I Returned to Fix Gridlocked Traffic & Regretted it Immediately in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to fix your city with a million biffer and here we have a doozy let's just take a look at the traffic on this one wow wow wow the traffic flow is actually 8% it was 10% that's what I was expecting it is getting worse that is absolutely nuts but it's I mean this is a really nicely designed city it was a city of Westdale sent in by hate pack I think your name is pronounced and it's sort of set in this bowl look at that so in like this it's like a meteor strike is hit here and then I decided to build a couple of cities in it village Amy over here Oh University campus oh this is really cool I like this I bet there's no traffic over here now she's all doing lovely but yeah the main city if we coming over here is absolutely horrendously blocked up and backed up everywhere now when you send this in to me you just mentioned that it was your industry area that particularly needed help this one over here and this is pretty bad but I've run this city with traffic manager like you've had but I've run it with despawning turned off when you play the vanilla game these spawning is on so like most of these cars would all just disappear but we can see we just want to follow down the highway this is I mean these are starting to move but then they're gonna hit this here it it's a pretty well-built city but there's just a few little things that we need to tweak and fix around the place junctions like this as well I mean it could work you've got all of this coming off and it all just hits this road here and there like so there's a few things we need to think so I'm just wondering where to start I always like to take a look at the roundabout do you have those set up but you do not mmm we're gonna start from down here and work our way out and fix some of these roundabouts I do a couple show you what I do and then I'll go around the city and fix the rest of them along the way you've set this one up at so you've got your pedestrian bridge over the top then your mono ah it's all nicely lined up very good so traffic manager I got this mod here click that and then what I do got the different options which you can pause and have a look on the screen I do control shift click and that will set that up now this seems pretty busy anybody got two lanes on here I'm wonder whether that's going to be enough well let's do control shift click there we go and we can see now that it's giveaway coming on all the way around this one here is your monorail coming down and that one just to keep going through don't know how that's gonna fit the monorail coming through here okay I've just passed it on to the devs for traffic manager if I delete that monorail and then it do the same trick with control shift click then you get a dedicated turning lane it seems as if that monorail is confusing there Marge but there we go that's gonna happen sometimes so I'm gonna upgrade all of those the three lanes do control shift click so now we're gonna get a dedicated turning lane off and two lanes to go around and that would be the same on each of these junctions and that almost definitely helped that to run quicker I'm just going to put them on a while back there we go so we'll come back to that one and then if we come up here where's the next roundabout this one here doesn't have a monorail so I've done the control shift click trick and we've got dedicated turning lanes and one lane round where do we need to upgrade this to three lanes or not so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna knit round all the roundabouts you can even do it with a big oblong about like this that's grab that's all control shift click there we get highlights the roundabouts and if we click that will now get give wave all the roads coming on will get dedicated turning lanes all of that good stuff and now to stop these guys like this budging in and getting in each other's way you've done a bit of lame mathematics is your three lanes one goes off you've still got two here which is fine then one comes on back to three yeah that's okay I don't normally do Lane mathematics like that on a roundabout I normally just sort of keep all the lanes the same but you've got a lot of stuff going on here okay so I've been round all the roundabouts got those set up let's just take a quick look at your highway I'm gonna just pick a random piece of follow it in so you've got dedicated at turning lanes you've got Lane mathematics three lanes down to because one comes off scooting around here you've done the same here no you've still got three lanes coming through here but you've got a dedicated turning lane by the look of it I'm sorry but one of you is gonna have to go hang on oh no you haven't got dedicated turning lanes okay let's just do that so would you control click there get a dedicated turning lane that's using this tool here Lane arrows and there we go so now people start diving out and going on which is good you've got this merging going on here and yeah this isn't enough lanes coming down here they can go left white and straight on and this is just like look this is stopping here which is blocking up the whole flipping thing so I'm gonna get the three lane road there so now we've got a lane for each direction so once this guy gets out of the way and people behind him start moving forward they'll start using the lanes Lane needs it's gonna take a while but I have to be fixed but yeah there we go so we'll come back to that we're going down the highway so here we've got a dedicated turn lane but these guys are like pushing in getting in the way so we're gonna do you go there and if you go there so they need to pick their lane back here rather than do that mister chevrolet tahoe driver yes it is so that's good down here you merge ins a bit walky walky all over the place of it all bashing into each other I don't want that so again we'll get this Lane connects at all pick that one or control s you go there they get a lane each much much better down here no we need dedicated turning lane one lane coming off perfectly fine so Lane mathematics not quite but I can see what you've done here you got three look at that soon as I put dedicated turn lately and they just start going they're not in each other's way then you got two lanes here because one goes off down there that's that's perfectly fine and then you back to a roundabout again have I set this one up yes I have I've done the you go through now you see this is where the problem is we've got give white but we've also got which seems to Overmind it the ends of the block junction so these are the guys on the roundabout and they're laughing to stop because these people are pushing in we turn that off you actually any difference because it's all blocked up down here as they quickly go through here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put that on there put that on there so they use up that space there we go so now you see they're actually taking heed of the give way and the people on the roundabout going which has a knock-on effect which means this can move this can move a bit this one start the same here that's my fault I didn't check all of those and went round the roundabouts now that's okay that needs to go off it depends on the type of load being used as well whether that automatically gets set correctly or not there we go so that should help that's got the go through let's have a look a look that's fine yeah that's fine so you can already see things are starting to move a teeny tiny bit quicker so that was that piece of highway this one coming down here yes we've got dedicated turning lanes yes their Lane switchin here what I'm gonna do is say no Lane switch in there so they're gonna pick it at this nodes so when things do actually start moving what you'll find is these are just go straight on yeah and then I'll pick their lane here which will just help things move a little bit quicker already looked already moving quicker we want to help these guys with a bit of merge in so we're gonna do ctrl s merge in there so that Junction is pretty much okay there was traffic coming down here because of this it just hits this road but actually it's not that busy so things are just you can move in time I'm gonna leave that what's going on with this little tunnel under here and it's take a look 27% it's going on so they're going into this tunnel that way and then this turns into a two-way roads is that true way yeah it is good of cars just come up there oh I see they're going in why could grief okay let's change the end of this road here we are gonna grab a one of these and I want two lanes coming out one lane going into that one lane going into the same as that one lane going in and then it splits you've no tying on one way around no that's not around then you've got a dedicated light and you've got a straight on which you can't see because that buses the way and then I would like you just to give way let these people do what they need to do yeah so let's just follow this little tunnel back again so then they're coming up they're down here hitting this okay let's have a look what have you got you've got a nice big main road going through here and this just whacks into it you've got traffic lights there they're not timed traffic light so let's remove the traffic lights and let's use the quick set up for the control over time traffic lights ctrl-click ish bosch and Bosch there we go and then we can just watch those for a minute and just see whether that helps thing is it's so bad down here it's just all chock-a-block I'm gonna just stop any lane switching and right after the junction let's select that one just to help them keep moving and then when they come up here sits isn't too bad okay let's just go back again so let's go up here yeah that's fine I want some dedicated turning lanes here cuz these guys are all doing all sorts of things I'm pretty sure yeah we don't have dedicated turning lanes and the difference is they won't all use this Lane if they want to go straight on and left they'll use both lanes that's why we do it so this tool here ctrl-click then you'll start seeing people using this Lane there you go hotdog man a knows the score this one here not too busy now you got dedicate to turn lanes the other way watch what I'm gonna do give way just keep this main road going and then there seems to be a lot of cars coming up this one so I'm gonna change that or 31-percent i'm gonna change that for this asymmetrical one as well with the two lanes facing up this way we could do with more lanes going in but it's not so busy it's more the cars coming out that are causing the issue and then if we come up here this hasn't got dedicated turning lanes either so I'm gonna do control click there like that so they keep going through already look we can see this is moving this is moving this isn't look this is not blocked up down here these guys are moving little things like that and suddenly everything starts moving you could put in an extra couple of lanes here just to help these guys we've got I use network extensions three no I don't never extensions to reason out yeah and this gives you these asymmetrical lanes that's the one I want so now they've got three going into the junction so if I dedicate you turning lanes now there we go we've got wonderful left right and straight on I think that will just clear out like super quick there we go look it's hardly any traffic there hardly any traffic here hardly any traffic down the roads this can move a lot quicker now and what I might just do now we've got these tying traffic lights in here now we know that this main road isn't so busy we go into here so that was step number two I think we're just gonna stop that a minute go to step number two and edit and I'm gonna put in my arbitrarily made-up numbers of eight and twelve save that make sure I actually start it there we go God you know what as well we've only got one lane coming up here oh I do not notice that one lane doing everything naughty naughty so let's grab this one here there we go now we got no cars down here at all look at that dedicated light for each we fixed that Junction look this is not backing up anymore down this tunnel which means this one isn't backing out which that one isn't backing out 35% Beach Bash and a Bosch I think that is pretty darn good you've got a bus stop right by a junction whoops shifty follow along at I never put a bus stop light by junction move it down here yeah it's go right in the middle there and it just stops those buses doing that there we go this is cleared out this is going well okay so that's okay so let's pull out this traffic down here which seems to be holding up a lot of things I bet this hasn't got dedicated turning lanes we're going to do that get some more people to use that roads so that's not too bad but then that's coming down here and hitting this which is hitting this section here okay let's just take a look at this so when it comes down to the end here first of all the dedicated turning lanes see what we've got so we've got dedicated in dedicated this is probably not got any give way that's gonna give why this is gonna carry on through that's basic where they all want to go they all want to go down there and then when they hit this bit it's like a disaster so just want to skip an eye on what's going on at this big Road ran the NT what we can do is I turn that off I select like a piece of this road so so make sure little tools and things on here I haven't really used a huge amount before but so this first one here it's selecting you can see it's lighting up green let's just go down a bit this whole Road and it's doing it right to the end of that junction of the roundabout and it's doing it right to the end of that Junction the roundabout so it's count in this whole segment of a road as one piece this one here clear traffic rules so anything we put in to do with the high priority road it will just clear them all this one put stop signs on connected Road so any road that comes into it you'll put stop sign this will put yield will give way signs on any connected roads this one applied all traffic walls for high priority roads which are customisable in the options and this one applies all traffic walls if that was around about so if we did this one down here that one's lit up and now it says it's a roundabout if we do this one here it's not lit up cuz it's not a roundabout I'm gonna do this one here apply you'll signs on connected roads and I'm just going to come down here check the roundabout end yes I would need to just change this one back again it doesn't recognize the roundabouts will do that but then as we follow this road up anything else connected to it yeah there we go look we'll have a give way sign on it this just goes straight through follow it round so this big road coming in it's got a give way sign on it which is fine and that little one follow it that's good that is a pretty darn good tool you know for quickly whizzing through your cities good okay so that's sort of set that big main road up but this is still really loads of hokey-pokey traffic let's just do a little bit more highway we can get the highways running well that's really gonna help and then we've got the cargo section so yeah this bit of highway here is fine it's bitter highways fine this is all running okay we've already looked at this bit he's getting a bit bad okay so it's all coming in blocking out outside the city let's take a look dedicated Lane yet Lane mathematics excellent formally not got the merging in here let's have a look no so Hugo their lane each nice let's just continue down the highway this is all okay this is blocking are here pretty sure we have a dedicated turning lane yep so that's fine then you're hitting this roundabout that's okay highway goes underneath do we have an emerging information you go there yeah done that's okay these will sort of get in each other's way let's just see if we can say look no Lane switch in there pick your node back here if we get onto this roundabout that would be better okay highway we're going up here a pyramid pyramid pyramid pyramid all right what's going on two lanes off let's give them one lane off actually you've set it up with your lane mathematics so one lane does go up there and two lane go around here okay as long as you've got only one lane this way you have and emerge in a bit or kabuki you go to the rescue here you go there and we'll say no Lane switch in there so that should just keep that going instead of all getting in each other's way there we go something as simple as that and then that means that's not going to block up which means this isn't gonna block up anymore that really helps we've got the same issue here so a bit if you go there keep on going through and one mode after just give some breathing space don't have dedicated lanes here yes we do a sword tractor doing something naughty caught me off guard let's just do Hugo there for that these are Lane switchin a bit hawk you've all penis I'm going to say no Lane switch in there and then the Holly comes up this way it's have a look oh okay you go there you go there then you got plenty of nodes stop that nor G Lane switching we're just keep an eye on this little section here for a moment or two once these guys have worked out what's going on let's speed up the game they should all just flow so much better look there we go flowing flowing they're all like yeah that's fine which means this isn't all gonna back up up here what are you doing sir there's a similar thing going on here let's just give them there we go now you have to go those lanes you can lane switch down here somewhere what are we at 29% we've sort of gone up a bit and down a bit but it's okay who is going on under here why are you Lane switchin under here no naughty cars just keep going no Lane switching under the bridge just drive through I don't know why you're even thinking of doing that just sort yourselves out keep going yeah it's that's gonna solve all of that today pretty much you can get the highways flowing you're gonna get most your problems taken care of this one down here isn't it's like hitting this roundabout and then we'll go blue this little Junction down here is making me twitch a bit this is that one we fixed before isn't it these are all coming round they've all still crossing over the lanes I thought I told you guys what lanes to have maybe I didn't yeah and the edges are all getting blocked up because of all the other stuff going on I think this road down here needs to be a bigger road you know it's been viewed as a main road because of all the cars I am gonna put on it this little four-lane road you get this in mass transit but I also get it in network extensions just this one down here that all the cars are joined into some of them are go already it's just moving look just give him the extra amount of cars and I still think this little thing here needs to be around about first learned about build of the episode oh well done you've upgraded to acclaims it's so busy here I am easily gonna go for the three lane road I reckon that sort of size we're gonna lose a house all the lovely staff and then if we just watch this for a moment or two I love this road here is already gone down this one here is super busy look are they coming in oh they're going out just got too much traffic to there and then just set your giveaway signed I'm gonna dear man you this time giveaway sign giveaway sign that's a giveaway signs their giveaway that end and keep this bit moving there we go look no traffic down there this is going this is moving this is Gary and this is moving this is going that's moving everything is moving what are we at 41% oh do you love traffic fixtures I've misfits in traffic and you know what I'm also gonna buy adds complete bonehead for not thinking about this before is this road coming it he's only got one flippin lane isn't it let's at least give it two lanes coming out give these guys a fighting chance of getting somewhere I'm gonna upgrade that it's probably - two lanes all the way down which will totally confuse the game here so what I might just do is upgrade that to four lanes now we've got two four going off to four going on just we can fill up this Lane and then I'm gonna make sure that they pick where they want to go there by saying Hugo they're there and if you go they're there as well they're their goods so that should double the capacity the ones getting onto the roundabouts why didn't I think of that before and I'm gonna do the same on this one oh there we go look at that just while we even talking OH not blocked up up there anymore get in boy stop building up with traffic again after I just said it was all sorted that's just rude I mean these guys here let all this waste stuff trying to get out onto here onto this busy road what they really need is access to a highway this over here it needs to be over here okay there we go this is working much much better so this has got a little road on and off the highway they could only sort of come and go in a certain direction they can turn around and head the other way they need to this is all clearing up I've given these three lanes coming down here now coming onto this big main road this is all cleared up so much better you could put some houses in there if you wish this section down here is certainly a lot greener than it was before which is good these little tiny busy rows that we get down here and we definitely need to be upgrading these it just it's just not um not enough lanes when they're this busy there we go so just upgrade it up to the section there and then what's going on you've got a bus stop right there yeah there we go that's gonna be causing all sorts of issues so let's drag that up there so then at least these guys can keep going and then this roundabout here and a five we're gonna you know I like the tree roundabouts as much as the next person but I'm after gonna just do this without getting rid of that thing no I can't I'll have to put the pants back in myself there we go and there we go oh that's what I could use is the pedestrian path builder yeah so that is just gonna go so much quick around there look this is clearing out this little bit already just not having the bloomin stops there what are we at Oh 80% and listen can you hear all the Bing Bing Bing that's everybody upgrading or suspected to be 80% I was thinking like you know 71 or something oh little time lapse if again from red to green but I've actually just carried on fix a couple of roads and it's okay we've still got this still got no D spawning brilliant eighty-one percent okay so while the rest of the city seems to be getting back to normal we've still got this little problem over here in the farming area now what you've done is you've got it coming off the highway here you've got a nice little separate tunnel that brings the cars in this way they can also merge in from this way which is fine I just want to check when you've got it merging in yeah you got three lanes going into two so I'm definitely gonna downgrade this one here there we go you've got two lanes coming in to two lanes and we're just a little Hugo there I'm right there one other issue you've got is the trains now I did notice that the connectors on the outside because these are trains carrying Betsy yeah these are trains going out I did notice the train connectors on the outside of the map but the camera mod on them we can get over there some of them were a bit hawky balky yeah look you've gotten the node right up close to here and it's stopping the trains that's fine one of the other ones that's like really messed up show you what I mean there we go this one here look so this train here where's he going yeah they're all trying to leave but they can't leave because of whatever is going on here I mean look at that so hard to see because of the fog unfortunately just see if I can get rid of that okay it's a bit hard to see managed to get rid of the stuck train it's all moving nicely now so hopefully that is gonna sort out your train issues I'm also gonna go around the edge of the map and find any other train connections that there are and fix those as well we go back over to the farming area and I just added this little slip load coming up here so we've still got three lanes here with the automatic traffic light and then we've got this extra lane just spreads off down here and then when it gets to this junction up here I've got the merging in like that so we've got two lanes one lane going that way plus this one is two lanes and I've got that Lane doing two things that's fine so the cars can go off whichever way they want and that is running pretty pretty well let's just take an overview of this city let's get that all in our view and press the traffic button that is not too shabby at all anything red is fine it's still moving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so considering how bad that was at the beginning from 10 percent to over 82% I am pretty pleased with that if you enjoyed it please leave a like please subscribe as well if you want to submit your city there's a link in the description below to follow that maybe check out the next video on the screen as well and I will see you all very soon thanks for watching okay bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 544,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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