PALWORLD - Don't Skip On The 5 Most Important FARMS & Base Locations! (Palworld Tips & Tricks)

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having a proper base in pal world is one of the most important things you have to do actually scratch that having multiple perfect bases is the most important thing which is why in today's video we're going to go over everything you need to know in order to set up your perfect run with some amazing starting on bases which are going to eventually transition into building some of the best high-end stuff like best pal spheres to catch up high level enemies best gear best armor weapons and many many more so let's Dive Right into in so this is one of my starting bases as you can see right here now this does not involve any resource extraction that's going to be done via some specialized bases in just a bit but um regardless I wanted to set up a base that's purely focused on catching and then creating as many Pals as humanly possible both because catching a lot of Pals early helps Aon to level up fast plus eventually you want to create some really strong breeds and specimens so that you can fight a lot better so this is basic basically that plus the views are pretty nice you even have like a Cascade over there and you can of course um find this in the early stages so it's not really much to talk about but one of the first setups I made was for a Vixie farm so this is something that you can literally start by level five as long as you just get the ranch over there and then the Vixie are actually very easy to find but they will drop a ton of these two very important early resources the arrows and especially the pal speres so you will never have to worry about these ever again you can just go ahead and capture so many Pals early on until you reach the higher end stuff so that you can get as many levels as possible this will easily boost you to level 25 within like a couple of hours of doing it properly and taking advantage of the XP bonuses but vixx's are also very easy to acquire too so this is an early on type of creature that you can find all over the starting area so especially so around the collapsed church and and also a little bit down south over here so in these red and then the orange Forest you're going to find a lot of them just sitting by now the next I set up was obviously a cake Farm we of course needed a lot of cake so that we can then finel it into breeding otherwise breeding is not possible so there are two things that we needed we needed while of course a pan again with a bunch of Beast this is the chickp and the mozara we need it for the milk and the eggs but also the honey so I do have an elizab be right here which for some reason after the update stopped working all together so I'm not sure exactly what's going on right here but whenever I try to use it at one of these Farms it just refuses to start working and I'm not sure exactly why that's the case but before any of that happened it produced hundreds of honey for me and as you can see like I still have hundreds of some of the other resources so that I can fun all of that into a lot a lot of cakes but you also of course need some of these wheat plantations I only set up a couple because that's as much as you need and then just transform all of that into Flower by using this Mill right here that you can also create so all of this can be handled by any water creature but paning is probably the best you can also take care of your red berries Plantation which is used to both craft that cake but also to have them eat that by the way quick tip over here is that if you place these berries first on the fost left in this case slot in the feeding box they will never consume the following items after that so as long as you still have something in this slot they will never consume the milk the eggs the honey and all the other stuff they will just focus on the first one so try to get a good Plantation that produces thousands of these each day and from that point on of course it's all a matter of creating while breeding actually a ton of these Pals crossbreeding is a very good thing to do right now because it just gives you a ton of very strong Pals as long as the starting parents are also very strong in terms of um the bonuses they get so for example we just got an Anubis with barely body and ferocious so that's actually really strong and I think that we're going to get another one with some good stats maybe okay so we got power of Gaia muscle head Burly body I did want a Burly body but not really on this one I would have preferred vicious and muscle head but I guess I'm going to take it like this for now and I'm just going to let them breede for a little bit but I'm using two pants just because it makes breathing a lot faster and I can test things out and get um some new specimens out of it but outside of that the only other thing I set up here are some of the basic starting benches eventually we're going to move over to conveyor belts and also the beds plus a few of these um spots they can jump in the spring so that they can heal up a little bit and be in a better condition but now let's move over to the second base so the second base is the one you already know about which is right here by the desolate Church in the same red Forest Area so like I said I want to split out my farms and never confuse them with one another so this one is purely focused as you can see on mining resources specifically it's going to be ore ore is one of the most important resources that you will absolutely need all the way to level 50 plus a bit of the wood here so this location is very early it's just a bit up West from your starting location and there are about 10 of these ores you would have seen them if they didn't get fully destroyed plus so many trees but yeah my entire Farm got completely raised right now by my very hardworking Pals so I'm really grateful that they are actually able to do this the only thing I kind of need is B transporting NPCs but um in this case you don't really need much um you just set up down one of these boxes and as you can see they will bring thousands of these resources and then you can go ahead put them in one of these furnaces and craft as many of the ingots as you can I do need a lot of of ingots these are finnal eventually into refined ingots and eventually into pal ingots and it's going to be needed for all of the higher grade stuff including the B spheres and whatnot so we're going to check that in just a bit I did create one of these conveyor Batts but you're not going to need it at this stage this was just like for some testing I've been doing but um one of the good creatures early on at about level 20 when I unlocked all of this stuff is the well the Tom bat so the Tom bat comes with a couple of very good abilities that will help you here one of which is actually his ability to mine a level two Miner that will um actually do a good job at destroying all of these ores and destroying all of these um trees um they don't do much transporting despite having level two into that but if you maybe add a few more they will eventually start picking things off the ground and of course you can find them all over the place so at night they will literally spawn throughout all of the starting Zone and even to the adjacent ones a very very easy creature to grab but of course I also then move to Anubis since I just Brad so many of them do make sure that you still get some automation going on when it comes to the food you don't really want to have um to travel between bases to create food so in my case I still set up two of these red berries which creates like thousands in like a week or so so just enough for about 10 to 12 of these Pals to eat and not go too hungry but this brings us to our last and final option which is going to be the best of them all because it combines so many things so this one I set up right here up north it's actually very close to the veiled boss fight SL the sealed Realm of the Guardian so the reason I set it up here is because we need coal I wanted to create a coal mine coal is extremely important you need it for refined ingots which eventually you will need to craft some of the ultra spheres and eventually even gets um funneled into the pal spheres that you will need for the legendary variants plus many many more things like some of the armors weapons high grade stuff even carbon fiber though in the case of the fiber I recommend using just charcoal which you can produce by just using regular wood and it's way way less expensive but in this case this specific spot has so many advantages and one of them is that it has four which are again fully destroyed but full four ores of coal that all of my pals as you can see are grabbing and bringing back at the base and then there's also about eight or so of these regular ores that yeah they will still pick up if they destroyed everything don't worry these completely respawn plus there are four of them in this small little circle right here that you will find and the remaining eight are around here so you can perfectly set up the base right here by the cliff and kind of have this amazing beautiful view of that um water waterfall stream actually there are multiple waterfalls right there this is probably one of the best looking spots in the game so of course this is not the only location in which you can find these types of ores you can also find the cold all around the desert area where Anubis spawns plus some of these other spots that I also um placed on the map but this I found to be the best because the area is pretty much a fullon mountain top so you never have to actually worry about any incoming raides nobody can even attack you because guess what there's no Road leading to this platform at the top of this mountain so theoretically speaking you're in the best position possible in the game to just mind your own business and um like I said not much here to talk about you will eventually have to set up these conveyor belts so these do come in at a little bit later so you get one at 27 with the spear assembly line but then at 28 with the production assembly line and everything else is like level 30 plus especially for the weapon weapons the polymer um and especially if you want the upgrades for these you're going to move way into like 45 and 50 but um 28 plus is going to be very good to set most of these up and by this point you will need a lot of the ultra spheres for the moments ahead if you want to fight and capture level 30 plus pells a lot of them will not be capturable with some of the others right here you will need a lot more than this so Ultra spheres can help with that however there is one element that becomes a bottleneck later on and that's going to be yeah you guessed it it's the cement so the reason cement is so annoying is because you cannot really Farm two of its main components including the bone and the pal fluids well you kind of good if you were to just buy them from some of the Vander NPCs but you will need gold for that so you're still going to have to farm for gold to get these there's no automation process however I am going to show you a very early on spots that you can use that will give you both of these very easily so let's actually start with the even lower level variant which involves just killing Vixie Unfortunately they are some of the earliest that actually do get to drop bones either capture or kill them they will give you those bones plus you can also um get some of the pullets and they will also drop some of the pal fluid that you need um I suggest capturing the first 10 so that you also get the bonus XP however later on there's going to be an Eva batter variant which is also very close to the base just a bit down south right here at the gobin turf so in this location you're going to find two possible spawns so one of them is going to be of course the Goin Goin drop spell fluids and the area is overly abundant with these creatures only keep in mind that they're level 20 plus so you will need to also be level 20 plus or have some very good pals and damage but otherwise they are easy to capture SL defeat and get those fluids and other creature that also spawns relatively in the same area which is going to be um in this case on that Shoreline is going to be the guirat which kind of has a small overlap with the previous spell in the same area so theoretically you can get lucky and just do a quick little sweep over here and take everybody down this is going to give you both the bones as well as the pal fluids when you um capture SL defeat those and luckily enough the output here is time St and on the cement for every one p fluid and one bone you get times 10 cement plus of course you need the stone but stone is super easy so 100 cement for just 10 of each of those enemies means you can create about 33 or so if I'm not mistaken it's about 33 of the ultra spheres with just 100 cement which is still very very good um but yeah that's pretty much it with the video that's how the farm is set up currently this is also going to transition later on into some of the other high-end stuff but for now and up until like level 30 it should help you T and yeah that's pretty much it with the video thanks much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 563,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pals, palworld early access, palworld farming, palworld how to, palworld secrets, palworld cement farm, palworld legendary sphere, palworld pal sphere farm
Id: T3uhPy2KwZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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