Palworld - 10 Of The Best EARLY PALS Everyone Should Get (Palworld Tips & Tricks)

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so do you want to stop sucking early on and deal a ton of damage get the best pells and defeat bosses like it's nothing well I have the video for you I'm going to show you a step-by-step guide on how to start with the best early on Pals and build towards an amazing team that can cover all bases and give you all the opportunities to counter pretty much every single ability and element in the game so the strongest earon is going to be the fox Park especially since at level six you can craft a harness for it to basically carry it as a flamethrower and deal in my opinion some of the highest damage at this point you can even take down one of the starting bosses just with this if you play it carefully so this is something you will find around this Valley in the starting point there are a whole bunch of them you can easily get and if you defeat SL capture them you also get two of the materials needed for the harness including the lather and the flame organ the palum fragments you will find all over the place anyway plus you will need to research and craft a p gear workbench craft it and this is going to pretty much give you the damage early on now eventually you're also going to reach the rain Syndicate location which is just a little bit further west while all around these roads right here especially near the tower you will find a lot of these lift monks there are a lot of them that you will want to go ahead and capture and what they have is that at level 11 they will give you a submachine upgrade this is much stronger and has an even longer range than before and you will only need the items that you already have your base Gathering anyway so the ingots Stone all of that you get it by default so easy craft and what this does is that it shoots from the top of your head without sacrificing your ability to use your own weapons so yes you can couple this with a longbow too which means you can take down creatures much much easier and by the way you can also take down some of these deer they are really good early on if you can Farm them they can help you a bit with tanking some damage they have a very strong charge ability plus they kind of do this long range attack from their horns this is another great option to have and this is pretty much all the setup you need for now to farm the next batch of very strong Pals some of them are actually top tier right now and will even carry you way over level 20 until you find much better options later in the game so one of them comes at level 11 its name is chillet and this is actually a boss and you can also reform it every single day like in this um case you can see that I went back with another chill it just to show you that it is totally possible if you want it with a better stats but on my first attempt I actually took it down with the fox spark it deals a ton of damage since it counters this boss so easily you can then go ahead and grab it with a spere and just throw a bunch eventually you should get it and as you can see it does come with some really good stats plus its attacks are both dragon as well as ice and the ice missiles especially have a very good chance to freeze and stun enemies for quite a long time now from this point on you have have a very good option that constantly roams around the starting roads especially in the starting Valley where you plac your base you're going to constantly see them appearing multiple times a day these are the dinos Suns and they're actually very strong it's half dragon half nature creature so this means both Fire and Ice works very well against them which is exactly what you already have by this point so again maybe try to Camp them a little bit try to reset the days or move a little bit until you see them spawning again and eventually you should get your hands on one however do be careful because they deal a ton of damage at this stage however they are also quite tanky so the stats on them are not too shabby they are some of the best tanks that I found early on and they can literally carry you way way into the like higher levels until you start seeing even better creatures it doesn't have bad attacks bad defenses but you can find them with much better passive skills than the ones I got so its Dragon burst is going to be its highest ability in terms of damage it's AOE and it helps a t with large groups of enemies or when getting raided but the Botanical Smash and the wind cter it's other two nature abilities help Aon to slow down enemies so this is very good against boss enemies that kind of Chase you all over the place you can use it at your advantage for that but to capture these much easier you will also want to Traverse the terrain much faster and there are two options quite early including a ground and a flying option so the first one is going to be close to the has a late Church in this red Forest Area you will find a lot of these Rush boes all over the place again use the starting elk creature to go ahead and capture them but as you notice they have this really cool charge ability so that covers a lot of distance however you will need to craft its saddle which you can unlock at level six luckily it doesn't require much to craft it so just some leather Stone and the palum fragments once you do that you can go ahead and mount it and you can both use it to just Traverse the environment and it's going to be much faster than you but you can also use its charge or Reckless charge attack to bump into some of these ores for example and immediately destroy them it's very good if you want to farm some ore really fast early on or just push things out of your way this is going to be plenty enough up until Level 15 when you will want your first flying Mount and that's going to be the Nightwing plus the saddle that you can unlock at that level in the technology stab so immediately do that and go ahead and farm for the night wings you will find a lot of them very close the grassy Behemoth Hills right here close to your starting location so the way you do this is by not staying in the way of their wind attacks because they can throw you in the water below and you might drown so do be careful with that however they are quite easy to take down so once you do that go back at the base and craft the saddle again you will need some of those ingots but I just showed you a method with a board to get a lot of ore so it's very easy to craft those cloth comes from a lot of those sheep Pals and everything else is easily farmable by your creatures if you just set up that base properly if you want a video on that I can totally make one really quick now from this point on your creature is rideable and as you can see it's going to give you a whole new perspective on the overall map plus it's going to be much easier to spot any points of interest so any upgrades Powers any of these chests which by the way I totally suggest unlocking and at night time you can even see them much much easier than that eventually you will find much better variant with other flying creatures for example at level 21 you can get the VY worm saddle I'm also going to show you where to find that creature because it's actually a very strong one to have but that one seems to be a bit more efficient with its stamina consumption so you can stay a bit more in the air assuming that you're not using shift or um yeah the Boost mechanic otherwise it goes almost just as fast and now that you have these you're ready for the truly op starting Pals some of which we will hunt the during night time as this is only the specific time of day they actually get to spawn in and some of the best are the loop moons you will find a lot of them very close the Ravine entrance Waypoint pretty much West to your starting location so you can also use the VY worm which is a creature you can find in the exact same area to hun these much easier they are quite dangerous they are darkness creatures but what makes them good is that you can counter neutral element creatures which is something that you will fight at level 20 so this is going to help you set up for that now you can find them starting level 15 they have some really good stats very strong attacks all of them are going to be in the darkness category including this very powerful slash that you can command immediately without having to craft any saddle so this is one of the first creatures you can get without the need to craft any saddle and still get the special ability on it plus it can do this ball of energy that deals damage and has an AOE Splash attack kind of like the Dragon again very strong in all of these situations now we do have a number of other bosses around this area that we can also go ahead and farm one of them is going to be the pan King so you'll find it right here in the center of Arena you'll have to interact with it this is going to bring you inside of a secret dungeon and this is where you will have to fight them now I do recommend paying attention to the enemies in here and use a fire creature I'm going to show you how to get that creature in just a bit but fire against Ice is very good here here so just make use of either the vny worm you just got from the previous location or even the starting Fox Park and this is going to eventually help you capture this now in my case I kind of died at the exact moment I threw one of these balls and I was lucky enough to actually have it succeed while the defeat screen appeared so I did get it and its stats are actually really impressive so it has a slide attack which deals Frost damage that's the one that absolutely obliterated me it also comes with an iceberg and Aqua gun so it has a lot of ways to actually stun lock enemies inside of ice this is exactly what you need if you fight these types of enemies like for example dragon type enemies if you want to stun them you can use this plus it looks really cool a king penguin you can definitely sign me up for that now what I didn't cover and you likely already noticed is some of these raid specific creatures so every now and then your base is going to get raided by random enemies and some of them can be very very strong and easily capturable so this includes stuff like the lavander but also incin Ram which is the one I'm going to focus on right here so this is a pure fire creature which you will need if you want to fight with some of those ice enemies and you don't want to rely on the fox spark so this is actually pretty cool one that looks very close to the loop Moon it also has some slash damage but it's mainly focused on fire damage this actually helped me a ton to capture the previous paning creature because it just deals a ton of fire damage you do have to be careful with its positioning though because it does suffer a bit on the low defenses but its attacks are actually really really good also beginning with level 10 and especially as you progress from that point on you will start seeing a lot more shiny creatures you don't have to do anything special for them like in Pokemon though they do spawn a bit more often in dungeons but they also have a small chance to just spawn randomly out in the world you will hear a shining sound and you will also see them from quite far away these creatures are much bigger than their normal counterparts and come with much stronger attacks like in this case the malaka very close to the wayp point we just farmed the loop moons in comes with this draconic breath that absolutely destroyed my own pal so I had to immediately capture it which was pretty difficult but as you can see it comes with some very strong options so it's draconic breath since it Stacks a ton of damage numbers for some reason these types of attacks are extremely powerful against anything even if technically maybe the other creature is resistant to it plus it has this really interesting fluffy tackle that just tramples everything and pushes out of the way like it completely obliterated the boss I was just talking about so all in all this is how you can find them this is how you collect them and these are some of the strongest options early on that you can find obviously a lot more will follow soon so let me know down below if you want to see them in the meantime thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 321,234
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Keywords: khrazegaming, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld gameplay, palworld early access, palworld tips, palworld xbox, palworld trailer, palworld ultimate guide, palworld beginners guide, palworld best pals to get, best pals in palworld, best palworld base locations, best pals early palworld, palworld steam, palworld best pal, palworld ore, palworld info, palworld ps5, palworld news, palworld base building, palworld pokemon, palworld advanced tips
Id: 0n3zWrDordk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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