Optimizing a Breeding Base! Tutorial & Tips - Breeding Base Complete Guide!︱Palworld

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hi everyone and welcome you all Shadow here today we're going to talk about breathing base and how you can optimize yours depending on your needs or wants I decided to focus first on this aspect of the game since I truly believe that having your base optimized allows you to make room for more breathing slots among them all without a meting other aspects of the game such as crafting cooking Gathering and so on which can potentially be important later on for future content so today I'm going to be sharing with you my main Rhythm vase and will try to keep you updated on changes if these are actually relevant what are we going to cover in this video base setup things you need to have in here as a minimum and other optional items piles that I'm currently using we'll be checking the passive skills they have the reason I'm using these specific ones and we can review some other options you could use for each of the roles we need to cover on this base we are taking a look at the results so far I'm going to be showing how much I'm producing my fish stuff and talk about the status overall of the base performance- wise and finally discuss some room of improvements and possible next steps that I'm planning to do in order to continue improving this breathing base and how that could impact the other two that I'm working on so without further Ado let's get into it welcome to my breing base the setup that I currently have is pretty simple but it really works great for me what do I have in this base let's start with a key item that makes RM possible the cake for the cake as most of you may know we need the ingredients that I'm going to show on the screen right now I decided to start placing four with play plantations and two of the very ones nearby we also have the meal that is necessary to produce the flour regarding milk eggs and honey you need to put certain PS in a ranch which I place in this corner and I'm currently using only one in this base the PS you need are chickp pea mozar and Bard to get eggs milk and honey respectively also if you have enough gold spray and you want to do this you can always buy the milk and X from the Wonder Merchant in the small settlement located at 73 -486 at the price price of 50 gold each but most likely we will need to do that by the end of this video and last but not least I have two electric KES over there to balance the workload of cooking especially since the cake takes it's time to be done with this I have the cake production well covered about my brething Farms I have built three of those with my current P roster I managed to get six slots available for brething I wish I could do more to be honest but also I'm not a fan of a b with tons of breing farms and few other stuff here and there I'm planning to get more brething farms in my other two bases if possible but we'll leave this topic for later in this video These brething Farms are perfectly well maintained only by the production this base is providing so fortunately I never run out of cakes and the breathing never stops what other things I have here that are non negotiable in my opinion tomato and lettuce plantations I have two of each near the WID and the Very ones now the following is key as you can appreciate I have all the plantations and the meal close to each other and the reason is because I don't want my pals to move that much in between activities so this way I have planting watering and Gathering all in one part of the base only other two important aspects of the setup are storage or fitbox locations and the space of your general layout let's start with the storage and fitbox you want their location to be as much at the center of the whole vase as possible so that PS don't start to spread all over the place since the main materials we're going to be using here at foot related you only need literally one fit box and a cooler box or fridge to maintain those any other storage items you want to include are optional but bear in mind the following Place those in a way your past will always or most of the times move the items to your color box or fish only and not to the other chests for example I have some chest above the plantations on the right room I have one for p SES another for random stuff while on the left room I have four of the big ones for Eggs only in case my P box gets full this Arrangement allows me to move the PS the way I want to being the fridge they're only SAR closest to them another trick that I suggest you do is fil the fit box with a consumable that never expires such as the cotton candy or even the honey itself in my case this is another way I implemented to force them to storage the raw materials in the fridge I just wanted to avoid moving everything there myself to prevent those from expiring moving on to our second point the general layout you want to build everything with enough space for them to move without getting stuck on some weird structures or in really tight spaces as some general suggestions I would mention the following make sure each workstation has a decent space one from the other never put them immediately next to each other without leaving their PS with enough space for them to pass by freely if you're are placing a workstation inside a structure make sure the height of it is at least the measure of two walls unless you already know the small PS are the only ones getting there for example my Ranch is on the instructor one wall high but fortunately no one is getting stuck in there if you already saw certain PS are getting stuck in a specific spot in your base consider arranging it at your own convenience this will prevent you from doing it manually every every time this happens now to boost the performance of my PS I also installed the items that improve their speed actions the ones that must be here at least are the water finee flame cauldron flower bath and Silo I also got the Snowman and electric pylon but I don't think those matter that much and last as of General items I have fets and Hot Springs right now I use a large pets for everyone and have three high quality Hot Springs reason is just because I like how they see but maybe in the future test if their sanity Remains the Same with fluffy beds in case I need more space for something else or for decoration purposes only moving forward let's talk about the PS that are currently working in the face shall we let me start by sharing with you the thought process I had when choosing my PS number one I wanted my pals to focus on few activities only a p that gets to work on more than two activities chances are that some of the processes you want them to perform get delayed or unfinished number two I wanted PS that preferably didn't get stock so often which usually are the big ones depending on the layout you have for your base this is an early access game so things still need to be improved regarding this therefore the only option we have is to adjust accordingly at number three I wanted them to be the best at their roles already clarifying this let me introduce you to my puls in the ranch I have two chipi two mozara and two vard not much to say here these are the only options to get the materials for the cake so they are a must in the roster for plantations I have two liline and two Lon Aqua liline is simply the best for planting is the only one with level four on this action they also have level two of gathering which is really helpful now I know I said more than two activities is too much for me and Lin can perform four different activities however in this base I'm not using the medicine production and the handiwork at all maybe the handywork one from time to time if I'm moving stuff around or creating new things but mainly they will perform planting and Gathering 100% of the time idron Aqua is therefore watering only they have level three on the skill and they won't do any other activities decided to try out too because in total I have 10 plantations in the base and will also require work in the meal to produce the flower here are some Alternatives patalia with level three planting and level two Gathering problem with them is that they will also perform transporting activities here and there same situation with beard Dash with level two planting a level three Gathering but with level two transporting too German Tite is the best option for watering however they would get a stocked often behind my RM Farms because of their size so I would just get some ready for whenever they fix this kind of stuff you can also go for suzaku aqua asui or run Cherry Aqua with level three each in fact previously I had susak kuaka and they were doing a nice job overall only issue is that they would frequently get stuck above the silo or behind the electric kitchens for electricity and cooling I have one orer and one FX cycle I like orer not only because he's the best at generating electricity having it at level four but he can also help with transporting so whenever they free themselves from generating electricity from weird distances they will help transporting the raw materials to the fridge if you're don't like this one I can suggest gas bolt or Manda looks since they also have transporting in their kit as for frog cycle I just have it there because I like it don't want this F to get stuck in other activities and get to the point where mats expire from time to time so you can get any P that only has the cooling action on their kit and finally I leave the cooking task to my ragna Hawks they not only have kindling at level three but they also help with transporting having disability also at level three I have two of these for two reasons mainly the first one and I mentioned it before during the Cake part that product takes more time than other meals to cook so balancing the workload of this specific meal between the two of them helps to finish the task faster and go back to transporting stuff as soon as possible which is the second reason besides sorcer I Rely a lot of my Rana Hogs to transport the materials to the fridge especially since they are not cooking all the time German tight IGN is the best option here but I don't use them for the same reason as with German tights moreover I need someone to perform the transporting actions with this roster I have six slots available that are currently used for breeding another important aspect of the PS is the passive skills you choose to have on them this is also key for this setup to work out the way we want I want talk about on how to pass this to your puls since I will do this on a written guide that I plan to do later but I will share with you my thoughts on which ones are the best for Base PS and why passive skill number one that I would suggest is Artisan this gives your PS an increaseing work speed by 50% which is the highest you will get out of all the passive skills available so I think this is definitely a must have the next two skills are also work speed related and those are work slave and serious which increase work speed by 30% and 20% respectively the last one is workaholic this will help slow slow the sanity drop rate of your PS by 15% which I think is a good to have to avoid random issues like them getting sick tired or angry and stop working because of that now you may be asking why choose those when maybe there are better options out there let us check those out as other options we have Diet lover positive thinker lucky and conceited lucky and conceited are just not possible since both had lower work speed increase than serious positive thinker is useless with this setup having workaholic already plus with the the help of other items such as large beds and high quality Hot Springs your pil won't have any sanity problems at all unless they get a stock or box somewhere in your base then we can't do anything about that and that's out of our control at the moment besides this specific scenario they are going to be pretty well sanity wise diet lover won't help that much with our setup since we actually want our PS to eat food constantly so that they can get salads bonus this not only help them to recover sanity points by 11 but also increase the work speed of the pal by 30% for a period of time I think it's around 10 minut minutes or so eventually they will have the buff almost all the time besides the passive skills I needed to mention another key aspect of my pals and that is that they will have their full sty from pile condensation there is this mechanic in the game where if you give to one of your pals a certain amount of copies they will get some Stars these copies are called Essences you need a total of 116 Essences in order to get your desired pile to four stars this mechanic in the game is important in general because it increases not only your past battle stats but also improves their work work speed and the level of their work suitability which I find amazing this is not a must but interesting to explore if you want to min max how much you can do in your vases with the help of your improved PS with all of this let me show you how is the vase performing in general let us start by checking our cake production as you can see currently for each breathing Farm I have a little bit more than 290 cakes each this is considering that I just created a four brething Farm in another base I have and I'm supplying case from this vase to that one too as I mentioned before most likely you will never stop brething if executed properly it's also important to mention the following since I wanted to start brething as soon as possible and didn't want to waste gold on these resources I did get one rench on my other two bases and I was leaving there whatever I needed at that specific time if I needed eggs I would leave chiii if I needed milk I would SW for mozara and so on it works so well to me that way that I actually still have those Ranch running there for whatever is need it's true that you can get these items for gold and there are so many ways to get gold fast but this is pretty much all automated already so I really don't need to buy this from the wonderer merchant what about salad production surprisingly I have thousands of those when I was planning this setup it never cross on my mind that I would have that level of production like every time it occurs to me to produce some I find out I can produce around 800 or thousand of those if I show you the fridge right now I have a lot of resources ready to be used I even have some that are being overproduced so pretty much I don't have to worry about this moreover by the time I was recording this video I also noticed that the production was so good that I started maintaining one of my other bases with what is being produced here about my pals in general I'm happy to say that they don't get sick or mad due to working conditions and do nothing the worst that can happen is that they get hungry right before they go to sleep and they can just eat right after waking up solving the issues by themselves they are all in pretty good condition I don't need to do anything in particular to have the do their activities properly I think the only thing I wish they do is that all of them could go and actually use their beds to sleep I can say that this base is already well automated and the only thing I actually do is grab the eggs hatch them organize the P box or the water to cook leave the cake and the salad in their corresponding storages put the meal into work and that's it after achieving this I have some ideas I would like to try out and see how I can improve all of these let me share these thoughts with you after after analyzing how this base is performing with my improved PS and how much I'm getting of each material and product I may have some ideas I want to test regarding salad production I think this vase is doing really great and it's already supplying my second vase so I'm going to try to make this one the only source of salad and Supply the remaining one too and see how that goes this could help me to get some slots available in other Farms to get more brething ones second point I will start doing is optimize my mining base to minax the activities there and see if I can make it more of a general base I'm going to be doing a of this one as well so stay tuned for the materials I'm currently over producing I will check if I can reduce the amount of those without affecting the overall performance of the base and with this I mean continue being able to supply salads and cakes to my other bases right now I have tons of berries flour tomatoes and milk maybe I can do something there German tight I really want to give this bile another shot so we'll work on having a good one and check how this can change stuff in the base if it continues to get in stock we'll just go back to using alfron aqua instead I may be bad at DES signing my vase but I really want to have a nice looking one so I may see if file s it will remain the same if I switch to fluffy bits and arrange better my stuff if you have any suggestions of night looking structural bases feel free to share with me those in the comments below and definitely would check those out if I end up making some important changes to the vase I'll definitely make a second version of this video if you guys are interested in optimizing breathing vases with this video I don't mean this is the only way to do things correctly but definitely is a vase that is working pretty well and I'm sharing with you all in case you want to get ideas on how to optimize yours breathing is definitely part of PW endgame and will help you get ready for future content so having this aspect of the gameing N that could be really helpful if you found this content valuable please consider liking this video subscribing for more guides and activating the notification Bell to stay informed on future releases thanks for watching and until the next one see you ready
Channel: Moonlight Shadow
Views: 6,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Breeding, Palworld Breeding Base, Breeding Base, Palworld guide, Palworld Complete Guide, Palworld Full Guide, Palworld Pals, Palworld Breeding Pals, Breeding Pals, Palworld Best Base, Palworld Base
Id: qdcMX_zzU5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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