Palworld - The Best Base Locations AND BEST PALS! Palworld Best Ore & Ingot Farm Guide

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as you start progressing through Power you need exponentially more metal it really does end up becoming one of the gates to you progressing further through the game for instance if you want to craft one of the endgame Saddles you need 50 refined ingots this saddle requires 200 refined ingots 300 regular ingots and we're not even talking about higher level armor or weapons yet for instance this epic handgun requires 225 ingots and just blue versions of the refined metal armor require 120 each even repairing things becomes ridiculously expensive this only has a tiny bit of damage on it and already requires a repair cost of nine ingots and today we're going to be going over exactly how to solve all of these problems the space that I've been running for a few days now gets unlimited coal unlimited ore and it's a great place to farm up all of the ingots you're going to need in the game you can see just how many resources I'm getting it's constantly going up while I'm just sitting here recording this all of these items are all transferred automatically to one box so it's easily accessible not only are we going to be going over this base location how to properly set it up we're also going to be going over the best Pals that you can use for this how to get them early and how to make sure the base is running efficiently so you don't have any issues with your pals getting sick or dying now many of you may be playing on multiplayer servers so understand not everybody's going to be able to build at this base so we're going to be going over a couple of different locations that you can do this in there are quite a few amazing metal and coal farming locations some better than others depending on if you want to deal with heat resistance or cold resistance and some of them are particularly amazing because they have the ability Fruit Tree locations at them as well like this one I was able to get three of the Epic quality ones Dragon meteor hydr laser and solar blast all from the same tree and having one of these at your base to be able to collect rare and epic quality ability fruits all the time is pretty amazing now we'll be going over all of the top locations in this but let's start off at the one that I decided to build on a few days ago from the plateau of Beginnings if you head north to where the sealed Realm of the Guardian is there's going to be a big mountain to the right and on top of this mountain is a ton of ore and coal nodes these are all really close together and allows you to farm up an unlimited amount of metal and coal this location was actually pointed out to me to a this location was actually pointed out to me during one of the live streams where this location was actually pointed out to me during one of the live streams and it's been a pretty great or in Coal farm so far it is by far the safest location cuz there's really nothing that can get you up here there's not going to be any spawns for other Pals you don't have to deal with any heat or cold resistance and the only downside is there's no ability skill fruit tree here and it's pretty lumpy so all you're really going to be doing here is just farming coal and metal you can use this location as a base location if you want you just have to be very careful of not despawning any of the ore or coal nodes now the way you're going to want to build this base is before you put down your PO boox you're going to want to put some foundations down at the very peak of this little Hill that you're going to see when you get here once you place down your PO Box on top of the foundations no more enemy Pals will actually spawn on this hill when you first get up here there will be some around just make sure to take them out first and there's only a few things that we need to do to set up this location now you'll notice I have this random wall here and I have one box it's very important that you place your PO Box in the right orientation whenever you fast travel to your PO Box you always end up behind it so you want to make sure that if you want to be able to quickly transfer items in between bases that you have your box that you want to be able to transfer items into close to your pal box and behind it this is actually an incredibly important tip especially for any base where you're going to be setting up exclusively for coal iron or sulfur hello Jan tide this can also come in super handy for any other base now if you go into this one box that I have near my pal box you'll notice all of our items are going into this box and this box only I have this set up like this on purpose for a few different reasons one I want to be able to fast travel to and from to get items as quick as possible and when you become over encumbered I can actually take all of this at once once if I wanted to to one of my other bases we are not able to move now but if you use your grappling gun you can just grappling over to the PO Box even when you're over encumbered and you can fast travel to carry your items this works if you want to bring items here as well and you can just go to this box and it's super quick and easy now there's two different ways we can get all of our items into this one box I have all of my crafting happening over on this end here and I have this set up like this because I don't want any of my pals getting stuck if you have stuff set up too close together your pals are going to glitch out they're going to starve to death they're going to get grumpy and they're going to have a ton of different problems so having a decent amount of space between things really helps things not glitch out and it's incredibly important now you'll notice I have all of my forages built higher in the air and there's a really good reason for that for this base in particular and that's going to be for item transferring if we go to this Forge and we grab 283 ingots and you're going to be able to craft a ton of ingots at this base all the time you'll notice that we are now encumbered but say we want to be taking these ingots to a different base cuz I'm not going to be using this as as my main one what we can do is I built this wall here specifically for grappling gunning so I can shoot this wall and it's going to launch me over there and it's going to put me right next to my box where I can transfer my materials right into there now what I can do is Select everything that I want to bring to the other base I can grappling over to here and then fast travel to wherever I want to bring this the way this is set up makes life so much easier and you can do this really at any base you want just try and keep grappling gunning in mind for easily transferring materials now the other option is if you're not in a rush you can actually just drop these materials on the ground and your pals will pick them up for you so say you just want to get all of your stuff out of the refining machines and you don't really need to take it to your other base you can just drop it on the ground and your pals will literally pick it up and bring it to the one box that you have set up and this is why having one box is really important if you have a whole bunch of them they'll bring it to random boxes and all of your materials will be spread out obviously this will be less easy to do if you actually use this as your main base location you have a bunch of different storage your pals will just bring it to whatever box is closest I had some theories that Pals would prioritize bringing items to boxes with those items already in it but after extensive testing this isn't true at all they'll literally just bring it to whatever is closer now before we go over the best Pals to use for your base let's go over some more locations real quick if you head up to the dunes area to the sand dunes entrance you can travel to the top of this plateau and if you're just needing coal there are a ton of coal nodes here and it's relatively flat for you to be able to build a base here as well there's also a skill fruit tree at this location where you can get epic and rare fruits head a little bit farther north at the top of this next Plateau there's going to be a bunch more coal nodes here as well and there are a few metal nodes throughout the top of this Plateau as well and as another added bonus there is another skill fruit tree here if you're looking for sulfur this is one of the best locations to be able to farm it up in I really don't think it's worth actually spending one of your three base locations on a sulfur Farm but if you head to the southwest corner of the map where the big lava volcano is if you go to the Eternal pirate Tower entrance you can unlock this fast travel point and this is where you can Farm up a ton of sulfur now if you're looking for Pure quartz this is going to be one of if not the best location to be able to farm it up you don't really need a lot of pure quartz until the very end of the game and even then you really don't need a ton of it so perhaps setting up an entire base centered around pure quartz might not be the best idea but there are two metal nodes here as well not only that but just to the right we've got metal nodes more pure quartz and even a coal node here now this location is in the northwest corner of the map there's a fast travel point near here called land of absolute zero and you just head a little bit South and you can find it down in this like Little Valley here another great pure quartz Farm is going to be just south of that on this little Plateau right here and this is probably going to be the safest location if you want to set up a base here to prevent yourself from being able to be raided there's actually quite a few different good base locations in the snow area of the map do keep in mind you will need at least three levels of cold resistance to be able to survive up here another great base if you want to be able to get coal without having to deal with any resistances which is just North of the sealed Realm of the Guardian right on this little Plateau here there's quite a few of these coal nodes now there are quite a few coal nodes here and it might not be the flattest base in the world but it is protected on pretty much all sides from raids so it might not be a bad choice now just east of that location below the sealed Realm of the Swift if you head right around here there's actually a a rather large coal deposit right here with one metal node and just to the right of it is a whole bunch of metal nodes as well now you'll notice one thing in common with every single other base location on this list is you never have an abundance of two main resources clumped up together you'll either have a lot of metal with one or two nodes of something else or a lot of coal with maybe one or two metal nodes same thing with the pure quartz and every other resource in the game so unfortunately I do have to say I think this main base location up here is actually going to end up being patched out or they'll find a way to separate the nodes so you can't get all of them with one base seems rather odd that it would be the only place in the entire game where you have something like that now this holds true for the final base location on this list as well this is right next to the Anubis spawn point it's on this little Plateau just before Anubis and there are quite a few Co nodes here and there is one metal node right here as well and this is why I do think that one base with all the coal and metal nodes are going to be patched and why I wanted to cover a bunch of different locations now let's go over the best Pals for this base setup and how to get them now a nuis is definitely going to make it in my top recommendations for this you can get it extremely early in the game through crossbreeding it's got level four handycraft three Mining and two transporting making it one of the best pounds in the game to have at your base at all times and believe and believe it or not the only thing you need to do to be able to make one of these is breed a pen King with aushi you can get a Bushi early game as a boss fight here at level 23 it is just west of the starting location and you can get a pen King from the level 15 boss fight also just north of the plateau of Beginnings for early game Bushi isn't bad itself with level two kindling but there are definitely better if you can get your hands on a ragn hawk this has level three kindling and level three transporting I particularly love this pal or any flying pal to take care of things if possible cuz they seem to get stuck sign significantly less but by far the best option for kindling is going to be German tide ignis this is also going to be the hardest to get as you really won't be able to acquire it unless you get lucky from a huge dragon egg or from being able to capture it in the endgame zones it does have kindling level four Plasma on the other hand you can get from huge scorching eggs with level three kindling and level four mining this is going to be the pal that I recommend for your mining base it kills two birds with one stone and I mean they look look freaking amazing as well now lilene is definitely one you're going to want as you're planting and Gathering you're only going to need one of these to handle all of the crops for automatic food production it's got planting level four handiwork level three and Gathering level two as well as medicine production but it's not really useful for this base for watering you really don't need anything crazy you can use a pen King for this if you want who can also mine and transport suzaku Aqua is currently my favorite with a level three watering and nothing else so it's literally its only job and it never gets stuck so I'm always having my crops watered now if you can't get your hands on a Blas for the kindling and Mining your next best option is going to be a rep Tyro this comes with level three kindling and level three mining these things are perfect they don't get distracted with anything else other than doing their job Talia is also another amazing option for planting it's got level three planting and level two Gathering and you can acquire a lilene by breeding a patalia with one of these bad boys Mand Manda in its own right is pretty great with level two planting and level three transporting another great option for a kindling and transporting bird is going to be feris which you can get by breeding Anubis with a van Wim aside from that those are all the pals you're going to need to really make your life super freaking easy and I definitely recommend going for the best beds possible you really don't want to be using these straw pal beds once you can upgrade to the fluffy pal bed I 100% recommend it and then definitely the large beds as soon as possible as well but that about covers everything you need to know let me know what you think in the comments below I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 642,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld best base, palworld best base locations, palworld best pals, palworld guide, palworld farm, palworld resource, palworld ore, palworld ore farm, palworld coal, palworld coal farm, palworld ingot, palworld ingot farm, palworld best ore farm, palworld best ingot farm, palworld tagbacktv, tagbacktv
Id: _eg9-4fDIT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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