretty much be capable of destroying absolutely everything with it but its defenses as you can see are also really good and yeah that's pretty much it with the best spells in the game let me know down below if I missed anything or if there are any other species that you might know of of course there are many more that you can create but these were consistently the best when it came to Pure on fighting of the gate but this is it thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 237,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, palworld best pals, palworld highest damage pals, palworld, palworld breeding guide, palworld best base location, palworld gameplay trailer, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips for beginners, palworld pals, palworld review, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld multiplayer, palworld best pals to get
Id: 4y2ouBPqFP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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