I Discovered how to make INFINITE Spheres in Palworld

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so you want to get infinite spheres me too that's why I'm on a mission to make it so it's been pointed out to me that this cute little Vixy right here can dig up items from the ground in a ranch but partner skills are more than just level one for instance when you condense everything now I've got the level two Galeclaw Rider I'm actually slightly faster and better than before so it's about to be Mass Wrangle and murder time and I'll be needing me a ton of these 200 mega spheres I can catch the whole world long as that world is below level 25 look at the experience going up cuz everybody's just cranking these out that's so silly thank you boys now obviously if this is going to work I'm going to need a crap ton of Vixy cuz I think it takes like 115 Pals to condense to max level for now though I just want to catch like six hello tiny little Vixy get air bombed wow only a 62% chance to catch these guys maybe I should have just made a bunch of gigas spheres hey don't shoot stop it oh oh i murdered it okay oops what are you guys doing here bad if the game really loved me it'd give me a Vixy with Artisan on it that's just Brave okay yep game wants to spit in my face and laugh while it does it thanks love you too all right we'll be good to have you guys be my last little two I think just stay in the ball this time do it stay in the ball there we go see just threaten a little violence everything works no Witnesses all right plenty of vixys to experiment on oh workaholic that's pretty good no other worker stat but that's fine we'll breed it into them a few minutes later I played for a little bit off camera and got some resources and stuff and I ended up scouting out what I think I want to be the best base ever in palworld obviously I've got my mining operation going over here but we can just remove this yeah it'll be fine oh yes I get to do the good old American way these guys are where I want to live make it where there's no guys it's free real estate and now I think I just need to do one quick log yeah it's gone and I get to live here now but now there's another huge little patch of land just right up here that I can just smack another pal box down on I've learned that when you're away from the base Pals stop working and if I'm trying to run the most efficient operation backed on Free Labor by enslavement laws while having a spot where both will run continuously doesn't that just seem so profitable we can start by getting just a few ranches down and of course they'll need beds I need more fiber though so you know let's do a little Paul Bunyon-ing real quick as my forefathers have trained me oh God I weigh so much there you go beds for everybody unleash the Vixy Armada oh wow there's still not enough I need like one more Ranch is it only four per all right a little more chopping then see look little pal spere some gold coins some arrows which I'm just going to also sell for money pretty much the automatic get everything Farm could be done but no it can be better all With a Little Help from breeding it's important to note that you're not limited to just one breeding Farm by the way you can really get things cooking which brings me to base number two right now I'm just going to kind of bare bones it but it should also help our vixys get super leveled up all right how we doing down here I took all my normal pal spheres out looks like I'm already at 31 and cool all right a free 65 normal pal spheres already not a bad Farm but oh we will be upgrading I just need to go do a little bit more mining up in the cold cold North the freezing air burns my skin and the burning tornadoes burn this guy alive it's a fair trade but basically I just made this cords for some circuit boards all right 15 of them coming up work hard men thank you and then 20 charcoal later I can actually make an electric kitchen now meaning I can make a bunch of cakes these used to take forever when I was using my little van worm on the cooking thingy but now with level four kindling ignis in the electric kitchen with The Cauldron thing it's like I'm playing a game of Clue look at how much faster that goes up so I've got cakes cooking over here at this base I've got random resources going and then down here I've got all my spheres hey leave my guys alone jerks all right I think it's time to go catch like 50 more Vixys see you in I don't know 30 minutes so about 20 minutes later I've at least got one full page and then some but what I found is that I have a serious male Vixy and an artisan female Vixy that's pretty much the best two working combos you can make getting work slave in there would also be very good but for right now you two start breeding and here's the cakes for it what am I hearing shimmering another shiny any tanzee I caught one of these a second ago all right busted out a giga sphere for it I win also I'm just going to delete one of the ranches I think I'm over producing to the point that uh they're stopping production so we'll just focus on having the three and my two breeders and now Mr red Merchant I want to talk to you buddy just want to buy some more eggs and milk you know my cakes need made how we doing up here too everybody's still good no one's exploding that's pretty much the ideal good work team let's make sure we get our egg incubator over here whenever they breed the egg I kind of want to be able to hatch it too tough concept to grasp I know all right now is the part of the game where I quite literally just need to stand still right here in a perfect world The Game would immediately give me four Artisan serious Vixys but for right now I'm not going to be hopeful and instead just stare at that tower that I'll go beat one of these days it's been about 45 minutes and I've got a lot of eggs here all we have to do is just hope that one of these is Artisan serious and then you know things start looking up like a lot of artisan though no serious oh yes I got one now if I can just get three more oh yes another one and another one this is going great I ended up getting four with serious Artisan conveniently that's both female male male and female so what I want to do is take this female work slave one and combine it with one of my male artisan serious and try and get some with all three perks cuz obviously Serious is 20% work speed Artisan's 50 so that's a 70% boost but if they had work slave it would be 100 you know basic math for you and now I need to execute more of you guys I ran out of honey making cakes a lot of violence later 45 honey all right fourteen more cakes going in my ignis are what are you doing on The Silo there's no way you think that's a good idea oh God these Pals now that I've got some more cakes cooking I'll throw these next two in make sure this is all good right you guys love each other very much you promise not like my parents anyway it's time to just stay in here for like another hour the farming life is simple even if you're farming well realistic beings another hour down and we're back with a lot more eggs nine common eggs will I be lucky enough to get the three I need though that's not even close Artisan serious work slave yes I love when things work out in my favor so you can already see that this work speed is supposed to be 70 but because of all of our skills it's all the way up to 140 and if we just combine a bunch of Pals to make it level two now my dig here ability is up to level two but we can go even further Beyond dig here up to level three at two stars and now all the way up to three as well but we're not done yet using the souls of dead Pals we can also upgrade his work speed up I'll be able to get all the way up to a 24% but I'm lacking large pal souls cuz I haven't really done any dungeons for a total of 173 work speed what is supposed to be 86 now much much better all right experiment time I'm going to put four Vixys into their little ranch and then set a timer for 20 minutes and I'll come back and see just how many things I've actually gathered so it's been 25 minutes and I've gotten 44 regular spheres and 140 gold coins out of these four Vixy who are just doing their best that's all I can really ask of you all right now get them out of here so let's get our hyper bred Vixy in now we'll let you graze about for a bit and see if you make up better stuff than what the other ones gave me while I'm here I also might as well just hatch these eggs I would like another work slave serious Artisan game if you would be so kind survey says yes I actually did get another one that's just lucky all right work hard little one I'll be here and another 25 minutes later my golden child has been hard at work looks like it's gotten me 80 gold over half of what the other four did along with 12 pal spheres but now that it's upgraded I can get mega spheres too 16 total compared to what 43 oh man you're just kind of scarily good huh now imagine if I had uh two more fully kitted out Vixys I managed to pull yet another one so I'm only one away from having a full Ranch of just absolute sphere makers which I think will be pretty dang strong obviously this could be even better though if I raise the Star level of all these other Vixys and thanks to the very generous gift I have set up uh plenty of spheres to throw at them this guy just broke out of a 95 you know what you deserve a reward for that it's called Buckshot and then I haven't seen any more spawn in after that oh wait here we go how come sometimes it's like a 25% capture difference what's so special about this Vixie that makes it harder to capture oh it has a gold skill their attributes impact their catch rate this guy's only got a 76% does that mean he's also going to have a golden skill so everybody says no it's just cold blooded okay that doesn't make any sense and for that time to lash out don't you run from me all of you are coming home whether you like it or not your sacrifice is Noble don't think about it too hard stay in the ball no no why are there more of you over here no one escapes this is so fun ooh water egg give me that oh I see another gaggle of Vixy come here once I catch all of these ones I think I might have enough to get another Vixy up to its third star which is just what you need to get its little ability up to the mega sphere level all right report back to base what is the surfent doing why is your mouth open oh okay he's bugging out I'm just going to ignore it begin the extraction that's enough for my three star slip you in there buddy is there another shiny monkey over here oh no it's shiny lamb ball look at how big he is get giga sphered no Witnesses he's mine forever roll roll down I don't think I'm going to have enough to condense this guy to a three star but I can at least get him up to a two that just makes everything a little bit better all right get back in there buddy start working oh yeah let me hatch these other eggs that I got too something out of the damp egg it's a Celaray fish thing I want something cool game our arsox I guess I haven't caught one of these guys before all right I'll take it counts as a win and now I am kind of curious on what happens if I were to max star one of these guys what's going on we're being raided good thing I just threw 15 Cyclones over there oh that guy just got launched at light speed oh oh no oh buddy this is going to really hurt yeah anyways though I think I'm good to save that one for next time if you have any more ideas on what I should do in palworld leave me a comment down below letting me know I enjoy reading them after all until then as always thank you so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 137,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, palworld
Id: EIrBcY-bBnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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