13 Things You Didn't Know Were Possible In Palworld

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I'm Alex and these are 13 tips for power world  you might not know number one let's say it's a   perfectly normal day where you're bogged down  by 11,493 point6 weight and can't move at all   if you've built a grappling hook the torque on  that thing must be immense because that can move   you around even when you're super chunky number  two human NPCs and enemies are not safe from your   capture spheres because even they can be added  to your team if you throw a sphere at them and   get lucky even that shotgun lady at the very  start of the game can be captured and put into   your squad humans are pretty bad at combat but  you can also have them work at your base put   them on humiliating display give them a nice Shin  rub or treat them the same way they were treating you number three sliding down a slope will build  momentum which can be chained into a faster and   longer distance Glide however using a grappling  hook you can cancel out of it before it pulls   you to a Surface by switching weapons during the  tether this rapidly builds momentum and let you   kick off into a Glide with increased speed and  distance this will work with a regular glider   or the pals that can be used to Glide you could  also use this Spider-Man style to continually   fly around the map without touching the ground  number four if you found yourself trapped into an   instance boss fight that you're 100% totally not  ready to take on you you don't want to just die   to exit the fight because that'll drop all your  stuff and damage all of your gear instead just   bring up the menu and boot yourself back to the  title screen when you reload into the map you'll   be safely placed right outside of that Boss Arena  with all your stuff intact number five some of   the hot regions will actually cool down enough at  night so that you don't need any heat protection   whatsoever something to consider when exploring  number six capture spheres can be bounced and   banked off of surfaces or the ground that's only  kind of useful but I mostly just found this to be   a cool detail if you happen to film some epic  accidental or unique pal capturing trick shots   shoot me the clip on X at Boomstick Alex number  seven the meat cleaver will let you butcher Pals   which let you harvest their dropped items all  over again if you do this to a boss it'll give   you a whole other round of Boss resources like  the anent civilization Parts oh ever wanted to   know what's going on behind that butchering blur  effect well cover your eyes kids the adults are   playing Pokémon right now number eight if a Gail  Claw is in your team it'll greatly improve your   Glide and even let you shoot while flying around  this just so happens to also be one of the best   Dodge moves in the game and I use this all the  time in combat to get out of the range of stuff   you can find yourself a Gil claw right here or  over here number nine accessory effects will stack   like two of these boosting my defense by twice as  much this applies to temperature clothing as well   and you can combine those shirts with your base  armor and make something that is better suited for   both hot and cold climates number 10 if you want  to quickly level up a low-level pal just add them   into your team and go over to one of the highest  level bosses you can easily take down after just   that one battle that took the pal from level one  straight to level 25 and they didn't even have to   participate in that fight number 11 at a statue  of power you can spend some coins to reset and   refund the pal Souls you've pumped into someone's  stats this lets you get those pal Souls back and   even redistribute them into someone else number  12 a raboni comes with a perk that increases the   work speed at the weapon workbench pick them  up and throw them at that weapon workbench to   a sign them there and this will make for one  of the best ammo manufacturers you'll find you   can get a runny over here up here and over there  number 13 when running low on flying stamina you   can jump off and switch over to gliding which  uses a different stamina Source that'll let   you travel a little bit further in the air and  finally a little bonus tip if you haven't seen   my last two pal World videos Rush or's Reckless  charge move can instantly mine resource nodes   and combo between multiple ones you can find  a rush or right here over here up over there   and right here there's a much better way to  harvest huge amounts of ore though but that's   in my last video I just put out so head over  to that after you watch this which it's almost over all right so those are just a few of my  quick tips for palor let me know though what   is your current go-to pal that's carrying you  through the game put it down below to vote for   your favorite one as always I'm Alex thanks  for checking this out today and have a good one
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 495,177
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Keywords: palworld guide, palworld review, palworld gameplay, palworld tips, palworld best pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld advanced tips, palworld ultimate guide, palworld best pal, palworld beginners guide, palworld capture human, palworld capture enemy, palworld capture npc, palworld weight, palworld ore, palworld combat, palworld base building, palworld secrets, palworld easter eggs, palworld xbox, palworld steam, palworld hidden features, palworld details, palworld pc
Id: 8nGavSNJol8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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