A Winter Camping Christmas Story 3

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then one foggy Christmas Eve santa came to say mode - with your episode break you could have all my treats tonight that's what you're gonna say right [Music] [Music] now that's what I'm looking for oh ho Merry Christmas all right we've got ourselves a Christmas tree well hello ladies and gentlemen tis the season I'm out with this little carnivorous reindeer that lost his tie it's Christmas so Merry Christmas once again it takes a lot longer than you'd think to find a nice little perfect little Christmas tree next to trees to tie to with an open spot so I already got a late start not even going to talk about it now I'm gonna delve deep into it but I'm warm eh I'm sweating I just took a lot longer to find this little this perfect little Christmas tree but guess what we're here we're there and we've got the perfect tree so let's see which trees are we tie into maybe I go there hmm either way we're gonna set down our bag of goodies right here Monty you lost your tie back there mister oh I see you step around we'll go back and get it oh don't lose your antlers Oh No how else are you supposed to be a favorite reindeer okay so like I said I'm sweating I'm warm it's very warm today it would wreak mnek technically just started but it's by far the warmest day of winter so far it's been in the teens and right now it's like 40 40 something so it is just too warm for me I've just got my little thin layer on and I'm sweating oh no what's this oh the key to my truck I'll happy real nice nice Christmas present - wake up - Oh Mikey buried in snow no way to go home alright mines we gotta get to work here I think what we're gonna do oh this isn't the best spot mmm better to go this way all right ho I need a minute to think here that looks like it could work right there we're gonna make it work right here these two little trees it's gonna be it's gonna be it's gonna be narrow but we're gonna make it work okay that's what we're doing that's as much we're doing so let's get right to it okie dogs so from a fire right here next to the tree that's what we're gonna do yeah we're on the edge of a pine forest as you can see just got outside of it so it's nice to have this little tree here nice little spot for it there's more snow here than I was thinking area these gloves I'm using these aren't waterproof gloves they're they're just military surplus gloves but I love these things they're not waterproof like I said but and they're there's some holes getting some holes my thumb stick you know so they're they're only like what six bucks but they're getting they're getting past their prime but anyways I'm not using my other gloves right now even though these aren't waterproof cuz it's just a little too warm for those those are like deep winter gloves Monte you're such a good little baby don't worry I'm getting you a spot [Music] hi-dee-hi yeah we're gonna take care of your snowballs you got ourselves a nice tree though look at the tree Monty these ferns out of here oh look at that it just oh it's getting even better oh yeah so perfect I don't think mozzie appreciates the sailors okay Monty we're gonna take off the sailors well we can't forget about his tie I know it's back the shelter [Music] Christmas with every Christmas mrs. well pass out if I keep doing that shovel like this okay we've almost got a section cleared out all you need - how many - clear whole we just know off so right now we're just gonna focus in the tarp up and we do sleep stuff and everything later so tar pop get the tree decorated and then we've got to get some firewood before it gets too dark so let's see what we've got for the Tarpon see we've got enough room [Music] this trees uh it's a little small smaller that I could go to the further tree we'll see how it looks but it's gonna sway a little bit tonight I've got a terrible gag reflex that I just had to cook the cloves in my mouth and it made me kind of gag a little aw man that's hilarious let's see this evening it's even gonna work it should just work oh it's barely gonna work oh man we're gonna have to tie like this over to this tree no I don't think we really need the tarp tonight I was mostly half of the tarp in case we had to spend the night in those trees and this you know it's gonna be a little loose but it's gonna be it's gonna be fine like I just said I'm repeating myself now [Music] mistakes know much not those kind of sticks dead branch sticks yes silly not delicious rib eye steaks you crazy [Music] okay I think that that is gonna do just fine for the evening it's barely loosey-goosey okay so we've got a grand total of 30 minutes left the daylight so let's decorate the tree the best part let's do it Monty you know I'm realizing it's kind of hard to see the Christmas tree with this pine tree background maybe hopefully the lights will help it a little bit okay poor shoe oh geez oh no what it's what the heck oh no [Music] oh these are a nightmare Oh Oh I made quite the mess this is like these little these are little wire LED lights and let me tell you they're a nightmare right now it's like yeah I probably should have done this check and see if these work before I even started stringing them up oh they work do these work oh [Music] they work okay somewhere more [Music] [Music] every year I do this I have more lights okay what else do we got here once he thinks everything I'm crinkling his treats it's not he's he's gonna get his later I know I shouldn't but we're spoiling the boy tonight what am I saying might we should always spoil you're right you think okay let's keep it going you know it's highly recommended when you come out here and you're making your own Christmas tree in the woods bring out glass bulbs that way you got to be extra careful don't get those cheap plastic ones you know look is nice [Music] [Music] beautiful muddy look at the tree oops this stuff this isn't doing it for me we're gonna do a Christmas tree oh Christmas tree [Music] [Music] Oh Monty Oh Monty Monty do you to cheat [Music] my bulb needs to come down here Oh sunset Oh No Oh what do you say too much time on the tree okay I think that's perfect and a Christmas tree I don't know what is oh it's great okay so as you can see the Sun is setting so I've got to go get some firewood quick and bring you back to camp we can process it up here but that's the next step I need some fire before it gets too dark you can come with so it's warm we're not too worried about him getting cold he has some snowballs we're gonna have to get those off none we can do about it with the sticky snow so we're gonna finish decorating camp we'll get back we've got some more lights and some other things to hang but I need to go get firewood quick to bring it up to process here so since we're running low on time so that is setting like now I'm just gonna grab that quick I'm just gonna grab my axe and then I'll be right back with some chunks of firewood well there's a nice dead piece of pine right there how perfect is that [Applause] all right look at this big old dead maple it was right here it was just right here it's a Christmas miracle Marty I'm not even kidding I didn't notice that we're gonna be burning this guy in half oh no well okay we'll just leave this here for now this is pretty much gonna have all the firewood we need for the entire night okay so I'm gonna fix the tarp quick and now I'm just gonna grab some branches some little stuff for burning and this will be plenty to cook dinner seems seasoned enough to do the job okey go okay now we're gonna get some little stinks then we're gonna give Monte a spot even though he's fine I'm gonna keep repeating myself a lot it's okay it's Christmas allow me to repeat myself a whole bunch then we'll set up flatten this out get the rest of the things set up and more stuff and things I'm just trying to scope out well there's some dead branches right there some over there oh that was greasy that's a Christmas fart I need no I don't need snowshoes oh there's a little dead thing there okay good news no shoes let's go get some steaks hey dude let's see your snow balls let's see how bad they are oh they're not so bad you're not so bad big guy she doesn't have been his undercarriage he just got him on the backs of his legs and they're very soft do that for some reason Ruger always gets snow balls ten times worse than Monty does usually yeah it's his first little light and feathery ear or something what has got more coarse hair okay those are pretty much taken care of well I mentioned this in my last video the last overnighter Sunday's video um when I have a whole bunch of time [Music] I take my time I poke around when I've got not a lot of time I hustle and luckily things are coming together I've got tons of good firewood shelters all set up I even got a tree set up I think we're pretty much on par where we were in the last video we might even have more wood more stuff done already just a lot shorter time so what we're gonna do now is get you a sleeping pad blown up your little critter and keep decorating this reindeer oh okay okay all right Mikey I'm gonna get your sleeping pad we're gonna keep bickering [Music] [Applause] sorry don't like your antlers huh you don't like your Anders huh sorry almost tricked up we're gonna even out this ground here a little back for uh no pops sleeping pads 2019 or 2020 playing a dangerous game attacking him right near these sticks and throwing it probably not the brightest idea there all right we'll take your booties off okay now that you've got an area Monti loss of blue T yeah yeah shouldn't have lost your booty your your booty wait I just said you shouldn't have lost your booty and when I said it I was thinking I was referring to his booty but when I said reset it I realized booty is booty feet booty not booty okay that all our festivities alright so I think it's coming together looking good okay so the next step hmm well well well I guess let's start processing up some firewood and uh we can get a fire going here let's do that that just one reindeer that does not approve of his antlers what are you doing Monty there's a good boy alright let's shut off a little firewood your socks and firewood and then tidy up camp we'll get a fire going - that's on the list stuff we got to do all right why did you take off his antlers for a minute here oh yeah that's the song right there this one we're just gonna burn that one in half only needed to do the one the one chopped so now I'm gonna clear out our fire pic and it's gonna be a hotter fire tonight hot fire and yeah I want it to close so we can sit back and actually enjoy this one last fire was way too hot fire [Music] [Music] that should be cleared out enough to enjoy the fire let's spark her up set these down little mini bass birchbark I gathered on the way in love me some birch bark so you can see my poor little gloves you'd see my thumb there's other holes too okay [Music] [Music] [Music] guess who wins the ultimate best as good as boy of the year that's a good boy Mario Monti what do you say we throw the stick okay we've got ourselves a fire going we've got camp set up it's all just coming together just perfectly got the big piece that's gonna burn right in half I'm at the burn and a half twice and then it'll pile on and we'll have a nice coal bed to cook on super hot fire it's just gorgeous how everything is coming together Monti so I'm gonna throw my snowshoes and we are going to make Monti a path let's see - found a perfect location before your success y'all okay but this got this little reindeer okay that's a sick reindeer oh that reminds me I need to get his uh thing I think you know the thing that was on him that he wore for two shots and then ripped it off bring in your mighty alright Montt off the brown antlered deer dog deer that's what you are come on no I'm not playing your games imma imma leave I should have left my snow shoes on to get that I was gonna follow my path I think I know where it's at oh yeah sure I got your your bowtie I got a Monty now you lost your antlers well what the heck all right no I'm not gonna leave his antlers on for now so the Sun is officially set oh wow almost an hour ago it's still just lingering is a clear night I don't even think we're gonna need the tarp like I said it's gonna be a pretty clear night tonight kind of just slept under the stars but we pretty much are when you're with it when you're in the tarp but you know with the tarp we can hang your lights and we got a real nice camp going on here I love having the tree up there's having the twinkle light it's beautiful so for tonight Monty like I said he's getting a special treat I probably shouldn't do it but I figure if we maybe make it a once a year tradition it'll be okay even though it's not once a year because he pretty much gets us at Thanksgiving Christmas with my parents and now this so it's more like three times a year but he's gonna get a no kibble dinner and have the exact same thing I'm eating and what we're having is a Christmas feast we're having ham roast it up on a stick over the fire with some mashed potatoes and gravy corn Vanek and yeah he's not gonna have any corn though that's not good for him I'm gonna have the corn poops but anyways we're making a feast tonight let's go get back your little bunny I like holding out in the wintertime as long as I can without using that light because the light on the camera I mean it's great for seeing and everything but right now it's like perfect out I don't need a headlamp I've got the glow of the fire the glow of the tree line you can see very well but the cameras has trouble picking up when it starts to get a little bit more dark than this so the light is only there for pretty much you you know recording otherwise it makes it hard to look because you can't see anything other than bright light but you know it's a trade-off you know you guys got to be able to see what I'm doing well I'm gonna keep playing fetch with myself here you know hey Monty you're a naughty boy you're a naughty reindeer naughty naughty naughty naughty reindeer well say though this could be our my best tree outdoor Christmas tree yet we're lacking a little bit of colorful lights up here but you know what it's always perfect that's the main thing we've added some new lights perfect perfect Christmas tree oh yeah anywho we're just gonna let this burn down a little bit here just relax let the Sun go down a little bit further get a little darker and then we will put that light on there and you know so I'm gonna set up some sleeping stuff currently and then we'll get to relaxing and cooking and thinking about dinner in a bit so I'll check back in with you guys in a little bit oh boy make your little lights Monty if you go get your stick I'll throw it you go get it go get your stink go get it Monty so I just remembered something super important give her our winter camping never have your sled close to the warmth where the snow can melt on it and put our water on the bottom then it freezes and then you've got its nuts it doesn't slide very well anymore I've dealt with that a couple of times before I learned my lesson and it is not enjoyable it makes you'd be surprised how much harder it makes pulling your sled when you've got some drag from ice formed on the bottom so it was I saw the water dripping off oh yeah they pulled it behind the tarp but yeah it's still not very cold I've got my watch set up over on a tree over there we're gonna let it sit for thirty minutes and we're gonna find out what the temperature is it just there's no way it's below freezing right now I just I wouldn't if that thing said below 32 I don't know if I'd even believe it I don't know could be I guess I'm right near the fire I'm still just to my one layer but I hiked in arms I'm wearing what I hiked in with [Music] what would you like for Christmas little boy who would treats but only one whose food treats you know that kind of stuff what about you know wouldn't mind a new truck or even just the mirror to be fixed maybe the house to be paid off you know that kind of stuff well that's good treats is reasonable I don't think Santa's going to be pulling through all the things that I want [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] well it's been like an hour since I last checked in with you at least Myrtle axon set up my sleep stuff just through the stick from Matthew a little bit I ended up sawing up this big log and putting the other chunk on the fire we've almost got the main piece burned in half and then I can pile those two on actually burn a lot of my firewood but we've got a really hot coal bed hot fire hot by oh sure oh but it's okay like we're gonna be able to this it's all hardwood so like that coal but it's gonna stay hot for hours we'll be able to cook our meal just fine and it's very hot like I said it's warm out the my watch has been sitting so let's find out what the temperature is if I had to guess I am sitting next to the fire hmm but I'm in just my same layers I came here in this is this is just a Santa hat to my ears aren't cold I'm gonna say 30 to the thirties got to be in the 30s I don't want to I don't think it's as high as 38 I think we're in the like 34 to 37 range so I'm gonna say we are at I'm gonna say 34 we're gonna go on the low end just because that's just what I'm feeling let's see find out see how good I am a guesstimate I'm probably terrible probably 47 well it's 2 degrees Celsius I don't know why this changed to Celsius I refer Ken alright the Celsius conversion it's one of those things now I forget how it works what is it how does it work well it's at least not 32 so it's 2 degrees Celsius what is that oh why can't I remember right now it's it's yeah you know what I can't remember it's something minus or plus something divided by something and you know it's funny that I remember this and then I forget it until I see it you know I usually I like once once I hit winter I usually end up looking up the again I remember the whole winter and I can convert it like no problem but kind of just like it's been so long I've just forgotten it's been a year ok I haven't converted in a while ok so sue me that's I think it's higher than 34 some would say 37 I should say 37 final answer 36 37 it's my final answer oh poor Monty he definitely doesn't like these he's just been chilling I i scooted up his little pad neither of us are cold though I might put on my jacket here just because like it's it's it is being a little chilly right here but the rest of me is toasty especially here that's a real toasty [Music] but-but-but-but oh I think we're gonna get ready to make some food here I'm gonna make a feast I'm so excited I am hungry I'm just I just like taking my time because it gets dark at 5 o'clock so I got to relax for a bit I can't I can't go to bed before like 9:00 are you in are you crazy going to bed before 9:00 no way just doesn't happen so I like to wait where are we at now weird about 7:30 so what's been two and a half hours since we pretty much got the Sun set and circuit dark so if we cook I were a half a cook in eat and relax it'll be about 9:00 then we can slowly get ready for bed I can relax we'll be in bed by 10:00 10:30 ish ish ish so I'm gonna get a stick there's all sorts of broken off green trees all over the place cuz the heavy snow that we got so I'm gonna go grab a branch might use two for Urbanek do panic on a branch no will do Bannock in a pan with butter will do patty is like biscuits yeah I brought enough I brought enough pants so we'll do that but we need to stick for our hem nice chunk of precooked ham that needs to be warmed up in chard yes speaking of green trees since I was having so much trouble finding a nice tree I was about I saw a couple pine trees that were blown over and uprooted so they're there they're gonna die I don't know if they're already dead but dead and downed it's uh printed it's gonna it's gonna be a dead tree I was about to cut off the top of one of those do a Christmas tree the old-fashioned way but I prefer to have a nice little tree like this you know it's kind of fun and now sometimes I'll do the whole you know I'll try to get a really flat stick and get to why sticks and rotate the meat over the fire that's if I have like a you know big old Rose for like two people or last year what did I do thank last year did venison but the year before that I did way too much ham and I pretty much has had ham with some like potatoes first year this year I brought a lot less ham I brought out one pound I weighed it out at my food scale one pound of the chunk ahem that should be plenty for me and him cuz like I said he's getting all deliciousness tonight no no kibble trying to be a little more reasonable with the meals even last even on Sunday couldn't eat it all was too spicy but I'm gonna feast tonight I think I brought I brought out enough Bannock to where I can always make more but I'm not gonna make I'm just gonna make like one nice Patty and break it up but okay so we've got this ham is ready to go on here well could use a little thinning out right here Oh another thing I'm not making like homemade mashed potatoes we're gonna use instant mashed potatoes make life a little bit simpler could do homemade or gourmet mashed potatoes but I just you know I just decided against it but you want to know how to make some killer mashed potatoes for your Christmas the trick I learned from my mom and dad is sour cream you need butter you need milk you need good mouth salt and pepper not too much salt not too little salt just read my salt but you need sour cream gots to have it make some creamy very creamy mashed potatoes if that sour cream on there get your mashed potatoes for this holiday season to that next level well yeah that's what I would have done put a bunch of sour cream in there with the butter not too much milk makes them too liquidy I guess let's get cookin let's make some food oh I'm getting hungry let's do this multi there's the time start making dinner do you want a treat should we go over to the dark park let me nothing better then a hot fire and smoke swirling in your eyes Oh oK we've got the inferior grade today because you'll know the great great is the greatest obviously we'd never you never spill food Oh ever so that's why this is the inferior great but we need the surface area today we need a little extra surface area because we're cooking more stuff well that's why we've got to use this one you know some people would endowed with a great great lately no you just don't don't it now we've got ham we've got a chunk of heavier this is a pound weight aren't pound it may not look like it but it is so we're just gonna and you know this is precooked it pretty obvious has precooked you know it's a chunk so we're just gonna roast that just like that will this slow roasted over the fire we'll get it closer what we need is that even in cream oh yeah there we go we'll do it like that perfect and I know I'm using a ziplock bag I I've been getting tough worst I've been getting better some things are just better in a ziplock bag like I don't have a Tupperware that could fit this chunk of meat that wasn't massive so I wish I could reuse these but you know you get meat juice in there raw meat and stuff it's kind of this like me so I still got a few we'll figure something out okay I promise we're gonna for some time been chilly go get a little corn I'm gonna need a little bit of water in there just a little bit I don't want it I don't want it like that's good a little bit more soupy corn okay oh one thing I forgot with this ham here you know it's pretty cooked at everything that doesn't mean little Montreal on that they're pre cooked ham what hurt oh wait Monte's eating this sometimes I don't think Oh slow goodbyes all right scratch the montreal forgot the Monty I feel so good Monty why can't you eat spices like that so we need water for the mashed potatoes so the one tool Oh move it this needs to get boiling we've got our ham cooking over the fire corns on water for mashed potatoes next we've got sea using this pan to make our gravy we'd 1 cup of water that would be just below the 24 we just got some cheapish gravy I'm not making like homemade like I said we're we're still making a lot of delicious food that I'm just gonna devour but we're not you know if I were to make like a gourmet Christmas dinner here I get a big ol ham in a roaster I'd put cloves in it and maybe some pineapple some brown sugar and some Montreal and just get it all on there and then I'd let the juices drip off and I'd put that into gravy thinking that up and you know I do you know corn and it just in homemade mashed potatoes but out here we're gonna we're gonna condense a little bit I could do all that but it would be a lot of pots and pans and this just makes life simpler and you know what it's gonna be still of delicious so you know what that's just the way it is okay well we got that burn in half finally so we need to mix this in this cheap ol cheapo brown gravy here so that that's some ASMR right there the sound of the spoon scratching in the middle I'm not just wonderful doesn't that just bring joy to your like I'm sorry if that's like nails on a chalkboard to you but I'm not sorry enough to not put it in the video alright so once this is mixed we've got to bring it to a simmer samajis getting excited he's standing up on the state patty he's gone over there what's possible so it's gonna be good like this yeah coming over to say hello once we got everything on here we will laugh we're gonna push some coals under here but for now we've still got some work to do okay next we've got the trickiest thing trickiest thing to cook a banach so this is a very basic recipe I've got 1.5 cups of flour 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of baking powder not soda powder for this panic so we're gonna do this time for the first time ever I'm not gonna add all the Bannock in there we're gonna leave a reserve why do we leave reserve because we are evolving so that if this becomes too soupy and sticky like it probably will we can add more of that mixture and make it make it good nice consistency ooop might have been too much water see that's why we that's why we reserved some what are you gonna gonna help once you can't see Monty let's see this is a little sticky it's a little sticky and this is exactly why we left some reserve because I accidentally added too much water so we're gonna add a little bit more of this and keep going Monty's going to block all our light oops now this is starting to turn more like good maid Bannock you should be able to handle it with your hands gonna not be sticky I think we need a little bit more flour to get there still a little sticky but we're almost there let's see how it's it just clump together yeah little bit more just just a little bit oh it's almost it's almost perfect for the first time ever yeah still a little sticky we're getting flour and Vanek stuff all over us and a little bit more Lucy I could almost handle it with my hands perfectly set this down well I'll see there we go this is the consistency we're looking for see how it's not sticking in my hands and I can just form it this is what you want I've never achieved this status of Bannack this is the first because normally I just impatiently dump it all in the pan and just add too much water and it's just gooey sticky mess but we finally learned a little bit and actually it was the tips from you guys you know telling me to leave a little reserved as to why we're here this is why we're here clear that oh yeah okay now we've got a nice this is gonna be a nice delicious I'm gonna make it I don't want to be too thick so we're gonna form it to the whole size of the pan is what we're gonna do nice Bannock biscuit and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take chunks of butter put it on the bottom we'll just like lift this up and we're gonna put butter all over here sort of melts it this won't stick and just Christmas out of the pan well look at that there we go this is some been exceed wrap this on a stick it's like pizza dough oh okay we did it okay we're gonna take a chunk of butter go right under there well if you take a couple chunks of butter just to be safe then we're gonna slide this around and kind of just swirl it as it heats up then we're just gonna leave a few little slivers of butter on the top that melts and just soaks in was a little bit greasy okay we're officially ready to cook everything get this close okay now we need to scrape some holes give me the stick Monte excuse you move this in a sec all of those coals oh that's a hot fire it's real hot oh geez no this spread these coals out evenly under all the food you know this flame will go out in a second we don't want flames we want cold flames equal burning this oh it's already getting crispy on the bottom I might need to flip this in a minute we're gonna we're gonna turn the heat over in the corn all right a little browning happening on the Bannock this this is already boiling geez okay Pam's gonna get a little closer Amy Red's luckily these can sit for walks they're like just magma in your mouth we're gonna have these sit right here cooling down we're just sitting there this is going well gravy is thickening this is gonna need to slow down we're gonna flip our Bannock here it's a little bit soft okay they definitely need some heat it's a little gooey we need to get that on the heat get that cooking that's boiling that's that's gonna need to slow down so all we need to do is finish up the ham here which is just roasting beautifully and the Bannock Bannock definitely needs some lovin all right it's starting to get a little crispy on the one side ooh all right that's like perfect oh we've got a nice crust okay that's what we want gravy is about perfectly done mashed potatoes are perfect still hot corn perfect okay so we just need two fishes oh okay look at that just the crust on there so good this is gonna be the most perfect Bannock we ever had [Music] you're busted mister you're busted begging with those eyes little teeny buddy beady eyes you know beggin reindeer yeah I see yeah you're busted okay we've reached the point of is it good enough oh it's just oh I think that's good enough there's got a nice crust it might be a little gooey in this chunk okay let us plate up Christmas dinner we've got some Christmas plates let's get these going Monte you guys got to always remember the Monteith weighs 1/3 of what I do so that means you should get 1/3 of the food that I get so we need to keep that fair we can't over indulge or Monte even though that might be what he wants he's gonna get a dog's portion we don't want to make him sick you know we want our Monty to live a long healthy life it's also a delicious life but long healthy sometimes he's gonna get some treats I would say that that actually looks like more than a third I get corn Monty does not get corn who is hot oh jeez Oh slice some ham onto your plate [Music] I really want to taste the chunk I'm slicing my little thin magic it's another little chunk cuz you're such a good boy I can't I can't not give you more yes the Bannock guru my plate let's just flip it just to see oh that looks so good very much we're gonna chunk you out a nice fair chunk of Bannack I'm gonna break it up blue it is perfectly cooked me I'm gonna just break it up like that and now the finale the moment we've all been waiting for Monty the gravy you're gonna get a little you're not going to get too much gravy because let's be honest my guts can handle more of this than yours but you're still gonna get a fair amount with me I get gravy I got a lots of gravy because I'm a human humans can put more garbage in their bodies and dogs and live a longer life that's just the way it is Monty I'm sorry I'm not trying to be mean I am being fair we just want to keep it a little more okay which is time for me and Monty dog deer to eat our feast are you ready Monty do you want to treat do you want to go for to the dog park are you holding perfectly still because you think that maybe it'll increase your chances of actually getting that plate of food I've got news for you no matter what you do you're getting that whole plate the entire plate you and I we're about the piece you've been a good boy let me just oh boy let me reset my chair oh oh we need to get this out - there we go fires going oh my neck just cracked real good let me just get my plate of food here Monty oh it's a plate it's about the same amount of food I take Thanksgiving and Christmas well you ready to feast Monte go ahead [Music] okay he wore the antlers long enough they're coming up let me go for first Vanakkam mashed potatoes you ever mix your you biscuit if you have a meal like this on like Christmas or Thanksgiving do you mix your mashed potatoes and gravy and corn and stuff with your biscuits argh you [Music] for the first time I've made bandit correctly well I've made it crazy before but it was perfect it's perfect this time [Music] [Music] there's a 100% chance that this is all going in my belly that's a fact yeah extra gravy yeah Monty sorry this is something you don't get to enjoy [Music] let see what water will you for once in your life drink water I provide you the answer is no we will not drink that water there's a chance you could give me more trips are you gonna touch of water so I'm gonna finish up here shut off the camera the stars are out so I'm probably in the stare at those for a minute and we're just some cleaning up so I will check back in with you guys when I have either ready for bed or I got something else to see I like to see a lot of stuff you know okay I talk sometimes okay so it might be some of that and it might be some of the bedtime stuff or excuse me could be rude burpin who knows I'm a bag of surprises [Music] oh yes your big fluffy teddy bear Multi leg exercises huh oh yeah that's a big booty booty boy Monte feel like you've lost some weight you stinky stinky stinky done [Music] Maji oh that was almost perfect sweet your boot okay sweet your butt you care I'll be okay I'm gonna do it and guess what you can retire these for the team oh yeah [Music] all right so we're not gonna zip Monty up today you're just gonna wrap him just like this will zip them up in a few hours maybe but it's a little - there we go there we go it's a little to warm up you probably won't even like it to be honest well keep an eye on him it's definitely still very warm so he just ain't gonna wanted to be served uh paneer he's got to stick on a coat we'll probably leave him like that I'll pass out then I'll drape it over up and he'll probably get nice and toasty like move around have you ties throughout the night I don't think it's gonna be below freezing and even if it gets a little bit below its he can honestly sleep out in 32 degrees or zero Celsius and just be fine in the open with just insulation from the ground but we like to spoil and pamper him you know keep nice and toasty but easy to me just find anywho I had a delicious feast I'm sleepy I did a lot of relaxing to chill by the fire and I'm ready to pass out so we're gonna see if mr. Santa comes along and if he does you better not give me no gifts like last year I was happy is that coal it's just cool in here what the heck Santa what gives well I'll tell you what gives you got a ticket straight to the naughty list because remember that one time when you chased me with an X and then then remember the one time when you pretended to throw me in the river and then and then all the times you stuck me in a poncho in the pouring rain and then and then the one time you dressed me up like a reindeer and then there was that one time when you smack me in the face of the stick and then well there's a couple times where you woke me up in the middle of the night and scared the crap out of me and then you just grew up as a fairy you played trumpet in my face it's your snowballs at me last but not least all the times when you lifted up my tail and check my boat on camera really embarrass me see ya look boy you got cool this year yeah anyhoo I'm gonna pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning Merry Christmas [Music] Oh Oh Morty it's Christmas Marty Marty it's Christmas I'm on TV Christmas Maddie it's Christmas always Christmas party hi I got you swimming swimming in your sleeping bag my kids Christmas doing what we do this [Music] comfy here for a minute can even see me oh yeah yeah you can't even kinda see me so I got real windy last night just so he's put all the stuff in my sleeping bag just in case I'm cold it's always chilly in the morning why don't you what are you doing he's looking for scraps not a crazy if you're wondering if I slept with my Santa hat on all night yes I did this is the Hat I used for warmth so it was out all night hmm pretty good sucked for quite a while we didn't quite make it to our 10 o'clock mark so good old 10 hours of sleep here 10 or 11 or something like that stinky oh well I guess it's time to get up there's no way any big guy in a red suit with a beard came last night cuz we would have heard it there's just no way no not possible I'm not even gonna check the tree we're just gonna assume he didn't come because I know better Santa Claus didn't come but he would have been barking pretty ways it's time to get up he's a loser yeah greet the day let's do it wait stick there you go you want this bouncy bunny reindeer thing all right well get Monty bring it here come on mighty bring it here bring it here by Tate you are you guys might be bringing here it's Christmas you don't do this to me on Christmas come on T come on Monty come on come on where's your crate is your Christmas tree there's your Christmas spirit oh geez oh geez oh sorry you want the stick again you want the stick mighty yeah it was pretty warm last night but that would like I said kicked up and kind of blew my shelter around I was thinking that this this peg look like it was gonna fall out but I ended up staying in well it was definitely just gusts and winds and that was crazy it was the whole shelter was blowing and flopping and then died off all right mind you didn't bring me that stick I was kind of hoping Santa would come you know but there's no way you put any presents under the tree this oh my gosh santa came and brought presents Monty - Monty we got presents Montague kurvanti you got one from Santa and I got two where's your antlers Monty yeah oh there you go are you gonna get up Monty you gonna open them all yeah but to get over Monty he opened my present Monty is opening nobody would you open up all you opened up my present what is this much to get get it what is it what is it get him auntie oh yeah what is it what it's gonna get me oh my gosh reusable Ziploc bags no way how did he know Monty how did he know we've got some small ones and then some big ones whoa thanks Santa helping the environment good alright this wants to meet you get him righty-o its new military surplus wool gloves see mine got these thumb these holes in the thumb oh my teeth thanks for helping me open my gifts you got to get yours now alright Monty this one's for you okay you ready get it Monty turn it up turn on month you get get Monty it's beef jerky Monty its beef jerky oh my gosh you got exactly what you wanted from Santa okay let's eat your present Merry Christmas Monty I didn't know you were so enthusiastic about open and get us hi Mikey here's your Christmas gift here you go I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give you the whole piece at once you know chew it off yeah go get it Matty there you go good boy that's a good little carnivorous reindeer here you go little carnivorous reindeer here you go good boy yeah I'm not gonna feed him both of his beef Jerky's right now we don't want to be at the poops I'll have another one later that's such a good boy I was not expecting him to be so excited about ripping open the presents he knew exactly what to do you knew exactly what was going on didn't you I'll take these arrows out good here come here buddy he wants more more presents more stuff get my team these things could have treated him it's a good boy mozzie oh you so smart well our tree the only lights a stale it is the star these little color LEDs and these white ones the rest of them died oh yeah these died too so I think it's time to AH take down camp here we gotta head back we got bad friends and family to visit Seoul Monty what do you think he wants more of his treats is a clue or are those prisons you're gonna keep it from me okay fine fine you win you win you sure you don't want to share with Ruger when we get home no oh my you see the real hero Pincus [Music] boy I'll meet a little peace gotta have a little bit there you go look huh well yep you're gonna get take another tree turn down huh you're getting ready to head out of here as far as these booties go I've got a lot of questions about which ones I use I link them down on the description I'm not sure what it's mountain ridge maybe something I don't know I linked him down on the the bottom of the description of the video there down there so if you want these the reason I like these is because they're cheap they're not like cheap material they're actually great but they're cheap because when you're using these and you're going through deep snow it's inevitable that they're gonna fall off I don't care what booties you got the only way that they would not fall off is if the booties were attached to some kind of suspender or like strap that went over the shoulder so that they just kind of pulled up and there's no way they could actually fall off but it's just it's not possible for these little things to just stand with a dog running around so you're gonna lose them and these are like what two or three bucks per shoe you buy them by the shoe not like a set of four which is what was driving me nuts before you get I got the ones that were like 40 bucks for a set of four and they've got like the little they've got like a just up big pad in there to like close it out from the snow it just doesn't work it just don't work all it did was rip Monty's dewclaw and push it above that pad was just like pressing on it [Music] all right and last but not least the start [Music] [Music] where'd you get a shed some layers Monty it's warm so I'm already I'm getting like toasty just put my stuff away [Music] alright Monty Montee dear my dear we're gonna be cold I think that's it so just want to say again Merry Christmas everyone your visiting friends and family and whatnot be safe on them roads because let's be honest you know you can go deep into the woods and stop that ain't as dangerous being on those roads not even close you can always be the best driver but you can't pick yourself from other people so be safe what's he like I said Merry Christmas so we are gonna get heading back to the car and yeah that's gonna wrap this one up so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the bear next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 228,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter, snow, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, winter camp, asmr, camping, camp, wild camp, wilderness, snowshoe, snowshoeing, backpacking, backpacker, backcountry, backcountry camping, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, campfire food, food, gourmet, gourmet cooking, dog, dogs, dog training, camping dog, wilderness area, nature sounds, winter backpacking, how to camp, how to winter camp, outdoorsman, christmas, santa, merry christmas, winter wonderland, presents, santa clause
Id: VoBfWp_YVw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 20sec (5660 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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