Palworld: How to Get Rare Anubis Pal Early (Breeding Guide)

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Anubis is an endgame Pal in Palworld that can  greatly speed up operations in a base with its   level 4 Handiwork and Level 3 Mining abilities.  You can obtain an endless supply of these helpful   workers by level 19, thanks to the unique way  that breeding works in this game, all of which   will be covered in this guide. As usual, useful  timestamps can be found in the video description. First off, we’re going to need the breeding  farm, which can be unlocked with Technology   Points at level 19. The required materials to make  it are very basic so that should not be a problem. This next part requires a bit of explanation  on the mechanics of breeding, but for now,   and while doing that, we can go  catch the Alpha Chillet that is   located south of the Fort Ruins Fast Travel Point. Breeding in Palworld is special in that any  male and female Pal can breed to produce an   Egg. That egg can hatch an entirely new and  unique Pal that is determined by the parent   combination. This is completely unrealistic, but  we can take advantage of it if we know specific   combinations of parent Pals that will result  in rare and valuable offspring, such as Anubis. As it happens, one of these combinations that  produces Anubis Eggs is Chillet and Quivern. The Chillet in this location is only level  11 and so is rather easy to catch. It also   respawns once every day cycle, so you can  farm it over and over to get desirable Passive   Skills. This is important because parent  Pals can pass down their Passive Skills   to their offspring. If we plan on having  our Anubis work in a base, then the best   Passive Skills to pass down would be Artisan,  Serious, and other gold, work-related traits. Quivern is a little more difficult to get, but  still within reason for a player around the early   20’s. That being said, a little more preparation  may be needed to improve our odds of success. Giga Spheres are recommended, and a speedy ground   mount and ranged weapon with plenty  of ammo will also be very helpful. With that, we will head west to the  Sealed Realm of the Tyrant. There,   we’ll find a dungeon containing  a Level 23 Alpha Quivern. My strategy for this fight is to ride around  the outside of the Quivern while mounted on a   Chillet. I then alternate between Dragon Cannon  attacks and Crossbow shots to deal damage,   relying on a combination of movement and  the pillars to avoid or block attacks. Once the Quivern’s health is low, all that remains  is to start throwing some Giga Spheres and hope   for the best. If you are able to make a Stun  Baton, which is unlocked with Technology Points   at level 22, that can also be used to stun the  Quivern first, greatly increasing odds of success. Once the Quivern has been captured or defeated,  it will take 1 hour to respawn. Because of this,   it is much harder to farm for good Passive  Skills when compared to the Chillet. We also need to make sure that  one of these two is female,   and the other is male. This may also require  capturing multiple Chillets to get one with   a sex-type that is complementary  to whatever type the Quivern is. In my case, I got a female Chillet and a  male Quivern. With that, we can go back   to our base and put the two in the Breeding  Farm. To do this, place both in the camp,   then pick each up and throw them into the  Breeding Camp, which should assign them to it. As long as one is Female and the other is Male,  the two should start mating, assuming Cake is   also available. Cake must be placed in the  container of the Breeding Farm to create eggs. As you might’ve guessed, making cake will take  some effort. First, we will need a Cooking Pot,   which is unlocked with Technology  Points at level 17. In addition,   we will need 5 Flour, 8 Red Berries, 7  Milk, 8 Eggs, and 2 Honey for each Cake. To get the Flour, we will need to harvest Wheat  Plantations for Wheat and grind it up in a Mill,   both of which can be unlocked for Technology  Points at level 15. Berries are also obtained   by harvesting Plantations, which can be  unlocked in the same manner at level 5. The other ingredients are obtained  by either defeating specific Pals,   or more sustainably by having them produce  it while within a Ranch Structure at a Base. Chikipis produce Eggs, and these Pals are very  common to find in low level starter areas. For Milk, we will need Mozzarinas.  These Pals are fairly abundant to the   northwest of the Ravine Entrance fast travel  point. Their level range is right around 10. Finally, we need Honey. Two  types of Pals can produce honey,   Beegardes and Elizabees. Of the  two, Beegardes are much more common,   and can be found roaming around the  Snowy Mountain Fork Fast Travel Point. Unlike the other two, Beegardes actually put up  a decent fight. Given their level range of around   20, along with their tendency to self-destruct,  catching one can prove fairly difficult without   a good flying mount. Fortunately, even if they  self-destruct, they should drop around 2 to 3   Honey. Even if you fail to catch one, you should  get enough Honey for a Cake in just a few minutes. One final note. If you are planning to harvest  these Pal-based ingredients at your camp, you will   need to take measures to ensure that they don’t  get eaten by your Pals. The ingredients are also   Food Items, and so will often be brought to Feed  Boxes by Pals, getting eaten shortly thereafter. Once we have all the required ingredients,   we can start making the Cake at the  Cooking Pot. It requires a Pal with   the Kindling Work Suitability to make, and  takes a fair amount of time to fully cook. Cakes will degrade within 20 minutes of being  cooked, but, at least at the time of making   this video, can be stored in the Breeding  Farm chest to completely stop degradation Each Cake will allow for the production of one  egg, and with our breeding pair it should be a   Huge Rocky Egg. This means we can make multiple  Eggs that will each hatch an Anubis by supplying   an equivalent number of Cakes. Each egg also  takes around 10 to 20 minutes to be produced. Once we have our egg, all that’s left is  to incubate it, which can be done at an   Incubator. The Incubator is unlocked with  Ancient Technology Points at level 7. To   speed up the incubation process, we can build  a Campfire or other heatsource next to it,   which will provide warmth. For Rocky Eggs, a  great amount of heat is needed for the egg to   reach the ideal comfort level. In any case,  within 1 to 2 hours of incubation, the Huge   Rocky Egg should be ready, and we can hatch it  to get our very rare and super useful Anubis Pal. Anubis are great at both  Mining and Handiwork Tasks,   which is item crafting for the  most part. Because of this,   I like to keep at least one Anubis in my  team, as well as plenty more at any base. This is so that I can summon an Anubis for  any crafting task on the fly. With its level   4 in Handiwork, it can craft just about any  item or structure within a matter of seconds. If you have any questions, you can reach out  in the comments, where I will do my best to   help. If you want to see more great content, you  can head over to my channel, and if you’re new,   consider subscribing, you’re helping me feed my  cat, her name’s Marshmallow. Have a great day,   if you’re here today, have a great Wednesday,  and as always, thanks for watching!
Channel: Its Shatter
Views: 322,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pal, palworld, pal world, world, guides, tips, tricks, walkthrough, base, anubis, legendary, pseudo, best, crafting, handiwork, level, lvl, lvl 4, level 4, early, quick, fast, best pals, lucario, mining, mine, farm, egg, breeding, mate, mating, breeding farm, breed, combinations, anubes, secret, hidden, strong, powerful, over powered, unique, secrets, guide, gameplay, building, build, craft, chillet, combos, quivern, wyvern, helps, help, strat, traits, passive, abilities, skills, for, where, get, find, how, to, map, location, easy, paul world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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