The BEST WAYS to catch JETRAGON (Glitches and tips) PalWorld

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yo what's good guys I'm going to show you guys the best and fastest ways to get the best pal in the game jet Ron all right guys so there is going to be some glitches and some non-g glitches in this playthrough guide but first and foremost the way most players get them is they just go up to the pal and they get the back bonus now it says 1% but I believe it's actually probably much higher most people in my comments they tell me they just go up to the pal and they try the back bonus and when that doesn't work which you know obviously usually doesn't since it's 1% they just fly away and they try it again I flew out of bounds so it is actually now going to be calm again when I go up to him we'll try it one more time I'm not expecting to catch him like this but this is the best beginner method especially if you like don't have a flying power or whatever it's easy to go up and try and catch it a few times and who knows if you're lucky there's actually a pretty good chance you might get him I'm going to try one more time I don't think we'll be able to catch him like this but hey there is always a chance a 1% chance to be specific or uh a 0% chance cuz I missed either way hunting the back bonus like this is really good and sometimes you really get lucky that 1% chance I feel like it's a little bit bugged and it actually is much higher than 1% sometimes I want to try it one more time just to test my L cuz I'm not going to lie it's kind of fun you do have to fly out of the render distance and fly back in so he won't get mad and your bonus will reset but it's still a pretty good way and I'm not going to lie if you're a beginner and you just try this over and over and over again you definitely be able to catch him like after a few tries you can see I almost caught him right there so this is definitely not the worst method and probably the fastest if you think about it all right this is my last time trying I promise guys maybe I have a little gambling issue but it is just so much fun to try the 1% it did not work so we are just going to head on to Method number two now this is the last non-g glitch method we are going to try the other methods are a lot more effective and a lot faster but it's good to try the non- glitch methods out first for people who don't want to cheat cuz there's an audience that don't like using glitches and everything so we're going to try and do it legit now I have actually tried this method before and it did not work but I see lots of people talking about it and this is apparently the best way to catch him and that is making him cause fall damage or making him get fall damage so we are going to attempt to do that by luring him over this little cliff apparently it's really easy to do but I haven't been trying to do it and it gets him super super low so that's why I'm trying not to hit him on purpose cuz I don't want him accidentally dying and it looks like that won't be a problem because he's just going to kill my flying pal anyway the goal here is to try and get him down here on the ground so he can jump off and pretty much lose all of his health cuz even though he's a flying pal and he looks like he'll be immune to fall damage oh he actually isn't and look at that I killed him that fast what is that that was was insane he just nose dived off the clip like an emot like teenage girl that was insane I did not expect him to kill himself that fast but that is what I mean guys you can do that and usually he'll go down to one HP and you can catch him but that time he was just he was feeling a little feisty so I'm going to try and get him again to actually survive the fall this time so we can catch him but you guys can see the vision that is the method all right let's try one more time without even damaging him too much let's just hit him with a torch or something so that way if he decides to nose dive off the cliff again he hopefully does not die and uh only takes like one HP or something so we can catch him and I can prove to you guys the method works we got him on the edge sometimes it takes a little bit in the videos I watched of this exact glitch it took a little bit they kind of just stood here and he jumped down eventually hopefully he doesn't jump all the way down like he did last time and immediately lose all 12,000 of his HP usually he's left with like 10 or so so we can easily just catch him so I don't know maybe getting off the dragon will help okay yeah I don't think he's coming down here sometimes you can get him to do it just like I did in the first time and most of the time he will even survive so you can catch him on one HP really easily this is not my favorite method but if you want to do it without glitching and you think you can lure him down there better than me which you probably can then this is still a really consistent way to catch him and one of the best ways that I've seen on YouTube A lot of people are uploading it I'm going to abandon this method and move on to our next one which is actually a glitch but before we do that guys just just one more time just one more time you know what they say bro all the gamblers stop but right before they hit it big one more time two% back bonus I'm wasting so many of my power balls I missed it no all right the next method we're going to do is we're actually going to do a glitch you have probably seen this one before we're going to go onto some rare ones soon but we have to to talk about this pretty common one very soon or very like in the beginning so at least people who haven't seen it will know about it we're going to want to put down a base and a viewing cage here and you guys will see what I'm about to do this makes catching him super super duper easy we're going to lure him over to our viewing cage here and we should be able to catch him like extremely easy Once We lure him over to the viewing cage just like this we are going to fly inside of it now how we're going to do that with him attacking us it's a little bit complicated but we are going to throw our flying pal inside of this cage and you can see the jeton is already going to start getting a little bit glitched now this cage isn't built guys it's just completely blew we're going to walk away from the cage a little bit and get on our pal there we go and then we are just going to drop the pal in here and then the jet Ron will be glitched you can see he's right here completely glitched and we can just shoot him or hit him with whatever we want completely free and he won't be able to do anything about it now most people already know about this glitch but I had to include it because I think it probably still is the best and easiest way for a beginner to catch Jon so I'm going to get him super low and then we are going to catch him all right that usually gets him super low and you can just break out of the box I'm going to just throw a p here to distract him and because he's super low we should be able to easily catch him now now this one isn't one of my favorite methods either but it's definitely it works for some people so one of these methods two of these methods three of these methods probably aren't going to work for you all the way but one of them will if you try all these methods one or a few of them will so now that we actually got him super super low using that box glitch it is time to attempt to kill him hopefully we don't accidentally kill him here or attempt to catch him hopefully we can actually catch him this time and not like just let him suffer oh he's at 70 HP hopefully we can get him without killing him here that will be be very very bad 7% 34% this might be it nope okay I think this is yes finally so the box method did work so far I'm not going to lie even though the cliff method killed him this might have been less effective so between these two though these are probably the best two non- glitch methods even though we kind of used a little exploit with the little base and everything I wouldn't fully call it a glitch but these next few methods are 100% glitches all right this next method is crazy I made an entire video about it yesterday just because of how insane it was but first we got to try the 1% chance one more time boys one more I'm not going to lie I might have a problem this one has to be it this one has to be bro how do I keep missing his back this one's for sure it for sure it 1% okay well let's get on to the actual glitch way not going to lie I'm addicted to trying the 1% chance anyway I made an entire video about this yesterday because of how how op it is but today we are going to use it to catch jeton so if you guys need a full in-depth tutorial like if I do not explain it well enough here you can go watch the full video where I explain it more in link yesterday however we are going to use the jaw thog glitch which is we throw him out using Mouse one not using e and we stay aimed in we're holding e the entire time I'm just going to CL click play through on how to do this so if you guys can figure it out by me doing it this way you can do that or you can go watch the full video yesterday but I'll try and give you a little tutorial on how to do this glitch it's a little bit harder but pretty much we throw him out while holding e the entire time with mouse one and then we use three to go over to our pal which has a saddle and while we use uh yog's ability we try and throw out our van worm at the same time the timing is kind of hard but once you get it it is extremely op and we can pretty much use this to kill SL weaken any pal we want to easily catch him there we go it looks like we got it if you do it correctly you should should have your pal and your jaw thog in your hand at the same time now it's super important that you actually have to wait 30 seconds after you do this in order to make the glitch permanent so we're just going to wait 30 seconds while our van worm is busy attacking other Pals and then we're going to bring this extremely overpowered rocket launcher glitch over to Jet regon and make him regret being born all right it is time so we're just going to go nuclear bomb him over here now I don't even think I can like withdraw my main Pokemon while or my main pal sorry I know you guys get mad when I say Pokemon while I'm in this glitch so I'm going to have to be very careful and try to catch him when he's low or else my main pal is just going to kill him hopefully we do not get that to happen but this is what the glitch looks like we can just Spam these little bomb things at Jet regon and it is going to do a ton of damage oh my goodness look how fast we are weakening him and I'm pretty sure it stuns him also so he can't even like attack back I don't wait a minute now that I think about it can I even use the spear while I'm in this glitch I have no idea but we're going to try oh looks like we can oh wow looks like holding the spear actually gets rid of the glitch so we have to do it again hold on all right now that we got him low enough from that glitch I don't want to harp on it too much because we just made a full vid of it yesterday where I went really in depth about it we can try and catch him here just normally hopefully we do not kill him and actually capture him here cuz I only have one more spear left and boom that glitch worked magically that might have been the best one so far and he has some really good passive trads and everything so so far how many have we caught like two or three and that was the first glitch we used so let's move on to the second glitch we are going to use this is actually working out really really well now the last and final glitch to catch jet regon this one isn't going to be a direct catch jet regon glitch like all the other ones but I'm going to show you guys a glitch which I made a full video on just recently too that will help you in every single way to catch J Ron now of course I am talking about the tower guard XP glitch this gives you XP it gives you gold it gives you pal Spears it gives you ammo to weaken the jetrion it levels up your pals and yourself this glitch just all around upgrades every single thing you do and it makes catching jet regon a lot easier so I'm going to build this real quick again I have a full video on this if you do not want to just sit here and watch me build something so this is how it is going to go I'm going to do it very fast if you want to see the full way to build this like where I go a lot slower and explain everything you can watch the full video up on my channel of that but pretty much what we're doing is we're going to make a little platform right here we're going to go up two and then we're going to build a nice little 3x3 platform up here once we are done with that and we have a structure looking like this we are going to go up 26 more walls this might take a while but if you guys haven't seen this glitch by now trust me it is worth it all right now that we have gone up 28 walls we're going to do a cool little glitch we're going to build a little platform right here and another one right there and then we are going to put two benches up here now if you guys have seen this glitch before you know how crazy op this is so we're going to be placing two benches right here you're going to build the first one and then build a second one right on top of it and you guys are going to see if you've never seen this glitch before you're going to see what this is doing in a second this is probably the best glitch in the game definitely my favorite glitch right now and this pretty much just helps you with everything like it's an XP glitch it's a gold glitch it's an ammo glitch it's a million duplication glitches all at once I actually just did that wrong you're supposed to uh demolish the benches first not the platform there we go and now all we need to do is get a wanted level and we can have unlimited every pain so in order to do that we are going to fast travel to a little village and just start spraying people down you need the guards to get on you one more thing about this glitch I did not mention in the last video I was not aware is if you turn your spawn rate R up this works so much better sometimes it'll only spawn one or two guards and it'll be kind of annoying but if you turn your spawn rates up you can get like hundreds of guards and you can just go crazy so we're just going to get a little bit of a wanted level here we're going to fly right back to where we made that structure and we are going to climb all the way to the top and if you guys haven't seen this glitch before you're in for a surprise it's definitely one of the best in the entire game right now there we go now that we are up on the bench all the guards will just start spawning like this and you guys will see we can get an insane amount of loot now they don't drop loot unless you hit them so that is important to remember but they'll all start spawning right here I'm having a little bit of trouble finding The Sweet Spot they will all start spawning right here there we go and they're just going to drop all of their goodies at the bottom so I'm just going to sit here and farm them for a few minutes I'm not getting any XP because I already just reached level 50 but if you're not level 50 these guards will drop you XP they'll drop you pal Spears they'll drop you ammo I'm going Farm them for a few minutes until my spear breaks and then I'm going to go down there and see how much they got us there we go I just did it for about 30 seconds as you can tell by my spear but remember you guys could do this for as long as you want you could do this for 30 minutes if you want and this pile will be 10 times bigger I have a full vid where I did it for much longer like 15 minutes and this pile was like all the way up to here like it is insane but look at this it will give you all the shotgun shells all the mega Spears a bunch of gold to buy whatever you want this will give you a ton of materials to make catching jetrion so much easier so let me know if you guys try out any of these glitches these are some of my favorites in the game and they've allowed me to get several jet regon we just got several of this video I think so that is absolutely insane anyways I'm going dip guys make sure you sub up if you like poweroll videos because we make poweroll videos every single day
Channel: White Mamba PALWORLD
Views: 16,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Pal, World, new Game, GOTY, pokemon, open world game, best palword, strategy, palworld strategy, palworld best, palworld best pokemon, palworld best beginning, palworld best items, palworld best playthrough, palworld gameplay
Id: q2ple5legs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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