Building a Bushcraft Shelter WITHOUT TOOLS and Sleeping in it

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] holy gentlemen I'm out with mr. stinky but poop stink and we're gonna spend another night out here in the woods and as you can see it is finally spring you can see the ground there's leaves but just because you can see ground here doesn't mean that there's no hiccups and no snow we started off today's adventure really fun I'm let's just say I am just not camping where I was planning on camping and that is because Monty got the truck stuck it's going down to track did you do this why did you do this you did this you did this I took a big risk when I was coming in today I didn't I knew that the snow was gone in most places but anytime there's a snowmobile that goes on a two track or anything packs it down and if there's just a dip that was just more snow and I got the truck stuck for a good hour hour and a half that was just a big ordeal I just kind of like I was like yeah I think I can make it through this went for it couldn't make it got to see the differences between a snowshoe as a shovel and a paddle a canoe paddle because I didn't bring a shovel forgot a shovel that was not smart of me yeah so anywho what's the plan for today is right now we are looking for the perfect tree I'd like to make a shelter using only natural materials and using no tools that's the goal for today we'll see if we can accomplish it right now I'm like I said I'm looking for the perfect tree I need something that's kind of a leaning wedged in between trees it can't be too dead you know it can't be it can't be in a spot where there's just like dead trees hanging if it's too if it's too much to find it we spent too much time looking we're just gonna sleep on our tarp but I'm right now I don't know how far I'm gonna go I'm not in the that I was planning on getting to but it is what it is I had to park the truck we had to hike down that to track aways and just wander off from there so we're just kind of you know we're still in the woods but anyways we're gonna keep searching it and we're just going to go as far as we need to define that perfect tree and make a shelter let's get you a Monty come on so this is this is the sort of thing I'm looking for let's see here see it just depends on how dead it is watch everybody watch oh come here come here oh yeah call go get your bottle on the way so let's see pretty season so it's not rotten oops that is this sort of crap everywhere right now the only problem with this thing is that that branch is in the way otherwise this would not be a bad spot at all to set up right off of this it's definitely not going anywhere on this and it stuck up in a tree let's see if we can [Music] okay I think we can make this work let's try to get that out but I want to make sure before before we set up this is our shelter I want to make sure that this is sturdy well let's take this off my feet here that plane give me front response oh man I'm sweating like a pig right now it's 5050 out let's see if I can get this out of the way cuz we'll set up right here this is pretty flat will let's get a bunch of sticks lay them on this way and this way we'll scoop up a bunch of this leaves this would be a nice foam for the shelter let's see if we can get them tough double Pete Monty I got a double pun it all right this is gonna be our spot so I just did a big ol walk around just did a big ol loop just a double check and make sure that this is the best spot possible for this and so far it's the best spot I've found I've seen a couple trees that look okay but there's there's too much big dead stuff these are you know you know if this way this is a nice season branches wedge between that's the tree it cracked off and the tree is very much alive so this is a nice nice fun and even if this kind of broke off which it won't we'd be fine so that's why this is a good spot to break off but it doesn't really matter but anyways right now so what the plan is gonna be is I'm have to clear out all this leaves and all this crap and we're gonna be sleeping under here I'm just gonna take a ton of random size branches I'm not gonna get anything too big but I'm gonna get a bunch of branches and just kind of lay them up here we'll lace them up on this side will kind of make it a nice hunkered then because it the weather has been pretty crazy today it's it was down pouring and thundering when I woke up I got an early start today and then I went to the store and it was sunny and high and it was windy and cold now it's cloudy and it looks like it's kind of gonna rain but I don't need my shades anymore I've never made a shelter that natural shelter that I've slept in the rain and that's I'd like to do today I hope it doesn't rain until I get the shelter complete but I'd like to you know have it blocked from the rain so we're gonna start by just clearing out this crap my backpack and the leaves on top are dried out because of the wind and the Sun today but it's wet underneath here [Music] let's just break this gap here be some nice firewood got it yeah this is this is it's not punky at all that is some nice season would be perfect I would okay now I'm just gonna draw out just a little bit here and this really kind of draw out where we're gonna be sleeping so this will all have to be evened out my sleep right here though the grounds a little wet so I could be right here gotta be covered to at least there and then that means Monty has to be right here okay so just draw a little line here just so that I know I've got to have at least you know this much room so that we can sleep under it so right here I could probably go a little bit more this way but that's we're going to shoot we're gonna aim to stick are all our logs pass this line a little bit and we can get a little snuggle up might come here good righty all right the next step is to collect a ton of stuff and just start laying it up let's see here wotty that's not gonna work let's start with this piece here [Music] okay now the collection begins that'll be the first piece [Applause] [Music] oh I'm sweating like a pig right now whoo the last time I was camping it was not this warm the 50 degree weather is killing me oh mudsy just being out here is making me sweat got some water Mikey hurry my teeth I'm not wasting water today there is a few spots with some low-lying snow oh he's drinking it he took a sip I'll give you some more but anyways if he's gonna waste water it ain't happening today we have to we have to get some dirty snow that's just in in the little valleys in here in there there's still snow so that's why we have to get our water from there's no water source around here let's just start lanes crap that's where I gotta sleep - I was going to put all sorts of sticks and branches [Music] so one thing I'm gonna notice right away or say is that for the sake of rain you wouldn't really want to make it this shallow but that's the price I pay for mr. Monty being here I got to make it twice as wide so that we can have both our sleeping pads and I guess we could share one but I don't really feel like sharing one with Monty we're just not going to do that and it's nice I think with all these little branches like that it'll help keep the leaves up so I'm gonna keep getting more of that sorry Monty I'm so sorry I'm sorry all right so this isn't a bad start I'm gonna need a whole bunch more of this I have to keep collecting because I'm gonna have it nice and roomy there like I said this is gonna be bigger than you really need it to be but yep we got to keep going and get sticks come on you wanna help are you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] these are mostly this stuff because a lot of the stuff that's laying on the ground right now has been soaking all winter and spring and pretty wet and funky and round so the stuff that's just off the ground [Music] [Applause] I just realized that I don't want any of these really small tea so I'm gonna just take some of this small stuff off we're gonna go with the bigger pieces first there's a little matter as much so we're just gonna read you just a little bit we're just gonna start fresh we're in start fresh here I'm gonna wedge ease into the ground too [Music] okay [Music] and once I get the start of a frame going on like I'm doing here once I get you know just smaller gaps in between all these sticks I can start just a lot more little stuff but I won't need as many big pieces we're going to make it all pretty right now just piece get wedge and I'm gonna also have to dig it out a little bit okay not bad so far now we have to do a little bit on the other side okay so here's what we've got so far this is just the skeleton and this is just the base these are all pretty sturdy branches nice and seasoned so they can support more of the weight I'm going to do our entry right here and if we cover this side I still got to put up a wall over here I'm not a hundred percent sure I'll do a wall over here maybe we'll just do it lean-to style maybe hey you know what maybe we could just have our fire pit down here I'll put a little sticks up put I'll put a little bit of a frame over here that's what we can do no we can cover it all in this way yeah okay see I don't even know what I want yet yeah okay so that's that's what we'll do we're going to change it up just a little bit we'll put a few sticks right here and so over here and we'll make our entry right here and we'll just have our fire pit down here and just pile that up and kind of have an open front here we'll see how that works okay okay this will be pretty good I should probably level this out before going any further because the next step is going to be just to start to pile up whatever I can now that I've got the skeleton pretty mapped out here yeah this'll be good maybe we'll sleep with our heads this way I'll put mine right here love to be right here inside well I guess we can both be in a way more all right I'm gonna level this out I'll stick it out using my my shovel that I made okay stop will be afterwards [Music] [Applause] we'll be getting a little bit sandy that's okay I'm not afraid of dirt much of you afraid of dirt are we are we afraid of getting dirty I'm never afraid of getting dirty okay it's pretty good it'll be a hair uneven but I can mess with the more later all right okay so we've been going at this wanna say an hour I got here maybe an hour maybe a little bit more right around an hour we haven't been going I haven't been going insane but I'm moving but now what I'm gonna do is just get a ton of sticks tons of sticks dead alive or anything on the ground it doesn't matter basically we've got the skeleton up so now I might even break I'm gonna probably end up at the end here cracking a lot of this stuff on top once this the skeleton of this thing gets filled out a little bit more but basically we're just gonna pile on sticks all around but I don't want anything any bigger than this right here because I just want to be kind of light you know this is just this branch right here you don't want to be laying a ton of like dense maple or anything like that so I'm just gonna stick to little stuff and I'm just gonna collect a ton of it I'm not gonna record a whole lot of that but we're gonna get a big pile and then we're just gonna start adding it on here so let's get to it now if you're making a shelter like this I'm not an expert by any means don't ever take whatever I say with a grain of salt but you can just grab what up once you get your skeleton your frame up like I've got you can grab any dead branches on the ground I don't think it's gonna matter at all I'm just grabbing all the stuff that's hanging off of these trees because there's just so much of it around I mean it's everywhere there's this big downed trees so I can get all my sticks in just a few spots like this whole tree top all the sticks are right here so even have to I don't even have to run around just find a few of these fallen trees and I get all my branches in one spot another thing like I said I've never made one of these before so I'm sure I'm going a little overkill on the amount of branches I'm going to need but that's okay [Music] look you were naughty I'll take care of everything I should put a saddle on you Monty right I'm like a horse you don't care how Monty oh well I am warm we're moving we're doing some work we're getting some work done oh man it's so still out this is awesome you don't know how good it feels to see the ground black when I was in the woods and I did a little Easter egg hunt last week that's when I knew the snow was you know pretty much gone but I didn't know it'd be like this out here the birds are chirpin there is bugs I'm definitely getting some bugs around me but it's not they're not black flies or mosquitoes they're just little like I don't know what the heck they are just little bugs that don't really bother you at all they're just there that's fine by me you want a stick Monty all right we're gonna take a little break here throw Monty a stick see if he see if he's kind to me or if he's mean to me with a stick taunts me that'll depend on how how long we throw it here lassie for where you want it let's go over this way this ain't gonna last very long this no bugs weather this is a very this is shorter this time of year is shorter than fall being able to see the ground and no bugs it's like a week long there's a week of this so much free that's a plane oh you do OOP bad girl well yeah last year I try to do something like this and you guys saw what happened I ran I ran away from those bugs this is a nice spot I'm sure I'll be pretty buggy here in the next week though hey hey you're walking funny what are you doing Monty lets you cooperate here Co nd you're gonna get it it's not easier for me to go get the stick with there's no no all right so I'm just gonna keep cooling down for another minute here throwing the stick Vermont II and then we'll gather them some more sticks we'll start piling them on and then we've got to put the leaves and crap on there and finish her up it's coming together though they sure coming together come on you know I'm on TV forget about it okeydoke swell a slight drizzle has started so it is time to get moving on this thing I'm gonna crack some of these then I can kind of lay em down some of this stuff some of it anyways before I get started now when I'm doing this I just got to make sure that there's no major gaps once I get a good layer where there's no major gaps I can definitely start just spreading these leaves and stuff all over it and it should hold it up if we lay it on sticking up hopefully it'll least block some of the rain I don't know if it'll block 100% of the rain but it'll definitely be better than sitting under the sitting on those stars that's for sure Monte now I want these to lay a little bit more flush so if there's any that are sticking up too much I gotta kind of weave them underneath the branches here okay before I get to the other side I just want to see how well the leaves stay on the sticks like this so I'm just gonna start pouncing on this side just to see lower this is probably the part that's going to take the most time is getting a ton of this and putting a nice thick layer you don't have to go farther and farther hours to get it stays pretty good well since I'm now saying how much of this I'm gonna need I'm gonna need a lot of it so what I'm going to do next before finishing the other side and before going any further is I'm going to move all the big sticks make a nice pile and try to just I'm just gonna scrape up all the leaves in this area get a nice big pile so I can just throw it on all at once so Monte I'm gonna need you to move your back oh man I can see it now this this little spot from doing this is gonna be so sore tomorrow just it's not a motion I do all the time I do what you notice clear spots but never never this one you know a rake would have made this a lot easier [Music] okay let's pile some of this on and see where we're at the one noise you can't escape no matter how far the woods you go planes can't escape planes Monty okay let's just throw a cramp I hear a lot of us gonna fall through that's okay we'll put it on the other side oh well I can tell that's gonna require a lot more of this there's gonna be lots of hold and if I want to protect me from the rain how many need a lot up there definitely like I don't know maybe double is thick I'm not sure definitely more relief more leaves on the top less dirt because the leaves I feel like a lot you know more flat surface area but there's tons of that to be dug up I only did a small area okay let's take a peek at the other side and see where we're at okay so I didn't put up a bunch of sticks on this idea I only did this back wall but let's go under here as you can see we've definitely got to add a lot more to the top here and then there's some gaps back here we got a fill and we still got a pylon more there and over there but we've got a nice start I'm thinking I don't know I'm thinking I'm gonna need three or four times as much leaves and crap and a bunch more sticks so I've got a lot more work to do and then I'm gonna oh hey what's that it's just your friendly neighborhood spider I wonder how many of those I touched going through all this crap well I'm working I'm sweating I'm sweating that's for sure I'm gonna take a little water break and then we'll get some more sticks scrape up some more leaves keep going he's like you need to work harder I think this thing is a mediocre at best can you nervous about it but hey he here's the little pieces of leaves falling cuz the wind's coming through what is it man - all right we need to we need to add more sticks and stuff don't worry man see I'll do it all but this is me I'm sorry Monty well this is some of the last of the easy stuff I've pretty much scraped except for right there which I'm gonna use on that wall right there I scraped most of stuff around the immediate shelter so now the more I need the further out I have to go I'm pretty much just gonna make piles everywhere let's see where this gets us first I'm gonna start with that top oh that was a bad idea oh well it's coming together it's coming together I've got a major gap here I still gotta do most of this over here and over here these two sides majority of it this looks pretty good there's a little gap there and like I said one right there that's pretty good so far ah a lot of work going into this definitely lot of work he's a lot of work all right so now the next step is to just keep power on crap I'm gonna start by filling in all the little gaps with sticks going around making piles of leaves here and then I'm gonna spend a good hour hour and a half doing that just making piles of leaves putting sticks and little gaps getting it all kind of all the little little spots around and then and then we'll get to the next step it looks like I'm gonna need I'm gonna need to get some sticks for right here and kind of make this shallower because the wind seems to be coming from here a little bit so I'm gonna have to mate I'm gonna definitely get some long sticks right here and wedge them in and kind of make a shallower doorway and then we'll pile some leaves on that too [Applause] oh he let me get away with that beef jerky whoo six eat almost wet stump getting your wet but I could use a little breeze but it's a good temperature any warmer this would not be fun at all for all sit sit pretty it's a pretty better that was worth it pretty better twirl again then alright shake shake your paw shake Monti shake go boy stay stay stay wait let me stay hey stay here we're ready sit all right stay say wait wait stay stay stay are you get some I like it's on my leg Monty what's up my leg it's on my leg Monty don't you see it Monty use your eyes much there you go good boy oh well we've got a few piles of leaves around I need to go gather a couple of big sticks for that doorway and then let's pile some more stuff on we're gonna lose a little bit of stuff here but that's okay needs to be done huh those little wedgies that just make sure okay I can still crawl under that though I've got a lot of fun crawling out of that ah okay that'll work that'll do all right let's start to put some stuff on here together it looks like a big pile of crap hey guys I built the pile of crap today just let me just pick in here we've definitely got some holes to fill but it is looking pretty cozy in there Monte's staring at me just like I don't know what you will plan on doing with that big pile of sticks but to the free of politics you're going to do yes it is much thank you thank you for noticing Monty what are you doing in there buddy okay now I know there's gonna be some gaps and some holes as far as the ones around the corners and then by the feet I'm not gonna worry about those as much because it is very warm like I said I've been working hard and it's pretty warm out for my standards I don't have my super warm sleeping bag but I know I'm not gonna want to breathe stagnant air now if you were in the scenario where you needed this for warmth and it was a very cold night and you had nothing to sleep with and a sleeping bag I would close up all the footholds but I want a little airflow in here today I don't want to just breathe Monty farts and breath and he probably doesn't wanna breathe mine so mostly I'm concerned with this I'm probably gonna just go through and get some leaves anyways and pile on top but let's go inside and take a look Monty you first come on Monty Monty Marty who wants a treat good boy go ahead one side so hey Monty how's it going it's not bad in here as you can see there's some there's a gap right here let me shut off the light we can see all the gaps it'll light on right now okay so you can see there's a few small gaps up top I'm gonna have to just pile on more stuff on the top there's some over there that's a pretty large gap but I'm probably gonna leave that open because it's gonna be up by our header or feet see all those are on the sides now as you can see see where the entrance is I have to crawl up so for a warmth purposes this is great the opening going down because that makes a cold thing so that the cold just wants to go down that way no you know the cold air won't pool in here but if you were doing this for warmth on a cold cold night you would want all these side gaps to be filled I'm gonna leave these but I'm going to fill all this up top here so that's pretty much the next step is to just fill in all the gaps pile on a bunch more leaves oh I'll tidy up a little bit in here and then this thing's done I work very hard we've been working for four hours with some breaks in there four and a half maybe four and a half five four to five hours somewhere in there is how long it took to do this so far [Music] okay let's see if we got all the the holes what is it boy did your mouse fart or something you see a bear vamoose where's the silence getting to you it's serious guys alright let's go check let's go check coin told you is nothing Monty told ya you must have heard a most part like I said I just set them off gonna go check for guests it's crawling here oh don't lick my face what do you know gross gross okay there's one hole right in the center just a small hole on that side and where this tree connects or the right underneath this tree that everything's laying on there's a little bit of a gap that I got stuff so I'm just gonna do that and we're done is it all done did you finish it if you finish your shelter okay ladies and gentlemen this is the completed shelter palat a bunch of leaves there as you can see it looks very different over here you notice how there's some leaves that are different colors right there and I know this all doesn't look like just a pile it looks like a beautiful thought-out well-designed shelter now I like I said I left those gaps left some right here and it's all done that is a wrap whoo it looks like a big pile leaves I did some raking I didn't clean up very well but as you can see there's there's all around I've cleaned up a lot of the leaves is it good enough for you oh okay well you did some work what doesn't work let's see it's 8 o'clock now Eastern I feel like I got to camp right around 3:00 I got here right around 3:00 so I spent a good five hours doing this and you know I threw the stick for Monty once I didn't really take too many crazy breaks maybe a couple of 5-minute ORS but I haven't been I was going pretty hard doing it and then I just I would say for the last two hours I just kind of slowed down a little bit just taking my time because I was building up a sweat now I'm like I'm in a nice temperature I'm not cold I'm not high I'm not sweating dripping sweat like I was the first few hours so unfortunately we still got some camp tasks to do I've got firewood galore as you can see there is just wood everywhere so I'm just I'm already I've got a whole pile of logs over there I don't have to worry about that at all I'll just gonna break up but one thing that I do have to do is I've drained out all my water and the poured Monty a bowl which is maybe a quarter and he took two licks out of it and just ignored it and then I went and got some snow and he started eating the snow but anyways I've got to boil up some water and the only water source is some snow let's see if you can see it it's way down there see can i zoom in see that that white that's the snow so I have to go get a bunch of that and you guys know if you don't know to boil water out of snow to fill analogy it's gonna take a few a few pots worth and I collected three pots and I don't feel like walking back and forth a ton so what I'm gonna do is I've got a garbage bag in my let's keep my stuffed right inside my backpack I'm gonna fill that up with some clean snowman to get the cleanest snow I can and then we're gonna bring that back and I'm just gonna have a bag of snow yeah poop deer poop now we gotta scrape off the top layer of nuts what I like to think about when I'm collecting snow like this and I'm gonna be drinking the water because I need it is you know how many deer and animals peed and pooed in the snow and I'm going to drink what I think about there's lots of poop around I'm sure there's a nice big steaming pile of poo right under this that's a good thought right there we go it's oh it's some clean snow monkey this is our water [Applause] okay okey-dokey hi there's no no don't you bite me don't you bite a pan okay all right sorry Monty give him a little dog on the head so we're gonna have our fire pit let's see I can't have it too close I mean um the leaves are dry on the top the top layer but everything's pretty wet underneath so there is definitely not a fire ban or anything but still not gonna take any chances with starting one since I don't really have a ton of water and I don't want to burn down my shelter got a bunch of dried leaves all over that but the ground is very wet everything's moist - is ran this morning like I said oh my you're settling right and that's the spot then huh wait right here Oh we'll do it right here this will be the fire pit okay so we have got half hour till the Sun sets we've got a half hour until the Sun sets so I'm going to set up so my sleeping stuff we're gonna get everything all secured in here make sure the grounds not going to poke my sleeping pads I didn't bring Monty the big ol behemoth sleeping pad brought him bunks original sleeping pad thanks Fung you don't know I'm using it but thank you now we'll just get everything set up and then as soon as I'm done setting up and everything's in the shelter we're going to spark up a fire get to relaxing oh I'm sorry see they're durable guaranteed no holes no holes in this one no some you may think it's a little bit ridiculous and it is how Oliver II okay it's not it's not I can't agree I can't agree my Monty gets two sleeping pads now I bring my dog to sleeping pads one for by the fire and then one for when he sleeps hey my good boy see he loves it how can I deny on this no but in all honesty I just like to give him a comfy spot and I put this underneath my sleeping pad for when I sleep to prevent any possible holes because I have destroyed a couple sleeping pads lately he's oh no and I don't know if they're covered under warranty yet I just don't know come on do you appreciate it don't you you get your one out here your one in there he's got that SPE that sleeping pad entitlement it's a serious condition and you know this this is like a it works for now he really wants to lay on that but it's at a bad angle and I know he's not gonna want to go in here because it's dark and there's all sort of crinkly noises and if it's so still out okay I'm gonna shut off the camera I'm gonna race to get set up in the next ten minutes so I can enjoy the Sun going down and just listen it's so still out I just want to hear the sounds of the birds why not so are you good also okay I want you let's do it no we're not real no stay away stay away from me oh man the sunset is beautiful right now we can't light its we're really not able to see it but it's a pretty one tonight even through all the trees it's still pretty oh gee Doki that's a little wet so put this down here we still got to go for that one strike fire remember that one guy gave me a little bit of grief that one time and didn't say I really got it so now we've got to uh you know redo we still didn't get the one strike fire apparently it wasn't good enough so we've got to go better what we've got to do is we've got to do it without even touching our fire still but for the first thing that happens to the fire still has to be the striking apparently you're not allowed to pre warm it up or anything like that so the quest is not over don't scrape up some early birch bark here because we're gonna we're gonna get it one of these times I think it today's today's feeling like a good day for it oh wow that pixie-dust all in there oh Monty's getting sleepy okay here we go now remember I cannot scrape but we've got to just stick it in here and go for it okay Oh ding nabbit that felt like a decent one we started a fire out here look at that no it's lung well we're still on the quest still in the hunt just mangle that fire Hey Girl Monty and like I said everything is pretty damp just the top of leaves are dry I don't think a forest fire could really start right now don't think so I'm gonna get I'm thirsty and I'm about to drink my last lip of water so I'm gonna get some snow going now some water [Applause] Oh Oh Monty you're drinking the water I provided I'm so proud of ya I'll get you more ASAP Oh Oh feels nice tell you what after working these chairs with this backrest yeah pretty nice hey I guess he has no choice so he has to drink the water I'm glad he finally drank it so it didn't go to waste but I bet he's thirsty for more and I drink the rest of it because he wasn't drinking it but I will boil this up ASAP and give him some fresh water first so the first shelter with no tools it's the first time built the shelter with absolutely no tools pretty sweet I'd say it's a pretty nice it's not bad there's some holes and like I said I wasn't planning on making it perfect no holes around the sides but call me crazy but I do hope we get some rain tonight now like a downpour I don't want a downpour but I want some rain this fire is pretty warm here Monty prayer Monty come on her Monty there you go buddy yeah I do I wouldn't like some rain tonight but just not a downpour because I just want to see I just want to see if it I'm sure if it was a light rain we wouldn't get any we wouldn't get wet at all I would just absorb into most of that if it was a downpour I think maybe it would if it got soaked and it was just like a steady rain a downpour it'd probably come through but it'd keep you drier than nothing you know but it seems like it could rain it's got that still like it's been cloudy all day let's rain this morning I hope it rains tonight oh we get it it's a steady rain because I mean we've got what we need to stay dry and warm it is not that cold oh there's a slight chill to the air I'm gonna probably set this up here in a minute to check what the temperature is but yeah it's definitely we definitely would be fine if even if we got wet a little bit we could we could throw the tarp over this thing or just put the tarp over us we'd be 100% fine but I just want to know I want to know if all that hard work made a decent rain protection just naturally but you don't get to choose when it rains that's kind of hoping it does oh by the way killed my first mosquito of the year a little bit ago one mosquito rope mosquito that must have hatch flew up to me so guess I didn't get to do one camp this spring without bugs technically technically bugs were there there's a moth there's a moth flying I heard another mod but they sense the warmth wonderful get any bats in our there little shelter a little bat cave whoa [Music] I'm just gonna keep I'm just gonna burn these sticks and logs in half and I'm just gonna relax here for a bit by this fire we're gonna boil up some water boil out any deer pee deer poo that was in there fill up the Nalgene and we'll cook when it's nice and silent and we've relaxed because I I I feel the need to just relax here by the fire [Laughter] little Krusty's huh let me get that for ya let me get there you go good boy Jojo good boy will you want to transcribe no your breath stinks so bad it stinks up what you're not gonna use your sleeping pad Monty and I will oh this water's boiling oops forgot about that probably good actually to let it boil for a little bit now we're just gonna let it cool sit this boiling hot well with all the camp would I do guys and whatnot I won't deny it I get a sore back oh so now and again my back starts hurting I do little stretching we're having a delicious one tonight probably my favorite meal of all time if I had to choose one dish to eat forever it'd probably be this one I'll be honest it's a pasta dish some of you may already know what what it is I may have already made it a year ago at the last time I try to do a little spring bushcraft camp mm-hmm I'm not gonna spoil ya nope cuz we still gotta boil some water oh yeah I brought out a couple of beers and I am excited to drink them I'm gonna save them I'm gonna wait till we start cooking we have a simmer for a while we're gonna get this water done you know now that I just mentioned food I'm getting it just like I shouldn't have said anything because now I'm like okay yeah we need to eat all right this is it's melted but I don't want it to boil again I know it's just snow and it probably doesn't need to be boiled but it's pretty nasty it was like the you know the butt end of the last of the snow I don't know I don't know about that snow oh I know this fire is got a nice little coal bed here that's all the fire that's all that's all we need it's just whatever woods there I'm not gonna I don't need her for warmth at all tonight just know okay I don't need it at all for warmth one two you know yeah Oh what Monty you're gonna get a treat tonight - yeah brought them out some venison and pumpkin mmm so yeah guys I'm getting amped this this has made me just like so excited for canoe camping I'm so excited I'm glad I got to try this shelter type using no tools and using all dead materials that I've found on the ground I've been meaning to do something like this and I had to wait for there to be no snow because I wanted to I wanted to ideally the fall would be better because the bugs go away in the fall in spring they come out so you only get a short window to do this - Monty little critters of spring are moving around but anyways yeah I wanted to do this in the fall because I'll get to test it and if it doesn't rain tonight I won't know I think rain would actually help this shelter because it would kind of just like if it also can just kind of compress the leaves if if it doesn't get rained on and a strong wind comes I think half that will blow off all those light leaves but if it gets wet a nice rain it'll just compress it kind of make like a shell so it needs to get rained on for it to work better and stay together otherwise it's just gonna blow apart okay let's cool this off we're gonna get one more pot of water and then we'll get our noodle water on and then we're gonna prepare dinner I know the last thing I said to you was that I was going to be finishing up that water and then cooking but I waited about 30 seconds and I've decided to start preparing dinner now because I'm hungry I want to start cooking I'm not waiting anymore so what we are making for dinner today is chicken riggies Oh ooh you know it's gonna be good I love chicken riggies it's my favorite oh wait it's generic chicken riggies so I don't have a ton to prepare when I say generic chicken riggies it's because my brother showed me this recipe and he does it a gourmet way where you've handed like steer up your chicken and you do you cook up your peppers differently and you use tons of these special peppers and you know really gourmet and me I'm just gonna throw everything in the pot and simmer the crap out of it and it's still gonna taste good so we're gonna start with some white onion and if this is something you have not made before remember this recipe and give it a try sometimes sometime not sometimes actually you know what's plural yes sometimes do it more than once because you're gonna it's a good one you've got some green bell pepper now I'm trying to make the smallest portion that's usually it just gets out of hand because there's so many ingredients so I'm trying to keep it smaller normally what I like to do at home is used like a orange bell red bell yellow bell but here out in da woods we're just going to use a green bell and a red bell pepper cut that up now the chicken I'm gonna add last I'm gonna I'm gonna simmer everything for a little bit first and then we'll add on the chicken I'm just gonna crush it with my thumbs I've got some garlic to go in here I'm just gonna cut this up kind of I've been doing big chunks of garlic lately it's gonna simmer for a while anyways big old chunks so Monty you're blocking my light what are you doing there Monty what are you doing and then we've got to add in these are sweet cherry peppers you get these in a jar at Walmart they're like a jarred thing and this is black olives so if you don't like olives you can do without these but I highly recommend you try even if you don't like olives because funk doesn't like olives and she enjoys these she likes - all of them chicken riggies so I'm just gonna add this to the pot I normally add those in last but right now I'm just gonna serve everything and that's pretty much all we add in right now I don't think I'm forgetting anything oh wait a shrooms perfectly chopped up ready to go in can't forget the smash rooms so that is officially all we need in there right now so now is where the magic happens right here I've got a bottle that's 50% it's half heavy whipping cream and half tomato sauce which is just like tomato puree yeah my brother uses crushed Tomatoes I think Italian flavor but I just use that and there's a little bit of olive juice in here we're gonna go ahead and just add in this now it's gonna look thick right now until some of the veggies cook down but it's gonna be so good again this is half heavy whipping cream half tomato sauce just plain with some olive juice in there from the can of Olives and then we've got to add in our spices now I'm probably gonna I tried to go as little as possible and I've got a pretty good portion I'm gonna add a little bit of water to get the rest of this out of there cuz I don't want to waste it so we've got to add some black pepper and then of course some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt just a little bit more just a little bit more you get a feel for the salt you just get a feel for it you just look at it you see how much you put in you just see I just need a little and yet one more one more okay okay perfect that's the perfect amount now the final step to making this dish is some cayenne pepper cayenne pepper now you got to be careful with this stuff too much and this will be the spiciest meal you've ever had in your life too little and you won't get the flavor I always overdo it on accident that's probably already too much we're gonna add a little bit more okay that's okay that's maybe way too spicy that's okay that's alright it's gonna be good I'm gonna enjoy the crap out of it I'm gonna enjoy that all right it's got a little bit of water in there ahead of that the rest of that now it doesn't look like much right now but I'm telling you it's gonna be good it's gonna be delicious normally when I'm at home I will I'll cook up the onions and the garlic and maybe grill the chicken with a little seasoning and then slowly add on the other stuff and the peppers but out here I'm just gonna simmer it all like this like I was saying and it'll probably end up tasting pretty much the same you just just you just wait it's gonna turn a little bit more red that's when you know alright it's time to get cooking oh this is gonna be so good I love it so much that was an owl that was really close that was that was dumb that was very dumb mmm okay get this on your mighty howls are out I love here in the owls that's pretty stable I've got the great great greatest great in all the land all right okay we're gonna go listen for those owls quick [Music] buddy we both thought we heard something totally what is it karate what is it Toad's just like weird mood he is slow-moving he's just freaking out well he is just like he just doesn't care his another energy yeah that he was moving really slow anyways I'm gonna leave him be he is just frozen right now he must just be creepin out for the year yeah [Music] [Music] okay we've got a screw hole underneath this that's a cold huh that's a hot fire hot fire whoo oh yeah look that's already starting to look a little more red Cayennes is getting heated up mixing in oh it's gonna be so good not this simmer for like an hour it's gonna be amazing [Applause] Monte is on high alert now those noises you were hearing those animals you may be wondering like what pack is that those are those are owls and they do sound pretty crazy and I think that's when they're mating I'm not sure I'm the hundred percent but it's always in spring whenever I hear that noise and it's like you you could hear maybe that picked it up I don't know but they'll keep doing that for a good hour - very sporadically well Monty's on high alert right now he is uh after hearing that it was - well Gord coop Oh oh yeah oh yeah making sure not to spill that one I'm gonna try not to anyways yeah the sounds of spring are definitely it's definitely a new experience it is completely different from camp and two weeks ago completely different there's now there's just animal sounds I love it oh don't get me wrong I love winter camping all that but can you even see me and change those batteries anyways always ice saying I had to change your batteries that that little LED light is the battery turrets super-bright like this for good two minutes and then it loses all its power but as I was saying I love all forms of camping summer is actually my least favorite the heat of summer but at the end of each season I am ready I get I get excited for the new season coming so like don't and I love winter camping don't get me wrong but towards the end like the past three four weeks I've just been like come on melt come on this the noises and then it's all exciting and new it's fresh and yeah I just I definitely look forward to its I I'd like to just hit each season hard right away spring in the early summer here I've got so much planned whoaaah planned okay I think we've got that I think this is the last bit of boiled water we needed Sophie is still it's warm it's not going to be the best tasting water it's really warm it's like lukewarm tea mmm water is good though all right that's still boiling hot Oh genius alert yeah that's very hot water it's not it wasn't boiling but it came off the fire very recently that was hot water I don't think I burned my hand just a little hot all right now all you need some more stir no fur dudes okay all right don't think I need much much snow it's gonna dump this over here and a nice pile and I can it's still here in a pile if I need it but I don't think we need any more water just use it to wash my hands here we go how are we go you want to stick mystic always go stick you owe me to the stick don't you you got it pretty quick I gotta keep my beer safe once you hear a sticker tree start going crazy mmm get your get your breath on there otherwise you're not gonna be able distinguish it from the millions of others next I don't know if he's gonna bring back that exact stick but he'll probably bring back a stick oh look at you Monty come on good boy look at you yeah Saeko oh it's beautiful oh I can't swing it at me like that trying to hurt me are you trying to hurt me for all the teasing I did you oh yeah there we go I'm gonna need a little bit of this moisture to boil out here so definitely gonna be simmer it for a little bit for add that chicken I guess I won't be using that snow for drinking water anymore mind you right there he's got a full bowl of that exact that exact stuff just melted and drinkable but he's choosing to molest my pile of fresh cleaned hand washing snow Oh what was that my tea is that a mouse probably a mouse yeah just all right Manti that's really reasonable thanks thanks yeah just go ahead and yeah go ahead that's fine I wasn't gonna use that to wash my hands and maybe add more drinking water it's just okay that toe does not want to move he's like you make the personal hey buddy not even gonna blink music if I don't move they won't see me are you camouflage they probably feel pretty vulnerable in the spring I see what is that right there what is that thing is that animal that's actually yeah it's right there Monty Monty probably can't even see it he just like smells stinky oh it's simmering now look at how much more orange it is got about water already for my noodles we haven't started Monte's yet Monte's is simple we just gotta take some of that nasty snow that he got all gunked up oh sorry my nut skin got pinched in my underwear good oh one of the things you learn is that when you're out low woods by yourself you should be eating constantly and be you know full on food and sugars and everything but sometimes I don't I like to I like to do the healthy thing and cook a big large meal and just gorge myself at the end of the night and then just pass out because I'm too full to do anything else hell I didn't even check I gotta set this watch we're gonna set this up yeah it's uh it's really warm I'll probably my I've got I'm using now is the season when I use the monty sleeping bag the sleeping bag he's been farting in all winter with his stinky breath and just basking in it just hotboxing it and you know I put that wool blanket over the opening so everything stays in and he just breezes a little breath it's all recirculating yeah so it's probably staying with monty farts and now that's my spring and fall bag anyways yeah that's what I would be using and that's the zero degree and now Monty gets his old the first sleeping bag you ever slept in okay I'm just gonna have a nice little pot of snow here with some venison he's gonna love that and we've got some pumpkin for him I've got to add in this nasty chicken already pre-cut excell right touch it chicken breast now if you're doing this to yourself at home you should pan sear your chicken in some kind of spices or grill it and spices and it'll it'll be really flavorful I'm just gonna sear it up like this I don't mind or I'm not searing it up I'm just gonna cook it in the moisture it's gonna it's all gonna taste like delicious riggies oh I'm telling you whether you cook it gourmet style or do it like this this is the generic chicken riggies way it tastes so good oh man this is gonna be way too much I'm have to take some of this home to funk I tried to make it so funks got I gave her half the other pepper and the onion and everything to cook this up for herself thinking that this would be a reasonable portion but it's still gonna be way too much I'm gonna get a food coma for sure oh yeah okay damn for prosky number tusky come here come here here Monty come here we're eating soon pal let's see if I can make it nice merry huh I don't know if the water's boiling oh it is boiling oh yeah okay noodles going in there we go there we go so we're gonna do something that I've never done before that is probably smart and I should do more often what I'm gonna do is I'm pretty sure this chicken is okay I'm a hundred percent sure the chicken is done and this is gonna be hot and I always burn my mouth because the food tastes so good if I have to just inhale it so what I'm gonna do is pull it off the fire and let it start cooling and thickening water noodles cook oh yeah that might be a little too much sauce to noodle ratio but that's a okay oh-ho it's gonna be so good I'm gonna pull it off the fire right now just get a little taste mmm oh yeah okay okay I'm gonna set it right here whoo that's spicy oh dang dang that's why see I know that hoo hoo that looks so good oh yeah this is done Monte's needs to cool now we're gonna add in he's got new dog food we're trying to switch him over for his allergies we're switching switching from grain-free to a non grain-free food he's been on grain-free since he was a puppy so this is what we're trying next so we got a mix in some of this new dog food in his old dog food we switch them to fast and he'll get the poops and we don't want him to get the pups a little pumpkin and that is a feast Vermont he already he ate some food earlier so that is gonna be a feast for the boy well he's gonna love that that pumpkin dog food venison slop oh yeah yeah yeah did you hear that that was a June bug in April yeah June bugs flying around in April even in May a June bug the heck it's 42 out that's warm that is warm Monti 42 degrees hmm well so close it's like on that edge where it's like they were done they're done they're done enough they're done enough they've done enough they've done enough xate okay here's my favorite part oh there it is there's just way too much food just mix that in there okay it's time to eat oh I'm so excited I'm gonna get sick from this okay okay hold on let me just gonna make room in between your feet you know get a little bit closer okay well they just get my behemoth Bowl oh that may still burn my mouth it hasn't been cooling that long but I just know what I'm getting into like I said this is my favorite dish favorite pasta dish I know this flavor it doesn't know what I'm about to eat oh well let me just double-check Monte okay mine is just lukewarm honey just clean my finger out for me let me let me just finish my beer quick hold on okay you go ahead the only thing that can make this better is something that I forgotten that's freshly grated Parmesan well that's not gonna matter all right let's get a nice nice bite first bite getting all up in there where's the office it's too hard to get all this stuff at once oh man this way perfect eating temperature it only took me my whole life but I figured it out you let your food cool down and then you eat it I'm gonna forget this by the next time I go camping that was either a deer snort or a branch fallen trying to hear if that was an animal thing it was just a tree branch falling some kind of something hanging up I know you've heard me say this before and I proved myself wrong that there's no way I can eat this and I've I've said that and eaten the whole thing but this time I mean it there's not a chance I think it's because high and close my say it's like I just got a chunk of it or something my nose is running take inhibit yeah I'm off this I'm not gonna be able to eat much more oh it's too feeding me it tastes so good but I burn my lips so bad hmm don't have to set it down for a minute here I keep licking my lips and just making it worse well I guess it's about time for me to shut off that camera my fire is pretty much you can just I don't know if you can see it can you see it yeah it's just a little bit of a coal bed if there's no flame nothing it's just a smoldering coal bed this is the this is about time of year where I put my fires out at night put them on coal that's what that the rest of that snows into before I don't gotta usually I have a water source I just dump tons of but I've got that snow big pile of snow there but I'm just gonna let this burn down a little bit sit here shut off that light listen to these noises and eat as much of this as I can which I'll be honest it won't be too much more I'm gonna put a but I want to put it in that little container because my lips are burning I can still eat a little bit more ma'am my lips are on fire right now that's what I get so I will check back in with you guys when I am ready for bed and we are scooting in the shelter what good boy hey you wrote me the all right later there you go that'll work that'll do it I'll do Monte that'll do Wow good boy you go boy I'm gonna it's a stinky doggy well guys it's cozy in here I can still hear out this hole but there's no way Monty's getting in a sleeping bag right now it is just it is far too warm 40 degrees is not cold enough for this guy mid summer so I'm gonna I'll lay in mine I'll probably have to keep it open I'm definitely not put any thermals or anything like that but it's like a this is like a Quincy this is just like a Quincy I'm full I don't have chapstick my lips are very chapped from the Burnie riggies I'm satisfied tired ready to pass out I'm sure this angle is just super flattering so guys I will catch you in the morning good night everybody good morning Monty [Music] the wind has picked up I'm gonna go out there I'm joining it go out there and greet the day go ahead oh sure lately for me how about we wait for me oh we lost them anyways yeah the wind got super strong this morning and it's coming straight straight into the doorway and as you can see it opened up a little bit Monty here's something weird but anyways it opened up a little bit back there and a little bit right there but it is definitely really windy and it's really chilly actually it's much colder than yesterday there's been Robins all over out the doorway because I cleared all the leaves so they're looking for food what hmm to put some layers and get up definitely felt some bugs crawling on my face in the middle of the night I'm thinking they're probably spiders because I disturbed all their homes and now this is gonna be a big spiders nest anyways let's get up it layers up let's do it [Music] Oh [Music] it's a new day there's no get away from today he let me oh it looks like a nice day out besides a win I'm surprised and how well the stuff is actually staying on here because like I said yesterday I thought a strong wind would just blow it all off really quick but I only made a few holes Monty he didn't want to use to sneak back all night at one point it felt pretty chilly when the wind started I like I want to say it started like seven is a windy out all the trees are swaying [Music] right Monty Oh digital [Music] and [Music] sorry wanna stick a piece stick piece stick we need a piece stick [Music] this is a piece stick we make truce over this stick yeah truce over the stick truce over the stick okay Oh well yeah this her into a nice thanks guy well I don't know it could have been I always sleep and I slept great last night well it's really windy so we're gonna get backed up again moving here [Music] curious Tecate [Music] okay so the whole shelf is pretty sturdy and I felt really good about it but only one part I felt a little about how the sticks are laid and that is this doorway spot where I just kind of stuck them in and wedge them so I want to test the integrity of this door here there's only one way to do that that way is to simulate large bread breaking up a tree and being thrown at it by human any predictions is it gonna by and just knock off some of the leaves or is it going to crush in the doorway I don't know let's see Monte let's see Hey Doctore the leaves right there with the doorway in French just came down okay mostly knocks away and leaves the doorway still there there's a big hole here now let's do it again my teeth let's see two branches King dude okay let's do another test what if the tree broke off a branch and it went to spike the shelter oh that didn't it didn't land the way I was thinking but hey it's dirty Monti bad for me that stick [Music] [Music] thinking that's all she wrote Monty it's I'm already starting to get a little warm sit in the Sun No with the breeze of a little chilly soon a sudden picks up or if I get moving I'm sort of sweating yeah okey-dokey ladies and gentlemen I think that's that's everything we got everything mighty so that was my first successful shelter build using no tools anything just dead materials on the ground it went pretty well oh I could have brought a lot less stuff I just brought it on an ax and a saw and a tarp just in case you know it was just downpour and you know I need a tarp for the camera in case that happens or we couldn't find the right tree you know I just I always bring stuff in case I need it and end up not needing it I do that all the time that's kind of more my my type is bring it and don't use it rather than need it and not have it so that's why I always got a big pack but I don't mind I'm the OL that's got to carry it so that's okay delicious food I've got a nice portion funk should have cooked through his own so I'll get to eat this later yeah picked out it was very tasty if you have not tried chicken riggies try that dang recipe it's the last time I'm gonna say it but it is time to get back to the car guys so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys next video come on Dee [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 2,309,839
Rating: 4.809082 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, camping, shelter, shelter building, bushcrafting, bushcraft camp, wild camp, campfire, campfire cooking, bushcrafter, survival, survival shelter, how to build shelter, outdoorsman, adventure, adventurer, asmr, how to camp, backpacking, backpack camping, dog, camping dog, dog training, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, gourmet, campfire food, nature, spring, spring camping, backcountry camping, canada, backcountry, forest, hilarious, debris shelter
Id: 73p7T311Scw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 0sec (7680 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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