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so right down here my friends is the legendary Frost stallion that I want to capture today unfortunately it's level 50 and it's super crazy strong oh my goodness look how cool it is though and look how big it is as well now the problem is I don't really have very good pals to try to battle this oh balls hey you know what I want you to attack aggressively yeah he's got 14,000 damage and that just barely did anything to it oh my word and and my Ingus just took a massive amount of hit all right you know what this is going to be way difficult that wasn't even a gun oh boy uh you know what hey catch oh no no no no no I promise I'm not here oh this is bad already hey go get him go get him buddy oh boy oh yeah okay okay uh-huh uh-huh wow and Ingus is dead mostly oh he is out not quite he's almost oh wow I didn't realize I was going to get Frozen um this is so dangerous hey where' you go hey there you are uhoh andus is down now my problem is that my shiny Fox Parks which is one of my best Pals is also going to get taken out I think we're going to do the best I can here oh my goodness oh oh I don't like that I don't like that good good hits that's only doing one damage my man shiny oh my goodness you just nuked shiny and I am doing next to no damage with my legendary gun and as well and shiny's out this is way more dangerous than I thought it was going to be oh my goodness so I guess that means we get to come up with a different strategy now my thought is that these Yan tide Ingus are the strongest of the fire type Pals now if I level one of these up I could do something pretty good with it I think now I'll be honest I O shiny box I don't want to breed up the best possible one I just want to be able to breed maybe one or two that are pretty good in defense and this is the only place that I know they spawn maybe maybe they're sleeping right now ah there's one right over there perfect so it's a dragon and fire type which I probably should have had a water type but whatever especially since like we both have fire breath all right that's not doing much damage we might need to do this he old fashion way my dodging giant balls of fire he old fashion way the old American way the pistol come on stop it and then we'll throw a legendary ball at him and and wow barely hit his tail great that was a glutton and a Botanical barrier terrible skills so I captured a bunch of these things and I didn't really get any good skills so I thought maybe we should try going over and capturing one of the good fire dinos in here I just need to make sure that we're not taking fire damage actually it's not too bad can I put on a defense oh no taking damage then all right we need the heat resistance shirt so in my very brief time exploring this biome I realized there was a very dangerous thing oh the dissected desert those aren't very dangerous are they no but this one is yeah the Suzuka all right we're going to try it probably against my better judgment I'm going to bring out my king Paca because he's big and fluffy and the king of muscles hey uh fluff can you go take that big flying thing out actually it's not that bad yeah yeah yeah use your sh oo that did good I'm proud of you big fluffy boy stop on him that works 42 damage you I'm kind of actually I'm disappointed than you all right just give them one more love tap that'll be all we need okay that maybe that one you know what come back in here we don't want to obliterate them now I'm hoping there's a boss of one of these creatures too ah balls come on get your ugly self captured oh that'd be cool if this is a flying Mount I don't know if it is O abnormal high skin and hydromaniac hard skin is a good stat right oh yeah a little B defense that's pretty good so I'll capture another Suzuka come on come on come on come on come on I really hope I can find a boss one of these really soon but this is giv me good XP anyway also there's an egg over here looks like a common egg O It's a large neat I probably have it already though oh a shiny too Toco that's hilarious I love them might be a hard one to capture because they go suicide mode yeah we can't let that happen oh fell oh stop electrocuting me get in my ball a get how did you miss that you Dingus get in the ball okay those are actually pretty dangerous um you know what ultr sphere time and of course it misses come on shiny too too I need you in my pants that came out wrong I need to capture you my goodness they're more difficult than those uh yman Tides I was dealing with I know how to properly deal with them you just tempt them to explode oh I captured him oh he's a runner and lucky that's cool oh that's the one I'm looking for though level 45 boss all right big fluffy boy have some fun my goodness I can't do any damage oh you missed oh you hit it good well done proud of you good jump you missed y dingus come on buddy there that'll work I don't really want to waste all my bullets but I will anyway all right catch this come on buddy come on ah let's hit you a few more times oh you're so close to me it's scary oh come on get in here no no no no no no no fire no fire NATO it's illegal cuz this iral damage you would to want global warming from your fire nates buddy ah come on get in here you imagine like real fire tornadoes how dangerous those would be how terrifying get zuk's man there it is there it is yes ah just heated body come on I was thinking I'd get some sort of cool skill from that so the only other fire type boss I can think of is the Blazing mut I don't even know what this thing is I don't think I've ever been in this cave before but it's a dangerous looking volcano and I don't think my my king Paca is going to like being in here oh my goodness all right King Paca do your worst or something just I probably yeah just step at his head that's a good plan you Dingus oh my all right that freeze attack doesn't work either and his fire attack does I can't hit the broadside of a blazing mut right now oh he's on fire all right let's see if I can do this what are you doing King Paca you're supposed to be attacking cuz that guy looks awesome too by the way nice that was a good trick I like that all right you got a case of the dumbs have some McQueen Anubis in your life the guardian of the desert is here that's fire and stuff is she actually good at fighting I don't really know um I mean not too bad really well I got a thing off I didn't get enough hit points oh oh but I did actually capture it oh and it's a flame Emperor that's actually I don't know what that does but that sounds like a good thing oh and I got a 100,000 XP from getting that one that's amazing so that large electric egg we got I just want to see what it is maybe a ray Hound that'd be kind of cool I like Ray hounds yeah it's a ray Hound sick 15,000 more XP now I do want to check out the things we actually tamed here there's the blaze of mut flame Emperor what does that do 20% chance increased of fire attack damage that's solid I need to make this saddle for him and then we could take him into battle too he's also a level 49 so his attack and defense are pretty good you guys wanted me to build some other things like the pickaxe and helmet as well as the flame cauldron I totally forgot about these things in the toolbox I'm wondering if there's a better one than that I don't think there is but these things should help with that workload going even faster yeah you guys build up all that you're super good at it yeah and that'll increase that work speed great and a pickaxe and helmet for you dinguses that was we make even more rocks oh yeah that is significantly faster oh yeah I like that and then over here by the workbenches we can put in that large toolbox kind of just hide it back in the corner here but that'll increase our things here too so I need to make more legendary spheres I need to make more game I need to make more legendary spheres that's a little better not much though there's something satisfying about queuing up like I don't know 400 of these I can't count 250 I can't count again 209 and watching the queen Anubis just absolutely rip through these like nobody's business you guys said I can even uh ranker up even higher by using that thing no this thing and then enhancing my pal I can put a whole bunch of points into work speed but I don't really want to use these up just kidding I do yeah I would like to use a few my goodness this is expensive oh man we got the big Souls too why not why oh I can't I need a bigger soul but now we can craft up a few more of these and see how fast they go all right little friend make those legendary Spears oh that's so satisfying and then the watery Merchant gets the credit for crafting all eight Spears so I do have 31 is that enough also I have an egg where did that come from my guess it'll be something dumb like those little dinosaurs or flying bird all right let's get some friends in here a blazing mut I know it's not the best thing I do want to make your saddle also you seem good and then we'll take one more actually the queen you can stay back here let's select another fire type with a high level I don't know if I have any more H rep Tio could be cool I also really want to unlock that saddle if I can find it ooh we can make a rocket launcher all right saddle it's going to be dangerous we're going for it though all right I totally got to try this thing out I'm so excited I haven't had a new saddle in a while all right buddy oh my goodness you're huge come here I want to ride on you oh okay okay look at that that's so cool looking and fire mode oh yes all right what does H Ingus rage do oh that makes the entire ground burst Up in Flames that's cool I think I hit something and then uh we have just the regular fire breath too all right all right let's see how this goes against our new found Nemesis look at this thing though that's incredibly cool is that a shiny I thought I heard a shiny no it's just a the cap cap R yeah yeah yeah all right ready I want to blow this entire thing up just drop a nuke right in here Hello friends how are you today don't mind me just waiting for my skills to unlock and cool down and then IGN [Applause] rage blow them up oh they have to be on the thing all right whatever let's try this then oh that works so well the amount of damage here have a giant Fireball in your life how dare you shoot at me summon in the 10,000 damage dead I really like his Running Animation too that's cool now if this doesn't work I do have what I'd like to call the nuclear option as well but we have to see if this works first level 50 Frost alien 12,000 hit points all right here's the question do we just start it off with the the nuclear explosive I kind of think so drop the fireball on it oh I'm just as big as it too there we go this will work this will work o oh that's a sizable amount of damage all right Inus breath oh you you can do that too you do more damage to me I have some rage on the ground I need to move I need to move ow ow ow I just about died run away run away run away I got this I'm going to win I'm going to win so hard we did 1,200 damage to it all right buddy it's running away you have it exactly where you want it hey this isn't a bad plan we're doing the cheese maneuver here get it get it blaz mut no no no no no no oh I'm doing three did you kill it did you kill my blaz mut hey have this oh balls get him buddy no I'm dodging I'm duing I'm diving I'm weaving nope can't touch me all right it's your job Dingus to kill that one send in the fire flames hey that worked why do you like KN so much no I don't like this the music is all Epic and stuff why don't you do anything buddy here I have a new pal to fight that just about killed it in one hit but the fireball hit well that was good shot in the face if I do that at 11 damage per hit my goodness I'm going to be here forever is that a stick I was just want a stick ow ow ow ow ow got out there with him did you kill my other pal my goodness man you can't have have you can't have KFC all right another Ingus here get off my liver a dang that hurt you just killed a third one nope okay you've unlocked nuclear option I hope it didn't come to this but it did now unfortunately All My Friends Are Dead hey I thought you died we'll just have my anubis' take them over to beds and make them sleep or something and there's like a bajillion eggs so nuclear option might be kind of interesting what I'm going to do is we have this base up here that we're not really using very much anymore I'm going to dismantle it this is going to be so fun now it did give me the pum fragment we have the wood we have the stone and that means I can build a PO box right over here somewhere hopefully unless they patched it which they might have totally patched but I still should be able to get this to work all right PBX management and what I want to do now is get every single one of my fire Pals in here unless I hatch him from an egg that wouldn't even make sense but a blaze howl yep see that's an egg we don't want that that looks kind of deadly hopefully I can get it to fly over here hey Frost dingus come here what are you going to do about it huh my friends are waiting oh you're coming around this way I don't mind if you do I'll just give you a couple warning shots like you really don't want to mess with me now do you you coming down here come on over the weather is fine it's a little warm and toasty but you'll make friends I promise there you go oh balls oh balls I don't like this ow it burns and tickles run run run run run take it NOP oh my goodness nope I should have I should have been flying okay here we go here we go here we go a little bit closer come on over here Frost alien my friends have come to play that's okay I can respawn this is a base after all as long as you're still here I'm still here hi come on in here the circle's warm you know what we should get out of Mount so I can dodge a little bit better hey I'm here don't get stuck in that wall oh yeah here it is here it is it's crazy that it still killed me there we go where you going you coming in here why is nobody attacking there we go there we go there's some attacks the fire Army this is great this is the way every boss needs to be taken out my goodness now the one thing we have to be very careful for is to actually get it and not let all my pals kill it cuz we have to tame this thing oh my word look at all the fire I feel like it's working oh my goodness some of my guys are almost dead it looks like everyone's engaging it's down 3,000 hit points it's right in the middle of my area I don't even need to attack this is so much easier than trying to fight it on my own oh oh my goodness just did a ton of damage to a few of them we have some D what are you doing here wixon and why have you stopped attacking oh it's going after the wixon now all right we good no don't come up in my base area that's amazing I'll send out my own flare store KFC can do some damage too nice wait I want to rise on right on the blaze mud where are you actually I can't cuz it's not in my party I kind of hope it does not get pushed off the edge of the world but I'll be fine if it does oh great my my pistol is now damaged that's not good and a lot of my pals are too let's get off of here real quick put you away and and see if we can grab any more oh my word most of these guys are dead all right we're just going to get high level things now so many different attack types coming your way some of them don't even matter we're at a 2% capture rate should I try it I kind of want to I don't want it to get glitched out I don't know if it's going to get any higher than 2% actually I'll try it I'll try it I mean I've got 29 yeah we need more damage on it once this number gets below a th000 I'm going to start removing some of these Pals uh-oh okay they're still fighting they we're under a thousand Pal's going away I definitely don't want it to die all right it's out we have 400 hit points left where is it down here hey buddy okay here we go here we go this is [Music] it level 50 ah shoot I need to do more damage to it get in there I need way more spheres than this if I'm going to take out the jet ragon come on come on come on I need this I need this no don't hit me that's mean what did I ever do to you come on 40 40 42 no music is so intense too like good night 42 okay we keep doing the 2 yes yes Frost alion it's a legend ooh and it's Brave oh I need to see this come here buddy I need you so bad oh oh it's going to be huge oh this is great oh oh my goodness I need to bring you home and make a saddle for you come with me friend technology got to be towards the bottom here Frost alion saddle is that expensive actually not too bad almost all my pals are dead though whoops is that mutually assure destruction Alle Legend legendary saddle nice all right Queen Anubis teach me your lessons how fast can you build a legendary saddle I'm so excited right now thank you I appreciate your friendship all right let's see this there it is oh yes it's a flying Mount I didn't know it was a flying Mount I thought it was a running mount dang oh this is so cool I'm so excited right now look at me wow I got to it skills and it's higher level than me yeah it goes to level sync so a legend whoa okay 20 20 and 15 ice Emperor ice damage hydromaniac water types and brave attack that's not actually that bad wow that's so cool I'm so excited I didn't even know this was a flying Mount it's only skills are cooling too this it's kind of worthless not going to lie but I tell you what I'm going to put you in our house house here and I'll let you take a little bit of a rest and a nap and eat some snacks wow I just straight up collapsed oh is it cooling what are you doing I have no idea what they did anyway my friends if you have a name for our Frost alling you'll have to drop a comment Down Below in the video description oh it's working for the kitchen weird yeah drop a name for our Frost alien down below and stay tuned I think we're going after for jet ragon next thanks for watching keep your stick on on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess Brad Dalton SE scer D Mr cripp one Bon please fussy badge missing sniper Len HT Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro y H Auto Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cordo R Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra VC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 143,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld legendary, palworld legendaries, palworld frostallion, palworld frostallion location
Id: R4bbKjvJEOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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