PALWORLD | Build A Fully Automated ORE FARMING Base

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the accumulation of ore is one of the main things  that decides how quickly you can progress in pal   World refined ore turns into ingots which are  used to make this this build that assemble this   this this this what well you get the idea the  game as for a massive no gargantuan amount of   ore there's the do-it-yourself rush or tactic  the mamor stop move the Dig toy spin drill or   I guess a pickaxe but I'm going to show you how  to build a fully automated base that will Farm   ore entirely on its own while you chill out and do  absolutely nothing step one you're going to need   a PO boox and a wooden chest to start a base or  ideally a secondary base if you've upgraded your   PO boox enough if you head Northwest from where  you initially start there's four easy to get to   spots that have big old spawns of ore this is  spot one here is spot two spot three and spot   four I went with spot four for my setup now now  you're going to put down a pow box and get as many   of those ore nodes in its radius as possible and  then put one of the chests as close as you can get   it right next to the PO box that part is going to  be very important later step two put down as many   beds as you'll need and then a feed box stocked  with some food to keep your soon Tobe ore Farmers   nice and plump all right step three you'll need  mining Pals that automatically Harvest ore like   dig toys de mud or or combat I'll show you where  to find those in a moment those mining creatures   will now automatically break down all the or  nodes here at this base over and over and over   and over and over make sure you put in one  pal with that Transportation skill because   they help to move the ore from where it's dropped  to in the chest by the P box The Ore nodes will   respond after roughly a full in-game day and with  this setup we'll now endlessly Farm ore and stock   it in that chest if you keep every everybody  here fed now if you have another base as your   main base go over there and put a chest as close  as you can get it behind the PO box back at the   other base this chest will amass a huge pile of  ore for you but grabbing it will weigh you down   so much you can't move however with our tactical  placement of that box we can turn and still fast   travel with the PO box so use that to warp back  to your main base you're going to spawn just out   of range of that chest you put down but just go  into your inventory drop the ore move forward a   bit pick it back up and then put it in that chest  now you've just moved all that ore into the main   stock of your main base throw that in a furnace  and a Firebase pal and start refining those into   usable ingots by the way you can also just put  five of these cats into your party which stack   a bonus that gives you a higher weight capacity  at level 31 that takes my total weight up to 9   60 step 3.5 how to get dig toys deud or combat  if you head up to this highlighted spot you'll   find yourself a dig toys to capture and also  you'll find a deud here as well a dig toys seems   to be a little bit better at mining but requires  more daily food if you want a tomat you can only   find them at night around these highlighted areas  these will mine or even during the night if they   have enough sanity step four you'll need a berry  Plantation and a hot spring if you don't want to   manually stock this base with food you can make  it self sustaining by adding two or three berry   plantations you're going to need to put in a  pal that can plant and one that can water to   actually make these work if you're using a deud  in this base those can water these patches then   put down a hot spring or maybe two that'll let  the pals rest from time to time and hopefully   not get grumpy step five is optional requiring a  statue of power and some pal Souls using a statue   of power on those mining creatures will let you  enhance their overall work speed by feeding them   pal Souls this is an easy way to improve the  speed in which they harvest ore I also messed   around with the monitoring stand to increase  their work speed but that really amplifies   the chance of the pals getting sick or injured  now I did a little bit of a science experiment   with my setup here to see just how many ores are  farmed across two full in-game days I'm going to   time-lapse the whole process so skip forward to  the next section if you want to know the results   or you can hang out and see how exactly the pal Ai  and ore spawning are actually working behind the scenes all right let's take a look at what we have  here in 2 days they put 389 ore in that chest   but let me go pick up those ones they left on  the ground there 433 ores harvested across two   in-game days and I didn't even swing a single  pickaxe so in conclusion that's pretty much   the basics of an automated ore Farm but if you  have any direct pal World questions for me hit   me up over on X at Boomstick Alex or down in  the comments which I will be checking also if   you haven't seen it yet check out my ultimate  starter guide for pal World it has some other   useful information you might want to know as  always I'm Alex and thanks for checking this out today
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 1,191,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal world, palworld ore, palworld ore farm, palworld ore farming, palworld ingot, palworld ingot farm, palworld ingot farming, palworld ores, palworld ingots, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld best base location, palworld beginners guide, palworld base tips, palworld base building, palworld digtoise, palworld weight, palworld advanced tips, palworld gameplay, palworld xbox, palworld best pals, palworld pokemon, pokemon, palworld farming, palworld steam, ore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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