Palworld The BEST POSSIBLE START for New Players, Best Pals To Use, Fastest Way To Level Up, OP Gear

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this is the best possible start to Palworld. this  works on single player as well as a multiplayer   server this is designed if you want to play with  your friends to get you ahead of everyone else   on say a freshly wiped server if you are just  joining in on a friend server who's already   progressed this guide will be the best possible  start for you to catch up or even surpass him   within just a few hours there is no real faster  or better way to start than this for this video   I will be playing on normal difficulty I'm not  going to be playing on hard or custom though   this guide works just fine on hard and of course  this guide would work even better on casual mode   but the majority of public servers are set to  normal and that is what we will be using once   you have created your character the first thing  we're going to do is get some fast travel spots   so I'm going to skip the cut scene here no funny  edits on the screen now the very very first thing   that you want to do is we're going to go ahead and  open our menu and we're going to hit respawn this   kills our character yes I know that's right we're  dead and uh we're going to get some fast travel   points before we do anything else this will save  us time much much later and it's more convenient   to do it now so we're going to do uh we're going  to respawn on the Marsh Island so Marsh Island   just Mouse over there it is Marsh Island we're  going to respawn here and then we are going to   get the Fast Travel so I'm going to run over here  and then this is a fast travel so we're going to   go ahead and claim that now I'm going to respawn  there we go we got a technology point just for   getting that and again we're going to do this  for everything that you see on the screen here   now for the ice wind Island we're going to have  to go northeast a bit here so we're just going   to go northeast and around this wall you could  also just climb the wall whatever works for you   and then there is a fast travel that is up this  way we didn't go far enough hold on we got to go   higher up on the wall and uh you'll be able to  see it it is right over here I actually walked   past it there we go that's the Fast Travel now  finally the seab breeze archipelago Castaway   Beach is where we are starting the adventure  so we're going to respawn there and get this   final fast travel and then what we're going to  be doing is we're going to travel quite a bit of   ways West while we pick up everything now this  is a disclaimer because this part of the guide   might be patched it might be worked around or it  might no longer work in the future please refer   to the description of this video or the pinned  to comment in the comment section if this is   fixed or not but what I'm about to show you is  going to allow you to get very high-end Pals as   well as a handgun as early as level four and  you'll never have money problems in this game   you're going to be able to hypers speed level  by skipping the regular pal spheres into megas   speres and if this is patched the rest of the  guide after this segment will proceed as normal   as if we did not do this step so just be aware so  what we're going to do is unlock a very powerful   early game vendor and from here we're going to  be traveling west for quite a while and we're   going to pick everything up along the way so  this wood on the ground Stone you don't need   to mine anything you don't need to punch anything  you don't need to fight any Pals but we are going   to be collecting some materials you can also talk  to the guy at the campfire to get some just basic   materials here so I'm just going to skip that  there we go we got some palum fragments which   we can use there's Stone again pick everything up  off the ground as you travel West and you're going   to be traveling toga 311 - 655 so what does that  mean there we go we're level two and uh so what   does that mean so when I open the map you'll see  coordinates in the very bottom left corner of our   map screen so we want to go again once again to-  311 655 so - 311 be about right there and then - 655 so we're looking about about right there so  um I'm just going to put a marker there and there   we go so that's we're heading towards this marker  at some point but you're going to travel West for   a while just again picking everything up and  you don't need to fight any Pals they're all   you know mostly harmless now if you do pick up a  pal sphere which will randomly be on the ground   go ahead and catch some stuff that's totally fine  just beat them up with your fists you know and uh   have fun as you level up I want you to put all  of your points into carry weight this is pretty   important to do you don't have to do it right  now you can do it later or you can do it when   you need the carry weight but that's what we're  going to be spending our points on so I'm going   to continue to travel West now for a little while  now if you want you can pick up these chests you   don't have to um I'm not going to include them in  my guide because these are completely random and   you may or may not get a chest in the same spot  but these life monk Effigies if you see them pick   them up because it will just save you time later  we're going to devote time to grabbing those but   right now is really not the time but if it's on  the way which it is when we're traveling west then   uh you know go ahead and so far I have traveled  here's where we spawned in the Fast Travel I've   I've just traveled along the coast west and I'm  going a little bit uh North that's all I'm doing   right now now as you pick up some pal spheres  off the ground I want you to be capturing Pals   with them so this is just a level two t now  it's in the water I don't want to fight it in   the water it's going to be evasive and Dodge and  these cap cites they're a little too strong but   these chicken peeas you know they're pretty easy  to fight and also they're sleeping so I'm just   going to go punch one out uh I've got two and  then one so I need to capture three things this   helps us level up it's very important to do this  early so I'm just going to punch it down to low   HP and yes it's going to be basically stun locked  that's low enough and then we're going to throw a   ball and that should capture it there we go that  puts us at level three we're going to do the the   same thing to this level five and uh he did get a  hit on us that's okay these things should not kill   you you should be just perfectly fine this one's  a little higher level dose so it's going to take   more punches also I'm hungry and it's night time  so I am getting cold but don't worry we'll fix   that you won't die you'll be just fine all right  and then we're going to get this one down and then   capture it a little bit more and there we go I've  got one more P Mega sphere that I found and we'll   go capture something else oh look another one  again you just want to capture as many as you   can right now this is purely for levels now as  you kill the chicken peeas you'll get some meat   you can just eat this Raw it's totally fine just  fill up it's it's it's completely okay your next   goal is to get eight wood one palum fragment  and three stone once you reach this looking   part of the map so here's the map here's where we  started we traveled West and a little bit north   along the coast and here we are -300 - 655 on the  coordinates you have trees you have have uh Stone   which you can also give you the palum fragments  and if you if you just looted everything along   the way you should have plenty of everything so  I have eight wood just from picking up sticks   22 stone and plenty of fragments I've still got  some pal spheres to blow through but what you're   going to do now is push B and build that primitive  workbench so we're going to go ahead and just slap   one of those bad boys down there we go and then  we're going to craft the wooden Club go ahead and   start production on that and uh there we go yes so  crafting the club all right go ahead and loot the   club and then you're going to open your technology  menu which I'm going to hide the text here and   then you're going to learn the PO Box there we  go we learned the PO box now use the club to grab   some more wood so just go ahead and Club some  trees you're going to need eight wood for this   you technically didn't have to make the club but  it does make beating up the pals easier to catch   so I only need seven more wood and one more let me  get my stamina back that's fine just one more wood   and there we go so now you're going to build the  pal box so we're going to slap that down and this   is temporary this is absolutely temporary this is  just so if we die we can we don't have to run that   entire route once again we're not really making a  base here so don't worry about that for those that   know the game we're not making a base we're just  using this as kind of a just a safety precaution   of sorts now before we proceed any further we need  to spin the rest of those uh pal spheres that we   got off the ground so I'm going to go I've got  two left to do everything's asleep I could just   beat on these lamb balls real quick and cap them  so I'm just going to go ahead and do that with   the club it's very easy there we go and yeah I use  the mega sphere on that one let's get my stamina   back and again we're purely doing this for levels  nothing more we're not using these Pals in combat   or ever for anything just for levels there we go  hopefully that caps I mean 93% it should from here   we're we're level four now by the way from here  we're going to go straight west across this water   and it's a little bit tricky it's a little bit  confusing uh so if you angle it exactly where I'm   at and at this point your item your items don't  matter or anything of the sort so make sure that   you have full stamina and you're going to swim  along the water here and you can use uh shift   if you want to Sprint it you know use your sprint  button if you want it's fine and you're going to   get about right here and get get that stamina back  now you're going to continue along the water here   but this is where it gets tricky this is going  to take most of your stamina to get over here   and you have to kind of get lucky and find a spot  where you can stand on to rest so I'm just going   to swim over here now and uh we're going to just  hopefully be able to climb up one of these little   ridges here without running out of stamina if we  do die it's okay because we have that PO Box to   respawn on so here we go I am now standing on this  ledge getting my stamina back and you're going to   curve around all of this along the shoreline  you're never going to go up into here it's too   hot we don't have armor for it so go ahead and do  that now this part can be tricky this part can be   RNG but you're going to follow the coast along the  water all the way to the fishing Village which is   over here this is very important to do there's a  travel that we need to grab and this is the only   way to do it if you go too far in land it's too  hot you will take damage so you need to stay along   the shoreline also there are humanoid enemies  with flamethrowers if they aggro onto you just   swim in the water their flamethrowers cannot hurt  you as long as you are swimming you are immune to   fire damage from their flamethrowers because they  they try to catch you on fire but because you're   swimming you can't be caught on fire so they just  sit there and do nothing and if an if a pal argrs   you then just stay along the shoreline now there's  a few things that you can do to like make a little   safety save and I'll show you that here in just a  sec so ever so often if there's no Pals around and   there are no humanoids around what you can do is  open your map and then over here at the base hit V   to dismantle it this will give you the ingredients  back for the base then you can just put a new one   down and then you just run up you want to make it  very close to the Shoreline so you don't burn up   but this will allow you to save your spot if or  when you die and every so often just put another   one of these along the shoreline when it's safe to  do so and can again you're going to continue West   all the way to the fishing village now every time  you die which you probably will die it's going to   reset and roll and reconfigure all of the random  enemy spawns the humanoids the pals and so on and   so forth so just keep at it until you get there  another trick that you can do on single player is   simply log out of the game to return to title and  log back in if there are no other players around   on a multiplayer server this also works so that  you don't aggro these guys but if you give them   a kind of a wide birth so to speak while on the  shoreline they should leave you alone it's the   humanoids that'll chase you and uh eventually  you will have to come to shore to get stamina   and they might kill you with the flamethrowers  then but if you if you can micromanage your um   your Dodge rolls your Sprints and just avoiding  their flamethrowers you should be fine once you've   arrived at Fisherman's point this is what it looks  like on the map so again we we made a a little   base here we swam all the way over here we made  another base as a safety save I died once and but   I made it to the Fisherman's Village it's pretty  simple we're going to run through the village now   and then get the Fast Travel point and we're  not going to do anything else here for now but   for we're just here to get the Fast Travel point  the first thing because if we do it now it's more   convenient to have it done and over with before we  start gearing up before we start actually playing   the game once we have this we can always come back  here and there are some of the best vendors in the   game at this little town and and some of the best  again it's not only just the pal vendors but it's   it's all the vendors so there we go we unlocked  the Fast Travel your next mission is to open your   menu and then respawn so now you're dead and if  you had that stick don't worry you're going to   craft a new one it's totally fine and then we're  going to respawn at Eastern wild islands and we're   going to travel West now that's right up here on  the map Eastern wild islands and then we're going   to travel West and the way you want to do this  is you want to curve around kind of uh towards   this desert runaway guy here uh because if you  just go straight west there's a there's a Chasm   a Chasm whatever however you pronounce it and  we're going to go to the coordinates 476 -124   but you can talk to this guy he'll give you some  freebies there we go we got some palum fragments   you don't really need them though and uh so we're  going to continue West here and I'll show you on   the map where we are headed it's a very short walk  so I'm going to hide the TCH we I'll just show you   the walk why not we'll just walk together if it's  uh now this area can be a little bit dangerous   sometimes there can be wolves that will aggro and  attack you but it's it's fine you know once you   put a pal box down you're pretty much safe also  you know grab stuff off the ground that gives   you experience points and also if you are not  level four yet if you did not get lucky and get   some pal spheres kill chickpeas just punch them  out kill them you need to be level four for this   next step so you can get to level four by just  picking up junk off the ground you can beat up uh   the chickpeas the theas that are around I wouldn't  fight a tany with your fists these things will rip   your arms off you know you know chimps they're  pretty scary creatures okay OB obviously don't   fight the r the rib bunnies you know don't fight  any bigger creatures the rush rush Roar here will   aggro you these things are violent so stay away  from that if you can help it and again we're going   to continue along West got a little pal sphere  here and again just pick everything up off the   ground and what we're going to do is when you are  safe and you are not in combat you're going to put   down another base right here at the river so again  there's plenty of chickpeas we can kill uh once we   get a club we can Club out the tanies if you want  and you could always capture them too if you have   any pal speres that you found there's a lamb balls  to kill there's a pal spere in the water there I'm   going to go ahead and pick that up as well looked  a little wavy but there we go so what I'm going to   do now is I like to cross the river and then put  my PO Box down but we're going to open our map   and we're going to zoom out and disassemble this  base cuz we no longer need it and then we can put   a new P box down put it very close to the river  do not put it too far forward so I'm going to put   it as close as I can to the river here and again  we're not making a base here this is just a safety   precaution to save us time for later and we're  going to finish constructing this all right so   the next step is we're going to also make you know  another primitive workbench assuming you have the   wood and we're going to do a tiny bit of farming  now I would say just make a club and use that um   which I need three more wood for you don't you  could make a an Axe and a pickaxe if you want   but you don't really need to at this step so here  we go your next mission is to acquire 35 wood and   10 Stone there is plenty of wood around this uh  pal box stone is going to be uh East we passed   some Stone there's a stone node East here also  there's plenty of berries in this River to keep   you fed and healthy so that you don't have to use  respawn cheese to get back back on your feet so   again just get 35 wood and 10 stone for now also  make sure that you open your technology panel and   you're going to learn campfire right here on level  two and because we're level four you need to be   level four to learn hanging trap and this is how  we get weapons at level four now this is optional   it just makes it easier especially on multiplayer  servers but you do want to uh open the tech menu   and learn wooden chest because this is the only  way to like really perm your items in multipay   player if you get killed and someone loots your  stuff or you get disconnected from a server or   something silly like that you're going to you're  going to really regret not building one of these   to store what we're about to do and again this is  just a quality of life thing this is not our base   this is not permanent this is simply to make sure  that you don't lose a lot of time later on and of   course when you're here you can go ahead and just  store junk in here if you want I'm just going to   go ahead and eat this cuz my character is hungry  there we go and the next place to go is so from   this little river base where going to travel West  once again to 464 -125 which is really close by   it's super close by it's this little gray Circle  here on the map uh west of the Little River that   we're at so I'm going to show you the full map  this is where we started Eastern wild Islands we   traveled straight West Cross the river here's our  base and then here is the little area so uh we're   going to go ahead now and there should be a black  market Trader here there's like a little campfire   we got some wooden barrels sometimes this guy  is not here here if that is the case log out log   back in you can fast travel away fast travel back  but he should always be here most of the time so   here's what you're going to do now you're going to  open your build menu and then go to your hanging   trap and you're going to put one uh touching his  foot there we go now he's hanging upside down now   you're going to do something very sadistic and  build a campfire under him and uh yes this guy is   level 40 this guy will kill you if you attack him  but he's hanging up down and we're about to roasty   toasty him and fire does percent max HP damage so  he is going to now be on fire taking 290 damage a   second and this does take a little bit of time  now while he is on fire aim up with your fist   and give him a couple punches make sure that you  hit him and that you don't hit the hanging trap   and you don't hit the campfire too much but make  sure you land a few good punches on him because   if you don't hurt him then he will not drop any  loot and what you're going to do is you're going   to let him roast to death that's right we're going  to chill here and just let him burn baby burn so   what's going to happen now is now that he's about  to die he's going to drop two items for us he's   going to drop a very large amount of gold and a  gold key at this point open your build menu push   the C button for disassembly and disassembled the  fireplace and the hanging trap now this works for   online multiplayer as well as single player what  you're going to do is as long as there's no other   players around in render distance also doing this  also because it's night time you're cold but if   you stand near his little campfire you won't be  cold so you're safe here enemies won't come in so   all you're going to do is open your menu and go to  return to title if there are other players around   this does not work if you're playing a multiplayer  servers and this somehow doesn't work all you have   to do is fast travel away and fast travel back  that's all you have to do so we're going to start   game once again and this is fast start video  that's the that's the game and then when you   load back in there is a chance that he will be  back not always ways but most of the time he's   going to be right back in his spot and he will  be perfectly fine and not Agro you and he's not   angry now that you have you have a lot of money by  the way you have 11,000 gold what you want to do   is talk to him go ahead and talk to him because he  sells Pals and he can sell very high level Pals so   let's see what he's got for sale a patalia this  thing is great it's level three planting level   two uh crafting patalia is amazing because she can  heal you with her ability these other on level two   handling flam flamb Bell we got we can get better  Nightwing you can go ahead and buy one if you want   but we can capture one of these pretty easy later  and catc is good for combat and nothing else so we   want to buy the patalia so there we go we bought  the patalia and boy oh boy is patalia strong again   it's it's a heal thing it's really good for bases  absolutely do recommend patalia so make sure you   go to your PO Box make sure it's in your active  party and uh again we're going to rinse and repeat   hanging this guy and roasting him over a fire  now if if you place it like this and you don't   rope them just disassemble it you get it's a 100%  refund okay and then just try again and then again   you just put a campfire on sometimes you can't put  the campfire directly under them but you just got   to keep trying to just keep spamming it until it  lets you place it and you should be able to place   it directly under and again you're going to roast  this guy and rinse and repeat this process for   quite a while that's all we're doing we're we're  getting Bank another good buy is pen King this   saves you a huge long trip later on to just buy it  now Gail Claw is another good buy because you're   going to be using this as your glider in about  mid game around level 20 25ish I forget exactly   but we'll talk about that later in the guide it  is in the guide uh to get Gail claw so I'm going   to go ahead and buy pen King now I can't afford  the Gail claw uh these other ones suck and I'm   I'm out of money but that's okay we have infinite  money basically here's another good one lunaris   has level three handiwork this thing will help  you craft things insanely fast absolutely buy one   of these things absolutely sometimes his hit box  will glitch out and you'll have to reposition the   fire he is no longer on fire so just disassemble  your fireplace and then just you know put it back   down takes a little bit but there you go just make  sure that he is constantly on fire and yes you can   walk away while he is roasting if you want to go  like kill other enemies and stuff like while he's   burning one thing that I like to do is just let  me make sure I get a few hits on them I think I'm   hitting them it's hard to tell okay there we go  we hit him now he's on fire so while he's on fire   you know you have these highle Pals that you're  getting from him they're not so much high level as   far as advanced so again you can just kill stuff  with them like go patalia use whatever that is and   there you go that's some free XP for you and some  you know ingredients too if you want but yeah just   uh okay he's not burning anymore this one is this  this one's being tricky yeah you got to constantly   make sure that he is on fire and uh that come on  that should burn him down anyway just continue   farming now I don't recommend that you summon a  pal to help kill this guy because your pals will   do AOE attacks which will break the hanging trap  and the campfire you don't want that to happen so   just make sure you punch him a few times and then  let him roast now I want to mention that cry links   here has Refrigeration 3 you're not going to need  Refrigeration because I have a food meta that does   not require refrigeration at all it is a waste of  a pal in your base don't even bother but if you   want to set lunaris for more handiwork crafting  just to have more Crafters absolutely I'm going to   buy another one just because they're nice to have  and remember if you get hungry there are berries   in the river that you can eat so I'm just going  to go ahead and eat some of those and then make   sure that you grab your good pals out of the box  if you want cuz we don't need lamb balls you know   might as well put the good ones in and then store  all that money you've been farming I'm at 64,000   so far I can store the keys the rest of the stuff  doesn't really matter that M much but don't store   the wood and the stone because you need need that  for your traps also if the black market Trader   is not spawning it is because your PO box is too  close to his spawn that's why I'm telling you to   build it as close as you can on that River because  if you build it any closer he will never spawn   until you deconstruct your pal box now one thing  about storing all your money is that you might not   have money to to buy so go back to your storage  box and pick up that money you definitely want   a war sect I mean level three lumberjacking and  War sect is a very powerful pal to have just for   combat purposes also if you do this a bunch and  the berries aren't respawning because of a server   setting or other reasons just put everything in  your wooden chest and then respawn yourself uh cuz   it's annoying to do this with one HP and then you  trip over the fire and then you die and then your   items get randomly despawned so put everything  in your chest and simply respawn on your pal box   and there we go then take it everything back out  and that's just a a cheap and easy way to feed   yourself very simple to do now I recommend that  you do this till you have about a 100,000 gold   though I did it till 200,000 because the more  you do it the the better it is so once you have   at least 100,000 or more it's time to leave and  we're going to go back to that fisherman village   and we're going to get one more pal from the  vendor there we're going to get a handgun ammo   we could also get a fire crossbow if you want  if you prefer a crossbow over the handgun that's   totally fine but we're just going to disassemble  everything here and uh well I'm going to you know   grab everything out of here and then we're just  going to once again disassemble that disassemble   that we're not going to disassemble this yet  because then we can't fast travel we're going to   fast travel all the way back to the fisherman's  point and then we're going to farm one more pal   and that is a level three kindling pal I forget  its name but I'll show it to you when it shows up   from the fisherman's base I just want to share  with you the the merchants real quick this one   will sell um the weapons and ammo but right  now behind them you know just going straight   Southeast there's this guy the pal Merchant and  we're going to talk to him and then we're going   to look for well we don't have it here uh these  are all that's kindling 2 kindling one kindling   two kindling is the little fire icon underneath  the pal we want one with three kindling so we're   just going to log out and log back in to refresh  its inventory you can also fast travel away and   fast travel back if there are other players nearby  on the server doing this it will not work until   everyone leaves the area so just a heads up there  but um we're going to refresh his inventory now   and uh see if he's got anything new for us there  we go and uh again we got Pyon with kindling too   but uh I'm going to skip ahead until we find it  and here it is rep Tio has a level three Mining   and level three kindling so again this thing  is just absolute baller it will vastly speed up   your ability to uh do some early game crafting  especially when you got to make ingots and do   cooking this guy has you covered he's also really  good for combat he is a mid to endgame level pal   so with repo purchased it's time to make some  other purchases and spend our money we're going   to go to this wandering Merchant here and you can  see he sells the makeshift handgun and coarse ammo   you could get some other stuff to the fire arrow  crossbow is not bad the reason why the fire arrow   crossbow was so good is because when you catch  Pals on fire it makes it easier to catch them   however it has a very low range so the makeshift  handgun has a much Superior range and is what I   would recommend so I'm going to go ahead and  buy that cuz I mean you're I'm level six but   you can do this at level four we have a handgun  at level four Bros that's awesome so I can buy   so many bullets right now if I want to but you  got to like you're not buying one bullet at a   time I just want I just want to let you know that  so uh let's buy I don't know let's buy like a 100   so1 bullets 13,000 very cheap and uh check it out  we have 100 well it is one it is one bullet at a   time so we have 111 bullets I'm going to buy 100  at least 200 you know 200's pretty good again you   can't really repair this right now this early in  the game we'll just buy another 200 yeah another   200 bullets there we go so I still have 110,000  gold remaining well look at this is so ridiculous   we we're starting the game with a gun and some  very high Lev Pals this vendor is another good   one because he sells meas spheres we don't even  need to craft the regular pal spheres we can just   go straight into Mega also you can learn ignis  breath and flare store like these these kind of   change around but uh we don't need any of these  ingredients this early in the game but this is   also the best method to farm leather bones horns  you know anything you need high quality po oils we   got it all right here it's already ready to go you  know how to farm gold at this point so again we   could just buy 119 megas speres and we're set for  I'm going to do that because this is how we power   levels with these megas spheres we have we have a  weapon we have our meas spheres it's time to start   the game guys we have a whole party of really  powerful Pals and uh so to start the game now   we're going to travel to the plateau of Beginnings  that is where we're going and because we're going   to set up a really nice early game base disclaimer  what you just saw was a huge power boost allowing   us to get a gun at level four the rest of the  guide will teach you how to play the rest of   the game assuming this is fixed assuming this gets  patched out pay attention to the comment section   and the and the description of this video I'll  let you know if it gets patched or not but the   rest of the guide will be proceeding as normal so  the first thing you want to do once you're at the   plateau at beginnings right here on the map right  at the start of the game is talk to this NPC here   and he's or she I think it's random uh is going to  give us tin wood the and there's some wood on the   ground sometimes first thing you're going to do  is you're going to craft that primitive workbench   there we go now if you've uh you know you have a  you have a little crafting pal that can wow okay   way off way off go ahead and help me build that  it builds it instantly so and then you're going   to craft a wooden club and of course we not going  to craft it this thing will Boop it's done there   we go you grab your wooden club and then you're  going to kill Pals along the way as we travel   Northeast now obviously um I did the quicker  start where I have a handgun and uh just pick   up stuff off the ground pick up these berries pick  up these pal fragments you want plenty of berries   and uh kill Pals along the way obviously you're  going to have to Club them if this got patched   but we have a gun so we can just just blast them  we can just instant what are you doing Boop oh   it's good times it is good times to be fully armed  you know it's too funny man oh my God there's been   a murder oh there has been a murder again just  continue killing and looting everything along   the way and uh you'll notice that I'm about to  be at carry capacity but I haven't used any of   my stat points so we're going to put all of our  stat points into carry weight for now and I'll   let you know when to change this around level 10  I am currently level six but we are just picking   up stuff off the ground and we're killing Pals  that's all we're doing right now as we travel   Northeast so again just picking up stuff off the  ground killing Pals very simple and easy Mission   and yes it is night time and yes it is cold that's  fine we can make a campfire if we want to get warm   the cold is not very threatening this early on  in the game anyway but yeah it will drain our HP   but we have a campfire we're totally fine we're  totally fine fine we also have a pal that can   just fully restore all of our HP well 400 of it  at least so again we're continuing to travel to   the north east now what you want to do is we're  going to make a base very shortly here and I'll   show you that in just a bit but I'm just going to  continue just blasting it all these Pals with a   freaking handgun that start of the game these  who crates they don't stand a chance there we go so easy oh no the the daydream is mad just  shoot them now you can Club these you can Club   these it will take a little bit longer but um  again I I don't think they're going to patch   the gun thing it's it's too good it's too funny uh  just skill them all there we go grabbing all their   stuff all right it's time to set up a base so this  is the easiest way to to look at this right this   is a lake and at the very top left of the lake  it turns into a river right at the point where it   turns into a river you want to go directly north  and up to about where I'm at this is 222 - 469   and we're going to make a base here we're going  to make a real actual base here and the reason   we're making a base here is because it has all  the resources we need it has wood it has iron   it has Stone it has Paladium fragments and it has  berries this is the one of the best possible early   game locations that you can possibly find but if  you're playing multiplayer and someone's already   set up shop here just go across the street there's  there's the same stuff and go down the road a bit   there's the same stuff if that's not the case  you will have to build elsewhere which you're   going to have to figure out because you know just  find somewhere with berries Stone iron and wood   and and and then you're all set so to make a base  we're going to go ahead and build the PO box and   so I want to make it a little bit closer towards  the road and so that we have we can build more   towards the road now another reason we're building  in this specific location is because there is a   Wandering Trader that will sometimes visit this  specific spot so building here is very beneficial   so again the terrain's a little tricky but you  you'll be able to find a spot just uh just keep   hunting around you know spinning around until you  see that that blue uh approval and I'll meet you   there oh I forgot to mention if you have that  old base you got to disassemble it that's why   it wouldn't let me build so we're just going to  hit V on that disassemble it and now I can place   the PO box or I should be able to place it once I  find some nice grounded flooring so whenever this   again turns blue just kind of hunt around this  little area here until you see it turn blue it   shouldn't take too long if you find yourself low  on HP due to the cold just throw out patalia use   that heal now of course if you uh weren't able to  do that fastest part start of the guide you won't   have patalia uh so don't worry about that just  make a campfire and warm yourself up here's the   next step so you're going to open the technology  tab by hitting the tab button click technology at   the top you're going to learn everything at level  two level three and level four except alarm Bell   and hanging trap now you would have already  learned hanging trap for the quickest start   part and then you should be level five by now  by killing pals up to this point and uh you're   going to learn Berry Plantation and the ranch  which we're not going to use for a while and the   normal parachute which we're rarely going to use  but you need to learn it anyway just as a safety   precaution here is your next mission objectives  you're going to build a wooden chest near the PO   Box you're going to be building a lot of these  wooden chests and uh let's go ahead and just get   it right about let's see just wherever the game  lets you place it now it's saying that it's too   close to a special boss or facility that's that's  totally bogus so there we go and I accidentally   wasted a bullet there it's fine we know how to get  more bullets and then go ahead and uh I I have a   I have a pal that builds let let them take care of  it and it's attacking the ho crates no no shooting   all right and then get this thing back on build  Duty katavia kativa nearby will help you build   if you don't have a lunaris okay all right then  you're going to make a primitive workbench near   the chest you will need the Primitive workbench  so we're just going to make one near the chest and   there we go again make your pals do the building  that's what they're there for and then we're going   to build a stone Axe and a stone pickaxe and some  cloth so there's the stone axe go ahead and start   production on that and there we go and nope I  have uh summoned this incorrectly so now we do   the pickaxe and again these should Auto equip so  we have the clove the axxe and then the pickaxe   and then we're going to make some cloth so uh  just two cloth that's all we need there we go   all right looking good now we're going to make  the cloth outfit so we won't be cold anymore and   it's a little bit of armor there we go making nice  cloth outfit for us now we have some clothes all   right we have a we have a gun we have clothes  you know we have a base we got really powerful   Pals everything's looking up now it's time to  mine some wood and some Stone and if you have   War just have him chop some trees for you there we  go so while he's doing that I'm going to mine this   Stone here and then we're just going to throw it  in the storage box near the PO Box just feel free   to uh you know grab as much as you can and uh  this step does doesn't take too long you know   just just Farm a bunch now you're going to craft a  common Shield let me just swap out here so craft a   common Shield which is palum fragments wood Stone  and fiber which you should have by now go ahead   and excuse me I need you to build that there  we go get to work you can also help them build   too that way it's a little bit faster so there we  go and then return and then we're going to build   the stone spear assuming you don't have the pistol  okay if you have the pistol you don't need a stone   spear but for the sake of the video we're making  the stone spear because we're replacing the club   with it it's way worth replacing your Club this  early more durability and more reach so we can   just go ahead and discard the club now we don't  need it anymore now again assuming you don't have   a crossbow or a gun you're going to craft the bow  so we're going to go ahead and craft the old bow   there we go and craft craft craft it's so much  faster with the help of the pals and then you're   going to craft about 60 arrows or so so again  that's 20 40 well not quite 60 we'll have to farm   some more but uh again so you would have your pal  do this while you go chop wood so so while she or   he does that it's time for me to go farm that's  just kind of how you do things here you know you   got to work in tandem with one another you can't  just sit there at the bench but 60 arrows more   than enough but of course you know for our playr  we we do have the the uh the gun we had some loot   here on the ground some Berry seeds again we're  just uh going to throw that into the box here and   there we go uh we got the arrows next up you're  going to want to craft three straw beds so we're   going to take the the straw beds here and I like  to place these on the edge of the blue line so   we're just going to put one there and yes I know I  did that wrong and let's see overlaps with another   character whatever and there so three straw beds  and then we're also going to do the feed box I   like to put H we'll just put it right there there  we go and then we have a war SE working on that   I'm going to take lunaris and then have her build  one and then I'll build one everybody's building   right now there we go and again you can have them  do the building while you do the tree chopping cuz   you can again chop trees way more efficiently  here but um there we go so everyone's building   up and if you're brand new and you don't know how  I have both War sect and lunar us out well I open   the pal box and I put War into the base slot right  down here next up you are going to want to build   two Berry plantations so this is mostly just to  upgrade your base as you won't be using this too   much but try to find somewhere on the outskirts  preferably there's one and let's see if we can   get this again it's a little tricky sometimes  especially with uh how things are but again   just find a good spot for them and yeah you could  build foundations to build these on and stuff but   there we go so that's two and then have them build  it there we go get to work wages also in your feed   box you're going to be putting cooked berries but  before that we need to place a campfire and you   want to place it away from everything else so far  way off over here in the distance I'm just going   to put it right over here and then I'm going to  have my pal build it for me there we go also it's   on fire oh no get back in the ball okay and then  you're going to you're going to bake you're going   to cook baked berries all of them so we're going  to start production on that and then well this   is where we have our fire one which I don't have  ready and if you don't have a fire pal yet there's   some nearby you can get but I have repo and uh  this big boy is just going to speed cook them so   yeah just let it just let them cook let them cook  and then again just continue harvesting around the   base clearing some trees out uh you know just fill  up those storage boxes I built a second storage   box and yes my axe just broke also my pickaxe is  nearly busted we'll fix that in a sec so obviously   to repair things you'll make a repair bench so I'm  just going to put this over here doesn't really   matter too much where and this will take a bit  to build But Here Comes War sec to help us out   and get that repair bench going using the repair  bench requires way less resources than crafting a   new set of tools for the starter tools it's not  super important it's just nice to have also war   is now planting Berry seeds that's very nice of  him so let's go ahead and uh we want to make sure   that we have enough food here so this is fully  cooked we're going to acquire the baked berries   and we're going to put the baked berries into uh  this little feed box here we don't want regular   berries we want we want the baked berries in  there which um there we go put them all in there   the reason why we want baked berries is because  they give sanity almost no other starter food   in the game gives sanity to your pals except baked  berries yes you could feed them raw meat and stuff   they give you higher nutrition absolutely but they  do not restore sanity if you don't want your pals   getting overworked and stressed out you will make  sure to give them baked berries that's the main   food we're going to feed them next up it's time  to make a bed for you the player character and to   do that we're going to you know just do a little  workaround real quick so as far as your bed goes   you can place this anywhere on the outskirts so  here's how we do it you're going to need to build   a little bit of Foundation First and the way to to  be able to place a bed is as follows we're going   we going to take a foundation and place it down  and then one wall preferably there so I kind of   want to unsummon this Foundation now and just  move it a little bit further out you know just   make it a little bit more pretty whatever there  we go and then we're going to do one wall just   like that and then a roof overlaps with another  object or character H is it the tree that's in the   way I might have to chop this tree down so let's  just get this tree chopped and then we'll put the   roof down Timber we could always use more wood  especially for now we have Pals that will mine   this stuff for us later there we go get that tree  out of here get that roof back up there we go now   that we have this little U shape you know c-shape  whatever we can now place a bed in it and there we   go now obviously in multiplayer you would want  a little more protective base than this but uh   until they add PVP you're completely safe there  you go you can now sleep in this bed no problem   you don't even need a full house or anything of  the sort so that uh solves that problem now you   can upgrade your base so we're going to go to  the PO box so we're going to go to base upgrade   and then we're going to get hit base upgrade and  then hey we just did that we're going to do base   upgrade again and then we already did that so base  upgrade again and now we need to deploy a work pal   to the base well we already have some of those  so we can just uh open the the pal box management   menu here and uh you know we can put a lunaris  to work there we go we can put a uh patalia to   work and uh we could put a pin or rep Tio to  work there we go we have four awesome you know   Pals you know you you can literally put whatever  you want and then we're going to uh upgrade it   once again there we go so now we need to build  the pal gear workbench and a statue of power but   you're really not leveled up enough for those yet  so we're going to go adventuring a bit now if you   didn't do the early part of the guide that gives  you meas spheres you're going to have to craft   some pal speres so you're going to need to do some  farming around the area get those palum fragments   wood Stone and craft a whole lot of pal speres I  mean a whole bunch you're going to want a ton of   those things and if you travel South here there's  plenty of palum right here that you can grab and   there's plenty of wood and plenty of stone all  over the place this place is absolutely loaded   but what you're going to do now is you're going to  be traveling west kind of Northwest a little bit   to get to the next fast travel point and along the  way well we're going to uh we're going to capture   some Pals you want to capture 10 of everything  this is how you level fast and I accidentally   killed that one but uh you get the idea right so  we're just going to poke these chickpeas a little   bit hit them with the Spears and again this is how  we speed level so you can see in the bottom right   I've captured three chickpeas in total and now  I've captured four that'll be number five there   and uh the who crates you know they're a little  bit tougher but hey we you know we have a gun   and we have mega Spears they stand absolutely no  chance so again here's a fox spark uh also Al you   can shoot them and they'll aggro you so that they  won't run away but when they see you have a gun   they're going to run they're scared they are very  scared creatures but you're going to just continue   along c don't fight this don't fight this mamar  rest it's too strong even with your pistol you   can't kill it so don't worry about that right now  also if you're very far away the pistol has uh it   has like falling damage so uh we can shoot these  crises here and get them a little bit closer but   if I shoot these chickpeas they're going to die  so they're a little too close they take way too   many hits again so just capture 10 of everything  at the moment and we have a shield we have a Dodge   roll you know we're we're okay and uh yeah so  there goes my shield probably not a good idea   to fight two of these at once but it's fine and  Dodge and there we go so again this is just how   we're going to be leveling up we're going to be  leveling up for a little while just grabbing stuff   along the way and I guess that two crates didn't  get captured so again just run around capturing 10   of everything that you can now as you travel West  you'll get get to this fast travel point which is   located right about here which is again west of  our base so go ahead and pick that up and remember   because it's night time there are different Pals  out at night so feel free to uh you know capture   them as well they're you know it's a lot easier to  capture them now than later uh also I don't really   have a well we have the bow so I should probably  put on a bow so that I don't you know kill this   with my pistol and there we go so we can Pelt this  again just capture everything that's your goal   right now capture 10 of everything and remember if  you see these life monk Effigies pick them up go   ahead and just grab them as you see them no reason  not to pick them up now now once you hit Level 10   again you should be putting all your points into  carry weight at this point which should put you   at 750 carry weight I have a pal that it's giving  me 80 bonus carry weight but um you should have   750 carry weight by level 10 so at level 10 we're  going to put start putting points into stamina so   that we can climb bigger walls we can fly longer  we when we get a flying pal and all of that stuff   so level 10 to 20 is all into stamina so as you  travel along collecting Pals go ahead and from   this grassy Behemoth you can travel West and then  North to the Tower of rain Syndicate where there   is a fast travel here and then I you can either  continue North and Northeast or you can continue   West and grab those fast travels it depends on  how many spheres that you have left so right now I   have about 83 megas spheres remaining so I'm just  going to keep traveling north also just a reminder   if you ever get low on arrows you can always just  anywhere you want pop Down A Primitive workbench   and craft some arrows so again there's plenty of  wood and stone all over the place you don't have   to sit there and uh be out of arrows and not  have a ranged option so again I'm just going   to continue getting fast travel points and getting  10 of every pal there we go in the the balls you   go now one of the more powerful Pals you can get  early game and even in game if you can get over   a hundred of them is the life monks here because  they have an ability where they can uh basically   give you a submachine gun very early on in the  game so you absolutely want to farm these guys   and this one's running away so I can get a ranged  attack option you're going even after you capture   10 of these bad boys capture all of them always  capture life monks you're going to need like 12   of them I think is the math in order to fully max  out a life monk so grab every single one you can   they are absolutely necessary now at this point I  have just run around all throughout these zones I   did not kill the chillet yet even though I could  with this handgun but that's for later I've run   all through this area just capturing everything  I could I don't have tin of everything I'm not   even really close but I'm already level 18 I'm  going to fast travel back to the base and we're   going to we're going to upgrade the base some uh  because I am out of Megas spheres I'm just about   out of Megas spheres I have six megas speres and  yeah so there we go it's time to do more crafting   now it is night time and your pals do sleep at  night also my armor is damaged so we're going to   repair our stuff if we can now some of the stuff  we can't repair like this handgun like this is I   don't have these ingredients yet obviously but we  can repair our spear our bow our armor which we   need some cloth which we picked up plenty of  cloth just capturing Pals so again we can go   ahead and just craft all of this cloth let's Max  that out and uh put you know one of our crafting   Pals to work here and again your your other  Pals they won't be working at night they're   going to be sleeping so again they did a lot of  mining here I'm just going to go ahead and pick   everything up that they didn't pick up and look  at all these trees that they uh they harvested   and iron and stuff and so we're just going to do  a little bit of cleanup Duty and put everything   in the chests and they did a pretty good job you  know clearing out the base also now I'm a little   bit overweight but that's okay we can uh we can  walk her way back to the chest no problemo and   do a little bit of tidying up now since I ran out  of arrows on my first Adventure I'm going to have   uh more arrows crafted there we go and again that  is giving us experience points as we do this now   also I'm going to open this up sort by pal deck so  everything's nice and organized I'm going to pick   the best life monk we have Sirius is pretty good  let's see Power of guia what does that do again   it's been a while Earth damage attacks workaholic  is sanity drw we don't care about that we want one   for our party conceited work speed don't care uh  serious is work speed 20% uh again we don't really   need any of those but uh we're going to go ahead  and pick this one anyway and it's going to be it's   going to be in our party you you want a life monk  in your party you want this leveling up alongside   you it gets insanely powerful later here is your  next mission objective you're going to open the   technology Tab and learn pal gear workbench and  statue of power then you're going to learn logging   site so let's learn that together we got pal gear  workbench statue of power and then you're going to   learn logging site there we go Stone Pit and the  crusher this is level eight now we're going to   make a statue and we're going to increase our  capture power so here we go we have statue of   power we're going to grab this and we're going  to place it down and this doesn't have to be a   permanent fixture in your base you can really put  this I would put this off to the side where it's   not really like uh where it's out of the way I  like to put near the bed just because like all the   stuff that I do that the pals don't really touch  I put on one side so we'll just put that there and   then uh get to work build it and yes they're all  going to swarm in and build it super duper quick   there we go and uh yeah they're all happy all  right cool so again I have it facing the wrong   way but whatever who cares now you're going to use  it to level up your capture power there we go Tada   and we'll get more lifem energies in a little  while once we learn how to fly next up we're   going going to make two more straw pal beds since  we have five workers and only three beds you know   some of them aren't too happy so we're going to go  ahead and again just pop down a few more of these   bad boys I like to put them on the edge of the  screen here it says it's overlapping with another   object but whatever we got it so there we go and  then this tree is kind of in the way but it's fine   and then we're going to make a pal gear workbench  which is under production there it is pal gear   workbench and uh this is one of my crafting tables  so I just I like to put all the crafting tables   kind of together that's just how I I tend to do  things and uh we'll just move this well we'll put   it over here along this little Ridge here why  not and there we go so there we go that one's   building this one could build too and they're all  building oh boy now it's time to upgrade that PO   box once again go over here hit that base upgrade  and upgrade that P box now make sure that you have   your campfire cooking Mass berries just max those  suckers out always be cooking the berries where is   our um rtio you'll probably have a fox spark if  you don't have the rtio the fox spark Cooks just   fine it's just not as fast as rtio so there we go  make sure that we have plenty hey what's he doing   is he he's on a short break right now okay he'll  cook them later now it's time to build the crusher   the logging site and the stone pit so the way I  like to do this is I like to build the Stone pit   next to the crusher it just makes things a lot  easier I do need more palum fragments it says   so I got to go farm those by the way sometimes  your mobs your your your workers will get like   stuck on stuff or just misplaced just put them  in the box take them back out that's how you   can resummon them and reset them back to a nice  position there we go also in the feed box make   sure that you take out any red berries that your  pals will be putting in they'll automatically see   they're automatically putting regular berries in  there you only want them eating baked berries you   can prevent them from doing this by splitting  your stack of baked berries and filling all the   slots but it's only a temporary fix now I like to  build the stone pit right next to the crusher but   I also put a storage box right next to the stone  pit cuz sometimes you're going to have so much   Stone here to acquire that you won't be able  to move so you just turn around you put it in   the box and then you can move again it's really  really handy so that uh you can just have more   freedom of movement now of course you can just  put a storage box in between your logging site   and your stone pit to use as both uh but it's it's  just how I do things I just like lots of storage   boxes because the pals sometimes they'll just put  it in the boxes automatically and sometimes they   won't at this point go around the game capturing  more Pals crafting more pal spheres and getting   more fast travel points until you are level 18  once you're level 18 you're going to learn the   following from the tech tree this is a lot so I'm  just going to put it here on the screen for you   and you can pause the video and click all click  to learn all of these things and if you can't see   like celer gloves you have to have caught a celer  so go to Just fast travel real quick I'm going to   show you on on the screen here just just fast  travel to like any of these areas like the seab   breze archipelago there are plenty of cell arrays  around here if there isn't fast travel to another   another spot they're all along the coastline uh  so that's a t defense but they're the floating   little I don't know they're just like floating  little Stingray little creatures and if you don't   see any you can fast travel between Marsh Island  to search for them and then fast travel back and   that's going to refresh the pals in the area so  just bounce back in between until they spawn also   if there's no one else in the area you can just  simply log out of the game and back on this also   works in multiplayer so uh right now it's still  that just a tant but uh if we go north here uh   from the seab breze archipelago there should be  a bunch just kind of floating around so y here   we go yeah here's some celeres so just capture  them hunt them down uh whatever it is you need   to do but this will be your glider and this is why  I didn't really have you craft a parachute earlier   um even though you did learn it for safety reasons  in case you wanted to do some exploring also these   things can be a little dangerous for some reason  so don't really want to kill them with the gun but   uh they're giving me no choice here yeah they're  they're about to kill me uh all right let's Okay   it still won't capture it huh what about now there  we we'll use the megas sphere that's fine also   try to Ping lits are good the fu ARS are good  they're like little duck creatures Little Blue   Duck creatures those can help you water things  yeah definitely get accelerate it's your glider   here is your next set of objectives you're going  to make the hot springs and the Primitive furnace   I would suggest making the hot springs away  from most activities uh near the beds is fine   and then uh you know smelting your smelter your  primitive furnace make that away from the campfire   and uh after that you're you have a high quality  workbench the medieval medicine workbench and then   upgrade the pal box again if you have any Pals for  whatever reason that just aren't regaining sanity   either they're not washing in the hot springs or  they're not eating the berries you can simply just   put them in your party and then you can feed  them the berries from your inventory so I have   some baked berries here and uh we can just make  him eat the berries now his sanity is back to   100 so that's the e easiest and best way to take  care of these Pals uh if they refuse to feed or   bathe themselves that is your next objective is  to make a cooler box and a sphere workbench and   then you're going to craft celera's gloves and  Nightwings saddle so one weird ingredient is the   ice organ now these come from the Ice Pals that  you've been killing and capturing but remember we   have a vendor unlocked at the fisherman Village  you can simply go buy as many ice organs as you   want you don't have to manually Farm them if  if you don't want to now if you wonder where   you get pal fluids it's water Pals just kill water  Pals you'll get plenty of pal fluids next up you   want to learn LIF Monk's submachine gun and eek  the deer's saddle these are the next two items   that you want to work on also while you're at it  go ahead and put down more straw beds because we   have 10 workers now instead of five so again just  put down five more of these they'll run over and   make the beds for you and this is what your  adventuring party should look like you should   have a life monk a ceray and a Nightwing the  other two are optional once you've crafted the   E the deer saddle here's the here's how movement  now works this is what your party looks like you   won't have you might not have the lunaris and  that's fine but other other than that your party   should look like this you summon the Nightwing  when you need to fly so we're going to you know   you can fly now you can fly and you can shoot an  air cannon and you can snipe enemies and you can   pretty much Farm most of the game pretty easy at  this point so this allows you to now Farm These   Effigies also you have an iader which will allow  you to move on the ground much faster than normal   by using the charge attack here the ramming attack  and that's your ground movement also it lets you   farm ground you know Pals much much faster and  more efficiently and you also have a ranged attack   too and you'll also get air and later I believe  you also for combat have the life monk which is   a very vicious creature but most importantly  it is now your submachine gun so now you just   shoot everything to death with a submachine gun  this doesn't cost ammo and you can just destroy   everything super duper quickly and this only gets  stronger as you level it up and as you later on   we can combine the same type of Pals into one pal  making them like it's a multiplier it's a damage   multiplier oh and the celer it's your glider so  there you go you use the celer to Glide around   it's much better than any glider you can craft  in the entire game though we will replace this at   level 23 I'll talk about Replacements later so on  screen right now is a website that is a decent map   there's a lot of little maps for power world but  this is the one that I recommend and use and I'm   not sponsored I'm not paid by these guys that own  this site I'm not affiliated with them in any way   but what I want you to do is hunt life monk effigy  look all over the map for them if you want or just   use this website to find them instantly and you  want to level your capturing up to at least level   three but now that you can fly and glide and shoot  you can get you can get as high level as you want   also as you explore around use your flying Mount  to just snipe and kill everything so again you   can just uh just start shooting everything kill  it that's just free XP it's free materials that   you can swoop by and grab now this flying mount  isn't very fast we're going to get a much faster   one later and and a third upgrade even after that  but again I'm just using this to mainly fly and   you know do some vertical traveling so that  I can pick up all the LIF monk Effigies which   there should be one up here somewhere according to  the map and because you can fly you can now skim   across the water without draining stamina so you  can no longer drown this opens up the whole map   for you if you want now another tip for hunting  these figes if if you don't want to use the map   or even if you are using the map if you do it at  night time they're way easier to see like there's   one right below me I can see the green glow but at  night time you can spot these from Maximum render   distance you can see these things from so so far  away making them very easy to collect also for   some reason I'm not able to grab this even though  there there we go but yeah hunt these at night if   you want as you can see it is now Dusk and I can  see I could see one in the distance there there's   a little Green Dot and then there's a little Green  Dot so again these things get real easy to see in   the night time now that it's full blown night time  you see there's one there in the distance there's   one there in the distance there's one over there  again these things get real easy to find at night   so in just one night cycle I managed to get 19 of  these suckers so I'm at level one that's level two   it's going to cost four level three cost seven  at level three you're good for a while but you   can push level four but level three is more than  enough for the next steps okay I couldn't help it   three was so close so I went out and got three  more and now I'm level four but you can do this   at level three it's totally fine the next thing  you're going to do for quite a while is Farm Alpha   Pals now I use this map on screen you can also  just type po World interactive map or uh what   did I type into Google I typed in power world map  and it's usually the first result that's the easy   way to get to it and you're going to be looking  for Alpha Pals and what is an alpha pal so when I   open the map here you'll see that this chillet  this level 11 chillet has a circle around it   that's an alpha pal also this mamist is level 38  because I'm only level 19 it's going to be kind of   a hard fight to uh fight this mamar rest we could  do it but it's a real struggle there's also level   23 King Paka um and uh again just use the map and  and here up here's a level 15 pen King I suggest   capturing these so I'm going to fast travel now  uh next to the chillet here and uh that's not how   we fast travel we got to fast travel for the pal  Box by hitting fast travel of course and then I'm   going to fast travel and I'm just going to defeat  the chillet I'm going to capture it and again you   want to capture 10 of everything because that will  continue your leveling Journey I've just got done   crafting 75 megas spheres these take an Ingot each  which does take time but uh you know this is what   you're going to have to do for a little while  for upgrades but also do remember you still need   to capture 10 of everything and use your mounts  that's what they're there for you have an entire   Arsenal with you now to help you travel around and  do pretty much everything you could ever want to   do and uh is that going to kill it if I shoot in  the wing no it won't there we go so again just   start capturing everything it's in of everything  that's how we level up fast that's what we do by   the way at level 20 you should from Level 10 to 20  put everything into stamina this should be 200 I   actually made a mistake and put it into weight  oops my bad but uh yeah this should be 200 at   level 20 now your next Focus from level 20 to 40  is going to be into Health the rest of this video   you are pumping your health and nothing else now  every single day these bosses reset they're not a   onetime farm so once that check mark uh this check  mark never technically disappears uh so just check   back later in the day like uh let the night cycle  go and then when it's daytime again come back Farm   it again now I want to talk about the life Monk's  ability real quick because uh it's important that   you know this so whenever you cast recoil it'll  step on your head and anytime you swing a weapon   you'll start shooting but when you use a melee  weapon it shoots a whole bunch of shots if you   use a handgun or a bow which I have no more ammo  for you can do one shot at a time allowing you to   weaken enemies just as much as you want there we  go so we can get them nice and low and uh this is   just a superior way of uh getting the enemies as  low as we need them to so and uh you got to make   sure to unsummon the the life monk or put it on  passive mode before it kills your target when it   hops off your head also if you haven't realized  it yet because your base is level 10 you can now   craft a secondary pal box if you wanted to so for  instance right up here near this chillet there's   a big mining section and I could pop down a PO  Box to use as a fast travel if I just want to   go home without having to manually travel to any  of these fast travel points or I could put like   say the box down here mine all of this iron fast  travel back to my main base and then disassemble   the PO box for for Easy Transport there's the  possibilities are endless right now I don't   like to set up a second base I like to keep it  just as a fast travel option now if there's no   other players around and you have a really bad  encounter like these totoo implode units these   things can really blow up your base bad but uh  I have a life Monk and so I can just shoot them   it's not a big deal like I can just pop them right  there we go so that's one down but uh these things   can really wreck your base so what you can do in  said is just log off just log off and the raid   will be cancelled and you'll get a different  raid preferably one more profitable than the   to however however you say their name total coal  uh implosion cuz these guys just they just run   in your base and blow up stuff and it's re a real  pain in the butt uh until you have base defenses   set up but um also whenever you're using the life  monk for his um his submachine gun uh you want to   empty the bullets out so that he can start the  recharge otherwise I don't know if they'll ever   fix it but sometimes if you don't use all the  bullets that he has and it doesn't consume any   ammo technically uh it'll just be at a low charge  forever so you definitely want him at full charges   whenever possible also if you do set up a second  base you can get raided from time to time but uh   my one life monk here can just take on all the  thugs no problem I'm just here to mine so I'm just   going to get back to work and the life monk will  just kill all the thugs no problem whatsoever oh   I also crafted a metal pickaxe just because it's  way more handy but um yeah we we can just uh you   know I can just team up with them and shoot these  guys like yeah they just can't stand a chance this   is why we have a life monk it's the most powerful  early game pal like Bar None also there's a couple   things stuck back there and they they don't seem  to want to approach so we'll just snipe them with   a submachine gun I literally don't know how that  works but uh we managed to do it so there you go   also reminder check on your pals from time to  time this patalia fell off a cliff and couldn't   get back up so she's at the bottom of the ocean  starving and going insane so we're just going to   put her in the party real quick and uh give her  a bunch of berries the berries pretty much cure   everything you you want to make sure that you  keep your pals sane because uh they'll start   getting like mental disorders if you don't so I'm  just going to sit here and pump a bunch of berries   into this patalia so that they can get back to  work and so they don't suffer any abnormalities   there we go also at some point this tomat got sick  I guess because it works overnight any any kind   of dark pal is going to work overnight and they  tend to get sick but so what we have is just from   random drops from mobs we have low-grade medical  supplies and you have a medicine cabinet that you   can craft these anyway so we're just going to use  this on the tomat and there we go now it's all   better now it's not very sane so again just Pump  It full of berries until it's more sane there we   go 75 is good enough it doesn't have to be like  fully mentally sound you know to do its job back   and back to work and there it goes now some of  the alpha Pals will not spawn for a full hour any   any of them that have a dungeon you have to enter  requires one full hour of real lifetime until they   come back you hear that shimmering sound that's  the sound of a shiny I don't know exactly what   they're called but uh you should definitely seek  these out and capture these because they do give   you the ancient civilization parts so even if you  don't need a chickpea or whatever it is that may   be shiny you should always capture it anyway or at  least kill it so you can get the parts there's no   reason not to and uh you might be able to just do  something special with them later on so again this   one has lightning magic that's interesting but uh  yeah there we go and you'll notice that it has uh   better than normal drops and Boss music so there  we go we got two ancient civilization parts from   that one once you have the bosses on Farm status  that is the alpha Pals you're going to research   egg incubator the pal Essence condenser and on the  level 16 line you'll get a Mega Shield so let me   show you uh what I'm talking about here is once  you've have these bosses on Farm status on the   right side you can now use the ancient technology  points so there's egg incubator all the way on the   right side your level seven scrolling down we're  then going to get pal Essence condenser there we   go and then of course like I just said we're going  to on the level 16 line get mega shield now you'll   notice I'm level 31 uh and all I've done is go  around to each of these zones and capture as   much stuff as I can and here's what I mean by Farm  status we're going to start on the right side of   the map here and at the Marsh Island church ruins  uh fast travel point or the Marsh Island which is   what you should have you travel North Northwest  a bit there's a level 17 gr Tail easy to beat   from here or from Marsh iseland you go west and  you'll go to the level 23 CIS you already know   where the chillet is it's super close nearby but  Northwest of chillet is the level 15 pen King and   of course from the starter Zone here at Plateau  Beginnings if you just travel West and a little   bit north across a bridge here you'll come across  the level 23 King Paka all right then if you go   Northwest from there you'll come across an azero  level 17 and then Southwest from aaroe is a level   23 Bushi and this thing is important you want to  farm this every hour that you can because it's   good for kindling but we need to butcher one for  a level four crossbow which is going to replace   our handgun and then uh down all the way down here  at cabb archipelago Castaway Beach if you were to   curve all the way around it and then go up north  you'll have a level three Brun cherry and then   north of that is a level 11 sweepa now of course  if you just go from seab Brees archipelago cway   Beach North you'll hit a level 11 gum gumos and  that's mostly it so but if you go really further   north uh now this is a level 31 relaxasaurus Lux  you don't want to fight this very difficult fight   so but you do want to get this uh fast travel  Point here called sacred Realm of the thunder   dragon this is again Northwest of Bushi so just  go up there this is a really good place to farm   relaxasaurus for the highquality oil which you  could also buy using our method that we showed   at the start of this video and then Northwest of  here is very important the be or beon Beacon be on   I don't know how to say its name but um this is  going to be your third flying Mount later on so   you just want to get the Waypoint for deep bamboo  Thicket north of all of this stuff which uh this   is a fast travel point you already have is ice  wind Island you go Southeast you get the level 14   doom and then Southeast is the level 18 Nightwing  and then uh you can also go from forgotten island   east or you can just go from icewind Island  Southwest and there's a level 23 fbat and   that's basically all of the stuff you can farm  right now another important Waypoint to get yet   is northeast of the pen King is H called goblins  tur gobins Turf not Goblin and this is where we'll   Farm some pal uh liquids I forgot what it's like  pal liquids or something I forget the exact name   right now but you can't buy them in the store you  have to farm them and that is the best farming   place in the game what are they called they're  called pal fluids not liquids it's the same thing   come on now and uh they're level 20 though so  you want to come here with a Fire based pal to   clean that out and there we go so once you have  your bosses on Farm status and you're crafting   by the way you want to start crafting Giga Spears  whenever you can as soon as you hit Level level   20 you want to come down here as soon as you  hit Level 20 and learn gigas spere and never   ever ever craft a megas spere ever again you're  only going to be crafting gigas speres from now   on and if you're wondering how do you get so many  ingots well you have one Ingot right here in the   base one little Ingot node and then right across  the street from your base you have another one   right there so that's two and then just down the  road here on the right you know there's uh there's   number three and then down the road on the left  is number four and then like I showed you earlier   uh I'll show you again so that you know where  to get iron ingots it's very important to get   lots and lots of ingots that is the biggest thing  ever and that is right here where the chillet is   Northwest of the chillet uh this is where I put  my second base this is a tempor base which you   could put down two bases now and then you have 1  2 3 4 5 6 7 six or seven possibly eight I can't   count uh more iron nodes you can just mine here  and then fast travel back to your main base and   store them and then you can have you know if you  followed my guide at the start if it's not patched   you'll have a level three kindling that does the  work which is this uh what was it repo and if you   don't have that well then you have Bushi which  is a level two kind so he's good enough he's   over here cooking the berries he had to take a  he had to take a little lunch break though it   looks like and uh remember you only want to feed  them baked berries and nothing else so that they   can keep their sanity up and you want to check  on them every once in a while to make sure some   of them getting didn't get stuck somewhere or  fall off a cliff because they will starve and   go insane if you don't you know help them out uh  there's a sprain right now on one of my pals but   I don't really care about the Tom the Tom bat  you know I'm going to replace them as soon as   I can this is my current working party I've got  War sect lunaris patalia repo pen King tomat eek   theer this is just an add-on uh azero catris and  bushie and I'm going to I'm going to go over more   of this later in the video on how to fill this  out and what you should fill this out with now   let's talk about the egg incubator you definitely  want to place this you want to place more than one   you want to place one near your fireplace so as  close as you can to the fireplace and the other   one you want to place preferably near the cooler  but uh you don't have to place a second one right   now if you don't want to but just have at least  one down and you've probably looted some eggs by   now you just put them in the incubator and just  come back collect them later it's just free Pals   free experience points it's uh pretty simple next  up is the pal Essence condenser and all of those   life monks that you've been catching we're going  to be condensing them down pretty shortly here   I like to just kind of put this over here near  this near the statue and uh there we go it is   a tall one and this thing used to take forever to  build well it still take it tookes it takes three   minutes without any assistance so yeah even with  a level three handiwork pal it's going to take 50   whole seconds I'll see when it's done now let's  talk about Essence condensing real quick and LIF   monk is the first one we're going to do now  I've had this life monk in my party the whole   playthrough so far I'm going to just sort real  quick and uh the thing is we want the best life   monk with the best passive skills so this one has  serus which is just work speed we don't care about   work speed so we're going to look at all the life  monks this one has ferocious that's attack plus   20 so this one is the bread winner right now we're  going to put this one in our party it's only level   three but we can level it up super duper quick uh  and let's look at the other ones we have Vanguard   which is 10% increase to player attack that's  nice that's another good one and uh what do   we have here another van there's a Vanguard also  Nimble what is Nimble we have 10% movement speed   which is nice so that's actually possibly better  uh because well we're mostly going to be using   it for player attack so I'm going to go ahead and  put that there but ferocious is real nice for that   attack plus 20 all right then we're still looking  workaholic this is just sanity drops slower diet   lover they don't eat as much uh Burly body defense  plus 20 we don't care about defense Runner we got   20% movement speed that's only to the pound not  to us so right now the winner is Vanguard Vanguard   gives us attack that's when it's on our head we  are attacking using its submachine gun and so now   we're going to condense all of the life monks into  this one and to do that we're going to run over to   the penser and we're just going to smash them in  so here we go this is going we're going to put   the one that we're going to buff up so we're going  to click that one and then we need to select four   more to use so here we go just 1 2 3 four and then  con begin condensing there we go the condensing is   complete so now we got uh one star on our life  monk here and now we have to condense 16 do we   have I have 13 so I need to catch three more for  the next star level and that's fine we'll C we'll   catch them as we you know travel around the world  now before we move on there's a few defensive   items I want you to make I want you to make the  feathered hair band and I want you to make the   mega shield and this is going to give you some  extra defense so here's what those two do the mega   Shield is going to give us 260 Shield or we only  had 100 before and the headband which is already   equipped gives us 15 defense and 60 additional  Health it's not much but it's it's something   also it's time to just craft a normal parachute  now what happens with this is that um if you if   you your pal that you use as a glider is dead it  will then switch to your parachute but because our   pal is alive we will default to the pal instead  which is just better and we will be replacing   cell ra pretty soon with a better one but another  thing that you can do is you can take your cellay   and then condense them down so we're going to go  ahead and put this one into the condenser and then   take our other celeres and there we go now this  what this does is increase your Glide distance   and less stamina usage so it's pretty damn nice  and the upgrade that we're going to swap to which   is a faster version barely will carry us slightly  forward from from the upgraded CER so again it's   just a quality improvement next up you're going to  learn tropical outfit and Tundra outfit and you're   going to craft both of these there we go so Tundra  and tropical at level 9 then go to the crafting   bench and make both of those so we're going to  go ahead and start production there and we have   our crafting pal ready to go sub tropical outfit  is made and then make Tundra outfit go ahead and   make that and you're going to keep both of these  in your inventory and you're just going to swap   them if your character gets hot you put on the  tropical if your character gets cold you put on   the tundra which we're going to need because we're  going to go get a dig to our mission is to get a   dig to so you're going to fast travel to ice wind  Island and then you're going to go Southeast into   the desert area which is down over here you can  see that there's a little bit of desert area so   I'm going to just ride there on my ilk the deer  real quick now that I'm here the there should be   dig to in this area right now there is a dooman  and uh if you don't see any dig toys immediately   nearby you can fast travel away fast travel back  you can also if you're the only player in the area   we can just log in and log out which is what I'm  going to do because it's a lot easier and faster   now this is the Dig toys and I haven't taught you  this yet but Nightwing is really good at farming   basically anything and here's how you want to set  up your Nightwing you want him to have air Cannon   and wind cutter and here's why these things are  instant attacks very fast cast you can technically   walk away and uh shoot while you kite and this  also pierces through enemies so you can hit   multiple Targets in a line and this is just the  easiest way to weaken anything currently in the   game and then it's just an easy capture after that  it's just so simple and so easy and you can just   fly around to do this to everything you encounter  and you don't have to stop at one dig to you can   run around and capture sure 10 or five or however  many that you want there's hangu there's uh Toto   toos there's you know there's this tons of stuff  here and uh yeah so these Dar These Arm creatures   I can't I can't land a hit on him all right  he's pretty weak I don't want to wound him too   much more but uh yeah let's get him there's some  sparket there let's go ahead and grab those see   how easy it is to hit all these they're already  like majorly wounded uh one of them died but we   can throw a ball from safe distance to capture  them there's another dig to let's get them and   again these have very long range attacks we can  aggro enemies it's just the easiest thing and you   know if things get hairy we can just fly upwards  it's not like we're in any kind of danger and oh   I missed okay let's try again there we go we got  them this time so again just run around capture   a whole bunch of dig toes and uh uh we're going  to do the same thing too we can combine four of   them and level it up so that it mines even faster  than normal there we go that one's weak and again   yeah just you just fly around the island here and  uh for whatever reason I'm not I'm not suffering   from heat uh problems so I don't know if they  Nerf this area but um when I used to come here   you would need the tropical outfit because your  character would burn up so I'm not sure what's   going on at the moment I don't know why I don't  know if it's a bug or if they just made this area   less dangerous to be at or or what's going on  okay so here it is it says hot so we just swap   on the outfit and again when when whenever we get  cold uh we simply switch to the tundra outfit and   you could you could just you could just just card  your your cloth outfit you don't need it anymore   at this point you have to put it on at night cuz  at night it does get cold I don't know how that   works I guess deserts well yeah deserts do get  pretty darn cold I guess in the real world so   that does make sense anyway getting more dig toes  here and uh dumans and you can kill Syndicate you   can kill The Syndicate thugs they have they're  humans they're easy to kill they give good XP   and you'll notice that um that life monk that we  had in our party it's already level 17 just from   cap and stuff just uh going around also toot toos  they have gunpowder they drop gunpowder because   they are an explosive bird they're basically a  a creeper from Minecraft I guess kind of that's   their special attack they're the what is it  electrodes from you know that that one game   that started all this monster catching stuff so  yeah I'm just running around just capping all the   things and uh again this is how we level up fast  there we go get these doans here in the back and   you can see I'm already level 32 go ahead and  throw the ball pretty simple stuff looks like   we got another uh you can see I'm cleaving things  in the back here and I just ended up killing it   instead but that's fine this is incredibly easy  and fast to level up this again this that's why   this is the best start for new players guide  that's why you're watching all right what do   we have here fuddler yeah get him too just get  everything while while you're in every new little   Zone and you see new new Pals grab all of them all  right let's get back to base once you've secured   your dig toes you're going to open the technology  menu here go down to level 19 and you'll have the   Dig toes headband you're going to uh research that  and I need some Paladium fragments which I should   have some ready here at the machine and I always  have this thing cranking so there we go get that   moving and grooving and then we're going to come  over here and we're going to craft the headband   which uh takes a little while but uh you know we  have our level three Helper and it looks like uh   Bushi was wanting to do it but now he's mining  trees for this samurai sword all right see you   in a sec while we craft this so now we're going to  get our dig toys I'm going to going to put one of   our little life monks here away I'm going to put  them on the very last tab so I can find them later   easier and let's go to our dig toes wherever those  are there it is and looking through the perks   uh this one has stronghold strategist so we'll  just go ahead and pick that one and we're going   to basically combine the four others into that  one so that it mines slightly faster it doesn't   really mine that much faster but you know faster  is better and it's not like we need five dig toes   anyway so put that one in and then we're going to  combine the other four as a sacrifice as a ritual   I only I thought I had more um well I thought I  had five but I only had oh well I we'll just use   the level one dig toys it's totally fine and so  all we got to do now is uh let's see let's find   something to mine here here we go some iron so  if you just put it on the iron it'll spin but if   you hold F it'll spin even better and that really  mins it fast look at that it just grinds it into dust yep it's that easy all right and then we're  going to cancel and then pick up all that ore and   then just rinse and repeat and he'll go over there  and start mining he's a really good Miner so you   can put him in your Camp anyway which is probably  what I'll end up doing but you know I like to take   him over here to the actual iron camp and uh yep  put them to work that's right get to work and then   we can do drill Crusher there we go so while he's  doing that I can work on this and you can see uh   even with my metal pickaxe I am no match for his  speed it is way Superior and faster to have both   of us working at the same time and even when  he runs out of his drill Crusher special there   you see now he's out of juice just throw him  at another pile he'll keep spinning it won't   be as fast but it's still pretty good it's about  half as much damage but uh he FL flat like he's   already flattened one I'm over here about to crush  this one so he's about twice as fast as me at the   moment but I'm going to go ahead and pick up the  stuff here and yes I am now overweight which sucks   and uh I wish I had a grapple gun but hey we  could always make a grapple gun it's no problem   now since you're this far into the video I just  want to show you a really cheap trick that you can   do so for instance this uh this life monk here  we're going to use his special ability to just   you know shoot his submachine gun there we go and  we're just going to waste all the bullets and now   it's on a long cool down but if you just log out  of the game and log back in it restores the cool   down this works in multiplayer yes yes it works  in multiplayer this will probably get patched   at some point maybe we'll see what happens but in  the meantime you can just log off log back on you   get your cool Downs back and uh um all right and  then let's pop uh the life mon back there you go   full cool downs and you can use this with your dig  toys to mine stuff you can there's so many things   you can do also I guess I left some ore behind  here we'll go ahead and pick that up and uh get   back to it at level 21 you're going to upgrade  your flying Mount now of course I'm level 32 and   I haven't done this yet so it's okay if you've  overleveled but Nightwing has served us well but   this is the slowest flying mount in the game a lot  of new players will just use this forever and it's   so slow so we're going to get a replacement called  vanor worm and vanor worm is pretty easy to find   I'll show you here on the pal deck so here's how  to use the habitat finder if you've ever caught   one or seen one it'll show up here you click  habitat and this is how it works you're going   to see these orange circles where it could spawn  in at but what you really want to look at are the   orange circles that are heavily overlapping so for  instance this circle it's kind of faded here right   but all of these circles converge in the middle  right here where the Orange is the thickest well   where I'm at the Orange is a a big thick Orange  Line like kind of like an l-shape right here this   means this is the best habitat for Van worm and  that would be none other than the sealed Realm   of the swordmaster Waypoint right above the Bouie  fight so you just kind of run between here and the   Ravine entrance way points you just kind of run  up and down this road kind of looking up in the   sky and you'll you'll find some van worms so you  want to capture a bunch of them and then combine   them in the pal condenser so you fly faster now  remember you want to find bushie every time he's   up so I'm using a waterbased pal because he's a  fire based pal and arcel will just kick his butt   so you know there you go go get him celer and uh  you don't want to kill him make sure you capture   him because we need to butcher one for a plus4  crossbow but he's also a level three Lumberjack   somehow I don't really understand how you can  just hide behind the pillar here and he can't   really do much um he'll just keep jumping around  uh so again you could just straight run from him   he's is not really the biggest threat you can just  you know Dodge roll his attacks and whatnot it's   a very easy and simple fight and look at that  after I left the fight there's a couple of Van   worms here so we'll just hop on and uh just take  them down real quick using our Nightwing why not   because it's really easy to farm just about  everything with Nightwing especially early on   there we go capture that one and yeah these aren't  that high leveled they're not level 20 plus but   we don't need them to be high level they're just  merely faster also this Bon Cherry wants to fight   so we'll go ahead and grab them as well again  capture 10 of everything this is how you power   level this is how you level up quickly and the  faster you level oh what is this one I must have   hit there's like two more entering the fight  so we got three mobs on us now but hey we have   that Mega Shield we have armor we we're pretty  high leveled this is uh something we can totally   handle there we go oh I missed get that one in  there now the one problem I want to see with air   cannon is that it auto aim games also this one  did not get captured sitting there sniffing my   farts just running at me it's like what the heck  all right there we go and uh all in a day's work   I just want to show you my stats remember so we're  not supposed to have 10 levels in weight uh we're   supposed to have 10 levels in stamina there we  go and then the rest would go into HP so I should   have 1,800 HP and not 1,700 so you want to check  all your van worms and see if there's any good   stats this one has ferocious there is a mod that  lets you move faster I forget what it's called   but oh looks like I'm getting invaded by the free  pal Alliance H hardliners here so uh again we have   our life Monk and uh we have our just submachine  gun him down look at this this is just uh you know   it's kind of REM risent of uh modern warfare's no  Russian moment huh go get them life Monk okay so   they he's not doing nothing try again fight him  get him kill him brutalize him look at that oh   they're so dead and again we're taking our van  worm and we're combining the four lesser ones   to improve its its flight abilities there we  go and don't forget you have to learn how to   ride it so at level 21 you're going to learn the  van worm saddle and then craft one don't forget   to craft it so that means you go over here to the  pal workor bench that's like the purple one and   here's the van worm saddle and these things take  a while to craft so uh you know just put a just   put one of your level three handiworks on it and  it'll be done in a Jeffy so this flying mob Works   a little bit different it has a jump and you have  to double jump to activate flight it's a it's a   little different you'll get used to it uh than the  Nightwing but uh again it it has air cannon which   we know and love it has Spitfire which doesn't  have as much range it has blast which doesn't have   as much range either but you'll mostly use air  cannon for longer range attacks like if we want   to hit this kativa and that's going to be an Air  Blast but if we want to hit something closer oh   we have the ignis blast you know which is you're  just breathing fire on these poor creatures right   and down they go and then you have Spitfire Spirit  fire which um doesn't seem to be casting for some   reason I'm not sure there it goes okay and uh  wow that just sent that thing flying that's a   bug now it's time to upgrade your glider which is  currently celer and you're going to be getting Gil   claw instead so here's where you can find Gil  claws now I actually prefer this area because   it's just closer to the Fast Travel up here it's  easier to get to and uh there's more fast travel   points around here now this is obviously there's  more spawns of Gail claws but um they usually find   a couple spawned every like once in a while but  um again this is generally where I go is right in   here to farm them so go ahead and get you some now  I'm going to be real and I don't I can't honestly   answer if a perk like Runner with 20% increased  in movement speed if this works with gliding I   have no idea if this works or not but just to be  safe I would choose something like that oh this   one has Swift 30% increased movement speed and mol  mine foran and workaholic this one's pretty cool   uh so uh this increases your mining efficiency  too like that that just helps if you use a mining   axe right so uh clearly that one's the winner  that one's the alpha of uh of Gil claws in my   party here so I'm definitely going to put that  one replace the celer the celer is now retired   and uh we're going to pump this Gale claw up by  combining all the other ones that I got as you   should and then you have to of course upgrade or  research the uh the gloves which is level 23 so   there you go and here is why we wanted Gail claw  watch look at this speed it's crazy and the cool   thing about Gail claws you can aim your gun while  you Glide and it takes less stamina this thing is   just fast it's faster than running it's almost  faster than your ground Mount so here's running   here's sprinting and then here's gliding it's so  much faster and you can kind of bunny hop too sort   of kind of with it like you can just kind of keep  the momentum going too it's it's a learning curve   but whenever you have the grapple hook you can  go even faster you grapple up a tree and using   that momentum you then Glide forward and you just  fly it's so nice oh and by the way Gail Claw is   the best gliding mount in the whole game so you  won't ever replace it ever again so feel free   to pump the hell out of its power and uh you can  always also use it for combat if you want I mean   this one is particularly very fast he seems to  be having trouble targeting things though let's   tell him to attack aggressively and try again that  way we can watch him kill the pulet so he's flying   up high where's he going he's just leaving okay  whatever here let's shoot let's shoot a Nightwing   here and go get him Gil claw let's see you Bird  versus bird let's go okay he's not doing so good   he's got the air cannon though at least he's doing  something I'm on you got this oh he's it's only a   level 13 Gail claw I kind of forgot he's he's not  very powerful yet he's not in his 30s so there we   go that's Gil claw everybody now it's time to work  on your AOE clear and this thing breaks the game   this is Manda manda's one of the best AOE early  game clears later uh I believe the rexasaurus or   relaxasaurus is better but that's in the late  40s right now we're going to go nor here's our   base we're going to go all the way North this is  the CIS island with the island Hopper Coast you're   going to fast travel here and we're we're going  to go North to this little part of the island so   uh let me actually get to something that'll  let me fast travel so we're going to go here   and then we're just going to fly across the water  there real quick on our vanor worm which uh again   going north so summon your van worm and I should  eat real quick there we go feed everybody make   sure everybody's fed and uh we're just going to  go north I I'll meet you there so here is Manda   now this one's sleeping cuz uh well it's about to  be you know because it's morning but they're big   green Panda looking thing so again they are Leaf  based so you can just use your fire abilities here   and take it down now unfortunately my uh van worm  is not leveled so I would like to swap mounts or   swap anything to something a little stronger here  and have it fight the Manda now for now I would   say just get one of these also he's attacking  me and they do hurt they're very powerful and   dangerous but uh you definitely want to level  you know get 112 of these and pump them up all   the way uh is that is that enough to catch I  don't know I think we should wound it a bit   more he's kind of up on the mountain being weird  now these things float when they jump it's kind of   interesting but uh yeah we'll try to capture it  and get one of these and we're going to get its   grenade launchers now this requires level 24 but  you're going to learn manda's grenade launcher   and this so far out of everything you've ever  crafted in the entire game this will take the   longest to craft and I need more fragments but  I'm pretty sure I have fragments ready over here   and uh you can see now that we have Gail claw  and I didn't want to climb the tree everything   is really quick movement is super quick now so  we can just Glide around the camp and no I don't   want to climb the trees damn it all right get to  crafting mandas grenade launcher this is an epic   quality item and it takes those high quality  pal oils which we did get by you know farming   the Dig toes earlier or my favorite place again  I've talked about this earlier in the video is   right here at the sacred realm of thunder dragon  you fast travel here there's relaxasaurus you   kill those you get the oils you can also just  buy them from the fisherman's Outpost all the   way over here at the fisherman's point so again  that's just the best ways to do it so let's get   to crafting and look how long this takes with me  and a level three handiwork this thing is going   to take a very long time to finish so have fun  with that and this is what your current party   should look like you should have a life monk for  single Target a Gil claw for gliding a Manda for   AOE damage borm for flying and eader for land  travel so Manda with the grenade launcher just   look at this dis this is just disgusting you're  r on its back it's a it it has a floaty jump I   don't understand why but it really helps whenever  you're uh grenade launching so look at this good   goodbye lamb ball goodbye pulet goodbye kativa you  just you nuke everything and we have so much like   we can just kill everything now if there if PVP  ever happens on this game like and you rush this   you just win the server you can kill everyone's  base you can kill every player and uh there's   nothing they can do you can just nuke everything  okay you have like I can keep firing for a while   here there's so many more shots and the greatest  thing about masanda is that when you shoot a large   enemy or a boss it stuns it and knocks it over so  you can shoot one and then hit it with an ability   like you know Stone Cannon or something and then  you can shoot it again use an ability and you you   basically can just hold something hostage for the  entire time that you have ammo now well Sanda you   want to burn through all of its ammo otherwise it  will never recharge so you want to make sure you   fire every shot you get when you activate it and  uh yeah this thing is awesome this thing it's so   weird that it like floats when it jumps but um  this is insanely powerful you want to farm a ton   of these and then condense them down in the PO  condenser I got to do some leveling and Manda is   really great for leveling you just travel you fast  travel to any of these zones where there's a bunch   of humanoids uh especially the area we were just  at up here there's a bunch of level 26 humanoids   patrolling you just nuke them down with Manda and  then everything else in in your current party here   will just level like crazy so this level 15 Gail  claw it'll be level 25 in no time by just nuking   down everybody with this Manda now from now on  everything in your party you want to level up now   we're going to be replacing van Worm pretty soon  around level 29 level 30ish which we technically   we've been for a little while now so we're going  to replace fan worm a little bit later but right   now let's level up our EA deer it's level 29  let's get it another star we have some extra   e the deer we can feed into it and there we go  that makes or eth theer that much stronger now   that you have mandra or Manda you can go ahead and  take on the tower of rain Syndicate boss if you   want it's more than easy enough now it's time to  upgrade the base Pals now you can kind of somewhat   skip this if you um did the level four gun method  at the start of this video uh but if it's patched   you'll have to do this so you're going to fast  travel to the seab breeze archipelago Castaway   Beach and you're going to be flying East into  to a sanctuary Zone which you're not technically   supposed to go to because the humans there that  run the place aren't really big fans uh but this   little area in the Mist you're going to fly over  here and there is a lot of things to catch here's   what you'll want to be catching over here you want  three pen Kings three valets one patalia and three   GIS bolts there's other stuff here you can catch  too like there is the E the deer um I forget what   it's called it's lightning version if you want one  of those I mean technically you should C capture   10 of everything but you might already have some  pen Kings if you've been fighting the boss up here   and capturing that one and uh yeah there you go so  go go up there and go capture some now once you've   cleared the island here and this is what it looks  like on the map just log out and log back in if   there's no other players around then it'll refresh  all the mobs and just continue to farm until you   have at least three pen Kings three veets one  patal and three gz bolts the gz bolts are for   electricity much later on you won't be using them  for quite a while now if you're having trouble   finding gz bolts this is the spot that I like to  Camp I like to just sit on this pillar and then   log out and back in multiple times and eventually  one will spawn somewhere within eyesight range you   just have to keep at it if you're really impatient  you can always come back later because we won't   need electricity for a while so just remember  this spot and then come back here and get some   Griz bolts when you need electricity when you  are Level 34 you're going to be replacing van   worm with Beacon and to get that you're going  to go right here to this Alpha boss now if you   travel from the Forgotten Island fast travel  point that you got at the start of the game you   just go Southeast along the coast and you'll find  it right here it's not the diffic most difficult   fight but you need to be level 34 to research  the saddle now if you want you can just really   lay this fight so I am positioned right here at  - 333 - 258 and uh it'll just bug out and kind   of glitch trying to get to me but it can't and  I can just sit here and shoot it indefinitely so   again it's not the hardest fight like you can just  sit under it with ranged you know Pals and DPS it   down or you can just lame it out like this it's  ultimately your choice and the be Beacon saddle   is level 34 so there we go also another note if  you capture multiples of these you can butcher   them for a plus4 handgun but I just want to let  you know at level 36 you get single shot rifle   which invalidates even the legendary level plus4  handgun so there's really no point to butcher it   so I actually died in the fight and I had to have  my van worm recover so I used Nightwing to get me   back out there and finish the fight so there we  go now we have Beacon and this thing is so much   so much faster than the other two and it's really  nice look how fast it just moves horizontally and   uh it doesn't have to do a little jump to take off  you just hold space bar and you're flying and yes   we can get airborne very quickly it doesn't burn  nearly as much stamina as van worm and uh if this   thing had that 30% move speed uh trait it would  move even faster so you definitely want to keep   farming these and when I Sprint with it it flies  super duper quickly as well so yeah this thing is   great it's not so good at uh hitting distant  enemies its attacks kind of suck so this is   purely a transport Mount and not so much a combat  fighting Mount at least not right now not until   you learn some better skills so here's a pretty  interesting trick you can do while you're flying   with Beacon you can fly up as high as you want  and once you run out of stamina we're just going   to burn all of our stamina you know going as fast  as we can as high as we can dismount and then when   you ever use your Glide that's a whole brand new  stamina bar now if you expend this stamina bar it   will be glitched in a certain way where you can't  exactly Glide or Mount anymore so what you have to   do is you have to summon Gail claw Glide with it  and then when you summon something else you can   ride it again or you can just log off and back  on and that fixes it but uh yeah so that's how   you uh abuse double stamina bars so you can glide  around faster so again it's much faster instead   of flying to just Dismount midair and then Glide  with uh your uh Gil claw so there you go and then   of course you know before hitting the ground  you just Glide again and then that will uh you   know basically stop the momentum from falling your  death and there you go so that's just movement 101   for you now a quick tip hold on we got to switch  armor because we're cold and um I don't seem to   have my old armor on for some reason I know I loot  oh there it is it's just broken so um apparently   when armor breaks it's going to just swap to the  non-broken ones now so talking about boss killing   and beating Tower bosses so earlier we beat the  you know the the Tower of rain Syndicate pretty   easily but there's an easier way to shotgun  down and just delete bosses any boss in the   game and your team would consist of the following  so there's these creatures called d Dreams they're   these little you know pink floaty things that pop  out at night around the starter Zone and they have   uh a necklace that you can craft in the technology  tree which uh it's around here somewhere Daydreams   necklace so whenever you attack they will attack  so what you do is you put four of these in your   party and then you have your life monk uh you  know fully buffed out and so you summon your life   monk you put it on your head you start shooting  all four Daydreams will also start shooting and   then you just delete bosses you just delete bosses  super quick but also by then you'll also have guns   so every time you're shooting the Daydreams  are also shooting and you just shotgun down   bosses insanely super duper fast and uh that's  basically how you speedrun the game now I want   to talk about all of the researching Technologies  so far and what they do and why you would or would   not want to do it so the alarm Bell you can use  this to turn off the aggression in your base if   you get invaded you always want to be aggressive  so you never want to build this real talk fire bow   lets you catch things on fire we we have fire  crossbow that we have access to at the start   of the video there's no reason that researched  this the rush Roar rush or is useless slow and   stupid it doesn't really mine super efficiently  either even early game it doesn't mine well so   just skip this uh the the fox spark if you level  one up all the way and get the right Buffs it can   do okay but it's such a short duration there's  just better options the Mel Paca sucks there's   no reason to ride one the bat is pointless to  craft signs are fun for multiplayer so you can   learn this one if you want uh the jolt hog if  you level one up enough it it's basically just   a onetime throw lightning grenade it's okay it's  not really that great poison bow now one meta you   can do is fire bow and poison bow swaps so you can  double status abnormality an opponent to capture   them easier uh Daydreams necklace we talked  about that that's how you can speedrun bosses   so the diral is with without spamming abilities  the fastest land Mount however whenever you use   the iader and you use its charge ability it's the  now the fastest Mount so this beats the dire how   because you can do this ability if you can't spam  this ability it is no longer the fastest Mount so   uh next up is bear trap I've never really seen  these used Too Well wouldn't eight it's good for   multiplayer uh you do want to get meat cleaver  because this is how you get the plus4 recipes   and it's the only way to get the plus4 recipes uh  you don't really need Pelt armor you can skip that   one you can skip crossbow because we can just  butcher our Bushi for a plus4 crossbow if you   want one metal spear don't need it training dummy  is okay if you want to test DPS it's pretty cool   I would get this if you want to test your damage  there's no reason to ride a grim tail uh the wall   torch for lighting is okay I just play at higher  contra you don't need sweep our univolt saddle if   you're making a sweep a team then you would want  this but otherwise there's no reason to get it   uh the viewing cage I haven't really seen the  point of getting this it just lags the game uh   and I have a good computer too you can get the  heat resistant pel armor if you want but uh you   know we got other stuff instead metal chest it's  okay but it's 15 ingots I think that's a little   wasteful uh you don't need the Aro sadle just wear  armor if you want to be warm you can use a cooking   pot to get advanced cooking recipes you're going  to eventually want to get this but early mid game   you don't really need it there's just not really  a point until you're really mid maxing your stats   uh heater you can just uh put one of these nearby  for an egg incubator if you want to have a warm   egg incubator the pinguet does a lot of damage  but then it kills the pinguet so it's kind of   pointless uh the floppy there's no reason to have  one of these it just automatically loots stuff   I guess if you're really lazy you don't need the  gliders because we have the better animal gliders   uh Stone if you're playing multiplayer you want to  get stone eventually stone is just way better but   you don't need it for quite a while the cooler you  can build one of these next to an egg incubator   you don't need Toto CO's gloves um it's okay it  fires explosive eggs but it's it's not better than   masanda so masanda is just straight up better uh  breeding Farm you're eventually going to get one   of these whenever you start farming honey and milk  and making cakes and breeding but you don't really   need to breed unless you want to really mid Max  and it takes a while cement you have to learn this   so go ahead and learn cement you you have to have  it for late game crafting uh the tool kit uh if   you want to speed up handiwork you can uh I don't  really see the point but uh again it's just a free   investment if you have a really big base go for it  weapon workbench you absolutely want to get one of   those and then you don't need to ever ride to Brun  Cherry for any reason or hang youu you don't need   to you can fly at this point hangu is point less  and slow musket never use the musket gunpowder you   definitely want to learn gunpowder you can learn  Co ammo or you can just buy it I've taught you   how to buy it at the start of the game you don't  need to ever ride in an ifre Den ever stun baton   sucks don't bother it's also really expensive  20 electric organs and it sucks it's basically   a bat that can sometimes Electrify things a large  bear trap I've never seen it good never seen it   Ed good uh King Paca you don't need to ride one  of these there's no reason to ride one of those   metal armor go ahead and learn this metal armor  is pretty decent metal helmet also just better   than the helmet we have on but uh again they're a  little expensive early on later on when you have a   ton of ingots you might as well but right now all  of your ingots should go towards the gigos speres   you can upgrade the Pal's bed if you want but it  does cost Nails I don't really you don't really   need this because you have berries berries will  keep them sane you don't have to upgrade their bed   and uh you you don't need to increase Gathering  effic efficiency ever this is pointless um what   else makeshift handgun skip this one you can buy  this from the vendor uh you can get heat resistant   metal armor if you want if you want you don't have  to you don't need to you never need to increase   efficiency of planting there's just no reason you  don't need defensive structures you don't need   lamps power generator you will eventually need  a power generator so you can go ahead and learn   that Hyer sphere absolutely get hypers sphere  though it does cost cement which is uh annoying   to get until you buy horns sphere assembly line  you have to get this anyway and uh ceiling lamp   don't need it Giga Shield absolutely get Giga  shield and craft one ASAP as soon as you can   uh production assembly line you have to get this  one stump an axe you don't really need this unless   you're really burning through coal handgun you  don't need it just skip handgun uh you can learn   the ammo though it's useful to learn the ammo if  you want the bed you don't need a better bed for   yourself and like I I this whole playthrough  I did not sleep in a bed once you definitely   want a highquality hot spring that just really  helps uh grenades I haven't really found a point   for grenades stone gates pretty cool repo saddle  you don't need to ride a repo I mean you can way   later on when you have One max level because it  can mine the entire mining camp in one spell but   until then like you don't need it like get this  way later okay weapon assim line absolutely uh   tomato Plantation you can get that if you want  you don't need do need polymer no matter what   you need polymer and um you don't need snowman  you need improved furnace absolutely and I like   the to I like upgrading the tools so I always get  those just because and then of course Ultra sphere   at level 35 and you know how to level up by now  you've watched the guide you and you you basically   know what to get from here you you've played the  game enough to understand at this point how things   work and what to do to progress I don't have to  Hold Your Hand any longer you have a winning pal   team at the base you have every ability to travel  everywhere you know how to upgrade and level up   and Empower your pals and yeah there's a few  things I didn't really go over that I don't   need to like for instance the pal Souls that you  can go to the Statue and enhance your pals this   is for real late game mid maxing stuff like if  I want to you know add some damage to M Sanda   I can put some Souls into attack but it's such a  small amount 3% like 3 699 12 50 like it doesn't   really add up until you have a lot of it so you  don't even have to really bother with it early   in mid game but you have you have the PALS that  that are working constantly they're constantly   happy and in good condition you know how to keep  them good and safe and happy you know how to keep   all your crafting benches going you have all  the best Pals for all the best activities you   have the strongest party with the most Mobility  you're all set and ready to go that's the guide   thank you so much for watching please leave a like  this took a very long time to make and uh I really   hope that you enjoyed that little um workaround  at the very start of the video so if you skipped   ahead you missed the juiciest part I teach you  how to get a makeshift handgun at level four   so don't like go go rewind and go watch that part  that's the best that's the real juicy part of the   video here look at him he's jumping with me hell  yeah he's happy just like me okay oh time to fly   anyway leave a like leave a comment let me know  what you think if you know any other super fast   start tricks look at he's jumping that's so cool  uh let me know and finally on the right side of   your screen is a video that you should absolutely  click and if you don't click it then the next time   you order a pizza they're not going to give you  as many ingredients as they would someone else
Channel: SwoleBenji
Views: 88,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Game, Palworld Video Game, Palworld Survival Crafting, Palworld Survival, Palworld Pocketpair, Pocketpair, palworld best start for new players, palworld beginners guide, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pals to use, palworld infinite gold, palworld handgun at lvl 4, palworld end game pals at lvl 4, palworld fastest possible start, palworld best possible start, palworld best start, palworld fastest start, palworld fastest way to level up
Id: EaHh740DUYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 36sec (7176 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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