Palworld - The 2 Best Automatic & INFINITE Farms!

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we're going to show you two amazing automated Farms that you need to try out in power world because they will generate you essentially infinite arrows gold pal speres and or so that you can smelt it into ingots these are some of the most common and needed resources as you play the game particularly The Ore so this will be a massive help and time saer for you if you set up these Farms like I have so let's go through and make sure to comment below if you have any extra tips Farms or really good pals that you think people should know about so we can all learn together as a community so to start off with as you can see here we're going to be talking about a farming method using the ranch which you can get super early and two particular Pals Vixie and Ma as you can see in there there is a ton of pal spheres and arrows on the floor and bags of gold so if I just run around real quick you can see that we'll pick them all up we've got like what's that 10 arrows and nearly 20 pal speres and that was only from like a couple minutes of leaving them to it so that they can populate these items because if we actually go into our PO Box the really cool thing about these two Pals is that they just generate these things automatically for you so we go into the details here of Vixie you can see here it partner skill is dig here sometimes digs up items from the ground when assigned to the ranch and those items are basically pophers and arrows so if you can get two three or four of them like I have obviously if they have better perks then that's even better such as this one here that has work slave then they'll be doing it even quicker for you and you can just drop them in your base leave them to it come back and they'll be look there's already more there's already more PP and arrows being generated as we're talking so they just do that passively they're absolutely fantastic the earlier that you get them the better because you're going to be using a lot of arrows earlier on with the bows and crossbows and of course the regular pal spere but as you get later in the game you're going to switch over to guns and the sort of Mega and Giga spheres so for like early to mid game they're incredibly useful once you put them in the rents you basically never have to craft P spheres again they just give you so many you can see I've got 133 in the bottom corner just because they've been farming them for me uh and they give you more than you really use unless you start just throwing them like crazy back to back but if you want to get a Vixie for yourself you can go into the pal deck we can look at the actual habitat area and as you can see here if you go from the starting Island which is where I am and you just go west they are all over the place uh around here on the map so go to these areas with the orange circles and you'll find a bunch of them they're relatively common they're not too hard to find but then we have the second pal that's in there which is the one that generates gold which is the Malu they're like a nice cat you can see here it has the gold digger partner skill sometimes digs up gold when assigned to the ranch I've got two of these and again they just go in the ranch they'll be digging up gold passively I go over to my box here because you can also put transport Pals in your base and then they will automatically start moving it into the box for you which does happen uh but they produce so much that there's an like an overflow but if you look at my box there you can see my other poers have been collecting them we've got 50 power speres saved up in the Box you know what I'm just going to take those out we've got 14 arrows I'll take those and we've got 7,572 gold in the box so this is just the gold that's constantly generated you got 62 in the bag there it's just constantly generated over time automatically being deposited into the box and then you can buy a ton of stuff from the merchant you can buy poers from the P Merchant all that kind of stuff you can see here will pick up P spheres we've got another six six P spheres and four arrows not too bad so they'll just generate them passively it's really good and remember if you have one of these um can't remember what they call now the monitoring stand set up you can make them work harder or easier obviously their sanity will drop but they will produce items even faster if you work sort of overwork them you see the sanity is getting a bit low there on that fixie so we just set it back to normal and that will start going back up now if we actually look at where the mouse are found it doesn't actually say on either day or night time and to be honest guys I can't remember where I caught my ones I think they were just out and about somewhere again I've not ventured extremely far out on the map so it would have been you know in this region somewhere cuz I've not really adventured too far outside of that but unfortunately I can't remember exactly where they were so if you know where you get the mouss put it in the comments down below because it doesn't seem to show it in the pal deck and I've actually forgotten but by having those two together you have an infinite pal sphere arrow and gold farm that is just passive and really really useful but next we're going to go to our automated or farm so you can get tons and tons of ingots because as we know you need so many ingots when you start getting to the early and mid game and start needing to craft like the bigger boxes different armor like you see the armor that I'm wearing now just everything needs or and ingots and that's where it gets really annoying to do it manually but don't worry once you basically reach your base to level 10 you can see my base is level 10 here so do all of the tasks get it to level 10 and you will get a maximum number of bases increased to two and what that means is you can set up a second base somewhere and right here on the map I'll do a little zoom out and a slow zoom in you want to set up a base here I'm about to fast travel there and I'll show you why but if from the starting Island if you basically follow the path and then you want to go right from here and up to this chillet spawn and there will be a bridge that walks across to the top of like a tower like a big mountain Tower and that's where you want to build a base so if we just go over there now I've already got pretty much everything thing set up uh as the game loads and it looks like they've Frozen but I'm sure they'll load in in a sec you can see here we're really high up we're on like a sort of mountain overlooking the sort of castle ruins down there you can see over this way there's going to be the bridge that I was talking about so you want to go to that chillet now chill it spawn and run across the bridge and this is the spot so you can see here chillet will basically spawn over there you go across the bridge and that's how you can get up to this mountain and as you can see and a few of them are already missing cuz they've already mind it there is a bunch of metal or nodes around here so this is an amazing spot to build a base to automate your or production as you can see here if I actually just go in my box real quick we've already got 433 or saved up just by them passively farming here and there's a few tricks to this that will make your life super easier so the first thing is don't build anything where the or noes are cuz it might interrupt them respawning so I put my box and PO Box here because this is like right in the middle of the or noes there was nothing that was being blocked by plac them there you will probably want to make some of these um hot springs because they will just get overworked and their sanity will go super low so definitely build a couple Hot Springs so that you don't have to sort of keep checking on them and repairing them if they get injured obviously make your beds as well I put the beds up here I had to make this little ramp so that they could actually get up here so you could put the beds wherever you want but I've put them up here so they're kind of like out of the way but I did have to build this weird ramp in order for them to get here and I've actually just unlocked a new bed as you can see the fluffy pal bed which improved improves their sanity and HP as they sleep in it so I will be upgrading these beds soon as well so that's even better and of course just like in the first uh farm that we had if you make a monitoring stand you can basically make them work harder and then they'll just do this even quicker for you but the gist of it is you want a power box somewhere that isn't going to interrupt the ores and you want to put a box right next to it like this so that you can turn and still interact with it the reason for that is when we go into the box and we actually take 3,528 weight where we just can't move anymore but because we're right next to the Box we can still fast travel back to our main base where we can then smelt this ore into ingots so you see I've put a box there as well that's the closest I can do it so then I'm going to drop the ingots on the floor walk over until I can interact with the Box turn back pick up the ingots open the box and then put them in and now we've basically transported all of that ore without any hassle to our base we can go over to our furnace you might want multiple furnaces when you start to work with this kind of quantity and you can see here if we Max it out we can make 223 ingots and that's just from me afking a little while uh probably like one or two in-game days in order for them to generate about this much ore just while you're doing other things I was going out capturing I was getting things set up and they just passively create all of that ore for you so you can basically never have to manually Farm ore ever again and what's a really good thing about this particular location as well is that if this base gets raided because you're on a hill and the sort of bridge is the only access point the raid for me is always starting down here on the road and it's super it takes them absolutely ages to get all the way up to the base they got to do a massive long hike so they're really easy to intercept and capture or kill and as you can see I put a few sandbags uh just over at the entrance on the outline of the base Circle which again will just sort of impede those people coming and and raiding you so it's a really good spot in terms of a defensive base it's probably a good spot for your main base as well but you don't want to build over these or nodes cuz it's so good to just have that ore passively being generated for you you can see the or noes already getting smaller they're mining them and I would highly recommend certain Pals in the base so you want Pals that are really good at Mining and tomats are exceptional at mining you can see they have two Mining and two transporting so they can mine stuff and then put the or in the box once they're done I would recommend having a separate one just like this pal here who has two mining uh two transporting sorry because he's not going to be mining he's just going to be constantly transporting the ORS to the box as these guys do the mining you can see he's already doing it uh he just put one in the box there he's probably going to go and do it again in a sec so he can just passively keep stacking them in the box so you don't lose any to being you can see him doing it right there you don't want them to despawn basically but he'll do that for you additional powers that can mine like flood here or even CA I just have them because I only have four tomats at the moment but more tomat would be better cuz they're better at Mining and then finally of course you need a feed box to keep them fed and you probably want to make a berry uh a Berry Farm so that they can just again it's all automatic they're feeding themselves as they're doing it and for that I basically used a tanzi and this uh penguin pal so that he can water it he can plant it and harvest it so it's all automatic they're feeding themselves they're mining all of the or by themselves and they're putting it in the Box by themselves you can see here we've already got 31 more or since we've just been talking so here it is on the map again in case you missed it this is the best spot that I found for a secondary base for mining you just want to make sure you capture plenty of combats which you just go in the pal deck uh we actually had them in a previous video cuz they have a really good ability that you scan uh nearby Pals in about 100 m radius so they're actually really good to have in your party too but if we go to uh nighttime you can see tomats are pretty much everywhere and they're really easy to spot in night because they have that purple flame on on them so I would try and capture a bunch of combats get your base up build this secondary base here and then you know get it set up with an automatic sort of very production get some hot springs down so that they don't go insane get your beds down probably a monitoring stand and you are good to go self automated or production so you never have to worry about farming or again and I and remember the uh box trick here as well so that you don't get over encumbered when you're transporting uh all of the ore back to your primary base to smelt it down but that's the two automated Farms that oh my gosh guys look how many pal spheres there are back here already you can see it's absolutely nuts you never have to craft these freaking power spars again and 100 110 gold just from a couple minutes of them doing it on their own while we visited the other base so these two Farms are doing everything for me automatically I absolutely love it if you guys have any other Automatic Farms that have been super helpful for you or particular Pals that are really good in the ranch or for mining or anything like that tell me in the comments we can all learn together this is just my finding so far but I wanted to let you guys know because this has made my life so much easier we'll have more power coming your way soon so stay subscribed and drop a like if we helped you but that's it for this one so thanks for watching
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 400,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld farm, palworld farming tips, palworld farming ore, palworld farm iron, palworld best farm, palworld ore, palworld ingots, palworld tips and tricks, palworld review, palworld automation, palworld auto ore farm, palworld ingot, palworld metal, palworld metal farm, palworld ingot farm, palworld ore farm, palworld base, palworld best base location
Id: -IO9V0bZBv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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